THE MICOLIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AR .27,- 14 Fresh Air Cmip THE LITTLE BOY on the diving board will be around again this Wednesday to ask your aid in making the University Fresh Air Camp Tag Day sales a success. The Tag Day goal for funds to be raised by students has been set at $5,500, a sum which calls for more than a smile at this "cute" kid; it calls for an awareness on the part of contributors of the importance of the work that is being done at the Fresh Air Camp. Each summer for more than 25 years, the Fresh Air Camp has been a host to kids for Michigan metropolitan areas who, for the most part, had never experienced the keen thrill of swimming in country lakes, hilking in the woods, and all the experiences which the average college student takes as the normal thing to do between the spring and fall semesters. Some of these boys never slebt in a -bed, let..alone an individual Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: GAY LARSEN ou ind swne kais tI re aiTaz1,d i athe four n eeks (if well-prepared meals that came con- sistently three times a day. Part of the student's education consists of the development Of a sense of responsi- bility as a citizei1 ol his conirmunity. The Fr h Air Camp provides a realistic example of wn!1 this seni of responsibility involves. Ceu ,_eloi1s a.t the camp have told of repeat- e:d i::starcIs where boys who lave come to the (Nj f with the kinds of behaviour prob- lems which a society like ours frowns upon, havc left with the beginnings of the atti- tuey which we would like to instill. Four w k, at the Fresh Air Camp cannot and Snot mneajt 1o be a panacea for all the *vil incuird by these kids in their un- healthy city life, but it does serve to give these boys an experience upon which they eni look back with pleasure for the rest of their lives. And it helps to give them an appreciation of their own talents heretofore une aliz ed. The Fresh Air Camp picture is one to which students, who have contributed can look with a real sense of achievement and with a feeling that it is worthy of contin- ucsd and enthusiastic support. -Lida Dailes On Labor Curbs WHEN CONGRESSMEN talk about curb- ing labor's power so as to equalize bar- gaining rights, working men wonder in what world of consciousness the legislators exist. Thousands of little-publicized incidents rob such talk of its coherence, each working day. Au episode still unfolding in Muskegon, a city of feeder-plants for the automobile in- dustry, 180 miles northwest of Ann Arbor, is typical. Spokesmen for 17 former employees of the Continental Motors Corporation testi- fied in the CIO Western Michigan News, April 2. They were relieved of their jobs following a short spontaneous strike of 1,079 workers, February 18, unable to se- cure unemployment compensation, strip- ped of savings and war bonds, faced with food, rent, gas, light, and doctor bills; after seven weeks these men are still idle. Concerning his talk with the personnel man of another plant where he was seeking a job, one worker declared: "He said he had an opening for me, but when he found out I had been working at CMC at the time of the walk-out, he made the excuse that he didn't think I would be able to reach their high production rates . . . It doesn't matter wher yo go to lok for work in a factory, the excuses are different but the answer is the same." One of the 17, who got a job in a. foundry after two weeks without work, " no question after two weeks without work, "no questions asked and no application to fill out," said: "I worked a couple of night (2nd shift) and then the foreman told me he had orders from higher up to let me go." "Now it is impossible for me to get a job in another factory," said one of them, "be- cause we, the 17, are blackballed so far as reference from the Continental is concern- ed." "So I'm disgusted," added one of the ,nen; "why can't I get a job when the paper is full of ads wanting men ... the only way I guess one can get a job is to: 1st. change your name, 2nd. get a new social security number, in fact be reborn." Now that Local 113 has forced Continental to agree to rehire the 17 - on May 5 on a six-month probationary status - someone may cry that the union has won the case. That the consolation of this victory is ex- tremely limited for the men involved (and for others who may be the victims next time), however, is obvious. "Any worker knows," says one of the men, "that six weeks without a pay-check spells financial disaster." Another adds: "I have drawn out what little money I had in the bank, my bonds are all gone." "I have been out of work better than a month now," sas another, "and do need a job." " . . . I have no other income whatever," says another, "and what savings I have is going fast." 1aW X ... T O THOSE benighted esoterics and intel- lectuals who consider jazz merely an in- teresting form of folk-music, pianist Lennie Tristano may help prove that jazz is com- ing close to fulfilling the requirements of a genuine art. Tristanq, as do virtually all modern jazz musicians, realizes that jazz is a moving and expanding form of expression, and that as it grows it must become more complex rhythmically and harmonically. The crude polyphony and simple harmon- ies of the original New Orleans were exciting twenty years ago, but unfortunately are still being acclaimed by men like Rudi Blesh, promoter of the radio show, This Is Jazz, as the "real" and only jazz-form. If Blesh and his fellow purists refuse to let the more modern jazz be designated as jazz, then let us call it by some other name. The new jazz is modern experimental and plastic music. Lennie Tristano's first record, "Out on a Limb" and "I Can't Get Started" (Keynote), is one of the finise examples of this new The Continental episode, repeated each day in cases throughout the nation, renders the "too much power" cry a pathetic joke. While there is, of course, an absence of equality when bargaining groups sit down at the conference table, men whose daily activity defines for them the rights insepar- able from the employer-employee relation- ship can share few of the congressmen's il- lusions about which side of the scales is weighted most heavily. -Malcolm T. Wright LOMINIE Sa 6: FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS in these sermons we have been voicing a persis- tent belief that to be a university the stu- dents and faculty must bring every type of learning to serve values. Failing there edu- cation fails. "The sense of not being ones own, of belonging to the eternal supreme good which is the whole is freedom and pow- er," 'says Bosanquet. That has been our central theme. As this column, the instru- ment of a counselor in religion, comes to a close, we wish to-thank the-Michigan Daily for their participation, their sharing of prob- lems, and their steady affection. If we have held too tenaciously to the con- viction that religion-on-its-merit must be the central faith of intellectuals, we hope we may be forgiven. To us religion is one thing while the church or any other structure is something different. Each church clinging to an absolute sovereignty must stop short of a world ministry. Today we have in the United Nations a vision of world commun- ity It may remain only a dream. Commun- ity must exist before effective organization can be attained. To create community is the first duty of religious faith. Is that duty being performed? Not until Jew, Cathdlic, Protestant, Hindu, Moslem, Buddhist, and Confucian follower can enlist every theory of existence and apply their various insights to the practical need of human beings will families and groups be unified, sinners find salvation, or nations live at peace. We have been saying that a state uni- versity, the people's forum out of which the best minds shall bring forth truth for com- mon consumption, must give every soul full freedom. In that freedom it is the function of laboratory scientist, literary man, ro- mantic dreamer in art, historian weaving a theory of progress, or legal mind seeking to discover how society shall finally order its conflicting energies to worship. Every thinker has his shrine. Religion-on-its- merit, contrary alike to the dictum of each limited system of belief and every dogma of doubt, is the sacred right of all. "Ye shall know the truth and truth shall free you." In 1940, as a message to the Confer- ence on Science, Philosophy, and Religion, Albert Einstein wrote, "To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifests itself as the highest wisdom and most radi- ant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive form - this knowledge, this feeling, is the center of true religiousness." According to Jesus, love in action is the chief value. "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them." -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education rTHE RESPONSE of Congressmen to the twin dangers of Communism and Fas- cism is evidently nothing like even-handed. Though the Library of Congress's "Commu- nism in Action" is in its second 500,000-copy printing, a companion brochure entitled "Fascism in Action" is still buttoned up in the House Administration Committee. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch jThrough the Mail Am~ r TT T r V rr P fltAM,. f ,- f lieica BOOKS IN THE COMPLICATIONS of life in this most confusing of centuries, the literate citizen of the world attaches himself occa- sionaly to> a use rather than to a belief, Often the cause is Truth. Most men, and Professor Edman, author of Philosopher's Quest, is among them, value the search more than the goal The faculty that we have for questioning our universe, our conventions, our ideals and our philosophies gives to our lives the beauty of the new and unsuspected. Those of us who teach and those of us who learn cannot fail to be interested in the methods of thought, the strangenesses of belief, and the many, many experiences in the understanding of those about us. Irwin Edman, Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University, in his latest and most readable book, has shown some of the attempts that have been made to answer that most plagu- ing of all questions, "What constitute the first principles and the ultimate end?" This book is not a systematic philoso- phy. Indeed, Edman in his chapter, "America's Own Philosopher," points out how futile is the hope we have for a cure- all, those of us who desire merely a thought-saving, soul-saving mumbo-jum- bo to explain all the eccentricities of the world. The book is, however, an exposi- tion of man's need for philosophic thought. Edman shows in his case-history of a neurotic lawyer what pain the com- pulsion of finding an ordered system of thought can bring to a sensitive man. He shows how even the skeptical extremist must eventually conform to certain axioms and learn of the beauty of life. He shows how enfeebled this nation would become if all philosophic inquiry were to cease, And' he portrays the awakening of the question- ing mind in a typical class in philosophy. His own queries he presents as a dream argument in which he speaks with Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Paul, Spinoza, and Schop enhauer. Actually none of these sages is able to give a completely compelling answer; nor can men of his own time who have tried to work out exact systems for their own salvation convince him that they know the whole Truth. A financier believes that all men strive for power, whether that power is for doing good or evil. A talented artist believes that everyone must create some per- fect expression of himself, or at least strive to put down his best, as a portion of eternity, while he is living. "First and last, to those whose hearts have not been dulled by rou- tine or crushed utterly by disaster, to those whose minds have not been paralyzed by habit and superstition and folly, the search continues and is itself, doubtless, what keeps the imagination and the spirit of man .aive. Barring certain repetitions, especially in the discussions of semantics, this book is delightful. It can be the starting point for iany who have never asked themselves "one basic question" as well as an echo for more experienced thinkers and worriers of ~ the path over which they have come. -J. M. Culbert General Library Took Lit Crossman, R. H. S.-Palestine Mission. New York, Harper, 1947. Edman, Irwin-Philosopher's Quest. New York, Viking, 1947. Lord, Russell-The Wallaces of Iowa. Bos- ton, Houghton, 1947. Lowry, Malcolm-Under the Volcano. New York, Reynall, 1947. ON WORLD AFFAIRS: United Europe By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER WESTERN EUROPE if united would con- stitute a very great power. Including Britain it would form an insuperable bar- rier to farther Soviet expansions. There are Americans who believe either that the unification of western Europe (with the three western zones of Germany, if desired) is impossible; or that it would be against the best interests of the United States. That unity would serve the interests of the European peoples has long been ob- vious. Of the champions of the idea, the French statesman, Aristide Briand, was the most famous and the Viennese Coudenhove- Kalergi the most persistent. The major ob- stacles have been a ) nationalism; b) the objection of outside countries. Nationalism in Europe is as strong as ever. But with a difference. Thousands, perhaps millions of Europeans now know that their diminutive countries can unite and be strong or remain divided and help- less. It was this realization that gave Hit- ler's New Order what drawing power it had. During the war representatives of several European Undergrounds met in Ger- many and made a plan for future fusion. Somehow this plan petered out, presumably because of the influence of communists who opposed European federation on orders from Moscow. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) BARNABY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i, a t !. Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to allj members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in1 typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day{ preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 143 Notices ; Notice of Regents' Meeting, 2 p.m., Fri., May 30. Communica- tions for consideration atdthis< meeting must be in the President's hands not later than May 2. -Herbert G. Watkins, Secy. School of Education Faculty:; Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Mon., April 28, University Elementary School Li- brary. Ten-week grades for all Fresh-1 man Engineers are due in Dean Crawford's Office on or before Saturday, May 3.] All L.S.A. Students-Enrollment questionnaires for the summer ses- sion and fall semester are now1 available in Room 4, University Hall, and should be completed by all students now enrolled in the College of Literature,rScience ,and the Arts as soon as possible this week. Choral Union Members. Rehear- sals of the Choral Union will be held over the week-end as follows: Sunday, April 27, 2 p.m., Haven1 Hall; Monday, April 28, 7 p.m., Haven Hall; Tuesday April 29, 71 p.m., Hill Auditorium (enter rear doors). Choral Union Ushers: Pick up, your new usher cards for May Fes- tival at Hill Auditorium box office Monday and Tuesday, 4:30-5:30 p.m. , Attention, Students in Aeronau- tical, Mechanical, Electrical and Chem-Met Engineering, and in, Physics and Mathematics: A rep- resentative of the NACA, Cleve- land, will interview students on April 30 and May 1 in the above categories who will receive de- grees in June or August; also sophomores and juniors with a grade average of 2.4 or above for summer employment. Interested students may sign schedule on Aeronautical Bulletin Board. Aeronautical, Mechanical, Me- chanical-Industrial, Electrical En- gineers: A representative of the NavyrDepartment, Washington, D.C., will be on campus to inter- view students on May 5 and 6. In- terested students may sign sched- ule on Aero. Bulletin Board. June and August 1947 Gradu- ates in Engineering: Representa- tives of Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation will interview senior and graduate students in the En- gineering and Science divisions on Monday, April 28, Rm. 218, W. Engineering Bldg. A limited num- ber of openings are also available for summer employment. If in- terested, sign the interview sched- ule on the Mechanical Engineering Bulletin Board at Rm. 221, W. Engineering Bldg. Senior Civil Engineers: Mr. R. W. Kruser, of the Public Roads Administration, will be at the Transportation Library on Mon- day, April 28, to interview Civil Engineering students who may be interested in positions with the Public Roads Administration. Bureau of Appointments & Occu- pational Information: SENIORS: The United States Rubber Com- pany at Mishawaka, Indiana. A representative will be at our office on Tuesday, April 29, to interview chemical, mechanical and indus- trial engineers for their develop- ment and control laboratories and other various engineering depart- ments. They have openings for men with accounting and eco-J nomics background for placement in General Accounting, Cost Ac- counting, Office Methods, Time- keeping and similar functional ca- pacities. They would also like to interview women who desire indus- trial personnel work. These jobs will all be in Mishawaka, Ind. The Carnation Company, Ocono- mowoc, Wisconsin will have a rep- resentative at our office on Wed-' nesday, April 30, to interview men who are interested in a program of student training for Supervisory and Plant Management Positions. Specialized training in science or engineering is helpful but not a requirement. In addition, many other specialized services for all plants are facilitated by General Staff departments, such as Pur- chasing, Sales, Credit, Traffic, and Operating. The Detroit Edison Company will have a representative at our office on Wednesday, April 30, to interview men in the following schools: Law, Architecture and Chemical Engineering. Call ext. 371 for appointments with these companies. The City of Detroit Civil Serv- ice Commission announces exami- nation for Clinic Assistants; Jun- ior, Assistant, and Senior Assistant Architectural, Civil, Mechanical, and Structural 'Engineers; Asso- ciate Architectural Engineer; Jun- ior, and Assistant Electrical Engi- neers; Junior Public Health Nur- ses; Calculating, and Posting Ma- chine Operators; Junior Typists, Stenographers, and Intermediate Typists; and Senior Purchases Agent. For information call at the Bu- reau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.I Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical History Prize: Awarded annually to a junior or senior premedical student in the College of Literature, Science and1 the Arts for writing the best essay on some topic concerning the his- tory of medicine. The following topics are accept- able: 1. History of a Military Medical Unit. 2. Medical-Aid Man. 3. Medicine in Industry. 4. Tropical Medicine. 5. Another topic accepted by the Committee in charge. A first prize of $75 and a second prize of $50 is being offered. Man- uscripts should be 3,000 to 5,000 words in length, and should be typed, double spaced, on one side of the paper only,. Contestants must submit two copies of their manuscripts. All manuscripts should be handed in at Rm. 1220, Angell Hall by May 1. UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY CENTER, 1045 Midway Boulevard, Willow Run Village. Sun., April 27, 10:4.5 a.m., Vil- lage Church Service (Interdenom- inational), Nursery Provided. Tues., April 29, 12 noon, Garden Club will pick up perennials at home of Mrs. Robert Nordstrom, 1411 Oakham (daily through Fri- day); 8 p.m., General Meeting, Cooperative Nursery Mothers; 8 p.m., Writers' Meeting, Wed., April 30, 8 p.m., Concert, String Ensemble with Vocal Solo- ist from U. of M. School of Music. Thurs., May 1, 8 p.m., University Extension Class in Psychology; 8 p.m.; Art Craft Work Shop. Fri., May 2, 8 p.m., Duplicate Bridge Tournament. WEST LODGE: Sun., April 27, 5-7 p.m., Coffee Hour.' Fri., May 2, 8:30-11:30 p.m., Square Dance, Da-vid Palmer, caller. Academic Notices Seminar in Engineering Meh- anics:. The Engineering Mechan- ics Department is sponsoring a series of discussions on the Plas- ticity of Engineering Materials. The discussions of this series will be at 7:30 p.m., Tues., April 29, Rm. 402, W. Engineering Bldg. Inorganic - Physical Chemistry Seminar, Tues. ,April 29, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Prof. L. O. Brockway will speak on "In- teratomic Distances in Metals." Mathematics Seminar on Sto- chastic Processes. 5 p.m., Mon., April 28, Rm. 317, W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. Nathaniel Coburn will speak on Turbulence and Stochas- tic Processes. Concerts Carillon Recitals: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will play compositions by Cesar Franck, Jos- eph Haydn, Jef Van Hoof, Felix Mendelssohn, and a group of hymns during his recital at 3 p.m., Sun., April 27. Student Recital: Marian Han- son Stone, Organist, will be heard in a program given in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music, at 4:15 p.m., Sun., April 27, Hill Auditorium. A pupil of the late Palmer Christian, Miss Stone will play Bach's Trio Sonata No. 3, and Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor, Franck's Chorale in B Minor, and Widor's Symphony No. VI. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Uarda Foster Saeger, piano pupil of Joseph Brinkman, will be heard in a re- cital, 8:30 p.m. Mon. Apr. 28, Rack- ham Assembly Hall. The program, given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of (Continued on Page 8) EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Dalyt prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- l mind our readers that the views ex-t pressed in leiters are those of theN writers only. Letters o more than 1 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted At the discretion of the edi- torial director. , Poetryc To the Editor:t Dear Maker of Poems: Roses are Red, C Violets are Blue,t Better Watch Out, Or Kim'll Get You! Conservatively yours,1 -V. C. Young - Traffic Signals To the Editor: A FEW DAYS AGO an editorial writer. in The Michigan DailyJ stated that, due to the lack of, four to seven more traffic signals, it was only luck which was pre-J venting s'efious accidents in the campus area. In telling just how to solve complicated traffic prob- lems laymen always have an ad-f vantage over experienced traffic1 engineers in that the former are1 never handicapped by a neces- sity of basing their recommenda- tions on facts or the results of past experience. I have never seen any accident records, from any city, which1 would indicate that traffic signals in the campus area, particularly9 on South University, would pre- vent accidents but, on the other hand, there is much evidence righti here in Ann Arbor that they wouldi probably increase accidents. Of the ten stop and go signals1 which have been erected in the1 city proper there are only two forj which there are 'accident records1 before and after installation and3 one with a short record before and after removal. At State and Huron there were seven accidents be- tween July 1927 and January 1928 without, the signal and nine be- tween July 1929 and January 1929,1 an increase of nearly 30 per cent, after erection of the signal. A similar comparison at State and Packard showed four accidents be- fore and four after installation but, the estimated cost of the "before" accidents was $35 and of the "af- ter" accidents $85 or more than twice as Amuch. (From "Analysis of Traffic Accidents at Street In- tersections in Ann Arbor, Michi- gan," by Gilbert Reen, 1930.) The most recent: traffic survey report was made in December, 1946, by the Automobile Club of Michigan. This shows the acci- dents at four intersections on Main Street with signals and at nine intersections on Main, Fourth and Fifth without signals. All the intersections on the three streets are from Ann to William, inclusive. The average number of accidents at the four signalized intersections was 11.5 while at the nine inter- sections without signals it was only 8.4, or an average of 37 per cent morm.accidents with signals than without them. Pedestrian accidents averaged 1.75 per in- tersection with signals and only 78 without, or over twice as many with signals. Of course there are more pedestrians on Main Street, but there seems to be no basis in fact for a statement that traffic signals in Ann Arbor eliminate any kind of traffic accidents. Inci- dentally, there was one bicycle ac- cident at one of the four signaliz- ed intersections and one at one of the nine intersections without signals., Now for the campus area. About 20 or 25 years ago a bad accident occurred at South University and Church which resulted in erecting a stop-and-go signal there. ur- ing the two years from July 1927 to July 1929 (the only record available) there was an average of 4.7 accidents on South Uni- versity at State, East University, Forest and Washtenaw, without signals but six at Church with the signal. This was a 27 per cent in- crease for the signal, although there was much more traffic at the other corners. The reason for so many acci- dents was indicated in a series of observations reported, together with the other Ann Arbor data, in the Institute of Traffic Engineers' proceedings for 1931. These show- ed that at South University and Church 3.9 per cent of all the vehicles crossed on the amber light and 2.7 per cent went through on the red. The students apparently paid no attention what- ever to the signal. They crossed against the red and they crossed diagonally by the hundreds. Fin- ally this "nuisance" signal was removed. In a period before re- moval there was one accident, and in a similar period after removal there was none. If othera signals are installed around the campus we know that they will cost the city a great deal of money, both to install and to maintain, and that they will delay thousands of motorists every day, We do not know that they will prevent any accidents or perhaps serve any other useful purpose ex- cept for fifteen minutes or so at 8 a.m. and again at noon, or per- haps for longer periods on State Street, where there is often heavy traffic. It has been suggested that one object of added signals would be to drive some motorists off of South University Avenue and State Street but there are hund- reds of University employes and students who cannot avoid using these streets and therefore coul not escape from the delays and annoyance of such signals. -R. L. Morrison Karl Marx Meeting To the Editor: HERE upon our desk, there is Hn ecllenty-drafted denun. ciation of the recent series of in- cidents, decisions and the like af- fecting Karl Marx, et al. Regard- less of our conviction that the Red flag will shortly sweep the country on to far greater things, we feel constrained to comment upon Miss Jeanne Tozer's inspired letter of yesterday, not in the spirit of levity, but of helpfulness, perhaps. Miss Tozer has described the initial meeting of the organiza- tion as a "small scale outrage," and promptly extends the ambig- uous term to embrace the burn- ing of Jeanne d'Arc (the play was good, Miss Tozer, was it not?), the Sacco and Vanzetti case, and the mistreatment 6f cats. We fail to see the parallel, or, rather all the parallels. Neither this affair nor that of the cats is of histori- cal significance, and the execution of the Maid of Orleans was not a small-scale outrage. Messrs. Sac- co and Vanzetti must find their own niche in this miasma of con- tradiction. Miss Torzer's excoriation of the participants at that first meeting has them, we think, neatly divid- ed into two camps: those who are sadists, and a normal remainder. This must, indeed, have been an interesting meeting; on the whole, however, we think it might better have been held over in the Psy- chiatric institute, where the facil- ities are adequate to deal with so large a gathering of psychopathics. Miss Tozer, having made a point, afterherzfashion, explains to us that in order to achieve the "re-' sult," it was not necessary to gig- gle. We shall not err again, Miss Tozer; we now see that the "ex- act same" result (there's an open- ing for you in English 1) is less less strenuously achieved through merely withdrawing official recog- nition. Miss Tozer says that "we create a Red scare when there is none." She did not, however, consult with us before she expounded this con- clusion, nor with any of that small, scared minority who are not cer- tain that the U.S.S.R. is whole- heartedly promoting world peace. We are not even certain about these "communal gains" to which she refers. Which community, Miss Tozer? -Harold T. Walsh Hare Letters To the Editor: SHOULD LIKE to know wheth- er the "Ha're System " is a method of voting or a process by which Letters to the Editor mul- tiply. -Archie Parsons A~trI~ian Patti; - ' . 11 Letters to the Editor. EDITR'S OTE BecuseThe ail I 4 I cj A I I I 4 4 Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the university of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director Mary Brush..........Associate Editor Ann Kutz........... Associate Editor Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk......... Women's Editor Lois Ke"so .. Associate Women's Editor Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manager Janet Cork ......... Business Manager Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager Member of The Associated Press How bright of you to suggest that your pater cash this check. Here, Pop! Here's the check my Fairy Godfather got from 0 - I I'm late, son- Besides banks are strict. Why should they 91 Don't try to apologize for him, m'boy. At such I I