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March 27, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-27

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GE; six



,ia~i s A.i iat"

,Atud(Ant',0s t~ly (.'an121 btirLili a21n
edcto,11itcdof Ithe routil IC
trainng 12,whi ch IIte prest', dayli ;
unrity organizes, by (doinI l- '
lateral readiilng:-,(Jccorng (t Pi lt
fitanley 1.). DOd!',(eof LI H ! ('i .r
ply (le pai'tIl('t11,it, dreil 01' 01 11t
honors p; 'rgram t l iber1(",,lal t1'
A dog pcai be ta og I ith tiick at1(
a sten1ogtahti( aught to tYPO, bLm[
thlis is simply training, no01. CdU('~i-t
tion, Prof. Dodge pointed out in
an inlterview-. "For the most. part.
learning a business or job1 is in
the samne category,lahesaid. j
''Edu(ca~ton involves oi ir wi ole1
I3u1siuc'sa t1(!111 iH I tratioln st}. -
dents xwilli act 'asstWcklholdersin i,
mocxk n i'egnal flietitmg of tk,I
BoardI of General Mills at3s
p.m. today in the Union ballroom.
With James Ford Bell, c'hairman
of the board of General Mills.
presiding as chairman, thae sim-
ulated stockholders will dis('uss thle
company's operations in detail.
Following the pattern of an aCtual
stockholder's meeting, a modern-
ized financial statement and mnov-'
ies will be presented.
Theimeet in(-,will lbe opet Ito fit
Dean ivStis~ttgofl iecled
To Honorary Eraiernily
Dean Russell A. Stevenson of
the business administration school
is one of 12 Michigan business
educators who have been elected
to honorary membership in theq;
UTniversity chapter of Delt a11i
Er i-1national honorary N- i
ness .' dninistrati ,ri frazternity.
There may be snow
c outside, but-,
1F01rglet the lhcr lh/ivt
jtrnqnils, hyacin Iih, f
-' /n )-1iiol!V frmil .
1-_ ILSFA w
o <=o=>o o=>.

livef;- not jiilst the part; of thema
til at 0eys oil during :;working
hors,'' lt'(litce. ''It is not
.( iti+tlliiit!. a teth('i''dci to youl,
h131.1Ea her 11., :in~1 ing iiayou, must
(10 10) y'iil-,(III'
hlow ' tias tdo.gti 0011-
ct iii miost ,(oleii t hut-
vuI rsityxwi dlillwa.s not, plannied
that %way?
Collateral re'ading is the an-
saver, Prof. Dodtge believes. Trhe
j-studlent should approach the' sub-
jec't mat ter' from l ore than tone
3 poinit of vie'w, shou(1ldolloW 0foot-
s dotes, ('onsullt euicyciolviQt .ian td
i-ead wihat other pe'ople li aive s'aid1
about, the :same thing.
It l., a bas-ic sytholoYgieal prin--
'i,>l(', lie 1 dtOd ;)lt,. that, the
,flAO eoittL'Xs iin \Vil1 0 afat,'l.is
.;ct ith ll toli' lI1('0iil1llfttl it be-
Pt'sui itWar i'vitrxiili p4
A; an illiuston of what he
meant by collateral reading, Prof.'
Dodge used a chapter on the Per-
sian War in a Greek history text.
A student following his method
Iwould also read what H-erodotus
had to say about the Persian)
Wai'. He would read Aeschylus,
-who actually took part in the bat-
te of Salamis on the side of. the
I _treekls, but;wrote about the war
fr-yim the viewpoint of the effect
of tfi(e(defeat on the Persians. He
wvould also readl in the Encyclo-
pedia Britannica, and look up any
other sources mentioned in his
Prof. Dodge favors getting back
to the original sources as much as
possible, in order to get the whole
background. This does not apply
to history alone, but to all
branches of learning. "In the
physical scienes, we must trace!
the meanings of words throughout
thcir' wh ole ia nge in literature
siodeveo ndethedscussionho
sid. ordetndtestand stem,"oh
physics in Aristotle gives some in-
sight into modern physical prob-
Problem of Finding Time
How can a student in a pres-
ent-day u~niversity, whose pro-
fessors demand that he learn a lot
of facts that he can repeat on an
examination, find time to do all
this collateral reading?
"It's simple," Prof. Dodge de-
(lared. "Instead of spending three
hours mnemorizing the facts in a
ehlap~ter' 01 your text, spend one
half hour' reading the text, and two
and one h7alf hours doing collateral
reading. You may surprise your
professor by knowing more about
the ,Subject than lie does."

lD"IS'JI 11 I 11 MlLIEN -P eTutman (lef't), Warren R. 1Atstizi, American R~presentative
to the United Natimns (center) andi Actin; Secretai'.v of State D~ean Acheson discuss, in Washington,
Atict n .vi vii lr,,tti IIi o - IIITV Af ti1. w nei m neria nd IO~ A id ga s

Educators' Cot
Freedomn of Pi

ress tin Danger

CHICAGO, March 26 - A less subservient to political and
special commission of educators economic, pressure than that of
and others (declares after a three- many other countries, and the
year study that America's free- leading organs have achieved a
dom of the press is in danger. standard of excellence unsurpass-
The commission, headed by ed anywhere in the world."
Robert M. Hutchins, Chancellor In summarizing its criticisms of
of the University of Chicago, givesthprshecmiiosa:
threetseasons "The news is twisted by the
First, the development of the emphasis on firstness, on the novel
and sensational; by the personal
press as an instrument of mass;
communication "has greatly de- interest of owners; and by pres-
creased the proportion of the peo- suegius
pie who can express their opi- "Whe'in we look at the press as
ions and ideas through the press"-a whole we must conclude that it
second, "the few" able to use the is not meeting the needs of our
press "have not provided a ser'vice ,iety. The commission believes
adequate to the needs of society," Ithat, this failure of the press is
and third, they "have engaged the greatest danger to its free-
from time to time in practices dom."
which the society condemns." Among the commission's rec-
The danger is not so great, the ommendations is the suggestion
commission says however, that that schools of journalism should
"freedom will be swept away over give their students "the broadest
night," and "the present crisis and most liberal training".
gle for free expression."
The report isin the form ofaT
139-page book, "a free and respon- D I Y O FC
sible press," published tomoi'row
by the University of Chicago
"Concentrations of Power" (CoOnudfrhI orn Pa5ye 4)
If the "concentrations of power"
in the press become ".so powerful discussion on Veteran's Subsist-
that they are a threat to democs- I nce. Bruin, eligibility e'lyds. All
I'acy,"' the commission says, thiereit eteslt'dei lsonis arie in1vit-ed.
is a- iisk of govei'nment cooiivol }-...-
and of a "long step" toward to- ilVieig toIDames Chiild Study,
talitarianism. But it declaires "the MGurup: 8p3 .,Mr's. G. S. We'lls,
American press is less venal and 1406 Br'ooklyn. Speaker: Miss
----------- - _____ _ - Adelia Bleeuwkes. of the Public
h~~v'X 7 1reait h School Topic: ''Nuttrit(ion."

State Power
Ex a t!01Recent Sup~exne Court decisions
have paved the way to an expan-
sion of the states' taxation power,
Prof essor - H(nry Ro ttschaefer of
the University of Minnesota1 law~
school declared yesterday in the
third Thomas Cooley leectur'e.
Outstanding indications of the
trend toward increased state pow-
er, hie said, lie in cases involving
the states' right to tax interstate
commerce. Much of the states'
previously restricted authority ir
this field, he pointed out, has beer
freed by recent Court acceptance
of the view that interstate corn-
merce should pay its way through
the states.
Pr'of. Rot tsch aefer's fourthi lec-
ture in his series on "The Consti-
tution and Socio-Economic Re-
form" will be on "The Trend in
Protection of Personal and Prop-
erty Rights," which will be given
at 4 p.m. today, Rm. 150. Hutchins

UA W Notifie
Pay vDeliuttiuls
lDftROI'; 3T, March 26--( uP)---The
CIO United Aultonijibde Workers
union, which ali'eaidy has asked
Chrysl1er Corp. and General Mo-
Lo i'. Cor'p. for wg increases of
23 1,.,'rnts an )h,,ur, today advised
ItO c T ~r : I MotOIor O f its desire to
C Eo coi ut:I 'goti~ (at es with (lhe
ain~ age tu.''C~!l1inview.
Thenoliceto the Ford Coin-
pany vw in tHe form of a memo-
r'andluni from Richard T. Leonard,
UAW-CIO vice-president and di-
rector of the union's Ford de-
partmnent, to ,John S. Bogas, Ford
IMoto 0'Co.xvi(c-pri'sic el tin charge
of industrial relations,. It informed
lnfras that a conference of union
delegates representing 125,000
Ford hourly-rated workers in 48
plants had voted to ask not only
thi' e inlcrease but1 also for a
:.(-lret ty 1a1(id workers' Pen -
'l'he UAW-For'd conitrac't signed
last year and granting the hourly-
rated workers an increase of 18,
cents all hour11 renews itself au-
tomatically after May 30 unless
either party gives notice at least
30 days in advance of a desire to
renegotiate it.
In a lengthy memorandum out-
lining a social security and pen-
sion program the union proposed
to Ford "that the company con-
tribute a percentage of gross pay-
f 1011 :sufficient to provide a com-
priehensive pr'ogr'am of group in-
surance benefits, with the neces-
sary reserve to maintain these
benefits for a limited period dur-
, ing lay-offs, unemployment, dis-
ability and other similar contin-
<Ski Chib Plans
e Vaea tionTrip
A group of faculty members and
-students plan to make a ski trip
-to Aspen, Color'ado, during the
- Easter vacation.
The trip is open to members of
nteUllr Ski Club and non-mem-
n Among the new facilities at As-
is pen is the longest, and fastest
chair lift in the world. Experts
Ihave said that the slopes there are
the nearest thing in the United
States to the European Alps.
Anyone interested. in joining the
( group for the trip should con uacl
Palmer Wright at 2-0425.

Your 1947 Official University of Michigan Ring
is Jhere for irnmediate delivery. At present we
have all sizes and styles. A simall deposit will hold
yours until you want it.

Mrs. Minnie Mae Root, 77, who
tlied Monday at. her home in Ann
Arbor, has long been recogniized
as an authority on Michig an
Publisher of 11 edtin(of (the
Michigan P;aore Song; Book1; 'and
founder of the, Universty vMush',
House, Mr's. Root*'s' ee' as reti-
efactress of Michigan Music b eglan
when she recognized the fa>ct that
many of Michigan's best knownt
songs were not collected.
Obtaining the permission of as
many of the composers as she
could reach, Mr's. Root published
the first collection of sngin-
cluding "When Night Falls Dear",
and "I'll Never Forget My College
Days'% in 1913.
Many of the songs included in

subsequen (twi editions of the boo)k
were taken from the Michigani
Union operas, which once were
presented annually.
She ha fd Ibteen wrkin onho
12th edt io of [(ithe song 'book
and( al histor1Y (of Unt f:ivrity of
iit iin rnu :ic.including de-
scriptionsIo'h types of music
and their oiinsi, at thes tine of
her deaith.
Alithough only the notes of the
histonry have been- found, Palmer
Cairr, exeeutoi' of Mrs. Root's es-
atte, satid yesterdaiy that attempts
'ill 1w imade to havtte the work
c~iplitetanid publishled.
tFuneral1 serv ices will be hield at
2p.m. to morrow at. the Mortons-
UhL home in Wayne.

Mirsg BooWas Sng E t"xpert
Pblhd L P MiieILore


1119 S. University

Phone 95S3 3


Now at

A Er 1 W. Lib

6erty St.




Silver and Iv ory Inlay
fin clia .'Art S~op

i III H i


Pr'ograms, a c'onc'ert by Women's
(hole Clubs of thelc University ofc
Michigan cunder tale(Ii rection of
Prof. Ma igu('ni te V. 1Hood on 7
11lajcl ut30, 8 pjti., Mic itigait Union I
Bllrihoomi. Reservations for the
Sunday Evening Supper are avail-
able in the Center. All interested
persons are cordially invited.
The An nalfrench Play: Le
Cei'cie Fr'ancais will present -"Le

Malignant tertian malaria, one
of the two types suffered by
American troops in World War
II, could be fatal without treat -_____
ment but was cured by atabrine. -___



What's Happy about a Hospital?'


His genius gave wings to words
it was an historic moment. Alexander Graham Bell's telephone
had just spoken its first words-" Air. VWaion, colne here, 1 u-anat you!''
'That evening in Boston-March 10, 1876-Dr. Bell's crude
instrument transmitted hus voice only to the next room. But out
of It was destined to comnea whlei new era-the era of quick, easy
ntion-wide telephony, of radio relephony ini all its varied forms,
of talking pictures, voice and music reproduction systems and
electrical aids for the hard of hearing. Few inventions have played
a greater part in shaping the wor-ld whe I've irii
Since 1877--just one year after Bell's long experimentation was
crowned with success-it- has been Western Electric's privilege to
help carry forward his great idea which gave wings to words. In
that year Western Electric made its first telephone. More thuan
45,000,000 have followed it-over 4,000,000 of them in 1946 alone.
Today, from coast to coaist, in factories, offices, distributing
houses andl central office installation crews, there are more than
11.0,000) Western Electric workers. Inibued with the Bell System
spirit of service, they arc helping to provide equipment in record
quauntities to meet telephone neceds far beyond any envisioned by
the invenitor.

eel.informal '1'1 ioisd.aaftert'-Il'e aot(-Lby Molierve' at 81:30 p)rn.,
1) 'toll'Teaiis open tto al Il Foi'ei Tilies., Ma y (6, I yd ia Mei delssohn
':'tud a lts, thewir'fi'iendio ad :all TI ma tr.
iterei'sted(1personi's. Tea ski i sf - -
priomuptly at 4:30 pm.nt in to IeTt- B'ani W'rith Ihillel Ftintdatioti:
I ('ilh at l Ceiter't. Prof. Willilain11-fiber will lead the
Fireside D)i scu s si onafollowing
* ~service~s at 7:45 ).ni.. Frii, March
W it I ventIs 21. Evryneis wel'orne.
Th'le Geology anti Miner'alogy 1)~Ita Epsilon Pi Society: Mixed
.1Joiial C lub: 12 noon, Fri., March svifimiig par'ty meet at Tntra-,
28,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nt ln 0,Na ilScec mual Bldg. at 7:15 and swimmlingI
lBldg. Dri. E. C. Case will speak ointil 9:30 p.m., Fi'i., March 28.
' on ' Pa.con u altogy anmd Geologicald ___
The Gradtiate Outing Club:-
I like, 2:30 p.m., Sun., March 30. - Diamonds "
Use Northwest entirance, Rack- - and Il
hiami Bldg. Sin up before noon
on Satui'day at the check desk, V"%~ euuliiig
1-a('klham Bl3dg. K ing
International Center: The In-
ter'national Center pi'esents in its, 717 North University Ave. ~
c (urr'ent series of Sunday Evening i
&dk & 7k tee4:
With the manufacture of radios and rccord players al-
most back to normal, we have quite an assortment of new
j models which are really ni f ties . .. so we're sure you'll
find just what you're looking for, whether it be port-
able (AC-DC or Battery), small radio, radio-phono-
S graph or table model phonograph.
($49)1tobr-alo (3.5,Znt $99)
In radios, just to mention a few . . . P hilco ($34.95),
Emerson ($ 28), Motorola ($35.25), General Electric
all of which have their own special distinctions.
.4 few of the record players with automatic changers
are the' Admiral in three sizes, two with radios, ($69.95,
$87.95, and $139.95), the Steelman ($69.95) and the
JBurkaw ($69.95). TFwo manual phonographs which we
recommend are tihe Steelman ($43.95) and tile Burkaw
Combinations worth looking into are the General Electric

... 0 Your
Greyhound Agent

Frank ly, not much.

HeI's a friendly fellow, courte-
ous, and trained to serve you.
He'll tell you how to avoid the
biggest crowds, what travel days
and schedtules will make you
most comfortable. H-e knows
rates and direct routes to all
points across the Nation. HeI
knows travel cond itins-every-
In short, if it's a travel question,
your Greyhound Agent has the
rialht answer. And hie's waitin ;

Not for'a veteran who comes home to lie long months in pain...
Not even during those up-and-about weeks that seem like a
tedious lifetime.
Some things help, though. Things your Red Cross does.
Recreation, hobby fun, work with the hands--those help.
Advice on family problems and anxieties-that helps.
Assistance with claims for government benefits, pension adjustments,,
job guidance, family aid--that helps.
The American Red Cross does it-with your help.
-Give-give all you can..

_ti .

This year marks the 100th Anniversary of Bell's birth ini
Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, 1847. From early youth,
he was keenly interested in aiding the hard of hearing. He
became a teacher of "visible speech"' when is years old.

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