New Committee [AST WEEK student leaders of most of the large, representative student organ- zations (including the Legislature, Student ?eligious Association, AVC, The Daily) join- d with members of the faculty to form a :ommittee for Academic Freedom. The purpose of this group is to "inform he (University) community of any threat o freedom of thought and assembly in the iublic schools of Michigan." "We are not trying to cover up for any campus group but are, concernei with . academic freedom-not hysterics," Raskell Coplin, chairmin of the committee was quoted in a Detroit newspaper. Since the campus settled down to exams hree weeks ago, there has been a lot of lectricity crackling over this state's cam- uses. A great many persons have spoken harply, and have been answered bitterly. kccording to the Detroit papers, "Reds," Communists," and "subversive groups" bound in the state's schools; they are about o be routed out, it seems. In the midst of confused reports concern- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRANCES PAINE ing President Hannah's action at Michigan State College, recollections of post-World War I red-baiting, and uncertainty as to the University's position, many persons from center leftwards have, become panicky. Many others from center rightwards have smirked, and broadcast innuendoes. The calm, reasoned statement of the new Committee for Academic Freedom in the midst of this is reassuring. Such a com- mittee, with its broad, representative base should keep any "investigation" from get- tirig out of hand. If an investigation of "subversive groups" on this campus is undertaken, it might well do much to inform the public of the true character of Michigan stu- dents and faculty. Such an inquiry could define "Communist" and "subversive." It would have to distinguish the American who speaks and writes what he thinks from the American who speaks and writes according to a professional propaganda line. We believe at least 99 per cent of . the campus is in the first category. But whether this University is searched for "Reds" or not, the presence on campus of a group with the stated purpose of keep'- ing clear-headed throughout should curb excess from either' "reactionary" or "left- ist." The campus can take pride in its new Committee for Academic Freedom. The Senior Editors 'Friendis,.Counselors' R ETIREMENT this semester of Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley marks the end of a career of more than a quarter of a century of service to the University. Ap- pointed in 1921 by the Board of Regents as the nation's first "dean of students," Mr. Bursley was commissioned to serve as "friend, counselor and guide to the student body With general oversight of its welfare and its activities." Dean Bursley can have the satis- faction of having made a success of an ad- ministrative post withoit precedent, one in which he helped the University to handle effectively the problems of expansion. His increasing duties were reflected in the growth of his office to one of the largest and most busy on the campus. At The Daily, we knew the Dean through his ex-officio membership on the Board in Control of Student Publications, and as chairman of the Student Affairs Committee, but these were only two of his many official positions. He also served with the University Senate, Council, Con- ference of Deans, Board of Directors of Residence Halls; in almost any case where the University dealt with student prob- lems during his tenure, Dean Bursley help- ed form and administrate the policy. Chairmaning one of the first committees that produced the Michigan Union building was another of Dean Bursley's tasks. He lead in the campaign which raised the re- quired funds, and later headed the building committee. For a number of years he served as the Union's financial secretary, and was also an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors. The Office of Dean of Students which was copied by universities all over the United States will always be identified with Dean Bursley at Michigan. Perhaps this was among the considerations which led to re- naming the post at his retirement. ITHE DIFFICULT JOB of taking over where Dean Bursley left off belongs of course to Dean Erich A. Walter who heads the new- ly-created Office of Student Affairs. A mem- ber of the faculty since 1919, Dean Walter was assistant to the Dean of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts from 1938 to 1945; last year he was appointed Associate Dean of the college. In these posts he super- vised the academic work of literary college students, served on the Administrative Board, and supervised the granting of schol- arships, to mention a few of his duties. In the literary college, Dean Walter was constantly in contact with students and their problems. This works undoubtedly provided the most practical type of back- ground experience for his new job. In both the retiring dean and his suc- cessor the University has been blessed with the very best kind of administrative official, men who serve the interests of our institu- tional leviathon while protecting the individ- ual student from being crushed by the muon- ster. Our congratulations to them both. -Milt Freudenheim Resolution Whereas Dean Joseph A. Bursley has faithfully served on the Board In Control of Student Publications for twenty-six years. During this long period giving gen- erously of his time and patience for the just solution of difficult problems, always standing for honesty, fair play, moderate words, temperate action, and considera- tion for divergent points of view, and Whereas the benefits from Dean Bur- sley's performance of his duties in main- taining the best in academic tradition and its finest interpretation in the student publications of this University have been very great. Be it resolved, that the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications take this oc- casion to thank Dean Bursley for his loyal and disinterested service to the University on this Board and that this expression of grateful appreciation be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. -Board in Control of Student Publications (Resolution adopted unanimously, Fri- day, Jan. 81, 1947.)} MATTER OF FACT: (Stewart Alsop is en route to the Mediterran- ean to write about the tihnalet c nditiofs in Palestine, Iran, Greece and other Middle East hot spots. nis first dispatehes are due soon. Meanwhile, Joseph Alsop covers the nation from Washington.) By JSEPH ALSOP WASHINGTON-Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov provided the Council of Foreign Ministers in New York last Novem- ber with a foretaste of the tactics which Secretary of State George C. Marshall will shortly meet in Moscow. Toward the end of the New York meeting, he approached the French representative, the able Couve de Murville, and suggested a neat pre-Moscow deal. The terms of the deal were simple. In view of their commitments to their Polish puppets, the Soviets are on record as de- siring to maintain the present eastern frontiers of Germany. Molotov has, how- ever, already publicly attacked the cession of the Saar region to France, to which Britain and the United States are com- mitted. At the same time, the Soviets are asking for reparations from Germany out of the eurrent German production, which would require a substantial increase in the Germian level of industrey. The French are passionately opposed to any strengthening of the German industrial potential. Molo- tov made it plain to Couve de Murville that if France would support the Soviet Union on the reparations question, the Soviet Union would support France on the Saar. Both, he hilitatd, would "gain stre~gth by these changes of front. The overture, obviously intended to lay the groundwork for Franco-Soviet mutual sup- port on other points, evoked no response from Couve de Murville. Nevertheless, it must be regarded as a deeply significant straw in the wind. With their natural fear of Germany, it is difficult to imagine the French ever quite coming round to the Soviet view on rep- arations. But it is not impossible that they will support a severe reparations policy which does not involve any substantial rise in the level of German industrial output. After all that France has suffered at Ger- man hands, it would be tempting to take the position that the Germans ought to pay for war damages, however dreadful the consequences within Germany. THUS FAR, only the French position has been defined. The State txepartmet and Foreign Office are both still at Work ham- mering out the American and British posi- tions. But it is already apparent that Mos- cow is likely to differ from the other post- War conferences, in that anything like the relative unity which the Western powers showed at Paris will simply not exist. M s- cow will be a sort of basket of eels, in Which all the occupants are differently but almost indistinguishably inter-coiled. The task of Secretary of State Marshall at this, his first effort of the sort, will be to find his way about among the eels. The Molotov over- ture to Couve de Murville suggeststhat the chief Soviet tactic will be to promote the maximum of complexity in the coils in the basket. Meanwhile, it is also necessary to note an apparent shift of Soviet policy toward Germany which, if maintained, will make a Franco-Soviet rapprochement more diffi- cult. Up to and through the delivery of Molotov's statement on Germany in Paris last July, the major emphasis of Soviet policy in Germany was political. First priority was accorded to the effort to shepherd or drive the Gernans into the Soviet system. That is why Molotov gave great prominence to his demand for a strong, integral greater German Reich, and played down his contradictory demand for $10 billion of reparations. This was a sort of high point. The British and Americans then countered the Soviet political propaganda with unification of the Anglo-American zones, a less passive atti- tude toward Soviet political warfare, James F. Byrnes's historic Stuttgart speech, and other ensuing moves. At the same time, the Soviet's puppet German party, the Socialist Unity party, showed unexpected weakness even in the Soviet zone. From mid-summer until about mid-December, therefore, the Soviets shifted their emphasis. The Social- ist Unity party was all but cast off. According to highly authoritative but not fully confirmed reports, a reversal oc- curred with the visit to Berlin six to eight weeks ago of Marshal Beria, whose con- trol of the Soviet Secret police and inter- ior ministries makes him one of the most powerful members of the Politburo. No one knows precisely what occurred when and if Beria was in Berlin. But it is rea- sonable to suppose that the same sort of disagreements exist among Soviet govern- ment agencies as among the agencies of other nations At any rate, there followed a sharp return to the old line. Centralization of Germany, the greater Reich, support for the Socialist Unity party, the Soviet Union as the friend of Germany-these are the notes now be- ing struck once more by the Soviets in Ber- lin. If the demand for maximum centraliza- tion is not being made for bargaining pur- poses, it will divide Russia from France. And the return of the old line will also further entangle the eels in the Moscow basket. (Copyright, 1947, Ne York Tribune, Inc.) BILL MAULDIN - 3 KV rV% K I' ~ 1 -- ' 1/ EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, aid in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed i lctters are those of the writers only. YLetters of' more than 300 words pr shortened, printed or omitted oft the discretion of the edi- torial director. * * * 'Infernal iMeddliiig' To the Editor: THE INVESTIGATION of the Student Legislature into the al- leged football ticket mapipulations was in itself almost too much to stomach, but now, after reading in the January 14 Daily about the visit to the Gach Party Picture Service Shop by a so-called "rep- resentative" body to demand rea- sons for his charging "excessive- ly high prices for campus func- tions," and to inquire into the manner in which he conducts his business, I am thoroughly and ir- revocably aligned against the stu- dent government as conducted by the University of Michigan Stu- dent Legislature.' Why doesn't this bunch of self- appointedeguardians of the physi- cally weak and mentally infirm mind its own business and stop Capr. 1147 by Unted feature Syndcafe, Inc. Ini. Req. U. S'. Pat. Off.-MJ rights reserved Z-/1 WA%&%ri "Better cancel my reservation. Terrible flying weather." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLTI + IIIYIII I IIYII a 1 ,. (Continued from Page 2) Letters to the Edi this infernal meddling tions which in no way I wish to go on reco equivocably denouncing of "haloed hierarchy" a sentative of mine, no basic organizational c policy .vil1 I desire its I tion in the future. -Donald 1 About Si permission of the Committee Student Affairs. on VIII. Physical Disability. Students excused from gymnasium work on account of physical incapacity are forbidden to take part in any pub- lic activity, except by special per- mission of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs. In order to obtain such permission, a student may in any case be required to present a written recommendation from the University Health Service. IX. General. Whenever in the opin- ion of the Committee on Student Affairs, or in the opinion of the Dean of the School or College in which the student is enrolled, par- ticipation in a public activity may be detrimentalto his college work, the committee may decline to grant a student the privilege of participation in such activity. X. Special Permission. Special per- mission to participate in public activities in exception of Rules IV, V, VI, VII, VIII may be granted by the Committee on Student Af- fairs only upon the positive rec- ommendation of the Dean of the School or College to which the student belongs. Xl. Discipline. Cases of violation of these rules will be reported to the proper disciplinary authority for action. XII. Officers, Chairmen and Man- agers. Officers, chairmen and managers of committees and proj- ects who violate the Rules Gov- Activies may be directed to appear before the Committee on Student Affairs to explain their negligence. E. A. Walter Director, Office of Student Affairs Pre-Medical Student Registra- tion for Professional Aptitude Test: Students who did not take the Professional Aptitude Test during January, but who are plan- ning to enter medical schools dur- ing 1947, must register for the next administration of the test. Students should register in Rm. 110, Rackham . Building, before noon on February 14. The test will be given from 9-12 noon and 1:30- 4 p.m., March 7, East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. Women students attending the AVC Music Festival on Tuesday, Feb. 11, have the usual one-half hour late permission after the program ends. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Forestry, and Public Health: Students who received marks I, X or 'no report' at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses un- less this work is made up by March 10. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appro- priate official in their school with Rm. 4 U. H. where it will be trans- mitted. Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships: February 15 is the final date on which applications for such awards can be presented. Blanks may be secured from the Office of the Graduate School un- til that time. No applications will be considered if received after February 15. All persons now hold- ing Graduate Fellowships who wish to apply for renewal for 1947-48 should call at the Gradu- ate School for the proper form be- fore February 15. Detroit Armenian Women's Club Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian Women's Club offers a scholarship of $100 for 1947-48. One man and one woman of Ar- menian parentage from the met- ropolitan district of Detroit are eligible. Application must be made before May 15, 1947. Fur- ther particulars may be had at the office of P. E. Robbins, 1021 An- gell Hall. Those interested in teaching in Redlands, California: John Brani- gan, Superintendent of School, Redlands, California, will be in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion at 9 a.m., Mon., Feb. 24, to'in- terview candidates for vacancies in kindergarten, all elementary grades, general science, English and social studies, band and or- chestra. Call 4121-Ext. 489 for appointment. Aeronautical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seniors: Mr. Allen T. Schwab of Gruman Air- craft Engineering Corporation will interview students on Wed., Feb. 12, Lobby office, East Engineering. If interested, please sign inter- view schedule on Aeronautical Bulletin Board. University Community Center (formerly West Court Commun- ity Building), 1045 Midway, Wil- low Run Village: Tues., Feb. 11, 3:30 p.m., Church Nursery Mothers' Meeting; 8 p.m., General Meeting, Pooperative Nursery; 8 p.m., Organization Meeting, Extension Classes in Spanish and French, at Ross School. Thurs., Feb. 13, 8 p.m., Art-Craft Workshop. Fri., Feb. 14, 8:30 p.m., Bridge and Open House. Music for danc- ing. Lectures Freshman Health Lectures For Men: It is a University require- ment that all entering freshmen take; without credit, a series of lec- tures on Personal & Community Health and to pass an examina- tion on the content of those lec- tures. Transfer students with freshman standing are also re- quired to take the course unless they have had a similar course elsewhere. Upper classmen who were here as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do so this semester. These lectures are not required of veterans. The lectures will be given in Room 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m. as per the following schedule. Lecture No. 1, Mon., Feb. 10 Lecture No. 2, Tues., Feb. 11 Lecture No. 3, Wed., Feb. 12 Lecture No. 4, Thurs., Feb. 13 Lecture No. 5, Mon., Feb. 17 Lecture No. 6, Tues., Feb. 18 Lecture No. 7 (examination), Wed., Feb. 19. Please note that attendance is required and roll will be taken. Required Hygiene Lectures For Women--1947: All first and second semester freshman women are required to attend a series of health lectures which are to be given the second semester. Upper-class students who were in the University as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do so this term. Late enrollees must turn in a Class Card to Mrs. Looman at the Health Service. Satisfactory completion of this course (or of P.H.P. 100; elective, 3 hours credit) is a graduation re- quirement. Lecture Schedule Section I-First Lecture, Mon., Feb. 17, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Examination, Mon., Mar. 31, 4:15-5:15, N.E. Aud. Section I1-First Lecture, Tues., Feb. 18, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Examination, Tues., April 1, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. University Lecture: Mr. Charles Sterling, Research Fellow in the Department of Painting of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and Visiting Professor at Columbia University, will lec- ture on the subject, "French Portraiture from Fouquet to Cezanne," (illus.), at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Feb. 18,. Rackham Amphi- theater; auspices of the Depart- ment of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Padraic Co- lum,. poet and dramatist, will speak on the subject, "The Poetry. of William Butler Yeats," at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Feb. 21, Rackham Am- phitheatre; auspices of the De- partment of English Language and Literature. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor Aaron J. Sharp, University of Tennessee, will lecture on the sub- ject, "Disjunct Areas of the De- ciduous Forest in Mexico and Guatemala" (illustrated), at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Feb. 28, Rackham Am- phitheatre; auspices of the De- partment of Botany. A cademic Notices Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and Ger- man for the doctorate will be held on Friday, Feb. 14, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rack- ham Building. Dictionaries may be used. To the Editor: IT IS GOOD to hear the through the words of Sanchez y Escribano, but] der how many will believi Men find truth to be a c companion to get along W is so much simpler to igt and to pint and say "'t Communist!" I was told early in my to show my ignorance by ing-others may not have r such worthy advice. Prot .has spoken, and has made itatements concerning pa are ot based on truth. Y Prof. Aiton has never eaten ears and bread for any e time-he has nver seen spilt-he has never see th from a rifle when it Was 1W him for no reason aU never heard sirens sarul bombs fall. No planes haN machineg untiedhispei e should we be off ed by says? No, I would not ct him for not speaking the rather, for speaking when ignorant of the truth. He has heard of chutrchi were burned.- I watched burn, and I have no reg would ask Prof. Aito, wl rifles doing in the hands of : If that is Christianity, thel an unbeliever. When churci come an evil, their destruc a good, and why should i slandered for doing good? Who is this Prof. Aiton w judge a man by his clothes he heard of Guernica? I heard of Malaga? In fact does he know about Spain he forget the men whoi more? Yes, he can . . . b because no evil has been d him, but I was born in Ms I grew up in Madrid, and Spain-and if I love Spain love the man who brought and hunger to its people. Aton can-I can't. So when we say that 'rar the Church are evil, we 8 Communists, unless a Corn is one who believes in tru are not unbelievers, but ti lievers in decency and Ind ent thinking. When will outgrow their childish mlii try to understand instead of ering us to cover up their ance? -Luis de la 'I corder, School of Business E istration, Tappan Hall. .Algebra Seininar: 3201 Hall, 4:15 p.m. Friday. On tion meeting. Prof. Thn talk on Lattice Theory. Seminar in Relativity: day, 4 p.m., 3001 Angell Ia Seminar inEngineering ics: The Engineering Me Department is sponsoring ies of discussions on the p of Engineering Materials, p.m., Wed., Feb. 12, Rm. 4 Engineering Bldg. Forestry 194 will not i Wednesday, Feb. 12, or F 14. If you are enrolled and attend the opening sessior day, Feb. 10, at 8 a.m., ple (Continued on Page 5) 'D RATHER BE RIGHT: French Freedom By SAMUEL GRAFTON PARIS-Each country has its own kind of freedom like its own kind of bread. French freedom is intensely personal, and takes the form of an immense contest of ingenuity between the individual and the government. Paris turns off its electricity during daylight hours two days a week to save coal. It has also long been a French custom to charge a much lower rate for electricity consumed late at night, when demand is low, than during the day. The French meet this complicated challenge typically with a household heating invention called the "Cumulateuri" a machine which in some fashion stores electricity during the night when rates are cheap and gives it off in the form of heat during the day, including days when the current is cut. One hears that the cumulateur will be made illegal, but one feels also that that will be only one more chapter in the serial story. It is like the way Parisian traffic police- men go home for lunch, leaving the streets unattended in the busiest time of day; it is not that they do not respect the traffic problem, it is a question of the individual's right to have his lunch. This a country of very individualistic people. A French apartment house owner will not, for ex- ample, pay for halU lights; the cost is ap- portioned and billed to the tenants. The tenants in turn refuse to pay for lights for who knows who to use; they install an in- vention which leaves the lights on for ex- actly three minutes after you push a but- each. This, plus 26 francs for the gas, would allow legal gas to conipete with illegal, and bring in some revenue. But the whisper along the boulevards is that the black mar- ket will craftily cut its price to 40 francs, and undersell the government. It must not be supposed that all this makes the French cold; they have an exhil- arating respect for each other, and it is heartwarming to watch a conversation be- tween, say, a professional man and a work- man. It reminds one of life in a small American town; there is a kind of equality, an organic lack of difference, certainly no difference at all on the level of ideas. G001D FOOD flows to those with money and in a side street not far from where I live, a woman bakery owner asks her cus- tomers for their surplus bread tickets and there is a poor young man in the neighbor- hood she explains, who has been living on nothing but bread for two weeks, and she wants to help him by giving him. more bread. There are other such stories in Paris. And suddenly something happens; the taste of freedom changes, and French newspapers break out with nervous appeals to French- men to moderate themselves and resist their impulses lest inflation involve the country and starve the poor. And one thinks of the English, who feed their poor, but have so bound themselves with restrictions in doing so that they may not paint a house or build a hen roost or nail two sticks together with- out permission. ,11 I: Biological Chemistry III: Break- age refunds for the Laboratory Course may be obtained on Tues- days and Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 from Mr. Kaercher, 320 West Medical Bldg. Business Administration 31, Typewriting 1: A second section has been opened and will meet Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. Enroll through Miss Swift, Re- Fifty-Seventh Ye Edited and managed by si the University of Michigan authority of the Board in Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha.........Manag Clayton Dickcey...........C Milton Freudenheim .Editor. Mary Brush ...........Assoc Ann Kutz............Assoc! Clyde Recht.........Associ Jack Martin...........Sp Archie Parsons Associate Sp Joafh Wilk ...........Worne Lynne Ford Associate Womi Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... GenerF Janet Cork....... Business Nancy Helmlck .. Advertisin BAIINABY1 i in I - E 0 :.. _ .._ 17I - 0, MI- , --- 9