SHE 1MICHI11GAN" ICYIL 1tHURSa DAY, :APRIL UJA Campus Funds Drive Starts Today Ernest W. Michel, young Ger- man newspaperman who escaped from rBthchenWaldwill open the tudent drive for the Ann Arbor Allied Jewish Appeal for Refugees, Over°eas Needs and Palestine, with a " 'talk at 4 p.m. today at the V'riai' B'rith Hillel Foundation. lCampaigning for $170,000,000 with,a-three-fold purpose, th UnitedJewish Appeal provides the fn&°, for the Joint Distribution C mmittee, which supports large- s'ale relief, rehabilitation and re- eoni truction assistance to Eu- rope'9s1,00,000 surviving Jews; for the United Pastine Appeal, which provides for the mass settlement and rebuilding of' the Jewish homeland in Palestine; and for the United Service for New Amer- icans; wbich° makes 'possible ex- pa-nded adjustment services for refugee-newcomers to the United States.- ~che, now 23 years old, was sent to a labor camp when he was sixteen, one week after the out- break of war, and was detained in almost every German concentra- tion camp, including notolrious A iachwitz. After six years of im- prisonment, he and two compan- ions escaped in 1945, killing several -menwn to make their escape. "After the war, Michel returned to his native city, Mannheim, and acted' as interpreter for the Mili- tary Government. Michel will address the faculty an ' townspeople division of the Ani Arbor Allied Jewish Appeal att8 p~m today at the Foundation. Lane Hall Forum T o Be Held Today "Historic Christianity and Lib- eralis m" willI be the subject of a panel discussion and forum to be heixat 1 p.m. today at'Lae Hall under the joint sponsorship of the ~'Unitairiani Student Group and the Mii~ah Christian Fellowship. VI Three speakers from each group will present their respective posi- tions in eight-minute talks. John Mackenzie, Bob Wieman and John flblier will speak for the Michi- San Christian Fellowship, and Ann Sugar, Barbara Panzner and Tal- bot_ Honeywill speak for the Uni- tarian.Student Group. John Craig, program director of Lane Hall, will act as chairman of the open discussion to follow the ytalks. ~Diamonds' and weDi ng.- 17North University Ave. North Main opposite court oue -Today and Friday Richard Dix in THE 13th HOUR plus William Boyd in BORDERLAND Talking Magpie cartoon Continuous from 1 P.M. to r rA~t~E HIGHLIGHTS ON CA IVIPUScll, Chaplin Films... "Charlie Chaplin Festival," a program of four two-reel films, will be presented by the Art Cn- ema League at 8:30 p.m. today, to- mnorrow and Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Chaplin's "Easy Street," "The Cure," "The Immigrant" and "The Adventurer" make up the pro- gram. Tickets may be purchased from 2 to 8:30 p.m. today through Sat- urday at the theatre box office. k * * ADA Meeting.. Current legislation on labor relations will be the subect of a talk by Prof. William Haber of the economics department at a meeting of Americans for Demo- cratic Action to -be held at 830 p.m. today in the Union, Preceding the talk, a business meeting for ADA members will be held at 7:30 p.m. IRA Discussion . "Brotherhood - Pattern f o r 'eace" will be discussed by the De- 'roit Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews at a meeting sponsored by the In- ter-Racial Association at 7:30 p.m. today in the League. The round table was formed during the war, and has toured many towns in Michigan. Obstetric Society The Michigan Society of Ob- stetricians and Gynecologists will be entertained by the de- partment of obstetrics and gyn- ecology* of University Hospital Grading... (Continued from Page 1) I-he Bureau of Psychological Serv- kces, which number about 250 a month, are graded on this ma- ;hine, as well as the University en- trance examinations and the freshman tests. Also graded in this way are special tests, such as the 250 tests given last week to applicants to the dental school and the tests to be given next week to 500 juniors in the education school. Used for Large Classes Any school or department in the University may use the machine, which is especially advantageous in the grading of examinations in large classes. Seven final exami- nations were graded by the ma-~ chine last semester, including about 1,400 beginning psychology finals. The greatest difficulty in grading final examinations, Mrs. Needle remarked, lies in the fact that "they all come at the same time," and there is a limit to the quantity of work that even a ma- chine can do in °a given time. An- other machine has been on order for several months and is expected shortly. Machine grading service is also available to other organizations, such as schools which desire to put on special testing programs, at a small charge. rn Civil Service Use Machines similar to the one op- erated by the Bureau of Psycholog- ical Services° are being used to grade 'civil service and Army ex- aminations. A few large business corporations also use the machine to grade vocational guidance tests. The machine, deceptively plain and simple in appearance and op- eration, is in reality a complex and delicate instrument. It is not always infallible, as smudges and doodling on the answer sheets, or dampness caused by hot, muggy weather may make the scores vary one or two points. "You have to use this machine with discretion," Mrs. Needle commented. MICHIGAN1 at 2 p.m. today i in tnl:, t Af ditorium. joint('ofre - The cMid-West b f) ld f i tl4he American Orientalo,.t',1( the Society of Bib lical :iterature and Exegesis will Iiold , ont.s sion program h-rv tuor;owan Saturday, Prof. XVj "1 tII.;Wor rell of the Sri c eaimi announced ysedy The orientllag,1 S ndlt_ erature°dear -tinn , w Fr e ost to the twv"o gouswii,, . Iin- chide about il.lii( ,embr.;. All! se>I- sions vwill Ib' 1 heid h i:. l°.a ll" an Builingi . Raymaond A. B3owmn~, Uiic sity of Chicago, of the 3ocietofi Biblical Literature,, and W i~ijn11 F. Edgerton, Un7)ivrsity of Chi- cago, of the AeicnOriti Society will give rec.;' tl idadl dresses Friday. D~onald F". Sehratn, tr'easurer of the NM1ewspapervGuild of Die- troit, wvill speak on Me ~Ari- can Newspaperi Guild at '? pr. today in the ulfions. 'Schram, pstorfie the Llt Detroit guild, is sttvdiior of the Detroit Free Pres.. .i..s le- ture is 4open tft6,_b, c a sponisored by Sign, J 1elk: E(i.i, professional ;puo leiEi:;;Sutit4. tacuty YIc . A. stcldenlt-l0('l.1t; e':s 11I .l;lic members of l in'1oiEca cec department Will be ?foid at :; 3U p.m. today in the Rusis>ani ''ea Room of the League, The tea, which is open to all students and faculty members, is sponsored by Assembly and Pa- Hellenic Associtat ions Fit n tit re Ac~r Clyne Cratwl rAwd0'f th::(raw -j ford Furniture Cnmnjuny of' Jamestown, Ne:w ork, Atill spellk on "'Merchandising of Fuxrnire j-Wholesale," at 1.1 a.m. today in the East Conference R~oom of the Rackham Building. Phelps To SjwaIp- . Prof. Dudley Mv. Phelps of the business administration school will address La Sociedad Hispanicoa and its guests from the business school on "The Industrialization of Latin America" at U" today in Rin. D, Alumni vMem -orial H-al.11 An M itoii rowin 11 (,rac bed prese nonted by the Museum galleries or tmiMeoriart l l - V _1 , i,nHorace adLogs (~~~ dipywill be 11 dra wings, 11 pintsandi ,iree bronzes loaned b ieWyl Gallery ef New Yoi.u~imne by twxo or" I P~ c I~smc1mm rivate collec- I i0Wadb thiree bronzes and two di w at'sfrom.Ilthe Detroit, Iristi- I ~' c) ire's firesmall pieces incs i c! ht~venSig and 18 inns nheiht. Chalvrcoal, cray- , pilansauiedrawings Ii~~~~~, be1)oli adth pits will ( i(.(ill Lcty- seven University Stu- (tets ereamong 137 fellowship snd scilihiip appointments to 1 b p adatescholfor 1947-48 tin 0 tpes:tollp~'eoctoria, p41 Uoi e ). ~od 9spec ial. 'the };; t oval Iirni tedAto 'University radte tdetcarries a SUL- pefd c' $ ,00,while' the Univer- '.;s flohiswere availab. leto ~~,t ( :11n)sofay college alid' carry a s~ondof from $ 400 to $950. fimI sealfellowship w3 eas valued at $1,000 and was avalabe to Schiolarsip-s ,were of twvo types: University, of which 36 were awarded to seniors who will take up graduate study in the fall, and which pay one year's tuition; and State College, of which 21, were awarded, one to each of Michi- gan's colleges. The latter has a value of $750. Spoech Contest Finals Foustr student sneakers will com- ie i the finals of the Univer- ity Oratorical Contest which will hld a,_?tt 5p.m. today in 4203 ,Angel! 1HAL DAILY OFFICIALBITLIETIN Publication in The Daily Official ent ' Afir i'. Iln. 2,HUiversity nuliletiji is conisuctive tnotice to all mt mermbers of (he 1University. Notict" for the Bull'etII Iin hould "1,s1nt i11- vperilI ~nifrmlt o th!e ol i('"t' 1I' ?1t epeits 1~l(~mu A i"1t.n1t o he rcidentt, 1Room I WI. Ang.efllHalf, Imy 3:00 p.m. on the diHy udridaeognztos o prec eding ;pulicat ion (11:00 am. tSat- are rques('onliunity (enter, 1045 Midway, Willow Rutn Villag'e. Thulil'S., April 17, 8 p).m. Art- CraftP W'orkhp;'nI 8 p.m., Extenl- sibn Class in Psychlolog;y. (dkmtmuied n Pae 3 Paq:rke(. 1 oIjert C. Angi1 Waiter M. Roth: R. P. Briggs Herbert G. Watkins University Committee on Parking Engineering Open House. All Uriversity of MVicimigan students, pcrsoniiel, anid Ilieir friends are invited. c l .pn., 1Fr1i., r;april 18. Sdtudenlts in) the College 01'fngi neertini' e e'x('aised from ('lass;es inl i si, college - f cApril 18 in or );der that they maiy aite,:i l ii odt't- ilug the Egneigopen 110use. Classes will be held on satat'day as usual. Executive Committee of the College of Enguinieering To All Navy Students in Train- ig under The H~olloway Plan: Mday 3, 1947, has been set as tihe final date for the acceptance of Navy book and supply r'equisi- tionls at the book stores. All fac- ulty members are requested to an- ticipate material needed throughl the end of the semester and au- thorize same on or before May 3. All back order's for mater'ial not in stock at the bookstores will be canceled as of May 3. To chairmen and managers of campus activities, and to presi- dents of campus organizations: All groups which have not previ- ously submitted eligibility lists for the curr'ent semester are request- ed at do so at once. Forms may be secured in the Office of Stu- Al enwhose name appear oni the list! pos ted mIiust repor't to the Casb i(.'sOf1ceVetemrans Section. 302 South %i Wig, immediately. VeAteran. _s: This is to notify all veterans receiving benefits tunder P.L. :340 that during time period between April 15 and' April 19 te will hiave' the opo'uIv tyto k cordi~~tons of'(li ge intilepet itppilic'atlions tiled "Alt.h le time of All