PAGE TWO THE MICHIGANDAILY Johnson Says Bureaucracy FailedinEgypt Bureaucracy didn't succeed too well in ancient Egypt during the Byzantine period, Prof. Allan Chester Johnson of Princeton University said yesterday in the last talk of the Thomas Spencer Jerome lecture series. The Edict of Justinian allowed the prefect of Egypt a bureau of 600 clerks, Prof. Johnson said. However, each person was paid, in kind, enough to support only one person, and no allowance wali made for families. Dishonesty, graft and corruption in the Egyp- tian administration was the result, he declared. Prof. Johnson cited a munici- pal budget for the city of Alex- andria, dated in the fourth cen- tury, which included about $10,000 a year for four items - public baths, the "anti-cantherus," the meaning of which is unknown, a wheat dole for the poor and horse- racing. None of the items expect- ed in a modern city's budget are included, he pointed out. SPECIAL TRAINING: Diplomats Must Know Mo Tre Than How To Hold Teacup WASHINGTON, April 24-1')- "We get them from all over the Maybe you think all a diplomat country," Burns said. "Last year, must know is: all of them were former GI's, from (A) How to look at home in his buck privates to colonels. Our star evenihg, or work, clothes. pupil came from Iowa. The run- (B) How to crook his little fin- I nerup was from Colorado." ger when drinking tea, and stuff. Burns said most of these never Actually the U. S. Foreign Serv- thought of foreign service until ice is one of the toughest jobs in they got into the army or navy. the world, and it has probably the One fellow will illustrate the hardest entrance examination. idea," Burns declared. This opinion comes from Dean "I asked him when he decided on Arthur Burns of the George Wash- foreign service. ington School of Government. "'The first time I was fired up- on,' he said. 'I decided there that i Burns announced today that from June 23 until Sept. 12, his school will give special instruction to about 100 people who want to enter the Foreign Service. And Burns warned right off: Only bright boys and girls need apply. The examination they must take is so difficult that only 14 per cent of those who take it pass. Foreign service used to be prac- tically hereditary. And now? I would do my best kid never would go to see that my through this'." ........... MICHIGAN Pciaying"through Saturday Church News Special parties planned by sev- eral student religious groups, will be held today: The Married Couples Group of the LUTHERAN STUDENT AS- SOCIATION will meet at 8 p.m. at the Student Center. The WESLEYAN GUILD will have a Tournament Night at 8:30 p.m.* at the First Methodist Church. Bridge, ping pong, Chinese checkers and bit will be played and refreshments will be served. "The Top of the World" will be the theme of a party to be held by the CONGREGATIONAL-DIS- CIPLES GUILD at 7:30 p.m. at the Guild House. Singing, games and a wiener roast will be included in the eve- ning's program. Schoolmasters Session Will Begin Today (Contined from Page 1) Bramald, of the University of Minnesota, President John W. Davis of West Virginia State Col- lege, and Tats Kushida, midwest regional director of the Japanese- American Citizens League, Chi- cago. This meeting will be open to the public. Annual Dinner The annual dinner of the Schoolmasters will be held at 6 p.m. today in the League for mem- bers and friends. It will be pre- ceded by an informal reception for officers, members and friends at 5:30 p.m. in the League, General theme of this year's meeting, according to Prof. Edgar G. Johnston, president of the club, will be "Education for National Unity." Thirteen Michigan edu- cational organizations, including the University's Bureau of Cooper- ation with Educational Institu- tions will participate in the Con- ferences. Third general program session of the Club is scheduled for 9 a.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall to consider "Religious Tolerance." Cost Accountants To Confer Here More than 300 Michigan cost accountants will attend the first annual Cost Accounting Confer- ence to be held at the University, May 3, Assistant Dean Herbert F. Taggart, of the business adminis- tration school, said yesterday. The Conference will be spon- sored by the four Michigan chap- ters of the National Association of Cost Accountants. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1917 VOL. LVII, No. 141 Notices The flag has been at half staff because of the death of William Wangler, a member of the staff of the Plant Department. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Party Approvals: Effective Monday, April 26. All student groups planning social events at which both men and women are to be present must secure approval from the Office of Student Af- fairs, Rm. 2, University Hall, no later than 12 noon of the Monday before the event. The deadline for filing these events has been advanced in order to permit week- ly publication of the list of ap- proved parties in the D.O.B. Women attending International Hall will be granted 1:30 a.m. per- mission. Calling hours will not be extended. Recreational Swimming, Wom - en Students, at the Union Pool will be held from 10-11 a.m. only for the next three Saturdays- April 26, May 3 and 10. Attention Senior Women: Miss Berta M. Howell of the Camp Fire Girls will be at our office on Mon., Ap ril interview girls inter- ested in positions with the Camp Fire Girls. For further informa- tion and appointment, call the Bu- eau of Appointments, extension '371. Lectures Iniversity Lecture: Mr. Karl Shapiro, the American poet, will give a lecture on Meter and Mean- ing on Wed., April 30, 4:15 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium, under the auspices of the Department of English Language and Literature, The public is invited. Mr. John I. H1. Baur, Curator of the Paintings and Sculpture at the Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, will lecture on the sub- ject. "The Emergence of Ameri- can Impressionism" (illus.), at 4:15 p.m., Fri., May 2, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the De- partment of Fine Arts. The pub- lic is cordially invited. Mathematics Lecture: Dr. B. (Continued on Page 4) For Real Dancing Enjoyment The Melody Men Orchestra Phil Savage Evenings 25-8084 TYPEWRITERS Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired STUDENT & OFFICE SUPPLIES O. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 7177 OI For Lionch or Dinner With GOOD SERVICE, EXCELLENT FOOD -at Lower Prices - c For sailutches begti eenc lasses or after that favorite movie Go to the OPEN Weekdays . . . 7:30 A.M.-1 1:30 P.M. Tuesdays . . . . 7:30 A.M.- 8:00 P.M. Sundays . . . . 11 :30 A.M.--11:30 P.M. 11 Sunday HEDY LAMARR in 'Strange Woman' Also - MUSICAL - NEWS -- CARTOON TEXAS DISASTER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING if 1 :.__:, FOR RENT 11 FOR RENT--5 beds available in male student's rooming house. 3 blocks from campus. Phone 2-0240 between' 6 and 8 p.m. )66 TYPEWRITERS now available for rent, standards or portables. Office Equip-j ment Service Co., 111 S. Fourth Ave. )36 PERSONAL REDUCE! Lose pounds and inches where you want them off. Come in from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for an intro- ductory treatment and be convinced. Baskin 8 N. Normal St., Ypsilanti. )7 MARRYIN' SAM-Fer gosh sakes, be in in Ann Arbor by 7:00 o'clock Friday- Fletch. )41 IT'S THE RAGE to be paged. Send a Michigram at Michigras. )74 IT WORKED!! Two busy-bodies. )39 BUSINESS SERVICES TRUMPET MAN--Rides, reads well, de- sires work in Ann Arbor, combo pre- ferred. Call 7159 week nights. )34 ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS SALES - JOHN JADWIN - SERVICE HELP WANTED ATTENTION GI's-Part time work available for experienced auto me- chanics. Open evenings until 12 and all day Saturday. See Mr. Burd at Cushing Motor Sales. )71- FIRST trumpet and lead alto man Fri- day, Saturday and Sundays. Must have good strong lead tone and be able to read and cut shows. Contact Karl Kalson, Villa Bee Night Club. Jackson, Michigan. )62 GIRL for care of children some light housework afternoons through dinner ,hour. Faculty family 2-3428. )44 HELP WANTED - Stock and general store work. Part or full time in ex- clusive men's clothing store. Reply Box 45, Michigan Daily. )19 AIRCRAFT MECHANICS and fuel serv- ice men. Immediate employment. Military or airline experience re- quired. Phone Ypsilanti 3220 or con- tact airport manager's office at Wil- low run. )33 GIRL for care of children some light housework afternoons through dinner hour. Faculty family. 2-3428. )40 WANTED BE A PROFESSIONAL BLOOD DONOR! The University Hospital wishes to in- crease its registry of available pro- fessional blood donors. You are paid for your services and are called when needed. Your blood type, serology, and hemoglobin are performed free of charge when you register. IGIS- TER BY TELEPHONE FOR APPOINT- MENT. PHONE 2-2521, ext. 225. Hours 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Daily, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Sunday. 45 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Schwinn Bicycle, men's, with 3-speed drive. 26-inch wheels. Good condition. 1111 Forest noons, or 4 to 6 p.m., or call 4592. )67 GOLF CLUBS-Five matched irons, driver and black leather bag - very reasonable. Phone 2-7053. )65 FOR SALE-Almost new man's bicycle. Call Mr. Liu, 913 Mary St., phone 2-1562. )73 ARGENTINE leather handbags. Very moderate price. Excellent quality. Leaving Ann Arbor soon. Michigan Union, Rm. 458, 2-5 p.m. )61 A BETTER PRICE paid for Men's used clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash- ington St. )14 S.. DIVISION AT LIBERTY =- 855 Tappan Ave. Phone 2-7412 )10 iU WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Tickets for May Festival - May 10th, Evening, May flth Matinee, May 11th Evening. One or two for each date. Call 2-1735. )68 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Gold Croton ladies watch, with black band. Last Friday, between Packard and campus. Reward, call 7626. )69 LOST--Will the party who took wrong covert topcoat from Tiny's last Thursday call 319 Hinsdale. )64 LOST--Golf clubs and bag at Stadium Hills course last Friday. Finder call 4707. Reward. )35 LOST-Black wallet, contains identi- fications, at Union Wed. evening. Re- ward. Call 8613.)5 PERSON WHO TOOK wrong G.I. over- coat from White Spot Wed, please ex- change it at 521 E. Jeffereson. See Art Novak. Ph. 6768. )28 WILL PERSON who mistakenly took derby with red lining and initials A.S. from Theta Chi Bowery Ball please call 23236. Ask for Swanson. )27 WANTED TO RENT LIT STUDENT will pay year's rent on apartment in advance. Any location. Price no object. Permanent. Call Room 313, Michigan Union mornings. STUDENT and wife desire to rent or sub-lease apartment for duration of summer session only. Phone Henry Lane at 2-1465 after 8 p.m. )72 WANTED TO RENT-A house or large apartment for summer months of June, July, August, also September, if possible. Will pay full rent in ad- vance. Box 25, Mich. Daily. )17 STUDENT COUPLE desire 2, 3, 4 or 5 room apt. Furnished or unfurnished starting June, July or Aug. Box 16. STUDENT COUPLE desires permanent furnished apartment beginning June or will sub'lease for summer semes- ter. Call Nissler, 2-4551 between 6 and 8. Good references. )9 MISCELLANEOUS "If your radio won't work When it's music you need I'll fix it for you With atomic speed." For expert radio repair service phone 9241 or bring your radio to the Tavern Cafeteria )57 KIDDIES PARKING DEPOT Ages 2-12 Veterans wives will care for your child Reasonable rates Call 20733 10 a.m.-5 p.m. )4 Continuous from 1 P.M. - Today and Saturday MYSTERY THRILLER BY ";. Raymond Chandlerl t North Main Opposite Court House -- Ends Tonight - "SHANGHAI GESTURE" and FIGHTING FRONTIERSMAN -Starts Saturday- "BLONDIE'S BIG MOMENT" -- plus OVER the SANTA FE TRAIL News and Serial OUR PRICE: Weekdays until 5 P.M., 25c Evenings and Sundays, 30c - Today and Saturday - LADY LUCK with Robert Young, Barbara Hale --and -- DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND with Hopalong Cassidy Jl 11 THE FARM CUPBOARD Specializing in FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS Open 11 00 A.M. to 9:00-P.M. including Sundays. 5400 Plymouth Road (on the way to Detroit) Phaon 9387 HOME OF GOOD FOOD Lunches 11:30-1:30 - only 65c Dinners (family style)-5:00-8:00 P.M.-$1.45 to $1.65 418 E. Washington (one-half block off State) Phone 9117 THE MAYFLOWER BREAKFASTS... LUNCHEONS ... DINNERS Waffles our specialty . . . Better Coffee 307 South Main Street COTTAGE INN Specialing in Home Cooked Food.. . Steaks and Chops Open Weekdays 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M., 5:00 -8:00 P.M. Sundays 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M., 5:00 - 9:00 P.M. Closed Saturdays 512 East Wililam PREKETES SUGAR BOWL EXCELLENT DINNERS $1.10 to $2.50 Fine Steaks and Seafood-For Dinner Reservations call 2-1414 Open 11:00 A.M.-12:00 Midnight ... Closed Mondays GRANADA CAFE GOOD FOOD IS GOOD HEALTH Open for your convenience: Daily 7:30 A.M.-11:30 P.M. Tues., 7:30 A.M.-8:00 P.M. Sundays 11:30 A.M.-11:30 P.M. 313 South State jIII I ________________________ i H. 1 11 Jor F at I I/ ~j1! Its ere again! TONIGHT TOMORROW and only O 44 4C4 WE ARE PROUD to present five outstanding lines of RADIO-PHONOGRAPH COMBINATIONS. STROMBERG-CARLSON RCA VICTOR. ANSLEY FREEDElSEMANN MEISSNER EVERY CONSOLE MODEL on our floor has built- in FM and ea h is an excellent value in its price class at *365 ti )1285 SEE AND HEAR thcsc beautiful instruncnts, at ONE 14 INCH, once cymbal.sExcellent Dion Lessig 1183. 11 inch Zildjian condition. Call ) 75 ATTENTION, GOLFERS-Let me help you select your golfing needs. Com- plete lines of all top-grade clubs, bags, balls. Phone 2-2058 or 4044. Johnny Malloy, Golf Professional. )18 FOR SALE--Single main floor seat for May Festival concert, May 9. Cliff Lynch, Room No. 1, University Hall. )12 NEW all aluminum Trailercoaches, 14 ft. overall. Completely equipped, $995. Can be financed. Meyers Aircraft Co., Tecumseh Airport, Tecumseh, Mich- igan. )42 PRE WAR TUXEDO with vest. Size 38-39. Like new. Price $30. Call 24367. )40 OUTDOORS!! 22 acres of rolling country, west of and near Ann Arbor. Just right for II I I I I I M M I IIURIIUU IIIA 11