WORLD ED)ER ALIST See Page 2 Latest l)eadlinie in the State A& :43 a t t]u COLD, SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LVII, No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS American Legion Says Soviet Aim Is Assault on U.S. lers Ifestilnoliyyin (ommunists WASHINGTON, March 24-(A) --TheHouse Committee on Un- American Activities heard testi- mony today that there are enough Communists in the United States to form the framework of ten mil- itary divisions and that their aim is to soften this u1(,ltO oate sault crYellnwntintenlds Thle eStinuit1 e country "for the the Soviet gov- to make." of_. Comm~unist llege Reds' Diseitise.IBy Governor Declines To Reveal U 1Comments LANSING, March 24- (/P) - Gov. Sigr discussed alleged "sub- versive" activities in Michigan colleges and universities, with Dr. Alexander G, Ruthven, of the Uni- versity of Michigan, and two other college presidents tonight, but de- clined to reveal what they told him. Also present at the discussion were Dr. John A. Hannah, of Michigan State, and Dr. David D. Henry, of Wayne University. Information Asked Gov. Sigler said he asked them "for some information I may need for my appearance before the House Committee on un-American Activities this week." "They gave me the information I wanted and we discussed the matter fully," he declared after the meeting. "I'm going to let the committee members ask me questions and whatever information I obtained will be revealed then," the Gov- ernor added. Dr. Hannah once before told Gov. Sigler e believed there were some Communists in the Ameri- can Youth for Democracy chapter on the Michigan State Campus. No action has been taken to curb AYD activities at Michigan or Wayne. Dr. Henry has recently been un- der fire from members of the state legislature for his refusal to ban the alleged "Communist front" American Youth for De- mocracy chapter on the Wayne Campus. Most recent move of the legislators was a threat by Collin L. Smith (Rep. Big Rapids) and Matthew F. Callahan (eRp. De- troit) to cut state appropriations to the Motor City University un- less AYD was banned from cam- pus. Dr. Henry said the proposed cut in state aid would be catastro- phic to Wayne. Approximately 3,000 additional students, the ma- .iority of them veterans, have been admitted on the basis of the state's commitment to build class- rooms and a science building at Wayne, according to Dr. Henry. ieve Concert Program ro include New (omposiiols A program including new com- positions and arrangements will ie presented by the Michigan Con- cert Band at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow i Hill Auditorium. Directed by Prof. William D. Revelli, the band will play selec- tions by Darcy, Franck, Henne- berg, Wagner, DeFalla, Rimsky- Korsakov, Gallois, Strauss, Gould, Grofe and Steiner. Dorothy and Margaret Bossca- wen and Mary Kelly, sophomores in music school who make up the Trumpet Trio, will offer "Triplets of the Finest" by Henneberg. The three cornetists have been featured with the band in concerts on cam- pus and on tours. Russell How- land, wind instrument instructor, has transcribed selections from Wagner's opera "Parsifal" for the Party strength and organization came from James F. Green of Omaha, chairman of the Ameri- can Legion's Americanism Com- mission. Saying there are at least 100,000 communists in this coun- try, he added: "here are cadres for ten divi- sions already on Amei'icn soil." Bullitt Opinion William C. Bulhtt, former Am- bassador to Moscow, made the as- sessnent of aims, coupling it with the assertion that if Russia had the atom bomb "it would already have been dropped on the United States." Russia, 13itt said, "will 1not choose to attack until it has man- ufactured atomic bombs in quan- tity and until it feels that it has an air force stronger than the United States." TThat gives us a certain time "in which we can say stop to Stalin and mean it, and he will stop," Bullit; said. But Stalin will not stop of hi own accord, Bullitt. added, any more than Hitler did. Atomice Supply He recommended "emphatical- ly" that America keep an ample supply of atomic bombs on hand. Legion spokesmen endorsed the measures pending before the un- American Activities Committee, one to make membership in the Communist Party illegal and an- other to make it unlawful for Communists to run for federal or state office, or for anyone to teach Communism or mail Communist propaganda. They expressed be- lief the laws would work and wanted to go farther. Bullitt, however, e x p r e s's e d doubt that Americans are "suffi- ciently aware of the danger to them in the existence of the par- ty and the determination of the Soviet Union to conquer us." Thus, he felt uncertain whether the pub- alties proposed. As a substitute he suggested bigger FBI appropriations so that. Communists could be tabbed and seized "when the crisis comes" as easily as were members of the German-American Bund. Campaign To Back FEPC Villagers Will Urge Legislative Support An all-out letter-writing cam- paign to urge state legislators and the governor to pass an FEPC bill will be conducted throughout Willow Village next Saturday, it was announced yesterday by Jerry McCroskey, chairman of the spe- cial committee of the Village AVC, sponsor of the campaign. McCroskey declared that ta- bles will be set up in strategic places throughout the Village where tenants may be supplied with paper, envelopes and stamps for the purpose. Their letters will be directed to Governor Kim Sig- ler, State Senator Edgar F. Down of Washtenaw County and Ypsilanti's Representative Joseph E. Warner. Last fall, a statewide petition in behalf of a Fair Employment Practices Commission netted 200,- 000 signatures, sufficient, ordinar- ily, to merit placing the issue be- fore the voters in an April refer - endurn. The state Supreme Court, however, declared the petition in- valid on the ground that it lacked a proper title. Sigler Siits $1,2 to i Cover MU' DerictAs Ieae hr i'I4wasIaIVrov(dat nd eTo tOtherus 10afte ht e Go. Sigler yesterday approved an $11,336,590 deficiency appropri ations bill, including an item of $1,250,000 for the University of Michigan, according to in Associ ated Press report. The bill was introduced in the senate where it was approved and sent to the house after a hot de bale. The house approved the bill unanimously two ees ago and sent it tol tihegovernor for li ill naturme. mihigan Mateeletis r Go0v. Eigler's action eslacr ly also gives $2,52,290 to Michigan State College. The bill is depned to enable state aenwcis t omee operating deficit; forthe rest of the fiscal year, aTiurdigt;A leg relativ olade-s some leg ishitors I idalt a .1 eke tie bill drig the sell, debate, claiming the colleges were gntilty of lbadi management in incurring the extra expenses. Sponios of the bill refutled the carges, point- ig C g 1, 1 o at the extraexpenses had beeiincun'dbeNase Of te inrereased Uveteran en oll nem't oa the c'ollege,,. Other $ rnr O)th er college rats, accord iol, 1o the Associated Press, include: Michigan College of Mining, and Technology $54,132, C~n tral Mich- igan College of Education, $63,- 835, Michigan State Normal Col- lege $64,340, Northern Michigan College of Education $25,110, and Western College of Education. $158,129. Other agencies to re&.eive appro- priations included six state hos- pitals. The measure also includes 2,- 300,000 to carry direct relief through June 30, $2,800,000 for aid to dependent children in the same period and $1,250,000 to re- imburse local government for vet- terans' homestead tax exemp- tions. Faculty IPaii~ Will Discuss Foreign Policy The possibility of war as a con- sequence of the United States' present foreign policy will be dis- cussed by a panel of five faculty members at 8 p.m. today in the Union Ballroom. The subject of the panel spon- sored by the campus chapter of the American Veteran Committee, and open to the public, is, "United States Foreign Policy-Is It Lead- ing Us Into War?" Primary em- phasis will be placed on the situ- ation in Turkey and Greece. Speakers on the panel will be Dr. Chris Zarafonetis, who was in Greece in December, 1945 with a U. S. Army Typhus Commmision, Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the mathematics department, Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the sociol- ogy department and Dr. Samuel Eldersveld of the political science department. Dr. Franklin Li tell, director of the Student; Religio 0 Association, will be moderator.l After the speeches the audience will be given an opportunity U) question the speakers and engage in the discussion. Slide Rule Ball tickets will be sold from 9. a.m. to 4 p.m. today in East Engineering Building, north end of' West. Egineerh Building and Engineering Arch. All-canpus 5ev will bwgini to no rrov. hone Wo .11 ationwde Strike on April ; IJ.S., Britain Hit Arms Reduction I Caiim World 1 "Treidv For Sideua O ii a as s I ,A Ti ;: sii ",'!+J" , N Y., Yiarch 2.1 -T lJiited sate, ard B rit- ain I old th ulil dI Nat ions al mot i n union odly that tih' worldis a. l t i a dy r ordisarm- auwent l, andon't lbe until iIna- iora serlity i stal lished a whc h11 s(ted ihe t11 ''inat : r ,1) s las i o n rpO ,al5 a pt'ceI by VPoreigi Mimster VoIotoV tot ll.-thN (Gieneral As- , E hI iiy l (d , tober, 'r ained milni O t, oi' hintflomenoiis issue as# the two westeri power opeldl de- ge atet, 1h' eirst n metin oft he I1-- a 1a iol ('oimius.iSri ai o l nIv e tional arnianmenl i. Political Feasibility "When peace is concluded and security is organized, reduction of armaments then will be politically feasible," Amer ican Delegate liHrschel V. Johnson told the init- ial arms session on the eve of the UN's first anniversary in e Unit- ed States. Sir Alexander Cadogan, riitish delegate, declared that the UN must, estabish international con- fidence with a global police force as its bulwark before "any con-c crete measures to regulate or re-1 duce armaments can be put into effect .' Both the speakers emphasizedl they were ready to go ahead with a study of arms reduction imme- diately, but held little hopes forc early results.l 'Trends Observedc As the discussions got under way delegates kept a sharp eye on Moscow and Washington dis- patches for trends such as might be indicated by t he conference be-1 tween Foreign Secretary Ernest Bexin and Generalissimo Stalin in the Soviet capital and Undersee-c retary of State Acheson's state- ment that Russia is a "potential aggressor" against Turkey. "The regulation of armaments is not itself the ultimate objec- tive," Johnson said. "The ulti- mate objective is a world in which free men can live in peace and secrity .' Life'.Sentence A 1- iiian jury yeesterday found I Douglas Williais, who figured in the diria tie escape from Washte-f naw Couniity ourthoue Saturday,t ouily of violat ion of the Habitual Crimiiinal A ct Williams, the quarry of the itost intense criminal hunt in the1 city's history, remained at large for six hours before being cap-, tured by lloward Rei unant, aln Anm Arbor 1)1 cemni. ola ci c ou rt j u ry dehiber= ated for 30 minut es before deliv- 'ing Ihee'dict, w hich carriess with it a ma datory life sentence.j Williamis will .be sentenced atl 9 au.i. tboda by CnC' it. Judge James -L hieky , ers Union l" k STRIKE AVERTED - L. S. Buckmaster (left), president of the CIO-URW and L. M'. Buckingham, chief counsel for Goodyear, Goodrich, Firestone and U.S. Rubber shake hands in Cleveland, O., (March 23) at a conference table over the agreement they had just signed for an 112 cent wage To Call increase averting a strike for midnight, Sunday, March 23. MYSTERY MICROBE: 1earEpidetrnc Flitu tbreak Overcrowds Health Serv ice More than 1,000 University stu- dents have been hit by the mild flu epidemic which has swept the state during the past 10 days, ac- cording to Dr. Warren Forsythe, Health Service director. Reaching near epidemic propor- tions, the mild flu outbreak has overtaxed the 55-bed informary at Health Service. Unable to use its emergency 20 bed ward because of the nursing shortage, the Health service has been forced to turn away patients. Olivet Extends Vacati The illness, termed an upper- respiratory disease by Dr. For- sythe, has reached epidemic pro- portions throughout the state, ac- cording to an Associated Press re- Russian Atom Control Plan, [s Criticized The present Russian plan for the international control of atomic energy, proposed as a sub- stitute for the pkin voted on unamously by the Atomic Energy Commission, is only an "Atomic Kellogg-Briand Pact," Prof. Law- rence 'reuss, of the political sci- ence department, declared yester y day. Speaking at a meeting of the Association of University of Mich- igan Scientists, Prof. Preuss termed the Russian plan "unreal- istic" because it is based on the validity of the promised word. 1"rtliermore, the Russian pro- >oal for a declaration to outlaw the use of the atomic bomb is on- necessary because war was out'- lawed by the United Nations when they signed the charter at San F'va misico, he said. 'The veto power of the great Powers has brought the atomic energy tinestion to a virtual im- passe in the United Nations Se- eurity Council," Prof. Preuss de- clared. Unsatisfied with the American plan which provides for an international treaty, inspection and regulation of atomic energy from the very minute it is severed from the ore, and punishment of violations without veto from any power on the Security Council, the Russians have resorted to pro- cedural battles in order to block the plan, he said. port. Olivet College, has been forced to extend its spring vaca- tion at least one week because of the outbreak, the report added. Locally, absenteeism as a result of the illness has ranged as high as 50 per cent in some Ann Arbor public schools. School and health officials declared yesterday that the schools will remain open, un- less continued absences make op- eration impracticle. Strikes Suddenly Dr. Forsythe said that the upper re-spiratory disease, may strike, suddenly, causing sore throat, backache and listlessness, The dis- ease isdusually of short duration, he added. Students wh6 contact the infection were cautioned to stay in bed for the period of the fever, and the day after it has subsided. Virus research doctors at the Schoolsof Public Health have not as yet been able to identify the disease. They point out, however, that protection is not afforded by the immunization shots given on campus last fall, because they are effective only against influ- enza A and B. Heifer Is Delayed Penelope, the two-year-old heifer who was scheduled to arrive here yesterday, has been unavoidably delayed because of the inclement weather. Seymour S. Goldstein, presi- dent of the University Famine Committee which is sponsor- ing- her appearance, said that Penelope would probably be here Wednesday. Interest In Baby Sitter Device Told D. Roger MacNaughton, '47E, the man who built the electric baby sitter, said last night that interest in the device has been growing, and he has made "two definite sales." Since the article in The Daily two weeks ago on the invention, MacNaughton said he has received all sorts of "amazing responses." Sitting Methods A national Canadian magazine has asked him to do an article ex- plaining the method of electronic baby sititink. A man in New York wants to know if the appartus can be connected to many babies all at once with one sitter (human) listening for any of the brood to yell. An irate defender of the home wrote a Detroit newspaper that modern science has come to a ter- rible pass when it invents new way's for parents to stay away from their children. Answering the queries, Mac- Naughton said that he thinks it would be dangerous, even though feasible, to connect the micro- phone to many babies with only one sitter to listen. He expresseri the fear that if two babies began to yellpat once, one might strangle himself while the sitter ran to the other one. No Home Destroyer, MacNaughton said that he had no intentions of having the elec- tronic baby sitter become a home-destroyer. He reiterated that its purpose is to save a use- less sitter a lot of time and let a trusty neighbor listen carefully from across the street. NFTW Puts Blame aon Bell System Negotiations May Avert Walkout By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 24 - The Policy Committee of the Na tional Federation of Telephone Workers today voted to call a na tionwide strike in the Bell Tele- phone system at 6 a.m. April 7. President Joseph A. Beirne of the NFTW announced the action of the 49-member Policy Commit- tee at the close of the first day's session in what was announced as a week-long meeting. Unanimous Vote Beirne said the committee had voted unanimously to begin a na- tionwide tieup of telephone serv- ice by 287,000 members of 39 unions on April 7 at 6 a.m. in each time zone across the nation. "The Bell System," Bierne told a news conference, "by its refusal to offer counter proposals to our demands, and by its action in try- ing to move backwards in contract matters, has restricted the course of action of the Federation." Negotiations Planned However, Beirne was instruct to contact President Walter A. Gifford and Vice President Cleo Graig of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, for ne- gotiations with the Union's Na- tional Coordinated Bargaining Committee no later than April 1. The negotiations sought by the union would cover the $12 weekly wage increase and nine other bar- gaining items at issue between the union and the employers. Washington Conferences The conferences, Beirne said, will take place in Washington if the company agrees. Beirne told reporters that the policy committee, on which he does not have a vote, adopted three motions unanimously. One was to call the strike. An- other was to offer negotiation of their dispute with the company. The third was to make this dec. laration: "In the interest of the public and in the interest of the people we represent, our stated policy is reiterated and every reasonable effort shall be made to reach a satisfactory agreement wtih the telephone management." Students Drive Cars Illegally Many Fail To Report '47 License Plates Over 1,500 students are operat-. ing, cars on campus theoretically without driving permits, Charles M. Thatcher, Assistant to the Of- fice of Student Affairs, said yes. terday. These students hold University permits to drive but have failed to report their 1947 state license plae numbers and technically those permits have become null and void, he said. Thatcher explained that because of this failure to report, well over one-half of the 3,000 students op- erating cars this semester are do. ing so without University sanction. It is necessary for both students who have University license plates and those who have special exemptions to report their state licenses, he said. Lost Plane Found STEPHENSVILLE, Nfld., March 24-A United States Army C-54 Skymaster transport which had been missing since yesterday after- MYSTERY MAN: Rip Van Winkle Solves Knotty Pro~blem, World News at a Glance By The Associated Press MOSCOW, March 24-Ernest Bevin conferred for an hour and 15 minutes tonight with Prime Minister Stalin, and it was authori- tatively learned that the British Foreign Secretary urged the strength- ening and extension of the British-Russian alliance against German aggression, WASHINGTON, March 24-Secretary of War Patterson urged Congress today to rush aid to Greece lest armed bands led by Communists seize control. Secretary of the Navy Forrestal disclosed that four mine sweepers already have been sold to Turkey and that nation, with Greece, has called for more naval ships. 'I * * MOSCOW, March 24-The French delegation proposed to the For- eign Ministers tonight the suspension of the transfer of Germans By EUNICE MINTZ The campus has a new mystery on its hands. A poorly dressed man, probably close to 70 years of age, walked into the Registrar's Office yester- day, identified himself as "Rip According to Mrs. Corbett, "Van Winkle" said "the student tliought I was nuts." Yesterday morning, "Van Win- kle" brought in the problem with the solution written out. On the envelope were the words: describes where the student erred, and mentions his own "2x4 brain." At the bottom of the sheet "Van Winkle" wrote: "Mr. Civil Engi- neer, this may never reach you, but I could not have you laugh at me to my face- or behid ny l rcl: rnrcin ly,, w n - i