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April 15, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-15

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Social it 4.4 fei Piz


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For thi ei chi-~l ii
search during1 , 47iiiH W Wi 1 odd01
the social iplcaio11A toicI
energy, the Soc(ietiy forl IIIl Ps-.y
chological Study of oilIus
will offer the Ed1 _wo rd L1. Br
Atomic Energy Awariid of a $1 A,OO0
U.S. Governmnton~wd.
'the organization, representini'
Joseph J. I lickey, aista.nt
curator of the Mus eumi of Zool-
ogy, yesterday was awarded a
Guggenheim fel lowsh ip- for the
study of the records of banded
Dr. Hickey, a two-time winner
of the fellowship, will study the
life expectanlcies of these birds in
the wilds and heir population
The fellowship wa one of 122
awarded by the Jolin iron G3ug-
genheim Memorial Foundation,
established in 1925 in memory of
the late Sen. Guggenheim.
Piano Recital lodlay
Nancy Marsh, music school stu-
dent, will present a piano recital
at 8:30 p.m. today at 'Lydia Men-.
delssohn 'Theatre.

17111 uii, I 1 ~ Ni 0htsc, v 4ILI iI 1-plls
lilIeLl~ta Glt)Aileriansoial uie i:; ~,~i . t u~. 'jAu i;Iilo l( 1O)i iin E11erit ii'g
in i raLs 'ltibtllPo . an i' litrt lo~tlll I0nteorma lt'i,
RessLie lesitden lt of U clla L e 1lieonyonTes ng, will be featuredl in th e April
i} .f ( . 1 cl z I d ee I o f the Lh.I T iii as I it'dy and Fridays hasi of fl11it, M.iohii ,11 Peell uic, tor
c: 1sity's SI ovey 1t ,lt'h el >iuter. beell I I i iilC t anld inladltlate, 'Ire(,1(ilsale i.odhly aid t IomUorrow il)
satid yesterda(ly. l~x. P. Luthjer Purdoinl, the direct - tIie igi ere Ii ait I he lobby (JI
Aodi'o . vi KI or, said yesterday. 11 ic E El feneering building.
psyholgy rofsso atSwath- Dr. Purrdoi ernplhlasized that the1 A series of reviews of new set-
l~ura U ouldnot ontiue t gie iiific bok s will also be featured,
ueuo College ani(] chairman oif the el fieienit service unless mocre stu- rerceilu naiew 'reehn ic polic'y
Award C ommittee, the Society is; dents began complying with the1 of remi rinfg techicaiel suibjects to
sponsoring the a ward biecause of re(ciluest. "'With our limited staff the l unma~lnities.
itsBeleftha "oun, objc..tieof 12 persons, we have to hanldle' A six- w-A, eriview of the.'("Wni-
a const ant stream of students into iI
reCsearchi aimied at exploring thei( our- office. Onie recent Monday ;312'1( 1W(iC '5Oe o s
social inilplicat ions 01f atomilc en- proscleatheBeu.Ti so liigidiu ht ,the issue. ril
peOeonercalledret the(Bureau. Tnis
ergy in terms (if the attitudes, leaves Uts almost no time to answer tlef a.l elrl natcl
fears, hl>]% e5 and thinking of the job inquiries, make recommenda - b rf 1 t rn ftl il
tions, and contact personnel men S (l(dparVtmlienit (n 'ILi >h-Speed
Americani people will aidLItS all In of outside firms andI organizations,"'' leU1rica I I Ui rtip le>. h1a1.s.c dil d,
the for iulation of adirable po1l 1)e1s-id- Forth,~ is reaso . e mu si a li lWit]i ' es~n ia-li ii ii ;l

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Icy with resptect to thlti 1) rlns of Colnt ily (dividIe our time betxx cen
a toinic ergy.''outside callers an(] students a p-
ri~h lie aard ws mae p tossible by lyiing at tile office, and wecl -
(- .ngift totIHlc SocieYty by)n(' of itsl not redr tile best Servi(:e to(i
m~em~bers il, wrd L. Be~trnays. ; itheir LIhe students who have a1
All coomm Uications; coe tr i intg iredy applied and for whom we
LIhe award should be"amldles ed to I are making contacts or the stii-
Dr. lDavid Ni-ech, fSwan m hmorll' il - dents makong application,'' he re-
leg'e, Swar thmor e, 1'a. iterated.
Dr. Purdom said that the Bur-
Mim es Gru Meets eau vwou~ld be glad to handle any
.tmnaer i . t ilat i se v i ca f stu-i

" Y l t it:; ltor lN~o thIiist, "ats, or tof
(lii' highi ae ,tiutni 1itiuip by 'Ioteri,


Oratorictal Collic"t
Take Todc-ty

Men intterested in reviving
Mimes-Union student operas will
meet at 7:30 p.m. tonighlt in the
Union to planl a contest, for ils-
tits scenarios.

dents, but again requested that
all other students come to tile
office oinly on'Tuesdays, Thurs-
clays, or Fridays from 9 to 12 or
2to 4.

The schedulde for the prehiinll
ari('s ini the Or atoricil Contest
h as been chlar ced and will be,
divided illto two eciosa junl-
ior'-senior (.) cn[.e:t whlichi be held at
4 p.mn. today in Bin. 4203 Angell
Hall, and a sophomore contest at
5 p.m. tomorrow in Rin. 4230)

Iferosimi. 2, a ative of dt 'cll-eh
sluvakiai, Wiu to :tl~ ti ,!t
the f allst omsuiioum hlas eitc

BO0Y S' C L U B M U S 1 C A L-Members of thie Boys' Club of New Yxork rehetarse an ouriginlal
musical comedy, written for the club's 70th anniversary, with Marv Bothwell, C'anadian soprano.
The youthful players, shown in costume for the play, Are Carmine Carid,, .ack (Whiclh,, Mary Ania
Pallid, the club's "kid sister," Harry Lavardo and Andrew Salatnoai.




6 A BE C OM ES B AC K.-.Staging a recovery from a
neck opc!ratin and a ser ious illness, George liernman (Babe)
Ruth,, basa-hahll's liinuerun king, posed for this portrait In Ne'w
Y'ork besfore {lyjinK to Florida for a rest.

T E X A S H 0 L!I D A Y-Frances Yeend, lyric soprano from
Washington state, enjoys a canter through the countryside during
a recent va('ation Iil the Itio Grande valley of Te 24


EARLY SA X _Ina el-
,giafl musical museum a visitor.
tries out one of the first saxo-
phones built by Adolphe $ax,
famous designer of musical! in-
,str~urents whom lived at Dinapd,
on the W~vcr Meuse. ?Note valves
and numer-ous bells.

8 L E5 S I N C S H R I M P F I E E TY- Father William F. Balfe rea&s the Scriptures during
annual ceremonies blessing the shrimp fleet in Matanzas .Bay, St. Augustine, fia.



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