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April 18, 1947 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-18

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A-V, 111PRIL le, I q4T


P c- F.

~I~1Y S4PRTh 18, 1947 P&GR

'M'Man agierq, Club
Revitved by Mcl l:oy

Nine I
To day




If ~Weaihe

Brownies Nip
Tigers in 10th
Bumns, t uks, 1'~
Bucs, Reds, Alst) Win
ST'. LOUIS, Ail' 17 YV A
long single to cunter- by pinch bit-
tng rookie Paul Li-hrner with Ho,
bases loaded t.end two out,boe
k a tenth ining ,;tice to give the1So,
Louis Brown:; a 4 I,) 'f Vitry o ver!
the DlrtroitTiestdy
B o t hoth t e a iim Wr C(sl
matched going ,into 1t;re c-x:r~
frame bhut tv r,0;'i.. 1Louis iii mlen
Paul (Dfizzy ) 1'r )t, (liiI (dOw
gamne for All1to Hei1,W J v
11 W() walks, ,11(1ud ltn iun 'lriii.
Trout, wVI tO(mOildl(iaxe v: ( S I cx.
Cept for his two- run wildhl,( tea ye
past second bae tying for a
forceoult in the, fo lurth inn ingf,
the losing lpit('lr.
Detroit 000 031 000 0--3
St. Louis 000 201 0001i-4
Other scores:
Boston 020 004 006-W- 6
Brooklyn 340 302 00x-12
Cooper, Karl (2, G. Elliot (4),
Johnson (6), Macon (7), and
KMasi; Higbe, Taylor (6), Casey
(7), and Edward, s;
New York 200 201) 010- 5
Philadelphia 000 602 21x-11
Ayers, Jansen (4), Abernathy
(7), and Cooper; Leonard and
St. Louis 300 010 000-4
Cincinnati 205 101 00X-9
Dickson, Wilks (3), Grod'zicki
(4), Hearn (6), and Rice; Lively,
Peterson (1), and Lamnmano.
Pittsburgh 010 000 600-7
Chicago 000 000) 001--1
Roe and Jarvis, Wy!-e, 1'-slu,
(7), Meyer (8), and Srhetffing.
Philadelphia =I00 000 0001i
New Fork 000 000 02x2
Fowler and Rosar; Bevens and
F Washington 001 000 000-1
Boston 130 000 00x-4
Haefner, Ferrick (2), Masterson
(6), and Evans; Dobson and Par-

ichiegan's }undfi;err ,utrMall-
agers Clib which ha wben inac-
tive since the beg inninrg of the
Warwasr eact ivat ("d at a special
meingi, of xll the, Se nior Varsity
Manaerscalled by assistant Ath-
let is Director Ernie McCoy. Elec-
tions oft officers w( ir(, held, and
Max t'Coen, rmanager of the 1946
footll 5O td asc osen pas
(i i ima i a tc l~'inth1'leisch -
I ta Ai', Iltai11a utg'was
Organized in 19i22
The Underraduate Managers
C'muncil was organ ird iuwing the
riolr i g yearF 19"2-23 withii th e
,oVOW( I(AihI ccl dofiPfirs, to bring
ty~t't I 'lle Io* vatioiI ; c11,101, who,
throghothl~e years of Miehti
gi sAI.1 ilftt ic I isl.ory , h ave intn -
a: w (dtOle 'various teams, and grant
tl~rI iem rivilcges coot h itherto ac:-
cordled; and, second, and much
inore important, to . further the
caui se of a better Michigan.
TIhe Managers Club when trans-
acting formnal business is known
as the Undergraduate Managers
Council and only the Senior Var-
sity Managers are eligible to vote.
This Council is entrusted with the
task of recommending measures
to the Board inr Control of Physi-
cal Education and Al ilet ies.
Recruits Wanltcd
After deciding upon matters of
athletic importance, which may
be brought up by students on camn-
pus through appropriate petitions
or by members of the Council,
r'ecommnendations are passed on
to the Board in Control of Physi-
cal Education and Athletics.
ft also acts in an unofficial ca-
paci ty an d at present its chie f
aiml is to elevate the standing of
thei ath letic m ranagers to a level
enjoyed prior to the war and to
the prestige enjoyed at many oth-
er universities throughout the
country. It intends to do this by
a vast recruitment of athletic

'Flae icllurlcr sNamed Iby r'isIxer '',ic

lAoy d house-, All-Camus 1-
l -oftball(chapions, w mid
like to schedulle a warmn-up
game with alny interested team
for ;!:00 p.m. Sunday. Contact
Don .Pfeifer, ,05 Lloyd1, 24401.

Dfiy W ke
111,1T '1'IIElA'NAClFt8 ( 'LIB-Ated leflt tori~hit: '. iHawley T;, ppizic, NLax lKganu, Ernie MlcCoy,
lfauk Hatch; Staitding-: Bill Graves, George How land, Rild Ltov , .'~l iJih cr lhiiKniivila
and Joan Dreifus.

managers for'.all sports in order
that these sports may be run as
efficiently as possible.
The Managers Athletic Club
therefore urges all upper semester
freshmen and sophomores who
are sinocerely interested in posi-
tions as Athulet i Managers, for the
Var:sity sports to contact the
above-named managers. Especial-
ly needed are managers for such
Spring Sports as, Outdoor Track
and Baseball and Spring Football.
Gunner Johnson
Signs JWith Bears
Farnhanm, "Gunner" John-
son, former' Wolverine end now
at Wisconsin, has reportedly
signed with the Chicago Bears.
Johnisoni was a Marine trainee
at Michigan in 1943. Fred Ne-
gus, another Badger-Wolverine
all-Conference center, signed
with the Rockets earlier in the

I Yesterdnay's Sa JIII'SIe pC P
Hlank (;,-eenberg-HIis first iNh Cl jwsAIj efBy i ll
homer started Pirates toward 7-1I OTEL pi 7-(P
thuliigo Cb.,~Maurice (The Rocket) Richard
kept the Montreal Canadiens in
Floyd >1 wens --11urled mnaster- t he Stanley Cup hockey playoffs
ful three hitter to stop) A's 2- 1. tonight by scoring twvo goals to
pace the Flying Frenchmen to a
Johinny Jorgenson -~ Dodger j:3-1 victory over the Toronto Maple
rookie batted in six runs withI Leafs. Thle Leafs now lead the
Homer and two doubles to pace Canucks three games to two in the
Bum~s 12-6 triumph, best-of-seven series.
The Canadiens played their best
Kent Peterson-Rookie Cincin-r game since taking the opener,
nati righthander who stopped 6-0, as they remained on the of-
Cards cold in eight inning relief fensive virtually all the way.
chore. A crowd of 12,898 fans saw Rich-
airch opened and closed the scor-
)oti) DiMaggio - Whose t Wo run jug ti;for Montreal. The classy right
double settled issue of Hoso0\,li winge laced a vicious ankle-high
over~ Washington. <hot past netmiinder Trik Birod t
less than that two minutes after
Mike McCormick-Got three hits th e start of the game and 28 sec-
including homer to drive in three onds before the end of the second
runs in Phils 11-5 trouncing of period, rifled home his second
Giants. counted to sew it up.

If Old Sol soaks up enough of
the dew lying about, Michigan's
baseball team will help open-i
Wayne University's spring season
when they play host to the Tar-
tars at 3:30 p.m.
This will be the first of a two
game weekend series between the
schoo)ls, the second of which was
scheduled to take place in De-
troit tomorrow afteinoon. If no
field is available, the contest will
be played here.
The Wolverines will have a 10
game experience advantage over
Wayne as a result of a five and
four' record on the Souithern
trip and an 11-10 tri-tmph over
the lrishl of Notre Daie last
Coach Ray Fisher plans to use
six pitchers in the two-game en-
couniter. Freshmen Bob Fancett
and. John Hicks will probably see
much twvirling action against the
Tartars. Fisher said that both
these hurlers will go three innings
each if they show all right, Dick
Schmidtke, who pitched to but
two batters in the Notre Dame
game, is also liable to take a,
three-inning stint this weekend.
Other pitchers slated for duty
include southpaw J. T. White
and Art Dole, who throws from
the orthodox side of the mound.
Neither of these flingers went
south, and this will be their first
chance to show their pitching
Fisher plans to stick to the
same line-up he used. against
Notre Dame with one exception.
Paul White will be back in left
field instead of Paul Vieth withi
Bumnp Elliott and Bob Wiese.
Howie Wikel, Dom Toinasi, Jack
Weisenburger and Charley Ket-
terer will be in the infield with
John Kulpinski behind the plate.
Wayne's untried nine comes
to Ann Arbor with the services

of Ray Stevens, a hitcher who
led his team, rw, to the
Detroit has e ba IIFe derItion
championship last stilin r with
a recordI of 11 wiiniln two de-
feats. Stephens is a freshman
at Wayne and will probablly
litch the opener today.
Dave Abramson is a hPard Ihit-
ting infielder who will play short-
stop. Big Rip Collins,; will (d0 the
backstopp inT)3,f or the Tartarls.
Michigan fanls will renlt'r Col-
lins' antics from 1 l.At"vyear's Coll-
Afteri'I s xvecik(,'ndI he Wol-
ve1'nes w"ill lay foubrilhome1141111
nex,,t week, W4't'eiMi('hi-,an ill1
be hre onMITuedWay to(be14followe'd
by the University or v etro1 lWWed
n1'iesa. AMichigan \vIltopen its
WetErn ICol n'ence a on witl
two gamnes with Ilni next, fri-
day and Saturdayi.
Cornell Tllhifllals
Scheduled for '18-49
(Michigan's track team has
scheduled two outdoor dual
meets with Cornell University
in 1948 and 1949, Coach Ken
Doiherty announced yesterday.
The meet which will be held
next year at Ithaca, N.Y. will
renew a. dual meet series begun
in 1902 when the Maize and
Blue camne out on the long end
of a 421,' to 2911/ score. Since
then the two schools have met
18 times with the Michigan
thinclads taking 11 victories to
seven for the Big Red.

Gabardincs, Coverts, Tweeds
$35.00 to $504)0
Single Breasted
in all the new shades
$7.50 to $10.00'
122 East Liberty


A handsome brogue cut
from rich wine Cordovan. ° 1
Black leather sole. Resistant
to0 wear and water'. Onc of /
our best values in line shoec-i g ilzod at
St Sviye 8t ,.E
Al, o . .. jiti/ receve s(I ril Id rfcs


The economic
~ 4~' takes you plac
,./ . - miles on a
thrilling perfo
thrilftiest mot

ical Whizzer bike motor
aces for pennies! Go 125
gallon of gas. Enjoy
rmance with America's
itori zeci transportation.


STUDENT COUPLE desire 2, 3. 4 or 5
roOM apt. Furnished or unfurnished
star'tinig Ju.c July or Aug. Box 16.
S 'i'IDENT ANI) WIFE desire to rent or
sub-lease a partmntntfo~r drat,[ion of
Lane at 2-1465 alter 8 p~tin. 35
EMPLOYI;l, WIDOW d(--ires apairtmuent.
for occupianc y any tine before Ju oly.
Exc-i (],lt referen'es. Reply Box 8,
Michigan Dail1y or phione 2-X1738. )38
WANTED TO RE.NT1 --A house or large
a pad roui( ). Jfr summuter mlonths of
J utie, July, A uguist, also SepteMber, if
possible. Will pay full rent In ad-
vance. Box 25, Mich. Daily. )17
HAVE 3-ROOM apartment in fine mid-
town Manhattan apartment. Will con-
sider trade furnished or unfurnished
for Ann Arbor apartment or small
modern house for period up to two
yeair., beginning Jine. Write Box 106,
Michigan Daily. )12
fl or ftiil-timin'jot)Inu1lunch room.
11ours 5 l1A 2 uoiiglil ,4019 E. Jefer-
sort. )345
SALESMAN to represent York Refrig-
era tioni and Air Conditioning Distrib-
utor in Washtenaw Count y. Salary
and commtission. Write box 20. )16
Prefer men tinder :10 years of age whol
are thoroug->hly trained in the funda-
m'ental principles of physics and en-
gineering and who possess an ability
to apply these principles to experi-
mental work on processing of rubber
and textiles. Must bo' college graduate.
Reply giving full details of back-
ground , edlucation, etc. to
U. S. Rubber Company
66t00 E. Jefferson
Detroit ;32, Michigan
c/o Mr. R. C. Chope )33
Read and Use
Daily Classified Ads

FOR SALE ,-Mail's Bicycle. Got'tl conidi-
tion. Ph. 6980, 1437 White. )21
ENGIS.-H RIDIGBOOT'S for sale Sivze
8D. Usedl only twice. Rudy Swe'de r,
j212 Winuluell. 2-4401., ) I5
OIL spacs e etei' lpiacti('a Ily new, cui.
triiOS.trot plate, oelectric' oven, etc.
jMis. Uriw 2-,'4426,'ti l :00p.. t0
FOR SALE: Nearly new: RCA Vi'tor
cmibiniation radio-recordt player. Ph.
4059, SpeCncer', after 6:301pa)11. )42
A BETTER PRICE paid for Men's used
clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. )14
'TUXEDO, size 40, electric iron, pillows,
e'nd tablets, dishes, bed spread, lamp.
wardrobe, nmiscellaneouis. 1117 Ch'uirch
St., Ph. 2-2697. )
1946 FORD, 2-door sedan, super deoluxe.
Radio, hea;ter. etc. 500)0 miles. Best
offer tajk( -,. Phone 2-3307 a fter 6 p i.
I137 t(;iIRY1.1 :1:'lr iik sedant, origi-
nial blac<k finish, radio, !ietlei, over-
FOR. SALE -Conn Bl-flat straight so-
prano sax with case'. Needs cleaning',.
used very little. First $50 takes it.
Daily. Box 72. )22
GOLFERS- Your golf cNiuhs are here.
Take ,your pick. Hlagon, Spalding and
Wilson, aill prices. Municipal Golf'
Course. '9230. )1 3
mnens golf clubs-2 woods, 6 irons
(hickory shafts) canvas bag. $40.
Walter, 343 Liberty Court, Ph. 6012)2!)
FOR SALE-i127 Exakta camera, f 2.8
Zeiss Tessar, shutter 1/1000, self-
timer, p1lus accessories-mueter, photo-
flash, tripod. See S. Kaplan, Roomr
C-i1, Lawyers Club. ) 28
you select your golfing needs. Com-
plete lines of all top-grade clubs,
bags, balls. Phone 2-2058 or 4044.
Johnny Malloy, Golf Professional. )18

WANTED---Two tickets for May Festival
1'o1" evenings of May 9 or May 10.
Pi ( o'6438. ) 31
WATI1):3 or 51 okbtIo matinee,
Ma,,y 10). May Festival. Call Ann Ar-
liar, 2--62394. )34
WXV-TED--I I(hoool standoardoltmauke tenor
sax. latjotr jimeferru'cli. luye' -in Itown
itiday. Write hito x72, )ialy, giving'
phone:uti tiibet'. )26
SALES -_ John h< dwin --- SERVICE
855 Tappan Av'e. Phone 2-7412 )10
renit. Standards ort portables. Office
Eqiuipmient Service Co., IlI S. Fourth
Avenue. ,)36
faction guaranteed. References sup-
plied. "They wet and fret, I sweat and
set, you won't regret." Call J. C. W.
Tfittersall, 2-3236. )
'he ly'a tisn''lhing,'' but if the
1thid diout play, give tus ai-loig, and
wu'll fix it tolay. Phlonie 9241 or
bring yourirai o to thle 'Tavern Cafe-
ter ia foriexpert; radio re palr service.) 19
MICIGAN GRADa operating one of
Michigan's largest independent Dance
Schools, has excellent permanent op-
einings this summer for men and wo-
nien in teaching and promotional
work. Write Rae Larsen, 204 S. Jack-
son St., Jackson, Mich. )91

FOUND-Eversharp pen before vacation
In snow near Engine Arch. Call 4879
between 7-9 p.m. )27
LOST-Black Shaeffer pen xv ~t namre
on band. If found, please call Bletty
iBloxom, phone 2-2543. }
TIWO RINGS and a bracelet in ladles
room of Michigan theatre. Senti-
mental value. Reward. )20)
LOST: Gray covert topcoat taken from
Chemn. Bldg., April 3. Return or
phone 215 Prescott. )344
PEN-Brown and gold Eversharp, lost in
or near N.S. Auditorium. Please turn
in to Room 1. Univ'. Hall. Sentimental
LOST-near Arcade. man's brown lea-
ther wvallet containing identification
and money. Finder please call 2-2581
for Thomas E. Lusk. Reward. )32
LOST-A beautiful friendship and my
roommate's favorite silver snake chain
necklace. Happened Frday 4th in
doctor's office Health Service or ini
University High. $10 reward plus
gratitude. Call 2-1146. Ask for Carol.)2
DEAR. T.S.: R. U. going to Running
Rampant? It's Sunday night at 1930
-A good deal for only 50c. P. U. )40
REDUCE! Lose pounds and inches
where you want them of f. Come in
from 9 am. to 8 p.m. for an intro-
ductory treatment and be convinced.
Baskin 8 N. Normal St., Ypsilanti. )7

- r
Try Whizzer today! Take e tide on
the lowsil. sta'S ot;o ized transpor-
tation onl the mnarket. Enjoy this-
popular 21/2 hoisepower, economi-
cal bike imoto. Go the Whizz7esway!
WHI Z ER BIKE $975. ,
Rae, e adVad4y m

Immediate Delivery on Complete Units
Time Payments Available


424 S. Main St.

Phone 7187

- I

Only 00O I !
(April foull ade) <f

\. ,~ F.


' If you don't believe Spring is here, just
so round land lo~ok a th rbrov of Arrowv

8.00 to 15.00
\ - If you're a golfer ..
Yvv* or a sportsman at heart
z you could hardly
j : .,ry select anything you'd
FI like better. Shown in
os a variety of weights,
s weaves and colors. The
t~ r ~ slip-over illustrated is a
4f good example . . . with
j~ ~ full fashioned sleeve.
In camel, blue, green,
canary ...
Ann Arbor Detroit

are now here in excellent selection ... slacks
for active sports . .. slacks for casual wear
with contrasting jackets. Properly tailored
with pleats, in pure wool gabardines, flannels
and Spring worsteds, in plain colors or plaids.
$7.95 4+^!%$1 A-9

Actuarlly you can buy yourself loo of these delicious
Arrow foulards for m~t dollars.
And whether you're a man who likes a neat figure or a
bold one you will find soul satisfying patterns amng

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