ily Will Hold Meetings for Tryouts Student Legislature (Continued from Page 1) PAUL HARSHA ROBERT POTTER I wood winners Successful that has caused the death of twen- ty-one army pilots because of im- properly manufactured Qylinder heads. Robert Hayden, who won a sum- mer award for poetry in 1938 and a ,major award in 1942, has pub- lished a short poem, Frederick Douglass, in the recent Atlantic Monthly. Hayden taught in the English Department of the Uni- versity after graduation, and is now a member of the faculty at Fisk University in Tennessee. The Michigan Daily is your cam- pus newspaper. Any eligible second-semester freshmen or upperclassmen may work on The Daily. The proced- ure is simple: answer the call for tryouts and pick one of the four staffs: editorial, women's, sports, or business. Previous experience, although' it may be a help, is not necessary. All tryouts go through a training program. Editorial Staff The largest Daily staff is the editorial staff, which is responsible for campus and local news, editing Associated Press news, and the ed- itorial page. The editorial staff has four divisions, senior staff, junior night editors, sophomore staff, and freshmen tryouts. Paul Harsha, '47, is managing editor of The Daily. Other senior editors are All eligibile second semester freshmen and upperclassmen interested in trying out for The Daily editorial, sports or women's staff should attend a tryout meeting at 4 p.m. today in the Student Publications Building. Milton Freudenheim, '47, editorial director; Clayton Dickey, '47, city editor; and Mary Brush, '47, Ann Kutz, '47, and Clyde Recht, '48, associate editors. Tryouts on the editorial staff, regardless of class, spend one se- mester on freshmen staff train- ing for future work in covering beats, writing editorials, and as- sisting the night editors with headlines and proof reading on the night desk. At the end of one se- mester, the tryout is advanced to sophomore staff where he begins covering beats, and receives fur- ther instruction in night editing and reporting. Night Editors . From the sophomore staff mem- bers, 13 junior night editors are chosen. Night editors, in addition to covering the more important beats, put out the paper once a week, one of the most responsible positions on The Daily. Night ed- itors must possess good news judgment, a knowledge of make-up techniques, and the ability to cope with any unforeseen event that may arise in the course of putting out a paper. The sports and women's staff work under much the same pro- motion policy and organization as the editorial staff. The sports staff covers all local sports events and edits sports news from the Associ- ated Press wires. This semester's sports staff will be headed by Jack Martin, sports editor and Archie Parsons, associate sports editor. Women's Staff The Daily Women's Staff keeps the campus posted on social activi- ties, fashions, women's athletics, and all other women's activities on campus. Joan Wilk is women's ed- itor, and Lynn Ford is associate women's editor. The Daily is in its 57th year of publication. It has earned a reputation as America's foremost college paper, and has won many high journalism awards in tribute of its merits. The Daily brings its readers a complete coverage of campus news, city news, and na- tional and international news from the Associated Press wires. The editorial page this semester will run the syndicated columns of Harold L. Ickes, the Alsop brothers, Samuel Grafton, and Edgar An- sel Mowrer. Bill Maudlin's car- toons and the cartoon Barnaby are also to be found on the edi- torial page. The editorial page furnishes space for Daily staff members to express their opinions and the entire student body is free to have letters published in the Letters to the Editor column. In addition, The Daily Official Bulletin, invaluable to all students, is found on the editorial page. A Starting Point - Members of The Daily staff find more than just another extra- curricular activity in their work. The Daily is reputedly a starting point for many successful journal- ists who gained a first hand know- ledge of the functionings of a newspaper by working on it dur- ing their college years. Many not- ed journalists of today are Daily "alumni" who got their first taste of printers ink chasing stories on the University campus. AVC To Meet Today The American Veterans' Com- mittee will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. A program and plans for the coming semester will be discussed. All veterans are invited to attend. government which started last spring with a stormy battle be- tween proponents of the Council- Forum and the Cabinet-Congress constitutions. After the Cabinet- Congress form had been chosen by a record student vote, the new government, a successor to the pre-war Student Senate, found it- self pre-occupied with an inves- tigation of its own election and or- ganizational activities. Legislature Activities With Ray Davis as its president, the Legislature began its fall pro- gram with a redistribution of up- perelass football tickets held by underclassmen, promising future efforts for better student seating. According to Coplin, the present president, the problem will be con- sidered this semester after Fritz Crisler makes a promised appear- ance before the Legislature. It was the Legislature's Varsity Committee, under the leadership of Lynne Ford, which sponsored the special student train to the Ohio State Game and the Home- coming Dance, which netted $1,300 for use in such activities as student elections. The Legislature con- ducted elections this fall for Un- ion vice-presidents, the J-Hop committee, members of the Board in Control of Student Publications and its own new members. Investigation Program Gaining momentum with the ad- dition of 27 new legislators, the group embarked on an ambitious program of projects and investiga- tions, including a Student Chest for the coordination of charity drives, a housing survey, a veter- ans memorial fund and investiga- tions of the League, Union, Health Service and The Daily. These ac- tivities, under the supervision of the Legislature's standing commit- tees, will continue to occupy the Legislature's agenda for the first part of the spring semester. Carrot hers.. . (Continued from Page 1) many men of his age lose their vigorous interest in life because they never develop new interests. He is happy to point out that there are exceptions, however, as is shown in the letter he received re- cently from a 72-year-old man who recently wrote that Dr. Car- rothers' activities had encouraged him to complete the high school education he himself had never re- ceived. Baier Discusses Lake Freighters The present type of Great Lakes freighter is the major link in the most efficient transportation set- up in the world, Prof. 'Louis A. Baier, chairman of the naval arch- itecture and marine engineering iepartment, said yesterday. Addressing a joint meeting of the Great Lakes Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, the Propeller Club of the Port of Detroit, and the University Quarterdeck So- ciety, Prof. Baier said "the lake carrier represents a development in engineering symoblic of Ameri- can enterprise." OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY RINGS for immediate delivery. L. G. Balfour Co. 1319 sa. Univerity Phone 9533 RIDER'S Now at 115 West Liberty GIFTS FOR YOUR VALENTINE L. G. Balfour Co. 1319 S. Uniiversity Phone 9533 Diamonds c and Wedding SAsRings (~717 North University Ave. 0:mot};>c<;;;o <;;;o < TOPS IN HEART APPEAL DAINY SLIPS She'll treasure in lovely satins and crepes. Lace trimmed or tailored in white or tearose. Junior sizes 9-15 Short sizes 292 to 43r Tall sizes 32-44 Priced from $2.00 to $6.50 BEAUTIFUL WRAPPING' This lounging set with its Brunch coat and slacks to match or contrast. Made of Luana (rayon cotton) cloth sizes 12-18. at $12.95 and in Hostess Coats Of rayon jersey too at $12.95. See Your J-Hop FLASH PICTURES