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April 02, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-02

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Latest Deadline in the State


Bonus Forms
Are Available
For Veterans
Blanks On Hand
At Union, League
Bonus application forms for
Michigan veterans will be distrib-
uted at several places on campus
and at Willow Village today and
tomorrow. I
The campus AVC will pass out
the forms from 1 to 5 p.m. today
r and tomorrow in the Union, AVC
Chairman Lorne Cook said yes-
terday. Cook asked vets to co-
k operate by picking up the forms
this week during the announced
To Distribute Blanks
Michigan Women Veterans will
a distribute blanks during school
hours today and tomorrow in the
League, according to Robert Wal-
drop, VSB director.
Waldrop said the Veterans' Ser-
vice Bureau now has bonus blanks
available. The VSB is providing
notary and checking service, he
"Veterans will do a lot less wait-
ing if they fill out the forms ac-
curately," he sail.
The application forms will be
rdistributed from. 6 to 8 p.m. to-
day at West Lodge and the Com-
munity Center at Willow Village,
Waldrop said.
Forms Still Available
The American Red Cross in
Nickels Arcade announced that
forms are still available at its of-
fice, The Red Cross will remain
open until 9 p.m. every night if
the supply of forms lasts,
a spokesman said.
Downtown, the Veterans' Coun-
seling Center reported a shortage
of Navy and Coast Guard forms,
but' a sufficient supply of Army
All offices again reminded vet-
erans that original discharge cer-
tificates are needed during the
notarization process.
Detroit Board
Tells Stand on
AYD Charges
LANSING, Mich., April 1--P)
-The Detroit Board of Education,
I overning body of Wayne Univer-
ity, told a Senate investigating
committee tonight that the U.S
Department of Justice reported it
had, no evidence that the Ameri-
can Youth for Democracy (AYD)
is subversive or seeks to advance
the Communist cause.
Four board members appeared
before the Callahan committee in-.
vestigating subversive activities,
A. Douglas Jamieson, a board
member, said the board was in-
terested in testimony given the
committee and was pressing its
own investigation of the AYD
chapter at Wayne University. He
assured the committee the board
would act when "all the facts are
Jamieson said the board hoped
to protect its students against
subversive influences and at the
same time to protect all legal
and constitutional rights of the
He said the board had no evi-
dence yet that the Wayne AYD
chapter engaged in subversive ac-
tivities, violated the state crim-

inal syndicalism law, or was under
the direction of the city, state or
national AYD leaders.
If there is any "reasonable dem-
onstration" of control by the Com-
munist party, Jamieson said, "the
board would order the Wayne
chapter to disassociate itself from
the AYD.
The committee heard its first
testimony from a member of the
AYD when it questioned Arlene
Sarver, 18-year-old secretary of
the Wayne chapter. She was
questioned closely about her po-
litical and economic views.
Miss Sarver, flanked by two at-
torneys, testified she would "de-
fend the United States against
any attackers" and said she was
not familiar with Marxian doc-
She testified that the AYD
places great emphasis on cooper-
ation between the United States
and Soviet Russia in the belief
that the economic systems of the
two nations are most apt to lead
to a clash resulting in war.

SPANISH DRAMA-Starring in "Los Intereses C reados," La Sociedad Hispanica play, are, left to
right, Angela Pons, Richard Defendini and Carlos Soares. The play opened last night and will be
presented again at 8:30 p.m. today at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,

'King George 11
Is Succeeded
By Prince Paul
Ruler Died of Heart
Ailment Yesterday
ATHENS, April 1-(/P)-George
11, twice exiled king of turbulent
Greece, died this afternoon at the
height of an international storm
over the future of his nation, and
his brother, Prince Paul, ascend-
ed the unsteady throne.
Death, caused by heart trouble,
came unexpectedly to the 56-year-
old monarch who, in the 25 years
that hie bore the title of king, spent
only seven years in his capital.
Prince Paul Accedes
Accession for his brother, 45-
year-old Prince Paul, was auto-
matic under the law. The third
son of King Constantine took the
scepter of government less than
seven months after his brother re-
turned from his latest exile in
London. Paul's son, Prince Con-
stantine, who will be seven years
old June 2, became crown prince.
The new king took the royal
oath in the presence of the cabi-
net, members of parliament, civil
and military dignitaries and
Archbishop Damaskinos, w h o
served as regent of Greece before
last September's plebiscite recalled
Maximos Stays On
The assemblage formed a semi-
circle about a table, adorned with
a crucifix and candles, for the sol-
emn ceremony.
Immediately after Poat was
sworn in, Prime Minister Deme-
trios Maximos formally tendered
the cabinet's resignation. Paul,
however, z' fused to accept it and
requested aximos to carry on.
Students Willt
Hear (iri*sier.
Athletic Director 11. 0. Crisler
will appear before the Student
Legislature tonight to discuss the
seating procedure for football
games and reallocation plans now
under consideration.
A special Legislature commit-
tee is now working with the busi-
ness manager of the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics to study the problem of ap-
portioning seats according to in-
creased enrollment.
The meeting will be held at 7:30
p.m. in the Grand Rapids Room
of the League.

Spanish Play Will Be Given
Final Performance Tonight

La Sociedad Hispanica will pre-
sent the final performance of
"Los Intereses Creados," a Spanish
play by Nobel prize winner Jacin-
to Benavente, at 8:30 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
"Bonds of Interest" in the Eng-
lish version, the play has been
widely acclaimed by American and
British critics. Although it is set
in a 17th century background, the
theme is modern. Two clever ad-
venturers, after many intriguing
Moral Issue
Is World Wide,
Aixell Asserts
Estabhishing a world -wide moral
order as a basis for world law is
the heart of the problem which
those working for world govern-
ment must solve, Prof. Robert C.
Angell, chairman of the sociology
department, said at the first Stu-
dent Federalists meeting last
"We must draw together all the
nations on the basis of a world
mores that is compatible with
their individual value systems,"
Prof. Angell said, adding that this
was the primary function of UN-
ESCO, from whose meeting in
Philadelphia he has just returned.
As an example of how this task
must be performed, he cited the
13 projects which UNESCO has
decided to undertake during 1947
in order to develop tolerance, un-
derstanding, and cooperation a-
mong nations."
"What could be the most im-
port ant of these -- if it can be
a btained," Prof. Angell . "i, 'is
the 1 evelopment of ma iE'"m:s
of comnmuication, such as the
planned UNESCO-sponsored world
wide radio network." The broad-
est of the projects is a plan to
call together philosophers from
all over the world who will ai;-
tempt to formulate a basic world
moral order to which all nations
can subscribe, he said,
The main weakness in UNESCO.
Prof. Angell declared, was the
failure of Russia to join the or-
ganization. However, sooner or
later the Soviet nation will have
to ,join, if she is to "keep her
head up" in the current struggleI
for social progress, he said. -

escapades, are portrayed as finally
uniting the bonds between rich
and poor through certain "creat-
ed interests."
Directed by Anthony Pasquar-
iello of the Romance Language
department, the play will feature
Carlos Soares, veteran of other
Spanish plays, in the leading role
as Crispin, and Richard Defen-
dini and Angela Pons in the sup-
porting roles of Leandro and Syl-
Other members of the cast are:
Achilles Kacavakis, John Falcon-
ieri, Roger Busseuil, Jeanne North,
Andre Sugar, Nardo Gutierrez,
Morris Bernstien, Gerald Dykstra,
Freda Perez, Esther Delgado, Al-
legra Pasqualetti, Shelby Baylis,
Sherman Poteet, Emil Hurtik and
B. Clark King.
Committee directors for the pro-
duction are: Betty Churchill, set;
Shelby Baylis and Jerry Honey,
costume; Ellen Mulvihill and Do-
lores Earl, publicity; Rosemary
Conner and Rosarita Hume, ush-
er; and Robert Miller, music se-
Tickets for tonight's production
may still be obtained at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office. All seats
are reserved.
The performances of "Los In-
tereses Creados" this week marks
the second time it has been staged
by La Sociedad Hispanica. It was
given in the early 1920's, but with-
out the lavish costumes and scenes
of the present production,
VA Requests
Leave Check
ST R l T
Sti-mmer IFerm Vets
MuIst Report Now
Student veterans enrolled under
Public Law 346 will have the op-
portunity between April 2 and
April 19 to make corrections or
'changes in leave applications filed
at the time of registration, Rob-
ert S. Waldrop, director of Vet-
erans' Service Bureau, said yes-
In addition, Waldrop said, all
veterans who are included in any
one of the following groups must
report to the VA Guidance Cen-
ter, Rm, 100A of the Rackam
1. Those who are planning to
re-enroll for the Surmmer session.
2. Those who are not planning
to re-cnroll for the Summer Ses-
sion, but who desire leave; and
3. Those who desire their June
check (normally mailed on July 1)
sent to a different address.
The address change applies to
the June check only, Waldrop
said IL does not apply to veter
ans re-enrolling.
It is not necessary to make ap-
plication for -leave to have sub-
sistence checks continue without
interruption as by a recent ar-
rangement between the VA and
the University, a re-enrollment in
Summer Session is sufficient to
continue the veteran on the VA
payrol, Waldrop said
Those who do not fall into the

British House
Okays Bill for
Labor RanksSplit
Over Draft Issue
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 1-The House
of Commons approved tonight a
long term peacetime conscription
bill for Britain's armed forces dur-
ing -- session which focused at-
tention on a split in the ranks
of the Labor party on the subject.
The measure passed on second
reading-the decisive stage in Par-
liament-without a vote a few
minutes after Conservatives joined
government-supporting Laborites
in defeating 386 to 85 a motion
calling for the bill's rejection.
Splits Labor Party
Dissident Labor Party members
and Libe'als had fought the bill.
The "revolt" in the Laborite
ranks as some called it, was the
second in Prime Minister Attlee's
party since it came to power near-
ly two years ago. The first "re-
bellion" occurred last November
when leftist Laborites, attacked
Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin's
policies as leaning too much to-
ward the United States and not
enough toward Russia.
Laborite Tom Scholland, a
trades unionfofficial, forecast that
the break over peacetime conscrip-
tion "is the beginning of a real
crack in the Parliamentary La-
bor Party."
Party Leaders Accused
Wing Commander E. tR. Mill-
ington, a veteran of Dunkerque
and a Laborite, said he feared that
the purpose of the conscription
was "to put an iron glove on the
fist which the foreign secretary
is so fond of shaking at the lead-
ers of the U.S.S.R."
Millington accused Labor Party
leaders of being "too frightened"
over the prospect of rejection to
wait until the last week in May
to seek party approval of the sub-
ject at the Laborites' annual con-
The bill calls for conscripts to
serve 18 months in the armed
forces followed by five years in
the reserve.
World News
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, April 1-Martin H.
Kennelly, 59-year-old political
newcomer, was elected mayor of
Chicago today, leading the Demo-
cratic city ticket to a smashing
victory in the nation's first major
1947 test of political trends.
** * *
1-The United Nations flew the
flags of .its 55 member states at
half staff today in mourning
for' King George H of Greece,
but no official notice of his
death was taken in either of the
two major UN groups in session
this afternoon.
M *
WASHINGTON, April 1--Sena-
tor Byrd (Dem., Va.) proposed
today that President Truman's
plan to combat Communism in
Greece and Turkey be turned over
to the United Nations and that
Russia be kicked out of the UN if
she vetoes it.
"If Russia is an enemy, and per-
sists in being an enemy to free
peoples," Byrd fold the Senate, "it
is better to have her outside the
family than inside the family."
* * *

Prospects for Congress to enact
anti-strike legislation before
next Monday's threatened walk-
out of 287,000 telephone workers
dwindled almost to the vanish-
ing point today.
MOSCOW, April 1--The Four-
Power Foreign Ministers Council
conferred fruitlessly for more than
three hours tonight in a semi-se=
cret meeting. They failed to reach
any decisions, and discussions
were said to have been "often blunt
and bitter."
Informed quarters said that be-
cause of the deadlock. U. S. Secre-
tary of State George C. Marshall'
probably would seek a meeting
soon with Prime Minister Stalin,
American sources have maintained
consistently that Marshall would
not ask for such a meeting until
it was apparent that the confer-
ence had reached a stalemate.
Education School
Hr i~ s 1 -rnyayyrc

House Adds
G.I. Benefits
To Money Bill
School Lunch Funds,
Salaries Approved
WASHINGTON, April 1-(I)-
The Congressional economy drive
went into reverse today as the
House added $350,000,000 in G.I.
benefits and $6,000,000 for schpol
lunches to a deficiency appropri-
ation bill and then passed the
measure, which now totals $2,827,-
Numbers of Republicans joined
Democrats in increasing the funds
recommended by the House Ap-
propriations Committee. The bill
now goes to the Senate.
Also added to the bill was $2,158
to pay back salary claims of three
former federal employes, Good-
win B. Watson, Robert Morss
Lovett and William E. Dodd, Jr.
Congress cut them off the payroll
after a House committee accused
them of subversive affiliations, but
the Supreme Court ruled their ous-
ter invalid and awarded them
back pay.
The House Appropriations
Committee refused to approve the
pay claims, thereby ignoring the
Court's mandate, but the House
voted 110 to 97, to bow to the
tribunal and pay the money.
A major test was on the $350,-
000,000 in new funds for benefit
payments under the G.I. Bill of
Rights, This had been knocked out
last week by the Appropriations
House Democrats announced
their intention of trying to put it
back. Then Rep. Taber (Rep.,
N.Y.) stepped in himself today
with an amendment to restore the
He explained that the commit-
tee cut was due to a "misunder-
standing" and a "mistake" in con-
sideration of estimates offered by
the veterans administration. The
misunderstanding was cleared up,
he said, in a subsequent conversa-
tion with General Omar N. Brad-
ley, veterans administrator.
Rep. Cannon (Rep., Mo.)' con-
gratulated Taber on his "strate-
gy." He referred to Taber's ex-
planation as "one of the most
transparent alibis that has ever
been heard." Rep. McCormack
(Dem., Mass.) said the House ac-
tion demonstrated the "construc-
.tive import of a minority party."

Cabs To Lose Permits
If Poor Service Persists
Police Chief Cites Increasing Coniplaints
And Traffic Violations as Basis for Action
Local taxi cab owners were warned yesterday by Police Chief C. M.
Enkemann that unless they take immediate steps to improve service,
the Police Commission may refuse to grant licenses to them May 1,
the regular renewal date.
This action was taken because of the increasing number of com-
plaints that are being received by police about overcharging, refusal of
service and discourtesy on the part of cab drivers, the Chief explained.
He also declared that many drivers are guilty of speeding, failing to
stop at stop streets and left curb parking to pick up fares.
-- -- - The Chief said these charges

had been substantiated by a spe-
cial plain clothes policeman who
has been checking cabs through-
out the city for several weeks. He
indicated that an officer would be
permanently assigned to that duty:
but asked for public help in the
campaign to improve Ann Arbor
taxi service.
"The police are doing all they
can to curb taxi violations, but it
would help us immensely if any-
one who has a complaint about
overcharging, refusal of service or
discourtesy would take the num-
ber of the cab and notify the po-
lice department," he said.
Chief Enkemann revealed thai
a Police Commission survey is now
in progress to determine whether
See TAXIS, Page 2
Rent Ceilings
May Be Hiked
10 Per Cent
WASHINGTON, April 1- (A)--
The House Banking Committee
approved a blanket 10 per cent
boost in rent ceilings today a
President Truman called upor
Congress to extend "effective" rent
control and eviction control until
June 30, 1948, for the "proper pro-
tection of millions of our Ameri-
can families."
The Committee also voted tc
abolish all government control:
over building materials and con-
In a message to both houses
Mr. Truman stressed the housin ;
dilemma as acute "despite the
rapid upswing in residential con-
struction during 1946." Rent con-
trols expire June 30, unless re-
"Dwelling accommodations, par-
ticularly rental units, are still radi-
cally out of balance with demand,"
the Chief Executive said.
"In 88 cities surveyed by the
Bureau of Laber Statistics and the
Bureau of the Census during 1946.
vacancies in rental unit~s were vir-
tually non-existent.
"The vacancy rates in habitable
accommodations for these cities
ranged from zero to a maximum of
one per cent with an average well
below one-half of one per cent."
Noting that Congress has re-
cently enacted legislation requir-
ing the liquidation of O{PA and
the office of temporary controls,
Mr. Truman said "I raise no ob-
jection" to the transfer of rent
controls to the housing expediter,
Frank R. Creedon.

Fear of Prolonged Soft
Coal Shutdown Extends
Solid Fuel Bureau's Lifc

Standby Order
Given b Kg
Agency Stripped of
All Legal Powers
By The Associated Press
ployes of the dead Solid Fuels
Administration, their legal powers
gone, were held on a standby basis
'onight for whatever they can do
about soft coaltallocations if the
"mourning" layoff in the mines
becomes extended.
The staff, on 30 days' dismissal
notice with the expiration last
night of the second War Powers
Act under which the agency op-
grated, still is physically available
for that month. They number
about 500 here and in the field.
Hlowever, the Interior Depart-
ment emphasized that the agen-
cy's powers are gone. Presuma-
bly any actual new authority
would have to come from Con-
gress through recommendations
from the office might get vol-
untary compliance.

Faced with the possibility that
jhe mine shutdown might extend
>ast the "mourning" period of six
lays set by John L. Lewis, United
VMine Workers President, Secretary
>f the Interior J. A. Krug directed
that the organization be kept in
xistence temporarily.
Should the shutdown continue
and coal stocks dwindle, there
would be need for an agency to
apportion supplies, as in pre-
vious soft coal strikes, an offi-
cial of the Interior Department
And a possibility appeared that
nany miners might stay out of
ahe pits indefinitely if they class
;hem as unsafe. The six-day me-
norial for the 111 victims of the
Dentralia mine blast began today,
ind there was word from the field
.ndicating a longer tie-up could
Ilugh White, President of
UMW District 12, said at Cen-
tralia his union's members will
not return to the Illinois mines .
Monday unless they are found
safe by inspectors and union
members. He added, however,
that steps taken since the disas-
ter "may remedy many of the
unsafe conditions."
A short time earlier, Adolph Pa-
cifico, president of UMW Dis-
trict 6, instructed his followers
to shun mines they consider un-
safe District 6 embraces Ohio and
the West Virginia panhandle.
Meanwhile, President Truman
directed Dr. R, R. Sayers, outgoing
director of the U. S. Bureau of
Mines, to remain on the job in-
definitely, while Congress investi-
gates the Centralia disaster.
The White House confirmed an
earlier report from UMW that Mr.
Truman had written Sayers asking
him to stay "until relieved." Say-
ers will do so,
11spector Gives
Centraia Facts
CENTRALIA, Ill., April 1-{RP
--A state mine inspector testified
tonight that Director Robert M.
Medill of the Illinois Department
of Mines and Minerals, who re-
signed toda1, had refused two
years ago to comply with the in-
spector's plea to close the Cen-
tralia coal mine in which 111
miners perished last Tuesday.
The inspector, Driscoll 0. Scan-
lan, told an investigating com-
mittee organized by Illinois Gov.
Dwight H. Green that he told Me-
dill in March, 1945, that an ex-
plosion in the mine would kill
every miner in it. He testified
Medill told him then:
"Well, we'll have to take that
Medill, whose resignation was
announced earlier today by Gov-

Coeds Scramble o Secure
Lhnliied 1)orm A pplicatiotis

Slide Ru aAnd Duck' Domgs
Arounid Ca nus Quiestionued
'i'e famous engineers' slide rule 'fror in front of East Engineering

Apparently believers in the max-
im that "the early bird gets the
room," 259 coeds began lining up
in front of Barbour gym at 5 a.m.
yesterday to make sure of securing
one of the limited number of
dormitory application blanks.
With empty stomachs and chat-
tering teeth, the hardy group

dawn vigil, as the waiters impa-
tiently watched the unbearably
slow course of the clock's hands
atop the Carrilon. One irate coed
deplored the lack of Red Cross
volunteers to serve coffee and
doughnuts to the hungry throng.
When the doors were finally
opened, only the first 185 were
fortunate enough to secure the
I .-r.,riv t.prl rI ,'n d4 n, ,y v , c . r

returned to campus yesterday with
a military escort.
At eight o'clock yesterday morn-
ing the Slide Rule, two large pos-
ters advertising the Slide Rule
Ball, and a squad of engineers
presumably recruited by the Mich-
igan Technic to protect the Slide
Rule, rolled down the diagonal on
a 7%2 ton "duck" driven by Lt. Col.
C. H. Davidson of the Transporta-
tion Corps of the local ROTC.
A member of the Technic staff

Building, the "duck" inadvertent-
ly backed into the University's
airport bus. The only major dam-
age reported involved one of the
Slide Rule Ball posters hanging
from the rear of the "duck."
The legality of parking the
"duck" in front of East Engineer-
ing was questioned yesterday fol-
lowing the brush with the air-
port bus, but the Technic staff
members reported that permission
to park the "duck" there for one

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