____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.__THE___Ari i lIG ViAIL , 'Manila Square' T w o Be Held For Benefit of Philippine U. Tickets On Sale For Informal Dance; Doolittle Orchestra To Furnish Music Tickets for "Manila Square," an informal dance to help raise money to rebuild a library at the Univer- sity of the Philippines, are now on sale at the Union, the League desk, campus bookstores, and a booth in University Hall. "Manila Square" will be given from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday, April 19, in Waterman Gymna- 8ium, by the Joseph Ralston Hay- den Memorial Library Commit- tee. All the proceeds will be put Student Tutors Available Now Any student desiring to be tu- tored may sign up now in the Merit-Tutorial Office in the League, according to Judy Rado, chairman of the Merit-Tutorial Committee. Interested students may fill out a slip with their name, phone j number and subject in which they wish to be tutored and leave it in Miss Rado's box in the Undergrad- uate Office in the League. in a fund to rebuild a library a the University of the Philippine honoring Joseph Ralston Hayden former professor here. Tom Doolittle and his band will provide music for the affair. They will play special numbers for square dancing in addition to their regular music for social dancing. There will be three regular dances to each square dance. The committee has decided to make "Manila Square" a semi- coed bid affair. Both men and women may invite dates. This ar- rangement will give women a chance to repay their forma dates. Since the theme of the dance will be country-style, women are requested to wear peasant skiits and men to wear blue jeans, fatigues, or other very in- formal clothes. Decorations and programs will also be designed to fit the rural theme. Cokes will be available to the dancers at the refreshment bar.- F rJ IrJ B41 r . ,.. ., ';; \.; r Y L' _-\v /. , r-I :H H_ H 4 H 4 H H H H 51 51 4 H H H Stron yWilPla t i s s <3 INK--Draped shoulder pleats and full swinging border flares and graduating to a longer back re detalsof this natural ranch Strong Wi slay !tSlide RPle Bal Friday, April 18 RThe annual spring Slide Rule Ball will be sponsored by the Michigan Technic from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April 18 in Water- man Gymnasium. Tickets are still available to the general public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in University Hall, the Engine Arch and the Union. The ball will feature Bob Strong and his or- chestra with Jo Ann Talley and Don Bailey, vocalists, and Johnny Carroll, trumpeter. The bandstand and the gymna- sium will be decorated on the en- gineering theme. Decorations will center around huge slide rules. blueprints and revolving gears. Dance programs for coeds will also bear an engineering design. Special late bus runs will be made to Willow Run Village Diamonds.. S1 N Rings 717 No~lrth University Ave.- The money for these awards was Lessons are given during the the University in 1945, and is a collected from the proceeds of clinic hours, which are from 1:15 member of the Alpha Phi sorority. Pay-Off dance which Mortar to 2:15 p.m. on Mondays, from Mr. Black received his master's Board gave the weekend after 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. on Tuesdays. degree in business administration J-Hop. from 10 to 11 a.m. on Wednesdays, at the University and is affiliated Application must be filed by and from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. on with Beta Theta Phi. Saturday, April 19, and the win- Thursdays. Coeds can register for ners of the scholarships will be the course at any time in Barbour Mr. and Mrs.. C Klein of Caro announced at Installation Night. Gymnasium. where the lessons have announced the engagement are held. of their daughter, Rosemary, to W AbExercises Recommended James O'Kelly, son of Mr. and SomeAof the differentmeans Mrs D.. O'Kelly also of Caro. masMiss Klein was graduated from Winners Listedused to help the coeds are exer- the University in June.1945. She cises on mats and apparatus work. was a member of Gamma Phi Winners in the WAA Inter- There are also full length mirrors Beta. Yyvern and Mortarboard House Basketball tournament have available in the clinic. I-health and is now employed at the Uni- been announced. Service w ll prescribe special diets versity. Mr. O'Kelly is completing Kappa Kappa Gamna ranked and other subsidiary material, his work at the University after first in the "A" league. The Co- Exercises are given to strength- serving in the United States Army operative women were first in th en weak muscles like those of the Air Force. B league and challenged and de- abdomen. Corrective posture ex-I --- feated Pi Beta Phi, runners up in ercises are given to those desiring A small clean spray gun is a the "B" division was Gamma Phi them. There are even exercises to handy help in evenly dampening Bte "B" division was Gamma Phistrengthen tired and sore feet. clothes. Jt fill the oin with Beta. lts.Js ilhe Mortar Board Will Award Scholarships Applications Available Now In League Undergraduate Office For Eligible Coeds j Applications for Mortar Board scholarships may be picked up at the Undergraduate Office in the League. The scholarships will be given to one sophomore and one junior woman, and will be $150 each. They will be awarded on the basis of service to the University, high scholastic achievement, and need. The chief purpose of Mortar Board's existence is service to the! University, and the achievements upon the basis of which the schol- arships are to be awarded include two of the requirements for mem- bership in this society. Clinic Offers Posture Aid To Women{ By KATHLEEN ESSENBURG One of the little known services{ of the Department of Physical Ed- l'otion for "w7 enMP .)i. litatof the Weddings & Engagements Dr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Daniels of Detroit ihave announced the en- 'aomcnt ef their daughter, Pa- tri'ia May, to William M. Beaney Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pennies should not be placed behind fuse plugs in a fuse box as they destroy value of the fuse' as a safety valve. Reducing exercises can also be taken. When combined with aI Health Service diet these are very effective. Reduction can be all- over or localized. water, spray the article and roll it up. It's just the right degree of dampness by the time the iron's i .' ,,rioc U1 IMc, . Xff _11 IN i I -L, rf0 1 ',v yBeane of Forty Fort. Pa. Miss IPhs urc clinic. Ban Mis Ruth Harris is in charge of Daniels, '46, is a member of Kappa the Posture clinic. She offers per- Kappa Gamma. Mr. Beaney is a sonal attention to any woman in- Harvard graduate and is now a ter'estedi in improving her posture senior in the University Law or figurc In cooperation with the School. He is affiliated with Phi h Serthe Delta Phi. The couple plan a June classes in corrective exercises. wedd lcing.t ('lasses Advised for Coeds j Women who received a health Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Kempf of rating of C or C- should take the Ann Arbor have announced the course. A n y other interested engagement of their daughter, women are also urged to take the Edith Patricia. to Mr. Lorne C. course. Classes can be begun or Black, Jr. of Port Huron. Miss stepped at any time, as there is no Kempf was graduated from Emma set length for the course. Willard School in Troy. N. Y. and a IL, i I it I tS t )ou are cordially invited to 'attend a Michigan alumni C I)1NNE:R-DANC' on Friday evening, April I1, at the Brooklea Counatry Club, I le dance is I R E to all Michigan students and their dates upon prescnt.uion of identification cards. Other student couples 2.50. 'Ill dinnezr is optional but please attend if possible. It is only S30 -c0 per person for a real Rochester steak dinner. I I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : .'s : 11 I '/ BUSINESS SERVICES ELECTROLUX Vacuum Cleaners Sales John Jadwin, service. 855 Tappan Ave. Phone 2-7412. )1G TYPEWRITERS now available for rent, standards or portables. Office Equip- ment Service Co., 11] S. Fourth Ave. )3C TYPING: Theses, term papers, etc. Duplicating: notices, form letters programs. A2 Typing Service, 232 Nickels Arcade, phone 9811. )55 TRANSPORTATION HELP WANTED ATTENTION GI's: Part time work available for several students with previous auto repair experience. See Mr. Surd at Cushing Motor Sales. )26 ATTRACTIVE OPPORTUNITIES await girls who are on the lookout for per- manent positions with a future. For further iinfornation call 9985, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Michigan Bell Telephone Co. )33 FOR SALE tollsI E1 RE ARE PATENTS to match the sparkle of the fresh Spring air, to give a new and wonderful touch to your wardrobe. IN BLACK PATENT Withl)(Igs o mal WANTED--Ride to Cincinnati, O., or Lexington, Ky., for Spring vacation. Call 2-1489 after 7:00 p.m. Luke ware. >62 I ,_ " [ __ __ . _. E I 1 i tiOKINSLSmart SIPIECIAIL 11 A BETTER PRICE paid for Men's used clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash- ington St. )14 For immediate delivery-APARTMENT SIZE KELPVINATOR REFRIGERA- 'TORS. MoranWinchester Company, 211 L Liberty, 2-5544. )23 NFED ANOTHER SUIT? I have three. or sale, size 40 long, in excellent con-J dition. Apt. 23, 520 E. Jefferson St. )29 FOR SALE-21-Foot National HouseE Trailer with awning. Excellent condi- tion. Pikes Trailer Park, 46537 Ecorse Rd.) 1946 HOUSETRAILER, 21 ft., 2 rooms, permanent double bed, electric brakes, plenty of storage space, pleasant honie for couple. 935 Heath Ct., Willow Village. )12' TAILORING and SEWING ANNOUNCING an addition in person- nel. We feel free to offer prompt ser- vice. Let us help you plan your spring and summer wardrobe. Hildegarde LOST AND FOUND PLEASE return my Parker "51" lost in library Thursday morning. Black and silver. Reward. Call 4013 Stockwell.)43 LOST--White silk scarf with newspaper design. Keepsake value. Robert Flagg 2-4591 302 Greene douse. )41 LOST--A Keuffel and Esser slide rule. Owner Alex Herrero needs it urgent- ly. Phone 2-2386. Reward. )3 LOST-Small black and white mixed terrier head and spot at base of tail black. Curly tail. County license 82. Cali 2-7729. Reward. IF YOU picked up wrong green alligator raincoat, size 44, from Dascola Barber Shop Wednesday afternoon, please contact J sG. Nilles, phone 4145. I have your size 40 coat. 1 MISCELLANEOUS' IF INTERESTED in an investment ap- plying as rent which will assure you a two year apartment lease write Box 31 Michigan Daily. )62 PLASTIC LAMINATIONS - All types, discharges, birth certificates, and pic- tures. Also photos laminated and framed. Leave work at Calkins-Flet- cher, Wikel Drug, Purchase Camera and Card and Camera Shop. By Technical Photo Service. )21 ARCHITECTURE!! HENRY STREET, six rooms, fireplace American frame, oak floors, deep lot, garage. Call 6415. )2 Bernice E. Ferris, Realtor Your trip will be more enjoyable if you are carrying TRAVELER'S CHECKS. No need to worry about theft; your money is insured against any loss. 101 SOUTH MAIN LY 108 East Washington Phone 2-2685 H r DAY, SERVICEt TM on DRY CLEANING IF BROUGHT IN TO EITHER OF OUR STORES ON MONDAYS, TUESDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS. 13I -for~~ EV IEA SIFJE R, IDI1IN N IE R I * (Choice of one) Oysters on Half Shell Fresh Shrimp Cockftal Chilled Tomato Juice or GraIw friu Chicken Rice Soup Railishes 11 lie 0/l es Shop. 116 E. Huron, 2-4669. )19. Buy an Hol(1 U. S. Savings Bonds! C' Ihr 11 WHOLE BROILED LIVE LOBSTER ROAS'T' YOUNG TOM TURKEY-Dressing, Cranberry Sauce BAKED HAM-GLAZED PINEAPPLE ROAST LEG OF LAMB-MINT JELLY ROAST LONG ISLAND DUCKLING-JELLY BROILED FILET MIGNON FROG LEGS (FRIED)-TARTAR SAUCE SIRLOIN STEAK Xashed, Candied Sweet or Julienne Po/aloes i"nma Beans or Fresh Peas Tossed Salad ..DESSERTS... Frsh Strawberr* Sunae or Parfait Choc'Olahe Sundiiae or Parfai/ I JOI)?e-Made Pies lowne-AMade Cakes SwI retharl PIe I SHE'S SURE TO V/N /N THAT DORIS DODSON! \ Beauty COntestl; gnO fnall the time . .. unofficially. Anod the w inning I1 w«avs of Doris Dodsons do wonderful things for { If i I I I