PoA THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESJDAN, A?.UIL A381 OPA Death Watch T HIS COMING JUNE 30 marks the first anniversary of the death of the PA. Most of us remember the events surrounding this decision. The country had been living under a program of price controls for over four years and although three-fourths of the population were still behind them, our rep- resentatives in Congress, under the pressure of an indignant block of business interests decided that it was for the best interests of the country that these nasty controls be lifted. So OPA was killed. At that time the cry of anti-OPA propa- gandists that was heard so loud and so long was, "Sure prices will rise for a time but give free enterprise the chance to function and competition will bring them down." The sad fact is that in the last ten months whole- sale prices have risen 31 per cent as com- pared to an 8.5 per cent rise during the en- tire 37 month period that the "hold the line" program was operating.* It does no good now to lament the folly of our premature abandonment of price controls but instead of profiting by the les- son we and our congressmen should have learned, all sorts of explanations and justi- fications for high prices have infiltrated into public thinking. A few of the most com- monly heard conjectures are these: (1) Prices are high but so are wages. Therefore the deleterious effects of one are cancelled out by the other, (2) high prices are neces- sary to get production going, (3) the fault lies with the business man who refuses to cut his prices and (4) labor is entirely to blame for its incessant wage demands and constant strikes. As to the first assumption it need only be noted that wages never keep pace with prices in inflationary periods. Over half of the families in the country are still living today on less than $2,000 a year and according to the Bureau of Labor Statis- tics, 40 Per cent of this must go for food. The second justification, asserting that high prices are necessary to stimulate pro- duction, reflects equally specious reasoning. As prices skyrocket and wages lag, the pur- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. chasing power of millions of families has been reduced. Consequently production is actually less in some fields than it was a year ago. The actual unit volume (not inflated dollar value) of food sold today is roughly eight per cent below that of last year at this time. Other non-durable goods are off 15 per cent also, so that leaves just the auto- mobiles, the radios, and other durable goods to account for an overall increase of pro- duction. This merely means that there are still people who can afford these goods even at the high prices and this doesn't give the middle class wage earner much consolation. w Argument number three imprecating the business man for his reluctance to cut prices falls right in line with President Truman's recent appeals to retailers. While lower prices are highly desirable, this is quite an idealistic way of looking at the picture. Human nature being what it is, can we really expect the business man to cut his prices 30 or 40 per cent below what he knows he can get? And unless the entire business field were to have the same altruistic propensity to jack down prices it would be impossible for any individual to 'do it. One business man's price is the next one's cost, so no matter how public-spirited he may be, he is sel- dom the master of his own decisions on price matters.. THE ECONOMIC GROUP most often sad- dled with the blame of high prices is labor. Again, a comparison of price rises for industrial products and of wage rises since OPA went off shows a 26 per cent rise in the former to a 5 per cent in the latter. With the added production under price con- trols, this 5 per cent wage jump might easily have been absorbed. Higher wages are often made the excuse for higher prices but too frequently the price advance precedes the wage increase. Indeed, many an individual business man felt the impact of OPA blunders dur- ing price controls and had legitimate cause for complaint. But, eliminating controls seemed a little bit like cutting off one's nose to spite one's face; OPA was by far the lesser of two evils. Now Congress is faced with the gigantic task of passing legislation to cushion whatever future re- percussions their folly of ten months ago will bring. *Figures are from Department of Labor statistics. -Bruce Schwartz NIGHT EDITOR: GAY LARSEN MAN TO MAN: The City Editor's SCRATCH PADD TfHE CAMPUS has been seeing a new ap- plication of popular sovereignty of late. Last week the residents of the Lawyers' Club asked for-and got-an explanation for the rental increase that is to become ef- fective July 1. Whether the explanation satisfied the residents is debatable. Ap- parently, a majority of them weren't satis- fied, as they voted to request the student members of the Board of Governors to call a meeting of the entire Board membership to review the case. The point is that a ma- jority of the Law Club residents saw fit to demand enlightenment concerning a mat- ter which is vital to their welfare. Yesterday, 2,267 students voted approval of the Student Legislature's resolution call- ing for a "public review" of the action by which Michigan Youth for Democratic Ac- tion was banned from the campus. A total of 3,826 students participated in the refer- endum, and the figure is regrettably small. In a matter so vital to the welfare of all students, the most representative vote pos- sible was desired. But here again the fact that a majority of persons interested in the matter saw fit to demand an explanation is significant. Taken together, the two events indicate a trend toward a new view of students in a university scheme of things. Prof. John L. Brumm, of the journalism department, sum- med up this view in his address to the Town Hall forum last Friday. Said Prof. Brumm: The Committee for Academic Freedom "rejects the assumption that teachers, be- cause they are public servants, and students, because they are wards of the state, are re- stricted in the exercise of civic freedoms ac- corded other citizens." Similarly, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch said editorially not long ago: "One of the things st/idents should learn in school, we think, is not to let their public servants push them around. It's more im- portant in state-supported schools than in others, because very often their officials are pushed around by legislators and sundry public officials on whose favor they depend for appropriations. "Perhaps the educators may feel some- times that they have to curry favor, but the educatees don't have to, and shouldn't do it. Quite the contrary. As citizens, they are sovereign, and while they shouldn't push their public servants around, either, they ought to feel perfectly free to express dis- approval." Out in the cruel, cold world, citizens have the right to make their public servants stand up and explain. It's accomplished by periodic elections, by the referendum and by other devices. A university, by and large, is a community by itself, but that does not mean its rank and file citizenry, i.e., the stu- dent body, should be excluded from rights enjoyed by citizens in other communities. It is but another ramification of that thing called "academic freedom," which, even in its most limited interpretation, means that students are young adults, not weak-minded children who are still a little damp behind the ears. Students have no right to try to "run" their university. But they do have the right to demand reasonable and reasoned explanations for the acts of their officials when they believe their welfare is not being properly regarded. ON WORLD AFFAIRS-: Unify Europe By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER RN HIS March 12 message to Congress, President Truman stated that "totalitar- ian regimes imposed on free people by direct or indirect aggression undermine the foun- dations of international peace and the secur- ity of the United States." His request to the Congress for aSitiskanc( to Greece and Turkey was understood $* inean that the United States will oppose further Soviet expansion. Several people - including this writer - have pointed out that American support in the Middle East will be wasted unless the cracks in western Europe are cemented. 'Western Europe - once the world center of political strength - is exhausted and par- tially ruined. Its weary and divided peoples could certainly not offer serious resistance to the Red armies. It is doubtful if they would try. Many observers consider this a permanent and irremediable situation. Even that self- confessed Machiavellian, James Burnhaw, in his latest book, "The Struggle for the World," excludes as power factors all countries but the U.S.A. and the Soviet Un- ion. Conceivably, these impulsive spokesmen are mistaking a change in political weathler for a change in political climate. The forces of western Europe are not com- bined because their countries are atomized and disunited. United, they would constitute a very great power, equal in stature, perhaps superior to the U.S.A. or the U.S.S.R. BILL MAULDIN freedom of all students on campus," Kelly Maneuvers By HAROLD L. ICKES ORMER MAYOR EDWARD J. KELLY of Chicago has at last reluctantly bowed himself out of the City Hall but by no means has he yielded political power. Nor does he intend to. Kelly wanted to run again for Mayor this month but some of his political friends, plus the Republican landslide the preceding November, caused him "voluntar- ily" to decide not to be a candidate. Then he was persuaded to support Martin H. Ken- nelly, the present Mayor. So Mr. Kennelly, who had been a private citizen of fine stand- ing, ran instead and won by approximately 275,000 votes, whereas Boss Kelly, four years earlier, had been reelected by only 114,000 votes. It was thought that Mayor Kelly, who is a very rich man after a lifetime spent in active politics and who is well over 73 years old, would also surrender his sceptre as Boss of the Democratic Party. But he had differ- ent views. Although Mayor Kennelly was to be responsible for the governance of Chicago for four years, Mayor Kelly would not even let him organize the City Council, a ma- jority of which were Democrats. Kelly was like a divorced wife, insisting on con- tinuing to hire the help and make put the menus. And, of course, besides the City Council, Mayor Kelly controls im- portint country patronage offices. lie also continues as the Illinois nemnber of the Democratic National Committee. Mayor Kennelly was so decent a man that he expected the Kelly people also to be de- cent. Consequently, he was too generous in his attitude toward the holdovers fron the Kelly administration and too naive in be- The new American policy, inaugurated in Greece and Turkey seems to be to accept openly the challenge of the "two worlds" and to oppose vigorously any attenpt to shift the present demarcation line between them. This policy has been criticized as leading to war. But if the alternative is to retreat and con- cede one area after another, then the ex- perience of 1938-1939 shows clearly what policy is least likely to ensure "peace in our time." But containing successfully the So- viet domination within its present bounds will not solve the central problem of our security - that of atomic weapons, True, we may thus prevent Western Europe from becoming an adjunct to the Soviet scientific and technological arsenal. We may keep most of the U.S.S.R. under the threat of our advanced bases for the delivery of atomic bombs, and prevent the Soviet bases from being pushed that mrh closer to our shores. But these are but "elative and tem- "Be right back, Ma. I'm goin' out fer a breath o' carbon monoxide." Letters to the Edr ... this lieving that Kelly and all of his aldermen would see the impropriety of continuing to take orders from Kelly. On one point, how- ever, he did stand up. The Kelly aldermen wanted to organize the Council for a full four-year term. Kennelly was successful in restricting this control to one year. But this is only part of the story. Mayor Kelly was successful in having his protege; Gael Sullivan, appointed Second Assistant Postmaster General. Mr. Sullivan accom- panied Postmaster General Hannegan around the world, with Senator Tydings of Maryland acting as chaperon, .at Govern- ment expense, to "inspect" postal systems. Returning, Mr. Sullivan resigned as Mr. Hannegan's right-hand man in the Post Office Department and became Mr. Hanne- gan's right-hand man in the Democratic National Committee. His title now is Exe- cutive Director and his salary is considerably above what he received as Second Assistant Postmaster General. Mr. Hannegan's health has not been good. tie too has done well in politics and he wants to resign. But he has conditioned his resignation upon the selection of Mr. Sullivan, a second-string, ward politician from Chicago as his successor. He has no intention of leaving either his flank or his re ar* exposed to those who might seek poliical rcp;risals. " Is a strange '1irtaI"3 ce, thG rapid rise in political powcr of Mr. Gael Sullivan, who possesses none in his own right. He has been brought up by bottle by that cunning politician, the ex-Mayor of Chicago. When Mr. Kelly, at the beginning, aligned himself with Doss Hague of New 'Jersey to try to de- feat Roosevelt for the nomination for Piesi- dent in 1932, Mr. Gael Sullivan was against Roosevelt. When the Mayor, changing his battle-cry to "Roosevelt and Humanity," clung desperately to the Roosevelt band- wagon, Mr. Sullivan hung on with him. At Chicago. in 1944. when Boss Kelly and the other city bosses who were rinning the D emocrat'ic National Convention swung to 't-ruman for Vice-President, Mr. Gael Sulli- van was at hand within beckoning distance of Mayor Kelly. Mr. Sullivan is a versatile young man. Mr. Sullivan carries his own protective coloration with him. He can' be as hardboiled a politician as Mayor Kelly, but he can also be as "liberal" as Boss Kelly. If Gael Sullivan should be selected as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Edward J. Kelly could' and would be expected to tell him what to do. 1'huls the, Democratic Committee would have 1ad as Chairman three successive city a chine bosses - Edward J. Flynn of EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed,t300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters o more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. EDITruR's NOTE: To date, 'he IDaily has received about 25 letters o con- ment on the withdrawal of University recognition of AYDA. Because of space limitations, we will print only a few typical letters in full, plus ex- cerpts from EVERY letter received. In each case we will indicate the number of persons signing the letter. Open Letter to the Student Leg- islature: We, the undersigned, residents of Vaughan House, although not members of M.Y.D.A., protest the summary action taken by Presi- dent Ruthven today (April 22) in revoking the charter of the stu- dent chapter of Michigan Youth for Democratic Action. We be- lieve that such action was incon- sistent with the principles of de- mocracy and healthy university atmosphere, in that there was no proof offered and no defense al- lowed. Therefore, it is ourdbelief that open and publicized hearings should be held. Richard S. Fallows, and 31 others To the Editor: Why all the clamour from the 'great majority' who value the American Way of Life on the ban- ning of MYDA from our campus organizations? The local chapter was asked to break connections with the National AYD because of Communist influence, by Presi- dent Ruthven but they refused. Thus, as an affiliated chapter of such an organization they were banned. We cannot disregard the. FBI in their statement that the AYD is a Communist influenced organ- ization. No one more than I de- sires to keep the freedoms guar- anteed us by the constitution. We believe in the rule of the majority, not of the few: but Russia is dom- inated by 1, fxw that seized con- I rol by rebe iLn at the tilime of ka - tiona I c istrcsb sa ns0im rest, The Russian people have lost many freedoms, for that is the only way the existing government can main- tain control. Communists have since been known for the trick of seizing a country when it is weak. How can wve allow a minority, 40 out of 18.000 students, to group together on this or any campus in a frontal organization to fur- ther the-cause of Communism that desires to destroy our existing form of democracy? It is time we quit worrying about our freedoms and remembered our responsibility to the constitution. Bill Wake .o thie Editor: The'issue extends beyond the banning of a single campus organization and encompasses the entire concept of academic free- dom. Is this the first of a series of authoritative measures which seek to control student opinion? Are students-to be prevented from holding views contrary to those believed proper by University of- ficials or State politicians? ... Robert L. Beneteau, and seven others To the Editor: The University of Michigan chapter of United World Federal- ists feel that President Ruthven, by taking arbitrary action in re- tracting the recognition of an ap- proved campus organization, has by-passed the authority of the Student Affairs Committee and has presented a threat to the free activities of every campus group. Bette Hamilton (secretary) -* * * To the Editor: " ..When men as prominent and well-informed as J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, label the AYD a Communist-front group, we do not feel that any further explanation from President Ruth- ven is necessary ... John M. Averill and two others * To. the Editor: " .:.Granted that AYD is the recruiting ground for future Com- munists: Can we combat this by putting them underground . by refusing them recognition as a campus organization? The an- swers to these questions are de- cidedly "No"! Edward Tumin Kenneth Glancy To the Editor: I. "I disapprove of what you say, but I shall defend to death your right to say it."-Voltaire. II. "I disapprove of what you say; you will be shot at sunrise or before."-Stalin. That's why we did it, MYDA! Bob Kirby ''o the Editor: " ,.. .We believe that each in- dividual should have the oppor- tunity to think as he desires and to express his opinion freely to others. We therefore strongy urge that AYD be given a fair trial and an opportunity to de- fend itself. Ellen Stringer, and seven others To the Editor: " . ..By supporting the position of the Callahan Committee and banning MYDA from any campus, the administration has failed to protect the rights of students to express an active interest in the progressive aspects of their local and national, social and political life . Hazel Berkenbush, and eight others 'Ii ic members o the Umiversity of Michigan chapter of the Inter- collegiate Zionist Federation of America uanimousy condemn the curtailment of freedom as exem- plified by the arbitrary banning of AYD from the University . . We, therefore, strongly urge . . a fair and open trial. Intercollegiate Zionist Federa- tion of America * * * To the Editor: " . ..We feel that this is a direct infringement on the academic Jerry Schwartz, and nine others Tb the Editor: While the majority of us are not members of this organiza- tion (MYDA) we realize that this is an unjust move and a threat to academic freedom." Miriam Bernstein, and 18 others To the Editor: We protest the banning of MYDA as a direct threat to the academic freedom of every cam- pus organization, and to the free thought of every student of this University. Dorothy E. Wilson, and 22 others To the Editor: " .. . I protest from the stand- point of the sudden and swift compulsion by which the group lost its right and recognition as a campus activity unit . . . Wiliam Hyde To the Editor: T .he.E.In Michigan, a student organization has just been banned from the University campus be- cause it is affiliated with a nation- al organization which seems to have some tenuous connections with a political party that started a revolution in Russia a quarter of a century ago ..., David F. Ross To the Editor: "..The principles of democ- racy have always implied the ac- ceptance ,of minority groups and their opinions. As a democratic institution the University of Mich- igan should pledge itself to uphold the rights of minorities rather than to suppress them." Marilyn Jane Kopel, and 23 others To the Editor: In the interests of democratic proceedings we protest the hasty and arbitrary banning of AYD, and request hearings in which in- terested students may participate. Edythe Levin Constance M. O'Brien * * *R To the Editor: " . . .I have enough confidence in my rational, Michigan educated mind to listen to the ideas of Com- munism and to the ideas of De- mocracy, and to select finally De- mocracy after open consideration of the two ..." Arthur B. Gronik To the Editor: T .he.E.But weak compromises are notoriously ineffective in the face of a cynical and ambitious foe. There is no reason for be- lieving that the threat to civil liberty will die of its own accord. It can be conquered only by de- termined and unalterable de- fense." Lyman H. Letgers, President Student Religious Association To the Editor: We protest the manner of ban- ning AYD on camps as ill-consid- ered and undemocratic. Lois Hanson Yolanda Gramatieoff * * * To the Editor: " . We suggest that similar action be taken against other groups, such as AVC, IRA, SRA, IFC, Lawyers Guild, Student Leg- islature, Karl Marx Society, Com- mittee for Academic Freedom, a larger number of fraternities, so- rorities, and residence halls, and the American Legion ..." Carl Kaufman, and two others To the Editor:. "We, the undersigned, none of us members of MYDA, regret that President Ruthven believed it necessary to ban MYDA without giving it a chance to defend itself Virginia Rock, and four others * * * To the Editor: " . ..This arbitrary action taken by President Ruthven is a further indication that the students are merely a flock of clay pigeons as far as having any real voile in matters which concern them." Betty L. Boyd * * * To the Editor: "President Ruthven's abroga- tion of MYDA's rights as a recog- nized campus organization ca i only be understood by campus and public opinion to be a complete capitulation to a smear campaign which has been masterfully car- ried on against AYD in the State of Michigan . .." Kenneth S. Goodman To the Editor: As students in a democracy, we object to any punitive action against AYD or any similar or- ganization without complete and fair investigation. 915 Oakland University Famine Commit- tee: 4:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Final .plans of the Clothing Drive of May 5-12 will be made. Corning Events All former Spring Parley mem- bers: Organizational meeting for resumption of Spring Parley on May 16 and 17. 4 p.m., Fri., May i 2, Union. All former Parley mem- bers urged to attend. A The Student Legislature will sponsor a meeting at 8 p.m. to- morrow in the Union at/Which Jim Smith, of the University of Texas, president of the Continuations Committee of the National Stu- dent Organization, will speak on "Why WeNeed a National Student Organization." The Annual French Play: Le Cercle Francais will present "Le Malade Imaginaire," a comedy- ballet in three acts by Moliere, at 8:30 p.m., Tues., May 6, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets on sale at the box office after 2 p.m., May 3, 5 and 6, tel. 6300. Free ad- mission to members of the club (except tax) upon presentation of their membership cards. Alpha Phi Alpha, Epsilon Chap- ter: 7 p.m., Thurs., May 1, Union. The Art Cinema League presents THE STONE FLOWER in new color process dialogue. Also short on animal behaviorism, "Life at the Zoo," Thurs., Fri., Sat., 8:30 p.m. Box office opens 2 p.m. daily. Reservations phone 6300, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Regular Army Commissions for '47 Graduates ]Holding Commis- sions during War: The Army's new program to offer regular com- missions to former officers who will receive degrees by July 15, 1947, will be explained by a War Department representative 'at 4:15 p.m., Fri., May 2, Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. Si~j~gn ~zv A DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ,Conit'm edf rom Pge 31 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Those unable to attend the Air-Meet Banquet. notify the Banquct Chairman at this meet- ing. C'niiversity of Michigan Sailing Club: 7 p.m., Rm. 229, W. Engi- neeiing Bldg. AVC: 7:30 p.m. Union. Plans for the National Convention, will be made, including adoption of plat- form and nomination of delegates. All members urged to attend. Quadrangle: 7:45 p.m., Union. A. D., Moore and Dean Christian Gauss, of Princeton, will talk about Quadrangle history. About 9:30 the meeting will be transferred to the Allenel Hotel for refreshments. Camp Counsellors' Club is spon- soring a song-fest for all persons interested, 7:30 p.m. at the W.A.B. German Club: 8 p.m., Rm. 302, Michigan Union. The German Club from Wayne University will present a skit. Underwriters: Regular Wednes- day-Luncheon, noon, Russian Tea Room of League. Delta Sigma Pi, professional Business Administration fratern- ity:Election of officers, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 304, Union. Pledge meeting, 7 p.m., Rm. 304, Union. J a 4 A A i I A 4 4 Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Ilarsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey............City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director Mary Brush'..........Associate Editor Ann Kutz........... Associate Editor Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal... Research Assistant Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manager Janet Cork ......... Business Manager Nancy Heirnick ...Advertising Manager BARNABY _ ) Yn r nf nr rset 4cr+ E tn iff n r rvic iI t PAV rrn fcr r°ivnr l p.rf U i