See Page 4
D kAiI4b
Latest Deadline in the State
'U' Assumes
Of Cafeteria
Will Follow Plan
Of Union, League
Operation of the West Lodge
cafeteria and snack bar was as-
sumed by the University last night,
almost two months ahead of the
previously announced effective
The action came at 7 p.m. when
the two Willow Village eating
places were closed for an inventory
check and alternations. They will
remain closed until Thursday
Shiel Explains Plan
Francis Shiel, business manager
for the resident halls, who made
the announcement, said that the
Willow Run food service "will fol-
low, as far as feasible, that in prac-
tice at the Michigan Union and the
League, which are also under Uni-
versity management." The cafe-
teria had been operated for more
than a year by Noel Burns and
Edward Onifke, on a concession
from the University.
Service in the cafeteria, in re-
gard to food quality and prepara-
tion, cleanliness and cost had long
constituted a major bone of con-
tention among Village residents.
Complaints Initiate Action
There were complaints regis-
tered last fall which were brought
to the attention of University au-
thorities by the Village AVC, who
in turn brought it to the attention
of. the operators. And a survey
conducted last month by the AVC
revealed that the residents were
still very much dissatisfied with
the cafeteria.
An 11-man committee headed by
William A. Klein III compiled,
from their fellow Villagers, a list
of grievances which were submit-
ted to the University authorities.
The University itself had sent a
representative to investigate as
well. Finally, it was announced
that the University would take
over the cafeteria on June 30.
AVC Approves Move,
First reactions came last night
f ren Walt Hoffman, chairman of
the local AVC chapter, who ex-
pressed gratification with the
"I'm sure I speak for the bulk of
the tenants here when I say "well
done." We in the Village have long
felt that our only convenient eat-
ing place should be on a par with
those in Union and the League
and we're gratified that we've now
got such a cafeteria," Hoffman
City Council,
Studies Taxi
Fare Chan e
A proposed change in city taxi
cab fares was introduced last
night before a regular session of
the Ann Arbor City Council.
The plan would establish def-
inite taxi zones with a corres-
ponding scale of inter-zonal rates.
The matter was referred to com-
mittee for report at a later date.
The Council also voted to order
three new traffic lights which will
be installed in the campus area.
One will be placed at South Uni-
versity and East University, one
at South State and North Univer-
sity, and one at South University
and South State in front of the
The proposal of a local builder
to construct 60 new steel prefab-
ricated houses in the northwest
section of the city was discussed
and a committee of Councilmen
was appointed to visit Middletown,
Ohio to inspect one of these new-
type homes.
The Council appointed Prof.
Laylin K. James of the law school
to succeed Prof. O.1 W. Stephen-
son of the education school as a
member of the police commission.
Daily Post Goes
To Eunice Mintz
Eunice Mintz was appointed as-
sociate editor of The Daily at a
meeting of the Board in Control of
Student Publications last night.
Junior night editors appointed
by the Board are Harriett Fried-
man. Lida Dailes, Richard Malloy,
Lea ge Positions Filled
9 I
A t Installation Ceremony
Cynthia Cotes, Betty Hahneman Get Posts;
Senior Society, Scroll Tap New Members
A L.. .. - .. T...... ., ...
NFTW Plans ,
Appointments to League posi-
tions for 1947-48 were announced
yesterday at the annual Installa-
tion Night held in the Rackham
UN .Assembly
Floor Denied
Jewish Agency
Refer Hearings To
Political Committee
NEW YORK, May 5--()-The
United Nations Assembly by over-
whelming majorities late today de-
nied the privilege of its floor to
the Jewish Agency for Palestine
but ordered its key political com-
mittee to give the agency a hear-
The special Palestine Assembly
climaxed four days of wrangling
on Jewish representation with
these decisions:
1. Voted 39 to 8, with seven ab-
sentions and one absence, to reject
a Russian-backed proposal grant-
ing the agency the right to present
its case from the floor of the as-
2. Voted 44 to 7, with three ab-
stentions and one absence, to di-
rect its political committee to hear
the agency "on the question before
the committee," and to send to
that committee for its decision
,)ther communications received
from organizations relating to
Lester B. Pearson, of Canada,
'hairman of the political commit-
tee, immediately called his group
to meet tomorrow morning at Lake
Success to begin actual work on
setting up a committee of inquiry
on Palestine.
The Jewish Agency had no com-
ment. However, it made its first
presentation by distribution of a
book of documents which the
agency said related "to the estab-
lishment of the-national home for
the Jewish people" from the Bal-
four Declaration in 1917 down to
the present.
The Baf our Declaration was the
irst promise of the British to use
their best endeavors to facilitate,
the creation of a national home
for Jews in Palestine.
British Searh
For Escapees
JERUSALEM, May 5 - (/P) -
Palestine police manned gun-
bristling road blocks tonight all the
way from Acre eastward to the
Green Plains where the River Jor-
dan flows, in search of more than
180 convicts reported still at large
from explosion-shattered Acre
British soldiers were withdrawn
at nightfall from the gigantic
man-hunt, covering the northern1
third of the Holy Land, after their
day-long dragnet had failed toz
trap more than a handful of thef
However, police armored pa-1
trols and horsemen continued to
comb highways and towns in the
vicinity of Acre, Nazareth, Galli-
lee and the peaceful woodlands ofz
the North. '
Unofficial government sourcest
said several fugitives from the an-
cient prison, whose walls were1
blasted open yesterday by some 301
members of the Jewish under-
ground, were recaptured during,
the day.E
New members selected by Scroll,
senior honorary for affiliated
women, and Senior Society, inde-
pendent women's honorary, were
also tapped during the ceremon-
Top offices in the League
were given to Cynthia Cotes, Pi
Beta Phi, president and Betty
Hahneman, Betsy B a r b o ur
chairman of Judiciary Council.
Other members of the League
Executive Council are Sarah Si-
mons, Martha Cook Building, vice-
president; Ruth Klausner, Sigma
Delta Tau, secretary; Jerry Gaff-
ney, Delta Gamma, treasurer; Jo
Reuland, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Interviewing chairman; I r m a
Eichhorn Cook, Assembly presi-
dent; Sally Stamats, Kappa Alpha
Theta, Panhellenic president; and
Betty Eaton, Pi Beta Phi, WAA
Chairmanships of L e a g u e
committees will be filled by Bar-
bara Busse, Pi Beta Phi, Social;
Carla Mullendore, Pi Beta Phi,
Casbah; Sue Smith, Mosher
Hall, Dancing Classes; Lucille
Kennedy, Chi Omega, Publicity;
Ann McGrew, Mosher, Person-
nel; Janet Cork, Pi Beta Phi,
Drives; Donis Murray, Alpha
Phi, Merit-Tutorial; Nancy Rob-
ertson, Chi Omega, Orientation;
and Charlotte Bryant, Alpha
Chi Omega, Book Exchange.
Ethel A. McCormick scholar-
ships were awarded to Irma Eich-
horn, Betty Hahneman, Sue Smith
and Jerry Gaffney. Women
awarded Mortar Board scholar-
ships were Pamela Wrinch, Vir-
ginia Olberding and Mary Ann
New members tapped by Scroll
are Camille Ayo, Jeannette uo-
lins, Betty Eaton, Jean Gringle,
Rae Keller, Mary Pat King, Gay
Larsen, Phyllis Leaf, Doris Mill-
See SENIOR, page 5
World News
BY The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 5-Harold
E. Stassen criticized President
Truman's program for Greece and
Turkey today as "negative" and
declared that this country should
"developa positive, constructive
Specifically; he declared that
"we should not finance, arm or
advise an all-out military offen-
sive".against the Communist-led
Guerillas in Greece but should
try instead to win them over
through an economic program
which would bring prosperity.
LONDON, May 5-Unauthor-
ized strikes which closed 24 col-
lieries and made 35,000 miners
idle, and a demand for higher
pay for all miners accompanied
inauguration of the five-day
week in the newly nationalized
British coal mines today.
BRISBANE, Australia, May 5-
Rescue parties working by the
light of flares cut their way to-
night into the wreckage of an
excursion train in which at least,
16 holiday-seekers were killed, in
Austraia's worst railroad accident
in 21 years.
* * 4
LONDON, May 5---The labor
majority in the House of Corn-
mons adopted tonight a bill to
bring under government ownership
all forms of Britain's inland trans-
portation, including railroads and
bus and truck lines, despite a
threat that the conservatives
would repeal the measure if they
ever regained power.
To Discipline
Local Unions
Chicago Groups
To Be Censored
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 5-Stand-
ing firm on its wage demands with
the nationwide telephone strike in
its fifth week, the National Fed-
eration of Telephone Workers to-
night mapped disciplinary action
against two Chicago affiliates
which accepted $4 weekly increas-
Meanwhile Federal conciliators
pinned their hopes for a settle-
ment onenew wage offers they ex-
pect Bell System companies to
The NFTW policy committee
gave no details of the proposed
disciplinary action beyond saying
that it was discussed.
However Joseph A. Beirne, Pres-
ident, told newsmen he will rec-
ommend to the June convention
in Miami Beach, Fla., that the
heads of the two unions be ex-
pelled. They are Richard W.
Long, President of the Federation
of Telephone Clerks of Illinois,
and Edwin R. Hackett, President
of the Commercial Telephone
Workers Union.
'Strong As Ever'
Beirne declared the strike is
"just as strong as ever." He add-
ed that "the fact that some people
signed agreements and then had
the audacity to cross picket lines
and call themselves union leaders
does not dent the solidarity of
the NFTW."
In Chicago, Long said in a state-
ment: "For three weeks the Fed-
eration of Telephone Clerks of Ill-
inois followed Joe Beirne cf the
blind alley of national bargaining
and last week he publicly an-
nounced that all unions could bar-
gain locally with their own Bell
Protest NFTW Action
"We did so honestly and above
board as he directed. We arrived
at a settlement on a local basis.
The membership accepted. Now,
we are traitors. Frankly, we are
fed up' with the amateur bung-
ling of President Joseph Beirne
with the livesofn300,000 telephone
Hackett was not immediately
available for comment,
The NFTW seeks a $6 weekly'
pay increase.
The Federal conciliators hoped
for new offers from two key com-
panies of the Bell system.
See Possible' Offers
One, they expected, might be
made by the American Telephone
& Telegraph Co. Long Lines Di-
vision at a conference with the
American Union of Telephone
Workers called at 8 p.m. tonight.
Another was promised by the
Southwestern B e 11l Telephone
Company on condition that its ne-
gotiations with the Southwestern
Telephone Workers Union be
shifted from here to its headquar -
ters in St. Louis. A decision onI
the shift was pending.
See .Possi le
jWorl1dKS taIte
Deble Necessity
Although Professors Howard M
Ehrman and Preston W. Slosson
of the history department dis-
agreed upon the immediate neces-
sity of forming a federalized world
government, they both asserted
i N X-/ JLJL SAIW %I/ X-/
Truman Budget Cut 1 Million;
Fnri n P eR it AthlP1Pla
I./l~lllIk/c, ~lJ L £1 -E.iEAl
LS &A Faculty
Defers Voting
On Program
No Vote Is Expected
D1uring Rest of Term
The Athletic Department's pro-
posed program for three years of
required physical education given
for credit received a set-back yes-
terday when the Engineering Col-
lege faculty voted to "make no
change in the present organiza-
This action follows by one
month the favorable decision of
the School of Education, which
voted April 30 to adopt a two-year
program for four hours of aca-
demic credit.
The literary college faculty also
met yesterday, but did not dis-
cuss the proposals.
Assistant Dean Walter Em-
mons of the engineering college
said that three main objections
prompted the faculty to vote
unfavorably. Most important of
all, he declared, was the fact
that no satisfactory schedules
could be worked out which
would be in harmony with the
extensive afternoon and even-
ing laboratory sessions now re-
quired by the engineering de-
Another drawback, he declared,
was the difficult position in which
such a program would place the
many students who must take
part-time work outside school to
finance their college education.
Whe hours devoted to physical ed-
ucationwould come on top of the
great amount of time, arleady
spent on classes, studying, and
their work, he added.
In the third place, Dean Em-
inons said, if the college gave
credit for the physical education
courses taken by its students, the
hours required for graduation
would have to be increased pro-
"In general," he said, "the
engineering college faces a much
more difficult problem than do
the other schools in trying to
adopt such a physical educa-
tion program as has been pro-'
Any action by the literary col-
lege in regard to the program
in the near future appears a din
prospect. Dean Hayward Keni-
ston declared yesterday that a
decision will "probably not be
made for the rest of the semester."
A motion was passed at the fac-
ulty meeting last month to post-
pone action on the program "in-
deffilitely." Dean Keniston said
that at the time the faculty was
"not in a position to make any
definite proposals."
The proposed three-year phy-
;iciAl education plan is the re-
suit of two years' work by a spe-
cijal committee established by
Athletic Director H. O. Crisler in
1944. Headed by J. Kenneth Do-
herty and Laurie E. Campbell, the
committee made its recommenda-
tions early in 1945.
Cercle Francais Will Present
Moliere Comedy-Ballet Today,
Le Cercle Francais will present
the annual French play, Moliere's
comedy-ballet, "Le Malade Imagi-
naire" at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Directed by Prof. Charles E.
Kcella of the romance language
department, the play is Moliere's
most virulent satire, and deals with
the medical practices and inade-
quacies of the seventeenth cen-
tury. Argan, the leading role, was
first played, by Judge Robert M.
Toms of Detroit, who is now con-
ducting Nuremberg Nazi criminal
Campu s Men,
Barbers Meet
On Race Issue
Members of six campus organi-
zations will meet with officers of
the Ann Arbor Barbers' Union May
15 to discuss the question of dis-
crimination against Negroes in
local barber shops, Carroll Little,
president of Inter-Racial Associa-
tion, announced yesterday.
Little will be joined by Lorne
Cook, chairman of the campus
AVC, Walt Hoffman, chairman of
the Willow Village AVC, Morton
Leitson, chairman of the Univer-
sity chapter of the National Law-
yers' Guild, Lyman Legters, presi-
dent of SRA, and Milt Freuden-
heim, editorial director of The
Daily, in an inquiry into the un-
ion's alleged "gentleman's agree-
ment" by which Negroes are not
"Such an agreement is contrary
to the Michigan Civil Rights Act,"
Little said, "and individual of-
fenders may be prosecuted. But we
feel that approaehing the matter
by way of the conference table, in-
stead of law suits, will involve less
inimical and antagonistic conse-
According to Little, Negro resi-
dents of Ann Arbor and students
are limited to a Negro-managed
barber shop on Ann St. The shop is
also patronized by whites, he said.
Little said he had been trying to
arrange a meeting with the Bar-
bers' Union since early December.
He added, however, that he be-
lieves "it augurs well that in these
turbulent times of 'red hysteria'
there are still a few people who are
willing to sit around the confer-
ence table and attempt to resolve
their differences."
trials, and will be played tonight
by Robert Koppitch, veteran of
four other French production.
Forthy-first Performance
Marking the forty-first perform-
ance by the French club, which be-
gan its annual tradition in 1907,
"Le Malade Imaginaire" is particu-
larly significant to Moliere lov-
ers, because it was his last play.
Supporting leads are played by
Sonya Drews as Toinnette the
servant and proponent of Moliere's
views, Marian Sayward as Beline.
the wife, Amy Wallace, the daugh-
ter, and James Evans, her admir-
Other roles are played by Mur-
ray Budney, Steven Hajos, Sarah
Wilcox, David Brodman, Morris
Winer, Forrest Palmer, Charles
Lehmann, Elliot Organic, David
Slautterbeck and Prof. Charles E.
Committee Heads
Fgeads of comtniittees include
Prof. Francis Gravit, stage and
costume; Julia Wilson, ballet;
Kate Hearst, Carolyn Lauer and
Benjamin Hudson, posters; Morris
Winer, make-up; Eugene Kaplan.
stage crew; Elizabeth Churchill,
electrician; Shirley Weemhoff,
usher; Mrs. Waldo Johnston, Mrs.
Helen Snyder, Mrs. Karl Parsons
and Miss Charlotte Lewis, alum-
nae, music.
Tickets may still be obtained at,
the Lydia Mendelssohn box office.
Members of the French Club will
be admitted on their membership
card and the presentation of tax
Vifreside cpies
Men on campus to be a candi-
date for the vice-presidency of
the Union from their school in the
all campus election May 14 must
file a statement of their qualifica-
tions not later than 5 p.m. Thurs-
The six vice presidencies to be
filled are one each from the en-
gineering college, medical school,
dental college, Law School, one
for both the literary college and
graduate school, and one repre-
senting all other schools and col-
leges on campus.
Labor Agency,
Security Office
Granted Funds
House Committee
Slashes Large Bill
By The Associated Press
an economy coalition in control,
the Senate tonight passed a Labor
Department-Federal S e c u r i t y
Agency appropriation totalling
$1,676,198,080-or about $100,000,-
000 less than President Truman
The bill, which is $8,388,000 less
than the House voted, now goes to
a Senate-House Conference Com-
mittee where differences will be
ironed out. The funds are to
finance the two agencies for the
fiscal year starting July 1. The
Senate action was on a voice vote.
Earlier in the day, the House
Appropriations Committee whack-
ed $162,893,515, or 23 percent, off
the President's budget for the
State, Commerce and Justice De-
partments and the Federal Courts.
Senate approval of the other
measure had slapped down a ser-
ies of amendments to increase
funds for Labor Delartment agen-
More than 90 percent of the to-
tal in this bill is made up of bene-
fit payments and grants to the
states for such purposes as rail-
road retirement, old age assist-
ance, aid to children and the blind,
unemployment compensation and
vocational rehabilitation.
The Senate approved appropria-
tion of $79,862,900 for the depart-
ment of Labor. This is a cut f
$10,001,300 under the amount au-
thorized by the House and is $23,-
817,391 less than was requested in
the President's budget.
In approving the bill, the Sen-
ate struck out a House-approved
provision which would have de-
nied further pay to Director Ed-
gar L.'Warren of the Labor De-
partment Conciliation Service.
In the Senate's first major test
of the year on the issue of slash-
ing expenditures, the chamber de-
feated, 57 to 23, an attempt by
Senator McCarran (Dem., Nev.) to
restore funds cut out of the Sec-
retary of Labor's appropriation,
The House Appropriations Com-
mittee, in sharply cutting the oth-
er large bill, declared a 22 percent
reduction for the State Depart-
ment, including complete elimin-
ation of the "Voice of America"
broadcasts and all other parts of
the Department's foreign cultural
relations program.
Acting quickly, Secretary of
State Marshall and Walter Bedell
Smith, U. S. Ambassador to Rus-
sia, joined the personal pleas to
more than a score of congression-
al leaders of both parties to keep
the "Voice of America" speaking,
particularly to Soviet Russia.
Legislators who heard Marshall
at a closed conference at the State
Department quoted him as saying
his experience at the Moscow For-
eign Ministers Conference con-
firmed. his judgment that the ov-
erseas broadcasts are important to
American foreign policy,
Pulitzer Pre
A warded A
NEW YORK, May 5-/P)-Eddy
Gilmore, Associated Press foreign
correspondent who is chief of the
Moscow Bui'eau, won one of the
eight annual Pulitzer Journalism
prizes announced today - the
award for distinguished tele-
graphic reporting in international
The gold medal for "the most
disinterested and meritorious pub-
lic service rendered by an Ameri-
can newspaper" during 1946 went
to the Baltimore Sun for a series
of articles by Howard M. Norton
dealing with the administration of
unemployment compensation.
Four awards were made in the
field of literature and one in mu-
Clothing Will Be Distributed
TI-,IA 10 1R .A 1
Clothing collected in the drive
being held this week by the Uni-
versity Famine Committee will be
distributed overseas by the Na-
tional Save the Children Federa-
tion to pupils in the schools of
war-devastated countries.
The Federation, which serves
children in parts of rural Amer-
ica as well as in Europe, has its
national headquarters in New York
City and also maintains a Michi-
gan office in Detroit. Dr. William
A. Hudson is chairman of the
the children of Amsterdam are notE
going to school during bad weath-
er because they lack sufficient
shoes and clothes. The reports go
on to say that in the shops of Hel-
sinki, Finland, only wood fibre and
paper clothes can be bought.
The co-chairman asked espec-
cially for clean, serviceable things,
but said that a reconditioning serv-
ice is maintained by the Federa-
tion for restoration of slightly
I damaged garments.
that its establishment was a defi-
nate possibility within the next 50
years, at a meeting of the Student Conc entration
World Federalists last night in the
UniProf. Slosson advocated the call- lulks Lontu te
ing of a constitutional convention,
which any nation may understake The economics and zoology de-
to do under the provisions of the will hold concentration
United Nations Charter. If this aiment ming t 4:15 p m.
fails, then he would call for the s meetins at.M.
establishment of a federalized today in Angell Hall.
world government among those The economics conference will
manynatonswhomhe elivesbe held in Rm. 35 and the zoology
many nations whom he believes meeting in Rim. X231. The con-
would so consent. Prof. Slosson 2 e
said the United States would have ferences are part of a two-week
to take the lead in this proposal, series of meetings designed to as-
since the other nations are wait- sst sophomores and freshmen in
tng to see just how we feel about the literary college in choosing a
..,n.. -i ..... ,man-, + field of concentration.
High Heads Seek Heightened
Ef fect ina bo Tal People
worm government,.
Prof. Ehrman stated that while
such a government was an ulti-
mate goal, the more pressing prob-
lems of a permanent peace settle-
ment was the matter with which
Speakers at the economics meet-
ing will include Prof. William
Palmer, who will discuss economics
as a field of concentration; Prof.
Margaret Elliot Tracy, who will
There's at least one organiza-
tion around here everyone looks
un to--a club for tall people.
an organizational meeting at 81
p.m. tomorrow. They will meet
at the League box office.