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April 03, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-03

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Freedom at WaynuY

yESTERDAY members of the party which
dominates the Senate of the Michigan
Legislature voed in secret caucus to deny
state financial aid to Wayne University
until that university bans its American
Youth for Democracy chapter.
This move is a clear cut attempt to
infringe on the academic freedom of the
administration, faculty and students of
that university. The Senate magority
party has voted to tell Wayne Univer-
sity's president, its faculty, and its stu-
dents how to run their strictly internal
affairs. By mixing politics and education-
al finance, this move threatens Wayne's
academic freedom to rule and decide upon
student activities on its campus; the move
would be precedent for legislative coer-
cion regulating any activity-student or
faculty-on any state campus. This, in
spite of every indication that Wayne of-
ficials are handling the AYD issue com-
A. D. Jamieson, president of the Detroit
Board of Education, told the Callahan Com-
mittee investigating alleged subversive ac-
tivities on the state's college campuses, "If
the AYD. can be shown to be a subversive
group, it will not be tolerated on the Wayne
campus." Jamieson quoted Theron L. Cau-
die, assistant United.States attorney general
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

that the Department of Justice "does not
have evidence in its possession at this time
to prove that the program of the AYD is
subversive, or that its purpose is advancing
the cause of communism."
President David D. Henry of Wayne has
made clear the coercive power of a threat
such as the senators have made. "Approxi-
mately 3,000 additional students, the major-
ity of them veterans, have been admitted to
the (Wayne) university on the basis of the
State's commitment to build a classroom
and a science building here." "The educa-
tional welfare of over 15,000 students, as
well as the future of students now seeking
admission would be jeopardized," he has
pointed out.
Dr. Henry added that, ". . . neither the
Senate committee nor local and state police
authorities have furnished evidence that the
local chapter of AYD or any other student
group has been subversive or even in viola-
tion of university regulations."
Jamieson told the Callahan Committee,
"It is our intention as board members to
be constantly on' the alert to combat any
subversive influence on the lives of young
people." "At the same time, we intend to
do our best, insofar as it lies within our
power, to protect the constitutional and
legal rights of all citizens, including stu-
dents, and to prevent, if possible, any abuse
of such rights. In this connection the right
of freedom of speech, freedom of press, free-
dom of assembly and freedom of zeligion,
being guaranteed by the Constitution, belong
to the students of Wayne University."
The move contemplated by the Senate
caucus is a threat to these academic, legal
and constitutional rights.
-The Senior Editors

Equal Responsibility

WE ARE PRETTY well into the 20th
century. During its 110 years of ex-
istence. the University has gradually open-
ed field after field to women until they are
now found in every ctrner of this "man's
campus" and the University has become
truly co-educational-but with one import-
ant flaw.
Co-educational it is, but not co-social.
Along with their stand for equal aca-
demic rights, equal chances for campus
leadership and theoretical equality in the
social and dating world and the "gravy"
that goes along with good performance
in these fields, women automatically took
on the obligation to pay for "wrongs" as
In this case the "wrong" refers to the
existing situation in regard, to unapproved,
unchaperoned parties. Today, when an un-
chaperoned party is discovered, the individ-
ual men and the house pay the penalty-
anythalg from fines to social probation for
the house. But no active attempt is made
to discover the identity of the coeds attend-
ing the party.
University policy here has a very jus-
tifiblae basis. Both Alice C. Lloyd, Dean
of Women, and Erich A. Walter, Director
of the Office of Student Affairs, have
said that the University will not put any
student in a "tattle-tale" position. A
noble and laudable stand it is, but it
produces a situation unfair to both the
men and the women.
'Though the age of chivalry may not be
dead, it is high time that coeds were drag-
ged out from. behind the men's coat-tails
when they are caught by the "campus cop"
at an illegal party.
Surely if they have the mental capacity
to compete with men in academic, extra-
curricular and business fields, they can
use the same capacity to decide for them-
selves whether or not they will break a rule,
No coed who can maintain passing grades
at Michigan could claim such naivete that
she could be lured into "forbidden base-
ment-room" parties, completely innocent of
the fact that she is not supposed to be
If they decide to break the rule, what pos-
sible right would there be to gripe if they
are caught breaking it. To take a chance

to win automatically entails taking another
chance to lose. Any gambler knows that
no matter how many odds there are for
him, there will be a certain number against
him. If the odds against outweigh those
for, and he loses, there is a debt to pay.
Unchaperoned parties are a gamble.
They are a "partners" game, but at pre-
sent only one partner is paying when
both lose.
ISS LLOYD says that when the informa-
tion is available on coeds attending par-
ties, proper "steps" are taken. Several coeds
were disciplined on this basis last semester.
For obvious reasons, the number actually
found at parties cannot be ascertained; com-
parison of the numbers punished and the
number "caught" should be interesting.
But just how is the University to identify
the coeds? It is all too easy for the man
to say, "She told me her name was Susie.
She's from Ypsilanti," and for the campus
policeman to find his hands tied.
To put the men in a tattle-tale position
is wrong 'n the face of it, but pressure has
to be applied. Our .code of social ethics has
not yet reached the lofty plane that will
force her to identify herself just because
the University "said that it was the proper
thing to do."
When a house is "caught," it is consid-
ered proper for it to apply pressure from
within to make the individual members
take their share of the blame. Then
pressure from within should be a suitable
method to identify the coeds too. In other
words, let the men force the women to
tell, not tattle on them.
If the men knew that heavier punish-
ment was waiting them if the ,women were
not identified, there would probably be little
hesitancy about "encouraging"them to take
their share of the blame. In this light, the
social pressure involved alone would prob-
ably be enough to, force the coed to "take
her medicine."
This plan sounds harsh, but the social
pressure method is approved for identifying
the men. One generation ago the female
sex won its battle for equal rights. As they
carried signs in one hand for equal rights,
they might as well have carried one in the
other for equal obligations. They won both.
--Gay Larsen

Campus Freedom
Editor's Note: Following is the text of a state-
mnent of policy issued yesterday by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Committee on Academic
ble problem. In the narrow and techni-
cal sense, academic freedom is the freedom
of the teacher to discover and teach the
truth within the limits of his own specialty,
and the student to select the studies which
he will pursue. This would defend Galile
in teaching the rotation of the earth, the
Darwinians in teaching the animal origin of
the human species, and a professor of eco-
nomics in accepting-or rejecting-the the-
ories of Adam Smith or Karl Marx. But it
would not protect the economist in teaching
Darwinism or any professor or student in
taking part in an outdoor street demon-
The second, and broader, meaning of
academic freedom might more properly be
called "civic freedom." That is the right
recognized under all liberal governments,
for any person peacefully to advocate any
opinion or support any public policy which
does not amount to an incitement to crime
or violence. This is the supposition un-
derlying our national and state constitu-
tions. In general it is admitted, but some
people hold that it does not apply to
professors or students. Professors, and all
teachers, are said to be restricted as pub-
lic servants from the freedom accorded to
other citizens. Students are said to be
under tutelage and guardianship, and able
to receive truth only as "milk for babes."
These opinions we utterly reject, not for
the sake of teachers or students themselves
but from the standpoint of the public inter-
est. Universal experience has shown that a
censored, suppressed, timid faculty cannot
give inspiring leadership to a student body,
and that students debarred from full ex-
pression of their opinions and sentiments
soon cease to concern themselves with pub-
lic problems and fail to become leaders in
their communities after graduation.
WITHOUT EXCEPTION, those institu-
tions stand highest in the academic
world which have taken the greatest risks
on the side of freedom and the fewest risks
on the side of censorship and repression.
Moreover, our students are no longer-if
they ever were-immature wards of the
state. Many are veterans of the greatest
war in history. They should be treated as
mature and adult citizens with all the rights
of any citizen. Those few who are not yet
mature and responsible will grow more
readily under the bracing discipline of free-
dom than under any type of restriction and
external control.
These general considerations apply no less
to communism than to any other form of
opinion. So far as communists really en-
gage in unlawful activities, such as sabo-
tage and espionage in the interest of a for-
eign power, they can and should be pun-
ished by the full power of the law. So far
as their alien sympathies lead only to talk
and writing and open organization, they
should be met only by the wiser words and
sounder arguments of others. Communists
on this campus are a small-even a minute
-minority. Their freedom of speech consti-
tutes no threat to sober, unterrified men
and women.
-Committee on Academic Freedom
men who have tried to retain a certain
objectivity, Palestine .is an unpleasant post,
for all that it has been made, largely by Jew-
ish effort, easily the most agreeable country
in the Middle East. Those who have become
neither wholly pro-Arab nor pro-Zionist

suffer from a sort of painful schizophrenia.
The fact is that both Arabs and Jews have
an almost unbreakable moral case. The situ-
ation is especially galling to Americans, who
have somehow imbibed the cheerful notion
that if you want anything hard enough and
long enough and study enough graphs and
statistics a "solution" will magically emerge.
The nearest thing to a solution is the pro-
posal of Mordecai Bentov, leader of the Left-
wing Hashomer Hatzair party. Bentov, a
small and worried looking man, filled with
a stubborn and endearing idealism, proposes,
a state, neither Jewish nor Arab, but Pales-
tinian, in which Jews and Arabs will some-
how learn amicably to cooperate. His think-
ing greatly influenced the Anglo-American
commission, which proposed much the same
thing. The only trouble with the Bentov
solution is that it presupposes, against all
the available evidence, that the brotherhood
of man, and more specifically the brother-
hood of Jews and Ara .is just around the
The plain fact is that no solution is pos-
sible. Only a settlement is possible. Some
settlement, immediate and final, is, in the
opinion of most qualified American obser-
vers, in the vital American interest. Such
a settlement can only take the form of par-
tition, however far from a solution in the
ideal sense partition is, and however pain-
ful to both Arabs and Jews.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)


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(Continued from Page 2)

of school through
ginning March 311
by 5 p.m. April 14.

the week be-
must be filed

Veterans Absence reports for the
week beginning March 31 are due
April 7. These reports may be
turned in on Friday, April 4 or
Saturday, April 5, at any of the
collection locations.
Veterans' Tutorial Program:
Chemistry (3)-Mon., 7-8 p.m.,
122 Chem, S. Lewin; Wed.-Fri.,
5-6 p.m., 122 Chem, S. Lewin; (4)
-Mon. 7-8 p.m., 151 Chem, R.
Keller; Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 151
Chem, R. Keller. (21)-Wed., 4-5
p.m., 122 Chem, R. Hahn.
English (1)-Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6
p.m., 2203 A H, D. Martin. (2)-
Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3209 A H,
D. Stocking.
French-(l)- Mon. Thurs. 4-5
p.m., 106 R L, A. Favreau. (2)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-6 p.m., 205 R L, F.
Gravit. (31) Mon.-Thurs., 4-5,
p.m., 203 R L, J. O'Neill. (32)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 108 R L, A.
Spanish-(1)-Tu.-Thurs., 4-5
p.m., 203 R L, E. W. Thomas. (2)-
Mon.-Wed., 4-5 p.m., 207 R L , H.
Hootkins. (2) -Tu.-Thurs., 4-5
p.m., 207 R L. H. Hootkins. (31)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 210 R L, C.
German-Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:30
p.m., 2016 A H, F. Reiss; Sat., 11-
12 a.m., 2016 A H, F. Reiss.
Mathematics - (6 through 15)
-Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3010 A H, G.
Costello; Sat., 11-12 a.m., 3010 A
H, G. Costello. (52, 53, 54)-Wed.-
Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3011 A H ,E. Span-
ier; Sat., 11-12 a.m., 3011 A H, E.
Physics (25,45)-Mon.-Tu.-Th.
5-6 p.m., 202 W. Physics, R. Hart-
man. (26, 46)-Mon.-Tu.-Th., 5-
6 p.m.-1036 Randall, D. Falkoff.
Book Collections for the Joseph
Ralston Hayden Memorial Li-
brary: The General Library and
all divisional libraries will be glad
to receive from members of the
faculty books and other acceptable
libarary materials destined for
the Joseph Ralston Hayden Me-
morial Library of the University
of the Philippines during the
week April 7-12. Those whose
contributions are too large for
them to bring in person are re-
quested to telephone their names
and addresses to the office of the
Director of the University Library
(University 750) indicating ap-
proximately the number and char-;
acter of the materials they wish;
to contribute. It is urgently re-
quested that all such messages
should be left by April 5 so that
house collections may made on
April 7, 8 and 9.
University Community Center f
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Thurs., April 3, 8 p.m Maundy
Thursday Service of Interdenomi-
national Church.
Friday. April 4, 8 p.m.-Good
Friday Service, Interdenonmina -
tional Church.
Keep Wednesdays open to at- .1
tend the spring talks on homes
and books.
Women students referred to3
specific housemothers for supple-
mentary housing by the Office ofl
the Dean of Women for the fall
semester, 1947, are reminded that
a reservation becomes final only


when the applicant pays the nec-
essary deposit to the housemother
and sign in triplicate the con-
tract form presented by the house-
mother. As soon as one copy of
this contract is filed in the Office
of the Dean of Women the reserva-
tion is complete.
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-
tion will be open week-day eve-
nings during vacation from 7:30
to 10:30 but will be closed this
Friday evening and all day and
evening this Saturday and Sun-
day and next.
Ann Arbor Conference on Hos-
pital Planning under the auspices
of the College of Architecture and
Design will hold sessions from
Thursday evening, April 3,
through Saturday afternoon, April
5. Thursday and Friday evening
meetings will be held at the Mich-
igan Union at 8:00 p.m. On Fri-
day, meetings will be at 10:00 a.m.
and 2:00 p.m. in the Library,
Architecture Building, and on
Saturday at 9:30 a.m. and 2:00
p.m. in Room 102, Architecture
Building. All persons profession-
ally interested in hospital plan-
ning are invited to attend any of
the sessions.
The United States Employment
Service, Washington, D. C., an-
nounces openings for Meteorolo-
gists and Meteorological Aids for
forecast centers at air bases serv-
ing military and civil aircraft in
stations outside of the United
States for the U. S. Weather Bu-
reau. Further information and
method of application may be ob-
tained from the Michigan State
Employment Service, 312. E.
Huron, Ann Arbor.
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces examina-
tion for probational appointment
to the position of Aeronautical Re-
search Scientist with a national
advisory committee for aeronau-
tics, for research minded scientists
with training in Engineering,
Physics, Chemistry, and Mathe-
The U. S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examination for
probational appointment to the
positions of Photostat Operator
and Microphotographer; also Food
and Drug Inspector, and Medical
The City of Detroit Civil Serv-
ince Commission announces ex-
amination for Medical Superin-
tendent, Maybury Sanatorium;
Building Inspector; Calculating
and Posting Machine Operator;
Typist and Stenographer; Tech-
nical Aid (General, Business Ad-
ministration and Medical Sci-
ence) ; and Art Curator.
For informationuon above Civil
Service examination, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma-
son Hall.
Furniture Industry Lecture: Mr.
Renzo Rutilli of the Johnson Fur-
niture Company, Grand Rapids,
will speak on problems of design
in the furniture industry today
at 10 a.m. in the East Conference
Room in the Rackham Building.
All students in Wood Tech-
nology Program in the School of
Forestry and Conservation are ex-
(Continued on Page 5)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted t the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Extra Special
To the Editor:
THIS IS AN ITEM you may find
of interest. This noon, like
every other noon in the week, I
sweated out the line at the Un-
ion to eat dinner. As per usual
I took the "special" which consist-
ed of:
Spanish meat balls
Potato or vegetable
Salad or dessert
Beverage . . . 58c
While vigorously enjoying the
gustatory delights of Spanish
meat balls, I bit down on some-
thing hard. Upon removing it
from my mouth, I found it to be
a dime. Something new has been
added. Since when does the Un-
ion serve American treasure in
their Spanish meat balls? I don't
believe this item is included in
price of the 58c special.
The first explanation that will
pop into your mind is that the
dime dropped onto my plate when
I received my change. That pos-
sibility can be eliminated for my
change was 30c, a quarter and a
nickel. (I had salad and dessert.)
I have reasonable assurance
that the meat balls are a recent
product because the dime is a
new 1946 Roosevelt dime.
-J. I ).French
On Greek Loan
To the Editor:
my recent letter regarding the
Greek loan contained a misquota-
tion confusing the text of my mes-
sage, and I should like to reassert
the opinion which I had original-
ly intended to express
My fundamental argument was
that no one looks well in the garb
of a guardian angel, not even the
U.S., and that if we hope to cham-
pion democracy and self-deter-
mination, our first concern should
be the development of a virile
Indeed, we recognize that de-
lay may cost us the Greeks, but
who knows better than we the
painful shortcomings and appar-
ent inefficiency of democratic
procedure - we must expect to
encounter delay and at times de-
feat in any major UN issue. This
is the price of the system; the only
other alternative is recourse to
the traditional arms race.
If we are trying to persuade the
world that democracy can work,
this is our zero hour, and it calls
for actions, not words. To go "over
the head" of UN is a lamentable
admission of our distrust in the
organization or evidence of a na-
tionalistic foreign policy, founded
on the traditional lines of power
politics and reking with self-
righteousness and hypocrisy rem-
iniscent of the -old "white man's
-Arthur C. Upton
THE E D I T O R, I A L "Palestine
Question" by Russell Clanahan,
which appeared recently in the
Daily, represents a misconception
all too prevalent among well-in-
tentioned but misinformed people
today. Mr. Clanahan questions
wheth'er Jews are being treated
any worse than other European
minorities. While the answer, to
anyone who has read about the
Displaced Persons Camps, is most

obviously yes, still this argument
is used only by those who seek to
excuse their Zionism, or who see
in it merely an expediency for re-
fugees. The paint i,, not that more
Jews than other people are suffer-
ing today, but that these other
people, having oace been an in-
tegrated part of their background,
will soon be able to fit back into
their places; while the Jews. never
accepted on an equal basis and
maintaining at best a precarious
footing in the economic and social
structure, have had their few
bonds to their "countries of ori-
gin" irrevocably severed.
Mr. Clanahan suggests that we
take a long-range view of the
matter: solve the problem of Eur-
ope, and the problem of the Jews
will solve itself. (He does not men-
tion what the DP's are to be doing
in the meantime). It was his ideo-
logical ancestor who put the "tol-
erance-to-minorities" clause into
the treaties after World War I,
and those who are taken in now
by this same ephemeral promise
are the sons of those who were
murdered in the pogroms immedi-
ately following the publication of


Letters to the Editor..

the treaties and continuing till to-
The Jews have for centuries
tried to help solve the world's
problems, in the hope that ulti-
mately their own would disappear,
They haven't. Now we have decid-
ed to build our own home instead
of providing the mortar for other
people's sky-scrapers.
Judith Laikin.
Hare PR Plan
To the Editor:
LAST week an t"exupanation" of
the Hare plan appeared in
the Daily in response to inquiries
as to how it happened that over
10 per cent of the ballots in the
recent election were "discarded"
for "insufficient p r e f e r e n c e."
Since this "explanation" was
hopelessly garbled on the way to
the printers, I promised to give a
better explanation in a series of
In some elections under the
Hare plan, there is a rule requiring
voters to indicate a certain num-
ber of choices. There was no such
rule in last week's election. Every
properly stamped, clearly marked
ballot was "valid." In fact, many
ballots indicating only one or two
choices were definitely counted in
the final piles of winning candi-
At the beginning of the count
there were 60 piles of ballots, one
for each candidate; every proper-
lY stamped ballot was placed in
the pile of that voter's first pre-
ference. At the end of the count
there were 24 piles, one for each
winning candidite, and each con-
taining exactly 108 ballots (the
quota). There was also an extra
pile of ballots which had been dis-
carded during the count because
they had been redistributed so
many times that all their prefer-
ences had been exhausted. The
ob.iect of the count is to transfer
the ballots from t the original 60
piles to the final 24 piles which
represent winning candidates, in
such a manner as to give each
group of voters representation
proportional to its size. This
transfer is accomplished as fol-
As soon as the number of bal-
lots in the pile of a particular
candidate reaches 108 (the quo-
ta), he is declared elected. Ex-
actly 108 ballots from his pile are
tied in a bundle and placed aside;
the surplus ballots, if any, are
redistributed according to the next
choice indicated on each. Any
ballots coming to a winning candi-
date after he has been elected are
redistributed in the same manner.
Between the election of one win-
ning candidate and the next, can-
didates running at the bottom of
the list are eliminated one at a
time, and all of their ballots are
passed on to other candidates. If
a ballot comes up for redistribu-
tion, either from the pile of an
eliminated candidate or as a sur-
plus ballot from a winner, and
no next choice is indicated, it
goes into the discard pile.
The effects of this process will
be explained in another letter.
-Bob Taylor
Ebony Magazine
To the Editor:
JUST TO CALL your attention
to the fact that Ebony Maga-
zine is now on the shelf in the
General Library of the University
of Michigan as a gift. Ebony is
a pictorial depicting Negro life
and culture.
-Rev. David A. Blake, Jr.
1MiyiVui Dit

Coal Holiday'

JOHN L. LEWIS was condemned in a Daily
editorial yesterday for calling out 400,000
miners for a week of mourning for the 111
men who died in the Centralia mine ex-
plosion. The unwarranted assumptions upon
which this editorial and this type of thinking
are based should not go unchallenged.
People who jiump to this hasty con-
clusion side with the country's reaction-
ary elements in deciding immediately that
Lewis I'as seized upon the disaster as an
opportuity to retaliate against' the gov-
ernment. This is the obvious conclusion
we are likely to reach as long as we ignore
the present fact, the possibility of a sin-
cere motive and the actual effect of the
mnourning period.
Enemies of labor in general as well as
the anti-Lewis thinkers would have us be-
Wanve that the miners will remain out of the
mines in the continuation of an undeclared
strike as Secretary Krug is apparently an-
oNE OF THE THINGS Americans have a
right to hope for is happiness, pursuit
f and it is violating no top secret to sug-
st that at the present moment we are not
ry happy, When, after policy has been
ยข.abisled. 1ann1nnines" ia t+ nt-' ma

ticipating. At present we have no basis for
believing this other than the personal pre-.
judices of our own or of the people who
attempt to influence our thinking.
Let us then consider what constructive
benefit the miners' period of mourning
will have. Aside from scaring a lot of
people into expecting a prolonged coal
strike, the so-called "holiday" will serve
to focus public attention on the working
conditions in the mines. Of course this
action is going to antagonize a lot of
people, people who don't like labor, who
don't like trade unions and who don't like
Lewis. So what? It is worth the cost.
In this most recent explosion 111 miners
were killed. "The enormity of the tragedy
is certainly cause for a thorough investiga-
tion of safety conditions in the mines." runs
the argument of those who oppose Lewis'
action. Nonsense. Major tragedies are per-
iodically inflaming public opinion momen-
tarily, but the interest of the people quickly
dies. The Winecoff Hotel fire made the
nation fire-conscious for a couple of weeks
last December but another 10,000 persons
will die in preventable fires again this year.
For years miners have complained about
their dangerous working conditions while

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Ptubliat~ins.
Editorial Staff
i't arlfirsla ........ Managingeditor
Claytou 1li Iy ....,...... City Editor
Milton Preudeiticiin,..Eliltorial Director
Mary rwdi ........... Asociate Editor
Awn Kiit-.-........A.. ot;late Editor
Clyde Recht........... Associate Editor
Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor
Archie Parsons. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal. ....esearch AssistatL
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager
Member of The 4ssociated Press


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