'+ EXAMINATION SCHEDULE See Page 4 LIT L LwA Daibrti MILD, I Latest Deadline in the State VOL. VLII, No. 149 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 4. 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phone Company Rejects Reported Strike Proposal Vice-PresidenLt Dring Says ("Oumpany will tick to Collective Bargaining By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 3-The government was reported tonight to have proposed a "package" raise of $5.14 a week to settle the long dis- tance part of the telephone strike, but the American Telephone and Telegraph Company turned thumbs down on any such formula. George S. Dring, A. T. and T. vice president, would not acknowl- edge that there was a government proposal before the strike negotia-, Riot Is Quelled By Soldiers at Leavenworth Tear Gas Stops Race Rebellion; One Dead FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kans., May 3--(/P)-The army quelled a raceriot in the disciplinary bar- racks in which one prisoner was killed and five guards and six prisoners injured today, finally forcing capitulation of 514 white prisoners who had defied a surren- der ultimatum throughout the af- ternoon. Earlier, 213 Negro prisoners in another cell block surrendered after a night and morning of riot- ing and disorder that forced the army to send to Kansas City for additional supplies of tear gas. The task of clearing the white prisoners' cell block was complet- ed at 6:20 p.m. No bodies were found, and only two of the prison- ers required hospitalization-one a prisoner who previously had ma- laria, and another who was suf- fering from an old injury. Both conditions had been aggravated by the tear gas. Smouldering Discontent The rioting grew out of resent- ment of white prisoners at having to eat in the same mess hall with Negroes and the smouldering dis- content flared into disorder 48 hours ago. This broke into an open riot last night after three Negro prisoners attacked a white man in the shower room. Maj. Henry C. Triesler, public relations officer at Fort Leaven- worth, said the prisoners had dam- aged cell block 6, the wing in which the white prisoners were confined, extensively, and that the men would be detained overnight in an- other block. Work To Be Resumed He said work would be resumed at the prison tomorrow by some prisoners whose records were good, and that a full work schedule would be resumed Monday. Bar- ring unforeseen developments, he said, the barracks would be back to normal by Tuesday. Col. Graeme Parks, comman- dant of the barracks, was conduct- ing an investigation tonight in an effort to segregate the ringleaders. Pleas for court martial proceed- ings would await completion of the investigation, he said. Village Council Will Convene The initial session of Willow Run's first Village Council, com- posed of newly-elected representa- tives of the project's citizenry, will be held at 1 p.m. today at 1711 Stamford. William Stright, chairman of the eletion committee, disclosed the plans for this organizational meet- ing simultaneously with his an- nouncement of the final returns of last week's Council election. "Today's meeting," he said, "will strive to make of the new group one best able to function in the in- terest of all the residents of the Village." Twenty residents comprise the Counciland represent the apart- ment area's ten election districts. Previously announced intentions of making of the dormitory area, housing 1,500 single students, a district in itself, were thwarted, ac- cording to Stright, "because the dorms submitted no candidates for election to the Council." Representing the married stu- dents and their families, in the tors, but he told a reporter: "In case of any proposition of that kind, the company would be opposed. "We strongly believe that a set- tlement should be reached by free collective bargaining between the company and the union on the basis of all the facts. It is for that reason that we would be opposed to any such proposition by the gov- ernment." On the question of what actually had been proposed-or whether anything had been put forward at all-Dring would say only that "you'll have to ask the concilia- tion service about that." The formula had been reported earlier by a person in close touch with the negotiations as including: 1. A $4.50 average weekly wage increase, the exact sum to be worked out between the union and company for each city. 2. "Fringe" settlements, involv- ing vacation, pension and other provisions included in an agree- ment initialed by company and union officials April 10, approxi- mating another 64 cents a week. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 3 --Gen- eralissimo Josef .Stalin told Harold. E. Stassen that the differing eco- nomic systems of Russia and the United States can exist in har- mony if there is a will to cooper- ate. He added that Russia "wants to cooperate" and "does not pro- pose" to wage war against the United States. At * * DETROIT, May 3-The CIO United Auto Workers were poised today for wage negotia- tions with the Ford Motor Co., last unsigned member of the au- tomotive big three. Betting in the industry was that they would settle some- where in the neighborhood of an 11%Y> cent pay increase plus six paid holidays, about a 15 cent overall equivalent. y * * WASHINGTON, May 3-A Dem- ocratic congressional official said today President Truman has told party legislative lieutenants he would veto the labor bill as passed by the House but is leaving the gate ajar for possible approval of a milder version now before the Senate. SHANGHAI, Sunday, May 4- Reports of rice riots in Hang- chow were followed today by ac- counts of an outbreak in Shang- hai as the shortage of China's staple food increased with the price soaring. JERUSALEM, May 3 - Three Jews were killed and four others wounded today during military maneuvers by members of Hag- anah, Jewish underground resist- ance organization, in an isolated area northeast of Haifa. Temporary Classrooms To Be Built FedIeral FundS Will Be Allocate Latest step by the University to meet the enrollment crisis is tem- porary classrooms. Plans for a two-story tempor- ary classroom building, with 32 classrooms and 4,300 square feet of laboratory space, to be built here at federal expense, were an - nounced yesterday by Plant Su- perintendent Walter Roth. The .building, to be erected on E.Washington between the Health Service and the University laun- dry, is expected to relieve some of the demand on classroom space by the University's unprecedented enrollment. University officials expect the building to be completed for the fall term. The contractors plan to start work on the foundation this week. One-story Warehouse Construction of a one-story warehouse on Glen Drive, near the University's coal sidings, is planned as part of the same pro- ject. The warehouse will be 218 feet in length and 52 feet wide. The cost of grading and other preparation of the sites will be the only expense of the project to the University. The classroom building will accommodate 900 students and is intended for use only until suf- ficient permanent facilities are available. Floor space will total 13,000 square feet. Salvage Lumber Salvage lumber, obtained from wartime projects in Illinois, will be used for the interior of the classroom building. Both this building and the warehouse will have heavy timber framework and asbestos board exteriors. The roof trusses will be shipped already as- sembled. Construction will be in the hands of the Federal Public Works Administration. The project is part of a program, planned by the federal education department, to provide assistance to educational institutions faced with serious ov- ercrowding of facilities. Young Mene Get; Waiter All Tied Up By deciding that two ties in two days are too many, two young Ann Arbor men have at last solved the mystery of their vanishing ward- robe. The men, Ray Greuzke and Lewis Horvath, have for two weeks been seeking an explanation for the gradual disappearance of most of the clothing from their room at 353 S. Main. Thursday night they visited a downtown restaurant, and had a good laugh about how much a tie dangling from the neck of one of the waiters resembled one of their own. They returned to the same res- taurant the next night, however, and did not laugh when they saw the same waiter sporting another very familiar cravat. Instead, they became suspicious and phoned police. Upon arrival of detectives, it was discovered that the waiter, Stanley Ashcraft, was also a roomer at 353 S. Main. He soon confessed to] stealing the clothing, waived ex- amination, and was bound over to Circuit Court for trial. UN Hears Alemnan NEW YORK, May 3-{P'-Pres- ident Aleman of Mexico declared today before the United Nations Assembly that "one of the sacred obligations of the United Nations is to check the steeds of war." SQUAWKER-Police Chief Casper Enkemann, (left) and Capt. Barney Gainsley show Mrs. Becky Matson how the loud-speaker equipped safety vehicle will be used to warn motorists of traffic viola- tions. The "squawker" will be presented to the city by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. May Festival SQUAWKER TO STAY: Will Feature Local Police F Famed Artists Safety Car Wit Erect Large Crowd That loud-speaker equipped safety car which has been barking4 To Attend Concerts reprimands at traffic violators thisf week will soon be a permanent Nine artists, the Philadelphia member of the local police force. Symphony Orchestra, the Univer- The "squawker" as police call sity Choral Union and the Festi- the safety vehicle, is manned by a val Youth Chorus will perform member of the Junior Chamber ofz for capacity crowds during the Commerce and a police officer. Fifty-Fourth Annual May Festival The demonstration model will be to be held Thursday through Sun- replaced by a permanent vehicle day in Hill Auditorium.rear ey bys sumer .n t h icl Both season and individual tick- early this summer. The local ets for the six-concert series havel been sold out, Dr. Charles Sink, .''Com m ittee president of the University Musi- . A II11kL~ cal Society, announced. The Philadelphia Symphony Or- . ne chestra, which will play for all concerts, will join with Helen'Clo Traubel, soprano, in presenting an C ot ing1rve c all-Wagner program for the first concert at 8:30 p.m. Thursday. The University Famine Com- The University Choral Union, mittee's drive for clothing and conducted by Thor Johnson, will sosfrcide ntewr present Beethoven s M~issa Sol- shoes for children in the war1- pes''tBethove's yRegina Res- stricken countries of Europe will emnis" with solos byReiaes begin tomorrow. nick, Anna Kaskas, Frederick Jag-bm el and John Gurney, Metropoli- The campaign is part of a na- tan Opera artists, at the second tional crusade sponsored by the concert at 8:30 p.m. Friday. Save the Children Federation, Isaac Stern, violinist, the Youth which distributes clothing for the Chorus, directed by Marguerite relief of child war victims in, Hood and the orchestra, conduct- France. Holland, Belgium, Finland ed by Alexander Hilsberg will per- I and Sweden. As part of its pro- form at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. gram, the Federation has found Creston's Symphony No. 2 will American sponsors for approxi- be played by Eugene Ormandy mately 1,000 schools in Europe. and the orchestra, and operatic According to Ada Davis and; arias will be presented by Ezio Madeleine Calingaert, co-chajr- Pinza during the fourth concert men of the drive, Federation re-' -at 8:30 p.m. Saturday. ports show that a large per cent ofI Robert Casadesus, pianist, will European school children have play the Beethoven "Emperor" been unable to attend classes dur- concerto at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. The ing bad weather because they lack University Choral Union and Fer- sufficient shoes and clothing. ruccio Tagliavini, tenor, will pre- Emphasizing that only service- sent the final concert at 8:30 p.m. Emphing holy ervice- Sunday. able clothing should be donated, the sponsors of the drive said that .r all kinds of garments can be used. V-6U i o e il F The Federation maintains a work- F' room in New York City which i-- pairs the clothing to be shipped overseas. A Naval Reserve traveling re- The Federation has advised the cruiting unit will be in Ann Arbor co-chairmen of the drive here to answer veterans' questions on that wearable clothing of all types, the new V-6 Inactive Duty Naval in children's and adults' sizes, Reserve program from 9 a.m. to blankets, sheets and other bedding 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. can be used, and that shoes con- The unit, consisting of a com- stitute one of the greatest needs missioned officer and four enlisted overseas. men, is touring Michigan to enroll Dormitory residents may leave veterans of all branches of the their donations at residence hall armed forces, including ex-Waves, desks. Collection booths will be in the V-6 program, in which the set up in Lane Hall, the League and veteran remains a civilian but the Union Friday and Saturday keeps the rating he achieved and for the convenience of students not adds to his period of service. living in dormitories. orce Will Get t Loudspeaker Jacee chapter plans to purchase a squawker and present it to police for accident prevention work. The squawker has caused a lot of red faces around town in its first week of operation. Several minions of the law were even caught in traffic violations dur- ing the vehicle's first tour of duty. The squawker blared forth a rep- rimand at a shiny black auto mak- ing a turn without signaling, later discovering that the auto was driven by city police detec- tives. The Jadee-sponsored traffic safety project is part of a program started last fall. At that time two cars piloted by Jacee members cruised around town demonstrat- ing the right and the wrong ways to drive. The program attracted considerable attention and police have used photographs depicting the right and wrong ways to drive in giving driver's tests. The traffic safety vehicle will be purchased from proceeds of "The Late George Apley," Civic Theatre play to be sponsored by Jacees May 12 to 17. The vehicle will be used to prevent accidents before they happen, according to Jacees. It will be equipped with a permanent public address system and a two- way radio. In addition to traffic safety duties, the squawker may be used to control crowds, or may be pressed into service as a squad car by police. Senior Booklet Sale Continues Senior booklets and graduation announcements will continue to be sold tomorrow and Tuesday at University Hall and the Engineer- ing Arch from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and at the Business Administration building from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students are reminded by Doris Krueger, chairman of the Com- mencement Committee, that they must pay for booklets and an- nouncements at the time the or- der is placed. Delivery will be made the week before final exam- inations. The booklet contains names of graduates of the various schools and colleges, class officers, the program for senior week and pho- tographs of campus scenes. New 'U' Facilities Still Inadequate, Officials Declare Teri Willow Tem porary Measure; See No Change is Out-of-State Polcy Facing an estimated 20,500 fall enrollment, top administration officials said yesterday that completion of the present construction program would give the University a physical plant ordinarily ade- quate for only 12,500 students. President Alexander G. Ruthven Provost James P. Adams and Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss told a press conference yesterday that they expected the University's peak enrollment during the 1947-48 school year. They said that indi-c * ; * cations pointed to 18,000 as the E nr ln of normal enrollment figure following nroum en the post-war education adjust- ment period. 20L) f0 Se Predicting a substantial increase in the number of State residents seeking education beyond a sec- F a Term ondary level, the administrators said it would be necessary for the FrOfeSIi11 5 Se 00 University to "carry a temporary overload" to assume its share of Turn Down 3,285 responsibility for state 'education. They said, however, that the con- A student body of 20,500 for the tinuing need should be met in 1947 fall semester seems a cer- part by the development of other tainty as proved both by the offi- colleges. cial Administration estimate and Provost Adams emphasized a Daily survey of the 14 schools that there must be a "pattern of and colleges on campus. support for highe'r education in Figures given by heads of the the State corresponding to that colleges totaled about 150 less than in surrounding states" if the the official estimate. The medical, Universityis to hold its position dental and law schools alone are in the national education pic- turning down at least 3,285 would- ture. "The value of education be University students. cannot be measured in terms of With the total increase in en- rollment over the current semes- one or two million dollars," he ter representing little more than 1,200, all schools reported that Vice-President Niehuss pointed once again they would be filled out that the University has asked to capacity and more. the State for an appropriation Out-of-State Students equivalent to $373 per student, According to Dean Hayward whereas the University of Illi- Keniston, of the literary college, nois is expected to obtain a state veteran enrollment has reached appropriation amounting to more its peak and will begin its decline than $750 per student. with the fall semester. He re- Until the start of the present ported that the literary college construction program, no funds for had no backlog on freshman ap- educational buildings here had plications and would be able to been provided by the State for 18 admit all qualified Michigan stu- years. Although the pharmacol- dents. In line with the policy of ogy, romance languages and eco- all but the medical and dental nomics buildings and University schools, the literary college is ad- Hall have all been labeled "fire mitting out-of-state students "on hazards" by State inspectors, the a highly selective basis." administration officials said, it will The greatest pressure for admit- be necessary to continue using tance was found in the profession- them even after competion of the al schools. To date, dental school present building program. has 1,400 applications for a fresh- presnt uiling rogam.man class of 90; medical school Additional residence halls 1,200 applications for a class of must be constructed within the 125; and law school 1,400 applica- next five years if the University tions for a class of 500. is to maintain "satisfactory The dental school is not accept- standards of residential life on ing any out-of-state students fo the campus," the officials said. next fall and medical school will Vice-President Niehuss said, take one-third of its class, o however, that the administration about 42 nonresident students. has no desire to increase substan- Grad School tially the proportion of students Graduate school reported the living in University accommoda- largest single expected increase tions. About one-fourth of the stu- It has admitted 1,000 new stu- dent body is housed in University dents so far and expects to have dormitories and apartments at an over-capacity enrollment o dresent. ntedp outethat 3,600 next year compared to 3,30( Theofc. l pitdo that this semester. Dean Peter Okkel- theStatehalspnermadetanyberg said that it has not been ne- the State has never made any cessary to restrict nonresident en- contribution whatsoever to the rl m n o et*e r construction of residence halls rollment for next "year. here.Alru sidecehllsd haves Forestry school reported that i here. All residence lls have, had received 200 applications fo been built on at self-liquidating" an entering class of 15. All othe or gift" basis. It is expected that schools reported that they expect- future University accommodations ed to be able to handle all quali- - for students will be built on the fied Michigan residents. same basis. Veteran Enrollment Describing Willow Run hous- Of the schools that were able t ing as "definitely a temporary estimate their veteran enrollment measure," they expressed hope most expected little change fron that building in the city would the proportion of the current se help ease the housing strain. mester. Education school expectf No change in University policy almost 100 percent veteran enroll- on admission of out-of-tate stu- ment for its men; the engineer- dents is contemplated. According ing college expects 86 percent vet- to the administrators, the 6,000 erans; forestry and conservation non-resident students on campus 100 percent; Music School, 50 per- now, making up almost one-third cent; pharmacy, 66 percent; lav of the student body, represents a school, 50 percent. "satisfactory level" in out-of-state Total enrollment estimates giv f enrollmentr en by officials of- the schools ant They pointed out that the Uni- colleges were: Medical School, 475 versity was among the last of education, 360; engineering, 4,000 midwestern schools to impose literary college, 7,200; denta miwestr n so olst-of-smoe- school, 340; forestry and conser restrctions on out-of-state en- vation, 280; music, 475; pharmacy rollment. 200; law, 1,150; architecture, 625 Declaring that no qualified stu- graduate school, 3,600; busines dents from the state have been re- administration, 1,100; p u b 1i fused admission to undergradu- health, 200. No estimate wa ate schools here, the officials said available for the nursing school there was no discernible trend to- ward a greater graduate enroll-y- ment in proportion to undergradu- ate enrollment. Approximately 3,000 students are enrolled in the R of S t graduate school. j WLUIII f 31101" Ann Arbor Police yesterday is. Five Departments sued a plea for the return o - .one of their quietest but most im To Hold Meetings portant officers--a life-sized meta Zeilfii wThu iix±' hn tu ne l,' t 1 r; 1 r e e. f 0 t WAR TOOL USED IN MEDICAL SCIENCE: Atomic Fission Leads Way for Cancer Cure K'> By ANNETTE RICH Daily Special Writer Gains made in medical research by experiments in atomic fission have already saved more lives than were lost at Hiroshima and Nag- asaki .epnrdling to Dr. Walter M. studying the metabolism of cancer cells and provide new therapeutic weapons for the control of the dis- ease, he said. To Counter Destruction The discovery of the causes and eure of cancer may counter man's "Much of the cancer research of the past has been done on a part- time avocation basis by harried professors, with heavy administra- tive and teaching duties, and by their short-term graduate students striving for a year or two or three Japanese experts first produced cancer experimentally in animals 30 years ago by repeatedly rub-, bing tar onto the ears of rabbits, he said. Declaring that "medical sci- ence knows no international boun- for certain is that if the caloric intake in susceptible mice is cut down so that the weight of the mouse is five per cent below nor- mal, the mice will not develop can- cer even when painted or injected with cancer-producing chemica i I I sentinel wno guaras the scree