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March 30, 1947 - Image 1

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Latest .Deadline in the State

VOL. LVII, No. 1M7




Report Few
Campus Reds
No Major Worry
At Wayne, MSC
Presidents of Wayne University
and Michigan State College sup-
port the Sheppard Bill, which
would outlaw the Communist par-
ty, but they do not feel that Com-
munism is a major threat on their
Dr. David D. Henry of Wayne,
and Dr. John A. Hannah of Mich-
igan State declared in telephone
conversations with The Daily
that campus Communists are not
a major problem.
"They are no problem at all
except for the newspaper public-
aity," Dr. Hannah said. "There
are only half-a-dozen Communists
on our campus."
Dr. Henry thinks that with Com-
munism outlawed, it would be
simpler to handle the problem, but
he added that his University
could take corrective measures
without passage of the Sheppard
Dr. Hannah reported that "there
has been a good deal of criticism
leveled at the state's campuses for
not 'throwing out 'every Commu-
nist. Of course, we have no right
to do that."- He said the Sheppard
Bill would provide that right.
He declared himself in favor of
outlawing the Communist Party,
"To me Communism is a world
doctrine, dominated from Mos-
cow at the moment."
Both presidents said that re-
ports of Gov. Sigler's testimony to
the House Committee on Un-
American Activities were "essen-
tially correct."
Gov. Sigler in his report quoted
them and President Ruthven as
saying "Give us some law which
says the Communist Party is il-
legal and we will make short work
of individuals on our campuses
trying to overthrow the govern-
President Ru t h v en reserved
Deadlines Set
For Decisions
MOSCOW, March 29 - (1')
Prodded by Secretary Marshall,
the foreign ministers agreed to-
night to set dates to reach main
bargaining decisions on the fu-
ture of Germany.
Simultaneously the British
sought four-power agreement on
return of all war prisoners to Ger-
many by Dec. 31, 1948.
Authoritative sources also dis-
closed that in a diplomatic side-
show outside the ministers' con-
ference Sir Maurice Peterson, the
~British ambassador, was conduct-
ing negotiations with the Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister A. Y.
Vishinsky on revision of the Brit-
ish-Russian alliance.
The negotiations were a follow-
up to the meeting between British
Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin
and Prime Minister Stalin at the
beginning of the week. Inform-
ants said that if a basis is reached
for revising the present 20-year
treaty against Germany dating
from 1942, the recommendations
would be put before Stalin and
Bevin in another meeting before
Bevin leaves Moscow.

In the shortest session of the
conference to date, lasting only
an hour, the ministers agreed to I
try to settle the heart of the Ger-
man problem by discussing these
main points in two blunderbuss
sessions starting next Monday:
1. Germany as an economic
unit, including reparations, and
a review of the level of industry,
including industrial demilitariza-
2. The form and scope of a pro-
visional German government.
Taft Hastens
Tax ed uctioi
WASHINGTON, March 29-(/P)
-Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio)
sparked a drive today to speed
Senate action on the House-ap-
proved bill to cut income taxes
despite almost solid Democratic
and some Republican sentiment
for delay.
Taft tAld' a renrter he disgrpees

Lewis Calls 6-Day

Work Halt,

Asks Ouster of Secretary Krug;

4,000 U
First hnstance
Of Coal Strike
In Food Protest
British View Riots
'With Sympathy'
By The Associated Press
ESSEN, March 29-A walkout of
4,000 Dortmund coal miners in-
jected a new note to seriousness
today in Ruhr food shortage dem-
onstrations marked so far by con-
siderable sympathy on the part
of the British occupiers.
Officials watched closely wheth-
er the Ruhr's other 250,000 miners
might fall into step with the Dort-
mund men who were cheered by
their wives as they left the pits
while 2,000 hunger marchers pa-
raded the downtown streets and
sent deputations to British and
German municipal authorities.
The Dortmund walkout was
the first instance in three days
of Ruhr strikes and demonstra-
tions that miners left the jobs
so essential to German and Eu-
ropean economy.
Attention centered on an ad-
dress scheduled tomorrow by Dr.
Kurt Schumacher, leader of the
Social Democratic Party, at Ober-
hausen, a few miles north of Dues-
seldorf where 100,000 demonstra-
tors yesterday stoned British
buildings and overturned British
It was generally expected that
the Schumacher speech would hold
the key to the course the Germans
will follow.
The Dortmund strike and
demonstration was without in-
cident. Four mines were affect-
ed by the walkout of miners de-
manding that the daily food ra-
tion of 1,550 calories be met in
fuill. The demonstrators said
they had been receiving hardly
two-thirds the official ration.
The miners agreed to return to
work Monday but said they would
strike again unless their families
received their full food allot-





Medical Center Flans
A ruwunced by Officials

Cor(IiIatiohl ofleahig
Researcli Contemuplated in

Publie Health,
New Program


BEFORE THE SNOW-Before spring took her turn back to winter, "sidewalk superintendents", like
these students, were frequent visitors to the construction site of the new General Service Building,
The huge crane, operated by Darrel Picard, has been one of the chief centers of attention.

Villagers Urge
By '.l7aIulaU?'
Leaders in Willow Village's
FEPC campaign will call on Ypsi-
lanti's Representative Joseph E.
Warner today and will present to
him what, was termed a "clear
mandate" from the residents of
the Villace for ti passage of an
effective FEPC gill iii the State
This visit to Warner is a follow-
tip of yesterday's letter-writing
campaign in which Willow Run
tenants were proVided with the
means of dispav t2hii)ng letters and
post cards to State officials in
behalf of the measure. Booths
were set up at local markets and
stationery provided for tenants to
send off their views on the FEPC.
Churches, ReU
Plan alm 11-
Discussions and special Palm
Sunday services will be held today
by several local churches and
campus religious groups.
A seminar on "Christianity and
the Sacraments" will be held by
a.m. at the Student Center.
John G. Craig, program director
of Lane Hall, will lead the discus-
sion on "How Can a Christian Get
Along with Jews" which wl fol-
low the supper to be served at 6
p.m. at the Student Center.
A performance of "The Seven
Last Words" by Heinrich Schutz
at the Choral Evening Prayer
Service at 8 p.m. will be followed
by a coffee hour, bridge and dis-
cussions at the Student Center.
* I e

'U' B uilding Cranc Operator
Says Trade Is Family Affair

Plans for a medical center which will make possible the centrali-
zation of all medical instruction, research and public service, were
disclosed yesterday by President Alexander G. Ruthven and Dean Al-
bert C. Furstenberg of the Medical School.
Enlarging upon a recent statement that he and 18 other univer-
sity heads signed calling for increased financial aid to medical schools,
President Ruthven said that the center has been proposed "in order
to meet the disciplines and responsibilities which modern medical
education demands."
"The Medical School has always been financially supported to
the extent that it can meet the changing needs of medical education,"
---Dean Furstenberg said. "Contin-
ued support would enable an ex-
pansion of the facilities of our
medical school within the center
w eof activities, making possible a
Co t joint program with the public
health school which would estab-
H as State OK lish one of the greatest centers of
this kind in the United States."
The new maternity hospital now
Suggests That Cloon under construction is included in
LookU LeislaLionthe plans for a new medical school
Loo0k Up Legisbationbuilding, an out-patient building,
Senator Joseph Cloon should and new facilities for graduate
have informed himself on all as- medical education.
pects of the recent $127,000 con- Dean Furstenberg has recom-
tracts of e the e c $127,00 con- mended that the new medical
tract between the city and the school be directly connected with
University regarding utility and Uiest optl nsc n
police services, before asking a University Hospital. In such an
probie sfterareemetWilliam intimate relationship there would
probe of the agreement, iletr be no barriers to daily or even
Laird, city attorney, said yester- hourly conferences between the
"The state legislature passed a pre-clinical and clinical faculties,
law some time ago authorizing the he explained.
Regents to enter into an agree- In this connection, the proposed
ment with the city for these serv- medical cen er calls for the eAec-
ices," Laird said. Cloon last week tion of the new school on the Ann
asked the Senate Finance Commit- Street site, adjacent to the west
tee in Lansing to investigate the walls of University Hospital. This
University action, alleging that it structure should be of sufficient
would "set a bad precedent." size to furnish the necessary facili-
"The senator should have taken ties for approximately 130 medical
time to read the law passed by the students, 100 dental students and
legislature authiorizing the Re-150 nurses per class, together with
gents to make an agreement of accommodations for an expansive
this type" Laird said. "A thorough program of graduate medical edu-
and ehatieurvsayd.ashmrau cation in the pre-clinical fields,
and exhaustive survey was made Dean Furstenberg proposed,
prior to the agreement, and both "The present graduate medical
the University and the city decided ed tpr graduate medical
it was the best thing to do," he education program in the clinical
added. sfields is cited as one of the most
addedn. n progressive and practical plans of
"The city enjoys an advantage continuing medical education in
having the University lctdhrthe world today." In order to
but it also places additional bur- t eeordISoSE. Pagrer 6
dens in the way of utility and po- See DISCLOSE, Page 6
lice services on the local govern-
ment" he said, adding that Uni- r den Fund
versity authorities realize this and H
are trying to do the "right thing" -iu 1
1:y the city. Show P~lanned~
The recently concluded agree-
ment between the city and the
University provided payments of Woiens Glee Club,
$97,600 for sewage disposal; $22,- Jazz Group Featured
368 for police services and $7,500
to release the University from the "Running Rampant," two-hour
obligation of providing two free all-student talent show will be
hospital beds to city employees. presented at 7:30 p.m. April 20 at
The contract was reached after a Hill Auditorium for the benefit of
year's negotiations between the the Hayden Memorial Library
two parties, fund.
Senator Cloon has asked a Tentatively slated to include
probe of the agreement, charging an eight man jazz group, the
that if the state permits an ac- Women's Glee Club, a Filipino
Lion of this kind in one place it dance group, two women singers
would have to do it in all places and an impersonator, the show is
where there is a state institution. chairmaned by Pat McKenna, '50.
--__All proceeds from the entertain-
Deny 'medmCharge nt will go toward financing the
D eiy lid' C argeHaydep Memorial Library at the
DETROIT, March 29 -(P)- University of the Philippines.
Three officials of the CIO United Tickets for the show will go on
Auto Workers today expanded on sale April 14, at 50 cents, accord-
their denials of Gov, Sigler's ing to Miss McKenna.
charges that they were "captives The student talent show is part
of the Communist party" and ac- of a three point fund raising drive
cused the governor of a smear for the Hayden Memorial Library.
campaign designed to "detract The drive also includes a dance at
from the impelling demands" of Waterman Gym and a pledge sub-
union workers. scription campaign.
F, V
Ldard Vital, Adanms Says

Miners Ready
To Cooperate
100 Per Cent
Estinate Stop Will
Cost 10 Million Tons
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 29 -
John L. Lewis today called a six-
day work stoppage in the soft
coal mines in mourning for the
Centralia disaster victims starting
April 1-the date he had set for a
strike until the Supreme Court
stopped him.
He also demanded the ouster of
Secretary of the Interior Krug on
the ground of "criminal negli-
gence" in regard to enforcing safe-
ty rules,
Lewis' order to the 400,00
members of the United Mine
Workers union called it "a sa-
cred coincidence that the great-
er part of this designated period
of mourning will be during 'Holy
But Senator Ball (Rep., Minn.)
commented that "in the present
condition of the world, I think it's
an extremely inappropriate me-
mnorial." He added that "it cer-
tainly demonstrates against the
power of one man-if he can do
The miners appeared ready to
observe without question the
six-day mourning period. Their
attitude was summed up in the
words, "if John L. Lewis says
we're going out, we're goingn ut."
Word of the shaggy United
Mine leader's order which directed
the stoppage beginning midnight
tomorrow filtered slowly through.
the mine areas yesterday but UMW
leaders and miners agreed they
would cooperate with Lewis 100
per cent.
The nationwide shutdown
next Tuesday through Sunday
will cost an estimated 1,000,000'
tons of coal production. The
miners who observe it will draw
110 pay.
Lewis told a news conference
that the shutdown will not Violate
the Supreme Court order which di-
rected him to withdraw his notice
"terminating" his contract with
the government-the signal for a
strike-and to issue no such no-
tice again as long as the govern-
ment operates the mine.
Ile said the memorial shut-
down is authorized under a pro-
vision of his 1941 contract with
the private operators which is
c'arried forward in the govern-
ment pact. It reads:
"The International Union,
United Mine Workers of Amer-
ica, may designate memorial
periods providing it shall give
proper notice to each district"
Government officials were un-
available for comment immediate-
In calling the shutdown, Lewis
commented that "at least no more
men will die during the mourning
period. They will be safe for that
time anyway."
final Toll 111
At Centralia
'All Found, All Dead'
In Mining Disaster
CENTRALIA, Ill., March 29-
(/Pl)-Rescue squads, who braved
dense gas and weakened mine
walls in an almost fruitless four
day search for survivors in an ex-
plosion-torn coal mine, completed

their explorations today and an-
nounced the final death toll was
"The ,scarch is oven," said Dris-
coll A. Scanlan,'state mine inspec-
tor who aided in directing the res-
cue efforts. "All the missing men
are accounted for. All but one
body has been found and we know
where that is and expect to bring
it to the surface tonight."
The Centralia disaster is the
worst of its kind in the nation
since 195 miners perished in a

By JOHN F. NEHMAN, JR. five years ago, built to carry a
Hanging steel is virtually a fam- capacity of 30 tons. He even tookB
ily occupation for the man who his skill to war with him when he BJ
runs the main feature at the site enlisted in the Seabees and be-
of erection of the new General !nise wnt offieespnding-
cel'Viee Building, the main fea- most of hree years building ii'a- (
Stre being the 52-torn fluid dive fields in the South Pacific islands.
('hrewchi ored with During his long time with the Seeks Support in UN
The man is Darrell Picard, long- company, Picard has worked in For
Tmhye x~ia is Darrell Piarn building many of the bigger struc- ForSpecial. Sessio
timeemplye if te Aericn 'tures across the country, includ-
Bridge Company, whose father te Blue tee t Poiud- LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., March
and two uncles did this kind of ing the Blue Water Bhidge at Port 29--UP)--Britain again today de-
work before him and whose "kidH layed filing the explosive Palestine
br''ther"right now is also operat- Ferndale he now drives in to Ann laye filn the U ie atine
ing a cirane for another company. workwt tetresto t "R gin tme to seek assurances of support
m Business 22 Years Gang" at 8 fam.R from Russia, France and China
Picard, in the business for 22 eamwork Jmporta for a special session of the general
years, has been running this same TButwto theor w Pi ar ssembly.
machine and its "mate" on dif-; 'But without the crew," Picard At the same time the turbulent
ferent jobs since they rolled out said, slightly disgruntled at this Greek question moved toward
of Manitowoc Engineering's plant writer's questions, which were aim- full airing here. A reliable UN
ed specifically at inform ation su rc ai i t wasrk.oA n e a e
about the crane and its operator, sou'ce said it was known that the
"the crane might as well be back Security Council's 11-nation coi-
. in Pittsburgh. Without each man's mission now examining Greece's
bein in the right place at the border troubles would submit ma-
[gious Groups hg a m d nd:o''"
right time, all the work the ma- jority and minority reports, with
1e chine does would be useless." Russia and Poland as the dissent-
nSa erV es He likened construction work ers.
to fitting in the pieces of a jig- The new development in the
saw puzzle. Every single piece of Holy Land situation came after a
"Sanctuary," religious play dealing steel which goes into the building foreign office spokesman in Lon-
with a criminal who escapes fr'om is stamped with a number, and don said that Sir Alexander Cdo-
prison and seeks refuge in a each number is found on the blue gan, British delegate to the Se-
church. prints, which indicate a particu- curity Council, had been author-
Members of the EVANGELICAL lar place for each part. ized to present the case officially
AND REFORMED GUILD will be So this writer turned to those to the UN.
guests. unexpendable" members of the-
,get. crew, which includes, be-ides the , 1
The LUTHERAN STUDENT foreman, Ray Popp, and the sup- E)v U A/ IO P L I
ASSOCIATION will serve break- erintendent, Bill Pickens, the fol-
fast at 8:30 a.m. at the Student lowing men: D. F. Darr, the time- - TT
Center. keeper; Keith Whitaker, Harold Hl l Uj
A Bible Study Hour will be on- Whitaker, Andy Pyburn, Robert
ducted at 9:15 a.u. Woodard, and of course Picard, I
A meeting and Palm Sunday See STEEL, Page 3 By JOHN CAMPBELL
worship service will be held at Although the University is anx
5:30 p.m. in the Zion Lutheran Truman leeti#utohtheS nevery sn-
Church. I ious to help the State in every pos-
it* Wih tl Ur e sible way in solving the larger
Supper will be served at 6 p.m. problems which it now faces in
Ia the ROGER WTTTTAMS G TIL. l mT A TTTrf , ..., . n ,o higher education, it must give

responsibility. This is not only
wise educational policy from the
standpoint of the institution; it is
wise public policy from the stand-
point of the State.
"It is on this basis that the

"A new and lively interest has
developed in junior colleges
where students may pursue their
studies at home," he added.
Declaring a formal expression
of policy "essential at the pres-

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