PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1947 FEPC and Communists T HE STATE LEGISLATURE probably won't pass the FEPC bill because it is convinced that communists are active in its behalf. That's what Gov. Kim Sigler told a dele- gation, representing FEPC Councils in com- munities all over the state, which called .on him last week to ask his support in getting the Fair Employment Practices bill out of committee and passed by the legislature. The bill, introduced by Senators Stanley Nowak, Joseph A. Brown and Charles S. Blondy, all of Detroit, is being stalled in the Senate Labor Committee. The state supreme court ruled that a previous bill, started by an initiatory petition with more than 185,000 signatures, could not be placed on the April ballot because it lacked a title. Forces in the state government seem determined to prevent the passage of the Fair Employment Practices bill. It has been stalled and stalemated before, but this most recent statement seems to reach Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: EUNICE MINTZ a new height of absurdity. According to Tracy M. Doll, who repre- sented the Wayne County CIO in the del- egation which called on Gov. Sigler, only 15,000 of the more than 185,000 signatures on the initiatory petition for the first FEPC bill were provided by communists who cir- culated petitions. These signatures were not necessarily those of communists, but merely collected by communists. FURTHERMORE, Rev. O. Walter Wanger, Jackson Evangelical minister who head- ed the delegation, denied that any mem- bers of his group were communists or sub- scribed to those beliefs. However, the basic question, in respect tit the FEPC or any other issue which comes up, is not whether communists are backing it or connected with it. It is time that we stopped asking "How 'red' is this thing?" and asked some more important questions instead: Is this thing in accordance with the basic principles of American democracy? Would it be of benefit to society as a whole or the particular segment of society with which it is concerned? and Is this a funda- mentally just and good thing? Not until we start asking these ques- tions instead of worrying about various shades of pink and red will we make in- telligent decisions about anything. Frances Paine City Editor's SCRATCH PAD BILL MAULDIN 7iwe)_ Letters to the Editor... \6N&L~" \ i IT'S A LONG, LONG WAY from Village to the University Terrace ments, but the last two blocks are a mile. Willow Apart- muddy Purge Criteria PRESIDENT TRUMAN has ordered a mass inquiry into the loyalty of all present and future civilian employees of the ex- ecutive branch of the government. Any person, who on "reasonable grounds" can be judged disloyal on the basis of full investigation by loyalty boards will be ineli- gible for employment. No dispute can be found with most of the standards for judging disloyalty laid down by the President. Sabotage, espion- age, treason, sedition, advocacy of revo- lution or force to alter the constitutional form of government and disclosure of se- cret information can be pretty clear cut criteria, demanding factual proof. But also included in the President's list are the following standards which are open to wide interpretation by those judging the loyalty of employees: 1. "Performing or attempting to perform his duties, or otherwise acting, so as to serve the interests of another government in preference to the interests of the United States." The cries which have been heard in Congress lately, make it apparent that in many Congressmen's opinions, any state- ment approving the moves of certain for- eign powers, shows such disloyalty. 2. "Membership in, affiliation with or sympathetic association with any foreign or domestic organization, association, move- ment, group or combination of persons, des- ignated by the Attorney General as totali- tarian, Fascist, Communist, or subversive, ON WORLD AFFAIRS: . ." Two phases in this provision, "sym- pathetic association" and "designated by the Attorney General," modify its desirable effect in possibly removing Communists and Fascists from the government. Just what is "sympathetic association"? Who is to define it? Will it be necessary to install a spy system to overhear incrimin- ating chance words of employees? And might not some Attorney General, as an ap- pointed official, be persuaded to define the disloyal activities on a more strictly politi- cal basis? President Truman said in his order that not only should "maximum protection . . . be afforded the United States against the infiltration of disloyal persons into the ranks of its employes" but that "equal pro- tection from unfounded accusations of dis- loyalty must be afforded the loyal em- ployes of the Government." If this intention is carried out, the "purge" can be heajthy for the country. Unfortunately under the present order, enough leeway is provided so that loyal employees may be unjustly punished. 'It is unfortunate if the safety of the country must be set against the possible sacrifice of individuals, when elimination of the looser clauses of this order could save a lot of heartache. When a problem like this comes up we cannot help but remember a case involving two men called Sacco and Vanzetti. - Harriett Friedman So I found out the other night when I called on a friend who had been on that waiting list for a year and finally made it. The taxi turned off Observatory Street and raced down the hill toward the blazing lights of the University's newest housing project. The pavement soon disappeared, and after a good roughing up, the taxi stop- ped. "That's it," the driver said pointing off into the distance, "This is as fas as I can go:." The two of us got out and felt the earth sink away. The girl of the evening, alarm- ed, leaped to what appeared to be firm ground, but it proved to be an ideal site for mud pie-making. Talk about mud-those slick new buildings seemed to be floating in a sea of it. We oozed to our friend's apartment build- ing and spent a dismal 10 minutes trying to make our feet fit to tread the floors inside. We climbed the stairs to the apartment and were immediately struck (and became a little less self-conscious) by the sight of four pairs of mud-covered shoes outside the door. Our friend and his wife were inside, bare- footed, and we got the idea. A new apart- ment deserves such respect anyway, but they won't be new forever. The University has done a nice job out there. The apartments aren't spacious, but they're well-furnished and comfortable. Electrical appliances are right out in the open. Our friend is pretty happy about the whole deal-with or without the mud, al- though he has an emergency item in his budget marked "new shoes." Someday University Terrace will, like oth- er terraces, have green grass in profusion. There'll be sidewalks all over the place and real roads, instead of wagon ruts, to drive on. In the meantime and as a stop-gap mea- sure, the University ought to round out its good housing job and install a few board- walks. When the latest snow melts, there'll still be enough mud to outrage anyone's aes- thetic sensibilities (especially those of col- lege students). Beauty will have to wait, But for ordinary living, including foot transportation, a few square feet of lumber are in order. Two Terms THE PROPOSED constitutional amend- ment limiting the number of terms a president might serve, just passed by Con- gress and now a matter for the State Legis- latures, can hardly be called the best solu- tion for checking the growth of one-party or one-man government. The amendment would tie the hands of the electorate in the event of a future cris- is-an able leader would be automatically disqualified if he had served two terms. Ad- mittedly, the memory of Mr. Roosevelt is still fresh in our minds, but was there an acceptable alternative to his election in 1940? At least the country had a chance to ex- press itself on Roosevelt's abilities. It is not only absurd but dangerous to expect a Pres- ident to step aside willingly and light-heart- edly when he is needed. The great objection to an unlimited num- ber of terms for a President-that it leads to personal government-can be dismissed, as it was, by the threat of war. A com- mander-in-chief must necessarily run things on a personal basis. In time of peace, however, personal gov- ernment and one-party monopolization in Congress is naturally intolerable. Getting rid of the President is out of the question; he has to finish out his second, third or fourth term whether we like it or not. Of course, the proposed amendment would prevent us from worrying about what to do if an election should occur during a crisis-the two-term President steps aside. But if the desire for reform and control of the presidency is sincere and widespread, it could be fpund in some system which would remove the President whenever he no longer represented the electorate. It would mean making a few drastic, tradition-breaking amendments, but tra- dition, apparently, no longer means any- thing to Congress anyway, now that they have passed the two-term amendment. -Fred Schott XFTER the horrible expense of the Pacific war it is tragic to see the United States lose every shred of the prestige it once had in this part of the world through the grue- some debacle in Korea. The blame must be placed right at the door of the War and State departments which have failed to provide a satisfactory administration for this critical area where the American and Soviet ways are contesting for favor. -The Nation "Thanks, fellers. Where were you when Hitler was kickin' me around in 1940?" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN t1.4. - ~~Copr 1 947 Iby United Feature Syc~e 1~ -' ' ,'Re U. S. Pet, Off-Al! riht' reserved (Continued from Page 3) Rm. Rm. The 100, Hutchins Hall, instead of 150 as originally announced. public is cordially invited. Fighting Lions By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER HOSE AMERICANS WHO are loudly in- sisting that President Truman should have turned the Greco-Turkish crisis over to the United Nations might remember the old British story: During the war, an American officer mo- toring through England with a British ma- jor was amazed to see the major throwing a mysterious powder to the left and right of the car. "What's that?" he asked. "Anti-lion powder. Keeps off lions." "But there are no lions in Britain." "That's right. And it's lucky for us. This. powder is no damn good." What's the connection? Direct. The major knew there were no lions in Britain so did not have to worry about the quality of his anti-lion powder. When the United Nations Charter was be- ing drawn, the makers were sure that there were no lions left except wounded Germany and prostrate Japan. Therefore they did not worry about the quality of their protec- tion. Since the moment when they set up U.N. as an organization, two new lions have appeared. One was the atomic bomb, the other Soviet aggression. To ask the American Administration to entrust our defense to the U.N. would have been asking the British major to trust his pow- der rather than his gun when two real lions came roaring across the British downs. For as a preventative against wars be- tween great powers- the only lions that are really dangerous-the U.N. as now constitut- ed is unreliable. It is not sure to work. Un- til it can work with reasonable certainity, no great power is going to trust it. We may find this lamentable. We may argue about it until we puff and blow. Facts are facts. AMONG THE ARGUMENTS being pre- sented in favor of using the existing U.N., this one is considered the best: Army, it could be overthrown by the forces ! of the remaining larger portion of Iran- and was so overthrown. The situation in Greece is different. If the Greek economy flops, there will be a dictatorship of the Right. This will serve as the pretext for a communist counter movement. Their movement will have open or secret support from Albania, Serbia, Bul- garia and Soviet Russia. If it succeeds, there will be no free Greeks left to organize a counter-movement and no free territory to organize it from. 2. U.N. action worked in Iran because Premier Ghavam had plenty of time in which to organize a counter offensive. In Greece the crisis is imminent and total. There will be no time. In Turkey, quite obviously, the .,Red Army could take over the provinces Mos- cow covets and seize the Dardenelles while the U.N. was still talking. Nobody in Lake Success could talk the Red Army out of either place. The U.N. mills might grind far too slow- ly for the democracies to wait upon them. 3. Even if it be admitted that the U.N. might save Greece and Turkey, there is a large chance that it might not. Washing- ton was prepared to take the chance in Iran for Iran is not vital to American security. Greece and Turkey are vital. The American Administration felt that it just could not af- ford to take a chance. It chose to rely upon the financial and physical strength of the the United States. Who can blame it? To sum up: those who (like this writer) believe that peace must finally be guaran- teed by the United Nations or not at all. have to insist that the United Nations be strengthened to the point where it can guar- antee peace. If we intend to rely on powder, let us make sure that it is lion-proof. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) THE CATHOLICITY of viewpoints the public is exposed to is earnestly pointed Engineers, and Accountants: Ans- co will have four representatives here on Friday, Mar. 28, to in- terview June graduates in thesef fields. Mr. G. A. McKenzie will represent Personnel; Mr. M. F. Skinker, Engineering; Dr. I. G. Stevenson, Development Labora- tory; and Dr. F. J. Kaszuba, Re-1 search. Call the Bureau of Ap-t pointments, ext. 371, for an ap- pointment. Opportunities in the teachingI field: Mr. Luttrell, Superintendent of Schools in Lorain, Ohio, will bet in the office on Tuesday after-l noon, March 25. He has vacan- cies for the following: primary teachers, upper elementary, ath- letic coach, vocal music (woman). Mr. John English, Director of Personnel in the Flint Public Schools will interview on Friday,9 March 28, people interested in teaching in Flint. The Kingdom of Afghanistan is, interested in locating teachers who have at least a Bachelor's de- gree in the following fields: Eng- lish, Mathematics, C h e m i s t r y,. Physics, Biology, Geography, Ge- ology. Basic requirement is that the applicants have three years, actual classroom experience. Sal- aries are attractive in addition to' housing allowances and full trans- portation to and from Afghanistan on a, two year contract. Male teachers are preferred, but mar- ied couples each having a teach- ing degree would be most accept- able. For appointments and further information call the Bireau of Appointments, 4121 Extension 489. University Community Center: 1045 Midway, Willow Run Village: Wed., Mar. 26, 8 p.m., Choir Practice. Thurs., Mar. 27, 8 p.m., Art- Craft Workshop; 8 p.m., Exten- sion Class in Psychology. Fri., Mar. 28, 8 p.m., Duplicate Bridge. Party Bridge. Dancing. Bridge instruction by appointment. Sat., Mar. 29, "6 p.m., Wives' Club Party. Call for reservations. WEST LODGE: Wed., Mar. 26, 6:30 p.m., Bas- ketball tournament; 7 p.m., Dup- licate bridge tournament. Thurs., Mar. 27, 7 p.m., Volley- ball; 8 pm., Little Symphony Or- chestra, free concert; 8:30 p.m., Badminton. Fri., Mar. 28, 8:30-11:30 p.m., Record Dance. Lectures The Thomas M. Cooley Lectures: Professor Henry Rottschaefer, of the University of Minnesota, will deliver the first seriesof Thomas M. Cooley Lectures, under the aus- pices of the Law School and the Research, on the general subject, "The Constitution and Socio-Eco- nomic C h a n g e," as follows: Lecture 3, "The Development and Expansion of State Powers," 4 p.m. Tues., March 25; Lec- ture 3, "The Development and Expansion of State Pwr "4 p.m., Wed., March 26; Lecture 4, "The Trend in Protection of Per- sonal and Property Rights," 4 p.m., Thurs., March 27; Lecture 5, "Implications of Recent Trends," 3 p.m., Fri., March 28. The re- maining lectures will be held in Dr. Julius Held, professor of Fine Arts at Barnard College, will give an illustrated lecture on "So- cial Aspects of Early Flemish Art," at 4:15 p.m., Friday, March 28, Rackham Amphitheatre. The pub- lie is cordially invited. Auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. Mr. Ahmad Hussein, publisher, founder and leader of the Young Egypt Party will speak on the subject, "Anglo-Egyptian Rela- tions," at 8 p.m., Mon., March 31, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Arab Club. The public is cordially invited. Acadene Notices Seminar in Applied Mathemat- ics, Wed., 5 p.m., 317 W. Engineer- ing Bldg. Professor Bartels will speak on Conical Flow over Arrow Wings at Supersonic Speeds. History 12, Lecture Section II, Midsemester examination, 3 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 27. McLarty, Slosson, Stevens, Willcox in Room 25 An- gell Hall; Heideman, Leslie, John- ston, Young in Natural Science Auditorium. Concerts Band Concert: University Con- cert Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, will be heard in its An- nual Spring Program at 8:30 p.m., Wed., Mar. 26, Hill Auditorium. featuring the first movement of Franck's Symphony No. 1 in D minor, Selection from Parsifal by Wagner and arranged for band by Howland, Grape Festival from Italian Sketches by Gallois, and Steiner's Symphony Moderne. The public is cordially invited. University of Michigan Littl Symphony Concert: Wayne Dun lap, conductor, will present a con- cert in West Lodge, Willow Vil- lage, at 8 p.m., Thurs., March 28 at which residents of Willow Vil- lage are invited. Program: com- positions by Mozart, Honegger, De- Bussy, Pelz, Britten, and Haydn' Concerto for violin cello in D ma- jor in which William Klenz wil appear as soloist. Exhibitions Drawings of the human figure Current through March 27, Main floor, Architecture Bldg. Events Today University Radio Programs: 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 87 Kc. School of Education, "Oyer coming Handicaps," Mr. B. O Hughes, Assistant Professor o Child Development in the Schoo of Education. 2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 87 Kc. School of Music, St. Mary' Chapel Choir, Mr. David Hogue conductor. 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 105 Kc. Campus News. Open House, 7:30-10 p.m., Wed March 26, Sports Building. Pro gram of 20 different sports. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed,300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, Printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. World Wa'III To the Editor: WE AMERICANS owe our free- dom and a good part of our wealth to a small band of "radi- cals" who led the American Revo- lution. About thirty years ago a small band of "radicals" led an even more :justified Revolution against the Tsar of Russia and the des- poiling society which crowned him. Because of some of the mistakes made by the fanatics who led this revolution and the selfishness of the economic royalists in this country and England (and scat- tered outposts in China. Greece, Spain. Argentina, etc.) who are exploiting our gullibility, our sons will die fighting sons of equally reluctant parents in Russia. We don't want our sons to be killed; we don't want atomic roc- kets pouring into our cities from out of space. The Russians don't want to see their arduous, desperate labors "atomized," as they saw twenty years of heartbreaking work laid waste in a few months by Hitler's horde No where do we, the people. want war. Even the truculent fanatics in the Kremlin do not want -war, because there is no profit in war in Russia. Yet these men have fought against desper- ate odds to establish their beliefs; in 1918, the barely successful rev- olution faced American and Eng- lish bayonets. Shortly after this, a future American president of- fered gaunt and starving Ukran- ians grain if they denounced com- munism - British and American dollars armed Hitler to block the menace of the theory that men need not starve, that men need not live in mortification for fif- teen years. These men faced a hostile world, and after vainly warning the world against the Axis, retired to their own desper- ate plans of self-defense. It is true these are desperate and fa- natic men, who will fight when cornered. And who, then, will bring war again to the world? The men who profit by war - the DuPonts, the Morgans, the profi- teers and miscellaneous war mon- gers who wish at one stroke to destroy the still small voice of man's dignity and, at the same time, make a tidy profit. Every day the kept press panders to day there will be presented the first concert in a series of weekly noon hour Record Concerts to be held at 12:15 p.m. each Wednes- day in the Men's Lounge of the Rackh6m. Bldg. These concerts will be given in addition to the regular Thursday night concerts f held in the Men's Lounge. Both concerts are given for Graduate Students only, and requests from r those attending may be given to iMr. Keig who will run the Wed- nesday noon hour concerts, or to Miss Engle who will continue tc run the Thursday night concerts e College of Architecture & De sign: Seniors meet at 5 p.m. Rm. 101, to discuss plans for a Beaux Arts Ball. Foresters. Forestry Roundtable - 7:3<0 p.m., 4th floor, Rm. 4060 - Natural Science Bldg. First an s second-year Foresters are urge - to attend. Movies on Alaska wil 1 be shown. Prbf. W. F. Ramsdel will discuss summer jobs. Flying Club. Open meeting 7:31 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. W( have several membership opening: pending. Roller skating part: Saturday, Mar. 29. Sigma Delta Chi. 7:15 p.m., Rm 316, Union. Delta Sigma Pi, professiona 0 Business Administration fratern. - ity 7:30 p.m., Rm. -1f0, Tappan. .l f Hiawatha Club, social organiz" tion for Upper Peninsula student 8 p.m., Union. Room will be post P ed. Members are urged to attend , Scabbard and Blade: 8:30 p.m. 0 Rm. 100, Military Headquarters. The Deutscher Verein, 8 p.m Rm. 317. Union. Coining Events "Plan for Peace," the Army this greed and pumps you and I full of lies and semi-truths design- ed to blind our reason and inflame our base emotions. Thus, for the lack of few bare Christian es- sentials, a little charity and for- bearance. we march gaily off, on our way to World War III. our eyes clamped grimly shut. -Allen S. Lange Ta rn in Praised To the Editor: THIS letter will undoubtedly cause major reverberation in The Daily office. It is a letter of praise, not damnation, and the object of this praise is the new columnist who appeared this past Sunday. I refer to Mr. Ed Tumin who so well reviewed Briffaualt's latest book, "New Life of Dr. Martin." Apart from a glibness of style, I considered the review both in- forming and illuminating. Al-, though I do agree to a large ex- tent with Mr. Tumin's analysis of the book, I do disagree with his stand on the trend of modern lit- erature. The current "rage"--Mysticism -is too broad a term to be ap- plied in the lumping of Briffault. Maughm. Kioestler, etc., together. Mysticism is only one minor as- pect in the present literary con- cern with analysis of how the in- dividual attempts to combat so- cial conditions rather than the cause of the social conditions. But this is much too broad a subject to be discussed within the space of one twelve-inch column. Is it not possible that Mr. Tumin be given more than one weekly column? I would estimate that the literary activity on this cam- pus is easily as worthwhile from a newspaper's point of view as the political, religious. and social ac- tivity. -Roz Long Democracy To the Editor: MR. TRUMAN failed to mention. a few pertinent facts when he took up the cudgel for "democ- racy" the other day. 1. The Security Council of the United Nations has been in the process of studying the situation in Greece, in order that multi- lateral action might be recom- mended. 2. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization's mission to Greece called for a re- duction in the size of the Greek Army, asking that a "considerable part" of the military forces be used for public reconstruction projects. The same mission was critical of the Royalist govern- ment, stating that there exists "excessive centralization of con- trol in Athens," that capable per- sons who lare not in sympathy with the political objectives of the Royalist party are dismissed, and that many minor officials are selected "purely as political ap- pointees without knowledge, training or background for the work." Lest some people' accuse this commission of being Commu- nist inspired-it was headed by Franklin S. Harris, president of . Utah Agricultural College. s. Turkey is a nation with food at rluses.hMayor LaGuardia states UNRRA (Surely this information was not kept secret from the President.) How long will it be before Mr. Truman gives official cognizance to Mr. Schwellenbach's definition of "democracy?" -E. E. Ellis d d ffitr4igau Dat 1 Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha........Managing Editor Clayton Dickey..........City Editor Milton Freudenheim. .Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz ............ Associate Editor Clyde Recht.......... Associate Editor Jack Martin............ Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ............ Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manager Janet Cork......... Business Manager Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager --- - - - -- , - _ -- I's Wednesday Noon Record Con- new film on Universal Military certs for Graduate Students: To- (Continued on Page 6) BARNABY I I I I