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April 30, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-30

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eiCe :ge 4

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Reds Support
Free Debate
On Palestine
Defer Co~niiieii
On Independtence
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 29--Russia
tonight supported full discussion
_ of the Palestine question in the
United Nations Assembly but re-
served her position on the merits
of the Arab states' campaign for
immediate independence of the
Holy Land.
The Russian position was pre-
sented after Herschel V. Johnson,
U. S. representative, told the As-
sembly's 14 nation steering com -
mittee that the Arab proposal "at-
tempts to prejudge the issue."
Andrei A. Gromyko, Russia's
chief delegate, declared that dis-
cussion of Palestine independence
"does not mean that the General
Assembly has to make a decision
at this session on the substance of
this question."
He made no commitment on the
substance of the Arab hope for a
free Palestine which would retain
its present Arab populational ma-
Interpretations Protested
Taking the floor a second time,
Johnson declared he felt it nec-
essary to protest against Arab in-
terpretations of his previous state-
"The United States in declining
to give its approval to the Arab
resolution," he explained, "is not
precluding the independence of
Palestine or a discussion of this
Johnson said there were several
different views on the form of in-
dependence Palestine should have,
and that some of them differed
} sharply with the Arab views.
"We are here to set up a com-
mittee, not to analyze history," he
Reference to British
This was a reference to the Brit-
ish proposal to establish a fact-
finding committee for Palestine.
"Suppose the Arab item was ad-
mitted to the agenda," Johnson
said. "Does anyone suppose it
would be interpreted in Palestine.
It would inflame passion and
would be interpreted according to
their purposes. We want this to
be taken up in a calm atmos-
The Jewish agency for Pales-
tine joined in the fight from the
sidelines outside the committee
Mine Owners
Refuse Parley
Southern Producers
Balk at Lewis Offer
By The Associated Press
The Southern Coal Producers
Association refused Tuesday to
join in industry-wide bargaining
conferences with John L. Lewis de-
signed to avert a possible soft coal
strike July 1.
The group termed industry-wide
bargaining "impractical and un-
The operators' position, in the
face of a United Mine Workers
convention decision not to accept
less than a nationwide contract,
foreed a recess until'3 p.m. (CDT)
Wednesday in Washington confer-
ences between the union and coal

operators from throughout the na-
The preliminary talks had been
arranged at government prodding
in an effort to remove the possi-
bility of a new soft coal tieup July
1 when the government's authority
to operate the mines expires.
In, a statement Tuesday, the
Southern ,Coal operators said they
were willing to negotiate a sep-
arate contract with Lewis but were
"unwilling to proceed with indus-
try-wide negotiations."
The statement came after the
preliminary talks were underway
and coal mines administrator N. H.
Collisson won a promise from both
sides that neither would require
"certain terms" as a condition for
entering into collective bargain-
Vets' Subsistence
Payments Delayed
WASHINGTON, April 29-(P)-
,Th Ama.-nn Armniasf-rn cnir

Tornado Leveis Missouri Town
Estimate 13 Dead, 45 Injured
House otes Foreign Relief Cu

Tentative Vote
Denies Aid To

MEALTIME AT 'TE UNIVERSITY FRESH AIR CAMP-Pictured here are the kids who are given
an opportunity to en.oy the vacation benefits in the country from the proceeds of the Tag Day sales
which begin today. Costs of maintaining a boy at the camp are $100. The boys' families are charged
$40. The difference is made up through the people who are interested in seeing these underprivi-
leged children assemble at a table like this, experiencing a healthy wholesome summer.
e 'o e 4 *

Iresh Ai r Camp Develops
Youngsters into Good Citizens

The University Fresh Air Camp
is performing a great service to the
community through its efforts to
direct kids on the behaviour prob-
lem fence, keeping them on the
other side of the delinquency line,
William C. Morse, Director of the
Camp, said yesterday.
The case of "Tommy" is one
of the many examples of just what
the adults at the camp have to
Dean Deplores
'1776' Notion
Of U.S. Ideals
The emphasis placed on "Amer-
icanism" today encourages the
Lalse nation that all American
ideals had their beginning in 1776
rather than being the product of a
thousand years of human prog-
ress, Dean Christian Gauss of
Princeton University told new Phi
Beta Kappa members last night.
Dean Gauss spoke at the annual
initiation dinner of the national
Scholarship fraternity at which 66
aew members were initiated.
Objecting to the concept that
he remedy for our educational
jifficulties and our preparation for
life in "One World" can only be
effected by more courses in Ameri-
a history, Dean Gaussusaid,
"American history is usually
taught as beginning in 1776 and it
aims to present Americans as a
unique people, with a manifest
destiny of their own and with im-
,nigration quotas designed to pro-
sect their interests-interests pre-
:umed to be quite different from
;hose of all other peoples."
This national:sm, Dean Gauss
asserted, has "violated the funda-
mental elements in our culture. Its
exclusiveness is a violation of the
best elements in classical think-
ing -- on which Americanism is
)ased-and is also frankly un-
"Any system of thought or con-
duct which attempts to set any
group of humans upon a higher
pedestal as a class-or nation is sub-
versive of our culture," he ex-

cope with during the course of the
summer. Tommy was a child with
a great deal of initiative and lead-
ership who was antagonistic to-
ward adults. When one of his
ideas of going on an overnight
hike without an adult was reject-
ed, Tommy organized a strike. He
and his gang made cardboard
signs in the workshop with the
names of the adults in authority
printed on them. They then pick-
eted at a crucial time when the
kids and the people to whom they
felt resentful were present.
Resentment Removed
Because Tommy's negativism
was of a very mature kind, the
counselors responded to his atti-
tude by inviting a delegation to
have the kids' side heard again.
They then reached a decision
which was mutually satisfactory.
Tommy, at the end of the summer,
lost the feeling that all adults
were bad, and the counselors' ef-
forts were directed at developing
his intelligence and leadership
qualities into more socialized pat-
"Billy," big for his age and of
average intelligence, was a tradi-
tional bully. He was uninterested
in the things that the kids of his
age were because of his physical
maturity. The first week of his
stay saw Billy Working the kids
into such a state of homesickness
that, they cried and wanted to run
away, though Billy himself did
not have the courage to do so.
Given Responsibilities
The counselors channeled Billy's
energy into another direction
through explaining to him that
leadership requires skilfull under-
standing. They delegated some
authority to him and in this way
got him to share responsibility
with the counselors. Now back at
school, teachers indicate that
Billy's manner has changed to the
extent that he has learned new
patterns of behaviour and leader-
The fighting Irishman "Mike,"
son of a prize-fighter, had been
a leader in a city gang whose mot-
to was "fight everyone except
those in your own gang." When he
first came to camp he had no
gang and so beat up everyone in
sight. Then his cabin became his
gang except for one important
See DIRECTOR, Page 2

Tag Sales for
'U' Camp Will
Be Held Today
Fraternity and residence hall
members will be posted all over
campus today to sell tags in the
annual Tag Day sales for the bene-
fit of the University Fresh Air
Camp for underprivileged children.
Delta Kappa Epsilon will be sta-
tioned at the center of the diago-
nal, Chi Phi at the Engineering
Arch, Phi Sigma Delta in front of'
Romance Languages, Sigma Nu at
the north end of Angell Hall, Phi
Delta Theta on Angell Hall steps,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon at the north
side of Waterman and Zeta Xi in'
front of the League.
Members of Sigma Nu will be
posted at University Hospital,
Theta Delta Chi at the Law quad,
Williams House of the West Quad
between University High School
and the architectural school, Beta
Theta Pi at the Union, Sigma Phi
in front of Rackham and Kappa
Sigma in front of the Medical
Phi Gamma Delta will cover the
State Street entrancesto the Ar-
cade, Winchell House of West
Quad, the corner of North Uni-
versity and State, Theta Chi the
corner of East and South Univet-
sity, Chi Psi the corner of State
and Liberty, Prescott House the
southwest corner of Main and
William and Theta Xi the corner
of Main and Liberty.
Alpha Delta Pi will sell tags on
the southwest corner of Main and
Washington, Sigma Chi the south-
east corner of Main and Huron,
WinchelleHouse of West Quad,
the northeast entrance to West
Quad and Greene House, East
Bill Short and Philip Sturte-
vant, Theta Chi's, will be collect-
ing at frequent intervals during
the day starting shortly before 11
Hayden Fund
Tops $1,000
Preliminary reports indicate that
students have pledged over $1,000
to the Hayden Memorial Library
Fund, according to Steve Muntean,
fund treasurer.
Incomplete returns show that
Beta Theta Pi fraternity, with $250
pledged toward the fund, is thus
far top house in the fraternity di-
vision. Top sorority to date is Al-
pha Phi with $55 pledged.
It is expected that complete re-
turns will swell the fund consid-
erably. In addition to pledge lists
unreported, $350 will be added to
the fund from proceeds of the stu-
dent talent show, "Running Ram-
Muntean has asked any campus
group with pledge lists still unre-
ported to turn the list and the
money over to Mrs. Reynolds in
Rm. 2, University Hall.
Other campus contributions in-
clude $44 from Betsey Barbour, $63
from Jordan and $44 from Victor

Red Satellites
Name Six Countries
Eligible For Funds
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 29-The
House voted tentatively today to9
deny American relief aid to all
countries whose governments are
under Russian domination unless
they agree to strict United States
The House vote was 135 to 110
on a teller's tally. The action is
subject to a rollcall vote after the
House completes consideration of
all amendments. It followed ten-
tative adoption of another amend-
ment to slash the administration's
request for $350,00,000 for the re-
lief program to $200,000,000.
The vote on the fund reduc-
tion was 156 to 138, also on a
teller's tally.
Likewise tentatively, the House
voted 136 to 72 to specify the coun-
tries entitled to the aid-Italy,
Greece, Hungary, Austria, Poland
and China.
Rep. Lawrence Smith (Rep.,
Wis.), who offered this amend-
ment, told a questioning member
that it is aimed at preventing any
of the relief going to' Russia.
The list of controls in Smith's
amendment is the same as that
proposed for aid by the State
The House actions came as the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee unanimously endorsed the
$35,000,000 program of aid to hun-
gry Europeans and Chinese. The
committee ordered a "Made in
America tag on the relief supplies.
Rep. Jonkman (Rep., Mich.)
presented t h e fund - cutting
amendment in the House, saying
that the program submitted by
the State Department might
lead to "permanent relief."
On the losing side, Rep'. Judd
(Rep., Minn.) said a big cut would
be a disastrous betrayel of Secre-
tary of State Marshall. Judd said
Marshall has deeply impressed
millions of Europeans "who- hate
Cheats Law
Innocently Steals
Local Doctor's Car
An Adrian, Mich. woman
had a brush with the law here yes-
terday because of a 10,000 to ore
After visting her sister, a Uni-
versity coed, the Adrian woman
got into what she thought was her
family car and drove it home.
When she arrived home, a member
of her family discovered that she
had taken the wrong car. It was
the same make and model, but
bore a different license number.
She immediately returned the
strange car to Ann Arbor, there-
upon discovering her vehicle
parked where she had originally
left it.
Police Captain Alfred Heusel
said that it was a 10,000 to one co-
incidence that ignition keys for
both cars were identical. It was
discovered that the Adrian woman
had inadvertently used the trunk
key of her auto in the ignition of
the strange vehicle, making it a
double coincidence.
The car taken by mistake, be-
longed to an Ann Arbor doctor.
The doctor laughed it off as a case
of mistaken identity, and will not
press charges, police said.
Sigma Chi Burglarized

Police reported today that $310
was stolen from the Sigma Chi
House at 548 South State Street.
Edward Hall, president of the
fraternity, notified police of the
Union Officers Elected

Further Labor
Curbs Asked
By McClellan
House Bill Adoption
Sought by Senator
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 29-Sen-
ator McClellan (Dem.,Ark) -pro-
posed today that collective bar-
gaining rights be denied to any
union having an officer who could
"reasonably be regarded" as a
communist or communist sym-
McClellan picked up the lan-
guage of the labor bill passed over -
whelmingly by the House and sug-
gested the Senate add it to its
In another amendment, McClel-
lan also lifted from the House bill
a provision which would outlaw
industry-wide bargaining in1 vil -
tually every case.
Senate Bill Denounced
On the other hand, Senator
Pepper (Dem., Fla.) denounced
the Senate bill-which is milder
than the House version - as a
drastic atempt to "weaken and
strangle the union movement in
this country."
He said in a Senate speech that
the bill's provision to curb strikes
and other union activities would
reduce workers' purchasing power
by ,"impairing their ability to
stand up against unfair wages."
This, he said, will help bring on
"another depression which will rob
us all."
Other Developments
There were these other Senate
developments :
1. Minority 'leader Barkley
(Ky.) predicted that most Demo-
crats will vote against proposals
of the Republican leadership to
toughen the bill in its restrictions
on unions, and for a pending mo-
tion to send the measure back to
committee to be split into four
2. Plans of Senator Taft (Rep.,
Ohio) to permit private employers
to get injunctions against juris-
dictional strikes and secondary
boycotts collided with opposition
by Senator Vandenberg (Rep.,'
3. Senator Wherry (Neb.) the
Republican whip, announced that
the Senate will meet at 11 a.m. the
rest of this week, an hour earlier
than usual, in an effort to speed
a final vote on the labor bill.

Legislature Supported
3 To 2 on Referendum
One-Fifth of Campus Population Votes on
MYDA Resolution in 2,267 to 1,486 Tally
One-fifth of the student body participated yesterday in a campus-
wide refrendum which backed a Student Legislature resolution oppos-
ing President Ruthven's action in banning MYDA by a 2,267 to 1,486
Of the 3,826 students who answered the questions, "Have you read
the Legislature's resolution?" and "Do you support the Legislature's'
stand?", 46 said they had not read the Legislature resolution. Twenty
six of this group answered "yes" to the second question, and 20 voted
"no," but these figures were not included in the official totals. Twenty

seven ballots were discarded be-
cause one of the two questions had
not been answered.
"I feel gratified that 20 per cent
of the students were polled in only
six hours of voting," Haskell Cop-
lin, Legislature president, said
last night, "and I think that the
60 per cent vote of approval sub-
stantially affirms the Legisla-
ture's action."
Coplin said he believed that
many of the "no" votes were cast
because students were confused
about the referendum's implica-
tions, believing that an affirma-
tive vote would constitue a stand
against the ban itself.
The Legislature's resolution, he
pointed out, opposed the action on
the grounds that it by-passed the
Student Affairs Committee, the
"traditionally arnd logically consti-
tuted group maintained to handle
such matters."
The resolution also asked for, a
"public review of the situation be-
fore an open SAC meeting" and
a "clear statement of the general
grounds for banning any group
and the specific charges brought
against MYDA."
Coplin said that further action
on the resolution would depend on
the Legislature.
NSO Objectives
To Be Give

Storm Leaves
Few Buildings
Erect in Worth
Isolated for Hours
In Wake of Twister
By The Associated Press
WORTH, Mo., April 29-A tor-
nado virtually leveled this north-
west Missouri town today, killing
at least 13 persons and injuring
at least 45 of the remaining popu-
lation of 233 persons.
The State Highway Patrol esti-
mated 20 were killed.
The business district was re-
duced to rubble. Only a few resi-
dences were left standing after the
violent storm lashed this small
community at 3:30 o'clock (CDT)
this afternoon.
Chester Krause, editor of the
Maryville, Forum, reported
rescuers still were searching the
ruins for additional dead or in-
jured. He said all the dead prob-
ably had been recovered.
The storm whipped through the
center of the town, smashing 12
buildings including the school,
church and community hall in ad-
dition to the business houses and
about 15 homes.
An alert school teacher, Mrs
Anna Trump, saved her 16 pupls
from death or injury, by herding
them into a storm cellar when she
saw the storm approaching. A
short time later the building was
Orin Meyers, telephone operator
was killed when he tried to reach
the schoolhouse to rescue his
daughter before the storm struck.
The body of Fred Jennings was
found in a ditch where he appar-
ently had sought cover from the
blasting wind.
A plane with 200 units of
blood plasma left Kansas City
tonight for St. Joseph. The
plasma left Kansas City tonight
for St. Joseph. The plasma was
to be rushed here by motor car.


of Texas Student
Lead Discussion

Speaking on "Why We Need a
National Student Organization,"
Jim Smith, president of the NSO's
continuations committee and a
student at the University of Texas,
will lead a discussion of NSO ob-
jectives at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
The discussion, high point of
Michigan's observance of NSO
Week, is intended to informwthe
student body of the issues whicl
will be involved in the organiza-
tion constitutional convention, to
be held next fall at the University
of Wisconsin.
Michigan will elect 6 delegates
to the convention in a campus-
wide election May 14.
The continuations committee.
which Smith heads, was set up at
the Chicago Student Conference in
December to prepare a tentative
The NSO is a non-partisan, stu-
dent organization.

The city was isolated for hours
after the tornado dipped down,
smashed the town, rose immedi-
ately and disappeared.
Couriers brought first news of
the catastrophe to Gentry, where
a telephone operator, Mrs. Forest
Ferguson, sent out news and sum-
moned aid.
A few minutes after the storm
hit Worth, a tornado struck Clio,
another small town of 200 across
the state line in Iowa. Extensive
property damage was reported. A
farm home two miles south of Clio
was demolished.
There were no fatalities lthere,
At least two persons were killed,
ne seriously injured and another
is missing after a tornado struck
the small community of Bright
Water, Ark., late tonight.
Senior Booklet
Sales To Begin
Sales of senior booklets and
;raduation announcements will be
made from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomor-
:ow and Friday at University Hall
and the Engineering Arch, the
Commencement Committee has
Containing names of graduates
of the different schools and col-
leges, class officers, the program
"or senior week and photographs
of campus scenes, the booklet will
continue on sale Monday and
Tuesday. In addition, salesmen
will visit dormitories, fraternities
and sororities between Monday
and Thursday.
Sales will be made only as sched-
uled. Delivery of booklets and
announcements will take place the
week before final examinations.
AVC To Discuss
Convention Plans
Members of the campus chapter
of the AVC will meet at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union to make plans

Case Club Finalists To Argue
Anti-Poll Tax Law Question

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 29-Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) to-
day warned in effect that this nation may take the lead in organizing
the European peace without Russia if the Soviets cling to their de-
man ds.
Ifa united program "is beyond reasonable reach we cannot wait
too long for a peace program which at least unites those who can
agree," he said.
NEW DELHI, India, April 29-The Indian Constituent As-
sembly approved today the aboltion of untouchability and made
the observance of this system a penal offense.
Approval came during a clause by clause consideration of a
24-point interim report submitted by the fundamental rights com-
WASHINGTON, April 29-In quick response to a dircet new ap-~
peal from President Truman, the United States Chamber of Com-
mre tnav nurged industrv to cut rices "where and when business

Is a federal anti-poll tax law
such as the once proposed Guyer
Sill constitutional?
If not, could an election official
in a poll tax state be prosecuted
under section 20 of the Criminal
Code which makes it a crime for
-in7 n A- n.-n.n n aC'fn a in-

Appeals), a State Supreme Court
Justice (John R. Dethmers), amid
the Dean of the Law School (E.
Blythe Stason) and you can see
that the midnight oil was not
spared this week. Then, just in
case things might get a little dull
for the boys, there's a small mat-
tr ff a n.acem a xnrdA -rI-I..

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