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April 15, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-15

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TUESDAY. APREL4 15, 1947



Hayden Memorial Library



IT WOULD BE a hazardous guess to say
just how many students trod up the steps
of Angell Hall daily who have never paused
to read the inscription carved boldly in the
stone superstructure above their heads.
These words read, "Religion, morality, and
knowledge being necessary to good govern-
ment and the happiness of mankind, schools
and the means of education shall forever
be encouraged."
In view of the current campus drive for
funds to establish the Joseph Ralston Hay-
den Memorial Library at the University of
the Philippines, these words take on a spec-
ial significance.
To students with convictions of higher
education this drive is a natural concern
but to students of the University of Mich-
igan interest goes much deeper than that.
From as far back as 1899 when Prof. Dean
C. Worcester, a member of the faculty,
was appointed to the United States Philip-
pine Commission, the University of Mich-
gan has maintained constant affiliation
with the University of the Philippines.
Friendly relations have been enhanced
further by a free exchange of instructors
and students between the two universi-
ties in the years that followed.
A significant impetus to 'U' participation
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

in promoting education in the Philippines
came in 1933 when Professor Joseph R.
Hayden of the political science department
become vice-governor of the islands under
Frank Murphy. Recognized as an extremely
capable administrator, Hayden soon estab-
lished himself as an exceptionally able direc-
tor of the entire Philippine educational
was a lieutenant in the Michigan Naval
Militia serving with distinction in World
War I. Again in World War II, he served
as political advisor to General MacArthur
in the restoration and rehabilitation of the
Philippines. Over-exertion in this capacity
resulted in his death in 1945.
Now the ugly scars of American-Jap-
anese battles on the islands have left their
marks on the Philippine's highest insti-
tution of learning and the results of a large
share of Joseph Hayden's efforts have been
wiped out. It would indeed be a source of
personal satisfaction if we could help to
restore some of the cultural facilities that
have been demolished by the ravages of our
For many years a great many University
of Michigan graduates have been natives
of the Philippines. It was only natural that
last year 'U' students elected to adapt the
University of the Philippines as a "sister
university" to extend cooperation between
the two universities even further.
Now we have the opportunity to provide
tangible evidence of our friendship to this
institution. Yes, occasionally the burden of
encouraging "the means of education" falls
directly on students themselves.
-Bruce T. Schwartz

Truman Doctrine
There have been three important devel-
opments lately in connection with the bill
that is pending in the Congress to lend
$400,000,000 to Greece and Turkey. Senator
Vandenburg, of Michigan, Chairman of the
Foreign Relations Committee, remembered
something that President Truman, in his
hurry, had apparently not even thought
of. He realized that the United Nations
should have been consulted. So he offered
an amendment giving the United Nations
the right, without the exercise of any veto
on our part, to bring to an end any financial
operation by us in either country.
Senators Pepper and Taylor, in the Sen-
ate, and Congressman Blatnik in the House,
have introduced identical resolutions which
would go even further. Under this resolution
the United Nations would be charged with
the responsibility for expending any money
contributed by this or any other country.
Moreover, the money could be spent "only
.. . for the relief and rehabilitation of the
civilian economy of Greece . . ." The reso-
lution further authorizes the appropriation,
as our share, of a sum not exceeding $250,-
00.0,000. No money at all might be spent in
Turkey, nor could any be used in Greece for
military purposes.
Senator George, of Georgia, declared in
the Senate, that he was supporting the
"Truman doctrine" because he believed that
a stop should be put to further communistic
imperialism. Since this is really Mr. Tru-
man's purpose, we ought to be frank about
Last Tuesday, Senator Vandenberg made
a speech pleading for unanimous support
of the Truman proposal, as amended by the
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
However, our political leaders should not
expect us to play blind man's buff. The ad-
ministration concealed, until the last min-
ute, not only from the people but from the
Congress itself, its intent to ask for author-
ity to move into Greece and Turkey. Ap-
parently, the President wanted to create an
atmosphere of urgency. In his own good
time he ran to the Hill to tell the country,
breathlessly, that there was no time to lose
in sending our firemen to put out the fire
in far-away Greece and Turkey. Mr. Tru-
man asked the Senate to give him $400,000,-
000 to spend at his own discretion., The For-
eign Relations Committee debated the issue
for three weeks and reported an amended
bill. In their turn, the people are entitled to
the full facts and an opportunity to con-
sider them. It is the people's country that
may find itself gravely involved if we have
any more hair-trigger decisions by President
Truman. Moreover, emotionalism is not an
ingredient that- should be substituted for
reason and statesmanship at a critical mo-
ment in our history.
The American people are entitled to some-
thing better than the "bum's rush" at this
time. The situation calls for speed but not
for reckless speed. We are entitled to know
just what booby traps lie ahead of us on
perhaps the most fateful journey that this
country has ever been asked to take.
(New York Post Syndicate, Copyright 1947)
'. '

Letters to the Editor..

r 1
Cop,. "947 by United FAyatsiSdicate, In. co.."irs"
Tm. Reg. UV S. Pet. OR.-All rights resered.
"Alwvays puttiii' on airs'."

Proportional Representation

I T HAS BECOME fashionable after each
Student Legislature election for a handful
of theorists to bemoan the supposed ills and
inequities of the Hare system of proportional
representation which is used in the balloting.
One critic recently went so far as to
charge that if the ballots were shuffled and
retabulated "an entirely different set of
-candidates might be elected." This, he
claimed, "is certainly possible, as any politi-
cal science professor could inform you."
When he and I actually talked with a
political science professor, however, the
basis of the critic's authority and his
premises were both proven fallacious. In
an experiment conducted by the professor
to test just this hypothesis, ten different
groups of students tabulated the ballots
of 125 voters who participated in a small
election in the city. Not only were the
same candidates elected in each instance,
but the other candidates were eliminated
in the same order with the same number
of votes. An oversimplified example in
which 22 people voted to select two out
of three candidates was offered as evi-
dence against the Hare system by one
letter writer. When four out of 12 ballots
are being picked for redistribution, the
possibility that chance will determine the
selection of the final candidate is certainly
possible. When an appreciable number of
ballots are cast, however, such as 125 or
3,000, the possibility of chance is dimin-
ished to the point of insignificance.
Under the Hare system each ballot counts
in the election of one candidate. Critics cry-
ing that this is undemocratic seem to over-
look the facts that each voter's ballot must
weigh equally in the elption and that a stu-
dent who knew 24 candidates running in
the last election was indeed a rare indi-

vidual. The Hare system guarantees to the
voter that, providing he has indicated suf-
ficient choices, his vote will actually help
elect one of his choices. Under any other
balloting system, the voter has absolutely no
assurance that his ballot will go to elect
anyone. Instead it may be wasted on sev-
eral minority candidates, none of whom are
elected or else it can become part of the
unused excess given to a popular candidate.
WTHAT ABOUT the 300 discarded ballots
in the last election? Most of these bal-
lots were discarded near the end of the
tabulation and many of them listed several
choices. These choices had either already
been elected and consequently did not need
the additional vote, or else had already been
eliminated and would not have been aided
by it.
A gentleman from Willow Run asserts
that it is undemocratic to have candidates
elected by various groups. The argument
is politically naive. If the men in his
dorm, people who know him, do not vote to
elect him, how can he expect that great
generality "the campus at large" to elect
a* total stranger? Had this individual
taken the trouble to visit a Legislature
meeting before he drew his conclusions, he
would have noticed the absence of "log
rolling" between the members which he
casually supposed to be a consequence of
the system.
If these critics are sincerely interested in
improving the Student Legislature election
system, they will have an opportunity to
present constructive proposals to the Legis-
lature tomorrow when that body will, as
part of its business meeting, attempt to clear
up the flagrant misconceptions which now
exist. -Tom Walsh


(Continued from Page 2)
Craft Workshop; 8 p.m., Exten-
sion Class in Psychology.
Fri., April 18, 8 p.m., Duplicate
Mathematics Lecture. Professor
Marcal Riesz of the Mathematical
Institute of Lund University, at
present visiting professor at the
University of Chicago, will lecture
on The Riemann-Liouville Inte-
gral and The Wave Equation on
Thurs., April 17, 4:15 p.m., Rm.
3017 Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Karl
Gunther Kessler, Physics; thesis:
"The Investigation of the Proper-
ties of Electron-Multiplier Photo-
tubes and Their Application to
Quantitative Spectographic Analy-
sis," at 2 p.m., Tues., April 15.
West Council Room, Rackhain
Bldg. Chairman, R. A. Wolfe.
School of Education Testing
Program. All students who have
been notified by letter concerning
the School of Education Testing
Program are requested to obtain
their registration cards Tues.,
April 15, 8:30-12 noon or 1:30-
4:30 p.m., Rm. 1431 University
Elementary School. All students
electing A10 and, or, C during the
current year, as well as transfer
students in the School of Educa-
tion, have been notified.
Botanical Seminar. Open Meet-°
ing, 4 p.m., Wed., April 16, Rm.
1139 Natural Science Bldg. Paper:
A Discussion of Some Botanical
Laboratories in Brazil, followed by
colored slides of Rio de Janeiro, by
Felix G. Gustafson
Chemistry 41 and 141 Labora-
tory desk space is now available
for those students who elected the
second half of the accelerated pro-
gram, and also for any students
who have incompletes outstanding
in quantitative analysis. Secure
desk assignments in Rm. 328 after
1 p.m. any afternoon.
Statistics Seminlfar. 4 pm..W d.,
April 16, 3201 Angell Hull.
Zoology teminar Thr., April
17, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Mr. Walter E. Howard
will speak on "Dispersal Move-
ments of Individual Prairie Deer-
mice from their Birthplaces." Mr.
Frederick S. Barkalow will speak
on "A Game Inventory of Ala-
Veterans' Tutorial Program:
Chemistry (3)-Mon., 7-8 p.m.,
122 Chem, S. Lewin; Wed.-Fri.
5-6 p.m., 122 Che,. S Lewin; (4
--Mon. 7-8 p.m., 151 Chem, R.
Keller; Wed.-Fri 5-6 p.m., 151
Chem, R. Keller, (21)-Wed., 4-5
p.m., 122 Chem, R. Hahn.
English (1)-Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6
p.m., 2203 AH, D. Martin. (2)-
Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3209 AH,
D. Stocking.
French-( 1)-Mon.-Thurs.4-5
p.m., 106 RL, A. Favreau. (2-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-6 p.m., 205 RL, F.
Gravit. (31 -Mon.-Thurs., 4-5,
p.m., 203 RL, J. O'Neill. (32)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 108 RL, A.
Spanish-(1)-Tu. - Thurs., 4-5

p.m., 203 RL, E. W. Thomas. (2)-
Mon.-Wed., 4-5 p.m., 207 RL, H.
Hoctkins. (2) - Tu.-Thurs., 4-5
p.m., 207 RL, H. Hootkins. (31)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 210 RL, C.
German-Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:30
pm., 2016 AH, F. Reiss; Sat., 11-
12 a.m., 2016 AH, F. Reiss.
Mathematics - (6 through 15)
-Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3010 AH, G.
Costello; Sat., 11-12 a.m., 3010 A
H, G. Costello. (52, 53, 54) - Wed.
Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3011 AH, E. Span-
ier; Sat. 11-12 a.m., 3011 AH, E.
Physics (25, 45)-Mon.-Tu.-Th.
5-6 p.m., 202 W. Physics, R. Hart-
man. (26, 46).-Mon.-Tu.-Th., 5-
6 p.m., 1036 Randall, D. Falkoff.
Student Recital: Nancy Marsh,
pianist, will be heard in a pro-
gram of compositions by Bach,
Beethoven, Debussy, Chopin, and
Sowerby, at 8:30 p.m., Tues., April
15, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss
Marsh presents the recital in par-
itial .fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor
of Music. Open to the general
Student Recital: Mary Kanno,
students of violin under Gilbert
Ross, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Mu-
sic, at 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 16,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Pro-
gram: compositions by Vitali,
Bach, Mozart, Vieuxtemps, Gran-
ados, and Wieniawski. Open to
'the general public.
Events Today
AIChE: The last order for AI
ChE pins and keys this semester
will be sent out Sat., April 19.
Orders nay be placed with Eleon-
ore Kanar and Floyd Preston un-
til then. Those students entitled
to the Chemical Progress subscrip-.
tions at the reduced rates are
asked to place their orders now,
since these will also be sent out on
the 19th.
La P'tite Causette. 3:30 p.m.,
Girill Room, Michigan League.
Christian Science Organization:
7:30 p.m Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Michigan tames. General meet-
ing, 8:15 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Hall. One-act play to be present-
ed by the Drama Group, under the
direction of Mrs. Austin Beebe.
All wives of students and internes
and married women students are
cordially invited.
Coming Events
Michigan Chapter AAUP will
meet Thurs., April 17, at the
Michigan Union in the lunchroom
of the Faculty Club at 6:15 p.m.
A panel consisting of Deans Ed-
monson, Keniston, Sawyer and
Stason will discuss "Research Re-
sponsibilities'of the Faculty Under
Existing Class Loads." Members
of the faculty are invited.
Research Club. Annual memor-
ial meeting, 8 p.m., Wed.. April
16, Rackham Amphitheatre. Pap-
ers: Prof. T. H. Hildebrandt on
the German mnathematician karl
Weierstrass; Prof. J. E. Dunlap on
the Belgian philologist Justus Lip-

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily,
prints EV4IIIY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of thet
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printedor
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Answer to Lange
To the Editor:
IN REPLY to Allen S. Lange's
letter which appeared in the
Daily on March 26, although we
feel that a great deal could be
written in regard to his suggestion
that the United States should em-
ploy "a little charity and for-
bearance" in its relations with
Russia especially in view of the
tecord of the results of attempts
to secure "greater mutual under-
standing" between = the United
States and Russia, we wish to di-
rect our reply to what we think
is the principal contention get
forth therein.
Mr. Lange seeems to contend
that the moneyed interests in this
country are deliberately cam-
paigning, through use of false re-
ports published by a controlled
press, to "march us gaily off on
our way to World War III." He
specifically accuses the DuPonts
and the Morgans, and we would
infer that they are merely repre-
sentative of the "profiteers and
miscellaneous warmongers who
control the industry and wealth
of this country."
These are serious charges. If
true, every student on this camp-
us should join with other patrio-
tic citizens to expose these ruth-
less manipulators so that their
nefarious undertaking may be
stopped short. However, lest we
undertake a campaign which lacks
credible evidence for its founda-
tion, we invite Mr. Lange toavail
himself of the columns of The
Michigan Daily to publish compe-
tent evidence to substantiate the
charges made in his letter. Evi-
dence of a general nature will not
suffice. We invite Mr. Lange to
sius. Members of the Women's
Research Club and of the Science
Research Club are invited.
Freshmen: All eligible students
interested in participating in an
all-campus freshman public speak-
ing contest sponsored by the De-
partment of Speech are asked to
meet Friday, 5 p.m., 4203 AH. Pre-
liminary contest will be Thurs.,
May 1, and final contest Wed.,
May 7.
American Pharmaceutical As-
sociation, Student Branch, 7:15
p.m., Wed., April 16, Rm. 151
Chem. Bldg. Motion picture on
Folic Acid will be discussed by Dr.
Bethell, assistant director of the
Simpson Memorial Institute. All
persons interested are invited.
English Journal Club. 7:45 p.m.,
Thurs., April 17, West Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. David
Stevenson and Mr. Earl Ely will
discuss "The Value of Scholar-
ship." Refreshments.
Flying Club. Open meeting, 7:30
p.m., Wed., April 16, 1042 East
Engineering Bldg. Those inter-
ested in membership are invited.
Reserve Officers Association,
Ann Arbor Chapter. 7:30 p.m.,
Wed., April 16, American Legion
Home, 1035 S. Main Street. All
Reserve officers are cordially in-
vited to attend. Two movie shorts,
"Plan for Peace" and "Sky-Blitz,"
will be shown.
Any Reserve Officer, whether
Naval, Marine, AAF, or AGF, is
eligible for membership in the Re-
serve Officers Association.
Pi Tau P1 Sigma, Signal Corp;

Fraternity. 7:15 p.m., Wed., April
16, Rm. 100, Military Hdas. Bldg.
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration fratern-
ity. Pledge meeting, 7 p.m., Wed.,
April 16, Rm. 305, Union. Actives
will hold a business meeting in
same room at 7:30 p.m.
Scabbard and Blade. 8:30 p.m.,
Wed., April 16, Rm. 319 Michigan
The Intercooperative Cunicil
will interview girls who would like
to live in cooperative houses next
fall, on Wed., April 16, 4-5:30 p.m.,
Muriel Lester House, 1102 Oak-
land. Since vacancies are filled
on the basis of personal interviews,
all girls who are interested should
be present at that time.
Art Cinema League presents
"The Charlie Chaplin Festival."
Thurs., Fri., and Sat., 8:30 p.m.
Box Office opens 2 p.m. daily be-
ginning Wed. Reservations phone
6300, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.

A FEW thoughts for those who
are still chuckling over the
Supreme Court's treatment of the
Mine Workers Union. There are
more miners' lives lost per ton of
coal in the United States than in
any other country, over 100 lives
per annum. And why are they
lost? If you read the papers care-
fully you can find the answer. The
miner's union at Centralia, scene
of the most recent disaster peti-
tioned the governor of Illinois, one
year ago, to take action on the
obviously hazardous conditions in t
the mine because they feared for
their lives. But a government ex-
amination one week before the ex-
plosion found no "dangerous con-
ditions." Today four of the or-
ganizers of the petition are lying
dead in the pit.
-Cornelius J. Loeser
Army 'Duck
To the Editor:
APROPOS The Daily's Wednes-
day morning story on the
questionable doing ofrthenArmy
"duck" (conveying the Technic's
slide rule), could Lt. Col. David-
son or some other Army authority
tell us why, in the first, place, an
Army vehicle was engaged in non-
governmental transportation?
Some of us recall pretty rigid
restrictions by the Army on use
of its vehicles for private purpos-
Perhaps Rep. Engel hit the nail
on the head when he argued a
couple of weeks ago, not for larg-
er military appropriations, but for
interdepartmental economics.
-Robert Copp
Liberal Views
To the Editor.
ANOTHER news commentator,
William L. Shirer, lost his job
because his analysis of the news
was too liberal.
What is happening to us that
we must forbid men to write or
talk on matters that we disagree
upon? Didn't we go to the polls
last November and vote Republi-
can? Then why this "red" scare
which is aimed at all liberals? Is
it because "big" business feels in-
secure and shaky in finding en-
during outlets for their invest-
ments? Or is this "red" scare a
smoke screen to smash up all labor
-Phillip Bedein
There is no danger that any
atomic bomb of present or future
design will ever blow up the
eaarth, the sea, or the atmosphere.
If atomic bombs will lead to dis-
aster, it will not be by an acci-
dental catastrophe but by means
of careful planning and design.
-Edward Teller in Bulletin
of Atomic Scientists
Sir!T jiu &ir

prove to the students of the Uni-
versity, Mr. Dustin P. Ordway and
ourselves in particular. that the
industrial leaders of this country
have sponsored a campaign to
misrepresent our relations with
Russia for the purpose of leading
the people of this country into un-
justified war with Russia in order
that their pockets might be lined.
Produce that evidence and we are
your most ardent supporters. Fail
to produce it and our conclusion
as to just who is gullible will be
-E. G. Davis
J. G. Nilles

iner' is ies
To the Editor:

At The State

Magnificent Doll (Universal),d
ers, David Niven, Burgess

Ginger Rog-

Black and Whitte

E rHE FACT that thirty-one Senators could
have voted against David Lilienthal is
most important. It indicates the amount of
opposition that can be worked up in our
day against a man in whose record no dis-
honorable fact can be found. This is oppo-
sition based entirely on the circumstances
that Mr. Lilienthal happens to differ some-
what from the average run of Americans of
his age and time, in that he is a little more
sophisticated about what goes on in the
World, a little more liberal, a little more
knowing about the imperfections of the sta-
tus quo, a little more bookish.
The S'enators who voted against Mr'.
Lilienthal as chairman of the atonic en-
ergy commission were not lacking in hon-
or. It is just that in a black and white
time, he made them uneasy. They would
have preferred a more two-dimensional
type; a blusterer of the smoking cars, as
unimpressed by as he wad unacquainted
with some of the torments that lie below
the surface of this particular moment in
the affairs of man. Mr. Lilienthal worries
about some of the poor rural folk of the
South, for example; and the thirty-one
Senators would, on the whole, have pre-
ferred a man with more standard interests.
Some of them even tried to hint that Mr.
Lilienthal's confirmation would, in some
cryptic and totally inexplicable way, be a

women, by human beings, and certain stan-
dards will have to be set up in selecting
In a period in which we are embarking
on an extensive loyalty purge of all govern-
ment employees, and in which thirty-one
Senators can turn in negative votes against
a man of Lilienthal's distinction, one feels
sure that the men who run and operate our
global intelligence will have to be super-
duper certified pure. With this goes the
strange and subtle danger that they may be
super-duper two-dimensional; narrow men,
so politically pasteurized as to be quite un-
able to comprehend, with adequate sophisti-
cation (or savvy, if you like) what really
goes on in this world.
Mr. Walter Lippman nleas recently written
a remarkable column, in which lie pointed
out how many shades of political difference
there can be (as in Greece) between commu-
nists on one side, and extreme rightists on
the other, all the shades of liberal, social-
democratic, moderate and merely do-gooder
which may lie in between. These are impor-
tant differences, but the trouble is that men
really acceptable to our Congress are not
supposed to know too much about such
things. This is one field in which the dogma
is being set up that it is un-American to be
too smart; that a rough, primary distinction
between communist and anti-communist, is
quite enough for any respectable man.
One wonders what kind of a picture of this

r 'HE Encyclopedia Brittanica fails to go
into the more personal aspects of the
life of James Madison and his wife Dolly,
so we are unable to criticize, at such short
notice, the historical aspects of this costume
parade. There were times when we had
our doubts, but since we never believe any-
thing we see in the movies, we didn't let
this bother us. The chronicle deals with
the earlier portions of Mrs. Madison's life,
her malrriagc to a Quaker, his death, her
subsequent meeting with James Madison,
Aaron Burr, and the like. The picture might
well be titled "How to be a Successful Hos-
tess," since it more often deals with Dolly's
social triumphs than the political activity
of the day. David Niven plays Aaron Burr
just a shade below the maniacal. All in
all, it can be stood.
At The Michigan ,
Suddenly It's Spring (Paramount), Paulette
Goddard, Fred MacMurray
THIS IS THE light, frothy type of comedy
that occasionally collapses through- its
own lack of weight, but generally keeps mov-
ing in a pleasantly diverting manner. Its
machinations concern a marriage-relations
expert out to keep her own marriage intact
while her husband indeterminantly hounds
her to sign a divorce consent. The comedy
is not unusual, there are times when it is not
even funny, but on the whole the effort is'
better than expected. If you're in the mood
to laugh, you'll laugh.
-Joan Fiske

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul llarsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Diclkey ........... City Editor
Milton Freudenhein ,Editorial Director
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor
Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal... Research Assistant
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork.........Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ... Advertising Manager


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