FOOTBALL t iCKE TS Se .age 4 Latest Deadline in the State Da11i4 POSSIBLE SHOWERS VOL. LVII, No. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Further lasts Thireatened in Texas City Vets' Reports Way Behind, Walter Says Students Protest DehinquentNotie Approximately 65 per cent of the University's student veterans have "cooperated only in part or not at all" with the University in filing weekly absence reports, Erich A. Walter, director of the Office of Student Affairs, said last night in a statement to The Daily, Walter's statement was made in reply to veterans' reaction to the notice sent out over his sig- nature this week to delinquent veterans reminding them to bring their reports up to date by today. Letters and phone calls protesting the notice were re- ceived by both The Daily and the Office of Student Affairs. Yesterday a steady stream of student veterans, many of whom said that they had filed complete reports, filled out additional re- ports at the Veterans' Service Bu- reau. Explanation for the discrepancy between the number of veterans who say that they have filed com- plete reports and the VSB's sum- mary list of reports was given in the Walter statement by Robert S. Waldrop, director of the VSB. Complete text of Director Walter's statement may be found on page 4. He said that many veterans have used incorrect C-numbers or have failed to record any C-number. Failure to write legibly was given as another cause for error. Either of these errors would nullify the report and indicate failure to re- port on the master list. In order to correct errors in ab- sence reports, veterans should file additional reports in boxes desig- nated for that purpose. Only in cases where the veteran feels that he has properly filled out and filed the weekly report, should he con- sult the Veterans 'Service Bureau, Walter said. Bandcf Pestivai Begins Today Soloists, Ensembles Seek Contest Ratings Ann Arbor will be invaded to- day and tomorrow by some 5000 band and orchestra members from high schools throughout the state. The visitors will be participat- ing in the Annual Music Festival of the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association. Individual Admission to the Annual Music Festival of the Michigan School Band and Orchestra As- sociation is complimentary. All musical events both today and tomorrow are open to the pub- lic. instrumentalists and ensembles will be seeking ratings today and band and orchestra groups tomor- row. Awards will be given in five divisions. The association, which holds mid-winter meetings as well as the yearly festivals, has grown from an initial group of a few directors in 1935 to over 300 music teach- See STATE, page 6 City Police Set To Sell Bikes Twenty-seven unclaimed bicy- cles will be sold at a public auc- tion to be held at 10 a.m. Satur- day, April 26 at the police garage in back of the Ann Arbor City Hall, it was announced yesterday by Police Chief C. M. Enkmann. The bicycles, some of which are in very good condition, have been recovered by the police, but have gone unclaimed for the legal pe- Daily--Wake ENGINEERS' TRAINING-Baby sitter Ev Ellin befuddled-reading slide rule to Scott as his mother, Mrs. W. F. Saulson, and Peg Pielou, of Ann Ar-bor Public Health Nursing Association watch. Slide Rule Ball publicity l romised that information lead ing to baby-sitters would e provided married couples atending the dance. World News Roundup By The Associated Press LANSING, April 17-The Michi- gan Legislature today greeted with mixed emotions Governor Sigler's special financial message which indicated a need for upwards of $32,000,000 in new taxes. The Governor gave the Legis- lature no specific recommenda- tions for new financing, but of- fered three possibilities and recom- mended fakirng back $21,250,000 in state grants to local governments -mostly townships-to help elimi- nate an expected state deficit of $83,000,000. MOSCOW, April 17--Chances for salvaging an Austrian peace treaty from the deadlocked Mos- cow Conference faded tonight and some German experts among the delegations prepared to leave for Berlin apparently abandoning hope of further progress on a German pact. * * * WASHINGTON, April 17-Com- pany reports that some strike- hampered telephone service is im- proving came today as union lead- ers aimed at an early settlement., . * PEORIA, Ill., April 17-Settle- ment -of the long and bloody To- ledo, Peoria and Western Rail- road strike, during which its president was slain from ambush and two union pickets were shot and killed, was announced to- night. * * * WASHINGTON, April 17-The' Federal Coal Mines Administra- tion said today that inferior health standards are not general in the coal industry, but that conditions in a few mining camps "are a dis- grace to the country." READY FOR INSPECTION: Engine School To Hold Open House, Slide Rule Ball Today By BOB BALL and BOB WHITE Today is "Visitors' Day" at the Engineering College as the school throws open its doors from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the first post-war En- gineering Open House, a project planned and carried out entirely by engineering students. The Slide Rule Ball, featuring the music of Bob Strong and his orchestra, will round out the day's activities. The dance is to be held in the Intramural Building from 9 to 1 a.m. Some last minute adiditions have been made to the Open House exhibits at Willow Run Airport. "The Flying White House," Army --- - C-54 used by the late President Strike Bill Is Approved By Lawmakers Would Restrict U n ions, Walkouts By The Associated Press_ WASHINGTON, April 17 - A bill to curb strikes, restrict union activities and make some sweep- ing changes in New Deal labor law was passed overwhelmingly today by the Republican-con- trolled House. But even as it went to the Sen- ate, thedLabor Committee there completed a milder measure of its own, stripped of some of the major House provisions, and sent it to the floor for debate to start next Wednesday The House vote on final passage was 308 to 107. This would be margin enough to override any veto by President Truman, if the lineup on such a test should re- main the same. While the Senate Labor Com- mittee's vote was 11 to 2 for its legislation, Senator Taft (Rep.- Ohio), committee chairman, an- nounced he will lead a fight on the floor to restore some of the stricken provisions t h r o u g h amendments. Taft meanwhile voted for the bill to get it out to the floor, along with Senators Aiken (Rep.-Vt), Ball (Rep.-Minn.), Smith (Rep.- NJ.-, Morse (Rep-Ore.', Donnell (Rep.-Mo.), Jenner (Rep.-Ind). Ives (Rep.-N.Y.) Elbert Thomas (Dem.-Utah), Ellender (Dem.- La.) and Hill (Dem.-Ala.). That first includes senators of both views - some favoring a stronger bill, others favoring an even mild- er one. Haber Favors Industry-Wide Labor Pacts Colective Bargaining. Restrictions Opposed The outlawing of industry-wide bargaining, which accounts for a great growth in labor power and is the most logical means of col- lective bargaining today, would wipe out the constructive work of half a century, Prof. William Hab- er of the economics department said yesterday. Speaking before Americans for Democratic Action on current la- bor legislation, Prof. Haber called industry-wide bargaining the cen- tral issue ein the telephone strike and in current labor discussions in Congress. He said it is possible these discussions might end up in no legislation at all except for the "terrific momentum" for labor leg- islation and the general attitude of Congress, the press and the peo- ple that "something must be done about labor." Observing that there is no "roy- al road" to industrial harmony, Prof. Haber pointed out that the worst thing we can do is to act on the basis of anger. Measures which should be taken, he said, are to make strikes of minority unions illegal, to impose compul- sory arbitration of jurisdictional dispute strikes, and to revive the Federal Conciliation Service, with a compulsory conciliation period of ten days before notice of strikes can be given. BALLAD SINGER-Miss Jackie Ward, accompanied by a four man instrumental group, will perform in "Running Rampant," all student variety show to be presented Sunday in Hill Auditorium for the benefit of the Hayden Memorial Library Fund. ** * *4 FOR HAYDEN FUND: Students To Run Rampant' In Hill Variety Show Sunday __ I Law Groups To Hear Sigler Scheduled To Speak At Meetings Today Michigan's Governor, Kim Sig- ler, will appear before two campus groups today. The first of the Governor's Ann Arbor appearances will be made at 12:15 at the Allenel Hotel at a luncheon given by Phi Alpha Del- ta, campus legal group. The sec- ond will be at the annual Found- er's Day Dinner of the Lawyers Club, where the Governor will de- liver the evening's address. The topic of the talk is as yet un- announced. The Governor will pilot his pri- vate plane here from Lansing, ar- riving in Ann Arbor at noon. Af- ter attending the luncheon he will leave the city by plane, returning by automobile at 6 p.m. for the Lawyer's Club dinner. Approximately 375 persons, in- cluding Judges Frank Picard and Sherman Callender of Detroit and Laurent K. Varnum, President of the State Bar Association, will hear the Governor speak at the evening dinner. I Roosevelt on his history-making trips to Casablanca and Teheran will be at the airport through courtesy of PCA Airlines, own- er of the ship. The plane has a special elevator hatch, built to accommodate the late Presi- dent's wheelchair. Several private and commercial aircraft will also be at the airport for inspection by visitors, and the supersonic wind tunnel, which went into operation yesterday, will be open to the public. Transportation for all wish- ing to see the displays at the air- port will be provided by buses leaving East Engineering Build- ing every hour from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Large numbers of outsiders as well as students are expected to make the rounds of the campus Students in the engineering college have been excused from all classes in that college today in order that they may parti- cipate in the Open House. Classes will be held as usual tomorrow. and airports exhibits. Several high schools in the state are send- ing whole classes here by special bus to view the displays. The Central Committee for the Open House, composed of John Cox, chairman; Lenore Olson, sec- retary; Robert Ware, Stan Saul- son and John Morrison, associate chairmen, announced that every department of the Engineering College is participating in today's program with exhibits and dem- onstrations. All engineering fa- cilities on campus are open to the public, with engineering students acting as guides. On campus, displays and fea- tures will be centered in the East and West Engineering Build- ings, the East Physics Building, the Electronics and Communica- tions Building, the rifle range, North Hall and ROTC head- quarters. The campus ROTC in conjunc- tion with the AAF has arranged to have several P-80's flown over the campus at approximately 2 p.m. Spotters will be stationed on the See ENGINE, page 2 "Running Rampant" the only all student variety showtplanned this semester, will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in Hill Audi- torium. Tickets for the seven-act variety show are now on sale at the League, Union, University Hall and Hill Auditorium box office. Selling for 50 cents each, all tick- ets are for unreserved seats. Memorial Fund Benefit Under the chairmanship of Pat McKenna, '49, "Running Ram- pant" is for the benefit of the Hayden Memorial Library Fund. The talent show is scheduled to in- clude two hours of professional calibre entertainment. Don Mitchell Wins Contest 'Power of an Idea' Is Subject of Speech Don Mitchell, '49, speaking on "The Power of an Idea," won first place in the University Oratorical Contest yesterday. Second place was awarded to Nafe E. Katter, '49, for his speech on "False Democracy." Other con- testants were Gellert A. Seel, '47, whose topic was "Mankind and the Mosquito," and William A. Starr, '48, who spoke on "Fascist States of America." Mitchell will represent the Uni- versity in the Northern Oratorical League Contest to be held May 2 at Northwestern University. He will compete with students from the University of Wisconsin, West- ern Reserve University, the Uni- versity of Iowa, the University of Minnesota and Northwestern Uni- versity. Prof. Louis M. Eich of the speech department was chairman of the contest.. Mack Ferguson's jazz octet will open the program with 20 minutes of jazz improvisation. The show will continue with Judy Claire, blues singer; a Filipino dance group composed of University ex- change students; Jackie Ward, ballad singer, accompanied by a four man instrumental group; Nafe Alley, impersonator with "a tour through Hollywood"; an au- dience participation event, "con- sequences"; and several numbers by the Women's Glee Club. Stephenson To MC Master of ceremonies for the show will be Jim Bob Stephenson, teaching fellow in the speech de- partment, who was starred for two years in University play produc- tions. . "Running Rampant" is part of the campus fund-raising drive to help establish the Hayden Me- morial Library at the University of the Philippines. The drive also includes a pledge subscription campaign under the chairman- ship of Russ Mullen, '49. Part of a nation-wide drive among alumni to raise $50,000 for the purpose of building a Memo- rial Library at the University of the Philippines, the pledge portion of the drive got underway this week on campus. The completed library is to be named in honor of the late Prof. Joseph Hayden, University Political Scientist, who devoted his life to the advance- ment of the Philippine nation. MYDA Reftwes Rfed Charges Denies Statements Of House Committee A statement refuting charges made by the House Committee on Un-American Activities that the "spectre of Communism stalks our college campuses masked under the cloak of the American Youth for Democracy" was issued yester- day by the executive board of MYDA, local chapter of AYD. The statement reads "We of MYDA are proud to have incurred the wrath of Mr. Rankin and his Un-American committee. We are in distinguished company with David Lilienthal, the late Presi- dent Roosevelt, Henry A. Wallace, Paul Robeson and many others." It declares that it is because MYDA fights for such things as broader educational opportunities, more and better housing, for a peaceful world through support of the UN', for the rights of labor and other "pressing problems of the American neonle" and against Jim Danger Area Evacuated as Tanks Flame Rescue Workers Issue (gas Masks By The Associated Press TEXAS CITY, Tex., April 17-- Blast-torn Texas City went through a second night of fear to- night as flaming oil tanks threat- ened further explosions to add to the devastation of two days' blasts which left an estimate 650 persons dead and thousands injured. The huge oil tank farm of the Humble Oil Company was burn- ing, the latest conflagration spreading from explosions which blasted three ships in the, harbor and destroyed the multi-million- dollar plant of the Monsanto Chemical -Company. Evacuation Ordered Rescue workers evacuated the immediate danger area early to- night and gas masks were passed out as a precaution against possi- ble spread of poisonous gases from further explosions. Homer Garrison, Jr., director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, telegraphed Gov. Beauford H. Jester at Austin that there was no necessity for further evacu,- tion. He said, however, that one tank containing a small amount of high-octane gasoline might ex- plode "at any time before tomor- row morning or fires may burn themselves out without further damage." Tank Farm Lost John H. Hill, Deputy Mayor and a chemical engineer, said that the Humble Oil and Refining COm-' pany had abandoned hope of sai ing any portion of the oil storage tank farm. He made the announcement shortly after a tank exploded a4 rocked the city at 6:53 p.m. Hill said that there was no storage of highly-inflammable and explosive butane gas on the farm, but con- ceded that "we haven't any. ide, what is in" two spherical tanks on property adjacent to the Humble Farm. He asserted that danger of more serious explosions was de. pendent on the contents of the two tanks, one large and one small. Bodies Still in Wreckage Two hundred and seventy-one bodies had been counted at a late hour tonight by rescue workers digging into the ruins of the water- front and industrial area. Of these, 194 had been identified. Many more bodies still lie in the wreck- age. Fire Captain J. B. Ruby of Hous- ton estimated that anywhere from 75 to 150 bodies remained in the Monsanto Plant alone. The Com- pany asked surviving workmen to report to designated places here and in Galveston to be counted. About 800 persons were in the plant when it was destroyed. Memorial Service A memorial service for all of the Texas City dead will-be held on the football field at 6 p.m. Saturday by the City's Ministerial Alliance. Officials asked for more fire trucks from Baytown to help com- bat the Humble fire. Masked and foam-equipped fire fighters bat- tled the oil flames to prevent their spread to high octane gasoline tanks. Deputy Mayor J. H. Hill said late today that all fires on the west side of the city had been under control. These included two at the At- lantic Refinery and one at Repub- lic. .The estimate of the dead and injured came from the Red Cross. Late today Deputy Sheriff Dick Parker of Harris County, in charge of the central morgue at the high s9hool gymnasium, said the known dead totaled 238. Rabbi Frain Flays Quotas Qualifications for admission to certain departments of the Uni- versity "are the same as qualifi- cations for the Ku Klux Klan," Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple Is- rael, Detroit, charged in an IRA round table discussion last night. LAB CREDIT REQUIRED: Courses in Psychology Are Reclassifed in Group Three By GAY LARSEN The days of working off natural science group requirements in non-laboratory psychology courses are virtually at an end. Starting next fall psychologyC courses numbered 40, 87, 88, 101, 119, 134, 157, 158 and 159 will be the only ones accepted to fill Group Two (natural sciences) re- quirements. The remainder of the courses have been reclassified and will be included in Group Three (social sciences), Prof. Burton D. Thuma of the psychology depart- ment announced yesterday. The action is in no way retro- active, he said. Students who have "It had never really fit the group requirement situation which is designed to subject the students to the techniques of the languages and literatures (Group One), the C natural sciences (Group Two) and the social sciences (Group Three). Therefore we decided to split the department along the line of the natural or social science implica- tions of the particular courses in- volved." The executive committee of the literary college also announced that individual students will not be able to apply psychology courses to the fulfillment of group re- ouirements in both Groups Two f 1 BIG TASK REMAINS: Little Progress In Germany, Pollock, U.S. Advisor, Says Although finding the democratic development in the United States zone in Germany "very gratify- ing," Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department said yesterday that the interna- tional aspects of the overall Ger- man situation has deteriorated in the past year. Prof. Pollock, who has just re- turned from Germany where he spent three months as civilian n~xricnr+n M ,,a,,ii m ,(I av f the magnitude of the task of purg- ing a nation of all persons influ- ential during a certain period," Prof. Pollock said, explaining that although in the American zone the most effective machinery has been set up, the program is far from completion. Precautions have been taken in the American zone to prevent former Nazi from influencing elec- tions by disqualifying them from Ga ra To Offen I