fix THEM~IA AL 'TU fLAY'I) AP :IIIL 'Zy, 1t i7 ____________I UNOFFICIAL HIS TORIA N: Daley Reccords Willow Vilhcie Draat liistoiy and the aest hetlic are, to mlost (of Lus, so I; ebi1,ireConl cilalsle. But not to Joe Daley, unof- ficial historian of Willow Run. For Joe Daley is completely in- fatuated with history, has an in- tense awareness of his place in history, and is fully possessed by his newest undertaking, that of recording the day to day drama of Willow Run. [depicts 'U' Arrival He is currently touching up the most recent act, that depicting the University's arrival in the Vil- lage. It's the latest of the sever- al phases of Village life-the sev- eral civilizations making up the history of the Village. And it is the most recent, though not by any means the last act, he stress- es. The, scenes of this act, he says are the mannerisms, the way of dress, choice of foods, recreation- al activities of the inhabitants as previous scenes of previous acts have depicted the dress, manner- isms, activities of other Village dwellers. Daley is employed as a labora- tory research assistant at the East Physics building. He lives in Yp- silanti. He was a milkman at Willow Village before coming to work for the University and it might be said that it was thus that he first became interested in Village life and the several sharp- ly defined phases making up that life. That might be said, but not; wviih f'Oiup-lct, r ti I o, 1:1"t ha 11 i l 1i;Hit { i ~1 ii t11,1 %, of l UVUJI 1 Ji(1iUI' l , insatiable hun gelr for lhistr . lHe 0.1l('d I rin', t1 w va)'. wants to know how people have -/A new poplat~ion r prese:.nted reacted in the past to situations a new era in Willow Run'eigshset a leisclld toy"Dae si - h ont fc o.Adpoal notefl fUiri_°his experience at Willow Village dents. "Youth and an eage rnes is only incidental to the prime for education at almost any prie factor involved, his overall histl- .laid combined to take over the ical curiosity, role of war in setting a pace of "Tr~emendous Lift"I exube(ralnt community living. As- "The influx of University stu- pirations still vary, modes of dents in early 1946 into the cauld- achieving happiness fluctuate ron of Village life gave Willow greatly but the current lust Run a tremendous lift," Daley de-I for living in Willow Village Glared. "After V-J day, a lethz- is common to all groups. Uni- argic air ad fallen ver teVl esity studients have played an lage. The exuberance so wide- umtaalroeischae- spread among residents when surgence. theywer comonl engged in "And it is this resurgence that theywer comonl engged inhas kept the temporary war hous- the dynamic enterprise of turning ; ing p roJect alive well beyond the out bombers, for the most dy-c life expectancy, well beyond the namic of incentives, winning aE life of similar communities. It great wvar, seemed dead. In its;isntbaysrecofhem wake was degradation and im- i o yaysrtho h m morlit whch igh beparall- agiriation a ghost town, and as moraity hichmigh belong as community spirit, corn- afel ed with the famed Flapper era ! nunity pride thrives, it will never "The people were confused. become a ghiot town." They were concerned with what- was to come next, now that bomb- fraternity Presidents ers were no -longer needed, now To HIold Meeting Today that the bomber plant was to close... They expressed their Harry Jackson, president of the' confusion in disordered living- Inter fraternity Council, has call- living from day to day." ed a meeting of fraternity house "A New Soul" presidents for 7:30 p.m. today at The University students, Daley the Union. said, led ordered lives. 'Their ex- The highly controversial issue ample instilled a new soul in the of rushing regulations for next Village, an upsurge in commun- fall will be discussed, he said. Dub ois', Negro IATc1UUE4,Here "'7 Am( u i-i Negi 0in 0th1 jeet of a lecture by Dr. W. E. B. Duhois, special research director of thec National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo- ple, at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Lecture Hall, under the sponsorship of the Inter-Racial Association. Dr. Dubois, known as the "dean of American Negro historians," has served as editor of "Crisis" and other publications, and of the Encyclopoedia of the Negro. He has written many articles and books dealing with race problems and Negro history, and is noted as the founder of the Pan-African Congress. Tickets for the lecture will be on sale today in booths in the League, Union and University Hall, and may be obtained tomor- row from IRA members. li IdFoundation To LloldSupparnar The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun- dation will have a Suppernar at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at the Founda- tion. Dr. Ralph M. Patterson. associ- ate professor of psychiatry, will give the third talk in the marriage lecture series on ''Problems of' Marriage from a Psychiatrist's Point of View." The talk will be followed by an open discussion. CLASSIFIED ADVER'fTI SING _. .._- . . EAR SALE Photne 25-f396. ii, { I LOS! AND FOUND SiTRING OF PEARL'S lost in cliy wc 34 ,,..+ fisptI v I -~~h:0.(W 14ifP a I 13ICYCL1E- IJ:, ed. (loud conditin. Pihone ROYAL PORTABLE 'Typew riter.('allj 2-1259 after 6 p..}' FOR SALE-Gold ring, black onyx trou Fraternity crest, $14.00, Phone 22t5 Howard. ) 42 OIL space heater practically new. cur- tains. hot plate, electric ovent, etc. These items are at Willow Village now. Mrs. Crane, 2-4436. 'til 9:00 pan. A BETTER PRICE paid for Men's used clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash- ington St. )141 ATTENTION, .GOLFERS--Let me help you select your golfing needs. Com- plete lines of all top-grade clubs, bags, balls. Phone 2-2058 or 4044. Johnny Malloy, Golf Professional. )18l PERSONALI. REDUCE! Lose pounds and 1inche0s where you want them off. Coimes iii from 9 am. to 8 pim, for an intro- ductory treatment and be convinced. Baskin 8 N. Normal St., Ypsilanti. )7 HELP WANTED (tI RI. o cr w 1:1d ,iisnc lh hoswrI~ ~ foiit.oihdne sittLNiC O lE l,iie Aw 3, Ilir. c]aE '1)1 ulin- bedol ll ~ orwil u-lease: for summe1r .sernes- I'. 1.Co NlssI,,: 451_iet een. a r.d.. _o d e lW A N T E D STILVER12I3RACEL.,T lost, BakI Ball,I f i n e r l 3ea e A l l F a i I . s a h ,n i- 4 4 7 _;t. U011.i23 FOUND l]Necklace,. Owner Yniay have1 -ante by Wn figand pay 0g r :,d. Phone 2-3861 7-10 p.m. }30 AT SLIDE RULE, one rhinestone ear- ring;, sta r shaped with ei~'ht points. Contact Gladys Lasecki, 2-1513. )2 HELP WNE%\ t~ka1( eei selt,ihes toy in- Box 45, Michigan r.Da ivl.110 ces t cit faalbepo It" ~ioal looddonrs.You a:r(.paid Prefer mn. inide-r 30 yea-rs of aewho, needed 1Yourlood type, serologpy, are thorotighly vtrained in1 thefunal- and hemoglob;irn are plerformed free entalNEErS and iIYSI O 1i'1r-at f<':- ,yCht"iserv ie n aeclldwe mtalpi -ml ~lyisan n f h ' hnyureg'Iister. FREGIS- giniering and11Who L);tx .sxsan ,abil'viy TIE1tAT UNIVERS I'TY HOSPITAL taly t1,hese prinic iples to exrl BLOOI) BA NK. HOURS; 8:30 A.Mt. - mental woruk on lPrrcessing o f rubber ; " P. M 1A:Y. 7P.MN . - 9P.M,. TUES. and textiles.:Mst le coleg ra:dtate. D IAYS AND THUR'I2SDAY. 2 P.M. - 5 Reply giin ifll deltls -,of2backi- P.M.SUNDAY. )45 ground, edtucation. etc. to, 1U. . Rubber Company MISCELLANEOUS I1lrP3, ilia RESMAKING. Repairs mnd Altera- c/o Mr.iH, C. Cliope )33 t ions. Mi-s. 1Livingston, 315 :So. Dili- - ? tl 1 cl2f1(1 cf:or. )21 WANTED TO RENT _ ii ou radio won't work w4411n11it's mic teyou need WANTED 'TO RENT--A house o.r large I'll fix it for you apartnent br'0-s',,Ilmer Imont1hs of With iatomic spe-ed." June, July, Auust1-, :also Septemr.~r If For expert radio repair service ho(ne p)ossible. will peg full rent lia ad- 9I4 or br-ing your radlio to the" Tavern vance, Box 25, Mich. Daily. )17 1 (:-1,trla.-)5 I LOS9T--Masonic Ring on South Unix-er- city. Black onyx with Masonic Insig- nia, and siall cdianmond. Rexva,:rd. Phone 2-t6614. R. G. iDeane.' )601 'WANTED TO BUY USED GOL1_F CL-UBS. Call 2-1259 sifter- 6 pm. }I1 !! WANTED: :3 or 5 tickets to matliee, May 10. May Fcestival. Call Ann Ai - bor, 2-6844. }.3 kSSOCIAT ED PRESS PCURENEWS >4 t. J r I I LOOK. UP AT PINUP-- Judges and other contestants look up at Myra Keck, 18, of Htaverftrd, Pa., at New York where she was chosen to be queen of the New York press photograpihers ball. V I E W F R 0 M M 0 U N T_ with the Russian Church of Gethsen-ane in the foregrouind, this view from the ;Mount of Olives looks toward the ancient walled city of Jerusalem. F L 0 A T1I N C B 1 C Y C L E'--Tony Fronmbola '(left) and Bud Justice of Newport Beach, Calif., man their two-place "floating bicycle" in which they started for Santa Catalina Island, 40 miles away. They bogged down, and a Navy search craft picked them up. 5 u 1 T - Ethel Smith, organist, wears a suit designed- by Etta iGaynes, featuring simple, straight, lines in the skirt, nipped-in, ,waistline and unusual collar treatment. 4