But -TIE- MICHIGANPAL SATUBT)ANY,vrrn. -!m, K RAUCOUS NOTE: Peace and Quiet To Replace Clatter, Noise of Airhainmers By FRED SCHOTT That raucous note among the 7oices of spring this year-the sound of airhammers working on the General Service Building- will be squelched soon, according to superintendent George Thorne. "Don't get upset," he said. "We'll be through in a week or ten days." That should be welcome news to the faculty and students currently being disturbed in Angell Hall and vicinity. During the warm days this week, the noise carried so dis- tinctly through the open windows in Angell hall that classes resort- ed to all kinds of tricks to cush- Choral Group W t IlAppear in Center Series The Ann Arbor High School a capella choir will present a pro- gram at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Union Ballroom as part of the In- ternational Center Sunday eve- ning program series. Miss Geneva C. Nelson, assist- ant professor of music education, is director of the choir. Konrad Matthaei, pianist, will present a group of three selections as part of the program. A group of songs from "Marriage of Nanette," comic opera by Peter- son-Curtis, will be presented with Bill Shehan as narrator. Other selections on the program will be "0, Lord, We Worship Thee" by Bach-Morgan; "Go, Song of Mine," by Barton; "Like the Falling of a Star" by Battis- hill-Middleton; and "Nina," Rus- sian folk song arranged by Krone. Matthaei will play "Nocturne, Op. 9, No. 2" by Scriabine; "Ca- priccio, Op. 76, No. 1" by Brahms; and "Ballade, Op. 47" by Chopin. Skits To Be Given In Hillelzapoppmii Original skits by six student groups will befeatured in "Hill- elzapoppinĀ±' all-campus s t u n t show which will be presented at 8 p.m. today at Ann. Arbor High School. Proceeds from the show, which is sponsored by the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, will be turned over to the United Jewish Ap- peal. 'Tickets may be purchased at the Union, the League and Hillel Foundation. on themselves against the up- 'oar: 1. One English professor de- ided to close all the windows of -is classroom in Angell Hall which 'aced on State Street. It didn't vork well because the ensuing ump in temperature made every- :ne sleepy. It was quiet, though. 2. Another English professor, who was reading part of a novel o his class, solved the problem :airly well by discovering that 'here was a certain time interval between traphammer bursts. He just speeded up his reading, got to the end of a sentence in the period of quiet, smiled, waited patiently during the next blast, and then went on. 3. A political science professor, who has the advantage of a big room, overcame some of the trouble by seating his class way over in one corner of the room away from the noise. Most of the professors seemed undisturbed by the noise. One of them was even curious enough to go over to see what it was all about. Students were disturbed by all the noise, too, but they didn't have to stay around Angell Hall most of the day. As one of them said, "Downtown it's peaceful. Inside the Parrot you can't hear the noise at all." Guild. (Continued from Page 1) Party of the United States, which charge has not been proved in a court of law." 5. "There has been no judicial finding that the Communist Party has been or is acting to create a clear and present danger to the United States government." The Guild said it did "not doubt that President Ruthven has the authority" to ban MYDA, but it criticized the president for not consulting the Student Legisla- ture or the Student Affairs Com- mittee. "Therefore," the Guild said, "such an action as the referendum proposed by the Student Legisla- ture is in order." ADA To Meet Monday Americans for Democratic Ac- tion will hold a business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Un- ion, to be followed at 8:30 by a discussion of "The Student's Role in Politics" by Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of the sociology and psy- chology departments. RICHARD T. ROHLFING ... to conduct band concert Rohifing Will Conduct Band Concert Today Richard T. Rohlfing will con- duct the Concordia Teacher's Col- lege Band in a concert at 8 p.m. today at the Slauson Junior High School. Rohlfing received his degree of Bachelor of Music from the Van- der Cook School of Music and his Master's Degree from Northwest- ern University. ConcordiayTeacher's College, which is located in River Forest, Illinois, has a sixty-five piece band composed of high school and col- lege students. The school, which is operated by the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, prepares men and3 women to be teachers in the church's international parochial school system and to be directors of religious education, organists and choirmasters. The band will present a program of selections from Dvorak, Rach- maninoff, Lecuona, Tschaikovsky,, Elgar, Shostakovitch, Prokofieff, McBride and Scott. There will be no admission charge for the concert, which will be sponsored by St. Paul's Luth- eran Church, but a free will offer-, ing will be taken. New Jazz Style To IBe Ieard HereI "Be-bop" jazz will be given its first Ann Arbor presentation at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the League Ball- room when seven Detroit musi- cians play for the University Hot Record Society jam session. "Be-bop" jazz is the latest trend in jazz improvisation, succeeding the older styles known as "New Orleans" and "Dixie-land," ac- cording to Mjalcolm Raphael, pro- gram director of the society. Civil Liberties Talk Will Be Heard by NNCA Vocal Groups Will Present Selections "Civil Liberties at the Cross- roads," an address by Rev. Virgil Vanderberg, of Detroit, will high- light an organizational mass meet- ing of the Ann Arbor Council of the National Negro Congress in the Ann Arbor Armory at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow. C. Lebron Simmons, LLD, presi- dent of the Detroit Council of the NNC, who will outline objectives of the Congress, and Ralph McPhee, editor and publisher of' a local weekly, will appear. The Four Kings of Harmony of the Marvin Dupre Choir, who performed for the auto industry's "Golden Jubi- lee" in 1946, and in "International Knights" at the Detroit Masonic Temple, will offer spiritual and classical numbers. The Bronze Harmonizers, Ann Arbor quartet, will sing spiritual and popular pieces. The Ann Arbor Council, which will strive for equal job opportuni- ties, enforcement of the Diggs Civil Rights Law, registration of all Negro voters, health, housing and a real democracy, is being organ- ized by a large temporary commit- tee. Permanent officers will be elected in the near future. NNC councils in other commu- nities have campaigned for the expulsion of Senator Bilbo, taken leadership in organizing Negro veterans, fought for veterans' housing rights, a permanent fed- eral FEPC, and fought discrimina- tion in the Amricn Bowlig Congress. Rally .. (Continued from Page 1) that body "to originate and con- sider measures for the government, guidance and discipline of the stu- dent body and the oversight of its activities." George Mutnick, '48L, of the Lawyers' Guild, cited recent legal decisions to show that "the pres- ent (Supreme) Court is very set against the suppression of ideas and that it tries to give the fullest protection to free speech. Hack Coplin, president of the Student Legislature, warned that the MYDA ban "is only a fore- runner of what is to come." "As students," he said, "we should press for an outlined ac- creditation system determining the regulations under which student organizations may operate and de- termining also who has the au- thority to ban them." Coplin read a Student Legisla- ture resolution, requesting review of the charges brought against MYDA in an open meeting of the Student Affairs Committee, which will be submitted to the student body in an all-campus balloting Tuesday. The Rev. Edward Redman, of the First Unitarian Church, de- clined to take sides in what he termed a "family quarrel," but he quoted fundamental concepts of freedom expounded by the 17th century English poet, John Mil- ton. Dr. Redman called himself a "Jeffersonian." TYPEWRITERS Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired STUDENT & OFFICE SUPPLIES O. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 7177 Diamonds and Wedding 717 North University Ave. . 0<=(X==>ac<=xX => AP 'ICTURE N Jws H A T - A fancy hat to end all fancy hats is this costume number worn by Martha Raye for a sequence in a film with Charles Chaplin. I P U LCIT Z E R S T A M P IS S lU1E- At a ceremony honoring the late Joseph Pulitzer at Columbia University, Joseph Pulitzer, Jr., Secretary Robert P. Patterson, Dr. Frank Diehl Facken- thal, Mayor William O'Dwyer and Dean Carl W. Ackerman examine special Pulitzer stamps. I S P R I N G F I N E R Y - Ruthie, the circus elephant, gets a spring chapeau all her own, thant: , to the co-operation of her friends, Charlotte Bell (left) ' .c and Reggie Bogart of Irvington, N. J. The gir! t riders in the Ringling Brothers - .I I adey show. V'I'S I T I N G S E N ORI T A'S - Mayor Bernard Samuel of Philadelphia gets orchids frm three visiting Costa Rica sen- oritas, winners of. a popularity contest-Ligia Soto-liarrison, Olga -Gutierrez Pacheso and Sonio Lizano. Students Honored Yesterday... (Continued from Page 2) John Gehring, +111; Monica Geiger, AAA; Anne Goodyear, AAA; Della Grant; Carleton Griffin, 4?HZ; Richard Grosz; Ilene Haer- lig, Regents - Alumni Scholar; Mary Hagelin, Regents - Alumni Scholar; Steven Hajos, +H, Re- gents - Alumni Scholar; Anne Hammond, AAA, Regents-Alumni Scholar; Theodore Harris; Gloria Bile, AAA; Edward Hoffman, 4I , Rhoda Horwitz; Frank Hull, Re- gents - Ahunni Scholar; Burton Kunter; Edward Jaworski; Jac- queline Johnson, AAA; Jack Jom- iny, 141; Carol Jones, AAA, Re- gents - Alumni Scholar; Harry Jordan, +111; Shirley Kallman, AAA; Nicholas Kazarinoff, +111 Regents - Alumni Scholar; Jane Kenney Keskitalo; Kenneth Kier- nan, Regents -- Alumni Scholar. Paul Kilborn, ,)112; James Kist- ler, bHl'; Charles Kiteley; Arthur Kovitz, 4HX; Richard Kraft,