!A P 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LVII, No. 143
ANN AR1- OV, MCHIGAN, c; APRIL 27, 1947
PD TVV WT'[TT'i r-IW V riQ
Truce Sough
In Month Oh
Phone Strike
Labor Secretary
Expresses Hope
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 26-Sec
retary of Labor Schwellenbac
held shirt-sleeve conference on t
telephone strike today which pre
duced a union expression of hop
for a settlement but no new pla
for one from any qiuarter.
"I am hopeful that between no
and Monday we'll get an agree
ment," said Joseph A. Beirn
} president of the National Federa
tion on Telephone Workers, afte
one of these sessions. But he adde
that there is "nothing in sight a
the moment" to bear out the hop
With the "coast-to-coast stril
headed for its fourth week Mor
day, the Labo'i' Secretary met sep
arately at his office with Beirn
and C. F. Craig, vice president i
charge of personnel of the Ameri
can Telephone and Telegraph Cc
These talks came as Schwellen
bach's conciliators got three sets c
negotiations between A.T.&'I
affiliates and the striking union
going again in a new burst of fed
eral mediation activity to get thi
340,000 strikers back to wgrk.
Beirne said Schwellenbach hat
no new settlement plan to offe
and he merely reviewed the entir
Action by the NFTW in reducin:
wage demands from a $12 weekly
raise to $6 failed to bring and
money offers from the companies
They are holding to their offer t'
arbitrate all principal issues re-
State Strikers
Will Take Cut
DETROIT, April 26--(P-Re-
sumption of Michigan negotiation:
was scheduled today as the na-
tion-wide telephone strike neareC
the three-week mark despite a 5(
per cent cut in unlion wage de-
mands on the industry(
A spokesman for the Michigar
Federation of Telephone Workers
(Ind.) said Union officials woulc
meet Sunday with members of the
p U. S. Conciliation Service and thai
Michigan Bell Telephone Co. rep-
resentatives were to join the
group in a meeting Monday.
Vet Petitions
Now Available
FCommittee To Vote
On Subsistence Rates
Reminding veterans that a com-
mittee vote on proposed subsis-
tence increases may be expected
this week, Bill Haydon, chairman
of Michigan Student Veterans
+ Planning Conference, said yester-
day that the Conference had peti-
tions ready for veterans "who
would like to apply a little last-
minute pressure."
The latest development in the
raise the subsistence campaign
which began here with a question-
naire drive in March Mayden said,
is a report made to the House
committee by Rep. Mead of Ken-
tucky who recently returned from
a fact-finding tour of colleges.
Mead, who posed as a GI trying
to make ends meet, found evidence
to indicate that the present sub-
sistence rate is insufficient, ac-
cording to Haydon.
The committee, upon Mead's
recommendations, is reported to
be considering the following sub-
sistence rates; $90 for a single vet;
$125 for a married vet; $15 for
first dependent; $10 for each ad-
ditional dependent.
Petitions may be picket up at
the VO office, Lane Hall, Haydon
CAF To Hold
State Meetin
The possibility of establishing a
statewide committee for academic
freedom will be considered by rep-
resentatives of student govern-
__ .. ---
- I ._
CASE WORK PROCEDURE-Arne A. Erickson, executive secre-
tary of the Ypsilanti Family Agency, counsels a mother who has
found the difficulties of discipling her children too much for her.
" *. * *
amily Aenc Workers"Say
Graduate Studies Necessary
If you are seriously interested in
social work, it might be well to
spend a few more years in school.
x Two University graduates, mem-
Sbers of the Washtenaw County
chapter of the American Associa-
tion of Social Workers, say that
pest-graduate work is "almost es-
sential" for qualified wo ers in
the rapidly expanding social field.
"More is involved in rehabili-
tation of families than mere giv-
ing of financial assistance, and
special skills and techniques are
needed in doing an effective job,"
Anon dby
Lcal Stores
Four Ann Arbor nerchants have
arnounced price cuts in line with
President Truman's plea for lower
prices to head o'T another depres-
Following the so-called New-
buryport, Mass.) plan which has
been adopted in scattered sections
of the country, the merchants have
cut prices from 10 to 20 per cent.
The plan adopted by the Massa-
chusetts community calls for cuts
of 10 per cent in all retail prices.
Not a 'Sale'
The local price cutting move is
not a temporary "sale," but a gen-
uine effort to reduce prices, and
start a general downward trend,
the merchants said.
A Main Street hardware store,
slashed all prices by 20 per cent:
Friday. Joseph Bandrofeheck,
store owner, reported that sales
were up by 25 per cent the first
dlay after the price reduction.
Cuts Up to 20 Per Cent
Another 20 per cent cut on all
store items was announced by a
clothing store Friday. The first
hour after the cut went into effect,
the establishment did a greater
volume of business than had been
transacted all the previous week,
according to Manager Charles;
Two other local business estab-
lishments who have followed thez
local price cutting trend are a ra-
dio store with a 10 per cent cut1
and an art shop with a 15 per cent
reduction in prices.t
Lewis Christman, executive sec-i
retary of the Ann Arbor Chamber
of Commerce has announced thatc
the retail merchants group will
meet Monday night to discuss the
Newburyport plan.
Arne A. Erickson, executive sec-
retary of the Family Agency of
Ypsilanti and chairman of the lo-
cal chapter of the American As-'
sociation of Social Workers, said
in a Daily interview.
Family as Unit
The Family Agency is "the basis
of social services in any commun-
ity, as it deals with the family
as a unit," Erickson said in de-
scribing his work. Not a relief
agency, it is primarily interested in
"promot'ng healthy family life
by the case work process, which
means working with individuals
one by one on the basis of their
individual needs and varying per-
The case worker must "help peo-
ple to help themselves," he de-
clared, rather than "doing things
for them and to them to fit them
into the pattern you like." People
still" show some reluctance to re-
oest these services, he added, but
this is much less evident than even
a decade ago.
Aims at Injustices
"The Family Agency is con-
cerned not only wtih individual
families, but also with social and
economic conditions affecting
family life, such as inadequate so-
cial legislation, poor housing and
class and racial distinctions,"
Erickson said. "Consequently, the
Agency assumes responsibility in
trying to remedy these injustices
through social action."
Erickson received his AB degree
from the University in 1935, and
accepted a position with the Wash-
tenaw County Emergency Relief
Administration. He carried a large
case load of families on public as-
sistance, and soon realized that
more professional training was
GroupAs Plan
For NSO Week
Representatives from each cam-
pus organization will attend a
meeting of the Unity Committee
at 3 p.m. today to discuss final
plans for National Student Or-
ganization Week which begins to-
The aims and activities of the
NSO will be explained by Jim
Smith, president of its Continua-
tions Committee, at a campus-wide
informational meeting Thursday.
On May 14, six students will be
chosen in a campus election to rep-
resent the University at the NSO
Constitutional Convention next
Crane Easily
Waddles Out
Of Deep Jail
Ascent Silences
Si(Ic w4a kS(~dielr
Student sidewalk supervisors can
relax-"Bridgit" is safe.
At 10:10 a.m. Friday, the giani
52 ton cyane easily waddled u
out of the basement of the new
administration building and
sneered at skeptics who predicteC
that she would suffer the same
plight as her cousin Alfred, the
steam shovel who is allegedly bur-
ied under Angell Hall.
For the past two weeks student
observers, eyeing the steel prison
which rose steadily higher en-
circling their favorite crane,
became more and more alarmed
about Bridgit's chances of scal-
ing the 20 foot embankment. Old
timers, including several profes-
sors, have been shaking their
heads and sighing "Just like Al-
Construction officials have con-
sistently pooh-poohed these fears
even claiming that Bridgit could
practically "climb up the side of a
house." Whether Bridgit is really
that good is debatable, but it is
certain that she ambled up that 60
degree grade with an air of co-
plete indifference, and is now rest-
ing on high ground looking safe,
sound and smug. This is more
than can be said for Alfred.
Alfred is not fiction, he actually
existed. To prove this we have not
only the word of several men who
knew him personally, but numer-
ous mention of Alfred in the files
of The Daily for the fall of 1922,
when the Angell Hall basement
was being dug:
Why this shovel was named
Alfred is not clear, but appar-
ently there was a controversy at
the time about the true sex of
Alfred. One student backed his
opinion with a geometrical
proof: "1. Women talk all the
time, or in other words women
are always making noise and
blowing off steam. 2. Alfred is
always making noise and blow-
ing off steam. 3. Therefore Al-
fred is a woman."
Nevertheless, Alfred remained
Alfred. He became a campus celeb-
rity instead of an inanimate steam
shovel, and letters about him
flooded The Daily. One irate stu-
dent complained that he himself
See CRANE, Page 7
Marshall et
By Truman On
Arrival Home
WASHINGTON, April 26-uP)-
President Truman welcomed sec-
retary of State Marshall home
from Moscow today with praise
for his work but deferred hearing
is report until Congressional
leaders of both parties share the
"I am most happy to receive you
back with us," Mr. Truman told
his top cabinet officer at the air-
port. "I am very well pleased
with what you have been doing.
I know when you make the report
to the country, the people will also'
be pleased."
That report will be broadcast
from 8:30 to 9 p.m. Monday
night, 24 hours after a private re-
port to the President and Con-
gressmen at the White House to-
morrow night.
After a round of handshaking
with Marshall and members of the
delegation who returned with him,
Mr. Truman resumed a Potomac
River cruise aboard his yacht, the
Marshall conferred at the State
Department for 20 minutes with
Undersecretary Dean Acheson and
then flew off to Pinehurst, N.C.,
for a reunion with Mrs. Marshall.
e Ware Increases Conceded
Key Industries
Grant 15 Cent
Hourly Boost
Three Corporations
Follow GM Pattern
By The Associated Press
April 26 - General Electric, the
Chrysler Corporation and the
Jones and Laughlin Steel Corpor-
ation Saturday granted their em-
oloyes wage boosts approximating
15 cents an hour, bringing to more
than 790,000 the number of work-
ers in three major industries who
have reached agreement at that
The General Electric agreement
for a 15-cent boost covered 125,-
000 employes in 14 states. The
Chrysler contract, similar to one
sigined by General Motors Tues-
day, provided a 11 -cent increase
plus six paid holidays and other
changes and affects 70,000 pro-
duction employes in five states.
Covers 25,000 Workers
The agreement with Jones and
Laughlin, the nation's fourth lar-
gest steel producer, covered 25,000
employes in the Pittsburgh area
and provided for a 1212-cent boost
,lus other benefits which made
the total "more than 15 cents."
The Chrysler agreement left
only the Ford Motor Company
among the automotive "Big Three"
unsigned in the new 1947 wage
pattern, set originally about 10
days ago when the CIO electrical
workers signed with General Mo-
tors at the 11'2-cent figure with
paid holidays.
Follows Wage Pattern
The wage pattern set by pre-
vious increases in the electrical,
automotive and steel industries,
and followed in Saturday's set-
tlements, compared with a pre-
dominant pattern of 18 and 182
cent boosts granted last spring at
the peak of the post-war strike
Football Seats
:On Suggestion
Legislature's Plan
Becomes Certainity
. . Managing Editor
Athletic Board Gives Assent on
. .Business General Manager
Publications Board Appoints
New Fall Daily, Ensian Editors
World News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 26-Britain
and the other big powers may be
forced to show their hands on
the Palestine issue in the special
session of the United Nations As-
sembly opening Monday.
Reports from small nations in-
dicated that the Arab League
might get some support in its ef-
forts to pin down the British on
the explosive issue.
RANGOON, Burma, April 26
-British Port authorities said
today no trace had been dis-
covered in the fifth day of the
search for the missing 1,000-ton
coastal vessell Sir Harvey Ad-
amson, feared lost with 250
passengers aboard.
* *. *
STOCKHOLM, April 26-The
Swedish Atomic Commission de-
clared today that this country
soon would be able to produce
large quantities of uranium from
In a report to the government,
the commission proposed the es-
tablishment of an atomic energy
corporation owned by the state
and private interests.
* * *
CAIRO, April 26-Leaders of
India's Moslem and Hindu fac-
tions cabled the Arab League
today expressing their support
of Palestine independence and
of halting Jewish immigration
to the Holy Land.
Jawaharlal Nehru, leader of
the predominantly Hindu con-
gress party, said "we sympathize
with th eJews persecuted by
Nazis in Europe, but Palestine
is an Arab country and should
remain so."
** *
DETROIT, April 26-A General
constiuttion holiday in the De-
troit area next Thursday was
threatened by AFL Building
Yard Line Student Seats;
John Campbell, '48E, of Swarth-
more, Pa., was named managing
editor and Nancy Helmick, '48, of
Park Ridge, Ill., business general
manger, of The Daily for 1947-
48 by the Board in Control of
Student Publications yesterday.
The Board also named Clyde
Recht, '48, of Detroit, city editor;
Stuart Finlayson, '48, of Maywood,
111., editorial director; Edwin
Village Coff
To Be Elected
At Willow Run
Moves for concerted action to
cope with common problems of
Willow Run residents will be cli-
maxed at 8 p.m. today in the
North Community building, when
a 22-man council will be elected
and the much heralded "unincor-
porated village" government will
be in effect.
For purposes of representation
the Village has been divided into
eleven districts, each of which
will be served by two representa-
tives. The district comprising the
apartment area and including the
married students' residences will
be divided on a population basis.
The 'West Lodge dormitory area, in
which are housed single students
of the University, will comprise a
single district.
The new Village government
will presumably take over many
* of the functions of the various cit-
izens' groups in the Village. These
groups have in the past fought
for revision of the Village elec-
trical policy, which has since been
effected, an improved drainage
system and the establishment of
a day nursery in the Village.
The questions of improved street
lighting, more adequate police
proteettion, and new road and
street paving are other bones of
contention which are expected to
be broached in early sessions of
the council.
Schneider, '48, of Detroit, busi-
ness manager; and Jeanne Swen-
deman, '48, of Elkhart, Ind., ad-
vertising manager.
Dick Kraus, '48, of Chicago, was
appointed sports editor and Bob
Lent, '48, of Saginaw, associate
sports editor.
William Buck Dawson, '47, of
Evanston, Ill., was named man-
aging editor and Barbara Gray,
'48, of Peekskill, N.Y., business
manger of the 1947-48 Michigan-
Jean Kodish, '48, of Brooklyn
N.Y., and Rozann Radliff, '48, of
Bloomington, Ill., were appointed
Michiganensian associate editors,
and Lloyd Jewell, '49, of Detroit,
associate business manager.'
The Board deferred decisionron
appointment of Daily editorial
staff senior associate editors to
its meeting next Saturday. At
See PICTURES, Page 3
that time, the Board will also
appoint senior editors of the
women's staff; junior night edi-
tors of the editorial, sports and
women's staffs, junior managers
of the business staff; and senior
editors of the 1947-48 Gargoyle.
Daily editors and mangers re-
tiring at the end of the present
semester are Paul Harsha '47, of
Plymouth, managing editor; Clay-
ton Dickey, '47, of Milwaukee, city
editor; Milt Freudenheim, '48, of
Larchmont, N.Y., editorial direct-
or; Ann Kutz, '47, of Chicago, and
Mary Brush, '47, of Herkimer,
N.Y., senior associate editors;
Robert Potter, '47, of Chicago,
business general manager; Janet
Cork, '48, of Ann Arbor, business
manger; Jack Martin, '47, of
Huntington, W. Va., sports edi-
tor; Archie Parsons, '47, of New
York City, associate sports edi-
tor; Joan Wilk, '47, of Detroit,
women's editor; and Lois Kelso, of
Mt. Lakes, N. J., associate wom-
en's editor.
Retiring editor of the Michi-
ganensian is Florence Kingsbury,
'47, of Detroit. Mary Lou Rookus,
'47, of Detroit, is retiring busi-
ness manager.
Student football seats on the
50-yard line became a certainty
yesterday as the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics
announced favorable action on
the Student Legislature's revised'
student seating plan.
Following recommendations
made this week at a mediation
meeting of alumni, faculty and
student representatives, the Board
decided that student seating will
begin in the middle of section 23,
on the west side, and extend
north in a solid block through
section 26. #tudent seats in se-
tion 27 and other end zone sec-
tions will be assigned only above
row 30.
The Board's decision met all
Legislature requests except the
recommendation for a split stu-
dent section.
A long-standing alumni com-
plaint was satisfied by the as-
signing of one section inside the
goal lines for alumni who want
individual game tickets. Such
seats were formerly available only
in the end zone.
Faculty, alumni and compli-
mentary tickets will be distributed
for the other half of the west
side, running south from the 50-
yard line. The opposing team's
supporters will receive seats from
the 50yard line on the opposite
side of the field.
The seating revision gives
students 1,826 seats nearer the
center of the field than the
plan in operation this fall, An-
drew Baker, ticket manager,
pointed out yesterday.
Haskell Coplin, Legislature pres-
ident and chairman of the com-
mittee which drew up the seating
plan, said that "in view of the
large numbers of faculty, alumni
and students to be satisfied, I
think we have done very well, The
Board cooperated v'ith all our re-
The Legislature's plan also in-
cluded new provisions for distri-
bution. "These are administrative
details," Baker said, "and we will
try to carry them out in conjunc-
tion with student wishes."
The distribution recommen-
dations are that tickets be dis-
tributed to students on the basis
of the number of semesters com-
pleted at the University, with
See FOOTBALL, page 3
VU Fresh Air
Camp Cited by
Julie Franks
"The biggest thrill I got from my
summer last year at the University
FreshmAir Camp came from seeing
the pure pleasure reflected on the
kids' faces when they received
awards in sports in which they had
never played before," Julie Franks,
1942 All-American who was hos-
pitalized from 1943-1945 after
contracting tuberculosis, said yes-
Most of Julie's work was ar-
ranging recreational activities, but
a major part of his time was spent
arranging "legal" boxing matches
between the kids who though they
had justifiable grudges against
each other and then acting as ref-
About 75 per cent of the cam-
pers were interested in competing
in the boxing matches. Two box-
ing tournaments, one for every
four week period, were run, the
winners of which were announced
publiclv. "The kids got a. hbi kik
Pianist, Eloise ental Patient
Now Prefers Bach's Works
uother-in-Law Foils Swain
DETROIT, April 26 - (P) - A
year's progress by "Music Master
X," the mental patient who at-
tracted nation-wide attention by
his brilliant piano recital before
the National Federation of Music
Clubs one year ago, was reported
today to the Federation conven-
"He is making real and definite
progress," Dr. Ira M. Altshuler said
of former concert pianist and
teacher who once was considered a
"hopeless" mental case.
"A year ago he could play the
piano but he could not coordi-
nate his mind and hands enough
to turn the pages of his music.
vention that at one time the mu-
sician was unable to dress him-
self, feed himself or engage in a
Music therapy was applied at the
Eloise Mental Hospital, climaxed
by last year's unprecendented re-
cital by the mental patient before
the federation.
"le has very few relapses
now," said Dr. Altshuler. "He is
markedly happier, and he con-
verses more and more as the
weeks pass.
"It is impossible to take a pa-
tient who has been in the hospi-
tal for nine years and cure him
instantly." concluded Dr Alt-
The title of "Unhappiest Man 'at
Michigras" was won easily by an
unfortunate soul who stepped out
of the Theta Chi "Tunnel o-
Love" with two women and dis-
gustedly explained that one of the
women was his future mother-in-
cardboard hoops trying to ring
the foot of a bevy of nylon nifties.
One of the more successful patrons
garnered so many Michibucks for
his night's efforts that he was
awarded a string of pearls at the
prize booth which he immediately
turned over to his "target."
Horror". after seeing several live,
garden variety snakes. She came
out through the wall of the next
booth, a coke bar, where she
paused to refresh.
Even those with hatred in their
hearts had a pleasant evening at
the "Sweet Revenge" booth, spon-