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February 13, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-13

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MEDIATE REPEAL of the sales tax di-
ersion amendment which was approved
Michigan voters last November has been
landed by Gov. Kim Sigler in his budget
sage to the state legislature.
he sales tax amendment is responsible
;reat part for a possible state deficit of
000,000. Gov. Sigler has been informed
his advisors that it would mean political
ide for him to adopt a course against
wishes of the mayors and school offic-
who were instrumental in passing the
pndment. But his course is the only
sible one to avoid a fiscal catastrophe.
The Iain item in Gov. Sigler's eight-
int program calls for the creation of
Constitutional Revision Comimittee to
aw up a "coordinated system of taxa-
in" to be submitted to the people in
18. This is the longe-range solution
eded; Michigan's tax system is badly
addled. Because many of the tax pro-
ions are incorporated into the consti-
ion, only a constitutional revision can
aighten it out. However, an immediate
ution is necessary for the threatened
dget deficit, and the remainder of the
ints on the governor's program would
far towards providing this solution.
he most important point which deals
1 the immediate problem is the demand
repeal of the sales tax amendment, the
x of the problem. Gov. Sigler said that
ae legislature does not place this on the
ng ballot, the problem of solving the fi-
eial dilemma will rest entirely in their

:/u L.


'torials published in The Michigan Daily
written by members of The Daily staff
represent the views of the writers only.

The rest of Sigler's program gives ample
assurance that the increased aid to schools
and local governmental units, provided un-
der the sales tax amendment, would con-
tinue. Point three would provide for divis-
ion of one-sixth of sales tax proceeds among
cities and villages. This would give these
units about $7,000,000 more than they would
get under the amendment, which included
townships. The townships do not need this
money; most of their functions, such as
roads, health and welfare, have been trans-
ferred to the counties.
Gov. Sigler would also allow cities to
levy local excise taxes, thus helping them
to become "both responsible and respon-
Sive units of government." Another point,
apparently thrown in simply as a concil-
iatory gesture toward Detroit citizens,
would make Wayne University a state in-
stitution, thus relieving Detroit taxpayers
of some $5,000,000 a year.
Schools would not suffer either under the
program Gov. Sigler has recommended.
There would be an appropriation of $10,000,-
000 for immediate salary increases for teach-
ers, assurance of an $85,000,000 appropria-
tion in regular state aid to schools, with
provision that a major portion be earmark-
ed for teachers' salaries, and allocation of
any state surplus up to $10,000,000 for a
public school building fund.
When the sales tax amendment was plac-
ed before Michigan voters, it was presented
as a free hand-out for the schools and local
units. The voters were concerned with their
own immediate problems, and did not see
that the financial problems of the state as
a whole are directly connected with them
However, the problem-and its solution-
has now been clearly and concretely present-
ed to the legislature and the voters by Gov.
Frances Paine
strictions on literature and demonstrations.
In an area of bitter dispute, the Court
has tried hard to be fair. It took pains to
point out in the New Jersey case that the
law in no way contributed to the support
of the Catholic church or Catholic schools;
that the legislation formed a general pro-
gram to help parents get their children to
accredited schools, "regardless of their re-
religion"; that no person should be denied
the benefits of the law because of his relig-
It is difficult to see how such a program
constitutes "an establishment of religion."
If and when federal-supported education be-
comes widespread, the Court may well have
difficulty in drawing the line between gen-
eral help and aid to church schools. Right
now, however, the "torch of religious lib-
erty" seems safe enough.
-Mary Ruth Levy
* Return to the S'alt Mines




Co urtlD

?ROTESTS, ranging from Justice Rut-
ledge's 47-page dissent to the impassion-
: warnings of the president of the South-t
.n Baptist Convention, have followed hard
pon the Supreme Court's pronouncement
iat state taxes may be used to transport
,udents to parochial schools.
Fears that the decision portends the es-
ablishment of state-supported religion, in
olation of the First Amendment, have fig-
red in many of the arguments that the
ew Jersey law in question constitutes pub-
c support of church schools.
Dr. Louie D. Newton, the Baptist president,
aid, for instance, that the decision may in
me "darken the torch of treligious liberty."
This, in view of the Court's carefulness in
eciding recent cases on the question of re-
gion, particularly as it pertains to the
oolroom, seems like needless hysterics.
he Court has said that children may
mave free ries to schools conducted by their
iurches. But the "Court has also said, in
de of the Jehovah Witnesses cases, that
ple hagve a'ihtto Vebaly attack belief
Ill o gai ted religion, unli tdeed by re-
French Puzzle
ARIS-- The biggest puzzle in France is
the political tranquility of the moment.
his has some of its roots, of course, in 'the
fir. I have heard a Communist speak of
hat he called the clergy's growing political
Ewer and then, and quickly, "Ah, but many
them were wonderful in the resistance."
id I have heard a right-winger renounce
e co-units from hors d'oeuvres to cheese at
nch, and say he would rather die than
re in a Communist Paris.
Perhaps the best way to picture the lull
French politics to Americans is to men-
:n our own bi-partisan foreign policy; only
re, with the country evenly divided be-
reen Left and Anti-Left, it is a bi-partisan
'erything. Therefore, you get day to day
Iministration, but you don't get any far
urging new ideas. It is as If every action
r Congress had to be agreed upon by the
:ad of the Communist Party and the head
the Republican Party, say William Foster
id Thomas Dewey. (I suppose those are
e appropriate names, unless Taft has
ished Dewey completely out since I left
nerica on my travels). You wouldn't get
uch that was new started under those con-
The French Communists who are, the
ight says mournfully, very serious, have in
.ese circumstances adopted a kind of anti-
isis line. They agree to many things; they
en support an increase in the work-week
om 40 hours to 48 hours, provided that that
joined with other elements of national
anning, such as mechanized agriculture
td tax reforms. The Communist line is
at if a crisis comes it will have been de-
erately provoked by the Right, to bring in
strong man, say DeGaulle; and the'Right,
fighting the Communists, has the uneasy
eling it is fighting a pillow.
There is something new and untried about
ance's postwar political alignments. These
e not really well-articulated parties, they
e more like cloud formations, of Social-
s who drift rightward toward the MRP
cause they fear the Communists, of others
io turn toward the Communists because
ey remember the Rightist record during
e w&r. It is an uneasy molecular shifting,

Wallace Mystery
HAVE NOT solved the mystery of Henry
Wallace but I have found a clue.
The mystery is how a good American
nourished on individual freedom can admire
governments founded on the negation of
freedom and indeed, of almost everything
for which America stands.
The clue was an article in a recent issue
of The Nation by Julio Alvarez del Vayo, ex-
Foreign Minister of the Spanish Republic,
former newpsaper correspondent and long-
time friend of this writer.
Revisiting the Soviet Union last year, Vayo
somehow managed to overlook the essential
totalitarian, slave-labor basis and wax en-
thusiastic over the elimination of capitalist
"exploitation" and the rosy prospects ahead.
Now, on the eve of a new trip to Europe,
he has published his diagnosis of what is
going on over there that makes it "inexpli-
cable to Americans."
"Europe's intellectuals and political
leaders and journalists," he opines, are
wondering "whether the old political con-
ception of democracy still makes sense
in view of the lessons of World War 1I."
And he quotes foreign delegates at Lake
Success as exclaiming, "These Americans
don't seem to realize what is happening
outside their country.
"In Europe today the new revolutionary
criteria of a regime's democracy are . . . an
ability to break the hold of feudalism and
monopoly capital and to solve the problems
of hunger and industrial collapse. This
masses and the triumph of the Marxist doc-
trine that true democracy can oe achieved
only by a radical change in economic struc-
"The impact of fascism and war, they ar-
gue, revealed the utter bankruptcy of bour-
geois democracy; now Europe must pass to
a stage of 'mass democracy,' democratie
Vayo goes on to explain how Europe's left
no longer places much value on free speech
and the parliamentary system. The miasses
want "a more effective continuing voice in
"The peoples of Eastern Europe are not
impressed by the Anglo-American brand of
democracy. For in almost all these coun-
tries, pre-war experience with western de-
mocracy ended in failure; they succeeded
neither in raising the living standards of
the very poor nor in limiting the economic
and political power of the very rich."
There is no use in my reporting that
during my two trips to Europe last year
I found more European "intellectuals, poli-
tical leaders and journalists" (whom I
know at least as intimately as Vayo) in-
terested in escaping communism than in
escaping western democracy.
There is little point in insisting that de-
mocracy is an instrument which can, ac-
cording to the individual political maturity
of the voters, be used either to strengthen or
to weaken feudalism and monopoly capital-
ism. It would be futile too, to insist that
increased production, not the masses' "ef-
fective continuing voice in government" is
the road to greater wealth. In short, there
is no use arguing that "massive democracy"
is the bunk, and talk about it reveals a basic
failure of understanding and constitutes a
lamentable regression toward tolerance of
Poland had, up until Sept. 1939, a dem-
onstrably higher living standard than po-
tentially richer Russia. Does Vayo believe
this was because Poland was more "massive-
ly democratic?" He would affirm the op-
Vayo cannot see these things. Despite
several comfortable years as an editor in

this country, he never forgave the U.S.,
Britain and France for "betraying" the
Spanish Republic to Dictator Franco. Like
those Czechoslovak democrats who threw
themselves into Soviet arms because of the
betrayal of their country by the European
democracies at Munich, this Spanish social-
ist cannot forget that while the westerners
connived at a Franco victory, the Soviets
gave unlimited lip service and considerable
real assistance to the Spanish Republic.
Rather than see the victory of the Fran-
quista fascists, Vayo permitted the growth
of Spanish communism. He closed his eyes
to the horror of "liquidation" of the Trot-
zkist POUM and the anarchists by the com-
munists. He welcomed the growth of Soviet
influence in Spain since only the Soviets
were helping.
To me the interest of his latest outburst
lies in the fact that he seems to be echoing
something that we have heard recently.
Heard, not from the European "intellectuals,
political -leaders and journalists," but from
our ex-Vice President and present editor of
The New Republic. Here-I think-is the
clue to innocent Henry's stubborn denial of
his birthright. Can it be that Mr. Wallace
has been spending too much time with the
sort of European defeatists quoted by Vayo?
Could it be that some of these people have
sold him a bill of shoddy goods?
It certainly sounds like it.

Absence Report Filed?
iuses who dreamed up the latest device
to discourage ex-GI's from going to college
might better direct their efforts to a case
we know of.
A certain friend of ours, well-known to
this campus last spring, is now at work in
the Big World, doing rather nicely he claims.
The gimmick is provided by the VA's "un-
beatable system."
Our ex-student friend has received his
subsistence check On Time all during the
fall semester.
* * * *
Insolent Minority
WE ONLY HEARD one sentence of a
conversation in the League, but it lim-
plied a whole conversation on a feeling
especially prevalent during exam week.
"That's the trouble with these 'A' stu-
dents. They never stop to thing about the
rest of us."
* * * * '
Women in Chains
IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE that things could
- come to such a pass, but in the midst of
discussing the numerous weighty matters
which come up in League house meetings,
one housemother announced that at the last
Housemothers' Meeting, it had been decided
that coeds who did not eat the crust on their
toast would not be served toast in the future.
* * * *
View with Alarin
of ours was dozing through one of the
first sessions of Russian history this week
when he suffered a mental jolt. Toward the
middle of the hour he glanced casually at
the notes of the student sitting next to him,
making the usual routine check on what the
lecturer had been up to.
After counting to ten, he tools a .second
look. It seems the notes were in Russian.
Contributions to this volumn are by all mcm-
hers of The Daily ,ttaif, and are the responsi-
bility of the editorial director. Items from sub-
scribers are invited;: ,ddress thir to In"t Soi

(Continued from Page 2)
4 p.m., March 7, East Lecture
Room, Rackham Bldg.
Students registered with the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma-
son Hall are reminded to come in
the office and fill out a location
blank, giving us your classes and
schedule for this semester. It is
important that you dothis so we
can bring your record up to date.
Women Students interested in
putting their names on the baby
sitters' list for afternoon or eve-
ning may register in the Office of
the Dean of Women. Closing hours
must be observed.
Householders interested in ob-
taining baby sitters may inquire at
the Office of the Dean of Women.
Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Scholarship: The Detroit Armen-
ian Women's Club offers a schol-
arship of $100 for 1947-48. One
man and one woman of Armenian
parentage from the metropolitan
district of Detroit are eligible. Ap-
plication must be made before
May 15, 1947. Further particulars.
may be had at the office of F. E.
Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall.
University Community Center
(formerly West Court Commun-
ity Building), 1045 Midway, Wil-
low Run Village:
Thurs., Feb. 13, 8 p.m., Art-Craft
Fri., Feb. 14, 8:30 p.m., Bridge
and Open House. Music for danc-
Seniors and graduate students
who wish to be eligible to contract
to teach the modern foreign lan-
guages in the registered Secoh-
dary Schools of New York State
are notified that the required ex-
amination in French, Spanish,
German and Italian will be given
here on February 14, 1:15 p.m.,
Rm. 100 RL. No other opportunity
to qualify will be offered until
August, 1947, when Summer
School attendance is a prerequis-
ite for admission to the exami-
Freshman Health Lectures For
It is a University require-
ment that all entering freshmen
take, without credit, a series of lec-
tures on Personal & Community
Health and to pass an examina-
tion on the content of those lec-
tures. Transfer students with
freshman standing are also re-
quired to take the course unless
they have had a similar course
elsewhere. Upper classmen who
were here as freshmen and who
did not fulfill the requirements are
requested to do so this semester.
These lectures are not required
of veterans.
The lectures will be given in
Room 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m.
and repeated at 7:30 p.m. as per
the following schedule.
Lecture No. 1, Mon., Feb. 10
Lecture No. 2, Tues., Feb. 11
Lecture No. 3, Wed., Feb. 12
Lecture No. 4, Thurs., Feb. 13
Lecture No. 5, Mon., Feb. 17
Lecture No. 6, Tues., Feb. 18

Copr. I Y47 6y Un fed Fea. "r eyndkcat. InC.
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Letters to the Editor

Please note that attendance is
required and roll will be taken.
French Lecture: Prof. Paul M.
Spurlin, of the Romance Language
Department, will lecture on the
subject "Une affaire de coeur
amusante: Benjamin Franklin et
Madame Brillon," at 4:10, p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 18, Rm. D, Alumni Me-
morial Hall, under the auspices of
Le Cercle Francais.
Academic. Notices
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and Ger-
man for the doctorate will be held
on Friday, Feb. 14, from 4 to 6 p.m.
in the Amphitheatre of the Rack--
ham Building. Dictionaries may
be used.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
10-12 a.m., Sat., Feb. 15, Rm. 319
W. Medical Bldg. Subject, "Some
Recent Studies of Amino Acids."
All interested are invited.
Bus. Ad. 192: Real Estate Fun-
damentals. Meet in Rm. 2003, An-
gell Hall on Tuesday from 9 to 11,
and Thursdays at 10.
History 50-Lecture: Mon. and
Fri. at 2 p.m., transferred from
N. S. Auditorium to Rm. B, Haven
Chemistry 276 meet at 9 a.m.,
Monday, Rm. 3215 E. Engineering
Bldg., and 9 a.m. Wednesday, Rm.
243 W. Engineering Bldg.
Forestry 194 will not meet Fri.,
Feb. 14. If you re enrolled and did
not attend the opening session
Monday, please call for assign-
ment at Rm. 2052 N.S.
Greek 168. Basic Greek Ideas will
meet Monday, Wednesday, Friday
at 11:00 a.m., 1007 Angell Hall.
Latin 32. Roman Law will meet
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Fri-
daywat 11:00 a.m., 407 Library.
Political Science, Sec. 2: Tues.,
Thurs., and Sat., at 10 a.m. will
hereafter meet in Rm. 2203, An-
gell Hall.
Prof. L. H. Laing
Spanish: Continuation of a 2a
Professor Del Toro, 108 Romance
Language Bldg., new text will be
taken up this semester, two hours
credit, Spanish Ib.
Piano Recital: Joseph Brink-
man, head of the Piano Depart-
ment in the School of Music, will
be heard at 8:30 .p.m., Sun., Feb.
16, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Program. compositions by Beeth-
oven, Bach, Mozart, Brahms,
Chopin. The general public is in-
Faculty Recital: A program of
compositions for wind instruments
will be presented at 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 18, Rackham Assembly
Hall, by Russell Ilowland, Haskell
Sexton and William Stubbins.
They will be assisted by Grace
Sexton and Mary McCall Stubbins,
The general.publid is invited.
Organ Recital: Marilyn Mason,
teaching fellow in organ in the
School of Music, will be heard in
the first of a 'series of five organ

EDITOR's NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted At the discretion of th edi-
torial director.
Bad Driving
To The Editor:
WHEN I arrived in Ann Arbor
a year ago, I became instantly
aware of a wide variety of bad
driving. This included the fol-
lowing offenses: excess sp eed
through business areas, school
zones (for this is what University
areas are!), and intersections;
failure to make hand signals for
turns; dangerous passing; and
general discourtesty, including
blinding headlights and splashing
During the past year I have
seen the situation grow steadily
worse. And this is understandable
because the only effort to improve
matters has been the installation
of parking meters and large num-
bers of new restricted zones where
parking is limited to one or two
hours. The police have their
hands full patrolling all of these.
It is evident that with stu-
dent cars increasing in numbers
and with construction workmen
abounding, this is no' time to be
limiting the places where cars
may be parked. I do not have any
solution to the parking problem
but I do plead that the poice lay
imore emphasis on dangerous traf-
fic violations and less on trivial
I can suggest a few simple im-
provements, such as the install-
ation of some speed limit and
school zone signs; more "policing"
by the police and less lounging at
the entrance to Nickels Arcade.
In conclusion, I would like to
point out that I have no intention
of casting the blame especially on
students and inviting the inter-
ference of University officials.
-Walter Arnold
recitals, at 4:15 p.m., Sun., Feb.
16, Hill Auditorium. A pupil of
Palmer Christian, Miss Mason has
arranged aprogram to include
works by Bach, Ducasse, Malein-
greau, and Haines. It will be open
to the general public. Other pro-
grams will follow on February 23,
March 2, 6, and 9.
Events Today
-University Radio Programs:
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc., Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, Profes-
sor of Music Instruction, "Music
in America - Music Lessons by
U. of M. Chapter of the National
Lawyers Guild: Organization busi-
ness meeting at 3 p.m., Michigan
Union. Prof. B. Shartel of the
Michigan Law School will speak
on the subject, "Legal Aspects of
Sterilization," at 4 p.m.
Association of University of
Michigan Scientists Discussion
Group on Atomic Energy: 7:15
p.m., East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg.


Academic Freedom
To The Editor:
HE GOVERNOR of'this .stat
has seen fit to order an .iivs
tigation of so-called subV'siv
activities" on the campus at Meh
gan State College and the:
versity of Michigan, an-inves
ton that threatens the very basi
of academic freedom. The e leg
campus always has had groups o
it representing varying opiniens ii
political, religious, and social mat
ters. It is this freedom of opinio
which has made the campus on
of our firmest supports for democ
racy. Gov. Sigler, by attack Rn
that support, in limiting academi
freedom and restricting civil Ill
erties, has stooped to the level '
a Bilbo. The Governor's accusa
tions imply that campus organS
tions which support such mea
sures as an anti-lynch law, a fair
employment practices bill, ,a
anti-Franco campaign, etc.,
subversive in character and sdouli
be restricted in membership, an
activities. One wonders whethe
his attack is launched against th
progressive measures supported
these organizations rather ,
against purely imaginary subver
sive activities within them.
The greatest danger of Uae
investigations lies in the fat @h
they may be used as ste p
stones for further, more drasi
attempts to limit the freedop e
the people of this state. I4b1rt
must not be accepted passvel
but must be guarded carefully an
fought for. Good citizenship de
mands that any inroads again
this libterty be combatted fror
their very beginning.
-John H. Sloss
To The Edtor:
A PIANIST and a professor re
ceived applause last Frida)
one for a good show, the other
-what? Just what lies behind.t
quaint custom of clapping hand
at the conclusion of the semester
last class session?
There are some students,.
course, who are only glad t
lectures are over. And there ar
some in each class, as there are s
many in the average concert adi
ence, who applaud willy-nilly, jus
because somebody else is doing s
It is probable that clapping by
majority of the students is don
because a few very sincere peopi
take this means of showing thei
appreciation to the professor an
the herd Joins in.
We doubt whether doing a
honest ob for wages received
yet such a rare thing that it m er
its special recognition. Fu hr
more, we suspect that th '%oo
people who clap their hand v
little thought to the possibe
actions of the professor hinge:
How do you suppose it feels t
have worked hard all sekester t
make lectures valuable r
esting, and then to be aaplaud
at the end as a mere showm ?
Think, students! Is ter' C.
better way to express genu e
preciation for the extra effort t
forth by your teachers? Why nc
speak a few words to , heg i
their offices? Or why noti n
polite notes to them at thei
Professors ar human. Un t
edly they would like to -
whether you have profited un e
their instruction, or found-. e
lectures worth while, even .ene
taming. But let us save r
plause for the occasions whenp
preciation is, and should be, les
-Robert T. Swartz

Varsity Glee Club,
section: Rehearsal and
Tour at 7:15 p.m.

tryouts for

La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Alpha Phi Alpha, Epsilon Chap-
ter: 7 p.m., Union.
Modern Poetry Club: 7;45 p.m.,
League. Discussion of Hart Crane's
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert sponsored by the
Graduate School will include
Haydn's Symphony in C, Haydn's
Cello Concerto, and Beethoven's
Waldstein Sonata for piano.
MYDA: Bob Cummins will speak
on Academic Freedom and Events
at Michigan State College, at 7:30
p.m., Union. All interested are in-
vited to attend.
Tryouts for the French Play:
today and tomorrow, 3-5:15 p.m.,
Rm. 408 Romance Language Bldg.
Any student with some knowledge
of the French language may try
Alpha Phi Omega: National
Service Fraternity: Installation
ceremonies -for spring semester of-
ficers, at 7:15 p.m., Union.
TohAll Fraternity Presidents:
Rushing Meeting 7:30 p.m., Rm.
306, Union.
All former members of the Boy
Scouts of America, are invited to
(Continued on Page -5)

i tr~lgI

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students
the University of Michigan under1
authority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.
Edztorial Staff
Paul Harsha ........ Managing Edi
Clayton Dickey ..... ..City Edi
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Direc
Mary Brush ...........Associate Edi
}Ann Kaitz...........Associate Edi
Clyde Recht ........ Associate Edi
Jack Martin............ sports Edi
Archie Parsons Associate Sports Edi
Joan Wilkc......Women's E41
Lynne Ford Associate Women's Edi
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Mana
Janet Cork ...... Business Mana
Nancy Helmick .. Advertising Mana
Member of The Associated Pr

(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
C ome, mboy. ltsfime tocheck 1


Lecture No.
Wed., Feb. 19.

7 (examination),l

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Whatis it, Mc no yd j

[You saythis aformic ideao

This new method will enable you to


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