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April 23, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-23

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WFDNE~D.4Y, AP!~Th ~, 1947


Relations Will
Be Discussed
Sazapiro To Talk
AtMeeting Today
"United States-Soviet Relations
and Their Affect on the United
Nations" will be the topic of a
panel discussion, the second event
of International Week, at 8 p.m.
today in Rackham Auditorium.
Jerzy Sazapiro, of the depart-
ment of public information of the
United Nations will be the prin-
cipal speaker. He will discuss "The
Organization and Operation of the
United Nations."
Panel Members
Other members of the panel
will be Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
the history department; Prof. Al-
fred Hotz, of the University of
Chicago political science faculty;
Neil Staebler, Ann Arbor business
man; and Ralpi McPhee, editor
and publisher of the Washtenaw
Approximately 100 graduating
foreign students will be honored at
a banquet at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union Ballroom. Sanarin-
draneth Sen, member of the In-
dian delegation to the United Na-
tions, will be the principal speaker.
International Ball
Climaxing the week's program,
International Ball will be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the
Union Ballroom. An annual event
at which foreign students are hosts
to the entire campus, the Ball will
feature a floor show with foreign
entertainment and decorations
with a geographic theme.
Proceeds of the Ball will go to
the Emergency Fund for Foreign
Students which supplies tempo-
rary financial aid to students from
other countries. Tickets are on
sale in the League and the Union.
Sponsored by the International
Center and the Ann Arbor Junior
Chamber of Commerce, Interna-
tional Week opened yesterday-with
a Pageant of Nations featuring
dances and skits by over 60 foreign
(Continued from Page 1)
program has no place on the cam-
MYDA Program
And this is the program of
MYDA they dislike:
MYDA fights for the needs of
American youth; better housing,
more recreational facilities, the
broadening of educational oppor-
tunities, improved conditions in
the classroom, for a peaceful world
through cooperation with the UN.
It fights against racial and relig-
ious discrimination in any form,
and against any threat to demo-
cratic liberties.
MYDA will not be killed because
charter privileges have been re-
voked. It will continue to grow off
campus, to berocal and active in
fighting for student needs and in
defending student rights."

L r -re Display
Cometules wah Ilaydlen Drwe

An exhibit of books and liter-
ature about the Philippine Is-
lands is currently on display in
the General Library in conjunc-
tion with the Hayden- Memorial
Library drive.
Special attention is given to the
University of the Philippines by
showing some of its bulletins, cat-
alogues and announcements. In
addition, descriptive accounts of
the different islands, their peo-
ples, natural features, history and
political conditions are given
Honor Awards
Nine honorar y awa ds were an-
nou4ced by Dr. H. B. Lewis, Di-
rector of the College of Pharmacy
at the Annual Spring Pharmacy
Banquet, held last night at the
Roger E. Booth received the
Lehn and Fink Medal, a gold med-
al awarded to the graduating sen-
ior with the highest average
Rho Chi, national honorary
pharmacy society, awarded mem-
berships to Raymond G. Parr,
Sidney L. Kaplan, and Roger E.
Booth, seniors, and Roger H. Gall-
oway, graduate student in phar-
Henry C. Godt Jr. and Kenneth
W. Riebe, freshmen, and Robert
C. Oxenger and Harold R. Scovill,
sophomores, received one-year
subscriptions to the Journal of the
American Phai'maceutical Associ-
ation from Rho Chi for the high-
est averages in their respective
The banquet, formerly under
the auspices of the Prescott Club,
is now being sponsored by the
recently organized Student Branch
of the American Pharmaceutical
Quiz Program
Will Be Held
The four members of the Uni-
versity faculty who comprise the
basic panel of the "Stump the Pro-
fessors" program over Station
WJR at 2:30 p.m. every Saturday
will present a quiz program tomor-
row at a banquet of the University
of Michigan Club of Ferndale,
Questions to be used on the pro-
gram have been submitted by the
Club members and checked for ac-
curacy by the Broadcasting Serv-
ice and the General Library staff.
The Club is providing prizes and,
in addition, has arranged to have
the program broadcast over Sta-
tion WEXL in Royal Oak.
Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of
the Broadcasting Service, will act
as quizmaster.
The professors who make up the
basic panel are: Dr. Frank Rob-
bins, assistant to the president;
Prof. Amos Morris, English depart-
ment; Prof. Benjamin Wheeler,
history department; and Prof.
George Kiss, geography depart-

prom imnce in the lowr coridor
Prof. Hayden's BookI
Included among the compara-
tively recent publications is Prof.
Hayden's book, "The Philippines
--A Study In National Develop-
ment" which he completed just
one week before the Japanese in-
vasion., Several other literary1
contributions of Prof. Hayden ap-
pear in this case.c
Some remnants of the past warI
are found in the exhibit. Propa-
ganda leaflets of both the Japan-]
ese and American forces reflecti
the power of the press during the:
struggle for Philippine occupation.I
A small packet which General
MacArthur sent to Philippine citi-
zens during the Japanese occupa-
tion to keep the spirit of resis-
tance alive is also on display; the,
packet contains his immortal
words "I shall return."
Other works of this period in-
clude a volume written by Jose I
P. Laurel, president of the Japan-
ese puppet government. Laurel
is at present awaiting trial as an
enemy collaborator.
Philippine History
Turning to early Philippine his-
tory, the exhibit contains a fac-
simile reprint of the first book ev-
er printed in the islands, bearing
the date 1593. Entitled, "Doctrina
Christiana," the original of this
book was found just last year in
Paris and is the only one known
to be in existence today.
Three centuries later the Phil-
ippine Islands won their struggle
for local autonomy from the
Spanish. These events are cele-
b'ated in several of the early Phil-
ippine newspapers being shown in
the library.
Will Be Given
"Hillelzapoppin," a 11 campus
stunt show, sponsored by the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation,
will be given at 8 p.m. Saturday
at Ann Arbor High School.
Skits entitled "From Adam to
Atom," "Back In the Days of the
Greeks," "Trial by Jury," "Scream
Girl," "Broadway Was Never Like
This" and "It's a Stinkin' Life"
will vie for originality and humor
The skits will be judged by
Professors Kenneth T. Rowe and
Frank Huntley of the English de-
partment, Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of
the speech department, Prof. Urie
Bronfenbrenner of the psychology
department and Prof. Arthur Hac-
kett of the music school.
Tickets for the show may be
purchased at the Union, the
League, the Hillel Foundation or
on the diagonal.-
Hassohd To Talk Here
Dr. Ernest C. Hassold, head of
the English department and the
division cf humanities at the Uni-
versity of Louisville, will give an
illustrated talk on "The Baroque
and the Search for Basic Con-
cepts" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.

M1A, N eolson
Will Address
t-#ono rs GT0i1p
"Merchants of Light" will be
the topic of the main address for
the annual Honors Convocation
at 11 a.m. Friday in Hill Audito-
Marjorie Hope Nicolson, profes-
sor of English in the graduate
school at Columbia University will
be the speaker for the program
honoring almost 1,000 students.
Social events planned for the
occasion are a 1 p.m. luncheon at
the Union for faculty and admin-
istration members in honor of
Prof. Nicolson and a tea at 4 p.m.
in Martha Cook Dormitory for the
English faculty and residents of,
the dormitory.
Pro. Nicolson is a University
graduate, holding A. B., A.M. and
honorary degrees here. She earned
her Ph.D. at Yale University and
also holds honorary degrees from
Mt. Holyoke College, Goucher Col-
lege, Smith College, Elmira Col-
lege and Middlebury College.
Miss Nicolson is author of the
Conway Letters and has written
several other books. In addition
to contributing to The Atlantic
Monthly, Yale Review and similar
magazines, she has edited a large
number of scholarly publications.
Miss Nicolson is a member of the
advisory board of the Guggenheim
Memorial Foundations and was
awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship
in 1926.
Eiseley To Tell
of Discoveries
Prof. Loren C. Eiseley, anthrop-
ology instructor at Oberlin Col-
lege, will lecture on "Human Ori-
gins in the Light of Recent Dis-
coveries" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Kellogg Auditorium, under the
auspices of the anthropology de-
Prof. Eiseley will discuss the sig-
nificance of recent discoveries of
ancient human types in China,
Java and elsewhere and the status
of the problem of the antiquity of
man in America.
The latter problem has taken
Prof. Eiseley on numerous paleon-
tological and anthropological ex-
peditions to the great plains and
southeastern regions of the Unit-
ed States.
Prof. Eiseley has made use of the
relatively new technique of pollen
analysis as a means of determin-
ing the chronology of biological
and cultural finds pertaining to
ancient man.
(Continued from Page 1)
slinging and terms such as 'red'
and 'Communist front.' But the
only issues with which we have
seen MYDA engaged were FEPC,
non-discrimination, etc. On these
issues AVC and IRA have cooper-
ated. In what way can they be
called Communist?"
Protests also were registered by
the local chapter of United World
Federalists, residents of 730 Hav-
en, 915 Oakland, 620 Forest a
group of 25 students, and a group
of eight students.







T I T L I ST- Brenda Helser,
Portland, Ore., swam the 100-
yard free style in 1:00.4 to win
in the Women's National AAU
indoor meet at Seattle, Wash.,
by three feet.

C E T T I N C R E A D Y - Liverpool workmen burnish bronze lettering, three feet high, on the
Cunard liner Mauretania, as the ship is put back into post-war trans-Atlantic service.




B E A U T Y --.Ana V ictoria
Jimenez, brunette from Costa
Rica, was named Miss Central
America of 1946-47 by the Cen-
tral American consular corps in
Los Angeles.

V I C I L I N C E T H S E M A N E--A Franciscan monk maintains a vigil over olive trees
growing in the Garden of Gethsemane, Palestine, and supposedly dating from the time of Christ.


(Continued from Page 4)
France, Italy, and America, as well
as a group of University of Mich-
igan songs, during his recital at
7:15 p.m., Thurs., April 24. The
program is another in his current
spring series, to be presented Sun-
days at 3 p.m., and Thursdays at
Student Recital: George Cox,
baritone, will present a program
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music at 8:30 p.m., Wed.,
April 23, Rackham Assembly Hall.
A pupil of Arthur Hackett, Mr.
Cox will sing compositions by
Rimsky-Korsakov, Beethoven, Ver-
di, and groups of Italian, French
and English songs. Program open
to the public.
Student Recital: Milton Weber,
violinist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music at 8:30 p.m., Fri., April 25,
Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil
of Gilbert Ross, Mr. Weber will
play Sonata in F major, Op. 24
by Beethoven, Brahms' Concerto
in D major, Op. 77, Vitali's Cha-
conne, and Hexapoda by Robert
Russell Bennett. The public is
Student Recital: Mildred Min-
neman Andrews. a student of

Town in Egypt, 30 B.C.-400 A.D."
Tues. through Fri., 9-12, 2-5; Sat.,
9-12; Sun., 3-5.
The Museum of Art presents
paintings by Ben-Zion through
April 3. Alumni Memorial Hall,
weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12
and 2-5. Wednesday evenings 7-9
and Sundays 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. Modern Painting Series -
Mr. Carl Sheppard, Jr., instructor
in Fine Arts, "Vincent Van Gogh."
2:45 p.m., School of Music -
Margaret Ling, harpist.
5:45 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc. Campus News.
Varsity Glee Club: Final re-
hearsal, 7:15 p.m., Hill Auditor-
ium. Recordings made. Concert.
8 p.m., Thursday.
Mathematics Films. Showing of
a movie, "Triple Integrals," and
slides on "Double Integrals." 4
p.m., Rm. 3017, Angell Hall. All
interested are invited.
Rackham Graduate Concerts for
the next two weeks will consist
of selections to be performed dur-
ing the May Festival. Wed., April
23, 12:15 p.m.,, the program will
inc1u1e Rpethonvn's Emnern rCn-

business fraternity. Business meet-
ing, 7 p.m., at the chapter house
Following the meeting, member:
will adjourn to the Union to heat
T. C. Andrews speak. Pledge,,
meet at 7 p.m. at the chapter
Alpha Chi Sigma. Chemistry
forum, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 165 Chem-
istry Bldg. Panel discussion of
"Licensing Chemists." All inter-
ested persons invited.
Underwriters. Regular Wednes-
day luncheon, noon, Russian Tea
Room, League.

Coming Events
English Journal Club, 8 p.m.,
?ri., April 25, East Conference
loom, Rackham Bldg. Mr. James
3sborn of Yale University will talk
n "Edmund Malone's Part in Ex-
>osing the Chatterton Forgeries."

R A I L W A Y Y A R D I N U N D A T E D - A rowboat and an Army "duck" are used to unload railroad cars at flooded yards
in Barlby, near Selby, Yorkshire, England. Two great breaches in a nearby dike let the flood waters into the, yards.

Sigma Gamma Epsilon:
neeting this week.


The Hiawatha Club,
ganization for Upper
students. 8 p.m., Union.
special summer eventst
cussed. Members urged
Room will be posted.

social or-
Plans for
to be dis-
to attend.

Michigan Dames. Music Group,
Meet 8:15 p.m., at the home of
Mrs. Robert Seaman, 1305 Gard-
ner. Subject, "Modern Music."
Slide Rule Ball Pictures will
be displayed at the Purchase Cam-
era Shop, 605 Church Street, on
April 23-May 2.
lillelzapoppin tickets will be
sold at the Union and League
desks, Hillel Foundation, and on
the Diagonal throughout the week.

Kappa Kappa Psi. Dinner meet-
.ng, 6:15 p.m., Thurs., April 24,
Faculty Room, Michigan Union.
Formal initiation ceremony, 9
;.m., Harris Hall(all members re-
quested to be present).
National Lawyers' Guild, U. of
M. Chapter. 4:10 p.m., Thurs.,
April 24, Rm. 319, Michigan Un-
ion. Three-man panel of law stu-
dents who have done research on
the subject, "The Scope of In-
vestigatory Committees." The pub-
lic is invited.
The Annual French Play: Le
Cercle Francais will present "Le
Malade Imaginaire," a comedy-
ballet in three acts by Moliere.
8:30 p.m., Tues., May 6, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Scroll meeting, 5 p.m., Thurs.,
April 24, League.
Sociedad Hispanica. 8 p.m.,
Thurs. April 24, Rm. 318. Michi-

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