'U' FIRE HAZ ARDS Se Page 4 K6rA Latet~,iDeadline -in the State 44*&bkorpA6F CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. VII, No. 124 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, T7HURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS GOP a B pfor oleU House Ioda) BlY 'iie Associated rle's - WA, 4TlNGr(,_N, March 2(i--1?A~ publicans scored their litn-I hi victory toward lower taxes toda as the GOP-controlled Hous rushed a $3,840,000,000 tax-cut bi toward a showdown on a take-it o leave-it basis amid renewed oppo sition from the White House. The House capped a session o shouting, acrimonious debate b binding itself to vote for the so called 30-20 income tax bill o none at all. Passage Predicted Speaker Martin (Rep., Mass. predicted certain House passag of the measure, in final form, to morrow. The "this or nothing" procedure barring amendments to the bill was approved by voice vote. President Truman again stooc firm against the GOP sweep fo smaller taxes, citing at a new conference his January budge message to Congress in which h declared flatly: "I cannot recom mend tax reduction." President Opposed In his January Message, Presi. dent Truman had expressed the conviction that at present "higl taxes contribute to the welfare and security of the country." Secretary of the Treasury Sny. der also joined the administra. tion's battle against the GOP. sponsored tax program and intim- ated broadly that he will advise President to veto the bill, if anc when it passes the Senate. Snyder May Ask Veto- Asked if he would recommend a veto, Snyder told reporters: "I am very positively Apposed in: these prosperous times to having the government do deficit financ- ing." If government spending exceeds reveune-another term for deficit financing"--it would have the ef- - r 4 fitther boosting prices, Snyder asserted. And prices, he said, are already "out of line." But GOP Floor Leader Halleck, of Indiana, told his House col- leagues that "we are going to balance the budget and reduce taxes, too." The legislation would slash 30 per cent off the federal taxes of 25,000,000 persons with taxable incomes of $1,000 or less; and 20 per cent from most of the others among the 46,000,000 income tax.- payers. The tax cut would be ret- roactive to January 1. Expect Vets Onrr Saturday Bonus application forms for Michigan veterans are, expected to arrive Saturday at the Armory, Veterans' Counselor Karl Karsian said yesterday. At the present time, Karsian plans ouly to process the forms of city and county veterans. If the forms arrive Saturday, a vol- unteer stair will begin helping veterans Monday, he said. Veterans must have a certified copy of discharge certificate and personal identification with them during processing, Karsian said. In addition, every signature o._ the four-page form will require two witnesses, and the form must be notarized, he said. The Veterans' Service Bureau on campuns has not been notified but will be prepared to begin pro- cessing when the forms arrive, Robert Waldrop, director of the VSB, said yesterday. Karsian and Waldrop asked vet- erans not to rush down until it is announced that the forms have arrived. KaXrsian asked veterans to bring oirly urgent personal problems to the Center during the week or ten day processing ,period. Veterans may also pick up bon- us application forms at any bank or veterans' organization. Banks arxe expected to provide notariza- tion service, Karsian said. Announce Meeting To Rvive MimiR Fate of 104 Entombed Min( Still Uncertain, 7KnownDe Russia oycotts r ro ors ad up 1Ne (A*led Over Absenie Of Del cyate Lie Urges Arbitration 01 AllWorld Diwputes (AP Wirephoto) MINERS AWAIT WORD OF FATE OF FELLOW WORKERS - Anxious miners await word of the fate of fellow workers who were deep in the Centralia Coal Co. Mine No. 5 when an explosion rocked the underground workings, yesterday. They crowd around members of the first rescue team to emerge from the gas-filled shaft. Mine entrance is at left, background. 'U' Dormitory Students Owe Sugar Stamps CITY SHOVELS OUT: Winds, Drifts Hamper Crew Clearing Ann Arbor Roads OPA Demands All No. II Ration Tickets a All students living in University, tresidence halls where meals are served will be required to turn in , spare sugar ration stamp No. 11 before Tuesday, Francis C. Shiel, business manager of the residence halls, announced yesterday. Students had not been required to turn in their ration books since the beginning of the fall semester. The University residence halls and the hospital receive sugar on an institutional quota based on the }number of meals served. Any in- stitution receiving sugar by this method is required to collect stamps to prevent them being used by the individuals. The necessity for turning in su- ga r stamps at this time was ex-. plained by Waldo W. Buss, assist- ant business manager of the hospi- tal, who has been handling the ra- tioning problem since the system was instituted. Students had not been re- quired to turn in their ration books, lie said, because no one in the OPA office seemed to want the stamps or to know where they should go. "Last year the Ann Arbor OPA office did not want the stamps we had collected and we finally had to burn a batch of them to get them oft our hands," he de- clared. The OPA in Detroit apparently became aware of the fact that it had not been receiving stamps from the University when it re- ceived a letter from a house on campus asking why the University was not required to turn in1 stamps, Buss said. "As a result we have received aI letter from the OPA requesting that the stamps be turned in ori else sugar allotments to the Uni-t versity will be discontinued." 1 Ann Arbor is still digging out from Monday's six-inch snowfall, one of the heaviest on record for this time of year. The latest weather forecast called for only light snow flurries, and a gradual rise in temperatures was predicted. Strong winds which piled up drifts on the highways hampered road clearing crews yesterday. 'U' Legislature To tals Bud o'et COmminttee lo Hold F pen niturelearinygs Taking stock of Student Legis- County road manager Kenneth Hallenbach reported most main county roads clear, although a few had drifted over shortly after snow plows broke through. In Ann Arbor, towing agencies were kept busy removing autos' from the drifted snow. Police were deluged with calls yesterday reporting numbers of abandoned cars, and autos blocking drive- ways. Motorists became mired in the snow, and left their vehicles, the police said. On campus, a shovel was stand- ard equipment for student drivers. Numbers of students were observed digging their cars from drifts which had built up while drivers were attending classes. City Engineer George Sanden- burgh reported that city street crews expected to have all local streets uleared by late today. The highways in the rest of Michigan were being cleared gradually, but the Auto Club of Michigan still discouraged all but the most es- sential travel, according to an As- sociated Press report. In the state, at least 13 persons were reported dead as a partial result of the storm. Four died in fires Monday when equipmbnit was unable to get to the scene. In Ann Arbor fire trucks have been By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., March 26--Soviet Russia today boycotted the opening session of the United Nations Trusteeship Council on which she holds automatic mem- bership under the UN Charter. This was the first time since Soviet Delegate Andrei A. Gromy- ko's dramatic walkout on the Se- curity Council a year ago that a major organ of the United Nations met without a Soviet representa- tive. UN Officials Worried Although the absence of Russia raised no legal difficulties, it caused concern among UN officials already worried by what appeared to be a growing tendency to by- pass the organization on important problems. Concern was reflected in the opening address of Secretary-Gen- eral Trygve Lie who appealed to all members of the UN to resort to the world peace organization on all international problems "even when the most vital national in- terests are at stake." No Reference To Truman Lie made no direct reference to President Truman's request to Congress for $400,000,000 aid to Greece and Turkey or the Presi- dent's declaration that the UN was unable at present to deal with totalitarian threats to those coun- tries. "This opening meeting of the Trusteeship Council," he said, "should be a useful object lesson to those who underestimate the potentiality of the United Nations, or the ability of its members to reach agreement on difficult is- sues." Hoover Labels Communists as Fift . Cotm' WASHINGTON, March 26-(A') -In a thunderous scene a Con-. gressional Committee ejected the General Secretary of the Com- munist Party from a hearing to- day and later heard FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover denounce the Com- munists as a "fifth column." Eugene Dennis was ousted by the House Committee on un-Amer- ican Activities because he refused to give any other name but Eugene Dennis. He also refused to tell where or when he was born. Both Ioover and Robert E. Stripling, the Committee's Chief Investigator, said Dennis was born as Francis Eugene Waldron and has used many aliases. Stripling said the aliases have been used in getting "fraudulent passports." Hoover testified: 1. That the Communists are di- rected "from Paris with a very def- inite pipeline into Moscow" and that they are a present danger to this country in the event of war with a Communist nation. 2. That he has "grave doubts" as to the wisdom of making mar- tyrs out of Communists by outlaw- ing them. Also, he said the law might later be ruled unconstitu- tional. Daily-wake CAMPUS SKIERS - Robert L. Martin and his wife Roberta are pictured at the end of their two-mile trek to campus Tuesday after Ann Arbor's record seven-inch snowfall. * * SPRING JAUNT: Martin Family Utilizes Skis To Beat Transportation Tieup Searclh Party Leaders Fear All Are Dead Rescue Operations May Last a Week By The Associated Press CENTRALIA, Ill., March 26- The fate of 104 coal miners trapped in a gas-filled mine was hidden tonight in dark subterran- nean chambers, and a state offi- cial said it might take more than a week to reach them. Hopes of weary rescue work- ers grew dimmer as tedious ex- ploratory operations were slowed down when electrical power was cut off for fear sparks would ig- nite gasses that filled the mine level. Of the 151 miners working In the Centralia Coal Company's Mine No. 5 at the time of an ex- plosion yesterday afternoon, 17 are known to be dead. Sixteen bodies were brought to the surface tonight and taken to a temporary morgue in a nearby garage to be identified by softly-weeping wives and children. One body was brought up last night. Thirty others escaped from the mine after the blast. Since the disaster which mine spokes- men attributed to a dust explo- sion, there has been no word from the remaining 104, and res- cue party leaders said they be- lieved they were far back in a 32 mile long, seven-foot high passage, 540 feet below the sur- face. If,_ as rescue leaders said they believed,. the 104 unaccounted for are eventually added to the 17 known dead, the disaster would rank as the greatest in the nation's ^oal fields since 195 lost their lives at Mather, Pa., in 1928. It would be the worst in Ill- nois since the Cherry mine dis- aster in 1909 when 259 were killed. Elmer N. Baird, a mine crew >oss who has been active in rescue 4fforts, estimated that progress ilong the 31/2 mile shaft toward he entombed 104 was proceeding it a rate of 60 feet for every 30 ninutes of work. Senate Votes Mine Inquiry, Bridges Puts Blame For Disaster on Krug WASHINGTON, March 26-(AP) --The Senate voted today to in- 7estigate the Centralia, Ill., mine lisaster after sharp debate in vhich Senator Bridges (Rep., NT.H.) said that Secretary of the anterior Krug was "the man di- 'ectly responsible." The inquiry, to determine vhether any federal official was legligent, was assigned to the 3ublic Lands Committee, with ;5,000 provided for expenses. It was ordered by voice vote on i resolution by Senator Brooks Rep., Ill.) which set off Repub- ican cries of "bureaucracy" and >emocratic rejoinder of "politics." Brooks got backing from Bridges In a complaint of safety code vio- ations under federal administra- ion. The soft coal mines gener- tlly have been in government pos- ession since the coal strike last pring. Senator Taylor (Dem., Idaho) aid the complaint was- "political rivel" and asserted it is well nown the government has only in up the flag over the mines nd left the running of them to 1e operators. Miss Goodlander To Leave League Miss Ruth Goodlander, busines3 lature projects for the benefit of newly-elected members, the Leg- islature learned last night .that it has $3,407 available for camp; ac- tivities. Student suggestions for use of1 the money, earned through such Legislature-sponsored activities as the Homecoming Dance and the Jazz Concert, will be accepted by the Legislature's "Gripes Com- " .1 - . 1. 1-r v 4.. r ...r mittee, which holds office hours equipped with chains in order to from ,3 to 5 p.m. Monday through em edw h nret anyfire calls. Friday in the Union.ir Deciding that the election of a.11~ new cabinet will be held April :30, .1ENN dQ the Legislature approved the ap- "a pointment of Jim Brieske as tem- sr ut Safely porary treasurer' until that time. 1 By HAROLD JACKSON, JR. Michigan may be the seventh largest University in the country, but it is located in some "wild and wooly country" according to Rob- ert L. Martin and his wife Ro- berta who had to use skis to reach campus after Tuesday's blizzard. When Martin, a grad student and teaching fellow in physics and his wife, a teacher in Perry nur- sery school, awoke to find snow Work To Begin On New Clinic Ground will be broken today for the new maternity hospital, and obstetrics clinic, according to Plant Department officials. The ground-breaking opera- tion, scheduled for yesterday, was postponed when arrival of the shovel was delayed by heavy snows. Present plans call for comple- tion of the hospital in late spring 1948 and occupancy by early sum- mer. Total estimated cost of the hospital and equipment is $1,260,- 000. An appropriation for the hos- pital is part of a bill now under debate by a joint commiteee of the State Legislature, including mem- bers of the Senate Finance Com- mittee and the House Ways and Means Committee. heaped against their door and blocking all the roads, they aban- doned the family car, dragged their skis out of summer storagE in the attic, and struck out across the frozen wastes. Many years experience gained skiing in the Cascades Mountaim aided the Martins on their perilous journey through Ann Arbor's pint. sized Alps. They mixed herring- bones and schusses during their difficult trek across lawns, fields and ditches, and even took an oc- casional gelandesprung leap over a farmer's fence. Finally they emerged from the wilderness, exe- cuted perfect Christie turns on tc Washtenaw Avenue, and glide( with comparative ease down th( long hill to campus. Altogether it took the Martin. 70 minutes to cover on skis a dis- tance they usually walk in 35 min- utes. Martin doubts that skiin will ever become popular with stu- dents who commute daily to com- pus. "It's far too tiring a trip to make very often," he explained "Frankly, we're praying we won', have to use those skis again thi. spring." Forum Time Corrected The Forum on the Fair Em- ployment Practice Commission tk be held today at Pattengill Audi- torium in Ann Arbor High Schoo, will begin at 8 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. as announced in yesterday';. Daily.- He will fill the vacancy created by Terrell Whitsitt's resignation from the Legislature. Paul Harrison, chairman of the Campus Committee, reported that regulation of bicycles on campus is now under consideration. His committee will discuss the prob- lem at 4 p.m. today in the Union. World News at a Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 26-Voting on strict party lines, the Re- publican-dominated Senate Rules Committee today approved a bill put- ting house speaker Joseph Martin (Rep., Mass) as first in line of suc- cession to the presidency. WASHINGTON, March 26-President Truman appealed today for lower prices, saying he hoped business men would see the handwriting on the wall-the inflationary dangers of rising costs. * * * MOSCOW, March 26-Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov has re- jected Secretary of State Marshall's appeal for a four-power agree- Fort Worth, March 26-Test j Pilot B. A. Erickson jockeyed the world's largest land-based bomber --its landing gear crippled and one of its six engines silent- to a feather-light landing tonight after an anxious six hours in the air. Twelve of the 14 men aboard the $20,000,000 B-36 had taken to their parachutes after the need for an emergency landing became apparent. Six of them were hurt as a stiff wind scattered them over a wide area. The plane Lock off on a test flight at 1:10 p.m. It set down at 7:20 p.m. The 12 passengers, including technicians from the Air Materiel Command in Dayton, Ohio, and two representatives of the Curtiss- Wright Aeronautical Company's Propeller Division parachuted over a wide area west of Fort Worth. Ruthven Finance ;l TWO SINS OF HISTORY: Aptheker Attacks Exploitation of Negro M C ? Negro historeography as awhole propagandists only as they disa- commenti is characterized by the two great gree with the status quo. Fair Emp sins of omission and distortion be- It is an act of science, he em- n~I cause of the "super-exploitation" phasized, and not of benevolence, CitingE of the Negro people. Dr. Herbert to study Negro history. "The be- Theaterc ng on the proposed stat loyment Practices Com a case in the European of Operations in Jan-