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April 23, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-23

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Latest l)eadline in the State

:43 a tt4p




Students Protest

rd ers




Ruthven' s


Statement Withdrawing Recogitioin
Denounced in 11 Separate Petitions
Students and student groups yesterday protested the action of
President Alexander G. Ruthven in withdrawing University recogni-
tion from Michigan Youth for Democratic Action.
In eleven separate petitions, three campus organizations, two
residences and more than 100 individual signers decried the statement
which put an end to MYDA as an official campus organization.
Lorne Cook, chairman of the campus AVC, and Hack Coplin,
president of the student legislature, also issued statements. Cook
said in part "Action taken against a group of students because of
charges levelled by the state's dominant political party simply lends

Freedom Rally
Is Announced
B Town Hall
First Petition for Use
Student Town Hall announced
plans yesterday to sponsor a "for-
um on academic freedom" at 4:30
p.m. Friday-the location as yet
undecided-as a result of the Uni-
versity's action in banning MYDA
from campus.
Bette Hamilton, Town Hall
chairman, charged that her or-
ganization had been denied use of
Hill Auditorium for the forum by
the University business office on
the grounds that "programs of a
controversial nature" are not per-
mitted in certain campus build-
Premature Request
Vice-president Robert P. Briggs
told The Daily last night that
Town Hall's request had been
made before his office had been
advised of yesterday's decision by
the Student Affairs Committee to
permit Student Town Hall to con-
duct forums on campus subversive
"Presumably," Briggs said, "a
request for the use of some Uni-
versity building for a forum con-
ducted by Town Hall will be grant-
eif the Comm~ittee on Student
Affairs has approved, and fac-
ulty or student speakers are used
However, it will be necessary to
meet with a representative of the
group to determine the specific
space assignment and arrange th
necessary details."
Forum Planned Today
Use of outside speakers must b
approved by a University lectur
Earlier Miss Hamilton said that
the meeting will be held whethex
or not a University building is
secured "even if we have to hold
an open-air rally at Ferry Field.
She announced that a meeting
of all organizational delegates wil
be held at 3 p.m. today in th4
Union to- make plans for the aca-
demic freedom forum.

-'the name of an institution of
truth and learning to one side of
an inter-party quarrel."
Coplin declared "It is indeed
regrettable that the political
machinery of the state can mis-
use its power to coerce and in-
timidate leaders to pursue poli-
cies which are inconsistent with
the fundamental rights of stu-
dents as citizens."
Typical of the protests was a
stat'ement issued by the Inter-Rac-
ial Association, which reads "IRA
vigorously protests the banning
of MYDA, believing that this con-
stitutes a violation of the funda-
mental rights of students."
The Willow Run AVC chapter
went on record as opposing the ac-
.tion as an infringement on the
S"right of assembly and free speech
Elmer Faust, '48 BAd., presi-
dent of the Karl Marx Society;
Thomas Brewer, '48BAd., pub-
licity director; and Clare Mint-
line, '48BAd., director of pro-
grams and literature issued the
following statement last night
regarding the banning of
"In view of the findings of
President Ruthven that MYDA.
is subject to Communist influ-
ences, we endorse the President's
action in banning the group
from campus."
- for all students of the University."
- The chapter pledged its support to
the Committee for Academic Free-
t, dom in arousing campus opinion
- in the direction of preserving
academic freedom at the Univer-
R esidents of Vaughan House
based a similar protest on the al-
e legation that the President's state-
ment offered no proof and "al-
lowed no defense." "We believe
e that such action was inconsistent
e with the principles of democracy
and healthy university atmos-
t phere," the 32 residents asserted.
r Eight students residing at 1336
s Geddes declared "While the ma-
d jority of us do not subscribe to
the principles or program of
11MYDA, we are definitely 'op-
posed to the dissolution of this
or any other campus organiza-
tion without even the semblance
of a bearing at which the indi-
viduals affected have the oppor-
tunity to defend themselves. Are
students to be prevented from
holding views contrary to those
believed proper by University
e officials or state politicians?"
Members of the local chapter of
e the Intercollegiate Zionist Federa-
tion of America asked that MYDA
- be given an opportunity to defend
- itself.
t "We wonder why MYDA was
- banned?" a group of nine students
f queried. "We heard a lot of mud-
- SeePETITIONS, Page 6

Law Club
Will Learn 1
Rent FactsI
Dr. Grismore To
Address Meeting
Prof. Grover C. Grismore, sec-
retary of the Law Club Board of
Governors, will explain to Law
Club residents today why room
rents will be hiked 15 per centI
beginning July 1.1
Prof. Grismore will address the
residents in the club's lounge im-
mediately following dinner (ap-
proximately 6:30 p.m.).
Response to Resolution
He will be speaking in responseI
to a resolution presented to theI
Board of Governors yesterday byI
the Law Club Council. Text ofI
the resolution was not available
last night, but it was learned that
the resolution, in parts, parallels a
petition presented to the Council,
earlier in the day by the residents.
The petition, signed by more
than 297 of the 360 residents,;
called on "the president and mem-
bers of the Law Club Council . .
to express the disapproval of the
members of the Lawyers' Club
with the announced increase in;
room rentals . .
On receipt of the petitions, the
Council published its resolution,
passed at a meetingMonday night,
and forwarded a copy to the
Board of Governors.
Surplus Revealed
It was revealed at the Council's
Monday meeting that the Law
Club has realized an operating
surplus of $11,000 for the period
from July 1, 1946, through March
31, 1947, and that the surplus
will exceed $15,000 by July 1, 1947.
The petition circulated among
law students yesterday declared:
"The undersigned take this po-
sition (against the rent increase)
in view of the inflationary trend
of present day economic condi-
tions, the national policy of hold-
ing the line against inflation, and
particularly in view of the fact
that the previous rates produced
a sufficient operating surplus or
'profit' to maintain the Lawyers'
Soph Testing
Cards Ready
Students who participated in
last week's sophomore testing pro-
gram may pick up their report
cards from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. today
and from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Rm. 306 Mason Hall,
Dr. Robert M. Travers, of the Bu-
reau of Psychology Service, said
First Of Its Kind
Dr. Travers said similar report
cards have been sent to the Aca-
demic Counselor's Office and Dean
Peake's Office for future refer-
ence. The testing program was
the first major one of its kind at-
tempted here, and will be followed
up by a similar program for
freshmen next September, he said.
"The chief advantage of this
test is that we can get the results
back to the student before he loses
interest in them," Dr. Travers said.
"In the past we have conducted
the tests through mail order
houses and it has taken nearly two
months to get a report back to the

Senate Gives
Approval To
Mid-East Aid
Greece, Turkey
To Receive Funds
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 22-The
Senate stamped approval, 67 to
23, today on a momentous new de-
parture in U. S. foreign policy by
voting a $400,000,000 fund to stif-
fen Greece and Turkey against
The bill, which provides finan-
cial and limited military assist-
ance to these two strategic nations,
now goes to the House, where the
Foreign Affairs Committee has ap-
proved a similar measure.
Military Provision
Before the Senate vote, Senator
Edwin C. Johnson (Dem., Colo.)
sought in vain to strike out a pro-
vision that President Truman may
send military missions to Greece
and Turkey to instruct their
armies in the use of military equip-
ment to be furnished. The vote
against him was 68 to 22.
Led by Senator Vandenberg
(Rep., Mich.), the GOP-controlled
Senate bowled over vocal hu,t num-
erically weak opposition to the new
policy laid down by President Tru-
man in a March 12 address to Con-
Long Debate
On final passage, 35 Republi-
cans and 32 Democrats voted for
the measure. Sixteen Republicans
and seven Democrats opposed it.
Through five hours of torrid de-
bate before voting began on
amendments late in the afternoon,
opponents assailed the Truman
plan as one which would "destroy"
the United Nations, invite retalia-
tion by Russia and roll up tremen-
dous expenditures which might
bankrupt this nation.
Spring Concert
Will Present
Songs, Stunts
"A Michigan Kaleidoscope," a
group of Michigan songs and
stunts will highlight the Varsity
Glee Club's annual spring con-
cert to be presented at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
The program, under the direc-t
tion of Prof. David Mattern, of
the music school, will also feature
a quartet composed of Rowland,
McLaughlin, William Phebus, Jack
Jensen and William Jensen, and
solos by Eugene Malitz, former
baritone soloist with the Navy
Classical selections by Mozart,
Brahms, Gounod, Handel and
Verdi will also be included in the
Organized in 1859, the club is
the oldest traditional organiza-
tion on campus. Since its found-
ing it has toured the country from
the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Most recently, in the first tour
since the war, the club has en-
tertained in Cincinnati, Toledo,.
Detroit and Bay City. Concerts
have also been presented in Milan,
Grosse Pointe, Royal Oak, Wil-
low Run and Jackson.
Club activities include t h e
tours, as well as formal concerts,
serenades, recording, radio broad-
casts and musical entertainment
at various campus functions.
The program tomorrow will be

open to the public.
Hare System
Is Panel Topic
Discussion of a resolution on
academic freedom will share the
spotlight with a forum on the
Hare system of proportional rep-
resentation at a special Student
Legislature meeting at 7:30 p.m.
today in the League.
The resolution, drawn up by a
special Legislature committee, is
expected to express Legislature

An Editorial ...(
PRESIDENT RUTHVEN'S ACTION yesterday withdrawing
University recognition from the Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action chapter here is undoubtedly a masterful stroke of
strategy. The University no longer sanctions a group affiliated
with the national American Youth for Democracy; thereby the
"widespread criticism" accorded the national group can no long-
er legitimately reflect on this campus.
The local MYDA has been encouraged to disassociate itself
from the national organization. When they refused they were
disenfranchised, with the door left open for them to 1-reorgan-
ize as a recognized, unaffiliated group, or 2-continue to func-
tion, without the prerogatives of a recognized group. By accept-
ing the latter alternative (ie. to "go underground"), MYDA
places itself in a position of going on as before, but without use
of University buildings, auditoriums, and bulletins.
The damage to MYDA in point of physical fact is neg-
ligible. The group will simply be inconvenienced; it will be
more difficult than before for it to publicize and advance
its version of "democratic action."
But the statement issued by MYDA's executive council does
not emphasize these physical inconveniences. It accuses Presi-
dent Ruthven of succumbing "to the unscrupulous intimidation
of the Callahan Committee," the State legislature's group inves-
tigating alleged subversive activities on college campuses. The
statement makes much of the allegation that, "Not once has
the organization been given a chance to defend itself in fair,
open hearings."
Coming as it does in the wake of national and state pub-
licized attacks on "subversive elements," "reds" and specifically
on the American Youth for Democracy, Dr. Ruthven's action
brings the question of the justice or validity of these attacks to
a focus on this campus. Many students are sure to regard the
MYDA action as an endorsement of the attacks of the national
House Committee to Investigate Un-American Activities, and of
the Callahan Committee's statements. Many other students will
wonder if there is any truth in the statements with which MYDA
has defended itself.
Two questions every student may ask are 1-what is
President Ruthven's evidence behind his withdrawal of.
MYDA's recognition? and 2-why was this action taken by
the President directly, rather than by the Student Affairs
Committee of deans, faculty members and students which
approved MYDA originally as it does all recognized student
The By-laws of the University of Michigan state, "The policy
of the Regents is to encourage the timely and rational discussion
of topics whereby the ethical and intellectual development of
the student body and the general welfare of the public may be
promoted . .."
In order to carry out this policy of the Regents, President
Ruthven should place before the students and faculty the evi-
dence and reasons for his action. If the evidence is damning,
the President owes it to the University to inform them of the
character of a group which has elected to "go underground." ,
-The Daily Senior Editors
Schoolmasters' Club Meeting
To Open On Campus Friday

The annual meeting of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club is
expected to bring approximately
2,500 elementary school, high
school and college teachers to the
University for conference Friday
and Saturday.
General theme of the meeting
this year will be "Education for
National Unity," according to
Prof. Edgar G. Johnston, president
of the club. Thirteen Michigan ed-
ucational organizations, including
the University's Bureau of Coop-
eration with Educational Institu-

President Issues
atLement on Ban
Claims AYD Affiliate Performing
Disservice' to School's Interests
Michigan Youth for Democratic Action, local affiliate of Ameri-
can Youth for Democracy, was banned from the campus yesterday.
In a letter to Harriet Ratner, '48, MYDA president, President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven said that MYDA was "performing a disservice to
the educational and other interests of the University of Michigan" by
its affiliation with AYD, which, he said, "has become conspicuously
identified with Communist influences."
He said this was indicated by "evidence which it is impossible to
"For this reason," Presidentt

tions, will participate in the meet-
General sessions of the School-
masters' Club will start with the
annual business meeting at 8:30
a.m. Friday in Rackham Lecture
All program sessions of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club
will be open to students upon
presentation of identification

Ruthven said, MYDA's "recogni-
tion as a University student or-
ganization is hereby withdrawn."
The text of President Ruthven's
letter to Miss Ratner was released
to newsmen at 10:15 a.m. One
hour later, when asked to reveal
the sources of information for the
action, President Ruthven told
"We are standing on this state-
ee said that he had conferred
with members of the MYDA
executive committee before tak-
ing the action and added:
"We aren't out to persecute
anyone. We aren't witch hunt-
He said his sources of infor-
mation were "people in whom I
have the highest confidence."
Commenting on the future of
MYDA's 36 members, Dr. Ruthven
said that "students can get to-
gether and talk about anything
they want to, but we don't want
them to meet as a recognized
group under that name."
He apparently left the door open
for MYDA to function as an or-
ganization unrecognized by th
University. The MYDA executiv
committee, in a statement issued
at' 4:15 p.m. yesterday, proclaimec
its intention to do so.
"MYDA will not be killed be-
cause charter privileges have
been revoked. It will continue
to grow off campus, to be vocal
and active in fighting for stu-
dent needs and in defending stu-
dent rights," the committee said.
President Ruthven saidthe
University did not base its ban o:
MYDA on similar actions at Michi-
gan State College and Wayne Uni-
versity. Action here was taker
after a "separate survey," he said
Prof. William Frankena
MYDA's faculty sponsor, said h
had not been consulted by Uni-
versity officials as to MYDA'
Meanwhile, Miss Ratner an-
nounced that MYDA will present
its case over radio station WPAG
from 12:45 to 1 p.m. today.
Robert Cummins, executive sec-
retary of the AYD State of Michi-
gan organization, said AYD woul
"challenge the legality of hi
(President Ruthven's) action anc
re-affirm in the courts the Ameri-
can principle that the rights o
students may not be denied then
by police decree."
Cummins, former U. of M. stu-
dent, said he was confident th
courts would reverse the action.
The text of President Ruthven'
letter to Miss Ratner follows:
"Evidence which it is impossi-
ble to disregard indicates that th
American Youth for Democrac
has become conspicuously identi-
fied with Communist influences
This has resulted in widespreac
criticism of its activities not only
by the general public but by th
law enforcement agencies of th
government of the United States
The Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action is an affiliate of th
American Youth for Democracy
In the circumstances, therefore
the Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action is performing a dis
service to the educational an
other interests of the Universit
of Michigan. For this reason, it-
recognition as a University stu-
dent organization is hereby with
Available at VSB
A fresh supply of Army, Marine

MYDA Plans
To Continue as
AYD Chapter,
Charges Intimidation
By Callahan Group
The executive committee of
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action yesterday charged that
President Alexander G. Ruthven
has "succumbed to the unscrupu-
lous intimidation of the Callahan
Committee" and announced its in-
,ention to continue as an organi-
-ation affiliated with American
Youth for Democracy.
The committee, in a statement,-
castigated President Ruthven for
taking action "without bringing
the matter before the Student Af- ,
fairs Committee and without con-
2rete evidence of any dort."
"The action can be likened to
i trial in which the defense has no
pportunity to speak," the cdm-
Ynittee said.
MYDA To Continue
Asserting that loss of Univer-
sity recognition will not "kill" the
>rganization, the committee said
;hat MYDA "will continue to grow
-ff canpus, to be vocal and active
n fighting for student needs and
n defending student rights."
The text of the MYDA executive
ommittee's statement follows:
"By banning MYDA, President
~uthven has succumbed to the un-
rupulous intimidation ofthe
2allahan Committee and to its
ricious political ends.
He has dealt a blow to the very
ioncept of academic freedom and
lemocracy itself. Without bring-
ing the matter before the Student
Affairs Committee and without
ioncrete evidence of any sort, he
ias arbitrarily deprived MYDA of
its rights as a legitimate student
No Chance for Defense
MYDA and AYD have been un-
ler attack in recent months by
iarious un-American committees
ind individuals. Not once has the
>rganization been given a chance
,o defeAd itself in fair, open hear-
This action can be likened to a
rial in which the defense has no
>pportunity to speak.
Dr. Ruthven's action follows al-
nost the same pattern as the
>anning of AYD at Michigan State
:ollege and Wayne University. At
'Mayne U., AYD was banned on
he basis of a letter from the FBI,
juoting J. Edgar Hoover, stating
,hat it was a Communist recruit-
ng .center. The letter further
:tated that evidence to that ef-
:ect could be shown only to the
?resident, members of his Cabi-
aet and Congressional commit-
lees. There is not a single court
n this country that would accept
uch a letter as proof.
3ther Investigations
this isnot an attack upon AYD
lone. Callahan has already indi-
ated his intention of "investigat-
ng several organizations" at the
'niversity of Michigan.
This will affect every organiza-
Ion whose program is displeasing
o the Callahan-Hoover-Sigler-..
ankin forces. Callahan-former
ember of the now defunct f'a-
her Coughlin organization, the
-ational Union for Social Justice;
1. Edgar Hoover-Stork Club de-
ective and organizer of the no-

SAC Postpones
Action on CAF
University recognition of


Committee for Academic Freedom
was postponed yesterday by th(
Student Affairs Committee.
Approval of the CAF constitu-
tion was voted pending interpre-
tation by the University provos
of the-group's organizational sta-
tus. The group is made up o
both faculty and student mem
Student Affairs Committee also
voted approval of the Lithuanian
Students Club, and the Studen
League for Industrial Democracy
Town Hall was given permission
to conduct forums on campu
subversive activities and on cur
riculum changes.
No Action Yet By 'U'
On Village Cafeteria
University officials have not ye
taken action on the report sub
mitted by the Willow Village AV(
concerning conditions at the -Wes
Lodge cafeteria yesterday.
The report, which revealed th
findings of a special AVC commit
tee survey on the subject last week

Shaw Drama
To Be Given
Final rehearsals are under way
for George Bernard Shaw's play
"Saint Joan," to be presented by
the speech department's play pro-
duction classes at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow through Saturday in Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Judy Greengard, student in the
speech department, will play the
role of St. Joan, the French maid
who leads the French forces to
victory against the British. James
Holmes will portray Cauchon, the
Bishop of Beauvais who betrays
Joan to her enemies.
Other members of the cast are
Dick Stewart, John Babington,
Sam Rich, Charles Benjamin,
Roger Cleary. Joyce Katz, Ward
Alquist and Donald Clapp.

Hall. The first general program
session will be held there at 9 a.m.
on the topic "Labor-Management
Speakers for the first session
will be Provost James P. Adams;
John Airey, president of King-
Seeley Corp., and Director, The
National Association of Manufac-
turers, Ann Arbor; and Harry
Read, assistant secretary-treas-
Deferred Rushing
Rejected By IFC
The Inter Fraternity Council at
a meeting last night rejected a
plan to institute deferred rushing
on campus, and also voted to be-
gin formal rushing the second
week after school begins next fall.
The Council also passed a pro-
posal to seek permission from the
University to establishyan nsc
booth in Waterman gymnasium
during registration for the fall se-
mester in order to facilitate regis-
tration for fraternity rushing.


World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, April 22-The CIO United Auto Workers union an-
nounced tonight it had proposed a flat 15-cent-an-hour wage increase
to General Motors but that the corporation had rejected the proposal.
WASHINGTON, April 22-Amid demands for a tougher policy
toward Communists, the House today voted contempt actions
against Eugene Dennis, Secretary of the Communist Party, and -
Leon Josephson, described on the House floor as head of a ring
that provided forged passports for Soviet secret police.
S* * *
WASHINGTON, April 22-Government conciliators, starting a
fresh effort to end the 16-day-old telephone strike, arranged tonight
to confer tomorrow morning with Joseph A. Bierne, president of the
sriing union.

Faculty Members Will Man
Apple Booths at Michigras

I n -I'.nllino PLorcorlr 11 Plat.rhar Nall

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