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May 02, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-02

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Latest Deawidine ine the State



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'U' Will Increase
Pay of Workers in
'rowel Trades'
Follows ead Se by Oiher State
Projects in WashItetiaw Couinty
With work on the University's multi-million dollar building proj-
ects retarded yesterday by the walkout of approximately 100 "trowel
trades" workers, Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss said last night that
the University will meet the local union's demand for a 25 cents an
hour wage increase.
"The University will follow the lead set by other state building
projects in Washtenaw county," he declared, "and will pay the pre-

r -. I .._.__._ _.._._----

vailing area rates pending a defi
These prevailing wage rates h
Phone Strike
Are Continued
Union Leaders Await
Company Wage Offer
WASHINGTON, May 1- (P) -
The Labor Department struggled
tonight to find a settlement for-
mula for the 25-day old telephone
strike as negotiations dragged on
into the late hours of the night.
Leaders of the American Union
of Telephone Workers waited for
what they hoped would be a wage
offer from the American Telephone
and Telegraph Company.
Company representatives were
Labor Departments officials
were saying absolutely nothing.
Henry Mayer, attorney for the
union, told reporters "not a dime
Tess than $6 a week will be accept-
able." The unions originally de-
manded a $12 a week raise but
aftewards cut their demand in
The Long Lines dispute is an
important phase of the strike of
More than 300,000 workers in tele-
phone unions throughout the
Meantime, in New York another
group of New York Telephone
Company employees voted to stay]
off the job despite an agreement
accepted by their leaders for a $4 a
week wage increase. The largest
of four unions involved already has
voted against working. There were
conflicting statements as to how
many of 37,000 workers had re-
turned to the job.
Urges Practice
Of Democracy
Too much is written today about
democracy with too little democ-
racy in practice, Dean Christian
Gauss, of Princeton University, as-
serted yesterday in the keynote
address of the national conference
of the Association of Deans and
Advisors of Men.
Pointing out that we are living
in the most revolutionary period in
the history of Western civilization,
Dean Gauss said "our mistake lies
in thinking that in victory in two
world wars we have solved all our
problems, and that in more educa-
tion in Americanism, we can make
our young people citizens of a dem-
ocratic society."
"The duty of a scholar is to dis-
cover the truth and to publish it,"
Dean Gauss said. "The only real
way to publish the truth is to live
it, but in this era of over-empha-
sis on mere intellectual achieve-
ment, we are neglecting the prac-
tice of the truths of democratic
Instilling in youth "a concept of
a democratic community on a
world-wide basis" is the primary
responsibility of education in a
democracy, he said.
Personnel Talk'
Will Be Given

"The Relationship of Education
Personnel Work to Industrial Per-
sonnel Work" will be the subject of
an address by Dr. Otis C. Mc-

nite declaration of policy by state
ad been set earlier yesterday with a
swage concession to the members of
the Bricklayers, Masons and Plas-
terers union (AFL Local 14) work-
ing on the Veterans' Readjustment'
Center, the Ypsilanti State Nor-
mal classroom building, and the
Ypsilanti State Hospital, all state
In Lansing, the building com-
mittee of the State Administrative
Board authorized contractors to
pay the "agreed upon" wages-
whether higher or not-through-
out today, pending a determina-
tion of policy. Gov. Kim Sigler,
members of the Administrative
Board and of the legislative ap-
propriating committees scheduled
a conference for today.
It was reported by the Associ-
ated Press that the Governor had
advised the committee to close
down the projects for financial
reasons, and Rep. John P. Espie,
chairman of the Ways and Means
committee, told the group the pay
raise issue might be the final ar-
gument needed by opponents of the
building program to force its com-
plete cessation.
The 25 cent wage hike had been
granted to the local union Wed-
nesday by action of a bargaining
committee of the Ann Arbor Gen-
eral Contractors Association, but
the University's contractors, the
Bryant & Detwiler company and
the George A. Fuller company,
were not bound by this decision
because neither is affiliated with
the local group.
Therefore, according to Louis
Hackbarth, head of the Washte-
naw County Building Trades Un-
ion, when the workers appeared
yesterday morning at the proj-
ects they were told to go home
until a clarification of the wage is-
sue had been made between the
contractors, the University and the
State government.
However, University officials
claimed yesterday that a majority
of the trowel workers did not show
up for work, presumably having
been notified in advance that the
University was undecided as to
compliance with the demands of
the local union.
The University'ithen asked the
State Administrative Board to act
speedily on the wage question, and
the Board members of the Legisla-
ture convened to review the issue
and similar difficulties arising
elsewhere in the state.
Tag Day Totals
Wednesdays Tag Day sales for
the benefit of the University Fresh
Air Camp netted $3,016.06 and do-
nations are still coming in from
Ann Arbor tradespeople, Phillis
Petit, Assembly Projects chairman,
announced yesterday.

Vets' Checks
On The Way
By The Associated Press
spokesman for the Veterans
Administration said that veter-
ans checks, after a one-day de-
lay, will start out tomorrow
and should be in the hands of
veterans all over the country
by Monday
President Truman signed to-
day a supplementary deficien-
cy bill including $1,800,000,000
for the VA, which had to with-
hold payments to a majority of
2,780,000 veterans because of a
lack of funds.
Also included in the $2,835,-
161,509 measure is $135,000,000
for the social security program
of aid to the aged, children and
Pledges Loan
To Mexicans
'Democracies Must
Be Strong'-Aleman
-The United States promised
Mexico a loan to build up its post-
war economy today even as Mexi-
can President Miguel Aleman told
a cheering joint session of Con-
gress that democracies must be
strong lest they whet "the appe-
tite of dictators."
President Truman and the vis-
iting chief executive of Mexico an-
nounced a joint statement that the
United States will approve "addi-
tional credits" to Mexico and that
the two nations "concur in the de-
sirability of signing a new agree-
ment to stabilize the rate of ex-
change between the peso and the
Government officials said Mex-
ico is virtually assured of initial
credits of at least $50,000,000 from
the U. P. Export-Import .Bank on
her application for loans of $150,-
000,000 to $175,000,000.
In addition, Mexico has applied
to the World Bank for a loan of
more than $208,000,000, but since
the bank has not yet made any
loans, no action on this request is
expected in the near future.
The agreement to stabilize the
Mexican peso, which has been
steady at approximately 20.6 Unit-
ed States cents since 1940, will be
an extension of similar agree-
ments first undertaken in 1941 and
renewed each two years.
Arab Proposal
Vetoed by UN
NEW YORK, May 1--(P)--The
Arab countries lost a uetermined'
and heated fight in the United Na-
tions Assembly tonight for a
chance to plead their case for
Palestine independence at this
special session.
The Assembly voted 24 to 15
against putting on its agenda a,
proposal by the Arab states for
consideration at this session of
their demands for termination of
the British mandate over Palestine
and for independence of the Holy
The Arab countries knew from
the start of the long wrangling to-
day that their fight was hopeless
but they argued at length through
the 4/2 hour afternoon session.

BACK TO WORK--A truckload of Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsyl-
vania maintenance employes leaves a company depot at Philadel-
phia enroute to work following settlement of their part of the tele-
phone strike. The agreement providing wage increases of three
and four dollars weekly was the first major settlement in the tele-
phone dispute.
American Student Ignorant
Of Own Educational System
The American student knows less and cares less about his educa-
tional system than any other student in the world, James Smith,
president of the continuations committee of the National Student Or-
ganizations, said last night.
Smith addressed a group of University students interested in pro-
moting the NSO, an organization born of the recent Chicago Student
Conference. Six delegates will be -chosen to represent the Michigan
student body at the NSO's constitutional convention in a campus-wide
election May 14.
NSO Function

High Prices
Cause Rtse
It' U'13udget
ask x;8,57414)OO
'To Meet Costs
Doubled student enrollment,
higher wage and salary levels, plus
increased prices for almost every-
thing foie University buys have
made it necessary to request $8,-
570,000 for current operations dur-
ing 1947-48 fiscal year, according
to an Administration statement
sent to the State Legislature yes-
The statement says the amount
requested is "based upon the most
conservative estimate of the Uni-
versity's needs, made with full
recognition of the financial diffi-
culty in which the State new finds
Substantial Reductions
"There is nothing in the request,"
the statement continues, "which
can be reduced without harm to
the interests of the University and
the State. . . . In order to keep the
totalbudget within the figure upon
which the request of $8,570,000
was based, it will be necessary to
make substantial reductions in the
amounts which the various depart-
ment heads regard as absolutely
essential to provide adequate in-
struction for the increased num-
ber of students."
The requested appropriation
represents 58 per cent of the total
estimated educational budget, the
statement says. Student fees will
provide $5,750,000 or 40 per cent of
the budget and $438,000 from mis-
cellaneous sources and federal land
grants will make up the balance.
Cost Per Student
The statement asks that in com-
paring the request with previous
budgets, the fact that the dollar
today is worth less than 65 cents
of its prewar value be taken into
Heavy increase in enrollment,
beginning in the fall of 1945, had
to be met with a State appropria-
tion of only $5,867,451 for each of
the 1945-46 and 1946-47 fiscal
years, the statement points out,
and adds that unexpectedly large
income from army and navy in-
structional contracts and an in-
crease in student fees made it pos-
sible to meet increased expenses for
the 1945-46 fiscal year without re-
questing additional funds from
the State.
Military Income
"In the current fiscal year 1946-
47, the $5,867,451 State appropria-
tion has been supplemented by the
use of the remaining $6,000,000 in
the war contracts reserve, and stu-
dents fees have again been in-
creased. But enrollments and costs
have continued to increase to such
an extent that the University-
for the second time in its history-
has been forced to request a defi-
ciency appropriation in t h e
amount of $1,250,000.
Radar Seen
CULVER CITY, Calif., May 1-
(P)-Plane builder Howard Hughes;
today personally demonstrated
what he said was the world's first
successful application of war-de-

veloped radar to commercial air-;
In a test flight for newsmen, a
miniature radar device was set to,
flash warnings when the TWA;
Constellation Hughes was pilot-1
ing, approached within 2,000 feet
of terrain obstructions. The range
of radar pulse mechanism was re-
duced to 500 feet for landings.
Hughes said it could be installed

The function of the NSO, as
stated by Smith, is to "find out on
behalf of students just what aca-
demic freedom is, and to try to im-
press college administrations, pol-
iticians and others that the con-
servation of this freedom is the
preservation of the American sys-
The organization, he said, will
be set up on the basis of five com-
missions which will operate on na-
tional, state and local college lev-
els to determine a broad overall
picture tof student interests and
needs. He emphasized that the
NSO planned to work through the
student government at each col-
Foreign Studies
Another feature of the organ-
ization Smith discussed was the
coordination it will establish with
student organizations in foreign.
coupftries, most of whom have had
such groups for a long period of
time. He said that this would fa-
cilitate more trips abroad for
American students.
Smith scored the lack of interest
in student government shown at
most American colleges. "The
campus is the place to learn and
practice the self government we
will use later on in our lives," he
said, adding, "if college people are
not able to do anything in the
community to improve society, I
don't know who can."
Arm yOfficials
Eligible Ex-Officers
To Be Commissioned
The Army's new plan to open
regular commissions to former of-
ficers who receive degrees by July
15 will be explained by War De-
partment officials at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the Natural Science Audi-
Under the program, applicants
under 28 who were commissioned
prior to July 15, 1944, will be con-
sidered for appointment to regular
status in the coast ar-tillery, cav-
alry, field artillery, infantry, en-
gineering, finance department,
ordnance, quartermaster corps,
signal corps, chemical corps and
military police.
On May 19 a screening board
will be set up in Rm. 302 of the
Union to interview candidates and
assist them in filling out applica-
tions. Students may procure fur-
ther additional information about
the program at ROTC headquar-

Nee rStrikes Hit
U.S. Industry,
320,000 Idle
By The Associated Press
A rash of new strikes in several
industries left more than 320,000
idle throughout the nation Thurs-
The new strikes involved some
50,000 workers in the steel, cement,
building, tobacco and trucking in-
AFL, CIO Talks
Meanwhile, as the Senate agreed
to vote at 2 p.m. Friday on one
move to harden its pending gen-
eral labor bill, leaders of the AFL
and CIO started talks in Wash-
ington on possible merger of the
two groups. The conferees re-
ported their first meeting pro-
duced progress toward unity in
dealing with labor problems.
The Senatealso completed Con-
gressional action on outlawing
nearly all pending and future por-
tal pay suits. The Senate adopt-
ed the House-approved compro-
mise bill on a voice vote and sent
it to the White House.
Ford Negotiations
In Detroit, the Ford Motor'Com-
pany notified the CIO United Au-
to Workers it would be ready to
open contract negotiations next
Monday. General Motors and
Chrysler already have reached
settlements with the union.
Walkouts affecting 20,000 in the
steel industry were touched off by
expiration of the April 30 con-
tract deadlines Wednesday mid-
night. At least 12 firms were in-
volved, including Inland Steel, na-
tion's seventh largest basic steel
producer, which employs 12,000.
Builders Strike
All work on housing projects
and commercial building was halt-
ed in the Detroit area when some
16,000 AFL building trades work-
ers struck.

15 Percent Raise
In New Rent Bill
ljIw Allows Boost in Return for
T wo ear Lease If Tenant Agrees
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 1-The House passed a bill tonight contin-
uing rent control but not the way President Truman wanted it done.
The bill, which now goes to the Senate, authorizes landlords to
raise rents 15 per cent in return for a two-year lease if the tenant
It exempts new houses and apartments, and any which have not
been rented in the last two years.
It abolishes priority and other powers over building materials and
construction except those which enable the government to curb the
building of amusement places.

It bars the federal government
(but not states) from enforcing
the rent controls in any city, town
or county where the local govern-
ment decrees they are not needed.
And it continues the federal
rent control only until Dec. 31,
with authority for the President
to extend this to March 31 if he
finds it necessary. Mr. Truman
had requested a full year's ex-
tension beyond June 30, when
the present act expires.
The house almost authorized a
flat 10 per cent increase of the
rent ceilings. But this proposal,
long debated and finally pposed
by both the House and Senate
banking committees, was defeated
on a rollcall vote of 119 to 135.
Then, after some further tests
of voting strength, the House
finally passed the bill 204 to 182.
The final rolicall found 141 Re-
publicans joined by 63 Demo-
crats for the bill; 110 Demo-
crats, 81 Republicans and Rep.
Marcantonio (AUP, N. Y.)
against it.
If the Senate passes a similar
measure, asnexpected, the upshot
will be that Mr. Truman must sign
a measure unpalatable to him or
veto it and request the Republi-
can-controlled Congress to pass
another one more to his liking
Such a situation could bring a rep-
etition of the squabble over the
OPA last year, when price con-
trol lapsed completely for a time.
-The House showdown came dra-
matically after the bill narrowl
escaped being swept from the flooi
and returned to the banking com-
mittee for further study. Only fast
action of the Republican leader-
ship, with several members revers-
ing their votes, saved the bill.
Five Dead, 40
Injured in PC.
Train Wreck
H UNTINGTON, Pa, May 1-(4)
-Two huge steel plates jutting
from a freight train ripped like a
giant canopener into a passing
Pennsylvania Railroad flyer early
today, killing five passengers anm
injuring 40 others.
A stream of sparks lit the dark-
ness as the steel tore into the first
coach of the 15-car New York tc
St. Louis passenger train-The
The crash at 1:47 a.m. (CDT)
jolted the steel onto another track
and derailed a third train-a
freight traveling in the opposite
direction. A railroad spokesman
said the freak three-train wreck
was "most unusual."
Dazed and bleeding passengers
were hurled along the four-track
mainline five miles west of here
as the inch-thick steel plates cut
through the side of the coach
where many were sleeping.
Hours after the crash, Coroner
Blair Shore said the death toll
probably would rise, noting that
"some of those taken to hospitals

First Post-war
Spring Parley
Will Be Held
Students To Exchange
Views in Four Panels
Spring Parley, traditional all-
campus forum, will be held in four
sessions and panels May 16 and 17
for the first time before the war.
Initiated by Americans for
Democratic Action, the parley will
offer students the opportunity to
exchange information and ideas
on current problems under the
guidance of faculty members. All
organizations on campus inter-
'sted in sponsoring the event have
been asked to send representatives
to a meeting to discuss plans for
the parley at 4 p.m. today in the
Ruthven Statement
President Alexander G. Rutven
expressed "satisfaction" in a state-
mnent yesterday at the revival of
the parley. The text of his state-
mnent follows:
"I am glad to take this oppor-
tunity of expressing my sincere
satisfaction at the resumption this
year of the custom of holding a
Spring Pa'rley. These Parleys,
which were of annual occurrence
tn the years before the World War,
;ive an opportunity for that free
liscussion of important questions
which are particularly appropriate
yo a University."
"It is certainly one of the main
purposes of any such institution of
earning to produce young men
rnd women who are capable of
thinking clearly and expressing
themselves cogently, and it is a
'unction of us all as citizens to give
;houghtful consideration to the do-
mestic and international problems
which we face from time to time."
Parley Themes
The themes of the parleys have
:hanged over the years from re-
igious and philosophical subjects
to discussions of academic free-
iom and current social problems.
the first parley, held 17 years
igo, had the central theme "May
One Be Religious Without Being
Good?", while the most recent one,
ield in 1940, dealt with "Democ-
racy Through t h e Student's
Ayes'." A parley was planned in
1942, under the sponsorship of the
Student Senate, but was aban-
toned in order that the Senate
might back the Michigan Post-
War Conference held that year.
The theme of this year's parley,
is well as faculty members partici-
pating, will be announced tomor-
Students Win
Law Award
Baker and Swenson
Gain Trial Decision
Russell W. Baker and J. Richard
Swenson won the Henry M. Camp-
bell Award yesterday in the final
Case Club court argument on the
constitutionality of a Ccngires-
sional anti-poll tax law, defending
an "election official" against pros-
ecution under section 20 of the
Criminal Code.
Runners-up for the award were
William T. Downs and Bruce Mel-
linger. who handled th casor

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Friday, May 2-Premier Paul Ramadier will ask the
French National Assembly today for a vote of confidence and if the
vote goes against him he will resign.
* * * *
WASHINGTON, May 1-Three government witnesses gave
support today to charges that munitions-makers Henry and Mur-
ray Garsson tried to "cover up" alleged bribes to Andrew J. May,
wartime chairman of the House Military Affairs Committee.
* * ,, *
PEARL HARBOR, May 1-Adm. Louis E. Denfeld quoted Gener-
al MacArthur today as declaring that "If the Japanese people could
vote on their country's future, 90 per cent of them would vote to be-
come a territory of the United States."
WASHINGTON, May 1-The War Department resumed today
its normal peace-time practice of procuring materials by adver-
tising for competitive bids.
Under Secretary of War Kenneth C. Royall said in a state-
ment that this follows reconversion progress and restoration of
competitive conditions.
* * * *


in any plane for $130.

were badly mangled."'


Pledge Imitates League Fountain Figure

If pledge June Collins had
obeyed her sorority sisters' in-
structions to the letter last night,
she would have shown up for Al-
pha Chi Omega "hell night" half-
garbed, with water bubbling over
Miss Collins was supposed to

When someone suggested that
she inquire at' the League, Miss
Collins brightened momentarily
and checked with the alumni serv-
ice office inside. The staff work-
ers dug up some old Michigan
Quarterlys and found s o m e
scratchy sketches which showed
definitely that there was no mer-

ming to sea with his sons clinging
to his back. A school of fish are
depicted accompanying the fam-
ily . . . enveloped in a sweeping
spray from the mouths of fish and
Triton's conch-shell trumpet."
"I'll wear a green sweater," Miss
Collins said. "The old thing's prob-
nowvrenr withm grPmn omP nmn_-


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