REGULATE VIVISECTION See Page 4 L wFA6 Dull;; CLOUDY, LiGHT RAIN Latest Deadline in the State VOL. VLII, No. 148 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1947 PRICE FYVE CENTS Bell .Co. Kills Union's $11 Wage Boost Strikers' Offer Called 'Fantastic' By The Associated Press DETROIT, May 2-The Michi- gan Bell Telephone Co. today re- jected an offer of 6,000 striking plant employes to end a 26-day walkout on the basis of an overall wage increase of $11 per week. Vice President Herbert F. Lange of Michigan Bell, termed "obvi- ously fantastic" the union's re- sponse to a company offer of $2 to $4 weekly increases. Bring Pay Rates in Line The proposals advanced by the executive board of Local 43, Fed- eration of Telephone Employes of Michigan (Ind.), called for a $6 per week across the board wage boost plus a $5 weekly upward adjust- ment which the union said was needed to bring pay rates of its! members in line with other em- ployes within and without Michi- gan Bell. The original union demand when the strike began April 7 called for a $12 weekly boost plus the $5 adjustment. Plan Kept Quiet An estimated 12,000 operators and clerical workers, affiliated with Local 44 of the union, did not make public their counter- proposal to the company $2-$4 of- fer which they rejected soon after it was made Wednesday. Besides the wage increase, the plant employes asked a reduction of Michigan Bell wage areas in the BULLETIN CHICAGO, May 2-(,P)-Set- tlement of the Illinois Bell Tele- phone strike on the basis of a $4 weekly general wage increase was announced tonight by fed- eral and state labor coneilia- tors. state from 11 to five, with a maxi- mum difference of $8 weekly ill wage rates for similar jobs. Reduce Seniority 'Time Included in the demands also was a proposal to reduce from eight to six years the length of time required for an employe to work his way up to the maximum salary bracket. Lange said the wage proposals alone amounted to 27% cents an hour in the Detroit area and as high as 47% cents outstate. The Union Executive termed the $5 wage adjustment "a must" in addition to the across the board wage boost. It said plant employes receive less than other employes in the Bell System in Michigan and $5 less than plant workers in New York. Express Hope For Settlement WASHINGTON, May 2--W)- Federal conciliators, pinning their hopes on a compromise wage formula, said today they are "be- ginning to see the light of day" in efforts to break a deadlock in the 26-day-old telephone strike. Announcement of the wage hike proposal was made late today by Peter J. Manno and William N. Margolis, federal conciliators who had kept company and union rep- resentatives in almost unbroken sessions since 11 a.m. Rejected Proposal Manno said the American Union of Telephone Workers represent- ing 20,000 long lines workers, re- jected the proposal and "stands by its demand for a flat $6 increase across the board." Conciliators decided to try again, calling company and union officials back into session at 9 o'.clock tonight. "We feel some progress has been made," Manno told reporters. Key Segment The long lines division is a key segment of the striking National Federation of Telephone Workers. Government conciliators believe that an agreement in this phase of the dispute could provide.a pat- tern for bringing the cross-coun- try walk-out, now in its 26th day, to a speedy end. Vet Bonus Head To Use Inmates ' ( j E _ ',Y t °rC35t ; ;V ' . . FRESH AIR CAMP GAINS AS MUSIC LOSES-Benefit performan ce of the Spike Jones "Musical Depreciation Review" resulted in a substantial contribution by Panhellenic Association toward the buil ding of a beach house (shown above) for the Fresh Air Camp. The projected beach house will provide facilities for underprivileged boy s who attend the camp each summer. It will also be open to students next winter for dances and sports, and plans are being made to inelude ski and toboggan slides and other sports equipment at the Camp. -