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March 29, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-29

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See Page 4

tIr Dirn
Latest Deadline in the State





Senator Asks
For Probe of
U' Payment
Says City Should
Pay Utility Cost
Senator Joseph P. Cloon (Rep.,
Wakefield) yesterday asked an in-
vestigation of a $127,000 payment
by the University to the city of
Ann Arbor for sewage disposal
and police protection, according
to the Associated Press.
Requesting the Senate Finance
Committee to make an investiga-
tion, Cloon charged that the Uni-
versity's action "sets a bad prece-
dent." He said that if the state
permits this action in one place it
would have to do it in all places
where there is a state institution.
No Comment from Briggs
Robert Briggs, University vice-
president who said the agreement
between the city and the Univer-
sity had been reached after a
year of negotiations, had no com-
ment on Senator Cloon's state-
Cloon said the city of Ann Ar-
bor received "a lot of revenue'"
through the University and the
hospital, and should "pay its own
"Maybe we are giving the Uni-
versity more money than it needs
if it can afford to do this," Cloon
Agreement Upheld
Cecil Creal, president of Ann
Arbor Common Council, said yes-
terday that any investigation will
show that the agreement is very
fair to both the University and
the city. "The agreement was ar-
rived at after a year's negotiation
between a special council com-
mittee and the University," Creal
The city is justified in receiving
University payments for utility,
police and fire protection, accord-
ing to Creal.
First Time Under Fire
Both Briggs and Creal said that
this is the first time the recently
conchied agreeient ''had come
under fire from the Legislature.
Under terms of the one year con-
tract, the University agreed to pay
the city $97,600 for expanding
and enlarging the water and sew-
age plants to supply new Univer-
sity buildings; $22,368 for police
protection; and $7,500 to release
the University from 4n obligation
to provide two free hospital beds
for city employees..
Mine Crews
Continue Hunt
For Survivors
CENTRALIA, Ill., March 28 -
(IP)-Rescue crews, each foot of
their progress periled by weakened
walls and dense gas, neared the
end today of the grim job of
searching for mine blast surviv-
ors that has led them to 79 bodies
of the predicted toll of 111.
Driscoll Scanlan, State mine in-
spector who spent five hours un-
derground with a rescue crew,
emerged late today with the word
that rescuers expected they could
complete their explorations of the
rubble-strewn tunnels late to-

night or early tomorrow.
Few except families of the miss-
ing men held much hope that any
of the 32 miners still unaccounted
for had survived the deadly gas
that rushed through the mine net-
work following Tuesday's under-
ground explosion.
Scanlan said there was a "faint
hope" that some miners in a dead
end of the tunnel might have
escaped the first rush of deadly
fumes if they succeeded in bar-
ricading themselves in a side
corridor in time. He added, how-
ever, that with more than 72
hours elapsed since the explosion
the chances were slight anyone
would be found alive.
Scanlon said the explosion,
which wrecked cars, twisted rails,
and shook heaps of slate from
walls and ceilings, was extremely
"An atomic bomb could hardly
have done more damage at the
explosion center," he said.
Landscaping Scheduled
k us A -

A thletic Plan Explained;
Cam pusA pprovalVoiced
Better Balance Is, Students Assured
Seen by Leaders Choice of Classes
Expanding the physical educa- The proposed program for phy-
tion program at the University sical education at Michigan is de-
will afford better balance between signed to allow individual students
the academic and physical life of to select their chosen field of
the student, was the concensus of interest, according to members of
campus opinion as polled by The the special committee which has
Daily yesterday. recommended basic changes in the
"The proposed plans will be of present University requirements.
prime importance in introducing p n n" eqireents.
the student to an appreciation of "The plan," declared Ken Do-
the activities that are an integral herty, co-chairman of the co-
part of his own life," declared mittee, "basically offers oppor-
Dr. Elmer D. Mitchell, chairman tunity for undergraduates to se-
of the men's physical education lect from a large number of sports
department. An understanding of activities those suited to their in-
sports is of value both in develop-- terests and needs."
ing the health of the student and Not Wartime Program
in helping him to realize his com- In emphasizing that this is defi-
munity responsibility, Dr. Mitchell nitely not the emergency wartime
added. program, Earl Riskey, director of
Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman intramural athletics and member
of the women's physical educa- of the committee, said that it will
tion department and member of avoid any extreme emphasis on
the advisory committee for the physical drill and calisthenics.
report, pointed out that physi- In addition Howard Leibee, as-
cal activities, which would in- sistant intramural director, point-
clude both indoor and outdoor ed out that the curriculum sug-
sports, dancing, and corrective gested in the report would con-
exercises, afford relief from the tain academic c o n t e n t which
tension of modern living. "From would involve required texts, out-
the aspect of social adjustment, side reading, and written work.
also," she said, "the interaction Over 50 Courses
of physical expression gained The suggested curriculum in-
from playing as a team, for ex- eludes over 50 courses, divided in-
ample, helps the individual to to the five main phases: the de-
learn to subordinate himself to velopmental competitive, recrea-
the group." tional, orientation, and modified
Pointing out that there is a programs. The committee feels
"lack of scientific evidence to that the variety is great enough
prove that a required program of to provide sports instruction for
physical education is of greater every undergraduate in the Uni-
value than a voluntary one," Dr. versity, regardless of his inherent
Warren E. Forsythe, Health Serv- ability.
ice director, proposed dividing Previous athletic experience of
the freshmen into two equal Peiu tltceprec f
thgfrshn to twoequaled the student will govern to a large
groups, one to receive required etn htcussh iltk
physical education, and the other under what courses he will take
to be offered complete facilities unates. An incomig freshma
for voluntary activities. Records who has Aticited in high
of health and scholastic achieve- whoo ashlparticill be in an
ments could be kept to show the schoolrtunictw i ectiyent
results of the experiment, he ex- opportunity to go directly into
resultd. advanced courses, avoiding repe-
tition of training he has already
H e a d s o f undergraduate received.
schools at the University, whose Considers Problems
students would be affected by
the expanded pyrogram, withheld Furthermore,.the plan takes
opinion until they could fur- into account the problems arising
ther study the physical educa- when a student is engaged in oth-
tion committee's report. er activities, such as military drill,
Campus student leaders polled University band, or academic
were "wholeheartedly in favor" of courses involving extra physical
the proposal. activity. Such students will be
Ellen Hill, president of the able to select courses in the orient
League Council, declared that tation and hygiene phase, where-
"sports which are really essen- in he will spend one hour in class-
tial to our well-being, have been room work as against three in the
subordinated for too long." regular program.
"It is about time something Required physical education
like this was started,' Warren programs, declared the report, are
Weil, president of the Veterans already in efect at a majority of
Organizations said. the nation's larger universities.
Disagreements among the stu- From surveys taken in 1944 the
dents centered solely on the "cred- See ATHLETIC, Page 3
it side" of the proposal.
"Credits for a degree should be Flute Instruct ors
a step forward in mental rather a
than in physical development," Please Take N
Richard Roeder, president of the 6 C(Not
Union Executive Council, said. Somewhere in Ann Arbor a
Jean Brown, president of the musically-minded thief is tun-
Women's Athletic Association, ing up the $175 flute he stole
disagreed declaring that "cred- Thursday evening from Roy R.
its are necessary because of the Swift's car while it was parked
time that would be devoted to behind the Union.
the physical activities under the Swift, a student living at
new program." Willow Run, told police his car
Student opinion overheard about was locked but that apparently
campus seemed to view the pro- the left front ventilator win-
posal as "a good idea, as long as dow had been pried open. le
we won't be part of it." Some said the flute disappeared
said that "they were sorry they sometime between 8 and 9 p.m.

hadn't been required to partici- I Any flute teacher who has a
pate in such a program", while new pupil may get in touch
others held that "we came to with Swift,
school to study, not to play."
World New fs at a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 28 - Ohio Republican leaders agreed
tonight to support Senator Robert A. Taft as the state's favorite son
for the Republican Presidential nomniation in 1948.
WASHINGTON, March 28-Congress got a belated $1,751,894,500
bill today for World War II.
It was part of a $2,471,498,548 deficiency appropriation sent to
the House floor by the appropriations committee for action Monday.
The measure provides extra funds for various agencies for the fiscal
year ending June 30.
S * *
WASHINGTON, March 28 - Senate and House conferees
agreed today that each American should get approximately three
pounds of sugar per month for the next seven months, compared
with slightly more than two pounds per month during 1946.
** *
WASHINGTON, March 28-Former diplomat George H. Earle told
Congress today "I don't believe there is better than an even chance
that 10 percent of us Americans will be alive five years from now."

Total Grants
Of $76,644
Are Accepted
Regents Approve
Recognition Pins
The University Board of Re-
gents accepted gifts amounting to
$76,644 and appoved the issuance
of service recognition pins to non-
teaching members of the Univer-
sity staff yesterday.
Four leaves of absence, three ap-
pointments to the faculty and one
promotion were also approved by
the Board of Regents.
Leaves of Absence
Professors John W. Riegel, Har-
ley H. Bartlett, Werner E. Bach-
mann, and Associate Dean Lloyd
S. Woodburne were granted leaves
of absence.
Allan Frederick Smith and La-
fayette Hart Wright were appoint-
ed assistant professors of law,
and Chet LaMore was named an
assistant professor in drawing and
painting in the architecture col-
lege, effective in the Fall Semes-
Dr. William James Fuller was
promoted from instructor to as-
sistant professor of surgery in the
Medical School.
Board of Governors
Appointments to the Board of
Governors of the Lawyers Club,
the Board of Governors of the
Michigan League and to the Board
of Governors of the Student Re-
ligious Association were confirmed
by the Board of Regents.
The report on student loans for
the year 1945-46 as accepted by
See GIFT, Page 6
Porter Urges
U.S. Support
Alid to Greece
500,000 Koreans
Armed by Russians
-Paul A. Porter urged today that
the United States prove by power-
backed aid to Greece that democ-
racy is "superior to any other sys-
tem," while Congress heard that
in another trouble spot, Rusians
have put 500,000 Koreans under
Porter, former chief of price
controls who is just back from a
two months survey of Greece, tes-
tified' before the House Foreign
AffairsrCommittee in behalf of
the Greek end of President Tru-
man's proposal to bolster Greece
and Turkey against Communism.
Rep. Fulton (Rep.-PaJ, a naval
combat veteran, asked him blunt-
ly: "Do you feel that this program
will 'lead to war with Russia?"
Porter replied, "It is my person-
al opinion that it will not."
The report of conflicting U.S.
and Russian courses in Korea
came with disclosure of testimony
before the house appropriations
committee by Lt.-Gen. John R.
Hodge, Commander of U.S. forces
in Korea.
United States troops occupy
Southern Korea, Russian author-
ities control the Northern part,
Committee records showed that
Rep. Keefe (Rep.-Wis) asked
whether "500,000 Russian-trained

Koreans" might not take over the
whole country.
Stop EGap Plan
Austin Asserts Policy
Will Protect Greece
28--(/)-Warren R. Austin told
the Security Council today that
President Truman's $400,000,000
program to bolster Gi'eece and
Turkey against totalitarian pres-
sure was a stop-gap measure for
keeping peace until the United
Nations could take over.
He said the administration's
plan would strengthen the UN
and declared further that the
UN must put down threats of ag-
gression anywhere in the world.
Soviet delegate Andrei A. Gro-

Progress In
Treaty Talks
Austrian Treaty
Hopes Dimmed
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, March 28-V. M.
Molotov, Russia's "No" man, to-
night threw a handful of monkey
wrenches into the machinery of
the Foreign Ministers' Council,
blocking all agreements, and went
out of his way to deliver a severe
attack on Turkey, now being con-
sidered for a United States loan.
Despite a drive by Secretary
Marshall to speed up the work of
the flagging conference, hopes for
an Austrian treaty, let alone
agreement on much more difficult
German questions, appeared dim
in the face of the stubborn Soviet
German Assets
The entire controversial ques-
tion of defining German assets in
Austria was dumped back on the
deputy foreign niinisters when
Molotov rejected proposals by the
other three powers and refused
to discuss Austria again until the
end of the current session, when
Austria comes up on the agenda
The question of what nations
should participate in a peace con-
ference was also dropped back
into the lap of the deputies, who
had been unable to resolve the is-
sue, when Molotov declined to re-
treat an inch from his stand that
only the 18 nations named in New
York should take part.
Peace Conference
Molotov said that Turkey had
entered the war only in its last
moments, and that it was "in-
comprehensible" that Turkey,
Paraguay and the Philippines be
invited to the peace conference on
the same basis as the other 18 na-
Marshall proposed a drastic
three-point program to the minis-
ters for streamlining their work,
and setting an April 2 deadline
for completing their consideration
of German problems, "wind and
weather permitting.'
The response from the other
ministers was genera~lly favorable,
and indications were that Mar-
shall's plan would be adopted,
He suggested that the minis-
ters refer current German prob-
lems aising out of the report by
the Allied Control Council to a
special committee.
Ruhr Valley Is
Swept By Riots
(.o1ilamuists Blamhed
For Denonstraionss
-Angry Germans protesting food
shortages overturned and stoned
British military vehicles today in
Ruhr-wide mass demonstrations
which were the largest seen here
since the days of Adolf Hitler,
German sources declared Com-
munists were behind the appar-
ently well-organized demonstra-
tions, but that trade union lead
ers handled the details. A senior
British Military Government of-
ficer said they were timed to in-
fluencethe Moscow talks on Ger-
many, but added "we have no di-
rect evidence that the communists
or any other party was behind
In the Rhineland capital of

Duesseldorf 100,000 persons chant-
ed slogans, waved banners and
paraded through the streets. The
demonstrators overturned t w o
British military cars and threw
one into a lake, stoned another
military car carrying British and
American newsmen and smashed
windows in three British-occupied
buildings. Fifty-nine windows
were broken in the British mili-
tary telephone exchange.

A thletic Finances OK'd;
Grid Seat Plait Debated

Self-Support of
Sport Stressed
The Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics told the Board1
of Regents yesterday that plans
for reallocation of football seats1
are now under consideration, but1
added that "football income must1
be maintained" for the support of
"an adequate athletic program."
The business manager, accord-
ing to the Board report, is now
working with a special Student"
Legislature committee on the prob-
lem of apportioning seats to an
increased enrollment.
At the request of this commit-
tee, Athletic Director H. O. Cris-
ler will appear before the Leis-
lature Wednesday to answer
questions on seating procedure.
Joseph Hooker, chairman of an
alumni committee appointed by
the preside t of the Alumni Asso-
ciation, sad yesterday that his
group plans to meet with the
business manager this week.
A faculty committee, according
to the report, also "appears to be
interesting itself in the alloca-
tion of seats."
The Board pointed out, how-
ever, that "any plan adopted
will have to take into considera-
tion the fact that athletics at
Michigan must be self-support-
It explained that the plan for
allocating student seats followed
this fall was worked out by a stu-
dent committee in collaboration
with the athletic department in
1942. Under this system student
seating started in the middle of
section 24 and extended around to
the end zone, with seats appor-
tioned to students on the basis of
their class standing.
The only change made in the
plan, Andrew Baker, ticket .man-
ager, said yesterday, was that
married students were given seats
according to the class standing of
the husbands instead of in a spe-
cial section at the end of the stu-
dent area.
Lewis Claims
Krug; Guilty In
Mine Disaster
-John L. Lewis declared today
that the 111 miners feared dead in
the Centralia (Ill.) Coal Co. mine
blast were "murdered because of
the criminal negligence of J. A.
Lewis told a Senate committee
that Krug, secretary of the inte-
rior and federal coal mines ad-
ministrator, had failed to 'en-
force the laws, the safety code of
the industry which he negotiated
with this witness."
Krug, when advised of Lewis'
statement, declined to comment.
The Bureau of Mines later made
public, without comment, a re-
port on an inspection of the Cen-
tralia Mine made March 17 to 20,
less than a week before the ex-
plosion, listing a number of viola-
tions of the Federal safety code.
The Krug-Lewis agreement of
last May 29, under which the gov-
ernment is operating the soft coal
mines, provided that the director
of the Bureau of Mines, after con-
sultation with the United Mine
Workers, was to "issue a reasona-
ble code of standards and rules
pertaining to safety condcitions
and practices in the mines." It
further provided:
"The coal mines administrator
will put this code into effect at
the mines. Inspectors of the Fed-
eral Bureau of Mines shall make

periodic investigations of the
mines and report to the coal mines
administrator any violation of the
Federal safety code."

Crisler Expects
Record Income
Highlighting Athletic Director
H. 0. Crisler's annual report to
the Board of Regents today was
the statement that "a satisfactory
financial condition" exists in the
University's athletic set-up, de-
spite a $12,000 net loss for the,
year ending June 30, 1946. ]
The loss resulted from the pay-
ment of $318,000 on bonded in-
debtedness, leaving $205,100 in
outstanding bonds yet to be paid.
Aside from this payment, the in-
come for the fiscal year exceeded
disbursements by more thanI
All-Time HighE
While the net receipts from the
'45 football season amounted toI
nearly $450,000, the income from
last season is expected to hit an
all-time high. The report states
that "every effort is being made
to start upon the building pro-
gram", although its accomplish-
ment is deemed "difficlt" be-
cause of increased costs and de-
"The logic of the current policy
that requires athletics to be self-
supporting and that at the same
time restricts income from ath-
letic events, deserves scrutiny",
the report stated.
Reduced Income
"Increased enrollment has re-
duced potential income by $100,-
000 in football alone", the report
continued, "And the custom of ad-
mitting students to basketball
games without charge will make
impossible the self-liquidation of
a basketball arena."
The necessity of determining by
lot which students could attend
each of the basketball games was
deemed as "seriously interfering
with the athletic program". It
was therefore urged that plant
facilities be expanded as soon as
plans could be prepared.
Need For Facilities
The report described the need
for additional facilities to serve
the enlarged student body as "be-
coming very serious". "Crowded
conditions are discouraging many
from participating in the volun-
tary intramural program", it stat-
The recipts from the '45 foot-
ball season were practically the
only income from athletic events.
All other sports wound up on the
deficit side of the ledger except
basketball, which made $421.
Day 1Nursery
Drive Planned
Village Committee
To Sponsor Meeting
Petails of Willow Village's forth-
coming day nursery campaign will
be mapped out at 8 p.m Mohday,
when the Village Citizens' Com-
mittee holds a mass meeting in
the University Community Cen-
Proposed sites for the nursery
will be discussed at the meeting
and a committee will be chosen to
present the plans to Col. Philip
Pack, Veterans Administrator at
Lansing, who will sponsor a meas-
ure for financing the project. It
has been estimated that he will
ask the Legislature for a grant of
The committee thus chosen will
undertake the management of the
nursery and will take charge of
the funds involved. According to
Mrs. Margaret Mutnick, chairman
of the Village's day nursery com-
mittee, the job entailed makes it
imperative that the committee
consist of the most responsible
citizens available.
"Members of the school board,

representatives of local churches
and the public health service would
probably best meet these qualifi-
cations," she added.

House Hears
Si gler Attack
Governor Names
Dangerous Reds'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 28 -
The House Committee of Ui-
American Activities heard Gov.
Kim Sigler today describe as a
"serious menace" a "Communist
infiltration" into Michigan labor,
school, government and church
Michigan's chief executive test-
fied that three high officials of
the UAW-CIO were "captives of
the Communist Party of the Unit-
ed States" and followed the "Com-
munist Party lines in union ac-
He named R. J. Thomas, for-
mer President and now vice-
president of the Union; George
Addes, secretary-treasurer, and
Richard T. Leonard, a. dce
president and national director
of Ford Motor Company depart-
Governor Sigler told the Com-
mittee there were "upward of'15,-
000 Communists in Michigan, and
at least 22 Communist front or-
Sigler indorsed the Sheppard
bill before Congress to outlaw the
Communist Party.
The Detroit Free Press last
night quoted Sigler as having
said that Alexander G. Ruthven,
president of the University of
Michigan; John A. Hannah,
president of Michigan State Col-
lege, and David Henry, presi-
dent of Wayne University, sup-
port the proposal to outlaw the
Communist Party,
"These presidents said to me,"
Sigler said, "that if they had the
Sheppard bill it would be of as-
sistance. They said, 'We don't-
want this kind of thing (Commu
nist activity) on the campuses
but the Communist Party is lega,
in Michigan, members of it ca .
get on the ballot.
"'Give us some law which says
the Communist Party is illegal and
we will make short work of indi-
viduals on our campuses tryi g
to overthrow the Government'"."
*' * *
Reuther Blasts,
Sigler Report
As Reacionary
DETROIT, March 28-(/P--Th
Testimony of Michigan's Gov, F;inm
Sigler today before the House'-
Committee on Unamerican Activ-
ities was assailed by Walter P.
Reuther as part of a "drive" by
"organized reaction" against la-,.'
bor' and liberals.
Reuther, president of the CIO
United Auto Workers, said here
Sigler had "performed a valuable
service to the Communists" in f-
fording them the opportunity :o
"hiding behind genuinely liberal
and progressive forces,"
'Captives of Party'
In his testimony Sigler chara-
terized three UAW-CIO high f-
ficials -- Vice-President R. J.
Th~omas and Richard T. Leonard
and Secretary-Tre'surer George
F. Addes--hs "captives of the
Communist Party of the United
The three union officers made
nio immediate comment but ,set
about preparing a formal reply
which they said would be made
publi tomrrow

public tomorrow,
Foe of Communists
The union president, an avowed
foe of Communists, assailed Sig-
ler before the UAW's National
Ford Conference in session here.
"The CIO opposes Communist
interference in our union," Reuth-
er said, "and I stand foresquare
for that policy."
Reuther did not specifically
mention Sigler's testimony about
Thomas, Leonard and Addes-
with wllom he himself has been
described as frequently at odds--
but said the Governor's remarks
were "an attack upon the UAW
'ad the American labor move-
Mlichigan Maize'
To Go April Fool
An April Fool program featur-
ing takeoffs on various aspects of
campus life will be presented on
"Michigan Maize," weekly Uni-

'Social Climate' Determines Attitudes

The twelve hundred Psychology
31 students who struggled to their
eight o'clock lecture on a rainy
and cold December morning last
term to take part in a special ex-
periment may consider their ef-
forts well worth while.
Results of the experiment, which

tive to the situation in which they
are elicited."
Fundamental Question
The fundamental question upon
which the experiment was based,
Prof. Newcomb stated, is "Are
members of a group more likely
to express the attitudes charac-
teristic of a group to which they.

Group Atmosphere
Before the four experimental
groups, which met in rooms scat-
tered over the campus, answered
the questionnaire, each was led
in a discussion of the general
problems and principles of their
particular faith or position, but
no specific beliefs. The idea was

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