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April 20, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-20

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Jiiiest IDeaudlinie int the State

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Sugar Stamp
Deadline Set
For Saturday
Delinquents Face
Dorm Eviction
Dormitory residents who have
not turned in their sugar ration
stamp No. 11 by Saturday will be
requested to withdraw from the
residence halls, Francis S. Shiel,
residence halls director, announced
If students who have lost or
never possessed ration books can
show proof that they have applied
to the OPA for a book, no action
will be taken against them, he
Students Cooperate
"Most of the students have com-
plied with our request for sugar
stamps," Shiel said. "It is only
the minority who are holding us
He emphasized that the OPA
will not allow the University any
allotment blanks to purchase su-
gar until 100 per cent of the ration
stamps have been turned 'in. At
present the University residence
halls are using sugar left over
from the allotment assigned previ-
ous to April 1, when stamp No. 11
became due.
ti Letter Quoted
Excerpt from a letter sent by the
residence halls office to delinquent
students reads as follows:
"We regret, late in the ration-
ing program, to be forced to insist
that this stamp be surrendered,
especially since we did not ask for
the past three stamps which were
good for a total of fifteen pounds
of sugar. However, our present
stock of sugar is almost exhaust-
ed, and the Office of Temporary
Controls will not grant us the al-
lotment forms for purchasing
more sugar until we turn in as
many stamps as there are people
being served. Obviously, we must
insist upon' having your stamp
since the United States govern-
ment regulations are mandatory,
"We must now inform you that,
! unless spare stamp No. 11 is in our
hands by April 26, you will be
asked to withdraw from the resi-
dence halls immediately."
Wallace Hits
Church ill wing
OSLO, Norway, April 19-()-
Henry A. Wallace declared tonight
that it was "a great source of sor-
row to me" that Winston Church-
ill was not fighting for peace.
The former American cabinet
officer told 1,000 Norwegian trades
union leaders that Churchill "dare
not confess publicly the private
convictions of his group that war
is inevitable."
"I am not a c ypto Communist,"
Wallace declared. "I am a progres-
sive tory."
Wallace, who arrived in Oslo
from Stockholm only a few hours
before he addressed the union
leaders, did not mention Church-
ill's name in noting that the for-
mer British Prime Minister's at-
tack on him had been broadcast to
"Peace, is not something pas-

sive," Wallace said. "Since peace
is a fighting cause, it is a source of
great sorrow to me that Britain's
great fighting leader cannot use
his genius in fighting for peace."
Stassen Raps
Wallace .Talks
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 19
-(A')-Harold E. Stassen, aspirant
for the Republican presidential
nomination of the United States
who has been making a fact find-
ing tour of Europe, declared to-
day "it is not proper to discuss the
foreign policy of the United States
in a foreign country."
The former governor of Minne-
sota held a news conference only a
few hours after Henry A. Wallace
left Stockholm by plane for Oslo,
Stassen said that after his re-
turn to the United States he would
confer with leaders of the Repub-
lican party before publishing his

Truman Declares Policy
On Tax Cut Legislation
Predicts Surplus Receipts of Over Billion
In Administration's New Budget Economy
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 19-President Truman declared tonight
that a "sharp increase in prices" has "inflated the entire economy"
and took a new stand against any income tax cuts now.
He issued a statement predicting a surplus of government receipts
over expenditures of $1,250,000,000 for the present fiscal year which
ends June 30. Mr. Truman had announced in a Jefferson Day speech
April 5 that a surplus was in sight, but did not disclose the amount
until tonight.
Administration Economies Cited
The President attributed the revision in estimates since his budget
message went to Congress in January to administration economies as
-- _-- ---well as to a sharp increase in pric-

Rent Increase
Is Announced
For Law Club
Hike Will Take Effect
In Summer Session
The University Law School
Board of Governors voted a raise
in rent effective July 1 for stu-
dents residing in the Law Quad.
Revisions upward were made "to
get in line with other University
residence hall room rents," Law
School officials said.
Summer Session Iike
Single rooms in the Law Club
now renting for $100 per semester,
will be $115 at the start of the '47
summer session.
Meanwhile, Francis Shiel, Uni-
versity residence hall director, said
that board prices in men's and
women's residences would be
raised ten cents per day.
This raise, too, is effective
July 1.
Increased Cost
The hike in board prices was at-
tributed to "increased food and-
labor costs."
Shiel said no room rent raise is
planned for men's and women's
Law students were surprised at
the announced raise. The concen-
sus of those contacted by The Daily
was that "rent raises .at this time
are inappropriate in the light of
general cost-of-living increases."
Search Ruins
In Te xas City

es "since the removal of controls."
He declared that now, when a
balanced budget is being achieved,
he wants to emphasize the need
for reducing the public debt "while
times are good."
No Tax Reduction
"It is natural for taxpayers to
wish to see taxes reduced," the
President's statement continued.
"But to do this pow would promote.
inflation, so that the benefits of
any reduction would be largely dis-
The President's statement came
amid renewed activity over the
income tax reduction pending in
1. Senator Lucas (Ill.), Demo-
cratic whip, put forward a bill to
cut income taxes next Jan. 1, in-
stead of this year as the Repub-
licans propose. It would accom-
plish the reductions by different
means than the 30 and 20 percent
slashes provided in-the bill which
the House passed March 27.
2. The Senate Finance Commit-
tee, of which Lucas is a mem-
ber, set hearings to start Tuesday
on the tax bill with Secretary of
the Treasury Snyder as the first
Reach Accord
On Telegraph
NEW YORK, Apri strike)
The threat of a nationwide strike
of Western Union employes was
ended today when company of-
ficials reached agreement with the
Commercial Telegraphers Union
(AFL), providing a five cent an
hour wage increase and other
benefits for 50,000 employes.
Michigan Western Union work-
ers had voted for a strike in a
national poll.
J. A. Payne, national president
of the CTU's Western Union divi-
sion, said the agreement was sub-
ject to ratification by union mem-
bers and that negotiations on some
other points would continue.
The agreement was reached
early today after an eight-hour
meeting of company officials and
representatives of the CTU and
two other AFL unions with federal
conciliator Ronald W. Haughton.
The smaller unions were the Tele-
graph Workers Union and the
Telegraph Employes Union, with
a combined membership of 10,000.
Other points in the agreement,
which is effective as of April 1, re-
lated to an improved sick benefit
plan, allowing a maximum of 13
weeks leave at full pay; revision
of the company pension plan, and
a maintenance of membership
In Washington, a union official
said yesterday that the CTU had
prepared a brief to be filed with
the Federal Communication Com-
mission asking that either the
government or the American Tele-
phone and Telegraph Company
take over and operate Western

Workers Ask
'Pressure' on
Phone Firms
Point to Boosts
In Other Fields
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 19 -
Striking telephone workers, fac-
ing a third week of idleness, asked
the government today to put "pres-
sure" on the phone companies for
a wage increase.
The unions pointed to pay boosts
recently granted in other indus-
tries and demanded that the gov-
ernment seek matching wage in-
crease s in the telephone industry.
Sticks by Offer
The strike-bound Bell system,
meanwhile, stuck by its offer to
arbitrate the unions' requested $12
weekly raise and other demands on
a regional basis.
Government conciliation at-
tempts, lapsed for three days after
an arbitration proposal by Secre-
tary of Labor Schwellenbach
failed, began anew and the concili-
ators said: "All avenues that could
lead to a settlement are being
Situation Stalemated
Despite the fresh drive to get
the 340,000 strikers back to work,
the situation still was stalemated
this way:
1. The Bell System subsidiaries
of the American Telephone and
Telegraph company insisted on re-
gional arbitration.
2. The striking unions, repre-
sented by the National Federation
of Telephone Workers, reiterated
in a statement sent to President
Truman and members of Congress
that they want a "down payment"
pay increase before entering any
Joseph A. Beirne, NFTW presi-
dent, told reporters in elaborating
on the statement turned in to the
White House:
"Millions of dollars have been
granted by other industries within
the last few days in second round
wage increases. It's my belief the
government should use pressure to
make the telephone companie
give similar wage increases."
Cable Is Cut
As Vandalism
Flares in State
DETROIT, April 19-(IP)-First
instances of vandalism outside of
Detroit were reported today by the
Michigan Bell Telephone Co.,
which said equipmentrwas dam-
aged in the Lansing area.
The firm, whose 18,000 employes
have been on strike since April
7, said it is extending a $500 re-
ward posted in Detroit to cover
250 cities outstate.
The striking Michigan Federa-
tion of Telephone Workers (Ind.)
has disclaimed any responsibility
for the vandalism and has offered
a similar $500' reward for appre-
hension of those responsible.
The company said a hole was
cut in a long distance cable which
carries 275 circuits between Lan-
sing and Jackson. An alarm sys-
tem notified the Lansing office
which found the break in the cable
casing just outside the city.
Previous instances of vandalism
as reported by the company have

been confined to Detroit.
Thetcompany said in atstate-I
ment that 86 per cent of the 8,-
000,000 local calls normally placed
in Michigan during a business day
are being completed despite the
strike. However, only about eight
per cent of calls on manually-op-
erated phones are getting through
and long-distance calls are drasti-
cally restricted.
A mass meeting of Detroit strik-
ers is scheduled for Sunday night
to discuss the walkout which be-
gan with a demand for a $12 per
week wage increase.
Perspectives Asks
For Contributions
Perspectives, campus literary
magazine, has issued a call for ma-
terial for an edition to appear in
Short fiction, poetry, essays of
all sorts and short one-act plays
CXi hp norntrdn nonrdina to Mar-

JAZZ OCTET-Mack Ferguson's Jazz Octet will appear at 7:30 p.m. today in hill Auditorium in the
student talent variety show "Running Rampant." Pictured left to right are Henry Banks, Bob La-
Plant, Bill Shelton, Claire Shepherd, Dick Blake, D oug Lent, Mack Ferguson and Harve Shaprow.


More Danger of
Tank Explosions

TEXAS CITY, Tex., April 18-
(I°)-Sullen fires casting smoke
shadows over tired Texas City still
burned today as rescue crews
combed beaches a n d probed
haunted ruins of huge plants for
more bodies-and found them.
Scores were found at the Mon-
santo Chemical Corp. plant,
searched for the second day as it
smoldered. Eight more were re-
covered from the water where the
Grandcamp exploded four days
ago and set off the chain of blasts
that killed an estimated 580 and
injured 3,000 others.
Among the burning oil fires to-
day were two benzoil tanks at the
Monsanto plant and two crude oil
storage tanks at the Humble Tank
Farm. But officials said they be-
lieved, dange. from explosions was
They concentrated on relief
work, recovery of bodies, and
plans for burial and later rehabili-
Memorial services for the dead
were set for 7 p.m. tonight.

Slav Claims to
Carinthia Get
Soviet Support
Resulting Deadlock
Delays Peace Treaty
MOSCOW, April 19-(P)-Soviet
support of Yugoslav clams t)
southern Carinthia threw the for-
eign. ministers into a final dead-
lock tonight and apparently bur-
ied any chance of writing an Aus-
trian peace treaty at the Moscow
On the initiative of U. S. Secre-
tary of State Marshall and British
Foreign Secretary Bevin the min-
isters scheduled two Sunday ses-
sions in a drive to speed the con-
ference to a conclusion.
No Major Agreement
The council ended its sixth week
without a single major agreement
on disputed issues in the writing
of the Austrian and German peace
American informants suggested
that the Kremlin may have de-
cided to deliberately stall off any
changes now in the central Eu-
ropean situation until the Soviet
Union's policy makers weigh the
effect of the new anti-Communist
stand of President Truman as
evinced in his proposals to aid
Greece and Turkey.
Potsdam Pact
In tonight's session the Potsdam
agreement, favorite document of
Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov
for quotation, boomeranged when
he supported Yugoslavia's claims
for $150,000,000 in reparations
from Austria, as well as the ter-
ritorial demands.
Bevin, in apparent delight,
quoted from a hitherto secret por-
tion of the Potsdam conference
which showed that a similar Rus-
sian claim at Potsdam ended with
Prime Minister Stalin agreeing
that no reparations should be tak-
en from Austria.
Prof. Johnson
To Give Talks
Jerome Series To
Continue This Week
Prof. Allan Chester Johnson of
Princeton University will continue
the Thomas Spenser Jerome lec-
ture series this week with a talk on
"Serfdom" tomorrow; "Taxation
in the Byzantine Period," Wednes-
day; and "Byzantine Administra-
tion," Thursday.
The lectures are given at 4:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphithea-
Prof. Johnson, who received his
B.A. degree in 1904 from Dalhousie
University, Halifax, Canada, and
his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity in 1909, is one of the lead-
ing authorities in the field of
papyri and ancient history. He
'has been associated with Princeton
University since 1912, and has
been a visiting professor at the
American Academy in Rome and
Stanford University.
Thomas Spenser Jerome, whose
will provided for the lecture series,
graduated from the University in
1884 and took his law degree from
Harvard. His interest in Roman
history finally led him to retire

Mack Ferguson's Jazz Octet
To Open Benefit Show Today

Tickets fcr "Running Rampant,"
student talent show to be given at
7:30 p.m. today in Hill Audito-
rium, will be on sale all day at
Hill Auditorium box office.
All seats for the show are un-
reserved. Entire proceeds will go
to the Hayden Memorial Library
Fund for the purpose of building
Wage Pattern
Talk With GM
DETROIT, April 19-UP)-The
CIO United Auto Workers today
mapped plans for an impending
conference that may produce the
first rank-and-file reaction to a
potential wage pattern for 220,000
General Motors Corp. Employes.
The corporation has offered the
union 11%/1 cent hourly wage in-
crease plus six paid annual holi-
days, which it says is the equiva-
lent of a 15 cent an hour raise.
Termed Unsatisfactory
President Walter P. Reuther of
the UAW-CIO termed the proposal
unsatisfactory immediately after it
was made Friday.
However, observers speculated
on a meeting of the union's Gen-
eral Motors Council, composed of
representatives of employes in 90
plants, scheduled for Wednesday.
While the council normally lis-
tens attentively to arguments of
the international officers, it has
the power to override Reuther and
submit to the rank-and-file the
General Motors offer.
There is nothing of a public na-
ture to indicate it will do so this
time, however.
Will Comment Further
Reuther has avowed a determi-
nation to stick to the union's origi-
nal 23%!2 cent demand and indicat-
ed he might comment further on
the offer today.
However, UAW-CIO headquar-
ters announced there would be nq
further commentand that Reuther
would "let it ride" until next week.
The company and the union are
slated to resume negotiations
The proposal to the UAW-CIO
paralleled terms of a settlement
made by General Motors earlier in
the week with the CIO United
Electrical Workers.

a library at the University of the
The eight act variety show wil.
get underway with 20 minutes of
jazz improvisation by Mack Fer-
guson's jazz octet. The jazz grout
features Claire Shephard or
trumpet and Harve Shaprow or
tenor sax.
Rose Derderian, '47, talentet
opera singer, has been announce(
as a last minute addition to th;
variety show. Miss Derderian re-
cently won the La Scala nationa-
grand opera award. She will sing
"Stars In My Eyes," accompanied
by Mildred Andrews.
The program will also includ'
blues singer Judy Claire, a Fili-
pino dance group, ballad singe
Jackie Ward, impersonator Naf
Alley, an audience participatior
event and the Women's Glee Club
Master of ceremonies for the
show will be Jim Bob Stephenson
teaching fellow in the speech de-
partment, who has starred in pla
production presentations.
Pat McKenna, '49, chairman of
the show, has asked that persom
wishing to appear in the audiencE
participation event be in their
seats 20 minutes before the show
begins..Winning contestants in
the event will be awarded prizes
donated by local merchants.
Voting Plan Is
Forum Topic 1
Taylor Will Explain
Proportional System
The Hare proportional repre-
sentation system, used in all Stu-
dent Legislature elections, will be
discussed in a special open meet-
ing called for 7:30 p.m. Wednes-
day in the League.
As part of a panel discussion;
Robert Taylor will give an expla-
nation of the system which haE
been attacked in Letters to the
Editor in The Daily since its usE
in the recent Legislature elections.
Prof. Clark Norton, of the political
science department, will also take
part in the discussion.
Writers of the letters disagree-
ing with use of the system have
been invited to the special meeting
by the Legislature.
The discussion is also open to all
those who have counter-proposals
or opinions to express on the mer-
its of the Hare System.

Report Steel
Wage Accord
After Parleys
Murray, Stephens
Confer Privately
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH, April 19- Pri-
vate contract discussions at top
level today resulted in reports that
a wage agreement had been
reached between the U. S. Steel
Corporation and the CIO-United
Steel Workers.
These reports, totally lacking of-
ficial confirmation, stemmed from
man-to-man discussions between
CIO-president Philip Murray and
vice-president John A. Stephens
of the steel corporation.
Their talks, begun yesterday,
caught the union's executive
board by surprise and caused a
one-day postponement of a
meeting of the board as its mem-
hers gathered in a hotel room
today. The meeting was re-
scheduled for 10:30 a.m. tomor-
Dow Jones & Co., business news
agency, said the wage agreement
!ad been reached, quoting "usu-
illy authoritative circles."
Both the union and the corpora-
ion reported they had "nothing to
ay," but a corporation spokesman
aid this meant the firm was
'neither confirming nor denying
he report."
The basis of settlement, Dow
Jones said, "without official con-
firmation" generally fits the
pattern of the increases granted
CIO-United Electrical Workers
by General Motors Corp. and
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
These raises are the equivalent
of 15 cents hourly.
A 23-cent hourly raise demand
iked of Jones & Laughlin Steel
orp., fourth largest producer in
he nation, is the only definite
age figure yet made known in in-
ustry negotiations a J. & L.
;Pokesman said. The 23 cents "cov-
rs a lot of other things" besides
z raise, presumably holiday pay
and some adjustments in current
The industry's current basic
tourly rate is 962 cents. The raise
'iven Westinghouse workers lifts
he hourly average in that firm's
lants to abot $1.151/2.
Favors Delay
Of Russian Aid
WASHINGTON, April 19-(')-
Senator Vandenberg (Rep.,Mich.)
3plit with the State Department
oday on its proposal to go through
vith contracts to ship $17,000,000
in war-ordered. goods to Russia,.
Vandenberg suggested waiting un-
Ail the Soviets settle their $11,-
J00,000,000 lend-lease contract
Vandenberg, Chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Coin-
nittee and exponent of Senate bi-
)artisan foreign policy, told a re-
"I would make no further ship-
ments under this supplemental
lend-lease agreement unless and
antil the Soviet Union satisfactor-
.ly ,cures its long default in negoti-
iting a general lend-lease settle-

"Indeed, I would have stopped
all supplemental shipments when
he Soviet Union ignored the first
f our requests for a general set-
&ement. But in the event of such
i settlement, I would be ready to
scrupulously keep our word."
Vandenberg thus altered the ap-
parent position he took in the
Senate yesterday. He then de-
.ended the State Department po-
;ition against Republican com-
?laints that it is "inconsistent"
vith the policy of attempting to
)olster Greece and Turkey against
His apparent change of stand
oday put him in opposition to the
'iewpoint of Dean Acheson, Un-
Jersecretary of State, for imme-
Mate compliance with the terms of
he contract,
Smallpox Vaccination
Advised For Students
Students who have not been im-
nunized against smallpox within
he last five years, or those who
*vere Particularlye xnnped tn +he

World News at a Glance
By The. Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 19-The AFL United Financial Employes Un-
ion acceded to a request by Deputy Mayor John J. Bennett today and
announced it had postponed the strike scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday in
Wall Street's busy financial marts.
Just how long the union, which claims a membership of 5,000,
would hold its strike in abeyance was uncertain.
* * *
ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., April 19-All five Army men aboard
were killed early today in a crash of a C-45 Army transport plane
near the Rattlesnake Buttes northeast of Walenburg in southern
Colorado, the Kirtland Field Public Relations office reported.
* * *
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., April 19-The Illinois Central's City of Miami
streamliner was wrecked near here today, killing two crew members
and injuring 99 passengers, 21 of whom required hospitalization.
* * *
TRIESTE, April 19-Travelers arriving here today said 40

Millikan, Nobel Prize Winner
To' Discuss Atomic Problem

Dr. Robert A. Millikan, noted
physicist and Nobel Prize winner,
will discuss "The Release and Util-
ization of Atomic Energy" at 8
p.m. today at the First Methodist
Church, in the fourth of five Henry
Martin Loud lectures sponsored by
the Wesley Foundation.
A sermon, "Two Great Elements
-T. - - T - , 1

urement of the electron, the photo-
electric determination of Planck's
constant; the extension of the ul-
traviolet spectrum by two octaves
to join the spectrum of soft
X-rays, and the study of the na-
ture and properties of a penetrat-
ing radiation of cosmic origin.
With Professors T-. Victor Neherl

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