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May 02, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-02

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City Editor's- X
BACK IN MY high school days. a fellow
student once got up on a platform and
delivered an address entitled. "Are We
Afraid of Freedom?"
The point of his speech was that the great
men of history, beginning with Jesus of
Nazareth, have been those who dared to ful-
fil a fundamental obligation of the individu-
al man-to speak the truth.
My fellow student was a brilliant orator,
and he had something to say; I remember
both. I wonder how many great men there
are among us now, how many who are not
afraid of freedom. It is especially pertin-
ent to wonder these days, when legislators
who have all the prerogatives but none of
the dignities of statesmen are persecuting
a minority group of our fellow citizens in
the name of "Americanism." In Washington,
in Lansing and in other capitals across the
nation the tirade of suppression goes on.
And the reason is lamentable and the blame
is ours because we have elected little guys
to big jobs, and this littleness in bigness
has tremendous repercussions for all of us.
We should expect this sort of thing to
happen now and then, that men of limited
background and narrow outlook will some-
how sit in the deliberative chambers of our
nation and our states. The elective pro-
cess is not a simple thing; it is beset with
confusion and with indecision; it is too of-
ten the victim of chicanery and blind
But be that as it may, we should also
expect the warm light of knowledge to
emanate from our great centers of learn-
ing whenever the little guys allow their
own limitations to lead them astray.
But this is not the case. Freedom is a
fearful thing even in the world of learn-
ing. We find this fear creeping over the
Intellectuals, and they are in retreat, cov-
ering themselves with a rear-guard action of
academic rationalizations,
The day that Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action was banned from this campus,
President Ruthven told me, "I'm not afraid
of Communists." No one would expect the
Intellectuals to be afraid of Communists;
they aredtoointelligent to be duped by pre-
judice and hysteria. But the little guys,
despite their littleness, are powerful, and
the retreat is on.
THE RETREAT isn't difficult to ration-
alize. We shall sacrifice 30 or 40 mem-
bers of an organization, retire into a kind of
Shangri La until the storm blows over. That
was what happened to Czechoslavakia in
the Thirties. It was easy, so tragically easy,
to give the country away to Hiter. Bht
then and there the principle was lost, and
Munich turned out to be no Shangri La.
By betraying Czechoslovakia, Britain
and France bought only time, but the time
ran out. How long will it be before the
little guys demand more sacrifices? And
what becomes of the prestige of the In-
tellectuals when they judge freedom to be
only a relative thing?
The late Wendell Willkie once said that
"America would not be the land of the free
if it were not also the home of the brave."
The little guys oon't inderstand freedom.
But as for the rest of us-"Are We Afraid of





Letters to the Editor...


(Continued from Page 3)

rine architects and accountants.
Any juniors in the above fields who
are interested in summer work
with this company with permanent
employment after graduation in
mind will also be interviewed.
Attention Senior Men: The Con-
necticut General Life Insurance
Company will have representatives
at our office on Wed., May 7, to
interview men interested in a sal-
aried training program covering
all phases of the insurance busi-
ness-administrative, technical and
For appointments with these
companies, call at the Bureau or
phone ext. 371.
University Lecture: Mr. John I.
H. Baur, Curator of Paintings
and Sculpture at the Brook-
lyn Museum, Brooklyn. New York,
will lecture on the subject, "The
Emergence of American Impres-
sionism" (illus.), at 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
May 2, Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts. The public is cordially
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examinations f o r
Richard Hyde Manville, Zoology;
thesis: "The Vertebrate Fauna
of the Huron Mountains," Mar-
quette county, Michigan, 1:00 p.m.,
Fri., May 2, Rm. 3091, Natral Sci-
ence. Chairman, W. H. Burt.
Doctoral Examination for Ogden
Linne Tweto, Geology; thesis:
"Pre-Cambrian and Laramide Ge-
ology of the Vasquez Mountains,
Colorado," Sat., May 3, 9 a.m.,
Rm. 4065, Natural Science Bldg.,
Chairman, T. S. Lovering.
Algebra Seminar: 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
May 2, Rm. 3201, Angell Hall. Prof.
M. O. Reade will speak on Normed
School of Education Testing
Program: Students who partici-
pated in the School of Education
testing program may receive the
report of their scores in the School
of Education Office, Rm. 1439,
University Elementary School.
Students are encouraged to dis-
cuss their scores with C1 and Al
instructors. Please call for your
reports Friday, Monday or Tues-
day afternoon.
Honors in the Liberal Arts:
Those intending to take this course
next year should sign up now eith-
er with Assistant Dean Peake,
1220 A. H., or with Prof. Dodge,
17 A. H.
Concentration Advisement Se-
ries, Speech: The first in limited
series of concentration advisement
meetings will be presented by the
Department of Speech, Fri., May
2, Rm. 3017 Angell Hall, at 5 p.m.
The meeting will be conducted by
Professor G. E. Densmore, Pro-
fessor Harlan Bloomer, Professor
W. P. Halstead, Mr. H. K. Carruth
and Mr. L. L. Oakey. The general
requirements and all the various
phases of work in speech will be
discussed. All freshmen or sopho-
mores considering speech as a pos-
sible field of concentration are
urged to attend.
Madrigal Singers under the di-
rection of Wayne Dunlap, will be
heard in a program at 8:30 p.m.,
Sun., May 4, Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, with ten students par-
ticipating. William Stubbins, Rus-
sell Howland and Nelson Hauen-
stein will act as re orders. The
concert will be open to the gen-

eral public.
Student Recital: Arlene Lucille
Sollenberger, Contralto, and pupil
of Arthur Hackett will present a
recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 p.m., Mon.,
May 5, Rackham Assembly Hall.
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Barbara Lee
Smith. Mezzo-soprano, will pre-
sent a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music at
4:15 p.m., Sun. May 4, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. The gen-
eral public is invited.
The Museum of Art: Drawings,
prints and small sculpture by Aris-
tide Maillol; drawings by Maurice
Sterne; and paintings by Pedro
Figari. Alumni Memorial Hall
daily, except Mondays, 10-12 and
2-5; Sundays, 2-5; Wednesday
evenings 7-9. The public is
cordially invited.

The Museum of Archaeology:
Current Exhibit: "Life in a Roman
Town, in Egypt, 30 B.C. - 400
A.D." Tues. through Fri., 9-12,
2-5; Sat., 9-12; Sun., 3-5.
Events Today
University Radio Program:
2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. Tales from Poe-"Hop Frog."
2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. Landscape Design Series-
"The Outdoor Living Room," G.
G. Ross, Associate Professor of
Landscape Architecture.
5:45 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc. Dorothy Ornest, soprano.
Regular Army Commissions for
'47 Graduates Holding Commis-
sions during War: The Army's new
program to offer regular com-
missions to former officers who
will receive degrees by July 15,1
1947, will be explained by a War
Department representative at
4:15 p.m., Natural Science Audi-
Songs' Chairmen for Lantern
Night from all dormitories, sorori-
ties and league houses that wish
participation in the Lantern Night
sing are urged to attend a special
meeting at 5:20 p.m.,in the W.A.B.
Houses will draw for the order of
performance. Contact Patt New-
berg, phone 2-4471, if you or a sub-
stitute cannot attend meeting.
Geology and Mineralogy Journal
Club: 12 noon, Rm. 3055, Natural
Science Bldg. Mr. Ira Cram of the
Pure Oil Company of Chicago will
speak on "The Geologist's Oppor-
tunities in the Petroleum Indus-

Student Religious
Coffee Hour: 4:30-6
Hall library.

p.m., Lane

1 MY V I I Y1 pY i111


German Coffee Hour: 3-5 p.m.,
League Coke Bar.
The Congregational - Disciples
Guild: All those planning to at-
tend the Oslo party should meet
at the Congregational Church. The
"Voyage" begins at 8:30 p.m.
The Art Cinema League presents
color process, English titles,
Russianrdialogue. Also short
on animal behaviorism, "Life at
the Zoo," Fri., Sat., 8:30 p.m.
Box office opens 2 pm. daily.
Reservations phone 6300, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club: Hike,
2:30 p.m., Sun., May 4. Meet at
Northwest entrance, Rackham
Bldg. Supper outdoors if weather
permits. Sign up before noon on
Saturday at check desk in Rack-
ham Bldg.
The Annual French Play: Le
Cercle Francais will present "Le
Malade Imaginaire," a comedy-
ballet in three acts by Moliere, at
8:30 p.m., Tues., May 6, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets on
sale at the box office after 2 p.m.,
May 3, 5 and 6, tel. 6300. Free ad-
mission to members of the club
(except tax) upon presentation of
their membership cards.
The U. of M. Sailing Club will be
hosts to Denison University, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, Youngstown
College, and Michigan State Col-
lege in the first annual U. of M.
Invitational Racing Regatta. Races
will be held on Saturday and Sun-
day, May 3 and 4, on Whitmore
Lake at 1 p.m., Sat., and 9 a.m.,
Sun., from the club's dock at the
roller rink. Transportation to the
lake will be provided for members
and their guests at cost from the
side door of the Union at 9:30 Sat.,
and 8:30 Sun.
Phi Sigma: Business meeting,
7:30 p.m. Open to public, 8 p.m.,
Mon., May 5, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Mary Jane Williams, of
the Michigan Department of Con-
servation, Educational Division,
will speak on "Fun and Profit in
the Out-of-doors"-a color movie-
lecture in three parts: "Porcupine
Mountains," "Canoe Trails," and
"Where to Now?" All interested are
cordially invited.
Student Religious Association
Luncheon Discussion group: 12:15
p.m., Sat., Lane Hall. The Invisible
Bridge, a sound film on world-
wide rebuilding will be presented.
Bill Bergen will lead the discus-
sion. Reservations for luncheon
should be made at Lane Hall by 10
a.m. on Saturday.
The Student League for Indus-
trial Democracy presents Aaron
Levenstein, n o to d economist,
speaking on "Labor Looks to the

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVEY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters o more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial direcor.
Hollywood 'Pattern'
To the Editor:
bewildered by the picketing in
protest to the film "Song of the
South" at the local theatre. They
cannot see why anyone would
want to picket this harmless, hum-
orous picture based on Joel
Chandler Harris' charming Uncle
Remus stories.-
"Song of the South" is picketed
because, in spite of Chandler-Dis-
ney art, it is just another exam-
ple of the Hollywood stereotype of
the Negro as a happy-go-lucky
cuss bo'n to work for, and to
amusebwhite people. If Holly-
wood presented other types of
Negro characters, Uncle Remus
would be less objectionable; but
Hollywood has only one pattern
for the Negro.
This pattern extends far be-
yond Ann Arbor and the local
theatre. It humiliated Negro sol-
diers thousands of miles from
America. These men saw foreign
peoples laughing at movies which
presented the Negro as an am-
bitionless, cowardly, brainless
member of a sub-race. Some sol-
diers in my organization (I am a
Negro) would not go to movies in
Japan for fear that they would be
embarrassed before the late "en-
emy" by the Hollywood conception
of the Negro. Documentary films
showing the bravery and glory of
white soldiers were released by
the dozens-but in most of them
Negroes searched in vain for a
brown face.
Those persons carrying the
signson State Street are looking
farther than the local theatre.
A more pertinent objection to
the film is its glorifying of slav-
ery. For Mr. Joel Chandler Har-
ris, slavery was a charming source
of material for humor sories; for
Mr. Walt Disney it is merely a
source of income. This light
treatment of a serious subject has
given Americans a rationalization
for their racial policies for a long
Ex-slaves I have known used
to talk quite a bit about slavery.
They did not talk of happy, fro-
licking field hands on parade;
they talked of blood and whips-
of hunger and wretchedness-of
plans to escape, or revolt. They
did not see in slavery any of the
amusing qualities that inspired
writer Harris.
I have been told that this par-
ticular protest by picketing is silly
and ineffective. Perhaps that is
so. It is good that the oppressed
peoples of this earth are willing
to risk being silly. I agree that
the action is ineffective, if ef-
fectiveness is measured by the
number of dollars the manage-
ment of the local theatre will lose.
I think, however, that effective-
ness in such cases is measured best
by the number of hours the pick-
eters march for what they think
is a cause.
-James N. Rhea
Distorted Role
To the Editor:
THE Executive Committee of the
Inter-Racial Association pro-
tests pictures like "Song of the
South" because of their tendency
to confuse and distort the role
played by Negroes in American
history and American life. The
film has a fascinating appeal for'
younger children whose minds are
in the formative stage, and who
are extremely susceptible to belief
in the myth of Negro inferiority

and docility which is extensively
portrayed throughout.
For example, why was the Negro
boy continually presented as be-
ing backward, timid and supersti-
tious in direct contrast to the
white kid? Why were the Negro
workers on the plantation always
represented as a happy, contented,
docile, singing group, with appar-
ently no other ambition than to
serve the white master? Why,
though the setting was pre-Civil
War, did the animated characters
Future," 3 p.m., Sun., May 4, Mich-
igan Union.
A Russian film, "Professor
Manlock," with English sub-titles,
8 p.m., Sun., May 4, Kellogg Audi-
torium. Sponsored by B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation for the benefit of
Allied Jewish Appeal. Tickets now
on sale at Hillel, and at door be-
fore performance.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
"Corned Beef Corner," Saturday,
10:45 to 12 midnight.

repeatedly use broken English,
slang and dialogue commonly
thought typical of the 20th cen-
tury Negro? Can it be explained
why at the end of the picture the
colored lad was shown turning
cart-wheels and acting in general
like something from another
world, while the white children
were jovially skipping along in an
upright position?
Please do not misunderstand us.
We are not saying these things
did not happen. We are the first
to admit that Uncle Remus is a
legend in American history and
existed then as surely as you and
we exist today. However, the con-
tinual production of films like
"Song of the South" serves to
feed the already too many pre-
judiced and unthinking minds
with propaganda which tends only
to ingrain these prejudices and
preconceived ideas of Negro in-
feriority. Not all Negroes use
broken language, are unintelli-
gent, backward, or superstitious.
If this other side of the black
man's personality is not portrayed.
we are afraid that many of us will
never know it exists.
If Hollywood producers can lean
over backward to keep from pro-
ducing movies which show Negroes
in more progressive roles to pre-
vent offense to southern whites,
certainly they can expend one-
fourth as much effort towards the
non-perpetuation of a myth which
is insidious, rotten, unjustified,
and false.
-Carroll Little
For IRA Executive Committee
'Childish Gesturcs'
To the Editor:
IN FRONT OF the State Theatre
Sunday evening, I saw a group
of students picketing the movie
"Song of the South" because it
portrayed inaccurately the life of
the slaves before the Civil War.
I don't know who these people
were or who they represented.
Whoever these people were, what-
ever so-called "liberal" group they
represented, their action was a sacd
commentary on the state of lib-
eralism on this campus.
The picture did not try to por-
tray the lives of the slaves as they
were. It was released simply for
the entertainment value it con-
tained. Anyone, with average in-
telligence, who saw the picture
would realize this.
The picketing of the theater
ranks in my mind as sheer exhibi-
tionism on the part of the pickets.
If the people who picketed "Song
of the South" actually object to
the content of the picture, the
place for their protest is the John-
son Office in Hollywood, not on
the campus of the University of
Their action disgusts me. They
are undoubtedly supposed to be a
liberal group, representing the
ideals of equality, etc., but when
their ideals are expressed in such
a ridiculous, meaningless man-
ner, they are bringing ridicule not
only upon themselves, but upon
the very ideals which they are
misguidedly trying to defend and
I like to think that I am a lib-
eral. But if organized liberalism
on this campus takes the form
of childish, useless, silly gestures,
then I prefer to remain indepen-
Apparently, nothing can pre-
vent these people from making
foqls of themselves. I deny to no
man his constitutional right to
make a fool of himself, but why
should he be allowed to drag a
worthy ideal down with him?
-Al Blumrosen











At The Michigan . .
LADIES' MAN (Paramount), Eddie Bracken,
Spnke Jones, Cass Daley
THISIS ONE of those comedies about a
guy who gets rich quick, goes to New
York from Oklahoma, and follows the well
trodden path of screw-ball comedy. There
are parts that are still good for laughs and,
of course, spots that are not. If you like
the Spike Jones-Cass Daley type of number
you'll be well rewarded for attending. If
you don't you'll suffer. There's nothing un-
usual here, but Eddie Bracken's always
good for laughs.
At The State . .
Holdover of SONG OF THE SOUTH by Dis-
-Joan Fiske
"WANTED: Ambitious young democrat,
slightly left of center, resident Eastern U.S.,
effective social presence, proved political
success. Protestant. World War II record
highly desirable but not imperative. For
pleasant, remunerative ($20,000-a-year) po-
sition, easy hours, opportunity for advance-
ment, apply Democratic National Commit-
tee, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C."
-A ficticious classified ad appearing in
a commentary on the vice presidency
in Time magazine.



Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited end managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editoral Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey............City Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz........... Associate Editor
ClydeRecht..........Associate Editor
Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
TN1inru Hlmickr ...Adetising Man~ager




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