THURSI;:1 T , APRIL 24, 1947
.Y.r _.. __. ...... .......
THURSDAY, AmL 24, 194~
T HE UNIVERSITY will be musically pro-
vided, at least, for an increased enroll-
ment next semester.
Two series of Choral Union concerts will
be given during the 1948-1949 season plus
the Vlay Festival, chamber music series and
the Messiah programs. Comparable in
quality, the two series will differ only in the
number of performances included, one pro-
viding five, the other ten, concerts.
Although Dr. Charles A. Sink, president
of the University Musical Society, has not
been able to obtain as many top artists for
both series as is usual for the Choral Union
programs, he has divided the greater and
Edi/orials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
I lesser known names fairly evenly between
the two series.
Both groups of programs will include vo-
cal and instrunrental soloists, choral and
symphonic groups. In the ten concert ser-
ies, Dr. Sink will present the conductor of
the Choral Union for the 1947 May Festival,
Thor Johnson, who will be appearing for
the first season as director of the Cincinnati
Symphony, a group rarely heard in Ann Ar-
Ticket shortages may not become a thing
of the past with the inauguration of the
two-series plan, but at least students who
prefer fewer concerts will be able to obtain
good seats through a season's subscription
to the shorter series of concerts.
Dr. Sink asked recently for financial
support to erect a new auditorium with
greater seating capacity. Until such a
proposal is carried out, music talent and
programs will have to be spread out
through such a plan as is to be used next
N arriett Friedman
Uif air Burdent
A BILL recently introduced into the State
Legislature by Rep. D. Neil Reid of De-
troit is aimed at reducing the unfair burden
placed on illegitimate children from the
moment they are brought into the world.
The bill, which would empower circuit
courts to issue new birth certificates con-
tainihg no notation of "father unknown" as
at Presenf and would make it a misdemeanor
for any public official to reveal any of this
information, was originally drafted by Louis
C. Miriani, chief of the Detroit Legal Aid
Bureau who has undoubtedly had much
experience with this type of case. The bill
recognizes the undue hardship placed on
illegitimate children at present and would
declare all the facts concerning an illegiti-
mate birth privileged or secret information.
For too long a time have the children
of unwed mothers been forced to pay the
penalty for their mothers' sins. There is
no more reason for an illegitimate child
to be stigmatized for an act of the parent
which happened so many years previously
than for a person to be tried in a court
of law for the 'crimes of his brother.
These children certainly are punished
sufficiently by having to live in a fatherless
household where in most cases the infant
is neglected so that the mother can go to
work to support both of them. All through
the initial stages of life the child grows up
not knowing any of the benefits of being
reared in a family atmosphere, and then
when he or she goes out to find a job and is
forced to submit a birth certificate, the
damaging notation thereon is often enough
to sway a prospective employer's decision.
Under Representative Neil's bill, all the
employer will see on a birth certificate will
be the name, sex, and color of the applicant
and the date and place of birth. The pro-
cess will reduce to a minimum the whisper-
ing campaigns which now follow these un-
fortunate children wherever they go.
The bill certainly deserves careful con-
sideration by the legislature which we
hope has outgrown by this time the prud-
ish attitudes so common at the beginning
of the century.
-Walter Dean
Labor Bil
astonishing hold upon the small band
of moderate and progressive Republicans in
Congress. They are just as anxious to win
the 1948 election as their party's more con-
servative Congressional majority. But they
are increasingly convinced that the party
majority is throwing the election away with
both hands.
No doubt majority sentiment In the
country is now anti-labor. Yet the fact
remains that the shrewdest and ablest
Eastern Reublican leaders apparently
think it is suicidal to pass the kind of vio-
lent and punitive labor bill just approved
by the House, or even the milder measure
advocated by Senator Taft, of Ohio. This
was the real lesson of the extraordinary
Republican conference on labor legisla-
tion a little more than a week ago.
At this conference Senator Taft stated
that he would advocate strengthening
amendments to the committee bill. He, ex-
plained that he wanted an omnibus bill
on the naked ground that it would confront
President Truman with a take it or leave it
proposition. He admitted that a President-
ial veto was to be expected. But this he
actually described as desirable, on the
ground that the President would then be
blamed by the country for the failure to
pass labor legislation at this session of Con-
The worst of it is that the extreme Re-
publican conservatives have only one way
out of their dilemma. If the President vetoes
an omnibus labor bill, he will have no
weapons in hand to control John L. Lewis
and prevent a catastrophic coal strike in
July. A catastrophic coal strike might con-
ceivably provoke a wave of national hysteria
beneficial to the extreme conservatives. But
before turning John L. Lewis loose on the
country, the Republican conservatives ought
to remember that when one political extreme
gains, the other always gains also. And that
is the way to break down the structure of
American politics.
(Copright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
Thank You
A HEARTFELT expression of thanks is
due the nine students who settled
Ann Katsuizumis account with the Blood
Bank and University Hospital plus a
little more.
Ann owed the bank only 6 pints of
blood, but we fid now that she must-
face further opeathins and will un-
doubtedly use the others then.
Though large state universities are all
too often regarded as rather told-blooded
institutions, this small incident is sound
proof that the "brotherhood of man" is
not merely a term found in textbooks at
Michigan. And it provides equally sound
proof that on this campus at least, hos-
tilities ceased on V-J Day.
-Gay Larsen
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to lte editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
hi length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words ore shortened, printed or
omitted .tt the discreion or the edi-
torial director.
To the Editor:
OUTSIDE the Nickel's Arcade
the other day I heard some-
thing that caused my blood to
boil. As I stood there a voice de-
tached itself from the crowd and
boomed: "Yeah, but v hy did he
have to send such a salami let-
ter?" (This on Mx. Walter's kind
letter to the vets.) But above the
question of the tone of that let-
er is something of greater im-
I feel that that vet is a hater
-he evidently doesn't like salami
and thereby uses it as a deroga-
tory adjective. I should have im-
mediately accosted him right
there but-and all engineers will
understand - I was clutching a
"10" bluebook in P Chem. Even
tho my soul was burning because
of salami prejudice, nothing could
burn hot enough to cause an en-
gineer to drop a "10" bluebook in-
Letters to the Editor...
to the rain. Hence this letter to
By now I have filed that blue-
book and can fulfill my more man-
ly duties. I believe that salami
hater is a threat to our way of
life. He must learn - be' it the
hard way - that salami has an
honorable place in this nation.
That it's a worthwhile part of
American life. All that salami
wants is to be left alone, to be
able to contribute in its unique
way to our general welfare. All
who deny that right deserve to
He -the salami hater - is to
be despised as ardently as all good
Americans despise Commies, Fas-
cists, fellow-travellers, and racial
haters. It is my duty to defend
our way.
I therefore hope The Daily will
print this letter and perform a
public duty. Perhaps through you
I shall be able to carry out that
duty. I challenge that salami
hater to come from behind his
mediocrity and receive his just
due. My appointed second is Bob
McCluskey. He may be found in
the Bus Ad school Monday thru
Friday. Let this hater appoint
a second and arrange for a duel.
-Robert Learmont
Trte Humility
To the Editor:I
c 4 -
"It's humiliatin' to be called JUVENILE delinquents."
Paid To Be Liberal
E NERAL EIS NHOWER has got hold of
a provocative and original idea; he has
detailed a staff of young officers to spend
their full time thinking about atomic war,
and he has placed them under strict orders
not to listen to any of their elders or super-
iors. They are not to think of what is at
present practical or expedient; they have
been set free, like the birds of the air, un-
chained souls, to adventure among possibil-
ities; no hand is empowered to stop their
doodles or their dreaming.
General Eisenhower feels this is the only
way not to blind ourselves against what may
be coming in the field of atomic warfare,
and to avoid those subtle errors of concep-
tion which are almost enforced upon men
ARISTIDE MAILLOL has long been ap-
preciated as one of the outstanding figures
of contemporary sculpturing. The current
exhibition of his work in the University
Museum of Art is an indication of why this
is so. The show includes woodcuts made for
an edition of Daphnis et Chloe; lithographs
of chalk, charcoal, and pencil drawings;
original sketches in pencil; and five works
of bronze. Throughout all these mediums
we are very conscious of Maillol's occupa-
tion with the problem of classic form and
the skillful handling of volu'me-the rela-
tion of mass in space. The powerful re-
sults of the intensity of expression gained
by this man are due to his discarding the
unessential and artificial. The simplicity in
use of line in building his plastic harmonies
displays a fluidity that radiates vitality.
There is a feeling of expansion and growth
that is the source of great aesthetic pleas-
Maillol did not turn to sculpturing until
the age of forty, and then this was due
to his temporary loss of eyesight caused by
the strain of tapestry making. Up to this
date, he had done a little work in wood carv-
ing, and was also an expert in handling
ceramics. He had worked with paints, and
was a close friend of Gauguin who had in-
fluenced him greatly. After a long rest,
he regained use of his eyes and knowing
his existence depended upon art, turned to
sculpturing completely. "Standing Female"
(1905) is an example of his early work and
reveals the style that typifies the problems
that Maillol dealt with and developed. "Tor-
so On A Dolphin" (1925), for which there
is an accompanying sketch, is an example
of his more mature results, expressing dy-
namic spirit and conviction. Of the litho-
who have to filter their ideas through bud-
getary or organizational screens.
This is a powerful notion, one of those
easy wonderful ones which make General
Eisenhower the formidable man he is. The
idea of being set free to think, of being com-
missioned to respond sensitively to the deep-
er pulls and tensions in this world, without
regard to rank, place, channels or circum-
stances is, in fact, almost too good to be
confined exclusively to the military. It oc-
curs to one that there are other areas of
our government which could adopt this ap-
The State Department might well use a
dozen or so bright young men, under orders
to put themselves in tune, into sympathetic
vibration, so to speak, with leftist and lib-
eral movements in such countries as Greece.
The dodge ought to be considered, purely as
a way of getting accurate information, for
under present circumstances, any young
fellow in government who attempted, on his
own, to give us a sympathetic and under-
standing portrait of such tendencies as I
have mentioned, might well find himself in
trouble with his superiors, the F.B.I., and
half a dozen Congressional committees.
It could of course be made plain to friends
and associates of these young people that
they were acting under orders, so that no
moral opprobrium would attach to their in-
terest in liberalism, as they sat at their
desks, free to think and to wonder. One
contemplates with a kind of envy these ded-
icated young people, firmly instructed to
look into the heart of things, set free of that
film of uneasiness and conformity through
which most of their contemporaries must
peer in this agitated time.
For this business of "not blinding our-
selves," as General Eisenhower puts it, is
an extremely subtle one; it is a great danger
to us not to understand what is happening
when liberals, for example, through hatred
of fascism, take to the hills in Dreece to join
the Communists. It is perhaps as difficult
for an ordinary State Department careerist
to understand such tendencies as it is for a
balding major general to form adequate con-
ceptions of atomic war-.
Since real liberalism is, by common con-
sent these days, a danger, one is forced to
this idea of setting up a band of gallant
youth, ordered to be free, instructed to be
bold, paid to be clear, to serve us, at best
as untrammeled advisers, at worst as fools
at the feast, and even the latter, if history
can be credited, is no mean function.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)
THE REPU1BLICAN House leaders have
not yet declared openly for Governor
Earl Warren of California as the man whom
they want for President in 1948. But Speak-
er Martin, Congressman Halleck and Con-
mrmfimanJh rno nnzur c- --t . n,-.
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVIL No. 140
School of Education Faculty:
Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Mon., April 28,1
University Elementary School Li-
brary. -
Honors Convocation. The 24th
Annual Honors Convocation, 11j
a.m., Fri., April 25, Hill Auditor-
ium, will be addressed by Dr. Mar-
jorie Hope Nicolson, professor of
English at Columbia University.
Academic costume will be worn.
There will be no academic pro-
cession. Faculty members will
utilize the dressing rooms in the
rear of the Auditorium for robing
and proceed thence to their seats
on the stage. Reserved seats on
the main floor will be provided
for students receiving honors for
academic achievement, and for
their parents. To permit attend-
ance at the Convocation, classes
with the exception of clinics, will
be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Doors
of the Auditorium will be open
at 10:30 a m. The public is in-
Party A p p r o v a l s: Effective
Monday, April 26. All student
groups planning social events at
which both men and women are to
be present must secure approval
from the Office of Student Af-
fairs, Rm. 2, University Hall, no
later than 12 notn of the Monday
before the event. The deadline
for filing these events has been
advanced in order to permit week-
ly publication of the list of ap-
proved parties in the D.O.B.
Women Students registered for
the School of Education testing
program have 11 p.m. permission
on April 22 and 24.
Women attending International
Ball will be granted 1:30 a.m. per-
mission. Calling hours will not be
M. Gomberg Scholarship and
the Nola Sauer Minnis Prize in
Chemistry are open to juniors and
seniors majoring in chemistry.
Preference will be given to those
needing financial assistance. Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained
in Rm. 212, Chemistry Bldg., and
must be returned no later than
May 3.
IT e e
IshP. S.
* Is This Spring
final date for the acceptance of
Navy book and supply requisi-
tions at the book stores. All fac-
ulty members are requested to an-
ticipate material needed through
the end of the semester and au-
thorize same on or before May 3.
All back orders for material not
in stock at the bookstores will be
canceled as of May 3.
Attention Senior Women: Miss
Berta M. Howell of the Camp Fire
Girls will be at our office on Mon.,
April 28, to interview girls inter-
ested in positions with the Camp
Fire Girls. For further informa-
tion and appointment, call the Bu-
reau of Appointments, extension
Attention Underclassmen:
' Kellogg Company of Battle
Creek plans to select several men
for summer employment of a
general factory nature with pros-
pects for permanent jobs.fMechan-
ical, electrical, civil, chemical en-
gineers, business administration
and chemistry majors and others
in similar courses preparing for
industrial careers will be consid-
U.S. Civil Service announces an
examination for. probational ap-
pointment to the position of En-
gineer (Grades P-2 to P-4) with
the Bureau of Reclamation in the
western states.
State of Michigan Civil Service
announces examinations for Lib-
rary Executive (HD and for High-
way Designing Engineer (III).
Detroit Civil Service Commission
announces examinations for the
following: Junior and Senior
Operating Engineer; Communi-
cable Disease, General Staff, and
Public Health Nurses; Junior and
Senior Medical Technologist; So-
cial Case Worker and Student So-
cial Worker.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Thursday., April 24, 8 p.m., Art
Craft Work Shop.
Fri., April 25, 8 p.m., Duplicate
University Lecture: Mr. Karl
Shapiro, the American poet, will
give a lecture on Meter and Mean-
ing on Wed., April 30, 4:15 p.m.,
Kellogg Auditorium, under the
auspices of the Department of
English Language and Literature.
The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Loren
partment of Fine Arts. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lec-
tures. Professor Allan Johnson, of
Princeton University will lecture'
on "Egypt and the Roman Em-'
pire." These lectures are given in
a series: sixth and last lecture,
"Byzantine Administration,"
Thurs., April 24, 4:15 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre; auspices of
the University of Michigan and
the American Academy in Rome.
Mr. Bayard Lyon, Institute of
Chinese Language and Literature,
Yale University, will speak on the
subject, "Frequency counts of
characters appearing in Chinese
Texts," 8 p.m., Thurs., April 24,
East Conference Room, Rackham;
Bldg. Auspices Department of Ori-~
ental Languages and Literatures.
All interested are welcome.
Academic Notices
Seminar in the Mathematics of
Relativity. 3 p.m., Thurs., April 24,
Rm. 3011, Angell Hall. Mr. Fal-
koff will continue his discussion of
Relativistic Field Theories.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:'
10:30 a.m., Sat., April 26, East Lec-
ture Room, Graduate School. Dr.'
E. P. Reineke of the Department
of Physiology & Pharmacology of
Michigan State College will speak
en "The Formation of Thyroxine
in Iodinated Proteins." All inter-
ested are invited.
Correction: The University of
Michigan Men'ss Glee Club will
present its annual concert Thurs.,
April 24, at 8 p.m., (not 8:30) as
previously announced, Hill Audito-
rium. Program: concert numbers
by Mozart, Brahms, Gounod, Han-
del and Verdi, and Irish and Rus-
sian Folk Songs. The audience is
invited to participate in the sing-
ing of the songs of Michigan.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University carillonneur, will play
popular melodies of England,
France, Italy, and America, as well
a a group of University of Mich-
igan songs, during his recital at
7:15 p.m., ,Thurs., April 24. The
program is another in his current
spring series, to be presented Sun-
days at 3 p.m., and Thursdays at
Student Recital: Milton Weber,
violinist, will present a recital in
partiAl fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music at 8:30 p.m., Fri., April 25,
Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil
of Gilbert Ross, Mr. Weber will
play Sonata in F major, Op. 24
by Beethoven, Brahms' Concerto
in D major, Op. 77, Vitali's Cha-
conne, and Hexapoda by Robert
Russell Bennett. The public is
Student Recital: Mildred Min-
neman Andrews, a student of
piano under Helen Titus, will be
heard in a program of composi-
tions by Scarlatti, Schubert, Schu-
man, and Hindemith, at 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., April 24, Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Given in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
(Continued on Page 5)
Nonsense, Eh?
THE SUSPICIONS of one student regard-
ing the class known as professor's As-
sistants were confirmed recently. He got
back a bluebook with the notation,
"What's all this nonsense?" in a margin.
The "nonsense" was a direct quote from
the professor's lecture.
THE SHOCK of recent years came to one
friend of ours recently under the letter-
head of the Navy Department, Office of the
Chief of Naval Operations. The letter lead
off with
"Once again, the Navy and the Nation
ask your assistance."
S* *~ * *
Big News Here
most of Tuesday working on angles of
the MYDA recognition story were not sur-
prised to see a reporter and a photographer
from a Detroit paper on campus the next
It came as a shock to, learn the business
of these two newshawks: they came out to
get a follow-up story on the recent peroxide
comments of the druggists.
Contributions to this column are by all mem-
bers of The Daily staff, a d. are the respon-
sibility of the editorial dirctor. Items from
subscribers are invited; address them to "It
So Happens," The Michigan Daily.
MAGINE the following to be
said on Sunday by a member to
the congregation of any medium-
sized church:
"Friends and fellow churchgo-
ers, let me preface the morning
meditation with a few words of
my own. You are about to hear a
stirring sermon about the rights
and the brotherhood of man. It
is good for us all to think often
about tolerance and understand-
ing, about notes and beams, and
to have. our minds awakened to
the truly vital importance of
translating principles of human
love into daily practice. Listening
to Dr. 's message, you will
be inspired to a new and genuine
respect forminorities of all kinds,
wherever they may exist, what-
ever may be their motives. These
things are real and of eternal sig-
nificance in the Great Poem which
is the whole scheme of things, so
listen well! Listen for your very
"And, oh yes! During /the ser-
mon I shall stand beside Dr. -
and quietly remove all my clothes.
simply because I happen to think
that my clothes, even though they
are much like your own - hide
the true humility I feel. But I
sincerely beseech you, give your
minds to the real issues at hand,
for after all, I am only I, a little,
little, i,"
Cid Corman's letter about what
has happened to the Karl Marx
Society is practically worthless in-
sofar as the pharisaical lower-case
humility of his style calls atten-
tion only to himself,
-Robert T. Swartz
A ppreciation
To the Editor:
A FEW DOZEN pieces of Phys-
ics lecture apparatus from the
West Physics Laboratory were
loaned to the Engineers for their q
exhibits last Friday. Several of
these pieces were fragile or easily
injured. Saturday morning be
fore nine o'clock every piece was
returned, clean and unharmed.
This prompt, safe return was an
unusual experience for us in the
Physics Department, and I am
taking this opportunity to express
publicily our appreciation.
-Daniel L. Rich
£4*t u
-- C. Eiseley, professor of anthropol-
Deadline for Veteran Book and ogy, Oberlin College, will lecture
Supply Orders. May 3, 1947, has on "Human Origins in the Light
been set as the final date for the of Recent Discoveries," at 4:10
acceptance of veteran book and p.m., Auditorium, Kellogg Bldg.,
supply orders at the bookstores. Thurs., April 24; auspices of the
All faculty members are requested Department of Anthropology. Ev-
to anticipatedmaterial needed eryone cordially invited.
through the end of the semester-
and authorize same on or before University Lecture: Dr. Ernest
May 3. All back orders for mate- C. Hassold, Department of Eng-
rial not in stock at the bookstores lish, University of Louisville, will
will be cancelled as of May 3. lecture on the subject, "The Ba-
-___roque and the Search for Basic
To All Navy Students in Train- Concepts" (illus.), at 8 p.m..
ing under The Holloway Plan: Thurs,. April 24, Rackham Am-
May 3, 1947, has been set as the phitheatre; auspices of the De-
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey............City Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Mary Brush........ Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor
Jack Martin.............Sports Editor
Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork..........Business Manager
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