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April 19, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-19

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SATURDAY. A~1t 1~. 1~4~

. .


Bkliom o ir M6deh iii IJ

fly JOHN F. NEIt'AN, JR.
At the beginning of this sem -
ter there appeared on several bul
letin boards in the Chemistry
Building and m West Engineering
the following notice: "Instruction
In glass blowing, night class, set
Oeorge A. Killich, iln. 120, Chem
istry Building." -
That class is meeting every
Thursday night from 7 to 10 p.m.,
and the 15 to 20 students who
are attending are learning the
fundamentals of an ancient art
which has a multitude of applica-
tions in the modern industrial
All Special Work
Employed by the University for
two and a half years, Killich does
all the special glass blowing work
for the many departments of the
University that use glass fixtuir(1
Ru shing Rules
Revison Will
Be Discussed

iiirluding the rhemistry <epart
meat, (liemIlical il ginee n ns1 (,l i-
ieering, ba(-eriolog. y, t nIiturad ai-
ence, physi(s, and the University
Hospital aiid Health 2trvire.
1(1 th ]tkl ics;his casentirely
independently of the University.1
Several of his students are veter-
ans, andl the'i fees for the course
are being paid by the Government.I
According to Killich, the Veter-
ans' Administration will support
veterans interested in gettingk
training in this craft and who canj
show thaI such knowledge will
be useful to theni in their chosen
vocational fields.
This traiuiing is especially ue
ful fur nien in id iustrial chemis- 1
try aml cheinica engineering, a -
cordiwg to Kiulichi, He said, "TIh'rc
is a considera ble dtemand for pro-
fessiogal glass blowers as a sep:
fi utie vocation, but in addition
tllo -'1]) it' (hr,'cIVIlical anid (chemlical
engineering fields profit by a
knowledgec of the craft, "because it
simplifies and speeds up their!
work when they can make the nec-v
essary glass apparatus themselves
without relying on manufacturersc
or the usually few occupational t
glassblowers that are employed by<
a big corporation."
Essential in Ware

'fil tson, (~te
TidLeclture hr
Private ownership of land had
its h ~ginnings in history in an-
cient Egypt when that country
was a province of the Roman Em-
pire, Prof. Allan Chester Johnson
of Princeton University said yes-
terday in the third talk of the
Jerome lecture series.
Other areas of the Empire tend-
ed toward the establishment of

Controversial changes in rush-
ing rules will be discussed at a
meeting of the Interfraternity
Council at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Rm. 316 of the Union.
House presidents will discuss the
proposed system of deferred rush-
ing, according to Harry Jackson.
IFC president. Under the pro-
posed system a student must be
scholastically eligible before he
pledges a fraternity. Under the
present system of rushing, any
student may pledge a fraternity,
but may not be initiated until he
is scholastically eligible.
A discussion of the proposed sys-
tem will be held at Tuesday's' meet-
ing, and house presidents will act,
on the measure, Jackson said. The
recommendation of the house
presidents will then be referred to
the Executive Council of the IFC
and the Student Affairs Commit-
The deferred rushing system was
used in the 30's according to Jack-
son, but was later abandoned in
favor of the present system.
The only other major change
proposed in the revised rushing
rules is that rushing be carried
out only in the spring. House pres-
idents will also act on this measure
at, the meting.
Jackson has also announced that
petitions for the positions of presi-
dent ; and secretary-treasurer of
IFC may be submitted any time
next week between the hours of 3
to 5 p.m. in the IFC office. Dead-
line for petitions is Friday.
r. W. Dubois
Will Lecture
Dr. W. E. B. Dubois, noted Ne-
gro editor and author, will speak
:n "Color and Democracy" at 4:15
p.m. Wednesday in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, under the sponsorship of
the Inter-Racial Association.
Known as the "dean of Ameri-
can Negro historians," Dr. Dubois
is at present special research di-
rector of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People. A graduate of Fisk Uni-
versity with a PhD. from Harvard,
he is the author of many books
dealing with the Negro, of which
the latest, "Dusk of Dawn," was
published in 1940.
Tickets for the lecture will go on
sale Monday and Tuesday with
booths in the Union, League and
University Hall.
PCA Meeting
Progressive Citizens of America
will meet at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow in
the Union to make plans for a
county-wide rally to discuss the
voting record of Michigan State

Glass blowing was essential in large estates and serfdom, he saidI
indlustry dipridg th iwar, Killich in i s lecture (i "Sysems of Iand
added. The governent recog- Tenure.''
nrized this need by providing spe- "As the Roman Empire expand-
vial training in the craft. "At pres- ed, the supply of slave labor was
ent, many of the larger universi- I increased enormously," Prof.
ties in the country are offering Johnson explained. "T1o use the
courses in glass blowing, but slaves, land was divided among
Michigan as yet has not done so." nobles and high-ranking Roman

Killich first became interested
in the business about 13 years ago,
when he was doing research work
for the Barrett division of the
Allied Chemical and Dye Corpora-
tion. "Most glass blowers today
are descendants of te old Ger-
man fanilies who first became
skillful in the art,' he explained.
"but sheer interest drove me into
the field."
No Danger in Trade -
To disband the traditional bug-
aboo connected with the ancient
art. Killich expiressed strong
doubts that practicing the trade
shortens life or has any ill effects
on the human body. "Some glass
dust may get into the lungs," lie
said, "but with modern mechanical
devices used in the trade the dan-
ger, if any, is negligible."
(Continued from Page 4)
Speech Society. Tues., April 22,
Rm. 319-325, Michigan Union.
There will be finals in the Hall of
Fame speeches and intercircle de-
bates on the 5-year cooperative
plan. of education for engineers,
and a special send-off for ex-
change speakers going to the Uni-
versity of Detvoit.
International Center: Latin
American dinner featuring "arroz
con pollo" (chicken and rice) on
Sun., April 20 at 7 p.m. Walt Dis-
ney's movie "South of the Border"
follows in Rm. 316, Michigan Un-
ion, with group singing afterwards
in the lounge of the Center. Tick-
ets available at the International
Center Office.
U.T, of M. Hot.Record Society: 8
p.m., Sun., April 20. Hussey Room,
MYDA Musicale: Folk song and}
classical records, Sun., April 20,I
2:30 p.m., ABC Room, League.
Le Cercle Francais: Social meet-
ing, 8 p.m. Mon., April 21, Rm. 305,
Michigan Union. Songs and

citizens and the slaves were bound
to it. This was the foundation of
the feudalism and serfdom of the
Middle Ages."
In Egypt after the time of Dio-
cletian the land was turned over to
the peasants who tilled it, thus giv-
ing rise to a system of small pri-
vate ownership, he said.
The lecture series will continue
Monday with a talk on "Serfdom."
Wednesday' Prof. Johnson will
discuss "Taxation in the Byzan-
tine Period," and Thursday, "By-
zantine Administration." All 'lec-
tures will be given at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
To Be Giverti
Houses To Present
Skits at B urntShow
Six houses will give comic skits
at, the annual presentation of
IHillelzapoppin," all campus stunt
show, which will be held at 8 p.m.
April 26, at the Ann Arbor High
School under the auspices of the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
The skits entitled "From Adam
to Atom," "Back in the Days of
the Greeks," "Trial by Jury,"
"Scream Girl," "Broadway Was
Never Like This" and "It's a Stink-
in' Life" will be judged by a com-
mittee of faculty members.
Members of the committee are
Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe, of the
English department, Prof. Hugh
Z. Norton, of the speech depart-
ment, Prof. U. Bronfenbrenner, of
the psychology department, Prof.
Arthur Hackett, of the music
school, and Prof. Frank Huntley,
of the English department.
'Confe-r 1Here
"All power is given to thee--go
ye therefore" will be the theme of
the Missionary Conference to be
held by the Michigan Christian
Fellowship today and tomorrow at
Lane Hall.
The conference will begin at 3
p.m. with a discussion on "Types
of Missionary Work." Supper will
be served at 6 p.m., followed by
missionary movies.
Dr. Sam Moffett, head of the
Westminster Fellowship Division
of the Foreign Missions Board of
the Presbyterian Church, will
speak at 8 p.m. on "The Power of
French Club Plans
Drama For May 6
"Le Malade Imaginaire," Mo-
liere's last play, will be presented
by Le Cercle Francais at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 6, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
A satire on the life of a hypo-
chrondriac, the play marks the
forty-first annual performance
given by the French club. "Le
Bourgeois Gentilhomme," also by
Moliere, initiated the yearly tra-
dition which began in 1907.
Prof. Laeder Returns

Dr. Millikan
Wi Lecture
1 outorsaow
Auhor XWil Speak
On Atomic Energy
Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Robert
A. Millikan, physicist and chief
executive of the California Insti-
tute of Technology, will discuss
The Release and Utilization of
Atomic Energy" at 8 p.m. tomor-
row at the First Methodist Church
in the fourth of five Henry Martin
Loud Lectures sponsored by the
Wesley Foundation.
A sermon, "Two Great Elements
in Human Progress," will also be
given by Dr. Millikan at the 10:40
a.m. worship service in the church.
Recipient of honorary degrees
from 20 colleges and universities
and author of 14 books, Dr. Milli-
kan has won recognition for his
work in the isolation and meas-
urement of the electron, the photo-
electric determination of Planck's
constant, the extension of the ul-
traviolet spetrum by two octaves
to join the spectrum of soft
X-rays, and the study of the na-
ture and properties of a penetrat-
ing radiation of cosmic origin.
Dr. Millikan received the Nobel
Prize in Physics in 1923, the Fara-
day Medal from the Chemical So-
ciety of London in 1924, the Gold
Medal from the Roosevelt Memo-
rial Association in 1932 and in
1931 was created Chevalier de
l'ordre National de la Legion
Villagoe AVC
Is Checking
Lodge Food
The fruits of last fall's moves to
improve service at the West Lodge
cafeteria in Willow Village are cur-
rently under surveillance by the
Village chapter of AVC, which is
sponsoring a questionnaire to in-
Idicate the extent of that improve-
ment in the view of those who dine
Results of the survey and an
interpretation of the results will
be available early next week, ac-
cording to Walt Hoffman, chair-
man of the local AV. HoffmanI
added that early returns of the
survey seem to indicate that the
Village tenants are, by and large
still dissatisfied with the cafe-
tera in terms of food quality,
preparation andl cost.
Numerous complaints a ong
these lines from Villagers last No-
vember pro ptel the AVC chap-
ter to call the situation to the at-
tention of officials of the dining
place with a request for corrective
action. The cafeteria is a Uni-
versity concession.
The questionnaire seeks to ar-
rive at an overall impression of
the residents' feelings in the mat-
ter with such leading questions as
suggestions f or improvement,
number of meals eaten there
weekly and the number that would
be eaten if service were improved.
Blanks were distributed through-
out the West Lodge area during
the past week.
(Continued from Page 1)
11:35 a.m. ...................Sturgis
12:00-:00-.................Noon Recess
1:00 pm.....................Marette
1 25 p.m................Grand Haven
1.50 p.m. ............... Traverse City

2:15 p.m.......... Lansing (Sexton)
2:45 p.m......... Kalamazoo (Central)
3:15 p.m. Mt. Clemens
3:45 p.m... -. Intermission
4:00 p.m...................Muskegon
4:30 p.m..............Flint (Central)
5:00 p.m..............Grosse Pointe
5:30-7:00 ......... Evening Recess
7:00 p.m............Holland
-7:30 p.m................ River Rouge
8:00 p.m............. Flint (Northern)
8:30 p.m. ............Pontiac
8:00 a.m. Grand Blanc
8:25 a.m. Wiliiamston
8:50 p.m.....................Marshall
9:15 a.m....................... Lapeer
9:40 a.m.C........................Cio
10:05 a.m. ...........Flint (Kearsley)
10:30 a.m..............Intermission
10:45 a.m......................Oxford
11:10 a.m. ..Three Rivers
11:35 a.m .. ............ ...........Caro
12:00-1:00 ................. Noon Recess
1:00 p.m ..................Grandville
1:25 p.m.............Niles
.1:50 p.m .................... St. Joseph
2:15 p.m................... Sandusky
2:40 pm. .I onia
3:05 p.m. Mt. Morris
3:30 p.m. Grand Ledge
3:55 p.m. ................Intermission
4:05 p.................... Coldwater
4:30 p.m..................East Lansing
4:55 p.m....................Hillsdale
5:20 p.m......................Adrian
5:45 p.m...............Flint (Bendle)
8:00 a.m. ........ Ann Arbor (Slauson)
8:20 a.m....................Adrian
8:40 a.m. ......Ann Arbor (Univ. Hi.)
9:00 a.m..................Hillsdale
9:25 a.m. ........... Lansing (Sexton)
9:55 a.m. ............ Flint (Central)


N E W N A V Y I E T - The FJ-1 fighter, a jet-propelled
platte iult for Navy carrier operations by North American Avi-
ation, streaks through the air over California at a speed rated
"wl- over 500 miles an "

BIlG DO WIN N E R - Patricia Rowe, 3, of Sydney,
N. S. W., sits beside Rolli or Warwick, prize-winning Great Dane
at the Royal Australian Agrrictiltul Show.




B U S T L E S W I M S U IT.-.While not recommended for
"energetic swimming," this bathing suit with a bustle looks very
'.Stylish as modeled in Hollywood by actress Marilyn Monroe.

M A R B L E E X P E R T - while a gallery watches, 74-year-
old Pop Maynard of the "Capthorne Spitfires" takes aim during
the marble ,championship of England tournament at Tinsley
Green, Surrey. The event is 300 years old.

N E W B U S T_--.This bust
of Winston Churchill by Jacob
Epstein was recently placed on
exhibition in a London gallery.

S T E E L M I L L C A M P -. A company of the 152nd battalion, 11th airborne division, U. S.
Army, marches out the main gate of the Japanese steel mill at Muroran. The battalion headquarters
is Camp John Krainz, on part of the mill grounds.


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