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April 16, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-16

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WEONESDY, AV>L 'i .1.94 $7

Student Groups Will Debate
Christianity An wLiberal smt)

A panel discussion and forum
on "Historic Christianity and Lib-
eralism" will be held at 8 p.m.
tomorrow at Lane Hall under the
Ioint sponsorship of the Unitarian
Student Group and the Michigan
Christian Fellowship.
Three student speakers from

Prof. Marquis
At Ps qeh lnov

in East
M ti

lZt' i5 L;741 1yc£ otogy e gj
Prof. Donald G. Marquis, chair-
man of the psychology depart-
ment, and president-elect of the
American Psychological Associa-
tion, is attending the annual
meeting of the Association's policy
and planning board at the North
Jersey Training School, Totowa,
Prepare to face the world at your
most attractive best! . . with a
trim, pert figure, courtesy of your
freedom-saving- PliaRtform girdle
and brassiere.

each group will present their re-
spective positions in eight-minute1
Members of the Michigan Chris-
tian Fellowship who will partici-
pate include John MacKenzie, who
will discuss "What is Historic
Christianity?", Bob Wieman, "The<
Historic Christian World and Life
View," and John Bollier, "Histor-
ical and Philosophical Founda-
tions for Historic Christianity.",
The viewpoint of liberal religion
will be presented by Ann Sugar,;
Barbara Panzner and Talbot
Honey, who will speak on "Uni-
tarianism - What It Stands For,"
"The Historic Basis for Unitar-
ianism" and "Unitarianism and
Modern Living."
John Craig, program director
of Lane Hall, will act as chairman
of the open forum which will fo)-
low the talks.
(Contiiued from Page 1)
man's office before an appropriate
prayer was finally found.
But the strange situations which
confront the Broadcasting Service
aren't limited to gathering ma-
terial. Prof. Abbot remarked on
the off-the-record "sound effects"
which sometimes find their way
into a broadcast. The present ra-
dio studios on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall are not entirely
soundproof, so that occasionally
the whistling of a switch engine
on the Ann Arbor Railroad, the
sound of an airplane overhead,
or more recently the noise of the
pneumatic riviters on the Gen-
eral Service Building across the
street make an unwelcome ac-
companiment to "World Master-
pieces" or "Stump the Professors."
"We can't complain too much,
though," Prof. Abbot said. "After
all, they're building our new stu-
dios over there."
Fan Mail
The queer events which seem
to revolve around the Broadcast-
ing Service aren't limited to the
organization either, for letters
have been delivered to the office
addressed to "Dr. Walter Labbit,"
"Waldro Abbott," and even to
"Dr. W., Ann Arbor." In addition
to letters inquiring for informa-
tion or sending for literature
(which average over1,000a week),
Prof. Abbot receives such letters
as one which criticized a state-
ment made on a recent "Stump
the Professor" program to the
effect that the Harvestman (Dad-
dy Tong-legs to the layman) is
an insect. "The Harvestman," as-
serted the writer with solemn in-
dignation, "has eight legs, and as
such is a member of the family
arachnida, and is thus closely re-
lated to spiders."
But, come spiders or switch en-
gines or riveting hammers, Prof.
Abbot remains unperturbed. "Af-
ter all," he maintains modestly,
"it's all part of the job."

Chaplin Movies . .
Four of Charlie Chaplin's old
two-reelers will be included in,
the "Charlie Chaplin Festival,"'
to be presented by the Art Cinema
League at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow,
Friday and Saturday at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Composing the program are
"The Cure," "Easy Street," "The
Immigrant" and "The Adventur-
er." A soundtrack of background
music has been dubbed into the
otherwise silent films.
Tickets may be purchased from
2 to 8:30 p.m. today through Sat-
urday at the theatre box office.
MCF Bible Study ...
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will hold its weekly Bible
study at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
* * *
Deutscher Verein . .
Deutscher Verein will hold a
Polterabend meeting at 8 p.m.
today in m. 316 of the Union.
Skits and readings by faculty
members and members of the
Verein will compose the enter-
tainment, which will be under
the direction of William Sturtz.
Refreshments will be served
and there will be group singing
after the program.
Student Chess Club ...
The Student Chess Club will
meet for play at 7:30 p.m. today
in Rm. 302 of the Union. All in-
terested students are invited to
bring their own boards and men.
S* *
Student-Faculty Tea .. .
Members of the political sci-
ence department will be ponored
at a student-faculty tea at 3:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Russian
Tea Room of the League.
The tea, sponsored by As-
sembly and Pan-Hellenic As-
sociation, will be open to all
students and faculty members.
Author To Be
Hillel Speaker
Ernest W. Michel, German
newspaperman and author who
escaped from Buchenwald and
who helped reestablish the Ger-
man press in the American zone
of occupation, will speak on be-
half of the United Jewish Appeal
for Refugees, Overseas Needs and
Palestine, at 4 p.m. tomorrow at
the B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-
The meeting. will mark the
opening of the student drive for
the Ann Arbor Allied Jewish Ap-
peal. In its nationwide 1947 cam-
paign for $170,000,000, the United
Jewish Appeal is conducting the
largest philanthropic drive ever
undertaken in America by a vol-
untary agency.
The U.S. Department of Agri-
culture is experimenting with pro-
duction of motor fuel from corn



p.m., 1042 East Engineering Bldg.
Tb ose interested in membership,
are invited.
Scabbard a(I ,ade. 8:30 pail.,
Ri 319 Michigan Uion.
(;irmanTii ('1ih: 3 p.m.. R i. 318.
jvichlig nli 1Jolu.
Underwriters: Regular Wednes-
day-Luncheon, noon, Russian Tea

18, at the home of President and I
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven. En-I
tertainment, refreshments, and an
informal address by President W.
W. Whitehouse, of Albion College.
are planned for the evening. All
former Albion College students
and their wives or husbands are
cordially invited.
Michigan Chapter AAUP will
meet Thurs., April 17, at the
?VAi~inira T~inL.AUin Ihn lrif-ViUrkUIIII

Freshmen: All eligible students
interested in participating in an
all-campus freshman public speak-
ing contest sponsored by the De-
partment of Speecs are asked to
meet Friday. 5 p.m.. 4203 AH. Pre-
liminary contest will be Thurs.,
May 1, and final conteSt Wed.,
May 7.

(Continued from Page 4
Peace" and "Sky-Blitz," will be
Any Reserve Officer, whether
Naval, Marine, AAF, or AGF, is
eligible for membership in the Re-
serve Officers Association.
AVC, campus chapter. 8 p.m.,
Union. Report on academic free-
dom by University of Wayne
speakers. All members are urgedI
to attend.
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration fratern-
ity. Pledge meeting, 7 p.m., Rm.
305. Union, Actives will hold a#
business meeting in same room at
7:30 p.m.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma, Signal Corps
Fraternity. 7:15 p.m., Rm. 100,
Military Hdqs. Bldg.
Alpha Phi Alpha, Epsilon Chap-
ter, 7 p.m., Union.
Flying Club. Open meeting, 7:30'

Committee: 4 p.m.. Thurs., Lane
The Annual French Play: Le
Cercle Francais will present "Le
Malade Imaginaire," a comedy-
ballet in three acts by Moliere,
8:30 . T i. May 6, Lydia
Mendelssolh hIlletldre
MudaiK'rITHOl Fundation:.


Roo, eaue Mcngan union in the lunehroornm
Room, League. of the Faculty Club at 6:15 p.m.
A panel consisting of Deans Ed-
University Famine Committee: monson, Keniston, Sawyer and
4:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Discussion Stason will discuss "Research Re-
of the clothing drive. sponsibilities of the Faculty under
-__ Existing Class Loads." Members
Public Affairs Committee will of the faculty are invited.
have a discussion meeting with
John B. Hanna, speaker, at 7:301 Economics Club: 8 p.m., Mon.,
p.m., Lane Hall. April 21, Rackham Amphitheatre.
[_'"The Problem of Continuous Full
SThe1 AI. tJ * nr erativ Council! UIrJJ.aY II by 1 10± nrU1 VC~v

Women's Rifle Club: The rifle Opening meeting of the Allied
range will not be available to the Jewish Appeal. Thurs.. 4 p.m.,
Women's Rifle Club on Thurs., Hillel Foudation. If interested
April 17. 3-5 p.m., due to sched- in soliciting pleas attend. Bring
uling of the building for the En- igibiit cars
gineering Open House.
Art Cinema League presents
Sigma Gamma Epsin: 12:15 "The Charlie Chaplin Festival."
p.m., Thurs., Rm. 3055, Natural Thurs., Fri.. and Sat.. 8:30 p.m.
Science. Box Office opens 2 p.m. daily be-
ginning Wed. Reservations phone
Student Town lall Central 6300, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,


Ie n Le cuupercv v llll
will interview girls who would like
to live in cooperative houses next
fall, 4-5:30 p.m., Muriel Lester
House, 1102 Oakland. Since va-
cancies are filled on the basis of
personal interviews, all girls who
are interested should be present
at that time.
Cwiiiun Evenis
Albion College Alumni -of Ann
Arbor: Meeting, 8 p.m., Fri., April

Employment" oy roiessor hvsey
Domar, Carnegie Institute of
Technology. Graduate students
and staff of Economics and Busi-
ness Administration as well as
other interested persons are in-
English Journal Club. 7:45 p.m.,
r7hurs., April 17, West Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. David
Stevenson and Mr. Earl Ely will
discuss "The Value of Scholar-
ship." Refreshments.

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a\, r't o
t ' 3ii t .
S y . '

Please Don't Let The Light Go Out

under the whirl



She survived a nightmare of cruelty and terror;
Struggling against cold, starvation and disease, she
was unwanted, hunted, sick and weary almost unto
death. Then your mercy-your generosity-brought
a light of hope into her miserable world. That light
must not go out.
*Thousands upon thousands of her people have
been fed, clothed, and given shelter. Countless wari
ravaged bodies have been mended. Families without
number have been reunited and returned to their
homes. Still others have been helped to find new lives
in Palestine. Many who have found haven in America

have received aid in readjusting themselves: But the
shadow of war and oppression is deep and hard to
erase. The wounds are far greater than anticipated and
much slower to heal:
® Today, because of unforeseen circumstances, the
number of Jewish displaced persons is three times as
great as a year ago. These homeless Jews of Europe
face another crisis in their bitter struggle to survive;
Whether they live or die is squarely up to you: :: and
your conscience. Because the task of mercy is so great;
the United Jewish Appeal this year is asking for more
help than ever before-$170,000,000--a sum that can

be raised only through the utmost 'generosity and
active support on the part of every Anerican;
* In mercy's name, give all you can to the campaign
for the United Jewish Appeal in your community.,
Give more of your time, more of your heart, and more
of your money than you-can afford. No financial offer-
ing you can make, however great, can match the suf-
ferings of those you help:
* Remember, you have given them hope. Now, you
must not take it away. Hope is all they have. You must
not let the light of hope go out.


A girdle that gives you an UNCORSETED
feeling . . . why? Because it's made of
1001/; ELASTIC; The ribbing at the top and
bottom preventsstretching and the new
garter fastener is guaranteed not to pull


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f" T'r I I -N F" A I Ire 1

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