FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ BITLL MAULITTN 'Loyalty Boards' PPROXIMATELY one month ago, when she was interviewed by The Daily, Mrs. Raymond Clapper characterized the "Red hunt" as the general GOP strategy. She felt that in order to keep themselves before the public and at the same time avoid the im- portant questions the Republicans would find it effective to raise the "bogeyman" scare. With his latest action, directing the es- tablishment of "loyalty boards" in every department and agency of the govern- ment, President Truman appears to have added his car to the Republican train and demonstrated his inability to meet the pressing problems of the post-war period. Evidently not sharing Mrs. Clapper's view that Communism can come to the United States only if we are unable to provide a better standard of living than Russia, he has demonstrated by his actions that he feels the presence in Washington of per- sons associated with the word "Commu- nist" to be a threat to our government. How far can this announced program be followed without irreparably damaging the reputations of persons arbitrarily accused of "sympathetic associations with subversive organizations?" Who is to set up the new editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RUTH LEVY standards of loyalty and who is to decide what are "reasonable grounds" for dismissal? Curiously enough the pattern is thought by many observers to be reminiscent of the spy chases which came in the aftermath of World War I. Then, as now, positive action was needed to ameliorate the conditions caused by runaway prices and the national problems aggravated by the war. Then, as now, the administration chose to encourage a state of national hysteria and to distract public attention from the more urgent mat- ters for which they had no solution. The fact that threats of violent or revolutionary action against the government could be ef- fectively handled by the statutes against conspiracy, sedition, and treason was com- pletely disregarded. A return to the "national neurosis" of that period would mean success for the conservative elements in our midst who are now at work to prevent the rising tide of liberalism. It will also mean the re- fusal of competent administrators to as- sume any position within the government and thereby submit themselves to cam- paigns of vilification and slander. We must have positive immediate legis- lation to halt runaway rents and prices, in- stitute an effective housing program, develop our natural resources to the fullest extent, provide for the health and education of our citizens, and improve our labor-management relations. Only by thus eliminating the de- fects which stand out as weaknesses of our economic system can we most effectively battle opposing ideologies. -Walter Dean The~ City Editor' s SCRATCH PAD LAOTSE SAID IT first, but "patience is virtue.- Nearly 2,600 years later, Paul Harsha, The Daily's managing editor, is saying that "patience is also worth $17.50." When he left campus for the war as a member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps March 15, 1943, he was told by the Army to pay his own'"shipping" costs to Camp Grant. Ill., where he would be duly reimbursed. He traveled deluxe in a sleeper and ran up a bill of $17.50. Included in his gear were 12 copies of the orders transferring him from the U. of M. - a "good post" - to his new home. At Camp Grant he turned in two copies of his orders to the finance office together with a request for the reimbursement. The fact that he hadn't been paid the money when he was put on one of those "shipping" lists didn't prevent his being whisked down' to Harlingen Army Air Field. Texas, at Mex- ico's door. At Harlingen he turned in two copies of his orders to the finance office together with a request for the reimbursement. The fact that he hadn't been paid the money when he finished his training there didn't prevent his being shipped out to Lowry Field at Denver. At Lowry Field he turned in two copies of his orders to the finance office together with a request for the reimbursement. The fact that etc. etc, on a train to California. headed for Santa Ana Army Air Bast. At Santa An'a,etc, etc. Finally, he was on a boat bound for the South Pacific. There was no finance officer on the boat. Hollandia, New Guinea, was off the port bow 22 days later; and when he got ashore he etc, etc. But war is war, and soon he was on his way again. The next destination was Puerto Princesa on Palawan Island in the Philip- pines. There he did the conventional thing, and the conventional thing resulted. The war ended and he left Palawan for a trip State-side Jan. 1, 1946. Back in the states, he was too busy rushing around get- ting discharged and collecting separation pay And besides, he no longer had two copies of THOSE orders. Like several million other ex-GI's, he had no regrets about his unfinished business while in the service. Civilian life was bliss- ful, and he was back on duty at the "old post." The other day, however, he received a long distance call from home. A check had arrived, for $17.50. Ah, Lao; how little you knew back in 640 8.C. Right now it's not what to do with the money that bothers Harsha-it's which set of those orders did the trick. L 1 EDITOR'S NOTE: Ievause The Daily prints EViV letter to the editor (which is si -red, 300 words or less in gith, and in I ood taste) we re- mind our readecrs that the viewis ex- pressed in loiters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted .it th'e discretion of the edi- torial director. I i i t r R DAILY OFFICIAL-BULLETIN t Vets and Strikebreaking TWO FORMER Air Fgxce officers in Flint tried to organize back-to-work move- ments among war veterans during the three- month General Motors strike, last year. The weak response they met was typical of that accorded similar projects in scattered strikes throughout the nation. Some observers, re- membering bitter letters from soldiers over- seas which were front-paged by newspapers during the war, have expressed surprise when strikes have broken out that antagon- ism between veterans and former war-work- ers has not developed more fully. An episode which took place in Italy not long after the 1944 elections may illustrate the extent to which home-front newspapers exaggerated whatever degree of rift there may have been between soldiers and work- ers. There appeared in the "Mail Call" column of the Army's daily overseas news- paper Stars and Stripes (Mediterranean edi- tion), November 17 (1944), a letter to the editor from a sergeant, in which the writer rebuked working men in the United States and cited figures such as the following: There were 9,428 strikes in America be- tween December 1, 1941 and June 30, 1944, be said. Of these, 143 strikes occurred in December, 1941, he continued; 2,968 strikes in 1942; 3,752 in 1943; 2,565 in the first six months of 1944. As a result, he said, 476,000 "man days" were lost in December, 1941; 4,183,000 in 1942; 13, 500,000 in 1943; 4,170,- 000 in the first six months of 1944-a total of 22,329,000 "man days" lost during the period cited. The sergeant's figures were impressive, but they were meaningless when viewed alone. While they did not necessarily con- tradict the fact that working time lost through strikes during the war had been one-tenth of one per cent of the total, they did presuppose a total of at least 22,329- 000,000 "man days" of production during that period. In Washington, December 2, A. F. Hinrichs, Acting Commissioner of La- bor Statistics, announced that the sergeant's figures were "substantially correct." At the same time, he confirmed their low ratio to the total production figure. Meanwhile, letters of protest from other soldiers in Italy hit the Sitars and Stripes of- fice in Rome. In the issue of December 3, there appeared excerpts from eight of these letters, which countered the attack on labor in this manner: A captain wrote that "the vast majority of strikes were of the 'wild- cat' or unauthorized variety" and that two- thirds of the time lost by strikes during 1943 had been due to the coal strikes, in- volving a union affiliated with neither the CIO nor the AFL. A corporal cited Presi- dent Roosevelt's words from his speech be- fore the Teamsters' Union on September 23, and also Department of Labor figures show- ing that "in 1943, 99.8% of all labor re- mained on the job." Most of the letters compared strike records with those of AWOL cases. Several of them took swipes at the home-front press for the overemphasis giv- en to wildcat strikes. There were no letters sustaining the sergeant's stand, and on on- ly one point did they agree with him-that there should be no strikes of any kind until the war ended. Questioned shortly before Christmas that year, Private John Welsh III, editor of the "Mail Call" column, revealed that he had received 20 letters, all opposing the ser- geant. "Only eight of them were considered for publication," he said, "because the other twelve repeated practically the same argu- ments." The average G-I, Welsh thought, was much more sympathetic toward labor at that time than he had been, say, in De- cember, 1943. For one thing, Welsh pointed out, the G-I had been thinking a lot more about going home and-in most cases- about going back to work. A lot of the oys, he added, were from the ranks of organized labor. In the past year (1943-4), Welsh reflected, there had been no slackening in the anti-labor campaign being waged by the American press. If anything, he said, it had been intensified. The conclusion to be drawn from this, said Welsh, was that American newspapers were having no no- ticeable effect on troops overseas. During the final weeks of the General Motors strike in 1946, veterans paraded through the streets of Flint and Detroit in mass demonstrations of their solidarity with other ranks of labor. Those industrial mag- nates and representatives who threw up their hands in horror and surprise at this outcome may blame the distortions of fact in their own channels of information for any hopes they may have entertained of re- cruiting strikebreakers among the veterans. The home-front press appears to have mis- fired with the group at which its campaign was directed. -Malcolm Wright CURRENT MO V IES LD RAMA MAN TO MAN: Foreign Loans By HAROLD L. ICKES It is not surprising that Acting Secretary Dean Acheson, when he appeared before the House Foreign Affairs Committee March 20, to support the proposed Greek and Turkish loans, should have intoned the words "free- dom" and "integrity" and laid down a smoke screen of the "necessity of helping free peo- ples to maintain their free institutions." He was merely taking his line from the Presi- dent's message demanding the loans. As I have said before, perhaps we ought to lend this money to Greece and Turkey but the Government should state the facts and not try to make the people believe that the money is to be used to follow a Holy Grail. President Truman to the contrary notwithstanding, at the moment, our inter- vention in neither Greece nor Turkey would be "helping free peoples to maintain their free institutions." If the money that he asked for is to be used to support the present unenlightened economic and social systems of those two countries, it will be money that might just as well be thrown in the Patuxent Riven at its very deepest point. If on the other hand it is to be used to enable the people to establish republican forms of government, then it will be well spent. The truth is that we are not being told all of the facts that we ought to have. When it is proposed that we embark upon an in- ternational couirse that is a sharp departure from anything in our past, we ought to do it with our eyes wide open. Apparently the administration is undertaking to put these loans over on the pretense that thereby we SEE THE BEST YEARS. The Juniors have feted the Senior class with as gay a re- view as we have seen since New York's Pins and Needles had its phenomenal run so many years ago. The sequences follow the trials of women at Michigan, and fortun- ately theshow is not clogged up with too much plot. But it is the music and the dancing that make The Best Years delight- ful entertainment. Avis McCrillis, Betty Spillman, and Nancy Schiller have written such songs as "To the Team" and "Alma Mater" that should become a part of Michi- gan's music tradition, and the show's theme song, "College Days" was catchy enough to send the Seniors out of the theater singing. Two hot torch singers, Bonnie Elms and Barbara Lee Smith, really sold the house with "Lonesome Woman Blues" and "With- out Your Love". Two old numbers were given true barbershop quartet treatment in a scene at The Orient. But the dancing, especially in two chorus- es, was terrific. The bathing girls that were featured in Wednesday's Daily wonderfully burlesqued the seductive charms of the 1910 era, and the Charleston number, in the cos- tume and "spirits" of the 1920 football crowds, was ordered back for two repeats by the wildly enthusiastic Seniors. Pioneer Madelon Stockwell and "woman's rights" Alice Lloyd were featured with finesse in two sequences. Although the continuity be- tween songs was often thin, some of the biggest revues that have run in New York have suffered more from this than the 1947 Junior Girls' Play. --J. M. Culbert 'HE NEW international body which is known for convenience as UNESCO is a product of the widespread belief that only to the degree that there is a world commun- ity will world law be practicable and a world political organization be effective. It is the instrument devised to help build that community by working directly to mold men's ideas. -Byron Dexter in Foreign Affairs (Continued from Pge 3) City of Detroit Civil Service Commission has announced exam-, inations for the following jobs: Building Operating Engineer; Die- titian; Female Zoological Instruc- tor; Governmental Analyst; Jr. Health Inspector; Accountants; Part-time Piano Accompanist;t Veterinarian; Asst. Director, His- torical Commission; Social Work- er; General Staff, Communicable Disease, and Public Health Nurse: Medical Technologist; Life Guard and Swimming Instructor (sum- mer only). State of Michigan Civil Service examination announced for Clerks, Employment, Service Interviewer, and Public Health Venereal Dis- ease Physician. 6th IJ.S. Civil Service Region has announced open competitive examinations for appointments to positions of Field and Claims As- sistants in the B3ureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, Social Security Administration in Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan. For further information of the above call at the Bureau of Ap pointments, Rm. 201, Mason Hall. University Community Center: 1045 Midway, Willow Run Village: Fri., Mar. 28, 8 p.m., Duplicate Bridge. Party Bridge. Dancing. Bridge instruction by appointment. Sat., Mar. 29, 6 p.m., Wives' Club Party. Call for reservations. WEST LODGE: Fri., Mar. 28, 8:30-11:30 p.m., Record Dance. Lectures The Thomas M. Cooley Lectures: Professor Henry Rottschaefer, of the University of Minnesota, will deliver the first series of Thomas M. Cooley Lectures, under the aus- pices of the Law School and the Research, on the general subject, "The Constitution and Socio-Eco nomic C h a n g e," as follows.: Lecture 5, "Implications of Re- cent Trends," 3 p.m., Fri., March 28, Rm. 100 Hutchins Hall. The public is cordially invited. Dr. Julius Held, professor of Fine Arts at Barnard College, will give an illustrated lecture on "So- cial Aspects of Early Flemish Art," at 4:15 p.m., Friday, March 28, Rackham Amphitheatre. The pub- lic is cordially invited. Auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. Mr. Ahmad Hussein, publisher, founder and leader of the Young Egypt Party, will speak on the subject, "Anglo-Egyptian Rela- tions." at 8 p.m., Mon., March 31, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Arab Club. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices History 50, Midsemester: Fri- day, March 28. No. I, Sections meeting on Tuesday and Wednes- day, midsemester examination in Rm. B, Haven Hall. I, Sections meeting on Thursday and Satur- day, mid-semester in Rm. 348, W. Engineering. Final Examination: Hygiene through Zwagerman-Natural Sci- ence Auioim Section II-Tues., April 1, att 4:15 p.m. Allbright through Kitch-t en-Rm. B, Haven Hall. All oth- ers, Kimpton through Yaco-Nat-1 ural Science Auditorium.I Biological Chemistry 111: It isP evident from advanced regista-~ tion that it may be necessary to limit enrollment in the biological chemistry laboratory for the sum- mer session of 1947 as was the caset last year. Since it is desired to give preference to properly quali- fied students on this campus, it is requested that all students con-; tact my office (Rm. 317, W. Medi- cal Bldg.) before the Easter vaca-r tion if they wish to have a place in this course reserved for them. Wet shall make every effort to accom- modate students who must take this course during the summer, but we are limited in our enrll-t ment by the size of our labora- tories and teaching staff. There is no limitation for those students who wish to take the lecture course only (Biological Chemistry 110). Industrial Sociology (Soc. 172) Busses for Ford trip Friday will load at east entrance, Hill Audi- torium, instead of location an- nounced. Departure: 12:15 p.m., Algebra Seminar: 4:15 p.m., Fri., March 28, 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. M. O. Reade will speak on "Normed Rings." Complex Vnriable Seminar: Sat., 10 a.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. Hansen will speak on the Schwartz-Christoffel Mapping Biological Chemistry: Seminar, 10-12 noon, Sat., March 29. Rm 319, W. Medical Bldg. Subject: Some Aspects of the Metabolism of Carbohydrates Other Than Glu- cose. All interested are invited. Concerts University of Michigan Sym- phony Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be heard in a con- cert at 8:30 Tuesday evening, April 1, in Hill Auditorium. The program will open with a composi- tion by Edmund Haines which has been dedicated to the memory of the late Palmer Christian, Univer- sity Organist and Professor of Organ, 1924-47. Other works will include Howard Hanson's Sym- phony No. 1, in E minor, Faure's Peleas and Melisande, Debussy's Premier Rhapsodie, and Soirees Musicales by Benjamin Britten. The public is invited. Student Recital: James Wolfe, student of piano under John Kol- len, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 Mon., evening, March 31, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. His program will include composi- tions by Mozart, Beethoven, Hindemith, and Schumann, and will be open to the general pub- lic. Eveiits T oday To the Editor: HAVE LONG considered myself a liberal American citizen who n the name of free speech was willing to tolerate the right of a small, though anti-democratically notivated minority of Communists to exist and have their say. But ecent events on the University of vlichig;an campus are so frighten- ng in their consequences as to make me reconsider my position. The Karl Marx society has in- filtrated into the Business Admin- stration School, Mr. Editor! Con- sider the consequences, sir. The ode segment of American life that mnight have been expected to op- pose Communism to the last ditch has been subverted. And right on this campus! The president of the Karl Marx society, Elmer Faust, is a student in the Univer- sity School of Business Adminis- tration. sir! The Communists are famous for their use of "Communist front" organizations, but never before have they been so extraordinarily successful. Students of American business are being used as sheep's clothing by the diabolically clever agents of Moscow! Monsignor Sheen captures Louis Budenz from the Communist Party, but here, before our very eyes, the Reds have captured scores of innocent Business Administration students! We must admit the truth and kid mourselves no longer. The "Red Menace" in this country is a Red Menace! We can no longer blink at the fact. You are in a position of respon- sibility, Mr. Editor, and must bear the greater blame should the Communists subvert this country. Wue must stop thenm now! Fortunately we have in this state a governor who is as con- scious of the Red Menace as I, now am, and I hope you too are, sir. Governor Sigler is an mer- ciless prosecutor of subversive ac- tivities. I say this with sadness and heaviness in my heart, but it is your sworn duty to call upon Governor Sigler to investigate the School of Business-Administration of this University for subversive Communist activity! You have no other course, sir. If we do not stop them here and now, sir, the Reds will be in Wall Street. God help us, sir. Liberally yours -Robert Speckhard Student Election I To the Editor: WITH THE RECENT Student Legislature election came re- c newed pleas for a change in the system of electing legislators. So strong is the opposition to the Hare Plan that reconsideration of the system is virtually certain, especially because of the strategic location of much of the opposi- tion. Praise is due Mr.eCarneiro for pointing out the defects of the Hare Plan in a rcent letter in this column though I am sure he in- tended no censure of either Mr. Hare or Mr. Taylor, originator and campus proponent of the plan respectively. It is simply that the plan proved not as good as their intentions. - Mr. Carneiro also introduced a plan to replace the present one, and it undoubtedly merits serious attention. However, I should like to outline another voting system which I hope will be considered when the time comes. Essentially it consists of allow- ing each voter a number of votes equal to the number of positions to be filled; that is, if, twenty four vacancies were to be filled, each voter would have twenty four votes to use at his own discretion. He might give them all to one candidate, or he might give one to each of twenty four candidates, or they could be assigned in any in- termediate proportion. office opens 2 p.m. daily. For tick- ets. phone 4121, ext 479. Michigan Chapter of the Pro- posed I. I. Ch. E.: Discussion on Future of Chemical Industries in India at 8 p.m., International Cen- ter. Members and those interested are cordially invited. Association Coffee Hour: 4:30- 6 p.m., Lane Hall Library, I n t e r Co-operative Council: Forum led by Prof. J. F. Shepard, Psychology Department, w it h Turkish, Greek and American stu- (Cottilued On Page 5) Lectures for Women. Section I-- University Radio Program: Mon.. March 31, 4:15 p.m. Ander- 2:30 p.m.. Station WKAR, 870 son through Goebel--Rm. C, Hav- Ke. Tales from Poe, "The Cask of en Hall. All others, Goldman Amontillado." At The Michigan. .. Swell Guy (Hellinger), Sonny Ann Blyth Tufts, BARNABY SWEL GUY is the impression Sonny I ยข f- I I I