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April 27, 1947 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-27

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SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1947



WAA Notices
WAA sports clubs will meet this
week as follows:
Rifle Club: Practice meetings
from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow and
Thursday at the ROTC Range,
Bowling Club: Regular meetings
from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow, Tues-
day, and Wednesday.
Ballet Club: Beginners and i a-
termediates will meet at 7 p.m.
Wednesday in Barbour Gym.
Modern Dance Club: Regular
meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the
Barbour Gym dance room.
Archery Club: Outdoor shcot-
ing at 4 p.m. Friday at the WAB.
Beginners wishing instruction may
attend the regular physical educa-
tion classes at 3:20 p.m. tomorrow
and Wednesday.
The schedule for next week':
softball games follows:
Monda.y: Sorosis vs. Delta Gam-
ma, Kappa Alpha Theta II vs. Pi
Beta Phi I, Delta Delta Delta vs.
Y Gamma Phi Beta II at 5:10 p.m.:
Couzens I vs. Helen Newberry at
7:10 p.m.
Tuesday: Mosher I vs. Alpha:
Epsilon Phi, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma vs. Willow Run, Delta Zeta vs
Jordan VI, Chi Omega vs. Alpha
Zi Delta II at 5:10 p.m.
3 Wednesday: Stockwell I vs. Jor-
dan V, Kappa Delta II vs. Sigma.
Delta Tau, Kappa Alpha Theta I
vs. Alpha Gamma Delta, Mary
Markley House vs. Britt House at
5:10 p.m., Alpha Chi Omega vs.
Jordan IV, Mosher II vs. Zone II
team II, Martha Cook vs. Stock-
well III at 7:10 p.m.

'Bridg4t' S!fe, Alfreds Fiate Mystery

(Couti n ued Ifrom Page, 1

mnent ion that Alfred did escape
from what may well have been his

had faithfully adhered to Presi- grave, but there are many authori-
dent Burton's plea to stay off the ties who believe that somehow he
grass only to have Alfred come s rescued.
along with his "demoralizing and There is at
!upsetting scoop."Theisaletonpoeso
"sAll my suppressed desire to tk on campus, however, who says that
he never saw Alfred come out of
i short cut has burst fourth in full that hole. lie further charges mat
ury," he wrote, "and now, when- a bronze plaque on the floor of
'ver I see a bit of untouched grass,.the Provost's office commemo-'
I leap upon it, fiercely and venge- rating a historic tree actually
fully." should be inscribed: "Here lies Al-
The Daily editorially wished Al- fred. He died that Angell Hall
fred a. Merry Christmas that year, might live."
and gave a detailed account of his It was this indecision about the
unhappiness at being left alone fate of Alfred that made old tim-
over the holidays in its first issue ers fear that the worst was in store;
in January, 1923. All in all, reams for Bridgit. but her lazy shamble
were written about Alfred, particu- up the embankment to freedom on
larly about his chances of escape Friday sent all their worries up in
from the tremendous hole he was smoke..
digging. This poem is representa- Tomorrow, April 28, 1947, Bridgit

will leave by flat car for Pitts-
burgh, the home of her loving par-
ents, the American Bridge Com-
pany. The date is carefully noted
here so that skeptics twenty years
hence may be sure that Bridgit
left Ann Arbor safely.
But what about Alfred?
Six Die, More Injuredi
In HinduI-Moslem Riots
CALCUTTA, April 26--:P)-Six
persons were ekilled and 31 in-
jured today in Hindu-Moslem riot-
ing, a government communique
said. A 35-hour curfew was im-
posed on three police districts
where 362 have been arrested in
the last 24 hours.
Keep Buying Bonds!

IMPORTANT MEETING-Bobbie, age 13. months, in picture
above, is introduced to his prospective parents by Miss Jane Quirk,
adoption consultant at the Michigan Children's Institute. The In-
stitute has made a through study of both Bobbie and his future
parents, and has decided that they are "made for each other."
FAREWELL-Sue, age 13 years, (in picture to left) waves good-
bye to a matron at the Michigan Children's Institute, where she
has been staying prior to going to her foster boarding home, Sue is
accompanied by Miss Jane Quirk, adoption consultant at the In-
Post-graduate Study Essential
For Workers in Social Field

Art MuseUin to Display Sterne Drawings Today
An exhibit of 30 drawings by will consist of pencil, brush, ink,
Maurice Sterne will be shown to- charcoal, chalk, oil wash and
day through May 18 at the Uni- wash drawings. The exhibit, se-
versity's Museum of Art, accord- lected from a large group in the
ing to Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, Albert N. Bender collection of theI
acting director of the museum. San Francisco Museum of Art, is
Representing the artist's style being circulated by the American
at successive periods, the exhibit Federation of Arts.

1 dem LO: .1.



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and you'll love our frisky cotton dresses . .
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for your easy sleeping .. .
-fit brascotton pajoms .. . and the famous
Alene cotton "Shorties" . . tofit every
gal . . . regular, tiny or tall .
ties .. .
o-wash $2.95-$4.95

(Continued from Page 1)
needed for a social work position.
Erickson took his graduate
training, consisting of 48 credit
hours and a thesis, at the Univer-
sity Institute of Social Work, lo-
cated in the Rackham Building in
Detroit. Courses there included
case work, mental hygiene, and.
psychiatric information.j
He did his field work, part of
the requirment for a graduate de-
gree, at the Children's Center in
Detroit, a clinic for the study and
treatment of educational, person-
ality and conduct problems of
'Young Profession'
"Social work is a young, grow-
ing profession, and opportunities
in the field for both men and wom-
en are unlimited," he stated. "The
skilled, well-trained social worker
is always in demand, and there is
ample freedom to advance to ex-
ecutive positions. For men there
are administrative jobs involving
responsibility for social planning.
while women more often prefer di-
rect work with clients." -
Differences Pointed Outl
Miss Jane Quirk, adoption con-
sultant in the infant adoption de-
partment of the Michigan Chil-
dren's Institute, pointed out the
vast difference between "a lay per-
son doing good' and a profession-
ally trained social worker giving
constructive help."
"Social work requires a knowl-
edge, based on training and expe-
rience, of human emotions in-
volved in the complex personal re-!
lations of family life," Miss Quirk
said. "With professional training
one can be of real constructive
service to those seeking help."
At the Michigan Children's In-
stitute, the state agency providing
foster home care for dependent
and neglected children, Miss
Quirk's work is concerned with in-
terviewing and getting to know
adoptive applicants. Prc 3pective
adoptive parents come to the In-
stitute in search of a. child and
want to talk to "someone who will
understand their voiced and un-
voiced desires for a child," she

"This may sound simple," she
added, "but it takes an ability to
understand people, their personali-
ties and backgrounds, as well as
their ability to become adoptive
parents. It also takes an under-
standing of children, their physi-
cal and mental development, the
meaning of past, present or future
experiences to them and their
heritage, all in terms of what
they will need to make them hap-
py people."
Older Children
The majority of the children
under the Institute's care are old-
er ones who have been committed
by court because their homes
did not provide the basic security
necessary for their happiness. For
some of these adoption plans are
made; for others, permanent
boarding plans are more advisoble.
Miss Quirk, like Erickson. grad-
uated from the University with a
major in sociology, in 1938. In-
quiring into the requirements for
a social work position, she learned
that it was necessary to receive
training in a graduate school.
Attended Chicago School
She attended the graduate
school of Social Service Admin-
istration in Chicago, taking courses
similar to those Erickson took in
Detroit. Her field work require-
ments were fulfilled by work in a
district office of the Chicago Wel-
fare Administration. Miss Quirk
also did field work at the Illinois
Children's Home and Aid Society.
Both Miss Quirk and Erickson.
as well as the other members of
the county chapter of the Ameri-
can Association of Social Workers,
I will be present to answer questions
about social work at an informal
get-together from 3:30 to 5:30
p.m. Wednesday in the Main Li-
brary Room of Lane Hall.
Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired
314 S. State St. Phone 7177

tive of the thought:
You've dug yourself in there,
dogonne you-
You're rooted a hole with your
You've made a big ditch in our
Now how do you hope to get out?
Or do you intend to remain there,
And take up a course in our school,
And learn to whistle in Latin?
You steam-sweating ignorant fool?
Perhaps Economics will please
They'll make you dig there, never
And how cute you'll look as a
With a grey'pot over one car.
So dig and be darned to you,
Just dig as much as you please-
For we're digging in too in our
Deep holes to hide from the "E's."
The Daily files do not actually

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Announcing tihe Arrival of a
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tic belI sleeves make it a brie( and\
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32 to 38 Special lengths for tall girls.

A dance-length
tunic dress of sheer
1~kratyon crepe and
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ringed with rosettes.
Sizes 10 to 16.
As featured in


I _

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