LOYALTY BOARD4 See Page 4 Y Sirt Paii46 CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVII, No. 125 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 Broader Physical ducation Plan Is PRICE FIVE CENTS Sought Russia Offers UN Austrian Compromise Allows German Assets Definition By The Associated Press MOSCOW, March 27 - Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov gave ground tonight under pres- sure from. the three western na- tions and agreed to discuss a defi- nition of German assets in Austria -the key issue in the writing of the Austrian peace treaty. He submitted to the Foreign Ministers Council a compromise proposal which the American au- thorities said unofficially was too vague to p e r m i t acceptance. Whether Molotov's retreat fore- shadowed agreement on the Aus- trian pact remained in doubt. German Assets For two hours Molotov clung steadfastly to his argument that any German assets in the eastern zone of Austria belonged to Rus- sia without question, and that no definition of what constituted German assets was necessary. The problem, he said, was covered adequately by the Potsdam agree- ment which Russia has interpret= ed as allowing her to take what- ever she pleased. Secretary of State Marshall, French Minister Georges Bidault and British Secretary Ernest Bev- in had insisted that it was neces- sary to define what constitutes German assets in Austria. They maintained that the Germans had seized much Austrian and United Nations property without pay- ment, and this could not be con- sidered German although .it was in German hands at the end of the war. To Define German Assets in partial acceptance of a French proposal, Molotov sug- gested that the deputy foreign ministers be instructed to "pre- pare a definition of German as- sets excluding property seized by the Germans by direct force, or as a measure of aryanization with- out compensation from the United Nations or Austrians." The French proposal would have the deputies prepare a "definition of Gerznan assets excluding all property taken by force or duress, and in general unduly taken by the Germans from the United Na- tions or Austria for religious, lpo- litical and racial reasons." Molotov's elimination of the phrase "by duress" would give the Russians a right to assets taken by the Nazis by the use of threats and other pressure. Maddy,Petri llo Near, CIma Fight To Restrict AFM Now Before Congress Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, director of the National Music Camp at Interlochen, said last night that he may soon reach the showdown in his five-year battle with James C. Petrillo, czar of the American Federation of Musicians. A letter from' Rep. Carroll D. Kearns (Rep., Pa.), has informed Dr. Maddy that Petrillo will be called before a House committee investigation labor rackets next month. Dr, Maddy, recently returned from Washington where he testi- fied in behalf of legislation to curb the AFM president, said that he would take a personal interest in the investigation. "I'll be there with bells on," he said. The Lea Act, designed to prevent unions from interfering with non- commercial program broadcasts, will be tested by the Supreme Court before Petrillo testifies, Dr. Maddy added. He was ousted from the union last year for failing to comply with a Petrillo order. pring W eat er Promised Today House Republicans Pass '3O-20' Income Tax Cut Bill Goes Through on 273-137 Vote, Senate Position On Measure Regarded Uncertain By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 27-Republicans rammed their "30-20" income tax slash through the House on schedule today, 273 to 137, and sent it to a less enthusiastic Senate. The final roll call found 233 Republicans joined by 40 Democrats for the bill. Against it were 133 Democrats and Representatives Engel (Rep., Mich.), Buffett (Rep., Neb.), H. Carl Andersen (Rep., Minn.) and Marcantonio (AL., N.Y.). Dormitories Are Listed For Summer Term Stockwell, Barbour Will losdForRepairs Fletcher Hall and the West Quadrangle, men's residences, and Mosher Hall, Jordan Hall and Helen Newberry Residence, wom- en's residences, will be the only dormitories open during the sum- mer session, Francis C. Shiel, business manager of residences halls, announced yesterday. University officials have indi- cated that an attempt will be made to keep rooms to normal capacity during the summer session, which will last from June 23 through August 15. Closed for Repairs Stockwell Hall and Betsy Bar- bour House will be closed for re- pairs. Martha Cook Building will also be closed. Helen Newberry Residence will be open only for the six-week summer session. The . Bast Quadrangle and Vic- tor Vaughan House will be closed during the summer. No meals will be served in Fletcher Hall. University officials stress that approval of application for a room in the residence halls dur- ing the summer session holds only for the summer session. League houses, private homes and sororities, some of which will be operated on a "boardinghouse" basis, will provide additional liv- ing quarters for women students this summer. Graduate Students Mosher and Jordan Halls will house both graduate and under- graduate women. A high percent- age of women students attending the University during the summer session are graduates and teachers seeking advanced degrees. The education school will offer both a six-week and an eight- week course for the summer ses- sion. The public health school will offer a six-week course only, while the law school will hold two five- week courses. Other schools and colleges will hold regular eight week sessions. Veterans' refresher courses will be offered following the summer session. A decision on a four- week post-session, with credit, has not yet been reached. The bill would trim 30 per cent off the taxes of persons with tax- able income up to $1,000; and give 20 per cent reductions to most other taxpayers, retroactive to Jan. 1. Several "ifs" inaie the future of the bill uncertain. One is the position of GOP Sen- ate leaders that the tax cut should be effective July 1, instead of for the full year of 1947. Another is the opposition of President Tru- man to any tax cuts now; he may veto the bill. Today's vote was one short of the two-thirds necessary to override a veto. The Senate probably will not act until late in April or later. Before the final House vote, the Republicans beat down, 237 to 172, a Democratic motion that would have shelved the bill. The motion, by Rep. Doughton (Dem., N.C.), proposed: "To recommit the bill, H.R. 1 to the Committee on Ways and Means for further study with in- structions not to report a tax re- duction bill until the committee has passed the supply appropria- tion bills and to reconsider indi- vidual income tax reduction as a part of our over-all post-war tax program and providing for more equitable relief in the lower in- come brackets." The bill passed by the House stipulates that withholdings from wages and salaries drop to lower levels on June 1, with all taxpay- ers getting refunds on overpay- ments under the old rates from Jan. 1 to June 1. Sen. Taft (Rep., Ohio) said this retroactive treatment would cost the Treasury $5,700,000,000 in the fiscal year beginning July 1-al- most as much as House Republi- cans expect to cut President Tru- man's $37,500,000,000 budget. Plan Mimes Script Contest Tentative plans for a campus contest to produce an original script for a Mimes student opera next winter were formulated at an introductory meeting yesterday in the Union. On. the basis of a promising turnout of students interested in reviving the traditional Mimes operas, an organizational meeting to name committee chairmen was set for April 15. Prospective script writers were also asked to attend this session. Senate Votes To End Sugar Price Control A pprovalMarked By Bitter Debate By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 27 - -Amid bitter charges by Sen. Tobey (Rep., N.H.) that it was opening the way for "atnational scandal," the Senate approved and sent back to the House to- night a bill to kill rationing and price control of sugar next Octo- ber 31. It stamped final approval on the bill by a 46 to 34 vote after a stormy session in which Tobey shouted that his own party, the Republicans, must shoulder the "blame" for failure to extend con- trols for a full year. He said profiteering and gam- bling in sugar will create the scandal he foresees. Donnell Questions Tobey Charge Sen. Donnell (Rep., Mo.) re- marked that he had "no fearrof any great national scandal" and asked Tobey why he made the charge. Tobey replied that the October 31 deadline would put speculators "on notice when they can make the kill" whereas the longer con- trol period would "make specula- tors blind." "The speculators are not blind tonight," Tobey yelled. Sen. Taft (Rep., Ohio) scoffed at the thought that there would be hoarding of sugar before Oc- tober 31 end of controls. "Who can hoard when inventory controls and rationing are in ef- fect and he can't get any more sugar than herneeds?" he asked. Sugar Beet Crop Sen. Butler (Rep., Neb.) issued a statement with passage of the measure asserting that "farmers should plant sugar beets to the limit, now that they know price controls will come off of sugar next October and then will get a good price." The House previously had voted for the October 31 date, so that portion of the bill will not be open to changes when attempts are made to compromise other differ ences between Senate and House versions. The Senate would put sugar handling in the hands of the Sec- retary of Agriculture with author- ity to wipe out controls any time he find supplies warrant it. The roll call vote to wind up the rationing program at the end of October was 45 to 35, on an amendment by Sen. McCarthy (Rep., Wis.). City Teachers Call Pay Hike 'A Right Step' New board of education salary proposals which would grant $500 in(crease next year to all city teachers was approved yesterday as "a step in the right direction" by the Ann Arbor Teachers Club, which represents practically all of the school system's 200 teachers Contingent upon the receipt of additional state aid under the Sales Tax Diversion Amendment and the adoption of a local levy to meet a $46,000 education bud- get deficit, the plan would raise the minimum teaching wage to $2200 per year. Automatic in- creases of $100 a year would be assured and the proposed $3,800, ceiling would be increased to a maximum of $4,000 its two years. Under this policy 18 years are required for a teacher to reach the new $4,000 maximum. Salary adjustments for librar- ians, clerical workers, and main- tenance, employees will be deter- mined after conference with those groups, the board said. No mention was made of the possibility of an adjustment for the current year to cover the cost of living increase. May Be Required For Three Years Students Already Enrolled Would Not Be Affected By New Program By JACK MARTIN Three years of compulsory physical education for all students, men and women, with one hour of regular credit given for each of the six semesters' work, is the main point of a 12-item recommenda- tion revealed yesterday by a special committee established in 1944 by Athletic Director H. 0. Crisler. Entailing a complete overhaul of the University's physical edu- cation, the proposals have been submitted to the various school of the University for individual consideration. The program would not be retroactive for students already enrolled. THEY'RE 'THE BEST YEARS'-A smile is the style of Ruthann Perry FitzGerald, who plays a leading role in The Best Years,' 1947 Junior Girls Play. The play was presented for senior women last night and will have all-campus showings at 8:30 p.m. today and tomorrow at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. GENERAL MJLL-ING: Executive Gives Stockholders' Pies for Iktter Unaderstanding By FRED SCHOTT They learn how to make ten-minute pies at "stockholders" meet- ings. At least they did yesterday, when approximately 200 business administration students and General Mills executives gathered in the Union ballroom and discuss big business. Before the pie-making, James F. Bell, General Mills boai'd chair- man, said that corporations as a rule don't see enough of the littlej stockholders, but that "it is inspiring to see so many good stockholders today." $500]) "There is a fog of misunder-l standing between us," he said, "be- T cause business is so much engaged T&Heifers in production and selling its prod- ucts." For Euro e' To show what he meant, Bell brought a General Mills film, "Op- More than $500 in contributions eration '46," which explained how for the Heifers for Europe" drive and how much money the com- has' already been received by the pany made last year. University Famine Committee, al- "Flour making is an old and an- though only a small percentage cient art," he said. ."You stock- of the pledge cards have been re- holders don't realize how tough turned, Seymour S. Goldstein, competition is." president of the committee, an- After the film, Bell gave way nounced yesterday. while a pretty kitchen aid whipped Campus groups which have thus up an apple pie with a new kind far contributed to the fund in- of flour. elude Helen Newberry Residence, "It's better than grandma's," Baker House, Zeta, Tau Alpha, she said. Williams House, Adelia Cheever Before the meeting, student House, Alpha Omicron Pi, Pi "stockholders" h a d submitted Beta Phi, Sigma Phi, Zeta Beta questions on corporation policy, Tau, Unitarian Student Group, some of which Bell described as Congregational-Disciple G u i l d, "embarrassing." Canterbury Club and Collegiate Bell concluded by telling the Sorosis. "stockholders" that they were Individual contributions from "a source of a new generation of residents of Willow Run have also executives" and that the company been received by the committee. expected to draw from their ranks. Contributions from League Houses The "stockholders" then ad- will be handled by the League journed for pie and coffee. House presidents' organization. -- The funds collected from this Discharge Certificates drive will be used to purchase bWU-ycQO*dLUIU i1VWtrdfoi' I]fn ho M ,f The report is the result of two years' work on the part of a nine-man group appointed by Crisler in March 1944. J. Ken- neth Doherty, associate super- visor of physical education and Wolverine track coach, and Laurie E. Campbell, associate professor of physical education for women, were named co- chairmen. The report was later revised by an executive committee including Crisler and Dr. Margaret Bell and Dr. Elmer D. Mitchell, chairmen of the women's and men's physical education programs, to adapt it to the post-war situation. The twelve recommendations follow:. First, immediate steps should be taken to increase the present one-year requirement to' three years. Second, the committee origin- ally proposed that the program go into effect with the freshman class of October, 1946. Whenever it does become effective, it will not be retroactive for the stu- dents already enrolled. third, . credit toward degrees should be given for the courses taken. One hour credit per se- mester ,is .proposed. Fourth, a carefully planned and continuous r e s e a r c Ih program should be set up to discover and maintain the best physical edu- cation methods possible. Fifth, steps should be taken to secure adequate staff and facili- ties to carry out the program. Sixth, no undergraduate student should be excused from the pro- gram. Special courses will be of- fered for those with accepted de- ferments from regular activities. Seventh, war veterans should be subject to the program, with the qualification that advanced credit be given when circum- stances warrant such action. Eighth, physical e d u c a t i o n should be integrated with other units of the University. - The remaining four recommen- dations, according to the report, involve action within the sphere of the physical education depart- ment itself. This would include the organization of a program centered around the individual needs of students insuring basic physical fitness, motor skills and knowledge of athletic hygiene, and sports strategy and safety. Student counselling services would be extended so students could be classified in the curricu- lum according to their abilities. A closer integration of the three main divisions of the men's ath- letic program, the required couses, intramural sports, and varsity athletics is also planned. Commenting on his committee's work, Co-chairman Doherty de- clared, "This program attempts to fill an area in the life of the Uni- versity which has been much ne- glected in the past. The final recommendation endorses the widening of the in- ter collegiate program with the addition of new sports and the addition of new men to all the squads. A tentative curriculum of 59 courses has been suggested by the committee for the required program. With such a great See COMMITTEE, Page 2 BurialPlanned For Centralia Mine Victims Rescue Squads Still Seek Missing Men CENTRALIAf Ill., March 27-- ()-Centralia made plans today to bury its miner dead, as rescue squads c o m b e d methodically through a network of mine tun- nels, virtually resigned that the death toll in Tuesday's under- ground explosion would rise to 111. Tired, dust-smeared r e se u e workers brought 18 more bodies up the shaft of the Centralia Coal Company's No. 5 mine early today and two members of a later rescue squad, who would not permit use of their names, said they counted 16 additional bodies in the mine. 51 Known Dead This would bring the toll of known dead to 51, of whom '35 have been identified and brought to the surface. The fact that no survivors have been found since 31 men were res- cued from the gas-laden shaft the first few hours after the blast em- phasized the bleakness of the out- look for the men still unaccounted for. There were still 76 miners underground, including the 16' bodies the rescue workers said they counted. A rescue squad leader gave the missing men "no chance at all" and Mayor o. W. Wright discloed he was preparing a proclamation to designate a holiday commemo- rating a burial or burial days for the victims. Demand for Investigation Meanwhile, a demand was made in the national House of Repre- sentatives for an investigation of the disaster and Illinois' Governor Dwight H. Green declared he was determined to have a -"full, com- plete, impartial and non-political" inquiry. Acting after the Senate voted yesterday to conduct an investi- gation, Rep. Vursell (Rep., 1ll.) In troduced a resolution today asking for a House inquiry by a five-man committee. Vursell asserted "the United States Government and the mine operators are responsible" for the . Centralia mine deaths, beause the government was operating the mines. "It has been reported to me that in spite of all safety precautions, miners had told their proper rep- resentatives before the explosion of 46 separate violations of safety regulations in that mine, he said, City Receives "U' Payment Helps Cover Expense Of Utility Expansion Vice President Robert P. Briggs yesterday presented checks total- ing $126,568.36 to the Ann Arbor City Council to help meet addi- tional costs to the city brought about by the University's build- ing expansion program. The payment fulfilled terms of an agreement, the first of its type ever to be concluded between a city and a state-owned educational in- World News cat a Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 27-A senate banking subcommittee today unanimously approved new rent control legislation and sent it to the full committee. The bill would continue rent controls until Feb. 29, 1948 with housing expediter Frank Creedon as administrator. * * * WASHINGTON, March 27-Secretary of War Patterson said today that spending $400,000,000 of U.S. funds to help Greece and Turkey against Communism "is the course least likely to result in war." * * * WASHINGTON, March 27-Louis F. Starr, commander-in-chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and two members of the House Com- mittee on Un-American Activities joined today in the demands that atomic energy control be returned to the military. AMITE, La.. March 27-The Illinois Central Railroad discour- aged shipment of milk today through the Florida parishes of Louisiana, where a non-union farmer has been wounded and thousands of gallons of milk seized during a strike of dairymen for higher wholesale prices. WASHINGTON, Marcli 27-The House voted overwhelningly to- day to scrap almost all rationing and government controls over use of materials. 9 9 t L f f } 1 "two-year-old heeies to oe sent to Michigan veterans must bring needy European farmers. The ani- original discharge certificates, not mals are inoculated and govern- phostastic copies. with them when ment inspected a n d shipped they fill out bonus application through a reputable relief agency forms, Karl Karsian, veterans' to any area or individual desig- counselor, said yesterday. nated by the donor. GUEST ROOM 'GOLD R USH': Union 'Lst and Found' Benefits Needy By GLORIA BENDET Among the treasures picked up drives and local charity and