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February 12, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-12

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Latest Deadline in the State





Page 4

. 88



t Orders Vets
Fsence Reports
its To Be Deducted from Leave;
eportingy Will Be on. Honor Basis
Veterans Administration has ordered all student veterans to
ly absence reports, effective immediately, Robert S. Waldrop,
of the Veterans Service Bureau, announced yesterday.
e reporting will be on the honor system, since at present
iversity does not plan to take roll in all classes to cross-
the veterans' reports, Waldron said.
report, which is to be filed each Monday before 5 p.m. for
during the previous week, is necessary in order that the VA
e adequate basis for paying subsistence and granting leave,
said. When no report is on file, leave cannot be approved
quntil a statement from the insti-

Press Wil
*der Vets
Is Plan

Proposal Advanced
By Daily, Local AVC
te plan for paying student vet-
s by on-the-spot disbursing
ers, first suggested in the edi-
,I columns of The Daily and
recommended to the VA by
University chapters of the
, is now before the House
inittee on Veterans Affairs.
Le proposal is the substance of
1108, written by Representa-
Edith Rogers of Massachu-
chairman of the veterans
nittee, after hearing testi-
, by Chat Paterson, national
Lative representative of the
e bill provides for establishing
sury checking accounts in the
e of educational institutions,
for the appointment of dis-
ng- oficr to pay student
ans from those accounts. The
irsing officer will not be paid
ie VA,
ilv ity officials made no
nen on the proposed plan. -
e results of the localAVC poll
adent veterans financial prob-
, made last December, formed
e part of the testimony made
aterson when the House cQm-
se was drawing up H.R. 870,
b. provides foran increase in
ans subsistence payments and
rg of veteran income ceilings.
~ts' Checks
port Urged
1@et veterans who are not
vin subsistenceallowances
Id report to the Veterans Ser-
Bureau, Rm. 100,. Rackham,
rrow, Robert S. Waldrop, di-
r of the VSB, announced
r students who cannot report
rrow, the deadline will be ex-
d until noon on Friday, Wal-
said. "Cooperation of all
,ns will assist the VA regional
a in Detroit to review all
cuent subsistence accounts"
rop stated,
or Society
SDrill T odav
cabbard and Blade
Co Initiate Pledges
enty- eight fati gue-clad
es of Scabbard and Blade,
nal honorary military society,,
parch across campus today as
of a revival of the Univer-
chapter after four years of
me inactivity.
e pledges-designated as
res" by their older brothers
1 "fall in" for close order
every noon and evening for
alance of the week at the foot
;e University flagpole on the
where a tablet was placed byI
harter members of the chap-i
hen it formed on the cam-4
;n 1923.
e "squires" will be taken to
oy Scout Camp on the Huron
Saturday where informal
tion ceremonies will be held.
'mal initiation rites will be1
at 2 p.m. Sunday at the
.C. Rifle Range.
,bbard and Blade initiates are
nn for high academic standing
leadershin ability, based on1

tution is obtained by the student
certifying the amount of absence
charged to him.
Every veteran must file a re-
port each week, whether or not
he has missed any classes dur-
ing that week.
The number of days a veteran is
absent fromclass will be deducted
from the amouit of leave due him,
according to the VA ruling. VA
officials would not say as to
whether or not absences would
cause a cut in regular subsistence
payments, Waldrop said.
Leave time under both PL 16
and PL 346 (GI Bill) accrues at
the rate of two and a half days
per month while the' veteran is
in training but no more than 30
days can be taken at one time.
Veterans -in school under, the
provision of PL 16 may get an ad-
ditional 30 days of sick leave, but
GI Bill trainees will lose part of
their regular leave if they miss
their classes because of sickness,
Waldrop said.
The amount of leave taken by a
veteran is deducted from his to-
tal training time under both laws.
Student veterans are to pick'
up the forms at their convenience
and file them before 5 p.m. each
Monday in the following places as
designated- -#y the respective
schools and colleges:
Literary college-Corridor; U
Hall; engineering college-Rm.
225 W. Engineering Bldg.; gradu-
ate school-graduate school office,
Rackham Bldg.; law school-Rm.
304 Hutchins Hall; architecture
college-Rm. 207 Architecture
Bldg.; pharmacy college-Rm. 250
Chemistry Bldg.; business admin-
istration school-Rm,. 108 Tappan
Hall; dentistry college-Secre-
tary's office, Dentistry Bldg.; edu-
cation school-Rm. 1433 Univer-
sity Elementary School; forestry
school-Rm. 2045 Natural Science
Bldg.; music school--Rm. 101
School of Music Bldg.; nursing
school-Rm. 2036 University Hos-
pital; public health school-In-
formation Desk, School of Public
Health Bldg.; medical school--Rm.
123 W. Medical Bldg.
Support Given
To Lilienthal
WASHINGTON, Feb 11.-().-
Secretary .of War Patterson made
an unheralded appearance before
a Senate committee today to en-
dorse David E. Lilienthal as chair-I
man of the Atomic Energy Com-I
mission 'amid a controversy that
threatened to erupt into an his-
toric fight.c
Patterson declared. that Lilien-
thal was qualified "by character,
ability and loyalty" for the post.I
The War Department, he added,I
"has a strong interest in phases
of atomic energy development"
and the commission posts are "of1
extreme importance."i

Meets Under
New System
Policy Meeting
Slated for Today
The Student Legislature meets
today under a new role-that of a
Committee of the Whole.
Under a new system brought into
play because of the Legislature's
increased membership and activi-
ties, the group will convene at 7:30
p.m. in the League for a "policy
meeting," voted last semester for
the consideration of a fool-proof
election system.
Bi-Weekly Meetings
Such meetings, according to the
new plan, will be held every other
week, with the entire Legislature
voting only on questions of gen-
eral policy (for example, the es-
tablishment of a Legislative Rec-
ord) and leaving specific projects
(like the investigations of the
League and the Union) to the
Legislature's 14 standing commit-
Tonight's meeting, called be-
cause of the senior class elections
Mar. 5 and the Legislature elec-
tions Mar. 18 and 19, is an exam-
ple of the extrassions which
will be called for discussion of
special questions. Election ma-
chinery providing for a single poll-
ing place under the constant su-
pervision of Legislators and mem-
bers of Alpha Phi Omega, national
service fraternity, will constitute
the main business of the evening.
Steering Committee
The function of steering com-
mittee for the new legislative sys-
tem will be performed by the Leg-
islature's cabinet, which includes
the president, Haskell Coplin; the
vice-president, Robert Taylor; the
recording secretary, Ruth Klus-
ner; the corresponding secretary,
Rae Keller; the treasurer, Terrell
Whitsitt, and two representatives-
at-large, Tom Walsh and Virginia
Councell. Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
every Monday, the Cabinet will
decide which of the projects and
investigations are to be brought to
the attention of the whole group.
This arrangement marks a new
step in the growth of the student
See STUDENT, page 6
Probe Asked
At Wayne VU
Senator Reports on
Communist Rumors
LANSING, Feb. 11 -G)- State
Sen. Matthew F. Callahan, Detroit
Republican, today asked an inves-
tigation of "rumors" of Commun-
ist activity at Wayne University
in Detroit.
"We are heaing rumors of Com-
munist activities at the universi-
ty," he declared. "There is a
proposal that the state take over
the administration of Wayne and
I feel we should have some definite
information before we consider the
His suggestion for an investiga-
ting committee was taken under
consideration by the legislature.
Meanwhile, in Detroit Dr. David
D. Henry, President of Wayne, re-
leased a report on the American
Youth for Democracy chapter at
the institution which was forward-
ed to the Detroit Board of Edu-

The student activities commit-
tee at the university "reports that
the group has not been subversive
in action or intent," Dr. Henry
wrote. AYD has been attacked in
Lansing as including Communists
in its membership.





New oal




Welf are Fund *
Gist of Labor.....


Counsel Says Lewis,
Congress Hold Reins
By The Assoja ted Press
National Coal Association warned
tonight a new bituminous coal
strike is "inevitable" by July 1 un-
less John L. Lewis agrees to give
up the miners' welfare fund or
Congress passes a remedial law.
Forney Johnston, counsel of the
association; gave that view of the
situation to a reporter after testi-
fying before the House Labor Com-
Fund Cannot Continue
He said the bituminous co.al in-
dustry, or at least a substantial
part of it, both North and South,
"cannot agree" to continue the
fund which was set up by the gov-
ernment after it seized 2,300 mines
last May. The government is le-
gally obligated to return the mines
before July 1.
Johnston also said it would be
"difficult" for Lewis to retreat on
the issue.
Therefore, he said, it's up to
Remove Federal Laws
He had given the coal associa-
tion's view of the future in some-
what less positive terms during his
testimony, in which he asked Con-
gress to remove the protection of
federal laws to all strikes over
welfare funds, closed shops, or
other "improper objects."
Appealing for action against
strikes "contrary to public wel-
fare," he proposed that the bene-
fits of the Wagner Labor Act, and
the Anti-Injunction Law, be with-
held from workers walking out in
disputes over anything except
wages or working conditions. Un-
der his plan even strikes over
those issues would be "improper"
if the public welfare were at stake.
"Congress should understand,"
Johnston told the committee "that
a large proportion of the coal in-
dustry, if not the entire industry,
on relinquishment of federal con-
trol, cannot agree voluntarily to a
collectivist pooling of the mine la-
bor of 2,000 unrelated mines for
the levy of a tonnage tax by the
mine workers for any such blind
* * *
England's Fuel
Drive Failing
LONDON, Feb. 11.-(P)-Great
Britain's desperate campaign to
build up its dangerously low' coal
piles proved a failure during the
first 24 hours of its operation
and the Fuel Ministry announced
gloomily tonight that the public
response to the appeal for power
and coal conservation was "not
so good."
The Fuel Ministry, fighting to
ease the coal shortages which have
shut down thousands of industries
and thrown more than 4,000,000
persons out of work in 38 of the
64 counties in England and Wales,,
said the semi-voluntary coal and
electricity savings scheme had
failed to augment coal stocks at
power stations in those counties.
Power Usage Higher
In the remaining 26 English and
Welsh counties, the Ministry add-
ed, coal supplies dwindled.
Although Prime Minister Clem-
ent R. Attlee chief of the Labor
Government which nationalized
Government which nationalized
Britain's entire coal producing in-
dustry on Jan. 1, appealed to
Britons Monday to use as little
coal, power and light as possible,
today's electricity usage was near-I

ly 500,000 kilowatts higher than;
Monday, the Ministry said.-
Freezing Weather

STALIN AND MOLOTOV CAST BALLOTS - Russian Premier Josef V. Stalin (left) casts his bal-
lot as Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov (right) waits his turn at Polling Station
No. 1 of the Lenin Constituency of Moscow, (Feb, 9) where V. I. Dikushin, a corresponding mem-
ber of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and Doctor of Technology, sought a seat on the Su-
preme Soviet of the Russian Federation.

Joint Congressional



Academic Freedom Group Is
Joined by Faculty, Students

The Committee for Academic
Freedom, organized to combat
abridgement of civil liberties in
Michigan's public schools, gained
its 51st member yesterday.
Members Commit Themselves
Haskell Coplin, president of the
Student Legislature and one of the
original members of the commit-
tee, emphasized yesterday that the
members were committing "only
themselves," not other groups to
which they belong, by joining.
Faculty members of the commit-
tee include Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, University Counselor in Re-
ligious Education; and Professors
Claude. A. Eggertsen, William
Clark Trow and Harold Y. Mc
Cluskey, of the education school;
Frank L. Huntley, Norman f. Nel-
son and Morris Greenhut, of the
English department; Amos H.
Hawley, Theodore M. Newcomb,
Arthur Evans Wood and Peter Os-
tafin, of the sociology department.
Faculty Members
Preston W. Slosson and Lewis
G. Vander Velde, of the history
department; Roy Sellars and Wil-
liam Frankena, of the philosophy
department; John L. Brumm, of
the journalism department; Abra-
ham Herman, of the Romance lan-
guages department; John F.
Shepard, of the psychology de-
partment; Alfred H. Stockard, of
the zoology department; Erich H.
Rothe, of the mathematics depart-
Bus Subsidy Is
Approved for Vets
A Detroit subsidy of DSR bus
service for veterans to Willow Vil-
lage for six months has been ten-
tatively agreed to by Mayor Jef-
fries and Common Council ac-
cording to the Detroit Free Press.
Under the mayor's proposal, the
one-way fare for veterans would
be 10 cents.

ment; Melville B. Stout, of the en-
gineering college; and Dr. Frank-
lin H. Littell, Director of the Stu-
dent Religious Association.
Student Members Listed
Student members include Has-
kell Coplin, president of the Stu-
dent Legislature; Lorne D. Cook,
chairman of the University chap-
ter of AVC; Paul Harsha, man-
aging editor of The Daily; Milton
B. Freudenheim, editorial direc-
tor of The Daily; Clayton Dickey,
city editor of The Daily; Ray-
mond S. Ginger and Paul Sislin, of
the Board in Control of Student
Publications; Walter Hoffman,
chairmat of the Willow Village
chapter of AVC; Morton Leitson,
chairman of the University chap-
ter of the Lawyers Guild.
Lyman Legters, president of the
Student Religious Association;
Harriet Ratner, membership chair-
man of MYDA; William Resnick,
president of the University chap-
ter of the Inter-Collegiate Zionist
Federation of America; Robert L.
Taylor, vice-president of the Stu-
dent Legislature; Tom Walsh,
vice-president of the Union; Rich-
ard Roeder, president of 'the Un-
ion exevutive council;' Harry Jack-
son, president of IFC; Bill Hay-
don, president of Veterans Organi-
Anne Dearnley, president of the
Women Veterans Association;
Ellen Hill, president of the League
Council; Jean Claire, president of
Assembly; Margaret Gage, presi-
dent of Panhellenic Association;
Terrell Whitsett, president of In-
ter-Racial Association; Lewis W.
Towler, SRA Public. Affairs chair-
man; Talbot Honey, president of
Men's Judiciary Council; Jean
Louise Hole, president of Wom-
en's Judiciary Council; and Stuart
Goldfarb, president of Hillel Foun-
Also members of the committee
are Ralph W. McPhee and William
T. Brownson, of the Washtenaw
Post-Tribune, and Rev .Edward H.
Redman, of the Unitarian Church.

Larger Supply
Eases Strain
In Bookstores
Jammed bookstores-the usual
sign of a new semester--were very
much in evidence Monday and
yesterday, but the ratio betweeni
supply and demand was reportedly
better-balanced than at the start
of the fall semester.
A Daily survey of store man-
agers yesterday revealed that
bookstores are now able to fill
close to 85 per cent of students'
text book orders. A few books out
of print at the publishers, and
books for classes where enroll-
ment has exceeded estimates, are
now out of stock but managers
promise delivery within several
The newly modified system of
veterans' book requisitions was
lauded by store managers. Under
this new system a separate requisi-
tion blank is required for each
book. Veterans may also obtain
their texts at any local store, rath-
er than confining their orders to
one establishment. "This method
is the answer to all the supply
problems which beset book stores
and veterans during former se-
mesters," one manager stated.
Bookstore proprietors also re-
ported that many student veterans
took advantage of the.special vets'
charge plan announced last month
in The Daily.
Georgia Plans
To Limit Vote
ATLANTA, Feb. 11-()P)-Tal-
madge leaders swept aside heated
but isolated opposition in the State
Senate today and began to push
through, section by section, the
White Primary Bill under which
they plan to close the Democratic
Party polls to Negroes in Georgia.

Hits Slash inx
Army Funds
Gurney Says Nation
Security Threatene4
By The Associated Press
Senate-House budgetary subc
mittee voted for a $6,000\000,
slash in President Truman's $
500,000,000 budget today In
face of an emergency protest
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenho'
against cutting Army funds.
Just before the final subec
mittee vote the Chief of t
rushed to the Capitol.
Cripple Defense
It was learned that he protes
that any reduction of Army flu
would cripple defense plans.
Senator Gurney (Rep., S.D.) J
er figured the, armed forces' sh
of the cut at $1,750,000,000.
One senator said Eisenho
agreed that some reductions co
be made in Army funds but that
wanted Congress to know j:
what would happen.
Close Army Camps I
Certain Army camps must
closed and ajlarge number of C
activities of the Army engine
will be shut down, the general t
the Congressional budget mak
It was learned also that the
duced budget would call for elti
nation of about half a million p
sons now on federal payrolls.,
A bitter wrangle over the 'iv
tion whether such a slash wo
impair the nation's defense p
ceded the vote.
Gurney Refuses To Vote
Chairman Gurney (Rep., S.
of the Senate Armed Servi
committee declining to join in
voting, declaring:
"I wouldn't vote for anyth
that hamstrings out national
Repeal of Tax
Plan B locke d
Eight Point.Budget
Moving in Legislatu
LANSING, Feb. 11-(I)-G
ernor Sigler's eight-point progr
for solution of the state's fin
cial troubles already was grind
through the legislative mill
night, but its central point-
peal of the sales tax divers
amendment - hit a temopr
In a special budget message
the legislature today, Sigler cal
for repeal of the amendment a
asked speedy action by the Leg
lature to put it on the Apri b
Resolution Introduced
A resolution proposing the m
introduced last month by R
Rollo B. Conlin, Tipton Repul
can, was hustled out of commi
this afternoon.
Efforts to suspend the rules
its immediate passage, howe'
struck an insurgence of youn
representatives who threatex
to vote no if they were not given
hours to study the proposal, 7
resolution was put over for c
sideration at 10 a.m. tomorrow
Eight Point Program
The Governor, in a calm, r
soned address, recommended

legislature enact the laws in
eight-point program before
April election.
"In the event amendment
2 (Sales tax diversion) is repea
I shall promptly" sign them,

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Feb. 11 - The United States and Soviet
Russia clashed over motives in the United Nations Security Council
today in a long debate on the scope of a proposed United Nations Arms
Warren R. Austin, U.S. delegate, demanded that the council settle
the question "now, once and for all" in a way that would prevent any
possible attempt to open up the American ateinic bomb secrets.
Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet delegate, struck at Austin for "stub-
born" insistence that the Council specifically keep the functions of the
arms commission and the United Nations Atomic Emergency Com-
mission separate.
* * * *
CHICAGO, Feb. 11 - Republican National Chairman Carroll
Reece declared tonight that evidence is being uncovered that the New

'U' Official Enrolls in Undergrad Course

Daily Special Writer
Exam-weary students can take
a pointer on how to stay young
from a 66-year-old University ad-
ministrator who is going back to
school to "keep from getting stale
on the job."
Dr. George E. Carrothers, a for-

grammar school, high school and
college, Dr. Carrothers has since
published many articles and
pamphlets on educational sub-
jects. He feels, however, that ef-
fort towards improvement is a
never-ending process, and he
wants to learn to write "good, clear

eager to start work, and has al-
ready bought the textbook and be-
gun reading and marking it.
Looks for New Projects
A man of many and varied in-
terests, Dr. Carrothers is always
on the lookout for new projects by
which he can "broaden his out-
look and stay young." Several

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