TWO THE MICHIGAN DAIL SUNDAY, MARCH '00, 1947 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Secrtary' s Office on or befoe mathematics. biological sciences, publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive nzotice to all rnembers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin ,;hould be sent in typewritten forin to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell hall, by 3:00 on the day preceding publication (11:00 a~m. Sat- urdays}. SUNRAY, MARCH 30, 194'7 VOL, LVI, No. 127 ,Noices Student Tea:. President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students on "Wednesday atfter - noon, April 20, from 4 to 6 pm. Notice of Regents' Meeting: The next meeting of the Regents will be on April 25 at 2:00 pm., Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the Presi- dent's hands not later than April 17. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary School of Education Faculty: March meeting, Mon., March 31, 4:15 p.m., U.E.S. Library. A University regulation requiresI Midsemester reports are due not that all students leaving Ann Ar-; later than Friday, April 4. for for extended vacations must' Report cards are being distrib- return library books before their uted to all departmental offices. departure. The purpose of this Green cards are being provided regulation is to insure the avail- for freshmen and sophomores and ability of books for scholars who white cards for reporting juniors wish to use them while the 'Uni- and seniors. Reports of freshmen versity is not in session, and sophomores should be sent to In accordance with this rule 108 Mason Mall; those of jiuniors students planning to spend the and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Springf recess outside Ann Arbor Midsemester reports should must retuorn library books to the name those students, freshmen Charging l Desk of the General Li- and upperclassmen. whose stand- brary (or the proper Divisional ing at midsemester is D" or "E," Library) before leaving the city. not merely those who receive "D" Special permission to charge or "E" in so-called midsemnester books for use outside Ann Arbor examinations. may be given in case of urgent Students electing our; courses, need. Arrangements must be made but registered in other schools or at the Charging Desk for books colleges of the University should from the General Library or with be reported to the school or (col.- Librarians in charge of Divisional lege in which they are registered. Libraries. Additional cards may he had at Students taking Library books 108 Mason Hall or 1220 Angell from Ann Arbor without permis- Hall. sion are liable to a fine of $1.00. --- Th S (1) tl~fltS on campus now T 3"i (it1ll() are noct, living in dormitories but would like to apply for dormnitory accommodtations for the fall and spring rc.einesl rs of 1947-483may do soattheOff"ice (.f the Dea ff'iceolthlca lW - en oni Apr il 1, VAT7 IStutdentsm:atiply for only one type of It otring. All freshmen m~ en ho have rer ceived notificationl of their eligi bility for memrshrip_ in Phli Eta. Sigma, Nati ,oal Vrcshnmn I no1t;Cr Society, l!"_rc1','t l to pGY mei-E bers-hip dues; by Wednesday,Api 2.N money can be accepted~ after° that dlate. Payment, may be made in Rm. 2?, University Hail, at the information desk. Springfield College, Springfield, Massachuse,=tts , the International YMCA College, announces Gradu- ate Assistantships for the aca- demic year 1947-48. Major areas of concentration aro counseling and guidance, group wvork and ('omimunity o nnzation. health education, piy ictal education, and teacher eutioni. For further in.- Sformation, rall aptt helBureau of Appointments, 291_Mason IHall. Panama Canal Zane: Mr. B~en M. Williamns, Superintendent of Schools, The Panamra Canal Zone, will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, Monday, March 31., to in- terview candidates in terested in Lteaching positions in the Canal 1Zone. The division of sch ools of th e Panama Canal Zone is seeking well qualified teachiers to: fill Va" cancies in all th-c leentary grades, and in junior 1w.,gh sci uool mathematics, general sci.ence and social studies. Other positions will be open in the senior high school subjects of English, social studies, phsi ic al sciences, commercial wvoi I,,. household arts, and nmetal shp nd for a supervisoryv tectrof metal shop. A general meeting of all candi-' desinterested in any of the above( m1,ent:ioned positions will be held0 in 302 Mason Hall, 10 a.m.,' ',IMon., March s31. - ot: further information call 41:%1 Ext. 489. .ng«ineers: The Electro Auto- Light: Company will be at our of- fic( on. Tues., April 1, to interview elect, mechanical. chemical an :r(1industrial en gineers. Call the Burau f Apoitmets.201 Ma- so,71 for an appoint - ii r'. itr S t udents in (Chemisery, ('1.eln - ngineering, 'M~cciui- et .Dng.:ineering:If you would life~ Suu ~ loymI";Ient with the ProCtoir and Gamble Company at C (S~o vryae Cincinnati) 'St. Louis, or Kan as City -at, a sal- 'ar of $187.50 per month, come to Rni. 221, W. Engineering Bldg. j fr an exmination at 7:30 p.m., hig sorers on this test will be intlervie wed at a later date. taeof Michigan Civil. Service Ann o (ouncement has been received, inz thlis office for Employment ISeric fe Interviewer I. Salary range is frocm $200 to $240 per month ClIng,,; date is April 16. Seniors wh re graduating in June are elgilefr this examination. Call at( thethreati of Appointments, S2(! Ma ,o: [all1, for furthe ir infor-! ested in working, at sutmmer re- I sorts, hotels, o-r nationalpak this' suimmer are askhed t o see(, Mrs. Mantle of the Burieau ofApon- ments in Rm,. 306 Mason 11-ail. Mon., March 31, 0-12 noron and 2-4 p.m. These include jobs ,a waitresses, bell boys, bus o. clerks. etc. Unti-ersifty C ommiun iiy (enter 1045 Midayt Willow Run Villagye Sun., Ma rch :10, 10:45 a.m. -In- tertlenoitionul hurch Serv-' tionI nurser, Mo..Mach31, 10 ..a.'WillowI Ru Cooperative Council. Tues., April 1, 8:? i.-ivsof Student Vtrn lb pca program: Mr. Ft rdman(;11ieres of Brussels, Belg iim; 2 .m~., Cre~a- butl we are limitd in our enroll1-01 ment1bte szeofourlabra no 'limittio1fo;ths11tudnt on<facuIty Rlt'sal: Eli:,ab1eth ( tUfI tl~o n Page 4) 41 ,4 Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: BOOKS for THE THRESHER- Students holding University Driving Permits are reminded that 1947 license numbers must be re- ported to this office as soon a~s the new plates arc put on the car. Failure to do so will invalidate the permit, mnaking the bearer li- able to disciplinary action for un- authorized driving. Consequently all students desiring to retain driving privileges, including those of the exemption type, should re- port their 1947 license numbers to Mr. Thatcher, in Room 2 Univer- sity Hall. Reports by phone (4121 ext. 346) are acceptable. Office of Student Affairs Students, College of Engineer- ing: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Saturday, April 5. A course mnay be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference wx ih the in- struc tor'. Students, College of Engineer- ing: The final day for REMOVAL OF INCOMPL.ETES will be Satur - day, April 5. Petitions for exten- sion of time must be on file in the tive Writers' Group. , ,-" _.:(,)= ( " ,)r( ) ( ."" i} f t} } )t. ?O .Y::: Wi (1. April 2, 8 p .111. Wivxe., Club Benefit Bridge Party.9)I Thturs., April 3. 8 l)in.-M undy Ki ve r !uxu rv ouC Thrhnsday Service of tedni-, Q 7 nat onal Chtu cz. l Si 1riday Sc i ice.,intereoMn- \"\UL1 IL 1 C lonal Keep Wednesdays open to t1 tedthe spring; talks on homesShes ]]8$3 5 ac bn ooks. 10 Set II6... bec Lectures Pillow cases 22x36 $1,5~H.0 pair Mr. John S. Sammonls, CS.of O c o) at iul-(bvs L111615;00t) P.- Chicago, Illinois, Member of the 9- Board of Lectureship of The Moth- j erChrch e, The First Church of Christ, Scienitist, in Boston, Mas- AI N F S ' e, hitit cece e Always Rea snably Praced! 11 NIcKELS ARCADE igion of Wet-ks. " at 3 p.m. Sun., I Mlarch :30, Ke°llogg Auditoriu m, - <= <=> =>o=>c<=o>}=>o=- <>=N New< De ntalIlg. e; usicesof The________________________________________ Chrst7 ian S~lc tience.1Organization at ptublic is cordially invited.L I' TheNe Yrk tae Ch1ool -of 1 Indutril ad Labor Relations, Cori 11 ttiverLtyiaca. New 2.. r k i )s i. I. in" pnl, L tt'.CJ , nLLd . - t. by Herbert Krause $3.00 A GARDEN TO THE EASTWARD- bay Harold Lamb LYDIA BAILEY- by Kenneth Roberts tnisltips for the academic year M' lmdhsen ulse 194-4. hesc hool is offering M.AaalHsen ulse ,- insrutio )c a ii toi founder-atid leade r of the Young l. r esnte followinPhDdeEgpPrm-1o i :,,)ag fields: Col- subject, -'Anglon-Egypitin Bela 3 tions, " at 8 p~m.o., March 31 iotA ~ ~ ~ ~ l i.,~ranig ua _el Rarkham Amphitheatre; auspice, t ln;i Idity Industrial and; I lborLeisltin ad Scil S _of the Arab Club. '111 public enm ity:; Labor -Union History; Per- cO'tdi 31 vinvyited nnuue Maagniet;atnd Indus- trilEain For furth"er ini- A(Uidemi CIotil(CS fortat o, Al I at thme Bureau of Anpoirtinents. Rooli 201, Mason PSy(hl~ogy 141, meet in Ri IIall. 205, Mason Ilall. Mon., March 31 ______instead of Rm. 2003, Natural Sci Summer Positions: Those inter- ence Bldg. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ilda C-- -- -- i Rn~~~(hemistrv 1 1Ioi 7g le es is \\ 1 x 074 HIHNOTE of PLEASURE 3.00 PEACE 01F MIND-~ by Joshua Liebman ........... 2.50 INFORMATION PLEASE ALMANAC, 1947- by John .Kieran, Editor........2.00 at Stale Street at North University 1l. 1., CLASSIFIED A- 4UIiSING ® 1 MI CI-IGAIN TODAY MISCELLANEOUS 'IF it don't say a thing, give us a ring, and we'll make it sing." For expert radio repair service, Phone 9241 or bring your radio to the Tavern Cafe- teria. )12 PLASTIC LAMINATIONS -- All types, discharges, birth certificates, andc pie- tures. Also photos laminated and framned. Leave work at Calkins-Flet- cher, Wikel Drug, Purchase Camera and Card and Camera Shop. By Trechnical Photo Service. ) 21 PHOTOSTATIC Copying, Enlargements or Reductions. Leave your work at Wikel Drug, Calkins-Fletcher, Par- chase Camera, Card and Camera. marriage and birth certificates, dis- charges, records. 24-hour pick-up ser vice. Technical Photo Service. 917 Sunnyside, Phone 4559, 2-6958. )54 BUSINESS SERVICES ELECTROLUX Vacuum Cleaner s 3aI( .Toln Jadwin, service. 855 Tappan Ave. Phone 2-7412. ) 10 TYPEWRITERS nlow available for rent, standards or porta bles. Office Equip- ment Service Co., 111 S. Fourth Av'e. )36 TYPING : Theses, term papers, etc. Duplicating: notices, form letters programs. A2 Typing Service, 232 Nickels Arcade, phone 9811. )55 TAILORING and SEWING YOUR SUIT or coats restyled to the tat- est trend. Prompt. Service. Gins- burg's, 607 E. Liberty. ) ANNOUNCING an addition in person- nel. We feet free to offer prompt ser- vice. Let ucs help you plan your spring and summer wardrobe. Hildegarde Shop. 116 E. Huron, 2-4669. )19 WANTED TO RENT MALE graduate student desir'es to rent single room. Would also share room with one ort-wxo other students. Call 2-7800. ) STUDENT veteran andt wife wish to rent or sublease furnished apartment for suimmer- term. No children, no smoking or drinking. Excellent('bar-' acter guaranteed. Write Daily, Eox 46. )7 FOR SALE TICKETS to Slide Rule Ball- just re-I ('iv d bids to Blackfoot Bail. C'all Broadbeamn or Booze, 2-4514. )28 A BETTER PRICE paid for Men's used] clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-C singeton Std- )1 . MANS topcat and camewls hair spout1] coat, size '10. 'lwt ladies fornual,, rose ('cpe and blue net, sire 12. Phone 5789. )3 FOR SALE--21-Foot National House] T1raileru- with awnirig. Excellent condi- tion.Pie Trailer Parr, 46537 Ecorse Rtd. ) o 1946 H-OtISETRAILER. 21 ft., 2 rooms perumanent double bed. eleetric brakes,] plent y (astot-age spade, pleasant -uomue for couple. 935 Heath (Ct., Willow Village. )12 ATTENTION, GOLFERS-Let mre help you se-,lect your golfing needs. Comn- plete tiners of oll1top-grade elubis, bag!s, balls. Phone 2-20581. Johnny MalloyGlfll'Professional. ) 13 FOR SAl r; { om bitat ion RCA Ha 410- phionogr;aph . Large automnatic con - sole model. Approximately six yearns 01(1. If Interested, p)hone Len Kauf- man, 4315, after 7 p.m. )53 TROPI CAL FRUITS FOR EASTER- Bushel of fancy citrus fruits, nuts, and ,jellies, $-.95. Half bushel. $2.50. Ptieapple, oranges, or seedless gr ape- fruit, $"2.75 bushla. $1.50 half bushel. Tree ripened J tmie oranges, 29c dozen. Packed 5 or 10 dozen in basket. Pre- panidI by fast express. Tropical Frusit Ml~art,Whinter Carden. Florida. )18 HELP WANTED YOUNG-' LADY -to work at Soda foun- taro. No Sundays or evenings. Swift Drug Store, 340 S. State. Ph. 3534. )60 ATTRACTIVE OPPORTUNITIES await girls who are on the lookout, for per- manent positions with a future. For further informsation call 9985, between 8 aun, and 5 p u. Miehigaun Bell 'releplhone C o. )3: FOR RENT FOR RENT -House (lose in f'or frateur- ruty. Adldre s Box 61, Michigan ] Ilaily. PERSONAL HAPPY BIRTHRDAY, ZEES LOST AND FOUND 1L bEreturn mny Parker "51" lost tn 1;t r'y T hurscay unourning. Black and silver. Reward. Call 4013 Stockwell .) 421 LOST 1--Fitter pipe between Betsy Ross S,'p andI Economics Building. Re- ward. Please call 4952.)2 LO0ST---Woman's gold Gruen wrist watch, very narrow, brown braided leather hand. Millicent Dalitz. Phone 24471. )2 LOSr-One gold lady's wrist watch. Make Mathay Tissot. Between. State Street and corner So. Division and P~ackard,. Call Rosalie Moore.-9413. Reward -) evident fronm advanced regist ra - t ion that it ma y be necessary to li mit enrollmentu in the biological chelnistry labor-y for the stunm-s rier session of D17 as was the caseI last year. Sincet it is desir'ed to give preference to proper-ly quali- fied students on this campus, it its re~ questecdthtat all students con- tact my office (Bin. 317, W. Medi- cal Bldg.) before the Easter vaca- tion if they wish to have a place in tis course reserved for them. We shall make every effoi-t to accenm- modate students who must take this course during the summer, Give your evening of festivities the perfect sendoff! OURJ1 YE/IRS of experience in creating miemiorable dinner par-ties are at your sc'ri'ce. Make arrangements nlow to dine with your friends at the Allenel. Enjoy the finest of food -- expertly cooked and graciously served in one of our private d~niug 7romns. 77tfe il//enel elte TYPEWRITERS Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired STUDENT & OFFICE SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 7177 1 26 EAST HURON PHONE 4241 LOST ON CAMPUS-Black billfold with large amount of money and papers. Papers urgently needed. Reward. Ken MeManis call 4436. )29 WILL cream colored club coupe that picked us up Monday afternoon in Willow Village please return type- wvriter to English Departmentou' 1692 D)arien Ct., Village. 11. M. LaDue. )23 1.0ST -- Perale wire-haired terrier, c;Biit e with black and b~rown mark- in1:s. 1,indf-r please notify E. J. lteuuier. 1745 Quncy Ct., Willow Vil- lage. Reward. )42 TRANSPORTATION- SOMEONE to share driving to San Francisco, leaving April 2. For par- ticulars, call 2-4365. WANTED--Ride to New York City or vicinity, April 4th. Will share ex- penses arid driving. 2-68I70. Phil. )39 RfIDE WANTED - Boston. Share ex- penses. Good diriver-. Veteran, Fri. afternoon. Phone Ypsi 9692. Ross Gunn. )37 WANTED--Ride to Cincinnati, 0., or Lexington. Ky., for Spr-ing vacation. Call 2-1489 tfter 7:00 p.m. Luke Ware. )62 DESIRE RTDE to Birrmingham, Ala- bamna or thereabouts to leave on the 4th oi- 5th of April. Share expenses. Call Jinn Fisler, Ypsi 31159-W, re- ver-se char-ges. )76 STUDENT WANTS ride to St. Louis leaving Aptril 4. will share driving aitd expenses. Call eventings 2-1562. )31 Buy and Hold U. S. Savings Bonds! ,i mmmwm .1 Jq i STARTS TODAY! No North Main Opposite Court House - Today' thru Tuesday -- William Boyd in "FOOL'S GOLD" -plus - Leo Gorcey in NI R. IBEX"1 adided "JUNGLE GIRL," Chapter 3 World New.s OUR PRICE: P - .e I ...prc'se l/s . .. LOS NIEE CREAIOS (Bo-NDs 01',1INTIEREST) (S ail's ANobeiI ri:c D ramnatist) I I I :. i IF I :.: :: : 1 i: - '"LM W "1t, Nit:U