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April 17, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-17

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-Tt URSDAY, APRIL 17, 1947


TII1T~ Mwini&N ri.~uvv


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Dcnce To FeQture
Music by Krupa
Fraternities Will Present Formal Ball
Friday, May 2, at Intramural Building

Last of Slide
Rula Tickets
Will BeSold
A few tickets remain for the
Slide Rule Ball. which will be pre-'
sented from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to-
morrow in the Intramural Build-
ing, the dance committee an-a


Coeds Urged
Coeds wishing to obtain Junior
Lennue positions for 1947-48
are qrge(l to turn their petitions in
to the Undergraduate Office of the
League by noon Saturday.
The junior positions in League
activities which are open are

Gene Krupa, whose b a n d
last appeared on the Michigan
campus for the 1945 Panih>llenic-
Assembly Ball, will play for the
1947 Interfraternity Council Ball
to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.rm.
Friday, May 2, at the Intramural
Krupa began his career as a
drummer at the age of 13, and
left college to become a free-lance
artist with midwestern bands. He
joined Red Nichols band in New
York and played a number in the
revue, "Strike Up the Band." In1
1934 he joined Benny Goodman,
with whom he played until he or-
ganized his own band.
Features Music for Dancing
Originally his organization was
built to feature the leader's fren-
zied drumming, but Krupa has
admitted that the day 'of blatant
swing is past. According to the
maestro, "At least 60 percent of
the music bands which play today
should be fashioned for dancers.
Drummers and rhythm men
shouldn't bury the tune-they
should play it melodiously."
In addition to making record-
ings, network broadcasts and club
and hotelappearances, Krupa's
band appeared in. the movie
"Some Like It Hot" with Bob
Iiope. Carolyn Grey will provide
t he vocals for the dance.
'iclewts Go to Fraternities
Ticket sales for the sixteenth
annual IFC Ball will be limited
to affiliated men, and tickets will
be distributed through the under-
i ,
M 2ickigras
Apri 25-26

graduate fraternities. Parties at
the individual houses Saturday,
May 3, will be encouraged andi
The 7 houses wha have not
picked up their tickets for the
IFC Ball shiald do so btween
3 and 5 p.m. today in Room
106 at the Union.}


approved to make it an entire fra-
ternity weekend.
Women students have been
granted 1:30 a.m. permission for
the formal affair. No corsages will
be worn except by guests of the
central committee members.
Mixer Dnc
To Be Held
Tickets will be on sale at the
door only for the League dance
to be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Satur-
day in the League ballroom.
This is one in a series of Sat-
urday afternoon mixer dances
sponsored by League house and
dormitory women.
All men on campus are invitedc
to attend the mixer as guests of
the independent women. Popular
records will furnish the music forj
dancing. Cards will be supplied
for those interested in playing
bridge and refreshments will be
served. Coeds are urged to dressI
The current popularity of wo-
men's feathered hats dates back
to the Sixteenth Century when
feathers of rare birds replacedI
jewels and'gold as decoration -
for men's hats.


S G A tillwhose
M chwts W\Till




v .._._._ _._:. ,: _:..

You Jus tGotta Dance!

when you hear



Michigrs musicians will appear
at Six dances tumorrow and Sat-'
urdlay to publicize the all-campus
carnival io be presentel Friday
and Saturday, April 25 and 26.
Singing o r i g i n a l Michigras
words to a popular song, a quar-
tette will appear at the Blackfoot.
Slide Rule, and West Quad form-
als tomorrow and at tie Union,
tGai;<. itrl . ccrdn )toJack
ndo Goti w6ill feature
original niao compositions asj
:a va of the iM1ichigras enter-I
tainent. Members of the quar-
tet are U!ty Johnson, Audrey
Buttery, -tins iowland and
hic Ifouston.
Mwhich is to be pre-
sented ay the WAA and the Union
at the Yost Field house, will have
as a principle feature booths
planned and run by campus
Sororities, fraternities, and
resjdecie halls will sponsor the
bwoths at Michigras. These
wii' be of four general types.
hows, gamues of skill, refresh-
-ents, and concessions.
Shows will include follies, old
fashioned silent movies, a seance
and vaudeville routines. Houses
sponsouing shows are Beta Theta
Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Phi Kappa
Psi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and
Alpha Gamna Delta.
(iani's of skill will include
dart throwing, pop-gun shoot-
s o at ifigures of professors, and
a ra-ra'e.Houses sponsoring
game of skill booaths include
Th ra DeI Ch, Phi Gamma
De ltai, Phi Deta Theta, Delta
Gam ia, fign,1ray league
housc, and Kappa Delta.
JG Play Pictures
All coeds in the Junior Girls'
Play cast who ordered pictures
must pick them up from 4 to 5
p.m. tomorrow or 2 to 4 p.m. Sat-
urday in the League Lobby across
from the main desk.

nounced yesterday. those of three members of the Ju-
The remaining tickets will lo iciary Council; two members of
~{placed on sale today in the Engi- the Lee gue Interviewing Commit-
neering Arch, the Union, and the tee, one d:sitant to tile Secretary
Michigan Technic office in the of the Lee: e; five assistants to
SEastEngineering Building. No the Chairman of Orientation; five
. tickets will be sold at the dance. assi-tants to the Chairman of the
' Ball To Be in IM Building MeritTutoial Committee: four
asistants to the Personnel Chair-
The engineer's ball is being held
mn) ': six assistants to the Social
in the Intramural Building instead Chairman, four to be in charge of
,of Waterman Gymnasium, as orig- tie Ruthven Teas and two in
inally scheduled, because "the si carge of special events; and three
will play at IFC Ball May 2 and service facilities of Waterman .
Gymnasium are inadequate for a man.
large spring formal," according to
BehPublici* d Milt David, dance co-chairman. Other posts available are those
Bob Strong and his orchestra of two assistants to the Book Ex-
y Qwith Jo Ann Talley and Don change committeeone in charge of
Bailey, vocalists, will provide the sales and one in charge of perso-
music for Slide Rule Ball. Strong nnel; finance chairman of the
Students attending Michigras has recently returned from a per- Dance Class Committee: six Dance
will find numerous refreshment sonal appearance tour of the Class captains; and a floorshow
booths. Collegiate Sorosis and country's ballrooms to join the chairman and two assistants of the
Martha Cook will sell ice cream Midwestern college dance circvit. Ballroom Committee which has
and Alpha Eta and Kappa Alpha Willow Buses To Run harge of the Casbah. Other
Theta are to sell cokes. Helen The central dance committee has openings on the Ballroom Con-
Newberry and Wilcox League made special arrangements with, mittee are publicity chairman and
House will sell hot dogs; Alpha the University for late bus runs two assistants; and a decorations
Chi Omega, fruit punch; and Bet- from the Intramural Building to!chairman and two assistants.
sy Barbour, popcorn. Willow Run Village for the bene- 'The positions available on the
Winners at the games of skill fit of the residents attending the Junior Girls' Play Central Coin-
booths ill receive Michibucks dance. mittCee are general chairman, as-
which may be turned ifl at a The committee will also supply sistant chairman, director and
central prize booth for prizes lists of baby-sitters available for assistant director, secretary-treas-
worth various amounts accord- Friday in Ann Arbor and Willow urer and assistant, publicity chair-
ing to the number of Michi-
bucs owned. Prizes will in- Run Village. man, ticket chairman and assist-
elude canes, pandas, pen and Slide Rule Ball is traditionally ant, stage manager and assistant,
pencil sets, and leis. presented every spring by the and script chairman.
Three prizes are to be awarded Michigan Technic. The decora- Other posts open on JGP are
to boothsitions will follow an engineering those of dance chairman, cos-
t tbe given to the est decorated theme and will include a display tumes chairman .and assistant,
booth, the booth selling the most ;ofvryu hnoayininern js>nr
tickets, and the booth succeeding plaques donated by the honorar ry c h i r in a ii , properties
best financiallyf Entrance to the fraternities and societies. Tile chairman and assistant, make-up
bestfinncilly Entanc tothechairman, ushering chairman, and
booths will be by one, two, or com ttee asks that any organ-rograms chairman
three five-cent tickets, depending zation that has not as yet sub-
upon the nature of the booth. mitted their plaques please do so-
Golf Club To Meet at---~ PERSONAIZED


Spring floods are not always unpleasant, one of the
enjoyible sort being the flood of spring record releases
now available ...it covers the wide area of popular
sem i-classical and classical fields . . . Khachaiurian rides
a tide of popularity with his "Gayne-Ballet Suite" and
his "Concerto for Piano and Orchestra," the former
done by Ef rem Kurtz and the Philharmonic Orchestra
of New York, the latter by Koussevitsky andI the Boston
Symnphony with Win. Kapell as soloist.
The Philharmonic of New York is making quite a
splash this season under various batons . . . Stravinsky
conducts his augtnentel version of the "FirebrdI Suite,"
and Rodznski the Sibelus 4th Symphony . . . lesser
depths include Morton Gould's "Springtime"~ in which
you will find (water-marked with his inimitable style)
such favorites as Stormy Weather, Body and Soul,
Holiday for Strpris and Sophisticated Lady . . the
Green Isle's lakes and streams are celebrated in the
expected liquid manner by James Melton in aIrish
Songs" and by Richard Dyer-Bennet in six Irish songs
by (") Beethoven . . . wade in sometime, the wafer's fine!
715 North University, Phone 2- 542
North End of Djagongl

singing with
Thn #(Kcfla/Ce Ol CAhe ta

The WAA Golf Club will hold an
organizational meeting at 5 p.m.
today in the WAB.
All women who are interested in
the golf team are invited to attendJ
as well as those who wish instruc-
tion. Discussion of the spr1:lg les-
sons and the requirements for the
golf team will be held at this meet-
Plans for Play Day will be
formed at the meeting. A putting
contest willuberdiscussed and
plans drawn up for it.
Officers Elected
Theta Chi Fraternity elected
Charles F. Porter president in a
meeting Monday night. Warner C.
Jennings was elected vice-presi-
dent and James Somers, secretary.
A full skirt on a dress or a coat
cinched in at the waist with a
snug belt is the essence of figure



Values to $6.95
WHITE and COLORS . . . Sizes 32 to 38
Plus Federal tax
All Sales Final
Two doors east of the Michigan Theater

'Spring Fantasy'
Will Be Given
By West Quad
Tom McNall and his orchestra
will provide the music for "Spring
Fantasy," the West Quad semi-
formal to be held from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. tomorrow in the Union ball-
A few tickets are still available
in each of the eight houses of the
Quadrangle. Invitations have also
been sent to several other men's
residence halls including Fletcher
and Vaughn houses. All women
attending the dance will be grant-
ed 1:30 a.m. late permission.
Original plans for a masquer-
ade ball were changed before va-
cation, and the committee decided
to make the dance semi-formal.
The decorations will now follow a
modern idea with huge cham-
pagne bottles filled with hundreds
of balloons as the main theme.
Door prizes will be awarded
through the courtesy of several
Ann Arbor stores.

119 E.POLibert P1

Personal Names or
C hoto of C

Initials on
hone 7900

Apri 25

May 23

__ _ _ T _ _
____ _______


10 pot
to a Crazy Shot\

I\ sure. tre f~ q&a
by Elizabeth Woodward
Am er a's foremost authority on young people's problems
Here's a perfectly strange man looking you in
t h the eye. You've been introduced...but it's up
to you to carry on from there. Maybe your go-
between threw in some clues along with your
names. Maybe you're exposed to each other without benefit
of 1ife-lines. What on earth is there to say to this man?
The thought panics some of you into sticky silences.You
grin sheepishly at him, wishing with your whole heart he'd
hurl an opener at you. But maybe he thinks ladies should
make the opening gambit. So it could be a draw...
with each of you muffing dour chances of making an
impression on the other. But it needn't ...when it's so easv
to start the ball rolling.
What is there to talk about? People are the liveliest topic.
"Do you know...?" Alway s gets an answer. People do ihings,
say things, wear things, win honors, go places.Things haf-
pen to people...funny things, weird things, odd things. "Had
you heard...?"can start you off. Places are easy to talk
about too. Places you've been ...places you're going...places
you'd rather be than where you are right now. Whea you've
e hausted the taugibles, start on ideas. "What do you think
aiout ... ?" will set hire. chatting. You'll even find yourself being
talked down if you come out flatly wiith "I think ...!"Talk about
things you're never done...people you've never met...places
X on1 e inever seen....things you know nothing about. It's a sure
waiy to pry informuaiion out of a stranger.
(Xmversatioas a game of associated ideas. One thing
leads to another. And like most games, it requires at
least two players. It's not a monologue. Toss word( out..'
then wait for responses. It takes two activ e ears...as NeIl as
a niinle tongue !



to 0 40 ft.-Us*0 ft go No a" a


(Continued on Page 4)

servatory, Fri., April 18, 8 p.m.
Saturn will be shown if night is
clear. Children must be accom-
panied by adults. If sky is cloudy,
Observatory will not be open.

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Graduating Outing Club: Bicy-
cle hike, 2:30 p.m., Sun., April 20,
Northwest Entrance, Rackham
Bldg. Outdoor supper. Sign up
before noon on Saturday at the
check desk in the Rackham Bldg.
Delta Epsilon Pi. Meeting of Or-
thodox students, 7:30 p.m., Fri.,
April 18, St. Nicholas Church.
Plans for annual spring dance will
be made.

th Is is siren




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Wouldn't you expect SHIP'n SHORE to
put such good workmanship into a
blouse ... such fine tailoring.. .
such feminine faggoting! Fine rayon
-- - ... , a .. hig *.. i S- a...

As, a~vertised in

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- - goomimmmakh..


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