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April 25, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-25

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1Lil(' si Iheaidlhie in th e ShIe






Bi FourEmd
Peace Talks
In Stalemate
New Conference
Set fors November
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, April 24-The For-
eign Ministers Conference ended
tonight with Secretary Marshall
expressing "disappointment" over
failure to reach agreement on an
Austrian peace treaty and a four-
power pact against Germany.
But Marshall, before leaving to
attend a farewell banquet at the
Kremlin given by Prime Mipjister
Stalin for the top diplomats who
had met in the Soviet capital for
six weeks and four days, told
newsmen they, should regard the
conference as "the first round."
The ministers of the United
States, Britain, France and Rus-
sia, who had been unable to reach
agreement in 44 meetings since
March 10 on any of the major is-
sues in the writing of German and
9ustrian peace pacts, ended their
session onl a note of amity.
In a last minute decision they
agreed to limit the number of Al-
Jied troops in Germany and to ap-
point a special commission to
study the areas of disagreement
on the Austrian peace treaty.
The ministers themselves will
meet again, in London in Novem-
ber, unless all of them show up
for the United Nations Assem-
bly in New York in September. In
that event a brief session will be
held in New York.
Marshall will leave Moscow for
Washington via Paris and Berlin
at 9 a.m. midnight tonight cen-
tral standard time )tomorrow by
plane . He was reported planning
a report to the American people
presumably by radio on the con-
ference. He said that if he ar-
rives on Saturday, as he expects,
he will make the report on Sun-
day, or Monday at the latest.
To Hold First
Session T"oday
Labor Relations SOt
As Discussion Topic
"Labor-Management Relations"
will be the topic of the first gen-
eral program session of the Mich-
igan Schoolmasters Club to be
held at 9 a.m. today in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Provost James P. Adams will
address the first session. John
Airey, president of King-Seeley
Corporation and director of the
National Association of Manufac-
turers, Ann Arbor, will speak on
"The Educator's Job in Our In-
dustrial Civilization." James P.
All program sessions of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club
will be open to students upon
presentation of identification
Carey, secretary-treasurer of the
CIO, Washington, D.C., will talk
on. "What Education Can Do to
Promote Harmony in Labor Rela-
tions." President Alexander G.
Ruthven will act as chairman.
Ruthven To Offer Greeting
President Ruthven will greet the
estimated 2,500 elementary school,
high school and college teachers
attending the conferences at the

University today and tomorrow.
The first session will be preced-
ed by the annual business meet-
Second general program session
of the Schoolmasters will be held
at 7:45 p.m. today in the Ann Ar-
bor High School Auditorium on
the topic "Minority Problems."
Speakers for the second general
session will be Prof. Theodore
Rent Increase
Is Voted Down
House Group Erases
Prospects of Raise
WASHINGTON, April 24--()-
The House Banking Committee
voted 14 to 10 today against a 10
per cent general increase in rents.
A month ago, the committee
voted 9 to 4 to put the 10 per cent

A adenIeu Freednil T i0e IVIYDA Ban
Student own Hall Topic iDaws More

GM Workers Accept 11.5 Cent

Campus Forum Is fxpeeted To Consider
President Ruthvcen's Blan on AYD4 Affiliate
Academic freedom will be in the local spotlight today when Stu-
dent Town all takes over Hill Auditorium at 4:30 p.m. for an all-
campus forum.
The forum will be the first gathering of its kind since President
Alexander G. Ruthven withdrew recognition from Michigan Youth
for Democratic Action.
Although Bette Hamilton, Town Hall chairman, reiterated last
night that the forum was not called because of the banning action, it
is generally expected that the subject will ,figure in the proceedings.
- (Miss Hamilton said earlier this

1,000 Students
T O Be Honored
At Convocation
Columbia English
Professor To Speak
The University will halt its
regular routine of classes and
studying for an hour this morn-
ing to recognize 1,000 outstanding
scholars at the 24th annual Hon-
ors Convocation at 11 a.m. in Hill'
Marjorie Hope Nicolson, Profes-
sor of English in the Columbia
University graduate school, will be
the principle speaker. Topic of her
address is "Merchants of Light."
Classes will be dismissed at 10:45
a.m. to permit student attendance
at the convocation.
Reserved Seats
Seats will be reserved on the
main floor for students being hon-
ored and their parents.
Prof. Nicolson, a University
graduate, received her B.A. degree
here in 1914, her M.A. in 1918 and
has also received honorary degrees
from the University. She earned
a Ph.D. at Yale University and
holds honorary degrees from Mt.
Holyoke College, Goucher Col-
lege, Smith College, Elmira Col-
lege and Middlebury College.
Prof. Nicolson is author of the
Conway Letters and has written
several other books. In addition to
contributing to The Atlantic
Monthly, Yale Review and similar
magazines, she has edited a large
number of scholarly publications.
A member of the advisory board of
the Guggenheim Memorial Foun-
dation, she was awarded a Gug-
genheim Fellowship in 1926.
Undergraduate students in the
14 schools and colleges of the
University who have attained an
average equivalent to at least half
'A' and half 'B' will be honored.
Graduate students are selected
for outstanding achievement in
special fields. Fellowship and
scholarship holders and the reci-
pients of special awards are like-
wise honored for outstanding work
in particular fields.
Honor Societies
Members of the following hon-
oraries will be recognized: Alpha
Kappa Delta, Alpha Lambda Delta,
Alpha Omega Alpha, Beta Gamma
Sigma, Delta Omega, Eta Kappa
Nu, Kappa Tau Alpha, Omicron
Kappa Upsilon, Order of the Coif,
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa,
Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi,
Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi Sigma,
Pi Kappa Lambda, Pi Lambda
Theta, Rho Chi, Sigma Xi, Tau
Beta Pi, Tau Sigma Delta.
Social events planned for the
day include a luncheon in honor
of Prof. Nicolson, given by the Of-
fice of Student Affairs at 1 p.m.
in the Union, and a tea at 4 p.m.
in Martha Cook for residents of
the dormitory and members of the
English department faculty.

week that the petition to hold
the forum was submitted to the
Student Affairs Committee four
days before President Ruthven an-
nounced that MYDA had been
The forum today will open with
10-minute speeches on "The
Broad Issue of Academic Free-
dom" by Prof. Louis Karpinski, of
the mathematics department;
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the jour-
nalism department and the Com-
mittee for Academic Freedom;
Rev. Edward Redman, of the First
Unitarian Church; and George
Mupnick, of the University chap-
ter of the Lawyers' Guild.
The panel will include Prof.
John P. Dawson, of the law
school; Prof. Preston W. Slosson,
of the history department and
members of the Student Legisla-
ture, MYDA the campus chapter
of AVC, the Lawyers' Guild, The
Daily and the Karl Marx Society.
University administrators were
obliged to refuse invitations to
speak at the forum because their
presence is required at the Re-
gents meeting beginning at 2 p.m.
today, Miss Hamilton said.
Wallace., Says
U.S. After Oil
In Middle East
PARI, April 24--Pm)-Henry A.
Wallace told the Anglo-American
Press Association today the United
States was "in the Middle East to
get the oil of Saudi Arabia."
"We are going to get that oil
and I am a good enough American
to want to see the United States
get the oil," he said. "But I would
like to use the United Nations so
it would not seem so utterly damn
He explained that by using the
United Nations he meant the Unit-
ed States should observe the UN
charter which provides that nat-.I
ural resources of the world be made
available to all on a "fair and
equitable basis."
Uni on Merger
Discussion Set
WASHINGTON, April 24-The
AFL tonight agreed to meet with
the CIO May 1 to discuss merger
of the two organizations in the
midst of congressional moves to
restrict union activities.
The date for the session, first
in about five years between the
two organizations on the question
of consolidation, was suggested in
Pittsburgh by CO President Phil-
ip Murray.
The AFL had proposed a meet-
ing today but Murray informed
the organization that he and oth-
er members of the five-man CIO
committee were tied up in bar-
gaining negotiations and could
not get to the capital.

Student Fire
iu [hven Receives
Student protests against the
banning of Michigan Youth for
Democratic Action continued to
mount yesterday as 24 students
declared in a statement to Presi-
dent Ruthven that recognition was
withdrawn from the organization
by "arbitrary edict."
The students, who said they were
not affiliated with MYDA, de-
scribed the action as being "not
in keeping with the democratic
principles ofacademic freedom."
They added:
"The fact that this organization
was banned from the University by
an artitrary edict might be indi-
cative of similar action against the
right of free expression.
"As a democratic institution,
the University of Michigan should
pledge itself to uphold the rights
of minorities rather than to sup-
press them."
Meanwhile, Harriet Ratner,
'48, president of the now un-
recognized MYDA, invited "any
official spokesman of the Uni-
versity" to speak on the radio
simultaneously with p spokes-
man of MYDA.
Following up its decision to poll
the campus for an opinion on
President Ruthven's action in ban-
ning MYDA, the Student Legisla-
ture announced it will conduct a
referendum from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tuesday at four campus voting
The student body will be
asked to approve or disapprove
t h e Legislature's resoluition
passed Wednesday night. Passed
by a 29 to 3 vote, the resolution
"We, as the elected representa-
tives of the students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan,-adopt in its
entirety the definitive statement
on academic freedom set forth by
the Committee for Academic Free-
"We therefore oppose the action
taken by President Ruthven in
arbitrarily withdrawing recogni-
tion of a campus organization,
thereby bypassing the Committee
on Student Affairs, which is the
traditionally and logically consti-
tuted group maintained to handle
such matters, in the belief that it
is a threat to the free activity of
every campus organization.
"We deeply regret that the
pressure brought to bear upon
the administration of this Uni-
versity should force that ad-
ministration to act in such an
undemocratic fashion.
"We believe that no student
group should be banned unless
regulations have been clearly
stated in advance governing con-
duct of student organizations, spe-
cific charges have been brought
against the group in an official
SAC meeting, and it is proved to
the satisfaction of the SAC that
there are adequate grounds on the
basis of existing regulations for
banning the group.
"We request a public review of
the situation before an open meef-
ing of the SAC, with student and
faculty representatives of the
Committee for Academic Freedom
present, and a clear statement of
the general grounds for banning
any group and the specific charges
brought against Michigan Youth
for Democratic Action in this in-
sta nce."'
A majority of the 10-member
executive committee of the Stu-
dent League for Industrial De-
mocracy last night joined in the
protest against the banning of

The committee, in a statement,
said it was supporting "the Stu-
dent Legislature's call for an open
hearing on this vital issue" and
urged that MYDA "be given a
chance to learn the charges lev-
elled against it and to answer these
charges in an orderly meeting at
which both sides be given a chance
to speak."
The Student League for Indus-
trial Democracy was recently ap-
proved as a campus organiza-
tion by the Student Affairs Com-
Lawyers Polled
On Rental Boost
Residents of the Lawyers' Club
were polled by their student coun-
cil yesterday on whether to re-



To Industry-Wide Pay Pattern

MICHIGRAS QUARTET-Pictured above is the quartet which has been visiting campus dances and
parties to publicize the two-day Michigras, which opens at 7:30 p.m. today in Yost Field House.
Left to right are: Lyons Howland, Audrey Buttery, Doty Johnson and Dick Housten.
__________YT___________-'* *J*a



Debaters Meet
In Final Match
At TU' Today
High Schools Seek
State Championship
This is Forensic Day at the Uni-
versity and over 500 high school
debaters are expected to attend
the annual event, which will be
climaxed by the championship
high school debate beginning at
8 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture
The two contestants, Lansing
Eastern High School and Flint
Central High School, are the sur-
viving teams in a field of 125
schools which began elimination
See PICTURES, Page 6
contests last fall. The topic of the
debate will be the same as the one
that has been used thus far
throughout the contest: "Resolved,
that the Federal Government
should provide a system of com-
plete medical care available to all
citizens at public expense."
The visitors will find a full
day's program planned for them
by the Forensic Association, which
is a part of the University Exten-
sion Service. First event on the
program is the Honors Convoca-
tion, which begins at 11 a.m. in
Hill Auditorium.
University debaters will act as
guides for the visitors during a
tour of the campus beginning at
2 p.m. today. This tour will end
at Ferry Field at 3:30 p.m. where
students will be guests of honor at
a specially scheduled baseball
game between Michigan and Illi-
The evening program will begin
at 7:30 p.m. with a concert in
Rackham Auditorium featuring
the Ann Arbor High School A Ca-
pella Choir, under the direction of
Prof. Geneva Nelson, of the music.
school, the Madrigal Singers from
Flint Central High School and the
Lansing Eastern High School
The Flint Central team, coached
See HIGH SCHOOL, Page 6 1

Mchi gras Carnival Begis
Tonight In Yost Field House
Preceded by the traditional Michigras parade at 4:15 p.m. today,
the first postwar Michigras carnival will be held from 7:30 p.m. to
midnight today and tomorrow in Yost Field House.
The parade will assemble on E. Ann St. at Fifth, and proceed
from Fifth to Huron, Huron to Main, Main to Liberty, Liberty to
State, State to South University and South University to East Uni-
Judges for the parade are to be stationed In front of Angell Hall.
The judging committee includes Director of Bands Harold Ferguson,
Dr. Margaret Bell and Mayor William Brown. Prizes will be awarded

Reuther Says
Union's Gain
Is ~Substantial'
Employees Also Get
Six Paid Holidays
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, April 24-The wage
dispute involving 220,000 General
Motors workers was settled to-
night on the basis of an 11/2 cent
hourly increase as the way was
pointed to the auto industry's new
pay pattern for 1947.
General Motors and the CIO
United Auto Workers came to an
agreement with dramatic sud-
denness after an hours-long ne-
gotiation session from which
emerged the likely wage structure
for a half million men in the
nation's car factories.
Three major points covered
the agreement as announced by
UAW President Walter P. Reu-
ther, chief negotiator for \the
union, and Louis G. Seaton, di-
rector of labor relations for the
These were:
1. An 11-/2-cent hourly increase
to take effect as of today, subject
to the union's ratification by May
The UAW-CIO's GM confer-
ence, a 200-man rank and file
representative group, voted later
tonight to recommend ratification
to the UAW's approximately 00
locals. Ratification thus was seen
as a mere formality.
2. Six paid holidays for "sen-
iority employes"-those with six
months seniority on the job.
This represents the 32 cents
an hour by the company esti-
mate which General Motors said
makes the tota increase the.
"equivalent" of 15 cents an hour.
3. An improved vacation pro-
gram and a liberalized "call-in
pay" system,
Reuther characterized the gains
as "substantial."
The union had never asked for
paid holidays and said it preferred
to use part of any 15-cent in-
crease for social security and re-
tirement measures for, its mem-
hers in 90 General Motors plants.
General Motors termed its of-
fer the equivalent of a 15 cent an
hour pay increase but pointed
out that "at no time" had it of-
fered a flat 15-cent increase to
the UAW-CIO "nor to any other
Shaw Drama
To Be Given
Judy Greengard Plays
Lead in 'Saint Joan'
First Nighters filled Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre to capacity yes-
terday for the first performance
of Shaw's drama "Saint Joan,"
presented by members of the
speech department's play produc-
tion classes.
Called the finest drama written
.About the life of the French Saint,
Shaw's play deals with the impor-
tant incidents in Joan's life an
their relation to the medieval con-
flicts between feudalism and na-
tionalism and between Catholicism
-and Protestantism.
Judy Greengard, student in the
speech department, plays the role
3f Saint Joan with James Holmes

as Cauchon, the Archbishop who
betrays Joan to her enemies.
Tickets are still available for
,he performance at 2:30 p.m. Sat-
arday but night performances to-
day through Saturday are "sold
Hillelzapoppin To
Play Tomorrow
Competing for originality and
hmn r . hnnnrcz, ot iticnf ' , an4 rn..

for outstanding floats and the
best bicycle or motorbike decora-
tion. In case of rain, the parade
will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow.
The two-day carnival in Yost
Field House will offer entertain-
ment, games of skill and refresh-
ment to those attending. Three
carnival rides, including a ferris
wheel, will be set up inside the
Field House, with 39 booths ar-
ranged in sections in the center
and sides of the building.
Tickets will be sold at the Field
House during carnival hours, with
the admittance price including six
concession tickets. Additional
concession tickets may be pur-
chased at ticket booths inside.
This year's affair has been
planned and directed by a com-
mittee of 20, made up of WAA
Board and Union staff members,
chairmaned by Collee Ide and Al
A partial list of houses spon-
soring booths include Sigma Chi,
Jordan, Martha Qook, Theta Chi,
Zeta Beta Tau, Delta Delta Delta,
Theta Xi, Mosher, Alpha Omicron
Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Zeta Tau
Alpha, Alpha Sigma Phi, Helen
Newberry and Gamma Phi Beta.
Other campus residences having
Michigras booths include Alpha
Xi Delta and Sigma Nu, Alpha Eta,
Theta Delta Chi, Chi Psi, Alpha
Phi, Sorosis, Kappa Alpha Theta,
Adelia Cheever, Pi Beta Phi, Pray's
League House, Willcox League
House and Delta Gamma.
All students, faculty and Ann
Arbor residents are invited to at-
tend the carnival by the commit-

UN Delegate
Favors World
Effectiveness of the United Na-
tions will depend upon the willing-
ness of member nations to sacrifice
their sovereignty in a manner com-
parable to that between the fed-
eral and state governments of the
United States, Samarindraneth
Sen, delegate to the United Na-
tions from India said last night
before an audience of 300 at the
International Banquet in the
Michigan Union Ballroom.
Stressing that his opinions were
personal and not necessarily those
of the Indian government, Sen
urged that the "traditional demo-
cratic countries" join together in a
unit as strongly cohesive as that of
Russia and her satellites.
He said that the Truman policy
of Greek-Tirkish aid hats npt
frightened small nations nor
weakened the influence of the
United Nations because of the
Vandenberg amendment, provid-
ing for its approval by the Security
The banquet was sponsored
jointly by the International Cen-
ter and the Junior Chamber of
Commerce of Ann Arbor as part of
"International Week." The fes-
ivities will be concluded tonight
with the International Ball.

World News at a Glance !
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 24-John L. Lewis got back $2,800,000 of
the $3,500,000 contempt fine against his United Mine Workers union
today, and with a dramatic flourish sent a check for $100,000 to sup-
port the nationwide telephone strike.
DETROIT, April 24-Thousands upon thousands of Detroit
area workers converged on downtown Cadillac Square today to
protest pending Congressional labor legislation in a five-hour rally
sponsored by the CIO-United Auto Workers.
* * * *
NEW YORK, April 24-Willa Cather, 70, one of the nation's fore-
most novelists, died today.
Cause of death was reported as cerebral hemorrhage.
*-* * *
WASHINGTON, April 24-A threat of a 1944 campaign fund
expose "involving high Democratic party officials" came today
from the defense at the war fraud trial of Andrew J. May, former
House Military Committee chairman.
Sawyer Smith, an attorney for the ex-congressman from

SMovie Actor Plays Role Of Patient Here

Edmund Gwenn, recently seen
here on the screen in "Of Human

night stands to Theatres Royal in
England, Scotland, Wales, Aus-
tralia, New Zealand and Tasmania,

Lyceum Theatre in London, had
decided upon acting for his ca-
Al-f frtzf ( r nn ranaivAarl nl

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