TWO THEMICHIGANDAILY PLAY PRODUCTION: Ticket Sales for Saint Joan Drama Will Begin Monday RE ADY FOR INSPECTION: Engine School To Hold Open House, Slide Rule Ball Today Tickets for "Saint Joan," George Bernard Shaw's dramatization of the life of the French martyr Joan of Arc, will go on sale Monday at MICHIGAN the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box-office. The play, to be presented by the speech department's play produc- tion classes April 24th through 26th has long been recognized as one of Shaw's outstanding dramas and one of the most elaborate to produce. Prof. William Halstead of the speech department will direct the production with Robert Mellen- camp directing scenery construc- tion. Coming - May Festival! (Continued from Page 1) The principle attrac by the departments of roof of the East Engineering gineering and naval Building to report via walkie-talkie will be the marine tan radio the approach of the jet- the West Physics Buil propelled planes. At ROTC head- The Departments o quarters, visitors can view a num- Transportation Engin ber of new ordinance and signal arranged displays in corps developments and assorted portation Library in pieces of equipment. Highlights neering Building. include a recently developed pneu- matic "anti-blackout" suit, the new "dead-reckoning" navigation trainer and a one-man life raft. Lt. Col. Ralph W. Pierce, chief of 14 le1w the Army's Criminal investigation department, will be on hand to IMPORTE explain a newly developed Army CARVED lie detector. In addition to its display of aCd C instruction equipment in the PORCELA East Engineering-. Building, the aeronautical engineering depart- INDIAN ment will offer the Willow Run visitors a display of recent de- velopments in jet propulsion, in- eluding a unit in actual opera- tion. Ac A fifteen-minute motionpicture on heat-treated safe-edge glass- ware and "That the World May See" will highlight a number ofex i ts po ord b th en - exhibits sponsored by the engi neering research department. The films will be shown from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 5 p.m. in Rm. 229, West Engineering Building. Other research displays in the tion offered marine en- architecture k located in ding. of Civil and eering have the Trans- East Engi- FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1947 OUR PRICE: Weekdaysuntil 5 P.M., 250 Evenings and Sundays, 30c - Today and Saturday -- CROSS MY HEARLT with Betty Hutton Sonny Tufts and - JUNGLE TERROR with Frank Buck 4 I For Real Dancing Enjoyment The Melody Men Orchestra Phll Savage Evenings 25-8084 Michigras April 25-26 1 BURNING INDUSTRIAL PLANTS-This is an aerial view of burning industrial plants in Texas City, Tex. after an explosion aboard a French vessel in the harbor. /i 11 I Also CARTOON - NEWS Sunday BOB HOPE in "my Favorite Brunette" North Main Opposite Court House --Ends Tonight - THE 13th IiOUR plus BORDERLAND --Starting Saturday - BRINGING UP FATHER plus SILVER STALLION News and Serial Prof. Johnison To Speak on Roman Egypt The Thomas Spenser Jerome lecture series will continue at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Am- hitheatre when Prof. Allan Ches- ter Johnson of Princeton will speak on "Systems of Land Ten- ure" in ancient Roman Egypt. Prof. Johnson is one of the lead- ing authorities in the field of pa- pyri and ancient history. He will repeat the six-lecture series next year at the American Acadeny of Rome, according to the provisions of the will of Mr. Jerome, who de- voted himself to the study of the Roman Empire. Lectures next week will be giv- en Monday on "Serfdom," Wed- nesday on "Taxation in the By- zantine Period" and Thursday on "Byzantine Administration." One of the foremost hat-col- lectors is Winston Churchill who possesses every type of civilian and military headpiece from ev- er ycountry he has visited. His military collection covers three wars and a fifty-year period. Former Army commissioned of- ficers who will receive a degree by July 15 are now eligible for Regu- lar commissions under new War Department plans, Major R. H.- Scott of the campus ROTC unit announced today. The new program providestthat appointments to Regular status may be made in the Coast Artil- lery, Cavalry, Field Artillery, In- fantry, Engineering, Finance De- partment, Ordnance, Quartermas- ter Corps, Signal Corps, Chemical Corps, and Military Police if the applicant is under 28 and was com- missioned before July 15, 1944. Officers requesting appointment in the Air Corps, Judge Advocate General's Department, Medical Corps, Veterinary Corps, a n d Chaplain's Corps will have the{ age requirement waived. War Department officials will visit the campus during May to acquaint qualified students with the program, Major Scott said. He BONUS FOR BRASS: Former Officer Graduates Offered Army Commssions added that a screening board will visit the campus at a later date to interview applicants. Students may procure additional VmWaow Ilull 1 I a information auout the program ac t EgneigBidn n ROTULLiC1Ai head U ar 1t ~ ' East Engineering Building in- ROTC headquarters. lude instruments used in V-2 - rocket experimentation, brake lin- Six Abbott Scholarship ing improvements, the determina- tion of "creep" in alloy steels at Given Undergraduates high temperatures and equipment used in metal processing. Emma M. and Florence L. Ab- Nuclear physics research facili- bott undergraduate scholarships of ties, including the University's cy- $500 each have been awarded to clotron and partially completed the following, students: synchroton, will be displayed by Rita Catherine Callahan, of the physics department in the East Lowell, Mass.; Marilyn Phyliss Physics Building. Birch of Grand Rapids; Kather- A spectacular display awaits the ine Elizabeth Stasewich of Hazel1 visitor at the metallurgical engi- Park, Mich.; Phyliss Margaret neering laboratory when a heated Smith of Alberquerque, N. M.; Lois cupola furnace is tapped early in Corrinne Perry of Kalamazoo; and the afternoon. Other department Ann Rost Mandenberg of Okemos, exhibits in the East Engineering Mich. Building include metallurgical X-rays and analysis, and an on- the-scene casting of bronze souv- Keep Buying Bonds. enir paper weights. , °_ , a . . 'M Are,,yOMugoing. W*here? RUNNING RAMPANT DRUG S'To-R 1o1R ussROUS :a WELL"GUOOME1D HMAIR Campus Variety Show HILL AUDITORIUM A pril 20th~ 7:30 P.M. 50C DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 4 4 Jack Sprat could eat no fat His wife could eat no lean Betwixt them both.., with GRANADA'S food, They licked the plotter clean! THE DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH presents PLAY PRODUCTION in L 'V ..t Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the president, Room 1021 Angell hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, APRIL 18. 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 135 Notices Parking Regulations: Beginning April 21 a sticker notice will be at- tached to the windshield of all cars found parked in restricted areas without Campus Parking Permits; parked on cross-walks, lawns or lawn extensions, or in front of hydrants; parked to ob- struct driveways, entrances, or exits, or so parked as to prevent the free exit of cars properly parked. Robert C. Angell Walter M. Roth R. P. Briggs Herbert G. Watkins University Committee on Parking Students in the College of Engi- neering are excused from classes in this college on April 18 in order that they may assist in conduct- Ing the Engineering Opcn House. Classes will be held on Saturday as usual. Executive Committee of the College of Engineering Forestry Assembly: 11 a.m. Wed., April 23, Rackham Amphi- theatre, Colonel William B. Gree- ley, former Chief of the U. S. For- est Service and now Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ameri- members of the School are ex- pected to attend, and others inter- ested are cordially invited. All women students will be granted late permission until 1:30 a.m. on Fri., April 18, for the fol- lowing dances: Slide Rule Ball, Blackfoot Ball, West Quad Ball. To All Navy Students in Train- ing under The Holloway Plan; May.3" 1947, has been set as the final date for the acceptance of Navy book and supply requisi- tions at the book stores. All fac- ulty members are requested to an- ticipate material needed through, the end of the semester and au- thorize same on or before May 3. All back orders for material not in stock at the bookstores will be canceled as of May 3. Veteran Students in the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry are urged to consult the bulletin boards in their respective schools. All men whose names appear on the list posted must report to the Cashier's Office, Veterans Section, 302 South Wing, immediately. Veterans: This is to notify all veterans receiving benefits under P.L. 346 that during the period between April 15 and April 19 they will have the opportunity to make corrections or changes in the leave applications filed at the time of registration. All veterans who are included in any one of the following groups must report to the V.A. Guidance Center, Rm. 100A Rackham Bldg., if they are to avoid the interrup- tion of subsistence payments. 1. Those who are planning to re-enroll for the Summer Ses- sion; 2. Those who are not planning to re-enroll for the Summer Ses- sion, but will desire leave; and 3. Those who desire their June check (normally mailed on July 1st) sent to a different address. Spring Sports program: Faculty members are cordially invited to participate in the spring sports program which will consist of softball, tennis singles and doubles, and a golf tournament. Softball games will be played on Tuesdays at 5:15, beginning April 29. Individuals and small groups who would like to play should call the Intramural Sports Depart- ment, phone Ann Arbor 8109, and they will be placed. on teams. De- partmental teams are particularly welcome. Softball entries should be made before April 26. The tennis and golf tournaments will be run next month but entries are now being accepted. ', II SWIFT'S DRUG STORE 340 South State To the presidents of all campus undergraduate organizations. You are requested to call at the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, Univer- sity Hall, to secure forms for re- porting the membership of your organization for the .current se- mester. These reports are due on or before April 23. To chairmen and managers of campus activities, and to presi- dents of campus organizations: All groups which have not previ- (Continued on Page 4) its 11 Continuous from 1 P.M. .+wwm -11 by Bernard Shaw Forrest Campbell "D'Estivet" George. J oin Marlin "Executioner" April 24, 25, 26 Evenings at 8:30 Saturday matinee 2:30 Tickets $1.2.0, 90c, 60c (tax inc.) Box Office opens Monday 10 A.M. YDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE s 4Ii THE FARM CUPBOARD Specializing in FRIED CH1ICKEN DINNERS Open 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. including Sundays. 5400 Plymouth Road (on the way to Detroit) Phone 9387 HOME OF GOOD FOOD Lunches 11:30-1:30 - only 65c Dinners (family style)-5:00-8:00 P.M.-$1.45 to $1.65 418 E. Washington (one-half block off State) Phone 9717 THE MAYFLOWER BREAKFASTS ... LUNCHEONS ... DINNERS Waffles our specialty . .. Better Coffee 307 South Main Street I COTTAGE INN Specializing in home Cooked Food . .. Steaks and Chops Open Weekdays 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M., 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. Sundays 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M., 5:00 - 9:00 P.M. Closed Saturdays 512 East Wililarn I I ~ It I I of"U ,fl. I lc. III