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April 16, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-16

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL........-, -N-. -13-3


7Engine Ball
k? Is Moved to
IM Building
Change Preceded
By Gym Mixup
The Slide Rule Ball, originally
i heduled for 9 to 1 a.m. Friday in
i Waterman Gym, will be held in the
Intramural Building instead, the
dancd committee announced yes-
The decision to change the loca-
tion followed closely a false report
that Waterman Gym had been of-.
ficially declared "unsafe for large
parties" by the State fire mar-
shal's office.
'Manila Square'
Simultaneously, the "Manila
Square" committee announced
that the benefit square dance,
scheduled for Saturday in Water-
man Gym, had been cancelled be-
cause of "conditions beyond our
The Slide Rule Ball Committee
announced that more than a hun-
dred additional tickets will be
placed on sale in the Engineering
Arch today.
"Although certain strange ru-
mors had something to do with
b the change," Milt David, dance
co-chairman, said, "we believe the
new location is appropriate, and
the size and service facilities of
Waterman Gym are inadequate
for a large spring formal." He said
that 'the Michigan Technic of-
fice had been flooded with requests
for dance tickets after the offi-
cial sales limit had been reached
yesterday morning.
Purchases Urged
The committee urged students
planning to attend the dance who
were unable to buy tickets yester-
day to purchase them today, as
sales will again, be limited to in-
sure comfortable dancing. Because
of the change, the co-recreational
program held each Friday in the
Intramural Building has been can-
The "Manila Square" commit-
tee announced that students hold-
ing dance tickets may obtain full
refunds between 3 and 5 p.m. to-
day at the Union Travel Desk.
The dance was to be presented
as part of a campaigfn to raise
money to rebuild a library at the
University of the Philippines to be
named in honor of Joseph Ralston
Hayden, former professor of po-
litical science here.
Truman Seeks
New Embargo
CaOn Munitions
WASHINGTON, April 15-(P)-
President Truman asked Congress
today for revision of the Neutral-
ity Act to empower the govern-
ment to ban arms shipments des-
tined for any international "trou-
He said in a special message
that the government must be free
to act "in accordance with our
position in the United Nations"
and to adapt the export of Am-
erican weapons to "changes in the
international situation."
Power To Expire
In effect, he was asking contin-
uance of authority the govern -
ient already has. Power to per-
mit or deny arms exports is con-
tained in the 1940 Export Control

Act, which is due to expire June
Mr. Truman proposed that see-
tion 12 of the Neutrality Act, an
older statute, be rewritten to in-
corporate the expiring authority
and also to set up a "more flexible
and efficient" administration by
the existing National Munitions
Control Board.
Tells Implications
Unless the Neutrality Act is re-
vised, the President said, the Sec-
retary of State will again as be-
fore 1940 be required to "treat
aggressor and aggrieved, peace-
maker and troublemaker equally"
by granting all requests for arms
exports except where such ship-
ments would violate a treaty.
This principle of impartiality
was written by Congress into the
Neutrality Act during the heated
pre-Pearl Harbor controversy ov-
er means of keeping the United
States out of war. The act was
rewritten in 1935, 1937 and 1939.
"Such a provision of law is no
longer consistent with this coun-
try's commitments and, require-
ment. " Mr Trman said.

FPHA Establishes New
Village Appliance Plan
The solution of Willow Run's controversial electrical problems
was removed from the speculative stage yesterday when a revised
FPHA policy was announced which will permit tenants the use of
electric hot-plates and immersion-type water heaters, while strictly
forbidding strip heaters.
A system of "fuse wardens," tenants who will police the fuse boxes
and report electrical abuses will be set up in Willow Village to enforce

U.S. Declares
Soviets Block
German Pact
Marshall, Stalin
Talk inKremlin
MOSCOW, April 15-Secretary
of State Marshall declared tonight
that Russia had sabotaged enact-
ment of any four-power pact to

As Unioi
House C
Labels Group
Cloak for Reds
In Colleges

Telephones Still Mute
n Rejects Peace Plan;
_"0 - 4txkAVI"



the new policy.

Reynolds Cuts
Flight Record
By Half Day
Chicagoan Circles
Glolbe in 79 Hours
NEW YORK, April 16 (Wednes-
day)-(AP)--The Reynolds "Bomb-
shell" plane roared over La Guar-
dia Field at 12:06:30 a.m. (EST)
today, completing a round-the-
world flight.
The converted A-26 a t t a c k
bomber, carrying pen manufac-
turer Reynolds and two other
crewmen, streaked over the field
nearly 79 hours after taking off
from La Guardia at 5:11 p.m.
(EST) last Saturday.
The arrival sliced by approxi-
mately 12 hours the unofficial
globe-circling record set by How-
ard Hughes in 1938.
Hughes completed the trip in
91 hours and 14 minutes.
Behr Announces Time
The official arrival time was
announced by Capt. Kenneth
Behr, manager of La Guardia
Field, who also had timed the
"Bombshell's" original takeoff.
Capt. William Odom, 28-year
old veteran of Burma hump fly-
ing, set the huge plane down on
the runaway in less than two min-
utes after zooming over the per-
imeter of the'field.
No official timing was made of
the actual landing.
Haggard but smiling broadly,
Reynolds, 54-year old Chicago in-
dustrialist, Odom, and T. C. Sal-
lee, flight engineer, stepped out
of the cockpit onto the right wing
of the plane to pose for photog--
raphers as crowds of well-wishers
broke through police lines to greet
the airmen.
Hughes Route Shorter
The route followed by the
"Bombshell" was about 5,200 miles
longer than Hughes' path. Hughes
flew over European Russia and
Siberia, but the Soviet Union de-
clined to permit Reynolds to use
a similar route, explaining that
its reconstruction problems were
so great it did not have the tech-
nicians to service the flight.
The record-setting plane made
nine stops, three more than orig-
inally planned. The extra halts
and minor mechanical difficulties
made its original goal of 55 hours
Poie Melt. Good
Humor Salesman
Once again it takes a well-timed
whistle to nail an ice cream on a
stick in Ann Arbor-police yester-
day put wheels back under a Good
Humor truck thereby ending its
brief one hour stand opposite the
engine arch.
Acting on complaints froh store
owners that the truck was causing
a disturbance, police chided the
white-clad driver, reminding him
that his peddler's license stipulates
that he keep circulating around
while hawking his wares.
The driver was most penitent,
and the Good Humors are rolling
Legislature To Meet
The Student Legislature will
meet at 7:30. p.m. today at the
Michigan League.
The special meeting of the leg-
islature to discuss the Hare plan
will be held Wednesday, April 23,
instead of tonight.

The new regulations were drawn keep Germany demilitarized by at-!
up at a meeting last week of Vil-
lage tenants with FPHA engineers tempting to insert "controversial
and officials. They culminate an matters" into the American ver-
extended period during which the sion.
University, the local AVC chapter, "This clear attempt to put in
Village tenant groups and individ- controversial matters in this way
uals met with and made proposals means no four-power treaty,"
to the FPHA officials in regard to Marshall told the Council of For-
maximizing the convenience for eign Ministers at the conclusion
tenants, with a minimum safety of another fruitless session.
hazard. The disclosure came from With the Council appagently
William Stright, chairman of the deadlocked hopelessly again, the
Village Planning Committeeand Secretary went to the Kremlin to-
r " Village weekl RLast night for a conference with Prime
Aroud," illae wekly.LastMinister Stalin.
night, tenants heard the plan ex- nn
plained by an executive of a local Russia Blamed
electrical firm at the University Marshall made it plain to the
Community Center. Council that he considered Russia
Effective May 1 to blame for the stalemate on the
May .1 was designated as the four-power accord. The minis-
effective date of the new rules ters, finally giving up hope of
which will be put on a ninety day reaching agreement, decided to
trial period before being officially proceed with the next item on
embodied as a permanent electri- their agenda-a coal report.
cal code. Unless one of the four powers
Users of the automatic im- brings up the demilitarization pact
mersion-type water heaters will again, the proposed treaty will be
be expected to pay an additional dead insofar as this session of the
two dollars per month room rent council is concerned.
to cover the added electrical _
costs. A like sum will be charged lafhn
as a rental fee for the heaters Ciark Briands
which will be made available to
residents. There will be no added
charge for cooking electrically, aby
however. The charge of one dol-
lar per month for use of electric
refrigerators was reduced to sev- W allace a T ie'
enty-five cents.
Fuse Squad WASHINGTON, April 15 - (/)
One representative from each -Attorney General Tom Clark, in
building structure will compose a cabinet-level rejoinder to Henry
the fuse warden squad. They Wallace, denounced as a "lie" to-
will be provided with 15-amp fuses night any assertion that this coun-
and will have sole access to the try "is committed to ruthless im-
fuse boxes. They will be charged perialism and war with the Soviet
with the responsibility of replac- Union."
ing burnt fuses and reporting vio- Without mentioning Wallace by
lations of the electrical code, name but leaving no .douht whrc
FPHA officials who authored his words were directed, the At-j
the new policy include Benjamin torney General said the American
Glassberg, area director, Charles people must not be swayed by "the
H. Annala, Village housing di- cheap, blundering assault now be-
rector, Frank Dipner, ing made" against President Tru-
man's policy of aiding Greece and
Turkey against Communism.
M YDA, "One who tells the people of Eu-
rope that the United States is com-
mitted to a ruthless imperialism-
,! and war with Russia-tells a lie,"
Clark said. "It is a most cruel
Wane lsehood because it reveals a lack

Asks School,
Officials for



Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action, campus chapter of AYD,
and the Inter-Racial Association
have issued statements protesting
the banning of AYD at Wayne,
and are sending telegrams of sup-
port to the Wayne Student Coun-
cil for its rally on academic free-
dom to be held at noon today on
the steps of Wayne.
Harriet Ratner, president of
MYDA, said that Dr. Henry of
Wayne has been "forced by the
Callahan Committee into the posi-
tion of banning the AYD fr-om his
campus. The University chapter
of AYD, as the only remaining
AYD college chapter in Michi-
gan, will probably be the next
"attacked" by this group."
"Since the activities of this
committee are a direct threat to
academic freedom," she contend-
ed, "we urge that the student
body support MYDA and the AYD
in their fight for existence as re-
organized student organizations."
The IRA resolution decried "the
pressure brought to bear on the
Administration of Wayne by the
Michigan Senate, the FBI, the De-
partnent of Justice, and others,
which has resulted in the banning
of the AYD." It calls the pressure
"inconsistent with Democratic
principles and procedures" in that
"no evidence has been produced
which more than insinuates that
the AYD is a Communist front or-
ganization as charged."

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 15-The
House Committee on Un-Ameri-
can Activities declared today that
"the specter of Communism stalks
our college campuses masked un-
der the cloak of the American
Youth for Democracy" and called
upon state governors and school
heads for a thorough expose of
the organization.
List Sponsors
The committee, in a lengthy
blast against AYD, said that
"gracing various AYD entertain-
ments, meetings and campaigns,
or contributing to its magazine,
spotlight, is the usual list of spon-
sors which are invariably found
supporting the Communist Party
and its front organizations."
It said that list includes such
names as Paul Robeson, Edward
G. Robinson, Col. Evans F. Carl-
son, Zero Mostel, Lt. Comdr.
Charles S. Seely, U. S. Navy (e-
tired), and Joseph E. Davies.
The House group also urged at
rigid investigation of "the inimi-
cal objectives of the Communist
Party in America."
AYD Membership
In a report to the House, the
committee said American Youth
for Democracy has headquarters
in New York City-formerly lo-
cated at 13 Astor Place "in the
same building with a number ofa
other Communist-controlled or-
ganizations" -and claims 60 chap-
ters in colleges ill14 states and a
total membership of 16,194.
Purpose Un-American
Tt is "neither American nor
democratic in its origin or pur-
poses," the committee said.
SMan iscripts
For Hoptwoods
Due lodaty
The deadline for Hopwood Con-
test manuscripts is 4:30 p.m. to-
day, Mary Cooley, acting director
of the Hopwood Room, said yes-
Eight major poetry entries and
ive major fiction entries had been
submitted by yesterday, MissCool-
ey said. More are expected today.
The manuscripts will be judged
and awards made by the last week
in May. Groups of judges of abil-
ity to rank and evaluate the man-
uscripts will be selected to advise
the Hopwood Awards Committee,
Miss Cooey said.
The annual Hopwood Lecture,
which comes in conjunction withi
the announcing of the awards in
May, will feature some well-known
novelist or poet. Christopher Mor-
ley, Carl Van Doren, Walter
Pritchard Eaton and Mary Colum
are among those who have given
the Hopwood Lecture during the
past ten years.
Losers in the current Hopwood
Contest may enter again this sum-
mer. Miss Cooley said. The sum-
mer bulletin on Hopwood regula-
tions is now available at the Hop-
wood Room, 3227 Angell Hall.
Leave Report
Deadline Near
Student veterans enrolled under
the G Bill (PL 346) who wish to
change or correct leave applica-
tions made during iegistration
must do so by Saturday, accord-
ing to Robert S. Waldrop, direc-
tor of the Veterans Service Bu-
Other student veterans who are
included in any of the following
groups must also report to the VA

I (-tur~anapC, rc'i .Rm. 100_1-xof the

OPEN HOUSE DISPLAY--Bob Fisher( left), physics student and
Russel Stecre, Lotany student, working with the Electron Micro-
Hosting Engineers to Conduct
Show Of-Electronics-Magic

Wallace Defends 'Right '
LONDON, April 15 - (/') -
Henry A. Wallace said tonight in
a broadcast interview carried by
CBS that he was "somewhat
surprised to learn that some
Americans deny the right today
of a private citizen to tell a
friendly people how he feels."
of understanding or appreciation
of the American way of life.
"The cheap, blundering anssault
now being made by some upon the
bi-partisan foreign policy of our
nation must not be allowed to pro-
voke action on our part which
would be utterly out of keeping
with democratic principled."
A V C ToDiSCeuss
Freedom Treats
The campus chapter of AVC will
consider alleged current state-wide
threats to academic freedom at
7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 308 at, the
Sidney Graber, chairman of the
Wayne AVC, will present a report
on developments there. He has
been co-nected with a student
movemen. to protest the actions of
Dr. Henry, Wayne President, and
the State Legislature's Callahan

The Electronics and Communi-
cations Building, inside the Engi-
neering Arch will be the scene of
doors opening automatically,
sound travelling on a beam of
light, dust being removed from the
air and people's voices being
turned inside out when the elec-
trical engineering department un-
veils its electronics show for the
Engineering Open House Friday.
According to Walter Bergner and
Tom Stout, co-chairmen of the de-
partment's Open House commit-
tee, the speech inversion machine
works, not by spelling words back-
wards, but by substituting tones
of different pitch in the sound of
a. voice. This means that high
tones come out low; low ones come
out , high. "Something like the
University's portable public ad-
dress system," Bergner joked.
After having heard their voices
warped out of shape, visitors will
be able to look at a picture of their
normal voices as indicated by wave
patterns on an oscilloscope.
Travel of sound waves on a
beam of light will be illustrated by
New Technic
Sale Contintus
Friday Open douse
Mlagazine Feature
A six-page introduction to the
Engineering Open House to be
held Friday highlights the April
issue of the Michigan Technic
which will be sold today in the
Engineering Arch and East Engi-
neering Lobby.
The spread includes advance
photographs and a list of the most
important exhibits to be displayed
when the engineering college
throws open its doors to the public
for the first time since the war.
A personalized review of the ca-
'eir of Dean Emeritus Joseph A.
Bursley, formerly a professor of
mechanical engineering in the en-
gineering college, is also featured.

Neither Side
Ready toSe
Strike Solution
Schwellenbach Calls
Both Irresponsible
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 15-Sec-
retary of Labor Schwellenbach
lashed at both sides in the nation-
wide telephone strike tonight af-
ter the union and Bell System
had turned down his formula for
a settlement.
Schwellenbach said in a radio
broadcast that the two parties
forgot that they are "in a public
utility industry." He criticized
them sharply for rejecting "a fair
proposal" and called for pressure
from thetpublic to persuade them
to take it.
"I do not propose to accept this
rejection without putting up a
fight for my proposal," he said,
and appealing directly to the peo-
ple, he added:
Places Responsibility
"Whether or not I succeed in
that fight is going to depend on
"I made the proposal on behalf
of the American people and I am
asking your who want telephone
service, and who pay telephone
bills, to demand o each side that
they accept the proposal which I
Schwellenbach said both sides
had resorted "to legalistic tactics
in' the rejection of my proposol,"
Demand Raise
The striking National Federa-
tion of Telephone Workers turned
the Secretary's proposal down
outright and demanded a general
pay raise as a basis for any settle-
ment. The Bell System companies
proposed. 13 modifications of his
plan including regional instead of
national arbitration and protec-
tion for the company against ret-
roactive pay raises for which they
could not raise rates.
Earlier Schwellenbach told re-
porters that neither side is show-
ing "any recognition of the public
responsibility they have."
The Secretary had come up with
an idea by which the strike might
be ended late Thursday. fnder
his plan, both sides woull agree
to (1) arbitration of basic money
issues by a five man board, and
(2) intensive negotiations to set-
tle other issues so that telephone
service could be resumed on a
normal basis.

a circuit in which the strength of
a beam of light falling on a photo-
electric cell is altered according to
sounds entering a microphone. A
loud speaker hook-up attached to
the cell turns the variations in
light back into the original sound
The automatic door opener is
another application of the photo-
electric cell. In this case the op-
eration of the door is controlled
by the cell's ability to detect a per-
son's approach by his shadow fall-
ing on the sensitive area of the
Senate Group
T][ones Downr
New Labor Bill
WASHINGTON, April 15-(IP)--
The Senate Labor Committee to-
day again toned down its general
labor bill regulating strikes and
unions and wrapped it up to await
expected formal committee ap-
proval probably Thursday.
A coalition o' Democrats and
Republicans once mor'e over-rode
Chairman Taft (Rep., Ohio) and
by a 7 to 6 vote ripped from the
bill a provision limiting industry-
wide bargaining. But Taft suc-
ceeded by a one-vote majority in
keeping the legislation in one
piece. The minority sought to split
it into three bills.
Taft said the bill may be called
up for Senate debate Monday and
that efforts will be made to rein-
state the eliminated sections by
amendment then.
Although softened in marked
degree, the measure is a broad de-
parture from present federal labor
practices. The House opened de-
bate on another omnibus labor bill
stronger in many particulars but
similar in others.
Rep. Leo Allen (Rep., Ill.), chair-
man of the House Rules Commit.
tee, told his colleagues in a speec
that the House measure "is a bill
of rights for the laboring man.


2,910 Listed,
For Diplomas
June 14 Graduation
Will Set New Record
A record number of degrees will
be conferred at the University's
103rd commencement to be held
June 14 at Ferry Field, Secretary
Herbert G. Watkins announced
A total of 2,910 students are
tentatively listed for diplomas,
Watkins said. The previous high
was reached in June, 1940, when
2,268 were graduated. There were
1,407 diplomas awarded at the
1946 commencement.
The Honorable Paul Joseph
Martin, Canadian minister of na-
tional health and welfare, will de-
liver the commencement address.
The literary college leads in ten-
tative number of graduates with
1,021, followed by the graduate
school, 688; engineering, 393; busi-
aess administration, 233; music,
107; forestry, 106; nursing, 86; ed-
-cation, 78; law, 77; public health,
35; architecture, 41; and phar-
mnacy, 15.
Housing Needs
Be Aired

' U' 13 roadccisint Presen ts Problemas

LadyPicketsBask inSun

Everything happens to the Uni-
versity Broadcasting Service.
About two years ago, while the

work of the Broadcasting Service,
which does, as Prof. Abbot says,
"the work that no other depart-
ment in the University wants to
I a

Easter Prayer
If you tuned In at 9:15 a 11,
Easter Sunday on Station WJR,
you heard the result of still an-g
-nh a ..lm. v f fh Pvrirlnac

Strolling in the spring sunshine
instead of operating switchboards,
a score of women telephone em-
nioves lius a sprinkling of three

A beginning operator, she said i
paid $29 a week. "Room and
board averages $23 weekly. That
item, plus deductions for withhold-
ing tax, social security and hospi-

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