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May 04, 1947 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-04

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SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1947



Onderdonk Will Discuss
Preventionl Of Third Wr

Dr. Francis Skillman Onder-
donk, former faculty member in
the architecture college, will dis-
cuss"How To Prevent World War
III" at 8 p.m. today in the Inter-
national Center.
Born in New York, Dr. Onder-
donk went to live in Austria when
he was ten years old. Although he.
returned to this country in 1920,
Dr. Onderdonk has returned to
Europe every third year since his
In August 1938, Dr. Onderdonk
attended the International Co-n-
ference at Pontigny, France, as
the guest of Lord Davies.
He is the owner of the only
copy of the sound film "World
Organization" now being exhib-
ited in this country and frequent-
ly includes it in his lectures. This
film shows the League of Nations'
successes in combatting epidem-
ics and drug traffic.
In the last two months of World'
War I, Dr. Onderdonk worked as
draftsman in the rebuilding of
Gorizia on the Austro-Italian
front, where he witnessed the col-
lapse of the Hapsburg reign and
the erection of a republic.
An instructor in the architec-
ture school from 1925 to 1933, Dr.
Onderdonk is the author of "The
Ferro-Concrete Style," 26 articles
in architectural journmals, and
many essays.
Dr. Onderdonk has lectured be-
fore architectural s o c i e t i e s
throughout the country as well
as at the leading schools of archi-
tecture in the mid-western and

eastern states. He has also spoken
for the University Extension and
Broadcasting Services.
Dr. Onderdonk studied archi-
tecture at the Imperial and Royal
Technical Institute in Vienna, and

Liberal Group
Is Reactivated
After 12 Years
Levenstein To Sneak
At Meeting of SLID
The Student League for Indus-
trial Democracy, which is cele-
brating its reactivation this week-
end, has returned to campus after
a lapse of 12 years.
An active student group until
1935, SLID then amalgamated
with other campus organizations
to form the American Student
Union. SLID soon withdrew from
the ASU; when that group- be-
come dominated by the Commun-
ist faction, according to Bill Gaim-
zon, SLID publicity chairman.
"Today we feel that liberal stu-
dents on the University campus
will welcome the return of an or-
ganization not tied politically
with any party, with a record of
constructive and progressive lead-
ership for the extension of democ-
racy into our political, economic
and cultural life," Gamzon stated.
"We are trying to make de-
mocracy 'a living reality in every
aspect and reach of our common
life'," he added, "and for this
reason do not allow totalitarians
such as racists, fascists or com-
munists to join our organization."
The SLID program calls for
general education concerning so-
cial control over public utilities
and natural resources, democracy
in social, political and individual
aspects of race and religious re-
lations, academic and political
freedom for students and teach-
efs, political and economic sup-
port for those peoples who are
resisting "both the totalitarian-
ism of the right and the totali-
tarianism of the left" and under-
standing of the problems of labor.
Local activities are aimed at the
establishment of a Fair Employ-
ment Practices Committee in
Michigan, and the organization
of a student cooperative cafeteria
and bookstore.
Aaron Levenstein, noted econ-
omist, will speak on "Labor Looks
to the Future" at 3 p.m. today in
the Union. All students interested
in SLID have been invited to at-
tend. The talk will be followed
by a discussion period.
No U' Victims
I,,, Texas Blast

Concentration, Conferences
Five departments of the literary college will hold concentration
advisement meetings this week, May 6-9.
The conferences have been planned for sophomores and fresh-
men seeking assistance in choosing a field of concentration. Speak-
ers will attempt to make clear the nature and scope of a depart-
mental area of study, its relation to a liberal education and its
professional or vocational significance.
The program for this week follows:
Tuesday, May 6. Economics Department-4:15 p.m. 35 A H
Prof. William Palmer: Economics as a field of concentration
Prof. Margaret Elliott Tracy: Economics as a field of concentration
for women.
Prof. William Haber: Occupational opportunities for concentrators
in economics.
Tuesday, May 6. Zoology Department--4:15 p.m., 2231 A H
Prof. A. F. Shull: Professional and vocational significance of zo-
Wednesday, May 7. Psychology Departnent-4:15 p.m., 231 A H
Prof. Martha Colby: Psychology as a field of concentration.
Prof. E. L. Kelly: Clinical psychology.
Prof. Norman Maier: Industrial and personnel psychology.
Prof. Angus Campbell: Social psychology.
Prof. Burton Thuma: Psychology in teaching and research.
Thursday, May 8. Political Science Department-
4:15 p.m., 231 A H
Prof. Joseph Kallenbach: Political Science as a field of concentra-
Prof. John Lederle: Political science as preparation for government
Prof. Lawrence Preuss: Political science as preparation for foreign
Prof. Lionel Laing: Teaching opportunities in political. science.
Friday, May 9. Chemistry Department-4:15 p.m., 35 A H
Prof. Raymond Keller: Professional and vocational opportunities
in chemistry.
Prof. Byron Soule: Chelnistry as a field of concentration.
Powlison Ur ges Management
To Keep, Workers Informed

French Club
Will Present
Molhere Satire
Koppitch Has Leading
Role in Production
Le Cercle Francais will present
the annual French play, Moliere's
comedy, "Le Malade Imaginaire,"
at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Directed by Prof. Charles E.
Koella of the romance languages
department, the play is a satire
on medical practices and inade-
quacies of the nineteenth century,
and centers around the humorous
rantings of Argan, a hypocondri-
ac, played by Richard Koppitch.
"Le Malade Imaginaire" will
mark the forty-first play to be
presented by the club, which be-
gan its annual tradition in 1907
with the presentation of "LeBour-
geois Gentilhomme." This year's
production is particularly signi-
ficant to Moliere lovers, because
it was one of his last plays.
Supporting roles are played by
Sonya Drews as Toinette, pro-
ponent of Aloliere's views, Marian
Sayward as Beline, the wife, Amy
Wallace, the daughter, and James
Evans, her admirer.
Other characters include Mur-
ray Budney, Steven Hajos, Sarah
Wilcox, David Brodman, Morris
Winer, Forrest Palmer, Charles
Lehmann, Elliot Organic and Da-
vid Slautterbeck.
Heads of committees include
Dr. Francis Gravit, stage and cos-
tume; Julia Wilson, ballet; Kate
Hearst, Carolyn Lauer and Ben-
jamin Hudson, posters; Morris
Winer, make-up; Eugene Keplan,
stage crew; Elizabeth Churchill,
electrician; Shirley Weemhoff,
usher; Mrs. Waldo Johnston, Mrs.
Helen Shyder, Mrs. Karl Parsons,
and Miss Charlotte Lewis, alum-
nae, music.
Tickets may be obtained at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office.
Members of the French Club will
be admitted free of charge.
717 North University Ave.p

f 7 to\
f \ n1
/1? every~

. . ..to speak today

received the degree of Doctor of
Technical Sciences there in 1919.
During World War I he directed
the distribution of 126,000 copies
of the Gospels printed in the eight
languages spoken in the Austro-
Hungarian armies.
Buy and Hold'
U. S. Savings Bonds!



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The first definite word was re-
ceived yesterday that there were
no University graduate chemists
among the casualties of the Mon-
santo Chemical Company blast at
Texas City, Tex., April 16.
The Monsanto company has in
past years hired many University
graduates in chemistry and chem-
ical engineering. Miss Eugenie
Mereness, secretary of the chem-
istry department, yesterday re-
ceived a letter from Dr. Robert
M. Hitchens, Associate Director
of Research in the organic chem-
ical division of Monsanto's St.
Louis plant, which cleared up all
uncertainty as to whether there
were any Michigan alumni in the
disaster area.
"Michigan was uniquely fortu-
nate in that none of the Univer-
sity graduates were at Texas City
at the time of the explosion," he

There would be fewer strikes if
industrial workers understood
profits and the other facts of busi-
ness life, Leith Powlison, vice-
president of the Armstrong Cork
Co., told the Michigan Cost Ac-
countants Conference yesterday.
"There is evidence that there
is something seriously amiss with
-the manner in which manage-
ment shares information with its
employes," Powlison declared. He
commended management for its
outstanding achievement in sol-
ving the prolblems of production
and distribution, and urged a
similar effort to keep employes
informed about the business of
which they are a part.
Financial statements sometimes
give rise to misunderstanding, he
said, because they are couched in
accounting terminology, and are
usually presented in pessimistic
terms that provide for all possible
adverse developments but not for
any "favorable breaks."
He also pointed out that man-
agement has made a mistake by
including in its reports to em-
ployes "protestations of virtue"
telling them how generously they
have been treated.
' "The statements, plans and fig-
ures of management must hang,
together if confidence is to be
established," he said. "It is gen-
erally recognized that, whether
right or wrong, employes feel that
ability to pay is of determining
influence with respect to wage
"It therefore beconmes necessary
for management to recognize the
necessity of making clear to emn-
ployes whatever may appear to
them to be extravagant or incon-
sistent with the ability of man-
agement to pay higher wages."
There will always be differences
New Staff Assistants
Aid International Center
Mrs. Kathleen Mead and Honer
Underwood have joined the staff
of the International Center asz
assistants to the director.
Mrs. Mead will be in charge of
women's activities and Under-
wood will serve as program con-

of opinion and objectives between
people in politics, in religion and
in business, Powlinson pointed out.
"The solution to our industrial
problems is not in eliminating such
differences, but in finding a con-
structive way to reconcile theim,"
he said.
The real basis for industrial
peace will be established when we
have reached the point where
everything can be discussed and
all questions answered, he de-
Russian Film.
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-
tion will present "Professor Main-
lock," Russian film with English
sub-titles, at 8 p.m. today in Kel-
logg Auditorium.
Tickets for the film may be
purchased at Hillel Foundation
or at the door.
MCF Meeting...
Cathie Nichol, staff member
of the Canadian Inter-Varsity
Christian Fellowship, will speak
at the meeting of the Michigan
Christian Pe~lowship at 4:30
p.m. tbday at Lane Hall.
* *
in a oM ---
Titiev To Speak .. .
Prof. Mischa Titiev, of the an-
thropology 'department, will speak
on "Cultural Diversities in Rus-
sia" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
International Center.
The talk will be under the aus-
pices of the Russian Circle. Group
singing and refreshments will
Bought, Sold, Aend Reptred
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SUNDAY, May 11, is Mother's Day. Treat
your mother to the best and plan to have
dinner at The Allenel Hotel. To avoid
needless waiting call now and make reser-

to $35.00

For your gay
moments, this
little suit dress
in that heaven-
ly fabric ...
rayon tissue

faille. So smart As
I - - -- (21,trhrd,


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