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February 14, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-14

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Latest Deadline in the State

See Page 4


No. 90


, . I - - -


speat Dead,
gler Says
oncedes Defeat
f Tax Proposal
By The Associated Press
TROIT, Feb. 13-Governor
formally conceded tonight
ais proposal for repeal of the
Sales Tax Diversion Amend-
is "deader than a mackerel."
an address before the Detroit
r Chamber of Commerce, the
nor retraced the brief course
e repeal proposal from pas-
by the State House of Rep-
atives to the Senate Judici-
ommittee. Such a destina-
he declared, is "generally
rued" to mean defeat.
ie repeal of the Sales Tax
dment is a good place to start
auling Michigan's old-fash-
tax machinery," he said.
ng new taxes is only putting
on the boil."
ernor Sigler pictured Michi-
financial history as a race
Bich business, industry and
ation greatly outstripped tax
inery', leaving the state in the
on of a man "whose pants
o small."
ibuttorling the top button
ng to tax burdens) won't
'or long," he declared.
ere never has been a rem-
study of Michigan's anti-
I tax structure, though other
have recognized this prob-
ad solved it," Sigler added.
ernor Sigler said he would
no further move towards
ling repeal of the amend-
meeting was also addressed
'ul D. Bagwell, Michigan
College faculty member and
ent of the Michigan Junior
ber of Commerce.
well urged extension of the
organizations and their
of progressive, civic leader-
in a changing and dynamic

A nnounce New Policy for
Mixed Student Parties
Chiapeoes Required for All but Exchange,
Guest Dinners Held During Specified Hours
The University Committee on Student Conduct yesterday an-
nounced new policies approving unchaperoned exchange and guest
dinners in men's and women's residences but outlawing the presence
of women in men's residences except as dinner guests.
The new ruling on exchange and guest dinners liberalizes the
former policy which had required the presence of chaperones at such
Exchange Dinners
The announcement defined "exchange dinners" as "meals in men's
residences and women's residences attended by representative groups

Power Crisis
Continues in
Great Britain

>of members of approved organiza-
tions of the other sex."
"Guest dinners" were defined as
"meals in men's residences and
women's residences attended by
guests of the other sex who may or
may not belong to University or-
The new ruling specifically regu-
lates the hours of exchange and
guest dinners. Guests at week-day
dinners are to arrive at approxi-
mately 5:30 p.m. and are to leave
at approximately 8 p.m. For Sun-
day dinners the guests are to ar-
rive at approximately 1 p.m. and
are to leave at approximately 3

ien must learn Amer-
g and living in such a
to make the country a
for all," he said.
s Today

Dwindling Coal Piles
Threaten Industry
LONDON, Feb. 13.-UP)-Dwin-
dling coal piles at gas companies
threatened tonight to throw Brit-
ish industry for a further damag-
ing loss as Prime Minister Attlee
grimly told the House of Commons
an end to the grave electric power
crisis caused by the fuel shortage
had not been sighted.
Power Blackout
He said the power blackout, ap-
plied originally to 38 English and
Welsh counties Monday, had saved
78,000 tons of coal in three days
but added "the situation remains
very critical."
(President Truman said in
Washington the United States was
ready to do everything in its power
to relieve the British people in
their present emergency, includ-
ing the possible diversion to the
United Kingdom of colliers pres-
ently on the high seas.)
Attlee said that London Gas
Company coal piles have dwindled
to 9Y2 days supply. The British
Gas Council said reduced coal
stocks were endangering gas sup-
plies and added "it will become
increasingly worse during the next
fortnight and will not be reme-
died for some weeks after the cold
weather ends."
Tonight blackout conditions
reminiscent of the blitz returned
to all towns in the United King-
dom. Except for a few lights at
busy intersections and traffic sig-
nals, all streets were dark.
'Coal Cabinet'
All British householders except
those in northern Ireland were
ordered under threat of fine or
imprisonment to pull all power
switches for five hours daily. This
was the first move of an emer-
gency "coal cabinet" battling a
fuel shortage which. a Board of
Trade spokesman said had thrown
more than 5,000,000 Englishmen
out of work.
Attlee staked success of the
drastic government measures upon
the weather, which for the last
month has been the worst Britain
has experienced in more than half
a century.
"Ships are already moving," he
said, "and the latest forecast says
there will be no gales or fogs."
Rail lines, digging out from be-
ijeath 18-foot drifts, have cut
drastically passenger services and
expect to move more coal, he

Be Announced
The new regulations also de-
mand that exchange and guest
dinners be announced to the di-
rector of the Office of Student Af-1
fairs at least one day in advance
of the scheduled date. In most
cases this ruling would necessitate
more than 24 hours notice since
the announcement must be made
during office hours.
The regulation relating to wom-
en guests has been revised to read:
"The presence of women guests in
fraternity houses, men's rooming
houses, or other men's rooming
quarters, except when chaperones
approved by University authorities
are present, is not in accordance
with the generally accepted stand-
ards and conventions of society,
and is not permitted, except for
exchange and guest dinners..."
Language Inaccurate
Erich A. Walter, Director of the
Office of Student Affairs, com-
menting on the previous regula-
tion, pointed out that "the lan-
guage was rather inaccurate and
didn't say what we meant." The
old ruling used the word "disap-
proved" instead of "not permit-
See RULING, Page 6
Plane Crashes
In Swampland
MACON, Ga., Feb. 13-(P)-An
Army C-45 plane, with seven pas-
sengers aboard, burst into flames
and crashed tonight into dense,
almost impenetrable swamp lands
several miles east of Robins Field
Army officials reported.
The plane, a two-engine craft,
took off at 9:05 p.m. for
Wright Field, Ohio, and disap-
peared from sight a few moments
later after it was seen to burst into
flames and explode, according to
Capt. H. R. Daniels, public rela-
tions officer.
Capt. Daniels said searching
parties were sent immediately into
the swamp after a search plane
had flown over the area and spot-
ted what apparently was the

Truman Will
Give Support
To Lilienthal
Calk Communist
Cries Unfounded
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-Pres-
ideht Truman pledged his unyield-
ing support today to David E.
Lilienthal, his choice for Chair-
man of the Atomic Energy Com-
mission, and branded cries of
Communism against Lilienthal as
"completely unfounded."
Mr. Truman made it plain to
a news conference that he does
not intend to withdraw the nomi-
nation, saying that he considers
Lilienthal fully and thoroughly
equipped and that he will stay
with him straight along.
'Absolutely Unfounded'
The President permitted direct
quotation of the words "absolutely
unfounded" as his reply to sug-
gestions that Lilienthal had Com-
munist leanings.
This had been charged by Sena-
tor McKellar (Dem.-Tenn.) who
said in Senate hearings that Lil-
ienthal, as head of the Tennessee
Valley Authority, was "the No. 1
Communist in my state."
McKellar, longtime political foe
of Lilienthal, was asked about
Mr. Truman's remarks and re-
plied: "The record speaks for it-
self. That's all I want to say now."
White Opposed
Almost as Mr. Truman was
speaking, Senate Republican Lead-
er White, of Maine, announced
against Lilienthal for the atomic
White said in a statement that
he opposes him particularly "be-
cause of his long hostility to legis-
lative limitations sought to be
imposed upon his dictatorial man-
agement of TVA."
The White-Truman declarations
pointed to a bitter battle when the
Lilienthal nomination reaches the
floor from the Senate Atomic
Committee which is holding hear-
White was the second high Re-
publican Senate official to come
out flatly against Lilienthal. Sen-
ator Wherry (Neb.), the patty
whip, urged rejection of his con-
firmation several days ago.
In addition, friends of Senator
Taft (Rep.-O.), Chairman of the
Republican Policy Committee, said
he has told them he would vote
against Lilienthal.
Even before the President stated
his stand for Lilienthal at first
hand, the word from the White
House was that he "has not the
faintest intention of withdrawing
the nomination."
** *
Ure y .Defend s
CHICAGO, Feb. 13 ---W)- Dr.
Harold C. Urey, leading atomic
scientist, contended today that if
the Senate rejects David E. Lilien-
thal as Chairman of ,the Atomic
Energy Commission, the delay in
establishing a "responsible man-
agement" might cripple atomic
energy in the United States "for
several years."
In a statement regarding Lilien-
thal, whose nomination by Presi-
dent Truman for chairmanship of
the recently created CivilianAtom-
ic Energy Commission is under
scrutiny by a Senate committee,
Urey, a Nobel prize winner, said:
"Eighteen months have now
passed since Hiroshima. During

this time work on atomic energy
in the United States was virtually
at a stand-still because there was
no one who could take responsi-
bility for major decisions.
"Many of the projects badly
disintegrated during this period.
Other projects are still held to-
gether by the hope that a re-
sponsible management will soon
be established. The Lilienthal
commission took over operations
the first day of January, having
previously made a study of the
problems of operating these pro-
"If the chairman of this com-
mission should be refused con-
firmation now, another six months
will pass before orderly operation
of atomic energy research will get
Navy Recruiting Unit
To Be at Union Today
Veterans from all branches of
the armed forces and former
Waves may enlist in the new

Thmree of Crisler Tells Plans for
The oHunt.
'Communism' New Athletic Facilities
Objection Is Voiced Vast expansion of Michigan's athletic plant to the point where
By Senator Nowak it will be just about tops in the nation will begin in approximately 18
months, Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz" Crisler revealed at his press
By The Associated Press conference yesterday.
LANSING, Feb. 13-The Senate
voted today to create a three-man Sports Arena
committee to investigate Com- The biggest part of the plans call for a huge sports arena, seat-
munism throughout Michigan. ing the entire student body, which Crisler believes will average 20,000
Lieut. Gov. Eugene C. Keyes ap- students in future years, and in which will be played the basketball
pointed to the committee Senators and hockey games.
Matthew F. Callahan, Detroit, -. In addition, six new basketball
Colin L. Smith, Big Rapids, and courts are to be constructed, both
Don Vanderwerp, Fremont, all in the new building and in an en-
Republicans. Baker Quits larged version of the presentIntra-
The investigation, originally mural Sports Building, which will
sponsored by Callahan as a Athletic Job be extended west towards the ten-
probe of reported Communism nis courts. New swimming facili-
at Wayne University, was broad- A 1 ties for male students will proba-
ened in committee to cover all At M ichigan bly be located in the Sports Build-
state activities. ing, and the capacity seating for
Callahan said on the Senate Andrew S. Baker, General Man- swimming meets is due for an in-
floor "our schools are being used ager of the Mchigan Department crease.
by a subversive organization, pa- of Athletics, announced his resig- Building Project
rading under the name of the The golf course is also due for
American Youth for Democracy, nation yesterday at the meeting of some overhauling in the building
that is nothing but a front for the Board in Control of Intercol- project. A new golf clubhouse is
Communists. Can we sit idly by legiate Athletics, of which he is to be erected, and provisions for
and appropriate money to main- Executive Secretary. winter sports, such as skiing, pos-
tain and foster this kind of thing? After having served the Univer- sibly will be created in the same
I am not thinking of a witch hunt section.
or brass band affair, but of a sity in various capacities for the The Athletic Director said the
quiet, orderly investigation." past 27 years, Baker said, "I am women's athletic plant will not be
Senator Stanley Nowak, De- resigning so that I can do some overlooked in the proposed con-
trait Democrat, objected that things I have always wanted to struction. A new women's athletic
the resolution was being rushed do. I want to spend more of my building is to be erected on Palm-
through without a chance for a time leisurely, with my family. er Field, in which will be included
public hearing on it. He said tt aas ecio.my avy.a new swimming pool.
Michigan college administrators Its not a hasty decision. I have a tennis pavilion with 20 new
should be given a chance to tes- been thinking about it for some courts, will be built on the present
tify on the resolution. time." The resignation will become site of the Coliseum. Part of the
Meanwhile at Ionia, William effective July 1. present student housing area near
Bell, Steward of the United Public Baker began his relations with the Coliseum will also be used for
Workers Union-CIO, which has Michigan as a special student, and this purpose, once there is suf-
members in the State Reformatory 1920 he was appointed secre-
land Mh enta d ospia te e n12 ewa pone r- See EXPANSION, Page 3
and Mental Hospital there, m-- tary to Phil Barleme, athletic di-
bership reply to Governor Sigler's rector at the time. When the late
charge of Communism against Fielding H. Yost became the di-
Foss Baker, official of the union, rector, Baker continued as his sec-
Bell Bakd reui onchalenged retary and he was one of Yost's Present Poce
Sigler to prove Baker was a Com-
munist and promised to "take im- In 1938, when Coach H. O.Traffic Polic
mediate action for his removal" if "Fritz" Crisler took over as ath-
the charge were proved. The mem- letic director, Baker was appointed
bers said in a resoution, according business manager. Then in 1943, Ann Arbor Chief of Police Cas-
to Bell, that Baker never had been after General Manager Perry Til- per Enkemann yesterday defended
hearing making any subversive lotso-'s death, he was appointed police policies which had been at-
statements, or "advocating the to the position which he resigned tacked in a Daily letter to the
overthrow of our government" and today.e -
never had solicited members for Besides his duties as general The letter, written by Walter
the Communist party. manager, Baker was also secretary Arnold, charged lax traffic en-
* * * of the "M" Club, and is said to forcement by local police.
know more "M"-men than any Chief Enkemann told a Daily
M YDA Hits at other person in the University. He reporter that he realized a defi-
was also in charge of all ticket nite traffic problem exists in the
sales and distribution, campus area. "We are doing our
S gd er Action best to control traffic with an in-
Siglenadequate police force," the chief
Michigan Youth for Democratic Gro ny ko W il. said, adding that "we can't to a
Action resolved last night to send .1M man-sized enforcement job with
a telegram to Gov. Sigler pro- Offer [UN \ Plan a boy-sized police force."
ghis action at Michigan He expressed the hope that con-
testing hi cina ihgnniditions would be improved in the
State College. orr Ciw ofuture, pointing out that a request
The message reads: "We of the for five additional squad cars was
University of Michigan Chapter of LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Feb. 13 now before city council for ap-
American Youth for Democracy --()-Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet proval. "At present our squad cars
protest the recent action taken delegate to the United Nations Se- are kept busy answering routine
against the members of AYD in curity Council, said tonight he complaints leaving us no time for
Lansing. We feel that it is an in- would present to the Council to- traffic control," the chief said.
frgement upon their civil lib- morrow Russia's plan for out- Commenting on Arnold's state-
erties and also a real threat to lawing atomic weapons by inter- ment concerning restricted park-
academic freedom. A democratic national convention. ing zones in the campus area, Cap-
organization should be able to ex- Gromyko thus served notice that tain Barney Gainsley, head of the
ist in a democratic society." he would insist orce more upon local traffic squad, explained the
Bob Cummins, executive secre- adoption of the basic proposition need for these zones. Saying that
tary of the state AYD, who ad- he first put before the United Na- numbers of University, city and
dressed the meeting, gave as tions Atomic Energy Commission commercial busses daily use streets
AYD's main purposes to see that last June 19. He is slated to speak in the campus area, Gainsley ex-
the maximum number of young when the Security Council meets plained that parking had been re-
people attend college, that those at 2 p.m. (C.S.T.) for full debate stricted in these areas in order to
who attend have opportunity to on the Dec. 31 report of the UN relieve congestion. "The large
learn, and they later apply their Atomic Energy Commission. numbers of students', faculty and
learning for the benefit of the He told newsmen after the Se- construction workers' automobiles
community as a whole. curity Council adjourned today parked near the campus consti-
Cummins described the tactic of that he still stood on his proposal tute a traffic hazard on these
creating a "red scare" as the "tat- to outlaw atomic weapons by heavily traveled roads," Gainsley
tered tactic of the red herring." agreement among the nations. said,

Cupid's Darts Initiate Valentines Day
Today is St. Valentine's Day, :connection with' the saint, whose
and cupid's arrows will be darting 'h name was probably introduced
after their targets. Ithrough some mistake."
Webster's Dictionary says that The book "Anniversaries and
Feh 14 is nhorved in honor of St. Holiday" tells us that the day

Ann Arbor AVC Votes Suppoo
Of 'Subversive Activity' Prob
State Senate To Launch Inquji

to rush for
spring sem-
tween 3 and
IFC offices
f the Union,
wkson, pres-

yat t]

hushing will begin Monday and
tinue until Feb. 27. The open-
uses that have customarily been
d on the Sunday before rushing
ek will be eliminated this sem-
er, and rushees will begin mak-
the rounds on Monday by
itation, instead.
'raternities and rushees who
ut to pledge will sign preference
s and hand them in to the
ice of the Director of Student
'airs Feb. 28. Pledge dinners
1 be held March 3.
)uring the time between the
se of rushing activities and the
Ige dinners, a period of silence
ween fraternities and rushees
st be maintained, Jackson said.
le also emphasized that no man
y be initiated into a fraternity
ess he has a scholastic average
at least 2 point.
ushing registration is open
all men registered in the Uni-
o st Office Holds
ore ets' Checks
'he Ann Arbor Main Post Of-
is holding checks for the fol-
ing veterans:
.lexander, Jack William; Batts,
ary Lewis; Berry, Harold; Bin-
Dwight Charles; Bogue, Don-
J.; Boria, Demeter M.; Brant,
;sell A.; Carroll, John L.; Cox,
lie H.; Clark, Daniel K.;
Raymond, Raymond J.; Kubi-
c, Ted M.; Murakami, Charles
Norton, Roger C.; Phillippi,
Bam R.; Postle, Arthur S.;
ifern, Arthur H.; Rich, Sam-
Rummenei, Clara E.; San-
a, Elizabeth J.; Schumacher,
rge A., Jr.; Scully, John W.;
ith, Daniel; Wanty, Hugh M.;
son, John A.; Winzeler, Wil-
a A.; Wood, James Q.
hese checks will be returned to

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 13-Talks with Arab and Jewish leaders on a
Palestine settlement came to a virtual end today and government in-
formants said Britain might now inform the United Nations it in-
tends to pull out of the Holy Land, either at once or within a stated
* * *
LANSFORD, Pa., Feb. 13-Pennsylvania's first anthracite
miners sitdown in a decade today idled a big colliery where 13
men huddled 800 feet underground.
Refusal of 1,200 fellow workers to enter the pits shut down
the Lansford workings of Lehigh Navigation Coal Company. The
Panther Valley General Mine Committee, composed of five miners
from each local, voted unanimously to order the valley's 6,000
miners to remain away from work tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13-Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) predicted
today that the upshot of Congressional arguments over new labor laws
will be a bill closely resembling the Case Labor Disputes measure which
President Truman vetoed last year. Taft, Chairman of the Senate
Labor Committee, made his prediction in an interview at Columbus,
Ohio, during a lull in Senate committee hearings.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13-Treasury Secretary Snyder said
tonight he had made arrangements with former Secretary Henry
Morgenthau, Jr., for the return to the Treasury of any material in
Morgenthau's 900-volume diary which may be needed to complete

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