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April 20, 1947 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-20

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SUNiiAY, ARM, 9, ~1!'i1

16 1

Freneb Pays DebI' U for
Psychologist Newcomb
't.if,+n V.f. h c i H n~ in ._

(Fdinor's note: This is the lo n
a series of weekly articles on faculty
Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb, of
the psychology and sociology de-
partments, graduated from Ober-
lin College in 1924 as a French
major, taught French for 'a year
to pay off his college debts, and
went to Columbia for a Ph.D. in
Skipping a masters degree, Prof.
Newcomb says he wound up get-
ting his Ph.D. in psychology be-
cause the psychology courses were
more "exciting" than any others
and he decided that he belonged
in the field.
Taught Psychology
After-getting his Ph.D., Prof.
Newcomb taught academic psy-
chology courses at various uni-
versities. It soon became obvious,
he said that "you can't explain in-
dividual behaviour by studying in-
dividuals alone -- you need to
understand their society. In order
to be a good human psychologist,
I needed sociology." As a result,
he said he became an "amateur
Prof. Newcomb says a good deal
of his education in sociology came
from an "ambitious study" he
ton College in the 1930's. The
study revolved around student at-
Will Speak at
'Air' Banquet'
Governor Kim Sigler and Lt.
Gen. James Doolittle will be
speakers at a banquet given by the
National Intercollegiate Air Meet,
May 31 at the League:
The meet, to be held here May
30 through June 1, will have Gen.
Doolittle as the honorary chief
The air meet, the first of its
kind to be held here sincethe war,
will use Willow Run Airport. More
than 25 flying clubs, representing
colleges and universities through-
out the country, have indicated
that they will take part in the
Sponsored by the National Avi-
ation Association and Aero Club
of Michigan, representatives of the
University Flying Club, Wayne
University, Detroit University and
Michigan State College are ar-
ranging the meet.
Richard Illing, Grad, is chair-

made while teaching at Benning-
titudes and how they developed
as they did on public issues. As
these were the depression years
nd the time of the inception of
the New Deal, Prof. Newcomb said
it was an ideal time for such a
"Personality in a Vacuum"
"It started as a study of per-
sonality, and ended as a study of
personality in the community," he
said. This was inevitable, he de-
clared, for "if you don't get into
the sociological side,* you study
personality in a vacuum - as some
psychologists do."
Prof. Newcomb came to the Un-
iversity in 1941 as an associate
professor in sociology. "I was par-
ticularly pleased to be asked to
come here as a book that had in-
fluenced me greatly was by Prof.
Thomas Cooley, wh. for many
years was chairman of the sociol-
ogy department here." Prof. New-
comb said that he, as a social
psychologist, had been invited to
join the sociology department here
as the Cooley tradition had estab-
lished social psychology in the so-
ciology department. Since 1945,
Prof. Newcomb and some of his
courses have been accredited to
the psychology department as well
as the sociology.
Off to Washington
- The war took Prof. Newcomb
to Washington (January, 1942)
where he did propaganda analysis.
His job was to record foreign
propaganda, analyse it, and turn
the analysis over to the war de-
partment and other government
Prof. Newcomb returned to cam-
pus in the fall of 1944, but a
month later he was back in Wash-
ington. This time the assignment
was to survey civilian morale in
Germany, working under Prof.
Rensis Likert, director of the Sur-
vey Research Center, who was
head of the project. Prof. New-
comb spent the summer of 1945
in Germany working on the sur-
He returned, this time to stay,
in the fall of 1945.
"A Lively Interest"
Prof. Newcomb boasts a lively
interest in contemporary affairs,
in line with which he commented
that he believes in "student par-
ticipation in current affairs."
"I have a lively conviction that
students are citizens, and they
have the same rights of free
speech, assembly, and press as
all citizens," he said.

Blood Donors
Now fNeedld
By Red Cross
Civilian Clinic Calls
For 500 Volunteers
Five hundred blood donors are
still needed to volunteer for the
fourth civilian bood4 donor clinic,
to be conducted by the Red Cross
in cooperation with the Michigan
Department of Health, from April
28 to May 2, Prof. Arthur E. R.
Boak, chairman of the Washtenaw
County Red Cross Blood Donor
Committee, announced yesterday.
The donated blood, processed
into plasma by laboratories of the
Michigan Department of Health,
will be made available without
cost to patients in St. Joseph's
Mercy Hospital, in Ann Arbor;
Beyer Hospital, in Ypsilanti; and
Saline General Hospital.
An average of 64 pints of blood
plasma armonth are used by the
hospitals for emergency purposes
and also to build up patients be-
fore operations.,
Donors must be between the
ages of 18 and50, and must weigh
at least 115 pounds.
A blood type card will be made
for each donor. This can be car-
ried by the donor so that in
case of an accident necessitating
emergency transfusions, valuable
time will be saved in typing the
patient's blood.
Registrations for the clinic,
which will be held in the G.A.R.
rooms in the city hall, may be
made by calling the Red Cross at
Church News
meet at 6 p.m. today for supper
and a discussion led by Murray
Kenney, chairman of the Ohio.
Department of Youth.
The Schola Santorum will fur-
nish the music for the Choral Eve-
ning Prayer Service, which will
be followed by a coffee hour.
A meeting of the WESLEYAN
GUILD will be held at 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Robert A. Millikan, Cali-
fornia Tech physicist, will speak
on "The Release and Utilization
of Atomic Energy."
& . *
The film "Pastorale" will aug-
ment the meeting and worship
service to be held by the WEST-
MINSTER GUILD at 5 p.m. to-
Rev. James Van Pernis will ad-
dress the group on "The Church
in Social Action." The program
will be followed by supper and a
fellowship hour.
Student Fined for
Reckless Flying
Charles T. Van Dusen, '48E,
pleaded guilty to charges of reck-
less flying before acting Munici-
pal Judge Ledru Davis yesterday,
and paid $58 fine and o'osts.
Van Dusen, an officer in the
Army Air Corps Reserve, was ar-
rested Friday by deputy sheriffs
after his plane, an AT 6 based at
Selfridge Field, crash-landed at
Geddes and Dixboro. He was un-
injured. Complaints also had been
received from Pittsfield residents
that he had been flying below le-
gal limits recently.
The plane, which suffered only
minor damages, was immediately
dismantled and removed by the


Lead in Shaw
Play Is Given
To Greengard
Judy Greengard, speech de-
partment student, will play the
role of Joan of Arc in George Ber-
nard Shaw's "Saint Joan," to be
presented by the speech depart-
ment's play production classes
Thursday through Saturday at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Other leading members of the
cast are James Holmes, as the
archbishop who turns Joan over to
her enemies; Dick Stewart as the
Earl of Warwick, Donald F. Clapp
as the French Dauphin who is
crowned king by Joan, and Joyce'
Katz as Mme. de la Tremouville.
The play, one of the most out-
standing of the many works on the
life of the French martyr, is also
one of the most elaborate to pro-
duce. The six scenes each require
a change of sets, all of which will
be constructed by students in the
speech department's stagecraft
classes under the direction of
Robert Mellencamp.
Set in 15th century France, the
story of Joan is taken through
her victories over the British and
her subsequent death at stake to
an epilogue in which she appears
years after her death to be canon-
ized by the Church.
'Tickets for the production., will
go on sale at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre box office tomorrow.
Mail orders are being accepted
now for all performances, includ-
ing the Saturday matinee.
French Circle
TIo Give Play
Moliere's "Le Malade Imagin-
aire," a comedy-ballet, will be giv-
en by members of Le Cercle Fran-
cais, Tuesday, May 6 in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Moliere satirizes medicine and
the medical profession in the play,
which concerns an "imaginary in-
valid." First produced in 1673 in
Paris, the three-act play was per-
formed 1,315 times in one Paris
theatre between 1860 and 1933.
The play will be presented by an
all-student cast and will be direct-
ed by Prof. Charles E. Koella, of
the Romance Languages depart-
The cast includes Richard Kop-
pitch, Sonya Drews, Marian Say-
ward, Amy Wallace, Sarah Wilcox,
James Evans, David Brodman,
Murray Budney, Stevens Hajos,
Forrest Palmer, Charles Lehmann

Unty to Hold'
Plans for NSO Week
Will Be Discussed
The Unity Committee, set up by
17 major campus organizations
this winter to discuss the purpose
of the Chicago Student Confer-
ence, will be revived tomorrow
when organization representatives
meet at 4 p.m. in the Union to
make plans for National Student
Organization Week.
The groups will meet with mem-
bers of the Student Legislature's
social, student organizations, pub-
licity and gripes committees to
discuss the informational rally and
social event which will highlight
the NSO observance, planned from
April 28 to May 3.
.Tom Walsh, Michigan Region
representative, asked that all cam-
pus organizations send delegates
to the meeting, which will be open
to the public.
Michigan NSO
To Meet Today
The Michigan Region, made up
of National Student Organization
representatives f r o m Michigan
campuses, will convene at 1 p.m.
today in the Union to discuss the
forthcoming elections of delegates
to the NSO's constitutional con-
Delegates from the University of
Detroit, Michigan State College,
Wayne University and other Mich-
igan schools will attend the con-
ference, which is open to the pub-
Many of the delegates will be
students who represented their col-
leges at the Chicago Student Con-
ference in December.
Copies of the NSO's proposed
constitution will be available at
the meeting.
Smith Earns
Booth Award
Ann Arbor Student
Wills $1,000 Prize
Lynn C. Smith, of Ann Arbor,
has been awarded first prize of
$1,000 in the George G. Booth
Travelling Fellowship Competi-
tion, Wells I. Bennett. Dean of the
architecture college announced
The fellowship will enable its
holder to travel in the United
States or abroad.
The competition, the first held
since the war, was open to seniors
and graduate students in the
architecture college.
Charles Perman, John Bickell
and James Blair, all seniors in the
architecture college, were second,
third and fourth place winners, re-
The judges, faculty members of
the architecture college and prac-
ticing architects, were Professors
Roger Bailey, Ralph Hammett,
Fred C. Odell and George B. Brig-
ham, Jr. and architects Kenneth
Black, Robert Frantz, Amadeo
Loene and Lilburn Woodworth.
Read and Use
Daily Classified Ads

Next Thursday is final exami-
nation for one school in Ann Ar-
bor in which the students haven't
dared to play hookey-aU the
teachers have been policemen.
The students, 40 members of the
Ann Arbor Police Department and
12 officers of the Washtenaw
County Sheriff's office, finished
their last class Tuesday afternoon
and are spending the weekend
cramming for the exam, which, ac-
cording to Captain Rolland J.
Gainsley, will be conducted strict-
ly on the "honor system."
Began in February
The school began its classes Feb.
4. It was established jointly by
the Ann Arbor City Police Com-
mission, of which Prof. 0. W.
Stephenson, of t h e education

school, is chairman; the Washte-
naw County Sheriff's Office, and
the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion. It served both to train new
policemen and to orient veteran
officers on new laws and methods
of policework.
The course of study covered
every angle of law enforcement in-
cluding rules and regulations, pub-
lic relations, laws of evidence and
arrest, search procedure, finger-
prints, raids, court procedure and
defensive tactics.
Lecture Given
Among the speakers at the bi-
weekly lectures were Police Chief
C. M. Enkemann, Captain Gains-
ley, Sheriff John L. Osborn, State
Police Commissioner Don Leonard
and 11 FBI agents.
Actual firearm training will be

given to all men who have com-
pleted the school course during the
week of May 19 at the Ann Arbor
police range. It is estimated that
each man will receive 18 hours of
actual practice with pistols, rifles,
and machine guns.
All the officers in the Ann Arbor
police department spent the same
amount of time in school as did
the patrolmen, according to Cap-
tain Gainsley, who revealed that
Chief Enkemann is the only mem-
ber of the department who isn't
worried about the forthcoming ex-
amination-he doesn't have to take
Read and Use
Daily Classified Ads


Police Force Craninin g for Exams




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