Latest Deadline in the State
8ce Page 4
Blast Causes
New Terror
In Palestine
Stern Gang Kills"
Five in Explosion
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, April 25 - Two
Jews drove a stolen postoffice
truck laden with explosives into
one of the most heavily guarded
police compounds in Palestine to-
day, and 20 minutes later a shat-
tering blast killed five British po-
lice officials and wounded six oth-
Suburb of Tel Aviv
The Stern gang, whose victims
have included a British Resident
Minister of the Middle East,
claimed responsibility for the ex-
plosion at Sarona, a suburb of
Tel Aviv. The new outbreak of
violence raised to 13 the number of
killed in the past 48 hours in
avowed "blood-for-blood" repris-
als for the executions and suicides
of six Jewish underground mem-
n other violence five armed
Jews kidnapped Morris Collins, a
British businessman, from the ter-
race of a fashionable hotel in Tel
Aviv last night, but released him
unharmed in 15 minutes when it
was discovered he was Jewish.
Telephone Hoax
A telephone hoax in Jerusalem
that three British officers were
kidnapped added to the high state
of tension in the Holy Land. A
quick search of the heart of the
city was ordered before it was dis-
covered there was nothing to the
report received by police from an
anonymous telephone caller.
Regents Accept
$125,000 Gift
For New Center
Appointments Made,
Contracts Approved
A gift of $125,000 from the Car-
negie Corporation of New York
for the establishment of a center
for Japanese studies to provide
graduate training, research and
publication on the Japanese area
was accepted by the Board of Re-
gents yesterday.
Other gifts amounting to $12,150
were accepted and seven appoint-
ments were approved by the Re-
Chairmen Appointed
Prof. William C. Steere was
named chairman of the botany de-
partment and Prof. Lewis G. Van-
der Velde was appointed chairman
of the history department.
Other appointments approved
were Joseph J. Martin as assistant
professor of chemical engineering,
and Dr. F. Charles Moesel as as-
sistant professor of chemical and
metallurgical engineering.
Completing the list of appoint-
ments are Dr. William Rottschafer
as chief resident physician at Uni-
versity Hospital, Dr. E. William
Heinrich as assistant professor of
minerology, and Ivan S. Parker as
secretary of the Committee on Re-
gents-Alumni Scholarships.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky and
Prof. John W. Riegel were reap-
pointed to three year terms on the
executive committee of the Uni-
versity Extension Service.
Leave Approved
A sabbatical leave of absence for
Prof. Shorey Peterson covering the
second semester of the academic
year 1947-48 was approved.
The offer of the Shell Fellow-
ship Committee, New York City, to
establish a fellowship in chemical
engineering at the University was
accepted by the Regents.
The fellowship will carry a grant
of $1,200 for a year's graduate
study, plus tuition costs and up to
$300 to cover costs of materials
and equipment.
New research contracts entered
into by the Department of Engi-
neering Research amounting to
$23,925 were approved as were ex-
tension, supplements and addi-
tional authorizations on existing
contracts totaling $24,700.
Blood Bank Seeks
Student Donations
The Ann Arbor Red Cross is 350
pints of blood behind on its Blood
- A - '~ - I -
1,000 Attend Discussion 'Fletcher Hall Company
Of Academic Freedom Booth 'Takes1
Five Faculty, Student Speakers Urge Need
For Unrestricted Thought in University Life
Approximately 1,000 students and faculty members yesterday af-
ternoon passed up the more colorful attractions of a Michigras parade
to attend the Town Hall forum on academic freedom in Hill Audi-
With Prof. Preston Slosson, of the history department, acting
as moderator, five speakers took the floor before the meeting was
thrown open to questions addressed to a larger panel of student
leaders and faculty members.
Representing the Committee for Academic Freedom, Prof. J. L.
Brumm, chairman of the journalism department, declared that the
*" Committee "rejects the assump-
Lawr 'G tion that teachers, because they
are public servants, and students,
O p oses Ban state,arerestricted in the exer-
rr cise of the civic freedoms accord-
~ MX7ThA ed to other citizens."
Ai sY A " Communists, he said, should
not as such be denied the rights
BaiD mcaiof a citizen. "S far as Com-
'asic Democratlc munists really engage in unlaw-
Principles Violated' ful activities, such as sabotage
and espionage in the interests of
The University chapter of the a foreign power," he said, "they
National Lawyers' Guild yesterday can and should be punished uin-
went on record against President der the authority of the law. But
Alexander G. Ruthven's action in so long as their alien sympathies
banning Michigan Youth for Dem- lead only to talk and writing
ocratic Action from the campus. and open organization, they
In a statement, the Guild should be met only by the wiser
charged that "basic democratic words and sounder arguments
principles have been violated." of others."
Guild Statement in a definition of the purpose
"The basis of all education is of the forum, Prof. Brumm re-
the student's opportunity to move pudiated the suggestion that it
freely in the realm of ideas, inves- was called specifically to protest
tigating, comparing, analysing President Ruthven's ban of Michi-
what he finds, and stating his con- gan Youth for Democratic Action.
clusions for the benefit of others," "The larger interest to which we
the Guild said, adding: as a university public should give
"Another basic principle of our earnest thought is the increasing
constitutional democracy is that threat abroad in the land against
the accused shall be confronted what is known as 'academic free-
with the witnesses and evidence dom'"
against him, and shall be given Asserting that the recent
the opportunity to reply with wit- MYDA ban was not the first in-
nesses and evidence, in an open stance of "arbitrary" action on'
hearing before an impartial body. the part of the administration,
"The accused, whether an indi- Prof. Louis I. Karpinski, of
vidual or an organization, is also the mathematics department,
entitled to be tried on the basis of charged that the faculty often
actions. Mere affiliation with an- was not consulted in disciplin-
other organization is not sufficient ary and intradepartmental mat-
evidence to condemn the accused. ters
Basis for Condemnation He quoted a by-law of the Uni-
"Only if the accused participat- versity Senate which authorizes
ed in illegal activities of the see- See RALLY, Page 6
ond organization, or carried out
such activities itself, can it be con-
demned." (-pu~cquttat
The Guild declared that "these
principles should be applied to the Ends Case of
present situation, since the Uni-
versity, while not a court, is an
institution set up by the demo- Discrimination
cratic state government of Michi-
gan.' A six-man jury in Municipal
Applying the principles, the Court yesterday found Charles Op-
Guild decided: ple, local bartender, not guilty of
1. "There has been no finding refusing service to a Negro gradu-
that a clear and present danger ate student on account of color.
exists or, that MYDA is carrying on An earlier motion by defense
seditious activities." counsel to dismiss the case on the
2. "There has been no presenta- grounds that the Michigan Anti-
tion of the facts in an open hear- Discrimination law did not apply
ing." to bars was denied by Municipal
3. "The accused have not been Judge Jay H. Payne.
charged with illegal actions but Charges had been brought
only with affiliation with the na- against Opple by David Ross, '50,
tional AYD." Ann Arbor resident, who had ac-
. "The national AYD has not companied Charles S. Conley, Ne-
been charged with illegal actions gro graduate student, into a down-
but has only been charged wit town bar on the night of Jan. 27,
domination by the Communist when the alleged incident oc-
See GUILD, Page 6 curred.
In his final speech to the jury,
State CAF GrotP defense counsel Albert Rapp said
_A Gthat Ross and Conley had walked
T'o Be Disc i sed into the bar "merely to start,
trouble." Rapp added that "there
Representatives of student gov- are a lot of people like that on
ernments and academic freedom campus these days."
committees from Wayne Univer- Edmond DeVine, attorney for
sity, Michigan State College, Oli- the prosecution, told the jury,
vet College, the University of "It's up to you to see that the laws
Michigan and several other Michi- enacted by your representatives in
gan campuses will convene at 2 the State Legislature are en-
p.m. tomorrow at Lane Hall to forced."
consider the possibility of estab- After 20 minutes of deliberation,
lishing a state-wide committee for the jury gave their unanimous ver-
academic freedom. diet of not guilty.
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the At a hearing March 21, Opple's
journalism department, and Lorne attorney had asked Judge Payne!
Cook, chairman 'of the campus for a jury trial. Ordinarily theI
AVC, will represent the Univer- discrimination charge, classed as
sity's Committee for Academic a misdemeanor, would have been
Freedom. heard by the Judge.
World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
Top Honors
1947 Michigras
(oninti.es Today
Fletcher Hall was awarded first
prize for its Michigras booth
"Marryin' Sam's Hitchin' Post"
and Gamma Phi Beta took first
place for its float in the parade
which opened the two day Michi-
gras festivities yesterday.
Second places in the competi-
tion went to Phi Gamma Delta for
the booth "Dream Boat" and to
Sigma Chi for its parade float.
Honorable mention for booths
was awarded Alpha Omicron Pi
for "Pavilhion of WOen" and
Gamma Phi Beta for "Schere-
Delta Upsilon, Pi Beta Phi, and
Zeta Tau Alpha and Phi Sigma
Kappa received honorable men-
tion for their floats in the parade.
. The Michigras festivities will
continue from 7:30 p.m. to mid-
night today with amusements.
games. shows and refreshments
available to students, faculty and
Ann Arbor residents attending the
traditional carnival.
Tickets to Michigras may be
purchased at the door, and the ad-
mission price includes admittance
to the Field House and six conces-
sion tickets. Additional conces-
sion tickets may be purchased at
booths inside the carnival.
Carnival-type rides, including
a ferris wheel, have been set up in
the center of the Field House, and
the building has been decorated ins
keeping with a carnival theme.
An aerial acrobatics show, fea-
turing Newt Loken, national gym-
nastics champion, will be presented
at intervals during the carnival,
Loken is scheduled to perform on
rings and trampoline.
No Smoking
The Michigras committee has
reminded those attending the car-
nival that no smoking will be per-
mitted inside the Field House, and
that children under 12 years of
age are to be accompanied by
The carnival, which is being
held this year for the firsttime
since 1939, is a traditional campus
event; and is sponsored by the
Women's Athletic Association and
the Union.
The opening of the carnival yes-
terday was preceded by the tradi-
tional Michigras parade, featur-
ing floats by campus organizations
and by houses sponsoring Michi-
gras booths. The Michigan band
and Ypsilanti Girls' Drum and
Bugle Corps, were also included,
as well as horses ridden by the
University riding clubs and bi-
cycles and motorbikes.
Educators End
Tal ks Today
Last Lectures Accent
IRelgious I oIl'ralu'e
"Religious Tolerance" will be
the topic of the last general pro-
gram session of the Michigan
Schoolmasters' Conference to be
held at 9 am. today in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Speakers will be B. Benedict
Glazer, Temple Beth El, Detroit;
Herbert Beecher Hudnut, Wood-
ward Ave. Presbyterian Church,
Detroit; and John F. Quinn, Dean,
Arts and Sciences, University of
Detroit. Schoolmasters' Vice-Pres-
ident William R. Stocking, Jr., of
Detroit will act as chairman of the
Four special conferences will be
held from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Building.
Discussions will be held on "The
'Commuity Part in Promoting
Unity," Women's Lounge; "What
the Schools Can Do Toward Im-
rr ing Labor-Management Re-
lations," Men's Lounge; "Religion
and Community Good Will." fast
To Settle at $6 Increase;
House Votes Appropriation Cut
GoP'Wis in
Econon y Drive
With Big Vote
interior Iepartmient.
Funds Cut in Half
BY The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 25.-The
Republican economy drive scored
a major victory tonight when the
House passed, 307 to 30, an In-
terior Department appropriation
bill totalling $161,413,513 - about
45 per cent less than President
Truman asked.
The Republicans successfully
fought off all amendments to boost
the funds-except five of their
Democrats Oppose
In vain Democratic leaders cried
that slashes in reclamation and
Pcwer projects would "crucify" the
West and Northwest. Repubicans
replied that there are enough
funds for all worthwhile projects
and that the country demands
The net increases approved by
the House before sending the bill
to the Senate after nine hours of
tempestuous debate amounted to
$4,875,000 over appropriations com-
mittee recommendations. There
was only one cut. An allotment of
$450,000 for an anthracite labora-
tory at Schuylkill Haven, Pa., was
knocked out after a fight over
where it should be located.
Cut 47 Per Cent
The Appropriations Comnittee
had cut the bill 47 per cent below
budget estimates before sending it
to the floor last week. It recom-
mended $156,538,513, a reduction
of $138,881,907 below budget esti-
mates for the department's opera-
tions for the fiscal year starting
July 1.
Democrats, who had hoped to
pick up enough Republican votes
to override the committee's 47 per
cent slash, offered dozens of
amendments but got nowhere on
Roll-Call Vote
Democrats failed by a 197 to 140
roll-call vote to send the bill
back to committee just before its
As the House worked toward a
vote the Senate heard Secretary of
the Interior Krug assailed for
"unbelievable ignorance,"
Senator Williams (Rep.-Del.)
took the Senate floor to dispute
assertions he said had been made
by Krug that a House Appropria-
tions Committee slash of $139,-
000,000 in the department's budget
"might be enough to set off a
major depression."
He said Krug had contended
that if the cut stands, the Interior
Department will have to reduce
its present force of 44,740 em-
ployes back to the 41,000 it had
in 1938.
Exam Schedules
ro Be ilished
Final examination schedules for
the literary and engineering col-
leges will appear in The Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin not later than Sun-
day. May 4, Prof. Paul S. Dwyer
said yesterday.
Extending from May 31 through
June 12, the schedules provide for
two periods of three hours maxi-
mum each day.
Prof. Dwyer is in charge of mak-
ng up the literary college schedule
and Prof. C. F. Kessler is in charge
of the engineering college sched-
Holds Frm as
Operators Cut
4 Pay Demands
Hope Fades for End
Of 19-Day Walkout
FRESH AIR CAMP CABINS-Each one of these house eight boys
who are responsible for making their own bunks. The cabin
groups compete for the "cleanest-cabin" title eace week.
Tibbitts Announces Fresh Air
Camp Drive Gal of $5,500
The campus goal for the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp Tag Day
sales, which will be held next Wed-
nesday, has been set at $5,500,
Clark Tibbitts, Director of the In-
stitute for Human Adjustment,
announced yesterday.
Proceeds from the sales will be
used to help fulfill three financial
objectives, the first of which is to
provide funds for operating the
camp this year, Tibitts said.
The second objective is to put
Teacher Crisis
Hit by Nicolson
At Convocation
Because of the present trend
away from entering the teaching
profession on the part of college
students "thousands of our young-
sters are underprivileged right here
in prosperous America where we
pride ourselves on universal edu-
cation," Marjorie Hope Nicolson
said yesterday at the 24th annual
Honors Convocation.
Prof. Nicolson, of the English
department in Columbia Univer-
sity graduate school, pointed out
that the nation does not hesitate
to draft young men in time of war
For list of students honored at
Convocation yesterday see page
for the safety of the country and
then asked whether we had
reached the point where we must
draft teachers for the future se-
curity of the country.
"During periods of war thous-
ands enlist in every kind of war
effort.1 What about enlistment in
times of peace to preserve peace?
There is a call to duty which
sounds as loud today as during the
war, yet our ears are deaf to it."
"If this situation is allowed to
continue," Prof. Nicolson asserted,
"we shall reap a bitter harvest
when these children become the
generation responsible at a time
in the world's history which will,
probably be the most acute hu-
manity ever faced.
"It is the responsibility of every
one of us to feel that the situation
in education is so acute at present
that it is the concern of each and
every citizen-not only of the 'ed-
ucators' themselves. Everybody's
talking about it but nobody's doing
anything about it."
the camp in better physical condi-
tion. The camp is badly in need of
such things as a dishwashing ma-
chine, new dishes and new refrig-
eration equipment, the present unit
being so inadequate that wastage
often results because of food spoil-
General improvements for the
camp is the third objective of the
drive this year. Plans are being
made to landscape the property,
drain marshes and to buy new rec-
reational equipment.
The total budget for the camp
this year is $33,000, of which the
University contributes the cost of
administration and teaching. The
youngsters or the social agencies
which send them to the camp ya
for their food. This leaves the
cost of a doctor, a, nurse, super-
visors of the recreational program,
ordinary repairs and the buying of
supplies to the generosity of peo-
ple interested in seeing that these
underprivileged boys from the cit-
ies get a few weeks of a wholesome
atmosphere in the country.
Five Students
Escape Injuryl
In Auto Lr'ash
Five Wyandotte high school stu-
dents en route to Forensics Day
exercises at the University escaped
serious injury yesterday when the
car in which they were riding
crashed into a tree on Washtenaw
Avenue at 9:54 a.m.
Driver of the car, Martin A.
Weinlande', 51, Wyandotte super-
intendent of schools, los:t control
of the auto when the brakes failed,
and swerved from the roadway in
order to prevent collision with an-
other car, according to police re-
ports. Weinlander who suffered
chest and knee abrasions, was tak-
en to St. Joseph's Hospital for
emergency treatment,
Police Will Hold Auction
Of 27 Unclaimed Bikes
Ann Arbor Police will auction off
27 unclaimed bicycles at 10 a.
today behind the City Hall.
Bikes will be sold to the highest
bidder, according to police offi-
cials. The bicycles have gone un-
claimed for the legal period of
thirty days and must be sold,
police said.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 25-The
American Telephone and Tele-
graph Company tonight rejected
an offer of its striking long lines
operators to settle their strike it
given a wage increase of $6 week-
ly--half their original demand.
John J. Moran, president of the
American Union of Telephone
Workers, asked for a $6 "across
the board" increase at a negoti-
ating session tonight.
Offer 'Unacceptable'
But George S. Dring, assistant
vice president of the A. T. & T
long lines division, replied that
the offer was "unacceptable."
D"ing, however, offered to arbi-
trate wages on a community basis,
This was rejected by ,Moran.
Word that the National Feder-
ation of Telephone Workers,
with which the long lines workers
are affiliated, would compromise
their wage demands came earlier
in the day.
Hopes Raised
That development, coupled with
a settlement with plant and main-.
tenance workers for the Chesa-
peake and Potomac Telephone
Company in Maryland, had given
rise to hopes that the 19-day old
nationwide walkout might be
brought to an end soon.
A company statement said
Dring asked whether the long lines
union was "free to deal without
ref erring questions" to the policy
committee of the National Feder-
ation of Telephone Workers.
"Mr. Moran said it (the union)
was free to do so on any offer
which the long lines union ne-
gotiating committee would ac-
cept," the statement said. It con-
tinued :
"On the basis of this statement
it is not clear that the long lines
negotiating committee is a free
"Negotiations are to be resumed
at 10 a.m., tomorrow."
Word that the NFTW, with
which long lines workers are af-
filiated, would compromise on a $6
weekly increase, came earlier in
the day.
After tonight's session, W. Ell-
son Chalmers, a government con-
ciliator, said he regarded the com-
pany's position as a flat rejection.
Joseph A. Beirne, President of
the NFTW, said the company's
reaction to the $6 offer "looks like
a rejection."
Teachers Get
Salary Raise
Ann Arbor's school teachers will
definitely receive at least $300 of a
proposed $500 a year salary in-
crease the board of education has
In a statement of intentions the
board said that they hoped "to
give an additional increase up to
$200" to each full time teacher,
"when and if" sufficient funds are
available. The board said it will
ask the voters to authorize a spe-
cial tax levy if such a levy is nec-
essary to meet the additional ex-
To meet the teachers' current
cost of living increase, the board
established a formula which will
divide the city's share of the sales
tax revenue, giving approximately
$130 to each school employee who
has worked a full contract year.
A special state school grant also
being distributed will give each of
these employes about $40.
Flint Students Win
State Debate Final
Flint Central High School, up-
holding the affirmative on the
question o1 socialized medicine,
last night defeated Lansing East-
-rn High school to win the State
Piu Rrhnlnnnf rarnnnnh
DETROIT, April 25-A campaign to reduce prices by ten per Conference Room; nd "Educa-
cent across the nation gained momentum today in Michigan when I tion and Minority Glrols," Am-
merchants in at least five municipalities followed the lead of Otsego phitheater
and Hamtramck businessmen. Geni'al theme of this Y(-r's
I meeting is "Eelufatina for- Na=
tion al Unity." Thirteen Michigan
NEW YORKi, April 25-The United Nations iilitai'. Staff educational organizatioiirlud-
Committee planning a global police force today abandoned hopes ing the University's Bureau of Co-
of reaching unanimous agreement on several basic principles in operation with Educational Insti-
&he face of eontinued Russian opposition. tution*, are participating i th e
. confeiences.
{ __
An es Says Financial Problem Toughest
11rcency of the "fundamental
problems of finance dwarfs all
.other considerations in the edu-
I cational field today," Edward C.
A . r- 11.10 R . ei o
tribution of educational funds
could be made only through the
state governments.
"The public's first responsibil-
- .. _ Q t. - l,, -
and Occupational Informathen.r
earlier released statistics showing
that Michigan schools will need
nearly three times as many new