-THlE MICHVII-AN fi-XILNY r Michiganensian To Be Out on Time If Printer Cooperates U' Musicians In N.Y. Show A Variety Show featuring Uni- versity faculty and student per- formers will highlight the Cabaret' Party to be held by the, Alumni Clubs of New York City Friday at the Plaza Hotel. Andrew White, voice instructor in the Music School, formerly with Fred Waring's Glee Club, Marian Owen, Cuban pianist and instrue-j tor in the Music School, and Bar- bara Lee Smith, '47 will partici- pate in the show. Stephen Filip.ak, '39, produc- tion manager of radio station WPAG will be master of cere- Mollies,. GIVE YOUR NEXT k COLLEGE PLAY THAT ;Vqe444G fat 7ads Use make-up by a house with over thirty years experience in supplying the stage, screen, churches, clubs, summer camps, etc. with professional. make-up. Our special service department will work out your individual problems without charge. R lox' Dlscount to Col1l1ges GRAY'S DRUG STORE 190BROADWAY, NEW YORK 19 " MAKE-UP DEPT. NOW 2'til 5 PM. *: 30c after 5 .AllDeadlines Met by Staff Of Yearbook Shipment Expected To Arrive May 16 Students who have bemoaned the fact that they ever ordered an 'Ensian in the past few years because it arrived about six months late can take heart. This year, for the first time in 'Ensian's 51 years, the 'Ensian has met the deadline, "We have made all of our four different printers' deadlines," Flo Kingsbury, managing editor, said. "Everything is complete: plates, copy -u- everything."w The contract with the printers reads that "we are to have the books delivered May 16," Miss Kingsbury said, "so students should expect delivery and distri- bution right around that time." Commenting on the excitement of this year's 'Ensian staff about being the first one in 51 years to meet all deadlines, Miss Kingsbury said, "it's like having quintuplets." She emphasized, however, that if the printers fail to live up to their part of the bargain, there's nothing the 'Ensian staff can do. She said she "hoped that when, for once, the 'Ensian staff had made the deadlines, the printers would not fail them." Truman Honors Hull With Oak Leaf Cluster WASHINGTON, April 15-()- President Truman drove to Beth- esda Naval Hospital today to award the Medal for Merit with an Oak Leaf Cluster to Cordell Hull for his distinguished services as Secretary of State. Violin Recital Today Mary Kanno, music school stu- dent, will present a violin recital at 8:30 p.m. today at Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. The program, which will be open to the public, will include compositions by Vitali, Bach, Mo- zart, Vieuxtemps, Granados and Wieniawski. Buy and Hold U. S. Savings Bonds! Yearbook Deadline Set I inal deidli -c for 1V4, ichiganenian subsrilpticns is S aturday, April26. Between the covers of this year's Michigan "memory book"till'be di old stan+ dhys--pictuircs of ail camp"s "rgani- 7ations and house groups and of more than 1I,800 graduating seniors. In addition the book will contain complete coverage of all major varsity sports-including every football game of the 1946 season. Informal life in residence halls and fraternity and sorority houses will be featured on several pages. Con- trasting work and play will be pictures of classroom activities and extens ve coverage of dances, especially the CLass of 1948's JJ bp. A3N I NTER ESTI]NG PAST : A inversar-y of Publicatoii. The Michiganensian celebrates i e price of the publication re- its 51st anniversary this spring. mained at one dollar. The official yearbook of theI Quite a bait of controversy had University, it was preceeded by to be overcome before the board three separate annual publica could decide on the offical name tofrthesnewryeerabnok. Presiden tions. One of these, The Castal-l of the new ya book. President, Angell suggested that it take the ian, was published by the inde- Latin words "for Michigan." The pendents of the senior class of board did not 'like "Michiganens- both the literary and engineer- ium" but merely cha t'd that to ing colleges. The Castalian was "Michiganensian. named after a spring signifying New Publication, purity, brightness and inspiration, the fra- andt the editorial staff hoped that ternities had a rather big see- the mantle of this tradition WOUl tion because of their influence on fall upon their book. the former Palladium. They still Fratrnit I'ulicaia~npublished the pert and. ink sketch- Fraternity Publication es and also a complete list of the A second book, Palladium, was different chapters. A second large the annual publication of the fra- division of the book was devoted ternities and sororities. This book to athletics. At that time the stu- printed a pen and ink sketch of dent body was in charge of the the crest of each of the fraternal activity and hired its own coach- organizations and also a list of es. renter Plans Suppe6, fin Suniday Night A Latin American style supper, a walt Disney technicolor film, and group singing will make up the Sunday evening program at tl International Center this Prepared by members of the r atin American Society and spon- OrC(Iei by the International Stu- dents Committee, the supper at :;(1 p.m . in the aIternational ('t 1 ter will feaiture "arr-oz Conl pjoilo''chicken and riceand iherf' Sou-th American cdishes. "S.outhr of the Border," a film staruring, the famrous Disney char- acters and h ihlighted by color photogr;aphy of tlhe Latin Amer- e:nr counrtryside.will bempresent- ed at 8 p.m. i Rm. 316 of the Union. Following the film, group sing- ing will be led by Ricardo Cortez, guitarist, in the International Center lounge Diamonds and Wedding S7 tRings 717 IlrhUniversity Ave. A I Daily-Waktle THE YEAR IN PICTURES - Transferring the work of 'Ensian cameramen to the pages of the 1947-48 yearbook are, left to right, Warren Talcott, art editor, and staff members Betty Jo Slocum. and Rozann Radliff. New Vitamin Film Subject A sound film in color on the discovery of folic acid, a new syn- thetic vitamin, and its use in treating anemia will be shown at 7:15 p.m. today in Rm. 151 of the chemistry building. The movie is sponsored by the University Branch of the Ameri- can Pharmaceutical Association, which was organized during the fall semester. Following the picture, Dr. Beth- ell, assistant director of the Simp- son Memorial Institute, will give a short talk and answer any ques- tions. The 25-minute film tells the story of folic acid from its dis- covery in mushrooms, spinach, yeast and liver. Ping pong contests .will be direc- tel by Zorac Organschi each Thursday evening. Al . r w I J Subscription Blank To: Miss Carol Siebert, Sales Manager, 1947 Michiganensian Student Publications Bldg., Ann Arbor, Michigan l1\ J local members and other chap- ters. The word, palladium itself signified the group of the nine foremost fraternities, but other newer fraternities were also given some part. Res Gestae, the third of these publicat ions, was printed annual- ly by the senior class of the Law Sctool. Since the three publica- tions were mostly supported by advertising, each book sold for only one dollar, Merger Advocated Constant strife and rivalry be- tween independent and fraternity students were the result of separ- ate publications. In 1896, the publication of Res Gestae printed .ai editorial advocating the com- bination of the three annuals into one publication supported by the entire student body. President An- gell favored this suggestion and aided publication of the first is- sue of the Michiganensian in 1897. The first publication was edited by a staff consisting of 12 mem- bers--four independents, four fra- ternity men and four law stu- dents. Its maintenance still de- pended mainly on advertising and Even though the first issue -did not meet with approval and suc- cess, the idea of one year book was well liked. Inexperience, a bad cover and poor printing were some of the causes of its failure, but these handicaps were over- come rapidly until it attained the popularity of the Michiganensian on campus today. s OMP, Continuous Daily 'from 1 -PM. Weekdays 35c to 5 P.M. North Main Opposite Court House Starts Today - Richard Dix in THE 13th HlOUR plus William Boyd in BORDERLAND I Enclosed find check money ;order for $5.00 in payment for i Wkou twume~Aor - I Soaid -y w a, t ctnt yt S td t a 1947 MICHIGANENSIAN. Please mail receipt to: N am e: ...............,......... ... ......... Fraternity Pledges New Members Ann Arbor address:. ............. ... . Phone: Home a dress ........ .......... . . This coupon must be received by the MICHIGANENSIAN before the deadline, April 26, 1947. Alpha Kappa Psi, business ad- ministration fraternity, has pledg- ed the following members: John S. Aldrich, Stanton Allen, Carl Beblavi, Jack Carter, Lee H. Clark, Jerry Coiner, William Cul- man, John Duncan, and Russel Etzel. Don Fingleton, John Logothe- tis, Robert Lovett, Fred Maxon, Conrad McAlpine, Allan Neef, Frank Nichols, and Calvin Rock. Vernon Romzick, Ralph Taylor, Frank Turk, Stanley Wagar, Bill Walker, and. Robert West. TYPEWRITERS Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired STUDENT & OFFICE SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 7177 AISO ISLAND FLING lI COSTA RICA III WORLD NEWS A Coming Sunday! "LADY IN THE LAKE" i I starts: 2:03 - 6:00 - 9:30' CO-FEATURE- 61/ BRUG - CALDWELL. MICHIGAN Ending Wednesday Lloyd House, Center To Hold Tournamients Chess, bridge, and ping-pong players from Lloyd House and the International Center will compete in tournaments beginning this week in the International Center. A team of players from the Law- yers Club will also participate in the Tuesday and Friday evening chess sessions under the direction of Robert Scholten, University student from Norway. I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MISCELLANEOUS Michigras April 25-26 WOULD like to start club for tall peo- ple. Those interested write H. Brazee, Post Office Box 201, Ann Arbor. )15 WANTED-Good standard make tenor sax, lacquer preferred. Buyer in town Friday. write to Box 72, Daily, giving phone number. )26 "The .Play's the Thing," but if the thing don't play, give us a ring, and we'll fix it today. Phone 9241 or bring your radio to the Tavern Cafe- teria for expert radio repair service.)19 LOST AND FOUND LOST - Pair Harlequin-Style Glasses April 3. Probably near Rackham Bldg. Owner blind without them. 2-4471, 3533 Stockwell. LOST-Ruby rIng in men's washroom Angell Hall last day before vacation. Drop postcard Chas. Drayton, West Lodge, Ypsilanti. Reward. )31 LOST-near Arcade, man's brown lea- ther wallet containing idetification and money. Finder please call 2-2581 for Thomas E. Lusk. Reward. )32 LOST-A beautiful friendship and my roommate's favorite silver snake chain necklace. Happened Friday 4th in doctor's office Health Service or in University High. $10 reward plus gratitude. Call 2-1146. Ask for Carol.)2 LOST - Hamilton man's wrist watch with metal wrist band. Left in second floor, League, Monday evening. Finder may arrange for reward by sending postcard to K. L. Kline, Box 841, West Lodge. )30 LOST-K&E Slide Rule. Gentleman who FOR SALE FOR SALE-Man's Bicycle. Good condi- tion. Ph. 6980, 1437 White. )21 ROSE Club Chair. Recently rebuilt and upholstered. $55. Apt. 4, 412 Foun- tain.)4 A BETTER PRICE paid for Men's used clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash- ington St. )14 FOR SALE-2 May Festival Concert tickets. 10th row, first balcony. Call 6122. )24 SIX-TUBE General Electric table model Radio, blonde walnut cabinet, $25.00. Call 2-6912 after 4:30. )25 1946 FORD, 2-door sedan, super deluxe. Radio, heater, etc. 5000 miles. Best offer takes. Phone 2-3307 after 6 p.m. )23 FOR SALE-Conn B-flat straiglet so- prano sax with case. Needs cleaning, used very little. First $50 takes it. Daily, Box 72. )22 FOR SALE-Remington portable type- writer, Deluxe No. 5, new last Novem- ber. Used very little. Box 119 Michi- gan Daily. )3 GOLFERS-Your golf clubs are here. Take your pick. Hagen, Spalding and Wilson, all prices. Municipal Golf Course. 9230. )13 ATTENTION WOMEN GOLFERS-Wo- men's golf clubs-2 woods, 6 irons (hickory shafts) canvas bag, $40. Walter, 343 Liberty Court, Ph. 6012.)29 FOR SALE-127 Exakta camera, f 2.8 Zeiss Tessar, shutter 1/1000, self- timer, plus accessories-meter, photo- flash, tripod. See S. Kaplan, Room C-11, Lawyers Club. )28 WANTED TO RENT STUDENT COUPLE desires apartment starting August. Long-term residence. Wife teaches, no children or pets. Box 23, Michigan Daily. )5 WANTED TO RENT-A house or large apartment for summer months of June, July, August, also September, if possible. Will pay full rent in ad- vance. Box 25, Mich, Daily. )17 SINGLE business man desires studio room or suite with outside entrance. Preferably ground floor or basement. South or east side campus. Perma- nent, references. Phone 2-7412. )12 HELP WANTED WANTED-Two waiters for fraternity dining room four blocks from cam- pus. Call Treasurer 4707. )11 SALESMAN to represent York Refrig- eration and Air Conditioning Distrib- utor in Washtenaw County. Salary and commission. Write box 20. )16 HERE'S a sterling opportunity for young man who wants to work for his board and room in girls' League House. Job open immediately. Hurry!! )27 ENGINEERS and PHYSICISTS Prefer men under 30 years of age who are thoroughly trained in the funda- mental principles of' physics and en- gineering and who possess an ability to apply these principles to experi- mental work on processing of rubber and textiles. Must be college graduate. Reply giving full details of back- ground, education, etc. to U. S. RubbersCompany 6600 E. Jefferson N OL. . W. everybodywantITE SADDLES 1r ( S4 -- PAULETtE GODDARD " Fred MACMURRAY in "STAR" SAPPHIRO No wonder Duotone's "Star Sapphire leads the paradef Its highly polished genuine sapphire tip lengthens record Also BROWN and WHITE - BLACK and WHITE! Your classic casuals in a new guise. 5,95