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May 01, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-01

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1"MRSD!lT, :12Af' 1, 0 41

---- --- -

Henry Wallace
HENRY WALLACE has been killed off so
often as a political figure, it is really sur-
prising that anything he says should still
have weight and impact. The right wing
has conducted final services for him two or
three times a year for several years; it has
laid him to rest in winter, summer, autumn,
spring. Something must happen to revive
him between these solemn ceremonies, be-
cause, first thing you know, he opens his
mouth again, and the right wing at once
hits the ceiling, and the resulting thump-
ing of heads on high makes a bumpy, con-
tinuous sound, like the beat of a riveting
This is an extravagant way to react to a
political corpse, and it gives one the feeling
that maybe conservative American opinion
does not really regard Henry as being quite
so dead as some of it ululating seers, pro-
phets and columnists let on.
Actually Henry Wallace does represent
something. He represents the hope that
never dies. It is still possible, in almost
any mixed political group in America, to
speak softly and gently about the United
Nations, and of how good it would be to
see it grow stronger, and to work up a
quite decent level of emotion and Henry
Wallace represents that. It is still pos-
sible (if one chooses one's words care-
fully) to recall the mood of two or three
years ago, when a peaceful world seemed
to lie ahead of us, and to see faces soften
with the memory, and Henry Wallace rep-
resents that. There is a heartbreak con-
cealed somewhere behind that severely
practical face our America wears today,
and it is because Henry Wallace represents
this valid emotion that the opposition
finds it so hard to fit him permanently
into a hole and throw dirt into his face.
It is a meaningless tactic to go after Wal-
lace on the ground that his taste is bad, or
that he should speak in Camden instead of
in Manchester; it is impossible to extinguish
the man by these means because it is impos-
sible to extinguish that final, small hope
that we can still have peace by agreement
in our time. In fact if there were no Wallace,
we might find we had to invent one. For
the emotion is there; it mews and cries be-
hind the set hardness of aspect we have, for
the moment, adopted; and it keeps popping
out, in spite of the efforts of the unbelievers
to stuff it back into its hole, and to keep it
down, and even to sit on it.
(New York Post Syndicate, Copyright 1947)


Letters to the Editor...



Te bw h o


S- I

"The of boy is right when he says we oughta respect 'im fer his
age. I can't think of any other reason."


sian dialogue, English sub-titles.
ALTHOUGH the big-wigs out in Holly-
wood ought to turn every shade of tech-
nicolor green after viewing this latest Soviet
film with its new "secret process" coloring,
they probably won't turn a hair. After all,
there is nothing Hollywood couldn't do that
it wanted to do, (that's the catch), and for
all the loud touting accorded the Soviet
movie-makers' new color process, it is cer-
tainly not unsurpassable.
Undoubtedly, the Russians have learned
some valuable lessons from the American
movies which they have been able to view,
to wit, the trick of making small animals
an integral part of the forest scenes, which
are among the best in the movie. The effect
here is almost Disney-esque, and there are
other startling resemblances to Hollywood's
best techniques.
From another aspect, however, "The Stone
Flower" is unique and deserves the highest
praise. The filming of a fairy tale peculiar
to the Russian character and taste which
has appeal for any lover of fantasy and
beauty is a singular achievement in any
language. Not only is there complete devo-
tion to the mood and tone required by a
simple fairy tale, but also skillful and sincere
acting on the parts of both major and minor
Briefly, the story concerns a stone-cutter
who delays his marriage by falling under the
spell of his craft and of the Lady of the
Copper Mountain. Love triumphs over wit-
chery in the traditionally satisfying fairy
tale manner, the movie ending in a blaze
of orange-red sunset which is again strange-
ly reminiscent of Hollywood, almost, but
not quite, spoiling the effectiveness of a very
fine film.
-Natalie Bagrow
I NTERNATIONAL control of atomic en-
ergy could also have serious economic
implications. It is possible that the control
plan which governs the development of the
world atomic energy industry may impose
restrictions with respect to the design of
atomic piles as a security measure. The
existence of this type of institutional rigidi-
ty could result in higher costs of atomic
power than if there were complete freedom
of choice with respect to plant design.
Furthermore, s e c u r i t y considerations
might dictate a severe limitation on the size
of the world atomic energy industry-and
its distribution-in order to minimize the
dangers from diversion of materials or seiz-
ure of plant.
-Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

(Continued from Page 3)
Doctoral Examinations f o r
Richard Hyde Manville, Zoology;
thesis: "The Vertebrate Fauna
of the Huron Mountains, Mar-
quette county, Michigan, 1:00 p.m.,
Fri., May 2, Rm. 3091, Natural Sci-
ence. Chairman, W. H. Burt.
Relativity Seminar: 3 p.m.,
Thurs., May 1, Rm. 3001, Angell
Hall. Mr. Park will speak on Rela-
tivistic Cosmology.
Concentration Advisement Se-
ries, Speech: The first in limited
series of concentration advisement
meetings will be presented by the
Department of Speech, Fri., May
2, Rm. 3017 Angell Hall, at 5 p.m.
The meeting will be conducted by
Professor G. E. Densmore, Pro-
fessor Harlan Bloomer, Professor
W. P. Halstead, Mr. H. K. Carruth
and Mr. L. L. Oakey. The general
requirements and all the various
phases of work in speech will be
discussed. All freshmen or sopho-
mores considering speech as a pos-
sible field of concentration are
urged to.attend.
Student Recital: Earl Owen
Bates, clarinetist, assisted by Mil-
dred Minneman Andrews, pianist,
and William Klenz, cellist, will be
heard in a recital at 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., May 1, Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Given in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music, the
program will be open to the gener-
al public. Mr. Bates, a pupil of
Albert Luconi, will play composi-
tions by Mendelssohn, Barat, Pier-
ne, Delmas, Debussy, and Brahms.
The Museum of Art: Drawings,
prints and small sculpture by Aris-
tide Maillol; drawings by Maurice
Sterne; and pointings by Pedro
Figari. Alumni Memorial Hall
daily, except Mondays, 10-12 and
2-5; Sundays, 2-5; Wednesday
evenings 7-9. The public is
cordially invited.
Events 'Ioday
University Radio Program:
1:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc. Great Lakes Series--Lake Su-
perior-"Red Dirt of the Mesabi."
5:45 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc. World Masterpieces.
The Student Legislature will
sponsor a meeting at 8 p.m.
in the Union at which Jim
Smith, of the University of Texas,
president of the Continuations
Committee of the National Stu-
dent Organization, will speak on
"Why We Need a National Student
Student Summer Service meet-
ing: 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall.
Public Affairs Committee: 7:30
p.m., Lane Hall.
Committee on Cooperation : 7:30
p.m., Lane Hall.
The Art Cinema League presents
color process, English titles,

Russian dialogue. Also short
on animal behaviorism, "Life at
the Zoo," Thurs., Fri., Sat., 8:30
p.m. Box office opens 2 p.m. daily.
Reservations phone 6300, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Lithuanian Club: 7:15 p.m., at
Michigan League. All persons of
Lithuanian origin are invited.
West Quad Radio Club-W8ZSQ:
Meeting, 6:15 p.m., Radio Room
off Tower Study Hall. Arrange-
ments for dinner to be announced
and dinner committee to be ap-
pointed. Room key to be made
available to all club members.
La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Westminster Guild Gay-Nine-
ties Box Social: 8:30 p.m., Social
Hall, First Presbyterian Church.
Girls bring box lunch. Members of
Wesleyan Guild are guests. The
party is non-costume. Program:
games, dancing and floorshow.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert sponsored by the
Graduate School will include
Mendelssohn's Italian Symphony,
Strauss's Ein Heldenleben, and
Dvorak's Slavonic Dances.
The Inter-Racial Association:
7:30 p.m., Michigan League. Dis-
cussion on recent cases of discrimi-
nation that have arisen and action
on movies exhibiting racial bias.
Plans made for a picnic on May 11.
Alpha Phi Alpha, Epsilon Chap-
ter: 7 p.m., Union.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Last PM tea dance of the year,
3:30-5 at the Foundation.
Coming Events
Regular Army Commissions for
'47 Graduates Holding Commis-
sions during War: The Army's new
program to offer regular com-
missions to former officers who
will receive degrees by July 15,
1947, will be explained by a War
Department representative at
4:15 p.m., Fri., May 2, Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium.
Geology and Mineralogy Journal
Club: 12 noon, Fri., May 2, Rm.
3055, Natural Science Bldg. Mr.
Ira Cram of the Pure Oil Com-
pany of Chicago will speak on
"The Geologist's Opportunities in
the Petroleum Industry."
Graduate Outing Club: Hike,
2:30 p.m., Sun., May 4. Meet at
Northwest entrance, Rackham
Bldg. Supper outdoors if weather
permits. Sign up before noon on
Saturday at check desk in Rack-
ham Bldg.
The University of Michigan Sail-
ing Club will be hosts to Denison
University, University of Wiscon-
sin, Youngstown College, and
Michigan State College in the first
annua'l U. of M. invitational rac-
ing regatta. Races will be held on
Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and
4, on Whitmore Lake, at 11:00 Sat-
urday and 9 Sunday, from the
club's dock at the roller rink.
I.Z.F.A. Campfire: Saturday,
May 3, 8-11 p.m. at the Island

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 3041 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters o more than
300 words are shortened, printedor
omitted At the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
To the Editor:
HOW ARCHY can Cid Corman
get? It's mehitable, that's
what it is - mehitabel.
-Rom Gomley
-Anthony Sichs
A Poe n
To the Editor:I
E FOUND the enclosed letter
in our typewriter this morn-
ing and, being readers of The
Daily, believe that was meant for
"to the editor
i swear by the vision of
toad of mithridates
I swear by the vision of
whiskered old pythagoras
that i am very angry i am mad
as hell' when some young
upstart cockroach tries to
usurp my position i feel
called upon to protest i do
not pretend to be a great
philosopher i am only the
reincarnation of a maker of
vers libre poetry it was bad
enough when that scab henry
tried doing my column while i
was out on strike as you well
remember and i did not mind
it when e e cummings imitated
my style after all he is a
mere man but this is too much
who does this cid corman say
he is anyway i bet if the
truth were known he is no more
a poet than henry was i demand
he be suppressed or by the
wheeling constellations that
gyrate crazily along the
cosmos i will quit you cold
and go out and live in a swiss
chese i do not exploit myself
and i shall not permit myself
to be exploited let us have a
little direct action is the
sincere wish of
-John Cook
-Charles Badgerow
Red Railing
To the Editor:
THIS morning's front-page edi-
torial displayed an inconsist-
ency and self-contradiction which
typifies the action taken in the
case of MYDA here, AYD at
Wayne . . . in fact, most of the re-
cent "Red baiting" that has come
to be the vogue nation-wide.
You begin the editorial: "Presi-
dent Ruthven's action yesterday is
undoubtedly a masterful stroke of
strategy. The University no longer
sanctions a group affiliated with
National AYD," etc., etc. Your
conclusion: "President Ruthven
should place before the students
and faculty the reasons and evi-
dence for his action." It seems to
me, therefore, that you are ap-
plauding President Ruthven's ac-
tion without basis and blindly fol-
lowing the trend.
I should like to make it clear
that I am in no way connected
with any so-called Communist or
even leftist groups on campus.
Nevertheless, t h e unreasonable
suppression of leftist groups mere-
ly because they represent a con-
trary political point of view seems
to me an incipient danger to our
American fundament. In fact, the
leftists are desirable balancing
forces and on1 such forces our
form of government has been es-

--Mox H. Weil
Library Trouble
To the Editor:
RECENTLY I did some research
in connection with a paper
for a philosophy course. From the
card index in the library I se-
lected ten titles which were list-
ed under the general topic on
which I was writing. Since the
stacks were closed to me, I had
no idea whether the books in
question would be of any value to
me except for their listing in the
card index. I spent ten minutes
Park. Entertainment, refresh-
ments and dancing. Tickets can
be obtained any evening from 7-9
at the Hillel Foundation.
All former Spring Parley mem-
bers: Organizational meeting for
resumption of Spring Parley on
May 16 and 17. 4 p.m., Fri., May
2, Union. All former Parley mem-
bers urged to attend.

filling out call slips and waited
another ten minutes for the books
to arrive at the call desk. But
only three books arrived; the rest
were not on the shelves. It took
me another five minutes to dis-
cover that none of them were
charged out at the charging desk.
I went back to the index and
looked tip each book under its ti-
tle. I discovered that two of the
books were on reserve in the Base-
ment Study Hall, four in Gradu-
ate Reading Room, one in Angell
Hall Study Hall another ten
minutes to get this information).
In order to discover whether I
could use any of the books, I had
to walk up to thefourth floor of
the library, down to the basement,
and over to Angell Hall. In an
hour's time I had selected the five
books I needed, and I had to use
them in three different reading
rooms on the campus.
I realize that some books are
in such demand that it is necess-
ary to put them on special shelves,
but it seems to me that some of
the fatigue of research could be
eliminated if some attempt were
made to keep all of the books in
the library more centrally locat-
ed. I wonder if specific time lim-
its on certain books would not
serve much the same purpose as
is now served by scattering books
into several reading rooms.
-Robert W. Prusa
E:11lTUII NOTE: According to W.
S. McAllister, Associate Director of
the General library, the system
used is the best one possible in a
library of this size. .There just is
not enough room t6 hold all of
the books undcr one roof. Se-
ondly, where classes need particu-
lar books at one time, the most
equitable solution is the one fol-
lowed where books are placed on
reserve in the divisional libraries,
study halls and graduate reading
rooms. In the case above, the stu-
dent could have saved himself time
if he had immediately observed
the notation on the pink informa-
tion card in the card catalogue
which gives the location of books
borrowed from the General Library
Young Capitalists
To . the Editor:
W HY are so many students in-
censed at the undemocratic
way the young capitalists of the
Bus. Ad. School took over and
made a farce of the Marxian
study group when their fathers
are applying the same reactionary
methods to the entire country?
After all, don't people like Cid
Corman realize that anyone who
wishes to learn is a "Communist"
and must therefore be ruthlessly
suppressed? Haven't wise men
like Callahan of the Witch-Hunt-
ing Committee decreed t h a t
henceforth we must learn only
what the corporate giants wish
to make known to the sheep?
We should not seek the truth
too far for then, we may not be
willing to follow with blind pa-
triotism a word "democracy"
which has ceased to have meaning
in the government as plainly as it
has failed to have meaning to
Elmer Faust and the Bus. Ad.
boys who took over the Marx So-
ciety with their Beer Hall Putsch.,
It was necessary for them to gain
this experience in disregard for
democracy so they can run busi-
ness and the Government in the
same way in a few years.
When the Federalists tried to
sow the seeds of Fascism in the
United States, Thomas Jefferson
and a people who believed in dem-
ocracy with more than lip service,
defeated measures which would
have made a dictatorship of our
country. But this time, it looks
as if the descendants of Adams
and the Federalists may succeed.
-George Adomian
7Mjb rg

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Kirkpatrick's "Verdugo Mts." for its spon-
taneity; W. D. Sturdevant's "The Chal-
lenger" with its great luminosity, though
bordering on the illustrational; and Orlo
Heller's "New England Pre-Fab" with its
interesting use of color areas. The major
portion of the exhibition reveals the use
of a medium for merely pictorial results.
There is a large display of talent and enthu-
siasm, but an adequate foundatipn is lack-
ing which should be remedied in the future.
People who would function in the arts con-
vincingly, and creatively, should bcome

As a matter of fact, he said, the expensive
edition wvas recently ordered by an English
2 class (all veterans probably), but the pub-
lisher sent "Uncle Tom's Cabin" instead.
We thanked him and weaved back out into
the sunshine.
Contributions to this column are by all mem-
bers of The Daily staff, and are the responsi-
bility of the editorial director. Items from
subscribers are invited; address them to "It
So Happens", The Michigan Daily.
ALOU c 11)horus of "r'ealists" urges Amner-

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor'
Milton Freudeiihelm..Editorlai Director
Mary Brush...........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz............ Associate Editor
Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor
Jack Martin.............Sports Editor
Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
Business Staff
RObet V. Potter. ... Geral _ Manager
Jlanet Ctrk ........, ihusiness Manager
Nancy Helnick ...Advertlsing Manager



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